l10n: automatic bump

Change-Id: I9c2cbc1f3d8a49c1681633b73eb65ff9dd2ad382
diff --git a/Ring/Ring/Resources/bg.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Ring/Ring/Resources/bg.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 05a0dc3..02f90be 100644
--- a/Ring/Ring/Resources/bg.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Ring/Ring/Resources/bg.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@
 // Global
 "global.homeTabBarTitle" = "Разговори";
-"global.meTabBarTitle" = "Account Settings";
+"global.meTabBarTitle" = "Настройки на сметката";
 "global.ok" = "Добре";
 "global.close" = "Затваряне";
 "global.share" = "Споделяне";
-"global.forward" = "Forward";
+"global.forward" = "Напред";
 "global.save" = "Запазване";
-"global.resend" = "Resend";
-"global.preview" = "Preview";
+"global.resend" = "Препращане";
+"global.preview" = "Преглед";
 "global.accept" = "Приемане";
 "global.block" = "Блокиране";
 "global.refuse" = "Отказ";
@@ -40,84 +40,84 @@
 "scan.search" = "Търсене...";
 // SwarmCreation
-"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Search for contact...";
-"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Create the swarm";
-"swarmcreation.addADescription" = "Add a description";
-"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in the swarm";
+"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Търсене на контакт...";
+"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Създавайте рома";
+"swarmcreation.addADescription" = "Добавете описание";
+"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "Можете да добавите още хора в рома.";
 // Swarm
-"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Ignore the swarm";
-"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Leave the conversation";
-"swarm.chooseColor" = "Choose a color";
-"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Type of swarm";
-"swarm.identifier" = "Identifier";
+"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Игнорира се рогата.";
+"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Остави разговора.";
+"swarm.chooseColor" = "Изберете цвят";
+"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Тип на рома";
+"swarm.identifier" = "Идентификатор";
 "swarm.about" = "Относно";
-"swarm.members" = "Members";
-"swarm.addDescription" = "Add Description";
-"swarm.oneToOne" = "Private swarm";
-"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Admin invites only";
-"swarm.invitesOnly" = "Private swarm";
-"swarm.publicChat" = "Public swarm";
-"swarm.others" = "Others";
-"swarm.member" = "Member";
-"swarm.invited" = "Invited";
-"swarm.admin" = "Administrator";
-"swarm.banned" = "Banned";
-"swarm.unknown" = "Unkown";
-"swarm.addMorePeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in this swarm";
-"swarm.addMember" = "Add Member";
-"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Are you sure you want to leave this swarm?";
-"swarm.Leave" = "Leave";
+"swarm.members" = "Членове";
+"swarm.addDescription" = "Добавете описание";
+"swarm.oneToOne" = "Частни родовия";
+"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Администраторът поканява само";
+"swarm.invitesOnly" = "Частни родовия";
+"swarm.publicChat" = "Обществен ров";
+"swarm.others" = "Други";
+"swarm.member" = "Член";
+"swarm.invited" = "Поканени";
+"swarm.admin" = "Администратор";
+"swarm.banned" = "Забранено";
+"swarm.unknown" = "Неизвестни";
+"swarm.addMorePeople" = "Можете да добавите още хора в този рог.";
+"swarm.addMember" = "Добавете член";
+"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Сигурен ли си, че искаш да напуснеш роя?";
+"swarm.Leave" = "Излезте.";
 // Smartlist
 "smartlist.yesterday" = "Вчера";
-"smartlist.results" = "Public Directory";
+"smartlist.results" = "Обществен каталог";
 "smartlist.conversations" = "Разговори";
 "smartlist.searching" = "Търсене...";
 "smartlist.noResults" = "Няма резултати";
 "smartlist.noConversation" = "Няма разговори";
 "smartlist.searchBarPlaceholder" = "Въведете име…";
-"smartlist.searchBar" = "Search for new or existing contact...";
+"smartlist.searchBar" = "Търсене на нови или съществуващи контакти...";
 "smartlist.noNetworkConnectivity" = "Няма връзка с мрежата";
-"smartlist.cellularAccess" = "Be sure cellular access is granted in your settings";
+"smartlist.cellularAccess" = "Уверете се, че в настроенията ви е предоставен достъп с мобилен телефон.";
 "smartlist.accountsTitle" = "Профили";
 "smartlist.addAccountButton" = "Добавяне на профил";
-"smartlist.noNumber" = "Selected contact does not have any number";
-"smartlist.selectOneNumber" = "Select one of the numbers";
+"smartlist.noNumber" = "Избраният контакт няма номер";
+"smartlist.selectOneNumber" = "Изберете един от числата";
 "smartlist.invitations" = "Покани";
-"smartlist.accountSettings" = "Account Settings";
-"smartlist.advancedSettings" = "Advanced Settings";
+"smartlist.accountSettings" = "Настройки на сметката";
+"smartlist.advancedSettings" = "Разширени настройки";
 "smartlist.aboutJami" = "Относно Jami";
-"conversation.messagePlaceholder" = "Write message to ";
-"conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "You are currently sharing your location with ";
-"conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "You are currently receiving a live location from ";
-"conversation.errorSavingImage" = "Failed to save image to galery";
-"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.requestMessage" = "Hello,\nWould you like to join the conversation?";
-"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ is not in your contact list.";
-"conversation.sendRequest" = "Send him/her a contact request to be able to exchange together";
-"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Send Contact Request";
-"conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "You have accepted the conversation request.";
-"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "We are waiting for \%@\ connects to synchronize the conversation.";
+"conversation.messagePlaceholder" = "Пиши съобщение на ";
+"conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "В момента споделяте местоположението си с ";
+"conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "В момента получавате живо местоположение от ";
+"conversation.errorSavingImage" = "Не успях да запазя изображението в галерията";
+"conversation.receivedRequest" = "Изпрати ти искане за разговор.";
+"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Изпратих ви молба за разговор.";
+"conversation.requestMessage" = "Здравейте, бихте ли се присъединили към разговора?";
+"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ не е в списъка с контактите.";
+"conversation.sendRequest" = "Изпратете му/тя искане за контакт, за да може да обменя заедно";
+"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Изпратете запитване за контакт";
+"conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "Приехте молбата за разговор.";
+"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "Чакаме \%@\ връзки, за да синхронизираме разговора.";
-"invitations.noInvitations" = "No invitations";
+"invitations.noInvitations" = "Няма покани.";
 // Walkthrough
 //Welcome Screen
-"welcome.title" = "Welcome to Jami !";
-"welcome.text" = "Jami is a free and universal communication platform which preserves the users' privacy and freedoms";
+"welcome.title" = "Добре дошли в Джами!";
+"welcome.text" = "Jami е свободна и универсална комуникационна платформа, която запазва личния живот и свободите на потребителите";
 "welcome.linkDevice" = "Свързване на това устройство с профил";
 "welcome.createAccount" = "Създаване на профил в Jami";
-"welcome.connectToManager" = "Connect to a JAMS server";
+"welcome.connectToManager" = "Свържете се с JAMS сървър";
 //Creation Profile Screen
 "createProfile.skipCreateProfile" = "Пропускане";
 "createProfile.profileCreated" = "Напред";
-"createProfile.title" = "Personalise your profile";
-"createProfile.enterNameLabel" = "Enter a display name";
+"createProfile.title" = "Персонализирайте профила си";
+"createProfile.enterNameLabel" = "Введете име на дисплея";
 "createProfile.enterNamePlaceholder" = "Въведете име";
 "createProfile.subtitle" = "Потребителският ви профил ще бъде споделен с контактите ви. Можете да го промените по всяко време.";
 "createProfile.createYourAvatar" = "Създаване на аватар";
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@
 "createAccount.lookingForUsernameAvailability" = "проверяване дали е свободно…";
 "createAccount.invalidUsername" = "невалидно потребителско име";
 "createAccount.usernameAlreadyTaken" = "потребителското име вече е заето";
-"createAccount.usernameValid" = "username is available";
-"createAccount.loading" = "Loading";
+"createAccount.usernameValid" = "име на потребителя е налично";
+"createAccount.loading" = "Натоварване";
 "createAccount.waitCreateAccountTitle" = "Добавяне на профил";
 "createAccount.RegisterAUsername" = "Регистриране на потребителско име";
 "createAccount.ChooseAPassword" = "Криптиране на профил";
@@ -160,255 +160,255 @@
 "linkToAccountManager.passwordPlaceholder" = "Парола";
 "linkToAccountManager.passwordLabel" = "Въведете парола";
 "linkToAccountManager.usernamePlaceholder" = "Потребителско име";
-"linkToAccountManager.usernameLabel" = "Enter Username";
+"linkToAccountManager.usernameLabel" = "Введете потребителско име";
 "linkToAccountManager.accountManagerPlaceholder" = "JAMS URL";
-"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerLabel" = "Enter JAMS URL";
+"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerLabel" = "Введете URL на JAMS";
 "alerts.accountCannotBeFoundTitle" = "Профилът не бе открит";
-"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundMessage" = "Account couldn't be found on the Jami network. Make sure it was exported on Jami from an existing device, and that provided credentials are correct.";
-"alerts.accountAddedTitle" = "Account Added";
+"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundMessage" = "Не може да намерите акаунт в мрежата на Джами, уверете се, че е изнасяно на Джами от съществуващо устройство и че документите са правилни.";
+"alerts.accountAddedTitle" = "Добавен профил";
 "alerts.accountNoNetworkTitle" = "Неуспешна връзка с мрежата";
-"alerts.accountNoNetworkMessage" = "Could not add account because Jami couldn't connect to the distributed network. Check your device connectivity.";
-"alerts.accountDefaultErrorTitle" = "Unknown error";
+"alerts.accountNoNetworkMessage" = "Не можех да добавя сметка, защото Джами не може да се свърже с разпространените мрежи.";
+"alerts.accountDefaultErrorTitle" = "Неизвестна грешка";
 "alerts.accountDefaultErrorMessage" = "Профилът не можа да бъде създаден.";
 "alerts.profileTakePhoto" = "Направи снимка";
-"alerts.profileUploadPhoto" = "Upload photo";
+"alerts.profileUploadPhoto" = "Качване на снимка";
 "alerts.profileCancelPhoto" = "Отказ";
 "alerts.accountLinkedTitle" = "Свързване на профил";
-"alerts.dbFailedTitle" = "An error happned when launching Jami";
-"alerts.dbFailedMessage" = "Please close application and try to open it again";
-"alerts.confirmBlockContact" = "Are you sure you want to block this contact? The conversation history with this contact will also be deleted permanently.";
+"alerts.dbFailedTitle" = "Погрешка се случи при изстрелването на Джами.";
+"alerts.dbFailedMessage" = "Моля, затворите заявката и опитайте да я отворите отново.";
+"alerts.confirmBlockContact" = "Също така ще бъде изтрита историята на разговора с този контакт.";
 "alerts.confirmBlockContactTitle" = "Блокиране на контакт";
 "alerts.confirmDeleteConversation" = "Наистина ли искате да изтриете разговора завинаги?";
 "alerts.confirmDeleteConversationFromContact" = "Наистина ли искате да изтриете разговора с този контакт?";
 "alerts.confirmDeleteConversationTitle" = "Изтриване на разговор";
 "alerts.confirmClearConversation" = "Наистина ли искате да изчистите разговора с този контакт?";
 "alerts.confirmClearConversationTitle" = "Изчистване на разговор";
-"alerts.noMediaPermissionsTitle" = "Media permission not granted";
-"alerts.noLibraryPermissionsTitle" = "Access to photo library not granted";
-"alerts.noLocationPermissionsTitle" = "Access to location not granted";
-"alerts.errorWrongCredentials" = "Cannot connect to provided account manager. Please check your credentials";
+"alerts.noMediaPermissionsTitle" = "Недопускане на разрешение на медиите";
+"alerts.noLibraryPermissionsTitle" = "Достъп до фото библиотека не е предоставен";
+"alerts.noLocationPermissionsTitle" = "Достъп до местоположение, който не е предоставен";
+"alerts.errorWrongCredentials" = "Не мога да се свържа с предоставения мениджър на акаунта.";
 "alerts.recordVideoMessage" = "Записване на видео съобщение";
 "alerts.recordAudioMessage" = "Записване на гласово съобщение";
-"alerts.uploadFile" = "Upload file";
-"alerts.uploadPhoto" = "Upload photo or movie";
-"alerts.locationServiceIsDisabled" = "Turn on \"Location Services\" to allow \"Jami\" to determine your location.";
-"alerts.locationSharing" = "Share my location";
-"alerts.alreadylocationSharing" = "Already sharing location with this user";
-"alerts.locationSharingDurationTitle" = "How long should the location sharing be?";
-"alerts.locationSharingDuration10min" = "10 min";
-"alerts.locationSharingDuration1hour" = "1 hour";
-"alerts.mapInformation" = "Map information";
-"alerts.openStreetMapCopyright" = "© OpenStreetMap contributors";
+"alerts.uploadFile" = "Закачване на файл";
+"alerts.uploadPhoto" = "Качване на снимка или филм";
+"alerts.locationServiceIsDisabled" = "Включете \"Услуги за местоположение\", за да позволите на \"Джами\" да определи местоположението ви.";
+"alerts.locationSharing" = "Споделете местоположението ми.";
+"alerts.alreadylocationSharing" = "Вече споделяме местоположението с този потребител";
+"alerts.locationSharingDurationTitle" = "Колко време трябва да споделяме местоположението?";
+"alerts.locationSharingDuration10min" = "10 минути";
+"alerts.locationSharingDuration1hour" = "1 час";
+"alerts.mapInformation" = "Информация за картата";
+"alerts.openStreetMapCopyright" = "© Съдействащи на OpenStreetMap";
 "alerts.openStreetMapCopyrightMoreInfo" = "Научете повече";
 "actions.deleteAction" = "Изтриване";
 "actions.cancelAction" = "Отказ";
-"actions.clearAction" = "Clear";
+"actions.clearAction" = "Чисто";
 "actions.backAction" = "Назад";
 "actions.doneAction" = "Готово";
-"alerts.incomingCallAllertTitle" = "Incoming call from ";
+"alerts.incomingCallAllertTitle" = "Пристъпващ обаждане от ";
 "alerts.incomingCallButtonIgnore" = "Игнориране";
-"actions.startAudioCall" = "  Audio Call";
-"actions.startVideoCall" = "  Video Call";
-"actions.goToSettings" = "Go to Settings";
-"actions.stopLocationSharing" = "Stop sharing";
+"actions.startAudioCall" = "Аудио обаждане";
+"actions.startVideoCall" = "Видео обаждане";
+"actions.goToSettings" = "Отидете в Настройки";
+"actions.stopLocationSharing" = "Спрете да споделяте";
 "calls.callItemTitle" = "Обаждане";
 "calls.unknown" = "Неизвестно";
-"calls.incomingCallInfo" = "wants to talk to you";
-"calls.ringing" = "Ringing…";
-"calls.connecting" = "Connecting…";
+"calls.incomingCallInfo" = "Иска да говори с теб.";
+"calls.ringing" = "Звъня...";
+"calls.connecting" = "Свързваме...";
 "calls.searching" = "Търсене...";
-"calls.callFinished" = "Call finished";
-"calls.currentCallWith" = "Call with ";
-"calls.haghUp" = "hang up";
-"calls.maximize" = "maximize";
-"calls.minimize" = "minimize";
-"calls.setModerator" = "set moderator";
-"calls.removeModerator" = "unset moderator";
-"calls.muteAudio" = "mute audio";
-"calls.unmuteAudio" = "unmute audio";
-"calls.lowerHand" = "lower hand";
+"calls.callFinished" = "Обаждането приключи.";
+"calls.currentCallWith" = "Обади се с ";
+"calls.haghUp" = "- Затворете.";
+"calls.maximize" = "Максимизиране";
+"calls.minimize" = "минимизиране";
+"calls.setModerator" = "настройва модератор";
+"calls.removeModerator" = "Неустановения модератор";
+"calls.muteAudio" = "Мут звук";
+"calls.unmuteAudio" = "Неизключен аудио";
+"calls.lowerHand" = "по-ниска ръка";
 //Account Page
 "accountPage.devicesListHeader" = "Устройства";
 "accountPage.settingsHeader" = "Настройки";
 "accountPage.username" = "Потребителско име";
-"accountPage.usernameNotRegistered" = "username: not registered";
+"accountPage.usernameNotRegistered" = "потребителско име: не е регистрирано";
 "accountPage.credentialsHeader" = "Подробности за профила";
-"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Enable Proxy";
+"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Осигуряване на прокси";
 "accountPage.blockedContacts" = "Блокирани контакти";
-"accountPage.unblockContact" = "UNBLOCK";
-"accountPage.proxyAddressAlert" = "Provide proxy address";
-"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Enable Proxy";
-"accountPage.noProxyExplanationLabel" = "Your device won't receive notifications when proxy is disabled";
+"accountPage.unblockContact" = "БЛОК";
+"accountPage.proxyAddressAlert" = "Посочете адрес на прокси";
+"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Осигуряване на прокси";
+"accountPage.noProxyExplanationLabel" = "Устройството не получава уведомления, когато проксито е деактивирано.";
 "accountPage.saveProxyAddress" = "Запазване";
-"accountPage.proxyPaceholder" = "Proxy address";
+"accountPage.proxyPaceholder" = "Адрес на прокси";
 "accountPage.enableNotifications" = "Включване на известията";
-"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertTitle" = "Proxy Server Disabled";
-"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertBody" = "In order to receive notifications, please enable proxy";
+"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertTitle" = "Прокси сървър деактивиран";
+"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertBody" = "За да получите уведомления, моля, включете прокси";
 "accountPage.revokeDeviceTitle" = "Премахване на устройство";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceMessage" = "Are you sure you want to revoke this device? This action could not be undone.";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceButton" = "Revoke";
-"accountPage.revokeDevicePlaceholder" = "Enter your passord";
-"accountPage.deviceRevoked" = "Device revocation completed";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationProgress" = "Revoking...";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationSuccess" = "Device was revoked";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationTryAgain" = "Try again";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationWrongPassword" = "Incorrect password";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationUnknownDevice" = "Unknown device";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationError" = "Device revocation error";
-"accountPage.linkDeviceTitle" = "Link another device";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceMessage" = "Сигурен ли си, че искаш да отмениш устройството?";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceButton" = "Отмяна на решението";
+"accountPage.revokeDevicePlaceholder" = "Введете паролата си.";
+"accountPage.deviceRevoked" = "Завършено оттегляне на устройството";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationProgress" = "Отменя...";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationSuccess" = "Устройството е отменено.";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationTryAgain" = "Опитай пак.";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationWrongPassword" = "Неправилен парол";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationUnknownDevice" = "Неизвестно устройство";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationError" = "Изключение на устройството";
+"accountPage.linkDeviceTitle" = "Свържете друго устройство";
 "accountPage.other" = "Други";
 "accountPage.removeAccountTitle" = "Премахване на профил";
 "accountPage.removeAccountMessage" = "Ако изберете „Премахване“, ще премахнете този профил на това устройство! Това действие не може да бъде отменено. Също така, регистрираното ви име може да бъде загубено.";
 "accountPage.removeAccountButton" = "Премахване";
-"accountPage.shareAccountDetails" = "Share Account Details";
-"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "Contact me on Jami!";
-"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "Contact me using \"%s\" on the Jami distributed communication platform: https://jami.net";
+"accountPage.shareAccountDetails" = "Детайли за споделяне на сметката";
+"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "Свържете се с мен по Джами!";
+"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "Свържете се с мен с помощта на \"%s\" на разпространените комуникационни платформи на Jami: https://jami.net";
 "accountPage.registerNameTitle" = "Регистриране на потребителско име";
 "accountPage.passwordPlaceholder" = "Въведете паролата на профила";
-"accountPage.usernamePlaceholder" = "Enter desired username";
-"accountPage.registerNameErrorMessage" = "Choosen username is not available";
-"accountPage.usernameRegistering" = "Registering";
+"accountPage.usernamePlaceholder" = "Введете желаното потребителско име";
+"accountPage.registerNameErrorMessage" = "Избрано потребителско име не е налично";
+"accountPage.usernameRegistering" = "Регистрация";
 "accountPage.usernameRegisterAction" = "Регистриране";
-"accountPage.usernameRegistrationFailed" = "Registration failed. Please check password.";
-"accountPage.createPassword" = "Create password";
+"accountPage.usernameRegistrationFailed" = "Регистрацията не е успела, проверете паролата.";
+"accountPage.createPassword" = "Създаване на парола";
 "accountPage.changePassword" = "Промяна на парола";
-"accountPage.oldPasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter old password";
-"accountPage.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter new password";
-"accountPage.newPasswordConfirmPlaceholder" = "Confirm new password";
-"accountPage.changePasswordError" = "Password incorrect";
-"accountPage.enableBoothMode" = "Enable Booth Mode";
-"accountPage.disableBoothMode" = "Disable Booth Mode";
-"accountPage.disableBoothModeExplanation" = "Pleace provide your account password";
-"accountPage.boothModeExplanation" = "In booth mode conversation history not saved and jami functionality limited by making outgoing calls. When you enable booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
-"accountPage.noBoothMode" = "To enable Booth mode you need to create account password first.";
-"accountPage.boothModeAlertMessage" = "After enabling booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
-"accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "Auto connect on local network";
-"accountPage.autoRegistration" = "Auto register after expiration";
-"accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "Connectivity";
-"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Enable TURN";
-"accountPage.turnServer" = "TURN address";
+"accountPage.oldPasswordPlaceholder" = "Введете старата парола";
+"accountPage.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "Введете нов парол";
+"accountPage.newPasswordConfirmPlaceholder" = "Потвърди новия парол";
+"accountPage.changePasswordError" = "Паролето не е правилно";
+"accountPage.enableBoothMode" = "Осигуряване на режим бута";
+"accountPage.disableBoothMode" = "Отключете режим на бута";
+"accountPage.disableBoothModeExplanation" = "Моля, предоставете паролата за акаунта си.";
+"accountPage.boothModeExplanation" = "В режим \"бух\" не е запазено историята на разговора и функциите на Jami са ограничени от изходящи обаждания.";
+"accountPage.noBoothMode" = "За да активирате режим Бут, първо трябва да създадете парола на профила.";
+"accountPage.boothModeAlertMessage" = "След като включите режим \"бух\", всички разговори ще бъдат премахнати.";
+"accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "Автоматично свързване на локалната мрежа";
+"accountPage.autoRegistration" = "Авторегистър след изтичане на срока";
+"accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "Свързаност";
+"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Осигуряване на TURN";
+"accountPage.turnServer" = "Адрес на ТУРН";
 "accountPage.turnUsername" = "Потребителско име за TURN";
 "accountPage.turnPassword" = "Парола за TURN";
-"accountPage.turnRealm" = "TURN realm";
+"accountPage.turnRealm" = "СВЕЗНИЦА";
 "account.sipUsername" = "Потребителско име";
 "account.sipPassword" = "Парола";
-"account.sipServer" = "SIP Server";
+"account.sipServer" = "SIP сървър";
 "account.port" = "Порт";
 "account.proxyServer" = "Посредник";
-"account.createSipAccount" = "Create a SIP Account";
-"account.usernameLabel" = "Enter Username";
+"account.createSipAccount" = "Създаване на SIP сметка";
+"account.usernameLabel" = "Введете потребителско име";
 "account.passwordLabel" = "Въведете парола";
-"account.serverLabel" = "Enter Address";
-"account.portLabel" = "Enter Port Number";
+"account.serverLabel" = "Введете адрес";
+"account.portLabel" = "Введете номер на порта";
 "account.accountStatus" = "Състояние на профил";
-"account.enableAccount" = "Enable Account";
+"account.enableAccount" = "Осигуряване на акаунта";
 "account.statusOnline" = "На линия";
 "account.statusOffline" = "Извън линия";
 "account.statusConnecting" = "Свързване";
 "account.statusUnknown" = "Неизвестно";
-"account.statusConnectionerror" = "Connection Error";
-"account.needMigration" = "account need to be migrated";
+"account.statusConnectionerror" = "Изключение грешка";
+"account.needMigration" = "трябва да се мигрира сметката";
 "account.me" = "Аз";
 //Block List Page
-"blockListPage.noBlockedContacts" = "No blocked contacts";
+"blockListPage.noBlockedContacts" = "Без блокирани контакти";
 //Link New Device
-"linkDevice.title" = "Link a new device";
+"linkDevice.title" = "Свържете ново устройство";
 "linkDevice.passwordError" = "Въведената от вас парола не отключва този профил";
-"linkDevice.networkError" = "A network error occured during the export";
+"linkDevice.networkError" = "Появява се грешка в мрежата по време на износ";
 "linkDevice.defaultError" = "Възникна грешка при изнасянето";
 "linkDevice.explanationMessage" = "За да завършите процеса, трябва да отворите Jami на новото устройство и да изберете опцията \"Свързване на това устройство с профил\". Вашият пин е валиден за 10 минути";
-"linkDevice.hudMessage" = "Verifying";
+"linkDevice.hudMessage" = "Проверка";
 //Contact Page
-"contactPage.startAudioCall" = "Start Audio Call";
-"contactPage.startVideoCall" = "Start Video Call";
-"contactPage.sendMessage" = "Send Message";
-"contactPage.clearConversation" = "Clear Chat";
+"contactPage.startAudioCall" = "Започнете аудио обаждането";
+"contactPage.startVideoCall" = "Започнете видео обаждането";
+"contactPage.sendMessage" = "Изпращайте съобщение";
+"contactPage.clearConversation" = "Разпространи се.";
 "contactPage.blockContact" = "Блокиране на контакт";
-"contactPage.removeConversation" = "Remove Conversation";
+"contactPage.removeConversation" = "Извадете разговора";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusCreated" = "Initializing…";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusCreated" = "Инициализиране...";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusError" = "Грешка";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Pending…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Transferring";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Чакам...";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Прехвърляне";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCanceled" = "Отменено";
-"dataTransfer.sendingFailed" = "Failed to send";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Complete";
+"dataTransfer.sendingFailed" = "Не успях да изпратя";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Пълен";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCancel" = "Отказ";
-"notifications.incomingCall" = "Incoming Call";
-"notifications.missedCall" = "Missed Call";
-"notifications.newFile" = "New file";
-"notifications.locationSharingStarted" = "Incoming location sharing started";
-"notifications.locationSharingStopped" = "Incoming location sharing stopped";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Pending…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Transferring";
+"notifications.incomingCall" = "Пристигащ повик";
+"notifications.missedCall" = "Изпуснат разговор";
+"notifications.newFile" = "Нов файл";
+"notifications.locationSharingStarted" = "Започна се споделянето на местоположения";
+"notifications.locationSharingStopped" = "Прекратено споделяне на място";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Чакам...";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Прехвърляне";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCanceled" = "Отменено";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Complete";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Пълен";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCancel" = "Отказ";
 "dataTransfer.infoMessage" = "Натиснете за започване на запис";
 "dataTransfer.sendMessage" = "Изпращане";
 //Generated Message
-"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "You received inviation";
-"generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "Swarm created";
-"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "was invited to join";
-"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "You joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "was kicked";
-"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "was re-added";
+"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "Получихте ли неразрешение?";
+"generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "Създадени са сбори";
+"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "беше поканена да се присъедини";
+"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "Присъедини се към разговора.";
+"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "Присъедини се към разговора.";
+"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "- Да, но беше ритна.";
+"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "е добавен отново";
 "generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "Изходящо обаждане";
 "generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "Входящо обаждане";
 "generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "Пропуснато изходящо обаждане";
 "generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "Пропуснато входящо обаждане";
-"generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "Live location sharing";
-"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "left";
+"generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "Съвместно разпределение на местоположения";
+"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "лево";
 //General Settings
 "generalSettings.title" = "Разширени настройки";
-"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Video Settings";
-"generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "Enable video acceleration";
+"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Настройки на видео";
+"generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "Осигуряване на видео ускорение";
 "generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "Прехвърляне на файлове";
-"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Location Sharing";
-"generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "Automatically accept incoming files";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "Accept transfer limit";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(in MB, 0 = unlimited)";
-"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Limit the duration of location sharing";
-"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Position share duration";
+"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Разпределение на местоположението";
+"generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "Автоматично приемате входящи файлове";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "Приемане на прехвърляне";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(в MB, 0 = неограничено)";
+"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Ограничаване на продължителността на споделянето на местоположението";
+"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Продължителност на позиционните акции";
 //Log View
-"logView.title" = "Diagnostics";
-"logView.description" = "Open diagnostic log settings";
-"logView.startLogging" = "Start Logging";
-"logView.stopLogging" = "Stop Logging";
-"logView.saveError" = "Failed to save file";
-"logView.shareError" = "Failed to share file";
+"logView.title" = "Диагностика";
+"logView.description" = "Отворете настройките на диагностичния дневник";
+"logView.startLogging" = "Започнете събирането на дървесина";
+"logView.stopLogging" = "Спрете да дървете";
+"logView.saveError" = "Не успях да запазя файла";
+"logView.shareError" = "Не успях да споделя файла";
 //Migrate Account
 "migrateAccount.title" = "Пренасяне на профил";
-"migrateAccount.migrateButton" = "Migrate Account";
+"migrateAccount.migrateButton" = "Мигрираща сметка";
 "migrateAccount.explanation" = "Този профил трябва да бъде преместен";
 "migrateAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "Въведете парола";
-"migrateAccount.passwordExplanation" = "To proceed with the migration, you need to enter a password that was used for this account";
+"migrateAccount.passwordExplanation" = "За да продължите с миграцията, трябва да въведете парола, който е бил използван за тази сметка";
 "migrateAccount.removeAccount" = "Премахване на профил";
-"migrateAccount.error" = "Failed to migrate your account. You can retry or delete your account.";
-"migrateAccount.migrating" = "Migrating...";
+"migrateAccount.error" = "Не успя да мигрирате профила си. Можете да опитате отново или да изтриете профила си.";
+"migrateAccount.migrating" = "Мигрира...";
 "migrateAccount.cancel" = "Отказ";
-"migrateAccount.migrateAnother" = "Migrate Another Account";
+"migrateAccount.migrateAnother" = "Премести се на друг акаунт";
diff --git a/Ring/Ring/Resources/bg_BG.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Ring/Ring/Resources/bg_BG.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 05a0dc3..02f90be 100644
--- a/Ring/Ring/Resources/bg_BG.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Ring/Ring/Resources/bg_BG.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@
 // Global
 "global.homeTabBarTitle" = "Разговори";
-"global.meTabBarTitle" = "Account Settings";
+"global.meTabBarTitle" = "Настройки на сметката";
 "global.ok" = "Добре";
 "global.close" = "Затваряне";
 "global.share" = "Споделяне";
-"global.forward" = "Forward";
+"global.forward" = "Напред";
 "global.save" = "Запазване";
-"global.resend" = "Resend";
-"global.preview" = "Preview";
+"global.resend" = "Препращане";
+"global.preview" = "Преглед";
 "global.accept" = "Приемане";
 "global.block" = "Блокиране";
 "global.refuse" = "Отказ";
@@ -40,84 +40,84 @@
 "scan.search" = "Търсене...";
 // SwarmCreation
-"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Search for contact...";
-"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Create the swarm";
-"swarmcreation.addADescription" = "Add a description";
-"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in the swarm";
+"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Търсене на контакт...";
+"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Създавайте рома";
+"swarmcreation.addADescription" = "Добавете описание";
+"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "Можете да добавите още хора в рома.";
 // Swarm
-"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Ignore the swarm";
-"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Leave the conversation";
-"swarm.chooseColor" = "Choose a color";
-"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Type of swarm";
-"swarm.identifier" = "Identifier";
+"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Игнорира се рогата.";
+"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Остави разговора.";
+"swarm.chooseColor" = "Изберете цвят";
+"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Тип на рома";
+"swarm.identifier" = "Идентификатор";
 "swarm.about" = "Относно";
-"swarm.members" = "Members";
-"swarm.addDescription" = "Add Description";
-"swarm.oneToOne" = "Private swarm";
-"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Admin invites only";
-"swarm.invitesOnly" = "Private swarm";
-"swarm.publicChat" = "Public swarm";
-"swarm.others" = "Others";
-"swarm.member" = "Member";
-"swarm.invited" = "Invited";
-"swarm.admin" = "Administrator";
-"swarm.banned" = "Banned";
-"swarm.unknown" = "Unkown";
-"swarm.addMorePeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in this swarm";
-"swarm.addMember" = "Add Member";
-"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Are you sure you want to leave this swarm?";
-"swarm.Leave" = "Leave";
+"swarm.members" = "Членове";
+"swarm.addDescription" = "Добавете описание";
+"swarm.oneToOne" = "Частни родовия";
+"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Администраторът поканява само";
+"swarm.invitesOnly" = "Частни родовия";
+"swarm.publicChat" = "Обществен ров";
+"swarm.others" = "Други";
+"swarm.member" = "Член";
+"swarm.invited" = "Поканени";
+"swarm.admin" = "Администратор";
+"swarm.banned" = "Забранено";
+"swarm.unknown" = "Неизвестни";
+"swarm.addMorePeople" = "Можете да добавите още хора в този рог.";
+"swarm.addMember" = "Добавете член";
+"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Сигурен ли си, че искаш да напуснеш роя?";
+"swarm.Leave" = "Излезте.";
 // Smartlist
 "smartlist.yesterday" = "Вчера";
-"smartlist.results" = "Public Directory";
+"smartlist.results" = "Обществен каталог";
 "smartlist.conversations" = "Разговори";
 "smartlist.searching" = "Търсене...";
 "smartlist.noResults" = "Няма резултати";
 "smartlist.noConversation" = "Няма разговори";
 "smartlist.searchBarPlaceholder" = "Въведете име…";
-"smartlist.searchBar" = "Search for new or existing contact...";
+"smartlist.searchBar" = "Търсене на нови или съществуващи контакти...";
 "smartlist.noNetworkConnectivity" = "Няма връзка с мрежата";
-"smartlist.cellularAccess" = "Be sure cellular access is granted in your settings";
+"smartlist.cellularAccess" = "Уверете се, че в настроенията ви е предоставен достъп с мобилен телефон.";
 "smartlist.accountsTitle" = "Профили";
 "smartlist.addAccountButton" = "Добавяне на профил";
-"smartlist.noNumber" = "Selected contact does not have any number";
-"smartlist.selectOneNumber" = "Select one of the numbers";
+"smartlist.noNumber" = "Избраният контакт няма номер";
+"smartlist.selectOneNumber" = "Изберете един от числата";
 "smartlist.invitations" = "Покани";
-"smartlist.accountSettings" = "Account Settings";
-"smartlist.advancedSettings" = "Advanced Settings";
+"smartlist.accountSettings" = "Настройки на сметката";
+"smartlist.advancedSettings" = "Разширени настройки";
 "smartlist.aboutJami" = "Относно Jami";
-"conversation.messagePlaceholder" = "Write message to ";
-"conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "You are currently sharing your location with ";
-"conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "You are currently receiving a live location from ";
-"conversation.errorSavingImage" = "Failed to save image to galery";
-"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.requestMessage" = "Hello,\nWould you like to join the conversation?";
-"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ is not in your contact list.";
-"conversation.sendRequest" = "Send him/her a contact request to be able to exchange together";
-"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Send Contact Request";
-"conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "You have accepted the conversation request.";
-"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "We are waiting for \%@\ connects to synchronize the conversation.";
+"conversation.messagePlaceholder" = "Пиши съобщение на ";
+"conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "В момента споделяте местоположението си с ";
+"conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "В момента получавате живо местоположение от ";
+"conversation.errorSavingImage" = "Не успях да запазя изображението в галерията";
+"conversation.receivedRequest" = "Изпрати ти искане за разговор.";
+"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Изпратих ви молба за разговор.";
+"conversation.requestMessage" = "Здравейте, бихте ли се присъединили към разговора?";
+"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ не е в списъка с контактите.";
+"conversation.sendRequest" = "Изпратете му/тя искане за контакт, за да може да обменя заедно";
+"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Изпратете запитване за контакт";
+"conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "Приехте молбата за разговор.";
+"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "Чакаме \%@\ връзки, за да синхронизираме разговора.";
-"invitations.noInvitations" = "No invitations";
+"invitations.noInvitations" = "Няма покани.";
 // Walkthrough
 //Welcome Screen
-"welcome.title" = "Welcome to Jami !";
-"welcome.text" = "Jami is a free and universal communication platform which preserves the users' privacy and freedoms";
+"welcome.title" = "Добре дошли в Джами!";
+"welcome.text" = "Jami е свободна и универсална комуникационна платформа, която запазва личния живот и свободите на потребителите";
 "welcome.linkDevice" = "Свързване на това устройство с профил";
 "welcome.createAccount" = "Създаване на профил в Jami";
-"welcome.connectToManager" = "Connect to a JAMS server";
+"welcome.connectToManager" = "Свържете се с JAMS сървър";
 //Creation Profile Screen
 "createProfile.skipCreateProfile" = "Пропускане";
 "createProfile.profileCreated" = "Напред";
-"createProfile.title" = "Personalise your profile";
-"createProfile.enterNameLabel" = "Enter a display name";
+"createProfile.title" = "Персонализирайте профила си";
+"createProfile.enterNameLabel" = "Введете име на дисплея";
 "createProfile.enterNamePlaceholder" = "Въведете име";
 "createProfile.subtitle" = "Потребителският ви профил ще бъде споделен с контактите ви. Можете да го промените по всяко време.";
 "createProfile.createYourAvatar" = "Създаване на аватар";
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@
 "createAccount.lookingForUsernameAvailability" = "проверяване дали е свободно…";
 "createAccount.invalidUsername" = "невалидно потребителско име";
 "createAccount.usernameAlreadyTaken" = "потребителското име вече е заето";
-"createAccount.usernameValid" = "username is available";
-"createAccount.loading" = "Loading";
+"createAccount.usernameValid" = "име на потребителя е налично";
+"createAccount.loading" = "Натоварване";
 "createAccount.waitCreateAccountTitle" = "Добавяне на профил";
 "createAccount.RegisterAUsername" = "Регистриране на потребителско име";
 "createAccount.ChooseAPassword" = "Криптиране на профил";
@@ -160,255 +160,255 @@
 "linkToAccountManager.passwordPlaceholder" = "Парола";
 "linkToAccountManager.passwordLabel" = "Въведете парола";
 "linkToAccountManager.usernamePlaceholder" = "Потребителско име";
-"linkToAccountManager.usernameLabel" = "Enter Username";
+"linkToAccountManager.usernameLabel" = "Введете потребителско име";
 "linkToAccountManager.accountManagerPlaceholder" = "JAMS URL";
-"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerLabel" = "Enter JAMS URL";
+"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerLabel" = "Введете URL на JAMS";
 "alerts.accountCannotBeFoundTitle" = "Профилът не бе открит";
-"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundMessage" = "Account couldn't be found on the Jami network. Make sure it was exported on Jami from an existing device, and that provided credentials are correct.";
-"alerts.accountAddedTitle" = "Account Added";
+"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundMessage" = "Не може да намерите акаунт в мрежата на Джами, уверете се, че е изнасяно на Джами от съществуващо устройство и че документите са правилни.";
+"alerts.accountAddedTitle" = "Добавен профил";
 "alerts.accountNoNetworkTitle" = "Неуспешна връзка с мрежата";
-"alerts.accountNoNetworkMessage" = "Could not add account because Jami couldn't connect to the distributed network. Check your device connectivity.";
-"alerts.accountDefaultErrorTitle" = "Unknown error";
+"alerts.accountNoNetworkMessage" = "Не можех да добавя сметка, защото Джами не може да се свърже с разпространените мрежи.";
+"alerts.accountDefaultErrorTitle" = "Неизвестна грешка";
 "alerts.accountDefaultErrorMessage" = "Профилът не можа да бъде създаден.";
 "alerts.profileTakePhoto" = "Направи снимка";
-"alerts.profileUploadPhoto" = "Upload photo";
+"alerts.profileUploadPhoto" = "Качване на снимка";
 "alerts.profileCancelPhoto" = "Отказ";
 "alerts.accountLinkedTitle" = "Свързване на профил";
-"alerts.dbFailedTitle" = "An error happned when launching Jami";
-"alerts.dbFailedMessage" = "Please close application and try to open it again";
-"alerts.confirmBlockContact" = "Are you sure you want to block this contact? The conversation history with this contact will also be deleted permanently.";
+"alerts.dbFailedTitle" = "Погрешка се случи при изстрелването на Джами.";
+"alerts.dbFailedMessage" = "Моля, затворите заявката и опитайте да я отворите отново.";
+"alerts.confirmBlockContact" = "Също така ще бъде изтрита историята на разговора с този контакт.";
 "alerts.confirmBlockContactTitle" = "Блокиране на контакт";
 "alerts.confirmDeleteConversation" = "Наистина ли искате да изтриете разговора завинаги?";
 "alerts.confirmDeleteConversationFromContact" = "Наистина ли искате да изтриете разговора с този контакт?";
 "alerts.confirmDeleteConversationTitle" = "Изтриване на разговор";
 "alerts.confirmClearConversation" = "Наистина ли искате да изчистите разговора с този контакт?";
 "alerts.confirmClearConversationTitle" = "Изчистване на разговор";
-"alerts.noMediaPermissionsTitle" = "Media permission not granted";
-"alerts.noLibraryPermissionsTitle" = "Access to photo library not granted";
-"alerts.noLocationPermissionsTitle" = "Access to location not granted";
-"alerts.errorWrongCredentials" = "Cannot connect to provided account manager. Please check your credentials";
+"alerts.noMediaPermissionsTitle" = "Недопускане на разрешение на медиите";
+"alerts.noLibraryPermissionsTitle" = "Достъп до фото библиотека не е предоставен";
+"alerts.noLocationPermissionsTitle" = "Достъп до местоположение, който не е предоставен";
+"alerts.errorWrongCredentials" = "Не мога да се свържа с предоставения мениджър на акаунта.";
 "alerts.recordVideoMessage" = "Записване на видео съобщение";
 "alerts.recordAudioMessage" = "Записване на гласово съобщение";
-"alerts.uploadFile" = "Upload file";
-"alerts.uploadPhoto" = "Upload photo or movie";
-"alerts.locationServiceIsDisabled" = "Turn on \"Location Services\" to allow \"Jami\" to determine your location.";
-"alerts.locationSharing" = "Share my location";
-"alerts.alreadylocationSharing" = "Already sharing location with this user";
-"alerts.locationSharingDurationTitle" = "How long should the location sharing be?";
-"alerts.locationSharingDuration10min" = "10 min";
-"alerts.locationSharingDuration1hour" = "1 hour";
-"alerts.mapInformation" = "Map information";
-"alerts.openStreetMapCopyright" = "© OpenStreetMap contributors";
+"alerts.uploadFile" = "Закачване на файл";
+"alerts.uploadPhoto" = "Качване на снимка или филм";
+"alerts.locationServiceIsDisabled" = "Включете \"Услуги за местоположение\", за да позволите на \"Джами\" да определи местоположението ви.";
+"alerts.locationSharing" = "Споделете местоположението ми.";
+"alerts.alreadylocationSharing" = "Вече споделяме местоположението с този потребител";
+"alerts.locationSharingDurationTitle" = "Колко време трябва да споделяме местоположението?";
+"alerts.locationSharingDuration10min" = "10 минути";
+"alerts.locationSharingDuration1hour" = "1 час";
+"alerts.mapInformation" = "Информация за картата";
+"alerts.openStreetMapCopyright" = "© Съдействащи на OpenStreetMap";
 "alerts.openStreetMapCopyrightMoreInfo" = "Научете повече";
 "actions.deleteAction" = "Изтриване";
 "actions.cancelAction" = "Отказ";
-"actions.clearAction" = "Clear";
+"actions.clearAction" = "Чисто";
 "actions.backAction" = "Назад";
 "actions.doneAction" = "Готово";
-"alerts.incomingCallAllertTitle" = "Incoming call from ";
+"alerts.incomingCallAllertTitle" = "Пристъпващ обаждане от ";
 "alerts.incomingCallButtonIgnore" = "Игнориране";
-"actions.startAudioCall" = "  Audio Call";
-"actions.startVideoCall" = "  Video Call";
-"actions.goToSettings" = "Go to Settings";
-"actions.stopLocationSharing" = "Stop sharing";
+"actions.startAudioCall" = "Аудио обаждане";
+"actions.startVideoCall" = "Видео обаждане";
+"actions.goToSettings" = "Отидете в Настройки";
+"actions.stopLocationSharing" = "Спрете да споделяте";
 "calls.callItemTitle" = "Обаждане";
 "calls.unknown" = "Неизвестно";
-"calls.incomingCallInfo" = "wants to talk to you";
-"calls.ringing" = "Ringing…";
-"calls.connecting" = "Connecting…";
+"calls.incomingCallInfo" = "Иска да говори с теб.";
+"calls.ringing" = "Звъня...";
+"calls.connecting" = "Свързваме...";
 "calls.searching" = "Търсене...";
-"calls.callFinished" = "Call finished";
-"calls.currentCallWith" = "Call with ";
-"calls.haghUp" = "hang up";
-"calls.maximize" = "maximize";
-"calls.minimize" = "minimize";
-"calls.setModerator" = "set moderator";
-"calls.removeModerator" = "unset moderator";
-"calls.muteAudio" = "mute audio";
-"calls.unmuteAudio" = "unmute audio";
-"calls.lowerHand" = "lower hand";
+"calls.callFinished" = "Обаждането приключи.";
+"calls.currentCallWith" = "Обади се с ";
+"calls.haghUp" = "- Затворете.";
+"calls.maximize" = "Максимизиране";
+"calls.minimize" = "минимизиране";
+"calls.setModerator" = "настройва модератор";
+"calls.removeModerator" = "Неустановения модератор";
+"calls.muteAudio" = "Мут звук";
+"calls.unmuteAudio" = "Неизключен аудио";
+"calls.lowerHand" = "по-ниска ръка";
 //Account Page
 "accountPage.devicesListHeader" = "Устройства";
 "accountPage.settingsHeader" = "Настройки";
 "accountPage.username" = "Потребителско име";
-"accountPage.usernameNotRegistered" = "username: not registered";
+"accountPage.usernameNotRegistered" = "потребителско име: не е регистрирано";
 "accountPage.credentialsHeader" = "Подробности за профила";
-"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Enable Proxy";
+"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Осигуряване на прокси";
 "accountPage.blockedContacts" = "Блокирани контакти";
-"accountPage.unblockContact" = "UNBLOCK";
-"accountPage.proxyAddressAlert" = "Provide proxy address";
-"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Enable Proxy";
-"accountPage.noProxyExplanationLabel" = "Your device won't receive notifications when proxy is disabled";
+"accountPage.unblockContact" = "БЛОК";
+"accountPage.proxyAddressAlert" = "Посочете адрес на прокси";
+"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Осигуряване на прокси";
+"accountPage.noProxyExplanationLabel" = "Устройството не получава уведомления, когато проксито е деактивирано.";
 "accountPage.saveProxyAddress" = "Запазване";
-"accountPage.proxyPaceholder" = "Proxy address";
+"accountPage.proxyPaceholder" = "Адрес на прокси";
 "accountPage.enableNotifications" = "Включване на известията";
-"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertTitle" = "Proxy Server Disabled";
-"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertBody" = "In order to receive notifications, please enable proxy";
+"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertTitle" = "Прокси сървър деактивиран";
+"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertBody" = "За да получите уведомления, моля, включете прокси";
 "accountPage.revokeDeviceTitle" = "Премахване на устройство";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceMessage" = "Are you sure you want to revoke this device? This action could not be undone.";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceButton" = "Revoke";
-"accountPage.revokeDevicePlaceholder" = "Enter your passord";
-"accountPage.deviceRevoked" = "Device revocation completed";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationProgress" = "Revoking...";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationSuccess" = "Device was revoked";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationTryAgain" = "Try again";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationWrongPassword" = "Incorrect password";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationUnknownDevice" = "Unknown device";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationError" = "Device revocation error";
-"accountPage.linkDeviceTitle" = "Link another device";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceMessage" = "Сигурен ли си, че искаш да отмениш устройството?";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceButton" = "Отмяна на решението";
+"accountPage.revokeDevicePlaceholder" = "Введете паролата си.";
+"accountPage.deviceRevoked" = "Завършено оттегляне на устройството";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationProgress" = "Отменя...";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationSuccess" = "Устройството е отменено.";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationTryAgain" = "Опитай пак.";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationWrongPassword" = "Неправилен парол";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationUnknownDevice" = "Неизвестно устройство";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationError" = "Изключение на устройството";
+"accountPage.linkDeviceTitle" = "Свържете друго устройство";
 "accountPage.other" = "Други";
 "accountPage.removeAccountTitle" = "Премахване на профил";
 "accountPage.removeAccountMessage" = "Ако изберете „Премахване“, ще премахнете този профил на това устройство! Това действие не може да бъде отменено. Също така, регистрираното ви име може да бъде загубено.";
 "accountPage.removeAccountButton" = "Премахване";
-"accountPage.shareAccountDetails" = "Share Account Details";
-"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "Contact me on Jami!";
-"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "Contact me using \"%s\" on the Jami distributed communication platform: https://jami.net";
+"accountPage.shareAccountDetails" = "Детайли за споделяне на сметката";
+"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "Свържете се с мен по Джами!";
+"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "Свържете се с мен с помощта на \"%s\" на разпространените комуникационни платформи на Jami: https://jami.net";
 "accountPage.registerNameTitle" = "Регистриране на потребителско име";
 "accountPage.passwordPlaceholder" = "Въведете паролата на профила";
-"accountPage.usernamePlaceholder" = "Enter desired username";
-"accountPage.registerNameErrorMessage" = "Choosen username is not available";
-"accountPage.usernameRegistering" = "Registering";
+"accountPage.usernamePlaceholder" = "Введете желаното потребителско име";
+"accountPage.registerNameErrorMessage" = "Избрано потребителско име не е налично";
+"accountPage.usernameRegistering" = "Регистрация";
 "accountPage.usernameRegisterAction" = "Регистриране";
-"accountPage.usernameRegistrationFailed" = "Registration failed. Please check password.";
-"accountPage.createPassword" = "Create password";
+"accountPage.usernameRegistrationFailed" = "Регистрацията не е успела, проверете паролата.";
+"accountPage.createPassword" = "Създаване на парола";
 "accountPage.changePassword" = "Промяна на парола";
-"accountPage.oldPasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter old password";
-"accountPage.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter new password";
-"accountPage.newPasswordConfirmPlaceholder" = "Confirm new password";
-"accountPage.changePasswordError" = "Password incorrect";
-"accountPage.enableBoothMode" = "Enable Booth Mode";
-"accountPage.disableBoothMode" = "Disable Booth Mode";
-"accountPage.disableBoothModeExplanation" = "Pleace provide your account password";
-"accountPage.boothModeExplanation" = "In booth mode conversation history not saved and jami functionality limited by making outgoing calls. When you enable booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
-"accountPage.noBoothMode" = "To enable Booth mode you need to create account password first.";
-"accountPage.boothModeAlertMessage" = "After enabling booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
-"accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "Auto connect on local network";
-"accountPage.autoRegistration" = "Auto register after expiration";
-"accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "Connectivity";
-"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Enable TURN";
-"accountPage.turnServer" = "TURN address";
+"accountPage.oldPasswordPlaceholder" = "Введете старата парола";
+"accountPage.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "Введете нов парол";
+"accountPage.newPasswordConfirmPlaceholder" = "Потвърди новия парол";
+"accountPage.changePasswordError" = "Паролето не е правилно";
+"accountPage.enableBoothMode" = "Осигуряване на режим бута";
+"accountPage.disableBoothMode" = "Отключете режим на бута";
+"accountPage.disableBoothModeExplanation" = "Моля, предоставете паролата за акаунта си.";
+"accountPage.boothModeExplanation" = "В режим \"бух\" не е запазено историята на разговора и функциите на Jami са ограничени от изходящи обаждания.";
+"accountPage.noBoothMode" = "За да активирате режим Бут, първо трябва да създадете парола на профила.";
+"accountPage.boothModeAlertMessage" = "След като включите режим \"бух\", всички разговори ще бъдат премахнати.";
+"accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "Автоматично свързване на локалната мрежа";
+"accountPage.autoRegistration" = "Авторегистър след изтичане на срока";
+"accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "Свързаност";
+"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Осигуряване на TURN";
+"accountPage.turnServer" = "Адрес на ТУРН";
 "accountPage.turnUsername" = "Потребителско име за TURN";
 "accountPage.turnPassword" = "Парола за TURN";
-"accountPage.turnRealm" = "TURN realm";
+"accountPage.turnRealm" = "СВЕЗНИЦА";
 "account.sipUsername" = "Потребителско име";
 "account.sipPassword" = "Парола";
-"account.sipServer" = "SIP Server";
+"account.sipServer" = "SIP сървър";
 "account.port" = "Порт";
 "account.proxyServer" = "Посредник";
-"account.createSipAccount" = "Create a SIP Account";
-"account.usernameLabel" = "Enter Username";
+"account.createSipAccount" = "Създаване на SIP сметка";
+"account.usernameLabel" = "Введете потребителско име";
 "account.passwordLabel" = "Въведете парола";
-"account.serverLabel" = "Enter Address";
-"account.portLabel" = "Enter Port Number";
+"account.serverLabel" = "Введете адрес";
+"account.portLabel" = "Введете номер на порта";
 "account.accountStatus" = "Състояние на профил";
-"account.enableAccount" = "Enable Account";
+"account.enableAccount" = "Осигуряване на акаунта";
 "account.statusOnline" = "На линия";
 "account.statusOffline" = "Извън линия";
 "account.statusConnecting" = "Свързване";
 "account.statusUnknown" = "Неизвестно";
-"account.statusConnectionerror" = "Connection Error";
-"account.needMigration" = "account need to be migrated";
+"account.statusConnectionerror" = "Изключение грешка";
+"account.needMigration" = "трябва да се мигрира сметката";
 "account.me" = "Аз";
 //Block List Page
-"blockListPage.noBlockedContacts" = "No blocked contacts";
+"blockListPage.noBlockedContacts" = "Без блокирани контакти";
 //Link New Device
-"linkDevice.title" = "Link a new device";
+"linkDevice.title" = "Свържете ново устройство";
 "linkDevice.passwordError" = "Въведената от вас парола не отключва този профил";
-"linkDevice.networkError" = "A network error occured during the export";
+"linkDevice.networkError" = "Появява се грешка в мрежата по време на износ";
 "linkDevice.defaultError" = "Възникна грешка при изнасянето";
 "linkDevice.explanationMessage" = "За да завършите процеса, трябва да отворите Jami на новото устройство и да изберете опцията \"Свързване на това устройство с профил\". Вашият пин е валиден за 10 минути";
-"linkDevice.hudMessage" = "Verifying";
+"linkDevice.hudMessage" = "Проверка";
 //Contact Page
-"contactPage.startAudioCall" = "Start Audio Call";
-"contactPage.startVideoCall" = "Start Video Call";
-"contactPage.sendMessage" = "Send Message";
-"contactPage.clearConversation" = "Clear Chat";
+"contactPage.startAudioCall" = "Започнете аудио обаждането";
+"contactPage.startVideoCall" = "Започнете видео обаждането";
+"contactPage.sendMessage" = "Изпращайте съобщение";
+"contactPage.clearConversation" = "Разпространи се.";
 "contactPage.blockContact" = "Блокиране на контакт";
-"contactPage.removeConversation" = "Remove Conversation";
+"contactPage.removeConversation" = "Извадете разговора";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusCreated" = "Initializing…";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusCreated" = "Инициализиране...";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusError" = "Грешка";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Pending…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Transferring";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Чакам...";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Прехвърляне";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCanceled" = "Отменено";
-"dataTransfer.sendingFailed" = "Failed to send";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Complete";
+"dataTransfer.sendingFailed" = "Не успях да изпратя";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Пълен";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCancel" = "Отказ";
-"notifications.incomingCall" = "Incoming Call";
-"notifications.missedCall" = "Missed Call";
-"notifications.newFile" = "New file";
-"notifications.locationSharingStarted" = "Incoming location sharing started";
-"notifications.locationSharingStopped" = "Incoming location sharing stopped";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Pending…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Transferring";
+"notifications.incomingCall" = "Пристигащ повик";
+"notifications.missedCall" = "Изпуснат разговор";
+"notifications.newFile" = "Нов файл";
+"notifications.locationSharingStarted" = "Започна се споделянето на местоположения";
+"notifications.locationSharingStopped" = "Прекратено споделяне на място";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Чакам...";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Прехвърляне";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCanceled" = "Отменено";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Complete";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Пълен";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCancel" = "Отказ";
 "dataTransfer.infoMessage" = "Натиснете за започване на запис";
 "dataTransfer.sendMessage" = "Изпращане";
 //Generated Message
-"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "You received inviation";
-"generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "Swarm created";
-"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "was invited to join";
-"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "You joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "was kicked";
-"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "was re-added";
+"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "Получихте ли неразрешение?";
+"generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "Създадени са сбори";
+"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "беше поканена да се присъедини";
+"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "Присъедини се към разговора.";
+"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "Присъедини се към разговора.";
+"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "- Да, но беше ритна.";
+"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "е добавен отново";
 "generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "Изходящо обаждане";
 "generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "Входящо обаждане";
 "generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "Пропуснато изходящо обаждане";
 "generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "Пропуснато входящо обаждане";
-"generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "Live location sharing";
-"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "left";
+"generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "Съвместно разпределение на местоположения";
+"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "лево";
 //General Settings
 "generalSettings.title" = "Разширени настройки";
-"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Video Settings";
-"generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "Enable video acceleration";
+"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Настройки на видео";
+"generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "Осигуряване на видео ускорение";
 "generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "Прехвърляне на файлове";
-"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Location Sharing";
-"generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "Automatically accept incoming files";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "Accept transfer limit";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(in MB, 0 = unlimited)";
-"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Limit the duration of location sharing";
-"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Position share duration";
+"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Разпределение на местоположението";
+"generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "Автоматично приемате входящи файлове";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "Приемане на прехвърляне";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(в MB, 0 = неограничено)";
+"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Ограничаване на продължителността на споделянето на местоположението";
+"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Продължителност на позиционните акции";
 //Log View
-"logView.title" = "Diagnostics";
-"logView.description" = "Open diagnostic log settings";
-"logView.startLogging" = "Start Logging";
-"logView.stopLogging" = "Stop Logging";
-"logView.saveError" = "Failed to save file";
-"logView.shareError" = "Failed to share file";
+"logView.title" = "Диагностика";
+"logView.description" = "Отворете настройките на диагностичния дневник";
+"logView.startLogging" = "Започнете събирането на дървесина";
+"logView.stopLogging" = "Спрете да дървете";
+"logView.saveError" = "Не успях да запазя файла";
+"logView.shareError" = "Не успях да споделя файла";
 //Migrate Account
 "migrateAccount.title" = "Пренасяне на профил";
-"migrateAccount.migrateButton" = "Migrate Account";
+"migrateAccount.migrateButton" = "Мигрираща сметка";
 "migrateAccount.explanation" = "Този профил трябва да бъде преместен";
 "migrateAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "Въведете парола";
-"migrateAccount.passwordExplanation" = "To proceed with the migration, you need to enter a password that was used for this account";
+"migrateAccount.passwordExplanation" = "За да продължите с миграцията, трябва да въведете парола, който е бил използван за тази сметка";
 "migrateAccount.removeAccount" = "Премахване на профил";
-"migrateAccount.error" = "Failed to migrate your account. You can retry or delete your account.";
-"migrateAccount.migrating" = "Migrating...";
+"migrateAccount.error" = "Не успя да мигрирате профила си. Можете да опитате отново или да изтриете профила си.";
+"migrateAccount.migrating" = "Мигрира...";
 "migrateAccount.cancel" = "Отказ";
-"migrateAccount.migrateAnother" = "Migrate Another Account";
+"migrateAccount.migrateAnother" = "Премести се на друг акаунт";
diff --git a/Ring/Ring/Resources/cs-CZ.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Ring/Ring/Resources/cs-CZ.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 749bfa9..0c9d88c 100644
--- a/Ring/Ring/Resources/cs-CZ.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Ring/Ring/Resources/cs-CZ.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -40,32 +40,32 @@
 "scan.search" = "Hledá se…";
 // SwarmCreation
-"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Search for contact...";
+"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Vyhledejte kontakt na...";
 "swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Vytvořit swarm";
 "swarmcreation.addADescription" = "Přidejte popis";
-"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in the swarm";
+"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "Můžete přidat \%d\ více lidí ve Swarmu";
 // Swarm
 "swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Ignorovat swarm";
-"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Leave the conversation";
+"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Opustit konverzaci";
 "swarm.chooseColor" = "Vyber barvu";
 "swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Typ swarmu";
 "swarm.identifier" = "Identifikátor";
 "swarm.about" = "O aplikaci";
 "swarm.members" = "Členové";
-"swarm.addDescription" = "Add Description";
+"swarm.addDescription" = "Přidejte popis";
 "swarm.oneToOne" = "Soukromý swarm";
-"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Admin invites only";
+"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Pouze pozvánky pro správce";
 "swarm.invitesOnly" = "Soukromý swarm";
-"swarm.publicChat" = "Public swarm";
-"swarm.others" = "Others";
+"swarm.publicChat" = "Veřejný swarm";
+"swarm.others" = "Ostatní";
 "swarm.member" = "Člen";
 "swarm.invited" = "Pozvaný";
 "swarm.admin" = "Správce";
 "swarm.banned" = "Zakázaný";
-"swarm.unknown" = "Unkown";
-"swarm.addMorePeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in this swarm";
-"swarm.addMember" = "Add Member";
-"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Are you sure you want to leave this swarm?";
+"swarm.unknown" = "Neznámé";
+"swarm.addMorePeople" = "Můžete přidat \%d\ více lidí ve Swarmu";
+"swarm.addMember" = "Přidat člena";
+"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Jste si jistí, že chcete opustit swarm?";
 "swarm.Leave" = "Opustit";
 // Smartlist
 "smartlist.yesterday" = "Včera";
@@ -93,11 +93,11 @@
 "conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "Právě přijímáte aktuální polohu od ";
 "conversation.errorSavingImage" = "Nepodařilo se uložit obrázek do galerie";
 "conversation.receivedRequest" = "%@ Vám poslal žádost o konverzaci.";
-"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Sent you a request for a conversation.";
+"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Poslal jsem vám žádost o konverzaci.";
 "conversation.requestMessage" = "Dobrý den,\nChcete se připojit ke konverzaci?";
 "conversation.notContact" = "%@ není mezi tvými kontakty";
 "conversation.sendRequest" = "Pošlete mu/jí žádost o kontakt, abyste si mohli společně vyměňovat.";
-"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Send Contact Request";
+"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Odeslat žádost o kontakt";
 "conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "Přijali jste žádost o konverzaci.";
 "conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "Čekáme, až se připojí %@ aby došlo k synchronizaci konverzace.";
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
 "accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "Automatické připojení na místní síti";
 "accountPage.autoRegistration" = "Automatická registrace po vypršení platnosti";
 "accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "Připojení";
-"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Enable TURN";
+"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Povolit TURN";
 "accountPage.turnServer" = "Adresa TURN";
 "accountPage.turnUsername" = "Uživatelské jméno TURN";
 "accountPage.turnPassword" = "Heslo TURN";
@@ -368,9 +368,9 @@
 "generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "Swarm vytvořen";
 "generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "čeká se na spojení";
 "generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "Připojeno ke konverzaci";
-"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "You joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "was kicked";
-"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "was re-added";
+"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "Připojil jste se ke konverzaci";
+"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "byl vyhozen";
+"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "byl znovu přidán";
 "generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "Odchozí hovor";
 "generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "Příchozí hovor";
 "generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "Nepřijatý odchozí hovor";
@@ -380,24 +380,24 @@
 //General Settings
 "generalSettings.title" = "Pokročilá nastavení";
-"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Video Settings";
+"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Nastavení videa";
 "generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "Povolit zrychlení videa";
 "generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "Přenos souboru";
-"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Location Sharing";
+"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Místní sdílení";
 "generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "Automaticky přijmout příchozí soubory";
 "generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "Přijmout limit přenosu";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(in MB, 0 = unlimited)";
-"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Limit the duration of location sharing";
-"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Position share duration";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(in MB, 0 = neomezeno)";
+"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Limit doby sdílení polohy";
+"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Doba sdílení pozice";
 //Log View
 "logView.title" = "Diagnostika";
 "logView.description" = "Otevření nastavení diagnostického protokolu";
 "logView.startLogging" = "Spuštění záznamu";
-"logView.stopLogging" = "Stop Logging";
-"logView.saveError" = "Failed to save file";
-"logView.shareError" = "Failed to share file";
+"logView.stopLogging" = "Zastavení protokolování";
+"logView.saveError" = "Nepodařilo se uložit soubor";
+"logView.shareError" = "Nepodařilo se sdílet soubor";
 //Migrate Account
 "migrateAccount.title" = "Převod účtu";
diff --git a/Ring/Ring/Resources/el.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Ring/Ring/Resources/el.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 296f049..04eeb01 100644
--- a/Ring/Ring/Resources/el.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Ring/Ring/Resources/el.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
 "global.ok" = "Εντάξει";
 "global.close" = "Κλείσιμο";
 "global.share" = "Κοινοποίηση";
-"global.forward" = "Forward";
+"global.forward" = "Επανάληψη";
 "global.save" = "Αποθήκευση";
-"global.resend" = "Resend";
+"global.resend" = "Επιστροφή";
 "global.preview" = "Προεπισκόπηση";
 "global.accept" = "Αποδοχή";
 "global.block" = "Μπλοκάρισμα";
@@ -36,79 +36,79 @@
 "global.reply" = "Απάντηση";
 // Scan
-"scan.badQrCode" = "Bad QR code";
+"scan.badQrCode" = "Κακό QR κωδικό";
 "scan.search" = "Γίνεται αναζήτηση...";
 // SwarmCreation
-"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Search for contact...";
-"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Create the swarm";
-"swarmcreation.addADescription" = "Add a description";
-"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in the swarm";
+"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Ψάξτε για επαφή...";
+"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Δημιουργήστε το σμήνος";
+"swarmcreation.addADescription" = "Προσθήκη περιγραφής";
+"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "Μπορείς να προσθέσεις περισσότερους ανθρώπους στο σμήνος";
 // Swarm
-"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Ignore the swarm";
-"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Leave the conversation";
-"swarm.chooseColor" = "Choose a color";
-"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Type of swarm";
-"swarm.identifier" = "Identifier";
+"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Αγνοήστε το σμήνος";
+"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Αφήστε την συζήτηση.";
+"swarm.chooseColor" = "Επιλέξτε χρώμα";
+"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Τύπος σμήνος";
+"swarm.identifier" = "Ταυτοποιητής";
 "swarm.about" = "Περί";
 "swarm.members" = "Μέλη";
-"swarm.addDescription" = "Add Description";
-"swarm.oneToOne" = "Private swarm";
-"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Admin invites only";
-"swarm.invitesOnly" = "Private swarm";
-"swarm.publicChat" = "Public swarm";
-"swarm.others" = "Others";
+"swarm.addDescription" = "Προσθήκη Περιγραφής";
+"swarm.oneToOne" = "Ιδιωτικό σμήνος";
+"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Διοικητής προσκαλεί μόνο";
+"swarm.invitesOnly" = "Ιδιωτικό σμήνος";
+"swarm.publicChat" = "Δημόσια σμήνος";
+"swarm.others" = "Άλλοι";
 "swarm.member" = "Μέλος";
-"swarm.invited" = "Invited";
-"swarm.admin" = "Administrator";
-"swarm.banned" = "Banned";
-"swarm.unknown" = "Unkown";
-"swarm.addMorePeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in this swarm";
-"swarm.addMember" = "Add Member";
-"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Are you sure you want to leave this swarm?";
-"swarm.Leave" = "Leave";
+"swarm.invited" = "Καλεσμένοι";
+"swarm.admin" = "Διαχειριστής";
+"swarm.banned" = "Απαγορεύεται";
+"swarm.unknown" = "Αγνοητό";
+"swarm.addMorePeople" = "Μπορείς να προσθέσεις περισσότερους ανθρώπους σε αυτό το σμήνος";
+"swarm.addMember" = "Προσθήκη Μέλη";
+"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Είσαι σίγουρος ότι θέλεις να φύγεις από αυτό το σμήνος;";
+"swarm.Leave" = "Φύγε";
 // Smartlist
 "smartlist.yesterday" = "Χθες";
-"smartlist.results" = "Public Directory";
+"smartlist.results" = "Δημόσιο κατάλογο";
 "smartlist.conversations" = "Συνομιλίες";
 "smartlist.searching" = "Αναζήτηση...";
 "smartlist.noResults" = "Χωρίς αποτελέσματα";
-"smartlist.noConversation" = "No conversations";
-"smartlist.searchBarPlaceholder" = "Enter name...";
-"smartlist.searchBar" = "Search for new or existing contact...";
+"smartlist.noConversation" = "Δεν έχουμε συνομιλίες.";
+"smartlist.searchBarPlaceholder" = "Εισάγετε το όνομα...";
+"smartlist.searchBar" = "Ψάξτε για νέα ή υπάρχοντα επαφή...";
 "smartlist.noNetworkConnectivity" = "Καμία σύνδεση στο δίκτυο";
-"smartlist.cellularAccess" = "Be sure cellular access is granted in your settings";
+"smartlist.cellularAccess" = "Βεβαιωθείτε ότι η πρόσβαση σε κινητή έχει χορηγηθεί στις ρυθμίσεις σας";
 "smartlist.accountsTitle" = "Λογαριασμοί";
-"smartlist.addAccountButton" = "+ Add Account";
-"smartlist.noNumber" = "Selected contact does not have any number";
-"smartlist.selectOneNumber" = "Select one of the numbers";
+"smartlist.addAccountButton" = "+ Προσθήκη λογαριασμού";
+"smartlist.noNumber" = "Η επιλεγμένη επαφή δεν έχει αριθμό";
+"smartlist.selectOneNumber" = "Επιλέξτε έναν από τους αριθμούς";
 "smartlist.invitations" = "Προσκλήσεις";
 "smartlist.accountSettings" = "Ρυθμίσεις λογαριασμού";
-"smartlist.advancedSettings" = "Advanced Settings";
+"smartlist.advancedSettings" = "Προχωρημένες ρυθμίσεις";
 "smartlist.aboutJami" = "Σχετικά με το Jami";
-"conversation.messagePlaceholder" = "Write message to ";
-"conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "You are currently sharing your location with ";
-"conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "You are currently receiving a live location from ";
-"conversation.errorSavingImage" = "Failed to save image to galery";
-"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.requestMessage" = "Hello,\nWould you like to join the conversation?";
-"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ is not in your contact list.";
-"conversation.sendRequest" = "Send him/her a contact request to be able to exchange together";
-"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Send Contact Request";
-"conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "You have accepted the conversation request.";
-"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "We are waiting for \%@\ connects to synchronize the conversation.";
+"conversation.messagePlaceholder" = "Γράψε μήνυμα σε ";
+"conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "Συμμετέχετε τη θέση σας με ";
+"conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "Πλέον λαμβάνετε ζωντανή τοποθεσία από";
+"conversation.errorSavingImage" = "Αποτύχθηκε να αποθηκεύσει εικόνα στη γκαλερί";
+"conversation.receivedRequest" = "Σου έστειλε αίτηση για συζήτηση.";
+"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Σου έστειλα αίτημα για συζήτηση.";
+"conversation.requestMessage" = "Γεια σας, θα θέλατε να συμμετάσχετε στη συζήτηση;";
+"conversation.notContact" = "Το \%@\ δεν είναι στη λίστα επαφών σας.";
+"conversation.sendRequest" = "Να του στείλετε αίτηση επικοινωνίας για να μπορέσουν να ανταλλάξουν μαζί";
+"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Στείλτε αίτηση επικοινωνίας";
+"conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "- Δέχτηκες την αίτηση συζήτησης.";
+"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "Περιμένουμε τις συνδέσεις για να συγχρονίσουμε τη συζήτηση.";
-"invitations.noInvitations" = "No invitations";
+"invitations.noInvitations" = "Δεν υπάρχουν προσκλήσεις.";
 // Walkthrough
 //Welcome Screen
-"welcome.title" = "Welcome to Jami !";
-"welcome.text" = "Jami is a free and universal communication platform which preserves the users' privacy and freedoms";
+"welcome.title" = "Καλώς ήρθατε στο Τζάμι!";
+"welcome.text" = "Η Jami είναι μια ελεύθερη και παγκόσμια πλατφόρμα επικοινωνίας που διατηρεί την ιδιωτικότητα και τις ελευθερίες των χρηστών";
 "welcome.linkDevice" = "Σύνδεση αυτής της συσκευής με ένα λογαριασμό";
 "welcome.createAccount" = "Δημιουργία λογαριασμού Jami";
 "welcome.connectToManager" = "Σύνδεση σε έναν  διακομιστή JAMS";
@@ -116,35 +116,35 @@
 //Creation Profile Screen
 "createProfile.skipCreateProfile" = "Παράληψη";
 "createProfile.profileCreated" = "Επόμενο";
-"createProfile.title" = "Personalise your profile";
-"createProfile.enterNameLabel" = "Enter a display name";
+"createProfile.title" = "Προσωπικόποιήστε το προφίλ σας";
+"createProfile.enterNameLabel" = "Εισάγετε όνομα προβολής";
 "createProfile.enterNamePlaceholder" = "Εισάγετε όνομα";
-"createProfile.subtitle" = "Your profile will be shared with your contacts. You can change it at any time.";
-"createProfile.createYourAvatar" = "Create your avatar";
+"createProfile.subtitle" = "Το προφίλ σας θα μοιραστεί με τους επαφές σας.";
+"createProfile.createYourAvatar" = "Δημιουργήστε το avatar σας";
 //Create Account form
-"createAccount.createAccountFormTitle" = "Create your account";
-"createAccount.chooseStrongPassword" = "Choose strong password you will remember to protect your Jami account.";
+"createAccount.createAccountFormTitle" = "Δημιουργήστε το λογαριασμό σας";
+"createAccount.chooseStrongPassword" = "Επιλέξτε ένα ισχυρό κωδικό πρόσβασης που θα θυμάστε για να προστατεύσετε το λογαριασμό σας στο Jami.";
 "createAccount.enterNewUsernamePlaceholder" = "Όνομα χρήστη";
 "createAccount.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "Συνθηματικό";
 "createAccount.repeatPasswordPlaceholder" = "Επιβεβαίωση κωδικού";
 "createAccount.passwordCharactersNumberError" = "το ελάχιστο 6 χαρακτήρες";
 "createAccount.passwordNotMatchingError" = "τα συνθηματικά δεν ταιριάζουν";
-"createAccount.lookingForUsernameAvailability" = "looking for availability…";
+"createAccount.lookingForUsernameAvailability" = "Ψάχνοντας διαθεσιμότητα...";
 "createAccount.invalidUsername" = "Μη έγκυρο όνομα χρήστη";
 "createAccount.usernameAlreadyTaken" = "Το όνομα χρήστη ήδη χρησιμοποιείται";
-"createAccount.usernameValid" = "username is available";
+"createAccount.usernameValid" = "Το όνομα χρήστη είναι διαθέσιμο";
 "createAccount.loading" = "Ανεβαίνει";
 "createAccount.waitCreateAccountTitle" = "Εισαγωγή λογαριασμού";
-"createAccount.RegisterAUsername" = "Register a username";
-"createAccount.ChooseAPassword" = "Encrypt my account";
-"createAccount.PasswordInformation" = "Choose a password to encrypt your local account. Don’t forget it or you will not be able to recover your account";
+"createAccount.RegisterAUsername" = "Καταχωρίστε ένα όνομα χρήστη";
+"createAccount.ChooseAPassword" = "Κρυπτογράφησε το λογαριασμό μου.";
+"createAccount.PasswordInformation" = "Επιλέξτε κωδικό πρόσβασης για να κρυπτογραφήσετε το τοπικό σας λογαριασμό. Μην το ξεχάσετε αλλιώς δεν θα μπορέσετε να ανακτήσετε το λογαριασμό σας";
 "createAccount.EnableNotifications" = "Ειδοποιήσεις";
-"createAccount.Recommended" = "(Recommended)";
+"createAccount.Recommended" = "(Συμβούλευση)";
 "createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredTitle" = "Σφάλμα δικτύου";
-"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredMessage" = "Account was created but username was not registered";
-"createAccount.timeoutTitle" = "Account Created";
-"createAccount.timeoutMessage" = "Username registration in progress... It could take a few moments.";
+"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredMessage" = "Δημιουργήθηκε λογαριασμός αλλά δεν καταχωρίστηκε όνομα χρήστη";
+"createAccount.timeoutTitle" = "Δημιουργήθηκε λογαριασμός";
+"createAccount.timeoutMessage" = "Η εγγραφή του ονόματος χρήστη είναι σε εξέλιξη... μπορεί να πάρει λίγες στιγμές.";
 //Link To Account form
 "linkToAccount.waitLinkToAccountTitle" = "Σύνδεση λογαριασμού";
@@ -153,54 +153,54 @@
 "linkToAccount.pinPlaceholder" = "PIN";
 "linkToAccount.passwordLabel" = "Καταχώρηση Συνθηματικού";
 "linkToAccount.pinLabel" = "Εισάγετε PIN";
-"linkToAccount.explanationPinMessage" = "To generate the PIN code, go to the account managment settings on device that contain account you want to use. In devices settings Select \"Link another device to this account\". You will get the necessary PIN to complete this form. The PIN is only valid for 10 minutes.";
+"linkToAccount.explanationPinMessage" = "Για να δημιουργήσετε τον κωδικό PIN, πηγαίνετε στις ρυθμίσεις διαχείρισης λογαριασμού στην συσκευή που περιέχει λογαριασμό που θέλετε να χρησιμοποιήσετε. Στις ρυθμίσεις συσκευών Επιλέξτε \"Συνδέστε άλλη συσκευή με αυτό το λογαριασμό\". Θα λάβετε το απαραίτητο PIN για να συμπληρώσετε αυτό το έντυπο.";
 //Link To Account Manager form
-"linkToAccountManager.signIn" = "Sign In";
+"linkToAccountManager.signIn" = "Εισαγγελέστε";
 "linkToAccountManager.passwordPlaceholder" = "Συνθηματικό";
 "linkToAccountManager.passwordLabel" = "Καταχώρηση Συνθηματικού";
 "linkToAccountManager.usernamePlaceholder" = "Όνομα χρήστη";
-"linkToAccountManager.usernameLabel" = "Enter Username";
-"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerPlaceholder" = "JAMS URL";
-"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerLabel" = "Enter JAMS URL";
+"linkToAccountManager.usernameLabel" = "Εισάγετε όνομα χρήστη";
+"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerPlaceholder" = "Η διεύθυνση URL JAMS";
+"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerLabel" = "Εισάγετε το URL JAMS";
 "alerts.accountCannotBeFoundTitle" = "Μη δυνατή η εύρεση λογαριασμού";
-"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundMessage" = "Account couldn't be found on the Jami network. Make sure it was exported on Jami from an existing device, and that provided credentials are correct.";
+"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundMessage" = "Βεβαιωθείτε ότι εξάγεται από μια υπάρχουσα συσκευή και ότι τα στοιχεία είναι σωστά.";
 "alerts.accountAddedTitle" = "Ο Λογαριασμός Προστέθηκε";
 "alerts.accountNoNetworkTitle" = "Αδύνατη η σύνδεση στο δύκτιο";
-"alerts.accountNoNetworkMessage" = "Could not add account because Jami couldn't connect to the distributed network. Check your device connectivity.";
+"alerts.accountNoNetworkMessage" = "Δεν μπόρεσα να προσθέσω λογαριασμό επειδή η Τζάμι δεν μπορούσε να συνδεθεί με το διανεμημένο δίκτυο.";
 "alerts.accountDefaultErrorTitle" = "Άγνωστο σφάλμα";
 "alerts.accountDefaultErrorMessage" = "Ο λογαριασμός δεν μπόρεσε να δημιουργηθεί.";
 "alerts.profileTakePhoto" = "Λήψη φωτογραφίας";
 "alerts.profileUploadPhoto" = "Ανέβασε φωτογραφία";
 "alerts.profileCancelPhoto" = "Ακύρωση";
 "alerts.accountLinkedTitle" = "Σύνδεση λογαριασμού";
-"alerts.dbFailedTitle" = "An error happned when launching Jami";
+"alerts.dbFailedTitle" = "Έγινε λάθος στην εκτόξευση του Τζάμι.";
 "alerts.dbFailedMessage" = "Παρακαλώ κλείστε την εφαρμογή και προσπαθήστε να την ανοίξετε ξανά";
-"alerts.confirmBlockContact" = "Are you sure you want to block this contact? The conversation history with this contact will also be deleted permanently.";
-"alerts.confirmBlockContactTitle" = "Block Contact";
-"alerts.confirmDeleteConversation" = "Are you sure you want to delete this conversation permanently?";
-"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationFromContact" = "Are you sure you want to delete the conversation with this contact?";
-"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationTitle" = "Delete Conversation";
-"alerts.confirmClearConversation" = "Are you sure you want to clear the conversation with this contact?";
-"alerts.confirmClearConversationTitle" = "Clear Conversation";
-"alerts.noMediaPermissionsTitle" = "Media permission not granted";
-"alerts.noLibraryPermissionsTitle" = "Access to photo library not granted";
-"alerts.noLocationPermissionsTitle" = "Access to location not granted";
-"alerts.errorWrongCredentials" = "Cannot connect to provided account manager. Please check your credentials";
-"alerts.recordVideoMessage" = "Record a video message";
-"alerts.recordAudioMessage" = "Record an audio message";
-"alerts.uploadFile" = "Upload file";
-"alerts.uploadPhoto" = "Upload photo or movie";
-"alerts.locationServiceIsDisabled" = "Turn on \"Location Services\" to allow \"Jami\" to determine your location.";
-"alerts.locationSharing" = "Share my location";
-"alerts.alreadylocationSharing" = "Already sharing location with this user";
-"alerts.locationSharingDurationTitle" = "How long should the location sharing be?";
-"alerts.locationSharingDuration10min" = "10 min";
-"alerts.locationSharingDuration1hour" = "1 hour";
+"alerts.confirmBlockContact" = "Είσαι σίγουρος ότι θέλεις να μπλοκάρεις αυτή την επαφή;";
+"alerts.confirmBlockContactTitle" = "Κλειδί Επικοινωνίας";
+"alerts.confirmDeleteConversation" = "Είσαι σίγουρος ότι θέλεις να διαγράψεις αυτή τη συζήτηση μόνιμα;";
+"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationFromContact" = "Είσαι σίγουρος ότι θέλεις να διαγράψεις τη συζήτηση με αυτόν τον επαφή;";
+"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationTitle" = "Διαγράψτε τη συζήτηση";
+"alerts.confirmClearConversation" = "Είσαι σίγουρος ότι θέλεις να καθαρίσεις τη συζήτηση με αυτή την επαφή;";
+"alerts.confirmClearConversationTitle" = "Εφικτή Συζημία";
+"alerts.noMediaPermissionsTitle" = "Άδειας μέσων ενημέρωσης μη χορηγείται";
+"alerts.noLibraryPermissionsTitle" = "Πρόσβαση στη βιβλιοθήκη φωτογραφιών δεν χορηγείται";
+"alerts.noLocationPermissionsTitle" = "Πρόσβαση σε τοποθεσία που δεν χορηγείται";
+"alerts.errorWrongCredentials" = "Δεν μπορώ να συνδεθώ με τον διευθυντή λογαριασμού. Παρακαλούμε ελέγξτε τα στοιχεία σας.";
+"alerts.recordVideoMessage" = "Καταγράψτε ένα μήνυμα βίντεο";
+"alerts.recordAudioMessage" = "Καταγράψτε ένα ήχο μήνυμα";
+"alerts.uploadFile" = "Εφορτώστε αρχείο";
+"alerts.uploadPhoto" = "Ανάρτηση φωτογραφίας ή ταινίας";
+"alerts.locationServiceIsDisabled" = "Ενεργοποιήστε τις υπηρεσίες τοποθεσίας για να επιτρέψετε στον Τζάμι να προσδιορίσει την τοποθεσία σας.";
+"alerts.locationSharing" = "Μοιραστείτε την τοποθεσία μου";
+"alerts.alreadylocationSharing" = "Ήδη μοιράζεται τοποθεσία με αυτόν τον χρήστη";
+"alerts.locationSharingDurationTitle" = "Πόσο θα πρέπει να διαρκέσει η μοιράωση της τοποθεσίας;";
+"alerts.locationSharingDuration10min" = "10 λεπτά";
+"alerts.locationSharingDuration1hour" = "1 ώρα";
 "alerts.mapInformation" = "Στοιχεία χάρτη";
-"alerts.openStreetMapCopyright" = "© OpenStreetMap contributors";
+"alerts.openStreetMapCopyright" = "© Συμμετέχοντες στο OpenStreetMap";
 "alerts.openStreetMapCopyrightMoreInfo" = "Μάθετε περισσότερα";
@@ -208,115 +208,115 @@
 "actions.cancelAction" = "Ακύρωση";
 "actions.clearAction" = "Εκκαθάριση";
 "actions.backAction" = "Πίσω";
-"actions.doneAction" = "Done";
-"alerts.incomingCallAllertTitle" = "Incoming call from ";
-"alerts.incomingCallButtonIgnore" = "Ignore";
-"actions.startAudioCall" = "  Audio Call";
-"actions.startVideoCall" = "  Video Call";
-"actions.goToSettings" = "Go to Settings";
+"actions.doneAction" = "Τελείωσε";
+"alerts.incomingCallAllertTitle" = "Ερχόμενη κλήση από ";
+"alerts.incomingCallButtonIgnore" = "Αγνοήστε";
+"actions.startAudioCall" = "Ηχητική κλήση";
+"actions.startVideoCall" = "Βίντεο κλήση";
+"actions.goToSettings" = "Πηγαίνετε στις ρυθμίσεις";
 "actions.stopLocationSharing" = "Τερματισμός κοινοποίησης";
 "calls.callItemTitle" = "Κλήση";
 "calls.unknown" = "Άγνωστοι";
-"calls.incomingCallInfo" = "wants to talk to you";
-"calls.ringing" = "Ringing…";
-"calls.connecting" = "Connecting…";
+"calls.incomingCallInfo" = "Θέλει να σου μιλήσει.";
+"calls.ringing" = "- Ακούγεται...";
+"calls.connecting" = "Συνδέοντας...";
 "calls.searching" = "Γίνεται αναζήτηση...";
-"calls.callFinished" = "Call finished";
-"calls.currentCallWith" = "Call with ";
-"calls.haghUp" = "hang up";
-"calls.maximize" = "maximize";
-"calls.minimize" = "minimize";
-"calls.setModerator" = "set moderator";
-"calls.removeModerator" = "unset moderator";
-"calls.muteAudio" = "mute audio";
-"calls.unmuteAudio" = "unmute audio";
-"calls.lowerHand" = "lower hand";
+"calls.callFinished" = "Η κλήση ολοκληρώθηκε";
+"calls.currentCallWith" = "Τηλεφώνησε με";
+"calls.haghUp" = "Κλείσε το.";
+"calls.maximize" = "να μεγιστοποιήσει";
+"calls.minimize" = "ελαχιστοποιήστε";
+"calls.setModerator" = "ρυθμιστής";
+"calls.removeModerator" = "Ανακανονιστής";
+"calls.muteAudio" = "αθόρυβο ήχο";
+"calls.unmuteAudio" = "ακατομικευμένο ήχο";
+"calls.lowerHand" = "κάτω χέρι";
 //Account Page
 "accountPage.devicesListHeader" = "Συσκευές";
 "accountPage.settingsHeader" = "Ρυθμίσεις";
 "accountPage.username" = "Όνομα χρήστη";
-"accountPage.usernameNotRegistered" = "username: not registered";
-"accountPage.credentialsHeader" = "Account Details";
-"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Enable Proxy";
+"accountPage.usernameNotRegistered" = "όνομα χρήστη: μη εγγεγραμμένο";
+"accountPage.credentialsHeader" = "Πληροφορίες λογαριασμού";
+"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Ενεργοποιήστε το Proxy";
 "accountPage.blockedContacts" = "Μπλοκαρισμένες επαφές";
-"accountPage.unblockContact" = "UNBLOCK";
-"accountPage.proxyAddressAlert" = "Provide proxy address";
-"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Enable Proxy";
-"accountPage.noProxyExplanationLabel" = "Your device won't receive notifications when proxy is disabled";
+"accountPage.unblockContact" = "ΑΝΑΜΜΑΤΟ";
+"accountPage.proxyAddressAlert" = "Παρέξτε διεύθυνση αντιπροσωπευτικού χαρακτήρα";
+"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Ενεργοποιήστε το Proxy";
+"accountPage.noProxyExplanationLabel" = "Η συσκευή σας δεν θα λαμβάνει ειδοποιήσεις όταν το proxy είναι απενεργοποιημένο";
 "accountPage.saveProxyAddress" = "Αποθήκευση";
-"accountPage.proxyPaceholder" = "Proxy address";
-"accountPage.enableNotifications" = "Enable Notifications";
-"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertTitle" = "Proxy Server Disabled";
-"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertBody" = "In order to receive notifications, please enable proxy";
+"accountPage.proxyPaceholder" = "Δικαστική διεύθυνση";
+"accountPage.enableNotifications" = "Ενεργοποίηση των ειδοποιήσεων";
+"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertTitle" = "Απασχολούνται οι διακομιστές αντιπροσωπευτικών";
+"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertBody" = "Για να λάβετε ειδοποιήσεις, παρακαλώ ενεργοποιήστε το proxy";
 "accountPage.revokeDeviceTitle" = "Αφαίρεση συσκευής";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceMessage" = "Are you sure you want to revoke this device? This action could not be undone.";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceButton" = "Revoke";
-"accountPage.revokeDevicePlaceholder" = "Enter your passord";
-"accountPage.deviceRevoked" = "Device revocation completed";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationProgress" = "Revoking...";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationSuccess" = "Device was revoked";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationTryAgain" = "Try again";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationWrongPassword" = "Incorrect password";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationUnknownDevice" = "Unknown device";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationError" = "Device revocation error";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceMessage" = "Είσαι σίγουρος ότι θέλεις να ανακαλέσεις την συσκευή;";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceButton" = "Απαλλαγή";
+"accountPage.revokeDevicePlaceholder" = "Εισάγετε το κωδικό πρόσβασης σας.";
+"accountPage.deviceRevoked" = "Τελείωσε την ανάκληση της συσκευής";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationProgress" = "Απακύρωση...";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationSuccess" = "Η συσκευή ανακαλέστηκε.";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationTryAgain" = "Δοκίμασε ξανά.";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationWrongPassword" = "Λάθος κωδικό πρόσβασης";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationUnknownDevice" = "Άγνωστη συσκευή";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationError" = "Λάθος ανάκλησης συσκευής";
 "accountPage.linkDeviceTitle" = "Συνδέστε άλλη συσκευή";
 "accountPage.other" = "Άλλα";
-"accountPage.removeAccountTitle" = "Remove account";
-"accountPage.removeAccountMessage" = "By clicking \"Remove\" you will remove this account on this device! This action can not be undone. Also, your registered name can be lost.";
-"accountPage.removeAccountButton" = "Remove";
-"accountPage.shareAccountDetails" = "Share Account Details";
-"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "Contact me on Jami!";
-"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "Contact me using \"%s\" on the Jami distributed communication platform: https://jami.net";
-"accountPage.registerNameTitle" = "Register a username";
-"accountPage.passwordPlaceholder" = "Enter account password";
-"accountPage.usernamePlaceholder" = "Enter desired username";
-"accountPage.registerNameErrorMessage" = "Choosen username is not available";
-"accountPage.usernameRegistering" = "Registering";
+"accountPage.removeAccountTitle" = "Αποσύρουμε λογαριασμό";
+"accountPage.removeAccountMessage" = "Αν κάνετε κλικ στο \"Αφαίρεση\" θα αφαιρέσετε αυτό το λογαριασμό σε αυτή τη συσκευή!";
+"accountPage.removeAccountButton" = "Απομακρύνετε";
+"accountPage.shareAccountDetails" = "Λογαριασμός μετοχής";
+"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μου για την Τζάμι!";
+"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μου χρησιμοποιώντας το \"%s\" στην πλατφόρμα επικοινωνίας της Jami: https://jami.net";
+"accountPage.registerNameTitle" = "Καταχωρίστε ένα όνομα χρήστη";
+"accountPage.passwordPlaceholder" = "Εισάγετε κωδικό πρόσβασης λογαριασμού";
+"accountPage.usernamePlaceholder" = "Εισάγετε το επιθυμητό όνομα χρήστη";
+"accountPage.registerNameErrorMessage" = "Το επιλεγμένο όνομα χρήστη δεν είναι διαθέσιμο";
+"accountPage.usernameRegistering" = "Καταχώριση";
 "accountPage.usernameRegisterAction" = "Εγγραφή";
-"accountPage.usernameRegistrationFailed" = "Registration failed. Please check password.";
-"accountPage.createPassword" = "Create password";
+"accountPage.usernameRegistrationFailed" = "Η εγγραφή απέτυχε. Παρακαλώ ελέγξτε το κωδικό πρόσβασης.";
+"accountPage.createPassword" = "Δημιουργήστε κωδικό πρόσβασης";
 "accountPage.changePassword" = "Αλλαγή κωδικού";
-"accountPage.oldPasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter old password";
+"accountPage.oldPasswordPlaceholder" = "Εισάγετε παλιό κωδικό πρόσβασης";
 "accountPage.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "Εισαγωγή νέου κωδικού";
 "accountPage.newPasswordConfirmPlaceholder" = "Επιβεβαίωση νέου κωδικού";
-"accountPage.changePasswordError" = "Password incorrect";
-"accountPage.enableBoothMode" = "Enable Booth Mode";
-"accountPage.disableBoothMode" = "Disable Booth Mode";
-"accountPage.disableBoothModeExplanation" = "Pleace provide your account password";
-"accountPage.boothModeExplanation" = "In booth mode conversation history not saved and jami functionality limited by making outgoing calls. When you enable booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
-"accountPage.noBoothMode" = "To enable Booth mode you need to create account password first.";
-"accountPage.boothModeAlertMessage" = "After enabling booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
-"accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "Auto connect on local network";
-"accountPage.autoRegistration" = "Auto register after expiration";
+"accountPage.changePasswordError" = "Λάθος κωδικό πρόσβασης";
+"accountPage.enableBoothMode" = "Ενεργοποιήστε τη λειτουργία Booth";
+"accountPage.disableBoothMode" = "Απαλείψτε τη λειτουργία Booth";
+"accountPage.disableBoothModeExplanation" = "Παρακαλώ να δώσετε το κωδικό πρόσβασης του λογαριασμού σας";
+"accountPage.boothModeExplanation" = "Στην κατάσταση του μπουθ, το ιστορικό συνομιλιών δεν έχει αποθηκευτεί και η λειτουργία του Jami περιορίζεται από τις εξόδους κλήσεων.";
+"accountPage.noBoothMode" = "Για να ενεργοποιήσετε τη λειτουργία Booth πρέπει πρώτα να δημιουργήσετε κωδικό πρόσβασης λογαριασμού.";
+"accountPage.boothModeAlertMessage" = "Αφού ενεργοποιήσεις τη λειτουργία του θάλαμου, όλες οι συνομιλίες σου θα αφαιρεθούν.";
+"accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "Αυτοσυνδέστε το τοπικό δίκτυο";
+"accountPage.autoRegistration" = "Μητρώο αυτοκινήτου μετά την λήξη ισχύος";
 "accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "Συνδεσιμότητα";
-"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Enable TURN";
+"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Ενεργοποιήστε το ΤΕΡΝ";
 "accountPage.turnServer" = "Διεύθυνση TURN";
 "accountPage.turnUsername" = "Όνομα χρήστη TURN";
 "accountPage.turnPassword" = "Κωδικός TURN";
-"accountPage.turnRealm" = "TURN realm";
+"accountPage.turnRealm" = "Το βασίλειο ΤΟΥΡΝ";
 "account.sipUsername" = "Όνομα Χρήστη";
 "account.sipPassword" = "Συνθηματικό";
-"account.sipServer" = "SIP Server";
+"account.sipServer" = "Υπηρετή SIP";
 "account.port" = "Θύρα";
 "account.proxyServer" = "Διαμεσολαβητής";
-"account.createSipAccount" = "Create a SIP Account";
-"account.usernameLabel" = "Enter Username";
+"account.createSipAccount" = "Δημιουργία λογαριασμού SIP";
+"account.usernameLabel" = "Εισάγετε όνομα χρήστη";
 "account.passwordLabel" = "Καταχώρηση Συνθηματικού";
-"account.serverLabel" = "Enter Address";
-"account.portLabel" = "Enter Port Number";
-"account.accountStatus" = "Account Status";
-"account.enableAccount" = "Enable Account";
+"account.serverLabel" = "Εισάγετε διεύθυνση";
+"account.portLabel" = "Εισάγετε τον αριθμό λιμένα";
+"account.accountStatus" = "Κατάσταση λογαριασμού";
+"account.enableAccount" = "Επιτρέψτε το λογαριασμό";
 "account.statusOnline" = "Συνδεδεμένος";
-"account.statusOffline" = "Offline";
+"account.statusOffline" = "Απαλλαγή";
 "account.statusConnecting" = "Συνδέεται";
 "account.statusUnknown" = "Άγνωστοι";
-"account.statusConnectionerror" = "Connection Error";
-"account.needMigration" = "account need to be migrated";
+"account.statusConnectionerror" = "Λάθος σύνδεσης";
+"account.needMigration" = "Πρέπει να μεταφερθεί λογαριασμός";
 "account.me" = "Εγώ";
 //Block List Page
@@ -324,91 +324,91 @@
 //Link New Device
 "linkDevice.title" = "Σύνδεση νέας συσκευής";
-"linkDevice.passwordError" = "The password you entered does not unlock this account";
+"linkDevice.passwordError" = "Το κωδικό πρόσβασης που εισάγετε δεν αποκλείει αυτό το λογαριασμό";
 "linkDevice.networkError" = "Συνέβη σφάλμα κατά την διάρκεια της εξαγωγής";
 "linkDevice.defaultError" = "Συνέβη σφάλμα κατά την διάρκεια της εξαγωγής";
-"linkDevice.explanationMessage" = "To complete the process, you need to open Jami on the new device and choose the option \"Link this device to an account.\" Your pin is valid for 10 minutes";
+"linkDevice.explanationMessage" = "Για να ολοκληρώσετε τη διαδικασία, πρέπει να ανοίξετε το Jami στη νέα συσκευή και να επιλέξετε την επιλογή \"Συνδέστε αυτή τη συσκευή με λογαριασμό\".";
 "linkDevice.hudMessage" = "Επαλήθευση";
 //Contact Page
-"contactPage.startAudioCall" = "Start Audio Call";
-"contactPage.startVideoCall" = "Start Video Call";
-"contactPage.sendMessage" = "Send Message";
-"contactPage.clearConversation" = "Clear Chat";
-"contactPage.blockContact" = "Block Contact";
-"contactPage.removeConversation" = "Remove Conversation";
+"contactPage.startAudioCall" = "Ξεκινάτε την κλήση με ήχο";
+"contactPage.startVideoCall" = "Ξεκινήστε την κλήση βίντεο";
+"contactPage.sendMessage" = "Στείλτε μήνυμα";
+"contactPage.clearConversation" = "Καθαρή συζήτηση";
+"contactPage.blockContact" = "Κλειδί Επικοινωνίας";
+"contactPage.removeConversation" = "Απομακρύνετε τη συζήτηση";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusCreated" = "Initializing…";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusCreated" = "Αρχική...";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusError" = "Σφάλμα";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Pending…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Transferring";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Περιμένω...";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Μεταφορά";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCanceled" = "Ακυρώθηκε";
-"dataTransfer.sendingFailed" = "Failed to send";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Complete";
+"dataTransfer.sendingFailed" = "Δεν έστειλε";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Συμπλήρωση";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCancel" = "Ακύρωση";
-"notifications.incomingCall" = "Incoming Call";
-"notifications.missedCall" = "Missed Call";
-"notifications.newFile" = "New file";
-"notifications.locationSharingStarted" = "Incoming location sharing started";
-"notifications.locationSharingStopped" = "Incoming location sharing stopped";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Pending…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Transferring";
+"notifications.incomingCall" = "Ερχόμενη κλήση";
+"notifications.missedCall" = "Απέλειψε την κλήση";
+"notifications.newFile" = "Νέο αρχείο";
+"notifications.locationSharingStarted" = "Η συμμετοχή αρχίζει";
+"notifications.locationSharingStopped" = "Η συμμετοχή των εισερχόμενων τοποθεσιών σταμάτησε";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Περιμένω...";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Μεταφορά";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCanceled" = "Ακυρώθηκε";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Complete";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Συμπλήρωση";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCancel" = "Ακύρωση";
-"dataTransfer.infoMessage" = "Press to start recording";
+"dataTransfer.infoMessage" = "Κάντε πίεση για να αρχίσετε την εγγραφή";
 "dataTransfer.sendMessage" = "Αποστολή";
 //Generated Message
-"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "You received inviation";
-"generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "Swarm created";
-"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "was invited to join";
-"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "You joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "was kicked";
-"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "was re-added";
+"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "Πήρες την απαλλαγή";
+"generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "Δημιουργήθηκε σμήνος";
+"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "καλέστηκε να συμμετάσχει";
+"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "Συμμετείχε στη συζήτηση";
+"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "Εσύ συμμετείχες στη συζήτηση.";
+"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "Τραβήχτηκε.";
+"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "προστέθηκε ξανά";
 "generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "Εξερχόμενη κλήση";
 "generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "Εισερχόμενη κλήση";
 "generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "Αναπάντητη εξερχόμενη κλήση";
 "generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "Αναπάντητη εισερχόμενη κλήση";
-"generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "Live location sharing";
-"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "left";
+"generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "Συνοχή τοποθεσιών ζωντανά";
+"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "αριστερά";
 //General Settings
 "generalSettings.title" = "Προχωρημένες ρυθμίσεις";
-"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Video Settings";
-"generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "Enable video acceleration";
+"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Εποθέματα Βίντεο";
+"generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "Επιτρέψτε την επιτάχυνση βίντεο";
 "generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "Μεταφορά Αρχείων";
-"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Location Sharing";
-"generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "Automatically accept incoming files";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "Accept transfer limit";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(in MB, 0 = unlimited)";
-"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Limit the duration of location sharing";
-"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Position share duration";
+"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Συμμετοχή τοποθεσιών";
+"generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "Αποδέχεται αυτόματα εισερχόμενα αρχεία";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "Αποδέχεται όριο μεταφοράς";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(σε MB, 0 = απεριόριστο)";
+"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Περιορίστε τη διάρκεια της μοιράσεως θέσεων";
+"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Διάρκεια των μετοχών θέσης";
 //Log View
 "logView.title" = "Διαγνωστικά";
 "logView.description" = "Ανοίξτε τις ρυθμίσεις καταγραφής διαγνωστικού";
 "logView.startLogging" = "Έναρξη καταγραφής";
-"logView.stopLogging" = "Stop Logging";
-"logView.saveError" = "Failed to save file";
-"logView.shareError" = "Failed to share file";
+"logView.stopLogging" = "Σταματήστε την ξυλοκαλλιέργεια";
+"logView.saveError" = "Αποτύχθηκε να αποθηκεύσει αρχείο";
+"logView.shareError" = "Αποτύχθηκε να μοιραστείτε αρχείο";
 //Migrate Account
-"migrateAccount.title" = "Account migration";
-"migrateAccount.migrateButton" = "Migrate Account";
-"migrateAccount.explanation" = "This account needs to be migrated";
+"migrateAccount.title" = "Μεταφορά λογαριασμού";
+"migrateAccount.migrateButton" = "Λογαριασμός μετανάστευσης";
+"migrateAccount.explanation" = "Αυτό το λογαριασμό πρέπει να μεταφερθεί";
 "migrateAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "Εισάγετε τον κωδικό πρόσβασης";
-"migrateAccount.passwordExplanation" = "To proceed with the migration, you need to enter a password that was used for this account";
-"migrateAccount.removeAccount" = "Remove account";
-"migrateAccount.error" = "Failed to migrate your account. You can retry or delete your account.";
-"migrateAccount.migrating" = "Migrating...";
+"migrateAccount.passwordExplanation" = "Για να συνεχίσετε με τη μετανάστευση, πρέπει να εισαγάγετε ένα κωδικό πρόσβασης που χρησιμοποιήθηκε για αυτό το λογαριασμό";
+"migrateAccount.removeAccount" = "Αποσύρουμε λογαριασμό";
+"migrateAccount.error" = "Δεν μεταφέρθηκε το λογαριασμό σας. Μπορείτε να δοκιμάσετε ξανά ή να διαγράψετε το λογαριασμό σας.";
+"migrateAccount.migrating" = "Μετανάστευση...";
 "migrateAccount.cancel" = "Ακύρωση";
-"migrateAccount.migrateAnother" = "Migrate Another Account";
+"migrateAccount.migrateAnother" = "Μεταναστεύστε άλλο λογαριασμό";
diff --git a/Ring/Ring/Resources/he.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Ring/Ring/Resources/he.lproj/Localizable.strings
index f0d9cbd..e79cf85 100644
--- a/Ring/Ring/Resources/he.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Ring/Ring/Resources/he.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -20,186 +20,186 @@
 // Global
 "global.homeTabBarTitle" = "דיונים";
-"global.meTabBarTitle" = "Account Settings";
+"global.meTabBarTitle" = "הגדרות החשבון";
 "global.ok" = "אישור";
 "global.close" = "סגירה";
 "global.share" = "שיתוף";
-"global.forward" = "Forward";
+"global.forward" = "קדימה";
 "global.save" = "שמור";
-"global.resend" = "Resend";
-"global.preview" = "Preview";
+"global.resend" = "-תשלח";
+"global.preview" = "תצוגה ראשונה";
 "global.accept" = "לקבל";
 "global.block" = "חסימה";
 "global.refuse" = "לדחות";
 "global.name" = "שם";
 "global.copy" = "העתקה";
-"global.reply" = "Reply";
+"global.reply" = "תשובה";
 // Scan
-"scan.badQrCode" = "Bad QR code";
+"scan.badQrCode" = "קוד QR גרוע";
 "scan.search" = "בחיפוש...";
 // SwarmCreation
-"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Search for contact...";
-"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Create the swarm";
-"swarmcreation.addADescription" = "Add a description";
-"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in the swarm";
+"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "חיפוש קשר...";
+"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "ליצור את הסוואר";
+"swarmcreation.addADescription" = "הוסף תיאור";
+"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "אתה יכול להוסיף עוד אנשים למגוון";
 // Swarm
-"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Ignore the swarm";
-"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Leave the conversation";
-"swarm.chooseColor" = "Choose a color";
-"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Type of swarm";
-"swarm.identifier" = "Identifier";
+"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "התעלמו מהגזע.";
+"swarm.leaveConversation" = "עזוב את השיחה.";
+"swarm.chooseColor" = "בחר צבע";
+"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "סוג של סוואר";
+"swarm.identifier" = "זיהוי";
 "swarm.about" = "על אודות";
-"swarm.members" = "Members";
-"swarm.addDescription" = "Add Description";
-"swarm.oneToOne" = "Private swarm";
-"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Admin invites only";
-"swarm.invitesOnly" = "Private swarm";
-"swarm.publicChat" = "Public swarm";
-"swarm.others" = "Others";
-"swarm.member" = "Member";
-"swarm.invited" = "Invited";
-"swarm.admin" = "Administrator";
-"swarm.banned" = "Banned";
-"swarm.unknown" = "Unkown";
-"swarm.addMorePeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in this swarm";
-"swarm.addMember" = "Add Member";
-"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Are you sure you want to leave this swarm?";
-"swarm.Leave" = "Leave";
+"swarm.members" = "חברי";
+"swarm.addDescription" = "הוסף תיאור";
+"swarm.oneToOne" = "שור פרטי";
+"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "מנהל הזמנות בלבד";
+"swarm.invitesOnly" = "שור פרטי";
+"swarm.publicChat" = "שמה ציבורי";
+"swarm.others" = "אחרים";
+"swarm.member" = "חבר";
+"swarm.invited" = "הזמנת";
+"swarm.admin" = "מנהל";
+"swarm.banned" = "אסור";
+"swarm.unknown" = "לא ידוע";
+"swarm.addMorePeople" = "אתה יכול להוסיף עוד אנשים למגוון הזה";
+"swarm.addMember" = "הוסף חבר";
+"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "אתה בטוח שאתה רוצה לעזוב את הסוואר הזה?";
+"swarm.Leave" = "עזוב";
 // Smartlist
 "smartlist.yesterday" = "אתמול";
-"smartlist.results" = "Public Directory";
+"smartlist.results" = "תיקון ציבורי";
 "smartlist.conversations" = "דיונים";
 "smartlist.searching" = "חפש...";
 "smartlist.noResults" = "אין תוצאות";
 "smartlist.noConversation" = "אין דיונים";
 "smartlist.searchBarPlaceholder" = "יש להזין שם...";
-"smartlist.searchBar" = "Search for new or existing contact...";
+"smartlist.searchBar" = "חיפוש עבור קשר חדש או קיים...";
 "smartlist.noNetworkConnectivity" = "אין חיבור לרשת";
-"smartlist.cellularAccess" = "Be sure cellular access is granted in your settings";
+"smartlist.cellularAccess" = "ודא שהגישה הסלולרית נתונה בהגדרות שלך";
 "smartlist.accountsTitle" = "חשבונות";
 "smartlist.addAccountButton" = "+ הוספת חשבון";
-"smartlist.noNumber" = "Selected contact does not have any number";
-"smartlist.selectOneNumber" = "Select one of the numbers";
+"smartlist.noNumber" = "הקשר הנבחר אינו רשום";
+"smartlist.selectOneNumber" = "בחר אחד המספרים";
 "smartlist.invitations" = "הזמנות";
-"smartlist.accountSettings" = "Account Settings";
-"smartlist.advancedSettings" = "Advanced Settings";
+"smartlist.accountSettings" = "הגדרות החשבון";
+"smartlist.advancedSettings" = "הגדרות מתקדמות";
 "smartlist.aboutJami" = "על אודות Jami";
-"conversation.messagePlaceholder" = "Write message to ";
-"conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "You are currently sharing your location with ";
-"conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "You are currently receiving a live location from ";
-"conversation.errorSavingImage" = "Failed to save image to galery";
-"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.requestMessage" = "Hello,\nWould you like to join the conversation?";
-"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ is not in your contact list.";
-"conversation.sendRequest" = "Send him/her a contact request to be able to exchange together";
-"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Send Contact Request";
-"conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "You have accepted the conversation request.";
-"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "We are waiting for \%@\ connects to synchronize the conversation.";
+"conversation.messagePlaceholder" = "כתוב הודעה ל ";
+"conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "אתה חולק את המיקום שלך עם ";
+"conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "אתה מקבל כרגע מיקום חי מ";
+"conversation.errorSavingImage" = "לא הצלחתי לשמור תמונה לגלריה";
+"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ שלח לך בקשה לשיחה.";
+"conversation.incomingRequest" = "שלחתי לך בקשה לשיחה.";
+"conversation.requestMessage" = "שלום, תרצה להצטרף לשיחה?";
+"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ לא ברשימה של אנשי הקשר שלך.";
+"conversation.sendRequest" = "שלח לו/ה בקשה ליצור קשר כדי שנוכל להחליף יחד";
+"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "שלח בקשה ליצור קשר";
+"conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "אתה קיבלת את בקשת השיחה.";
+"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "אנחנו מחכים לתקשורת \%@\ כדי להעמיק את השיחה.";
-"invitations.noInvitations" = "No invitations";
+"invitations.noInvitations" = "אין הזמנות";
 // Walkthrough
 //Welcome Screen
 "welcome.title" = "ברוך בואך אל Jami‏ !";
-"welcome.text" = "Jami is a free and universal communication platform which preserves the users' privacy and freedoms";
-"welcome.linkDevice" = "Link this device to an account";
+"welcome.text" = "ג'אמי היא פלטפורמה חופשית ויקונביסלית לשיחה שמטרת הפרטיות והחופש של המשתמשים";
+"welcome.linkDevice" = "קישור את המכשיר הזה לחשבון";
 "welcome.createAccount" = "יצירת חשבון Jami";
-"welcome.connectToManager" = "Connect to a JAMS server";
+"welcome.connectToManager" = "חיבור לשרת JAMS";
 //Creation Profile Screen
 "createProfile.skipCreateProfile" = "דילוג";
 "createProfile.profileCreated" = "קדימה";
-"createProfile.title" = "Personalise your profile";
-"createProfile.enterNameLabel" = "Enter a display name";
-"createProfile.enterNamePlaceholder" = "Enter name";
-"createProfile.subtitle" = "Your profile will be shared with your contacts. You can change it at any time.";
-"createProfile.createYourAvatar" = "Create your avatar";
+"createProfile.title" = "אישית את הפרופיל שלך";
+"createProfile.enterNameLabel" = "הכניסו שם תצוגה";
+"createProfile.enterNamePlaceholder" = "הכניסה של שם";
+"createProfile.subtitle" = "הפרופיל שלך ייחלק עם אנשי הקשר שלך. אתה יכול לשנות אותו בכל עת.";
+"createProfile.createYourAvatar" = "ליצור את האווטאר שלך";
 //Create Account form
-"createAccount.createAccountFormTitle" = "Create your account";
-"createAccount.chooseStrongPassword" = "Choose strong password you will remember to protect your Jami account.";
+"createAccount.createAccountFormTitle" = "ליצור חשבון";
+"createAccount.chooseStrongPassword" = "בחרו סיסמה חזקה שתזכרי כדי להגן על חשבון ג'מי שלכם.";
 "createAccount.enterNewUsernamePlaceholder" = "שם משתמש";
 "createAccount.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "סיסמה";
-"createAccount.repeatPasswordPlaceholder" = "Confirm password";
-"createAccount.passwordCharactersNumberError" = "6 characters minimum";
-"createAccount.passwordNotMatchingError" = "passwords do not match";
-"createAccount.lookingForUsernameAvailability" = "looking for availability…";
-"createAccount.invalidUsername" = "invalid username";
-"createAccount.usernameAlreadyTaken" = "username already taken";
-"createAccount.usernameValid" = "username is available";
-"createAccount.loading" = "Loading";
+"createAccount.repeatPasswordPlaceholder" = "אישור סיסמה";
+"createAccount.passwordCharactersNumberError" = "6 אותיות לפחות";
+"createAccount.passwordNotMatchingError" = "סיסמאות לא מתאימות";
+"createAccount.lookingForUsernameAvailability" = "מחפשים זמינות...";
+"createAccount.invalidUsername" = "שם משתמש לא חוקי";
+"createAccount.usernameAlreadyTaken" = "שם המשתמש כבר נלקח";
+"createAccount.usernameValid" = "שם המשתמש זמין";
+"createAccount.loading" = "מטען";
 "createAccount.waitCreateAccountTitle" = "הוספת חשבון";
-"createAccount.RegisterAUsername" = "Register a username";
-"createAccount.ChooseAPassword" = "Encrypt my account";
-"createAccount.PasswordInformation" = "Choose a password to encrypt your local account. Don’t forget it or you will not be able to recover your account";
-"createAccount.EnableNotifications" = "Notifications";
-"createAccount.Recommended" = "(Recommended)";
-"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredTitle" = "Network error";
-"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredMessage" = "Account was created but username was not registered";
-"createAccount.timeoutTitle" = "Account Created";
-"createAccount.timeoutMessage" = "Username registration in progress... It could take a few moments.";
+"createAccount.RegisterAUsername" = "רשום שם משתמש";
+"createAccount.ChooseAPassword" = "לחבר את החשבון שלי";
+"createAccount.PasswordInformation" = "בחרו סיסמה כדי לחבר את החשבון המקומי שלכם. אל תשכחו אותה או שלא תוכלו לשחזר את החשבון שלכם";
+"createAccount.EnableNotifications" = "הודעות";
+"createAccount.Recommended" = "(מלומץ)";
+"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredTitle" = "טעות רשת";
+"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredMessage" = "חשבון נוצר אבל שם משתמש לא נרשם";
+"createAccount.timeoutTitle" = "חשבון נוצר";
+"createAccount.timeoutMessage" = "רישום שם משתמש בתהליך... זה יכול לקחת כמה רגעים.";
 //Link To Account form
-"linkToAccount.waitLinkToAccountTitle" = "Account linking";
-"linkToAccount.linkButtonTitle" = "Link device";
+"linkToAccount.waitLinkToAccountTitle" = "חיבור חשבונות";
+"linkToAccount.linkButtonTitle" = "מכשיר חיבור";
 "linkToAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "סיסמה";
 "linkToAccount.pinPlaceholder" = "מספר זיהוי אישי";
-"linkToAccount.passwordLabel" = "Enter Password";
-"linkToAccount.pinLabel" = "Enter PIN";
-"linkToAccount.explanationPinMessage" = "To generate the PIN code, go to the account managment settings on device that contain account you want to use. In devices settings Select \"Link another device to this account\". You will get the necessary PIN to complete this form. The PIN is only valid for 10 minutes.";
+"linkToAccount.passwordLabel" = "הכניסה סיסמה";
+"linkToAccount.pinLabel" = "הכניס את סימן PIN";
+"linkToAccount.explanationPinMessage" = "כדי ליצור את קוד PIN, לכו להגדרות ניהול חשבון במכשיר המכיל את החשבון שרצית להשתמש בו. בהגדרות המכשירים בחרו \"חברו מכשיר אחר לחשבון הזה\". תקבלו את הסימון PIN הנדרש כדי למלא את הטופס הזה. הסימון PIN הוא תקף רק 10 דקות.";
 //Link To Account Manager form
-"linkToAccountManager.signIn" = "Sign In";
+"linkToAccountManager.signIn" = "כניסה";
 "linkToAccountManager.passwordPlaceholder" = "סיסמה";
-"linkToAccountManager.passwordLabel" = "Enter Password";
+"linkToAccountManager.passwordLabel" = "הכניסה סיסמה";
 "linkToAccountManager.usernamePlaceholder" = "שם משתמש";
-"linkToAccountManager.usernameLabel" = "Enter Username";
-"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerPlaceholder" = "JAMS URL";
-"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerLabel" = "Enter JAMS URL";
+"linkToAccountManager.usernameLabel" = "הכניסה שם משתמש";
+"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerPlaceholder" = "דואר URL של JAMS";
+"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerLabel" = "הכניס את URL JAMS";
-"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundTitle" = "Can't find account";
-"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundMessage" = "Account couldn't be found on the Jami network. Make sure it was exported on Jami from an existing device, and that provided credentials are correct.";
-"alerts.accountAddedTitle" = "Account Added";
-"alerts.accountNoNetworkTitle" = "Can't connect to the network";
-"alerts.accountNoNetworkMessage" = "Could not add account because Jami couldn't connect to the distributed network. Check your device connectivity.";
-"alerts.accountDefaultErrorTitle" = "Unknown error";
-"alerts.accountDefaultErrorMessage" = "The account couldn't be created.";
-"alerts.profileTakePhoto" = "Take photo";
-"alerts.profileUploadPhoto" = "Upload photo";
+"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundTitle" = "לא מצליח למצוא חשבון";
+"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundMessage" = "לא ניתן למצוא חשבון ברשת ג'מי, ודא שהוא הוצא לג'מי ממכשיר קיים, ושהסמכות ההסמכות נכונות.";
+"alerts.accountAddedTitle" = "חשבון הוסף";
+"alerts.accountNoNetworkTitle" = "לא יכול להתחבר לרשת";
+"alerts.accountNoNetworkMessage" = "לא יכולתי להוסיף חשבון כי ג'מי לא יכול להתחבר לרשת המפצה.";
+"alerts.accountDefaultErrorTitle" = "טעות לא ידועה";
+"alerts.accountDefaultErrorMessage" = "לא ניתן ליצור את החשבון.";
+"alerts.profileTakePhoto" = "צלם.";
+"alerts.profileUploadPhoto" = "תעלה תמונה";
 "alerts.profileCancelPhoto" = "ביטול";
-"alerts.accountLinkedTitle" = "Linking account";
-"alerts.dbFailedTitle" = "An error happned when launching Jami";
-"alerts.dbFailedMessage" = "Please close application and try to open it again";
-"alerts.confirmBlockContact" = "Are you sure you want to block this contact? The conversation history with this contact will also be deleted permanently.";
-"alerts.confirmBlockContactTitle" = "Block Contact";
-"alerts.confirmDeleteConversation" = "Are you sure you want to delete this conversation permanently?";
-"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationFromContact" = "Are you sure you want to delete the conversation with this contact?";
+"alerts.accountLinkedTitle" = "חשבון חיבור";
+"alerts.dbFailedTitle" = "טעות קרה בעת השיגור של ג'מי.";
+"alerts.dbFailedMessage" = "בבקשה סגור את ההזמנה ותנסה לפתוח אותה שוב.";
+"alerts.confirmBlockContact" = "האם אתה בטוח שאתה רוצה לחסום את הקשר הזה? היסטוריית השיחה עם הקשר הזה גם תימחק באופן קבוע.";
+"alerts.confirmBlockContactTitle" = "בלוק קשר";
+"alerts.confirmDeleteConversation" = "אתה בטוח שאתה רוצה למחוק את השיחה הזאת באופן קבוע?";
+"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationFromContact" = "אתה בטוח שאתה רוצה למחוק את השיחה עם הקשר הזה?";
 "alerts.confirmDeleteConversationTitle" = "מחיקת דיון";
 "alerts.confirmClearConversation" = "האם אכן ברצונך לנקות את הדיון עם איש הקשר הזה?";
 "alerts.confirmClearConversationTitle" = "ניקוי הדיון";
-"alerts.noMediaPermissionsTitle" = "Media permission not granted";
-"alerts.noLibraryPermissionsTitle" = "Access to photo library not granted";
-"alerts.noLocationPermissionsTitle" = "Access to location not granted";
-"alerts.errorWrongCredentials" = "Cannot connect to provided account manager. Please check your credentials";
-"alerts.recordVideoMessage" = "Record a video message";
-"alerts.recordAudioMessage" = "Record an audio message";
-"alerts.uploadFile" = "Upload file";
-"alerts.uploadPhoto" = "Upload photo or movie";
-"alerts.locationServiceIsDisabled" = "Turn on \"Location Services\" to allow \"Jami\" to determine your location.";
+"alerts.noMediaPermissionsTitle" = "אישור מדיה לא מוסמך";
+"alerts.noLibraryPermissionsTitle" = "גישה לספריית התמונות לא מותרת";
+"alerts.noLocationPermissionsTitle" = "גישה לא מיקום";
+"alerts.errorWrongCredentials" = "לא ניתן להתחבר למנהל החשבון הנגיש. אנא בדוק את תעודות האישור שלך";
+"alerts.recordVideoMessage" = "הקלטת הודעה וידאו";
+"alerts.recordAudioMessage" = "הקלטת הודעה אוודית";
+"alerts.uploadFile" = "תעלה קבוצה";
+"alerts.uploadPhoto" = "תעלה תמונה או סרט";
+"alerts.locationServiceIsDisabled" = "תפעיל את \"שירותי המיקום\" כדי לאפשר ל\"ג'מי\" לקבוע את המיקום שלך.";
 "alerts.locationSharing" = "שיתוף המיקום שלי";
-"alerts.alreadylocationSharing" = "Already sharing location with this user";
-"alerts.locationSharingDurationTitle" = "How long should the location sharing be?";
+"alerts.alreadylocationSharing" = "כבר משתף את המיקום עם המשתמש הזה";
+"alerts.locationSharingDurationTitle" = "כמה זמן צריך להיות שיתוף המיקום?";
 "alerts.locationSharingDuration10min" = "10 דק׳";
 "alerts.locationSharingDuration1hour" = "שעה 1";
-"alerts.mapInformation" = "Map information";
+"alerts.mapInformation" = "מידע על מפה";
 "alerts.openStreetMapCopyright" = "© התורמים ל־OpenStreetMap";
 "alerts.openStreetMapCopyrightMoreInfo" = "מידע נוסף";
@@ -209,206 +209,206 @@
 "actions.clearAction" = "ניקוי";
 "actions.backAction" = "חזרה";
 "actions.doneAction" = "סיים";
-"alerts.incomingCallAllertTitle" = "Incoming call from ";
-"alerts.incomingCallButtonIgnore" = "Ignore";
-"actions.startAudioCall" = "  Audio Call";
-"actions.startVideoCall" = "  Video Call";
-"actions.goToSettings" = "Go to Settings";
-"actions.stopLocationSharing" = "Stop sharing";
+"alerts.incomingCallAllertTitle" = "שיחת כולה מ";
+"alerts.incomingCallButtonIgnore" = "להתעלם";
+"actions.startAudioCall" = "שיחת קול";
+"actions.startVideoCall" = "שיחת וידאו";
+"actions.goToSettings" = "לכו להגדיר";
+"actions.stopLocationSharing" = "תפסיק לחלוק";
 "calls.callItemTitle" = "שיחה";
 "calls.unknown" = "לא מוכר";
-"calls.incomingCallInfo" = "wants to talk to you";
-"calls.ringing" = "Ringing…";
-"calls.connecting" = "Connecting…";
+"calls.incomingCallInfo" = "רוצה לדבר איתך.";
+"calls.ringing" = "זה מצלצל...";
+"calls.connecting" = "חיבור...";
 "calls.searching" = "בחיפוש...";
-"calls.callFinished" = "Call finished";
-"calls.currentCallWith" = "Call with ";
-"calls.haghUp" = "hang up";
-"calls.maximize" = "maximize";
-"calls.minimize" = "minimize";
-"calls.setModerator" = "set moderator";
-"calls.removeModerator" = "unset moderator";
-"calls.muteAudio" = "mute audio";
-"calls.unmuteAudio" = "unmute audio";
-"calls.lowerHand" = "lower hand";
+"calls.callFinished" = "שיחת הודעה נגמרה.";
+"calls.currentCallWith" = "תתקשר עם ";
+"calls.haghUp" = "תנתק.";
+"calls.maximize" = "מקסימום";
+"calls.minimize" = "למנימום";
+"calls.setModerator" = "מתקן";
+"calls.removeModerator" = "מתקן לא מתאים";
+"calls.muteAudio" = "קול דומם";
+"calls.unmuteAudio" = "אוודיו לא שקט";
+"calls.lowerHand" = "יד התחתונה";
 //Account Page
 "accountPage.devicesListHeader" = "התקנים";
 "accountPage.settingsHeader" = "הגדרות";
 "accountPage.username" = "שם משתמש";
-"accountPage.usernameNotRegistered" = "username: not registered";
-"accountPage.credentialsHeader" = "Account Details";
-"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Enable Proxy";
-"accountPage.blockedContacts" = "Blocked contacts";
-"accountPage.unblockContact" = "UNBLOCK";
-"accountPage.proxyAddressAlert" = "Provide proxy address";
-"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Enable Proxy";
-"accountPage.noProxyExplanationLabel" = "Your device won't receive notifications when proxy is disabled";
+"accountPage.usernameNotRegistered" = "שם משתמש: לא רשום";
+"accountPage.credentialsHeader" = "פרטים על החשבון";
+"accountPage.enableProxy" = "תפעיל פרוקסי";
+"accountPage.blockedContacts" = "אנשי קשר חסומים";
+"accountPage.unblockContact" = "לא מבלי";
+"accountPage.proxyAddressAlert" = "תורם כתובת פרוקסי";
+"accountPage.enableProxy" = "תפעיל פרוקסי";
+"accountPage.noProxyExplanationLabel" = "המכשיר שלך לא יקבל הודעות כאשר הפוקסי מופעל";
 "accountPage.saveProxyAddress" = "שמור";
-"accountPage.proxyPaceholder" = "Proxy address";
-"accountPage.enableNotifications" = "Enable Notifications";
-"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertTitle" = "Proxy Server Disabled";
-"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertBody" = "In order to receive notifications, please enable proxy";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceTitle" = "Revoke device";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceMessage" = "Are you sure you want to revoke this device? This action could not be undone.";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceButton" = "Revoke";
-"accountPage.revokeDevicePlaceholder" = "Enter your passord";
-"accountPage.deviceRevoked" = "Device revocation completed";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationProgress" = "Revoking...";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationSuccess" = "Device was revoked";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationTryAgain" = "Try again";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationWrongPassword" = "Incorrect password";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationUnknownDevice" = "Unknown device";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationError" = "Device revocation error";
-"accountPage.linkDeviceTitle" = "Link another device";
+"accountPage.proxyPaceholder" = "כתובת דווקא";
+"accountPage.enableNotifications" = "אפשרות של הודעות";
+"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertTitle" = "שרת פרוקסי מופחת";
+"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertBody" = "כדי לקבל הודעות, אנא פעל פרוקסי";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceTitle" = "מכשיר ביטול";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceMessage" = "אתה בטוח שאתה רוצה לבטל את המכשיר?";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceButton" = "ביטול";
+"accountPage.revokeDevicePlaceholder" = "הכנס את הסיסמה שלך";
+"accountPage.deviceRevoked" = "ביטול המכשיר הושלם";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationProgress" = "ביטול...";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationSuccess" = "המכשיר הושתק.";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationTryAgain" = "נסה שוב.";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationWrongPassword" = "סיסמה לא נכונה";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationUnknownDevice" = "מכשיר לא ידוע";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationError" = "טעות בביטול המכשיר";
+"accountPage.linkDeviceTitle" = "קישור מכשיר אחר";
 "accountPage.other" = "אחר";
-"accountPage.removeAccountTitle" = "Remove account";
-"accountPage.removeAccountMessage" = "By clicking \"Remove\" you will remove this account on this device! This action can not be undone. Also, your registered name can be lost.";
+"accountPage.removeAccountTitle" = "תבטלו את החשבון";
+"accountPage.removeAccountMessage" = "על ידי לחיצה \"מחק\" אתה ימחק את החשבון הזה על המכשיר הזה! פעולה זו לא יכולה להיות מבוטלת.";
 "accountPage.removeAccountButton" = "הסר";
-"accountPage.shareAccountDetails" = "Share Account Details";
-"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "Contact me on Jami!";
-"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "Contact me using \"%s\" on the Jami distributed communication platform: https://jami.net";
-"accountPage.registerNameTitle" = "Register a username";
-"accountPage.passwordPlaceholder" = "Enter account password";
-"accountPage.usernamePlaceholder" = "Enter desired username";
-"accountPage.registerNameErrorMessage" = "Choosen username is not available";
-"accountPage.usernameRegistering" = "Registering";
+"accountPage.shareAccountDetails" = "פרטים על חשבון שיתוף";
+"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "התקשר אליי על ג'מי!";
+"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "צור איתי קשר באמצעות \"%s\" על פלטפורמת התקשורת המوزعة של ג'מי: https://jami.net";
+"accountPage.registerNameTitle" = "רשום שם משתמש";
+"accountPage.passwordPlaceholder" = "הכניסה סיסמה לחשבון";
+"accountPage.usernamePlaceholder" = "הכניס את שם המשתמש הרצוי";
+"accountPage.registerNameErrorMessage" = "שם המשתמש הנבחר אינו זמין";
+"accountPage.usernameRegistering" = "רישום";
 "accountPage.usernameRegisterAction" = "הירשם";
-"accountPage.usernameRegistrationFailed" = "Registration failed. Please check password.";
-"accountPage.createPassword" = "Create password";
-"accountPage.changePassword" = "Change password";
-"accountPage.oldPasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter old password";
-"accountPage.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter new password";
-"accountPage.newPasswordConfirmPlaceholder" = "Confirm new password";
-"accountPage.changePasswordError" = "Password incorrect";
-"accountPage.enableBoothMode" = "Enable Booth Mode";
-"accountPage.disableBoothMode" = "Disable Booth Mode";
-"accountPage.disableBoothModeExplanation" = "Pleace provide your account password";
-"accountPage.boothModeExplanation" = "In booth mode conversation history not saved and jami functionality limited by making outgoing calls. When you enable booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
-"accountPage.noBoothMode" = "To enable Booth mode you need to create account password first.";
-"accountPage.boothModeAlertMessage" = "After enabling booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
-"accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "Auto connect on local network";
-"accountPage.autoRegistration" = "Auto register after expiration";
-"accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "Connectivity";
-"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Enable TURN";
-"accountPage.turnServer" = "TURN address";
-"accountPage.turnUsername" = "TURN username";
-"accountPage.turnPassword" = "TURN password";
-"accountPage.turnRealm" = "TURN realm";
+"accountPage.usernameRegistrationFailed" = "ההרשמה נכשלה, אנא בדוק את הסיסמה.";
+"accountPage.createPassword" = "ליצור סיסמה";
+"accountPage.changePassword" = "לשנות סיסמה";
+"accountPage.oldPasswordPlaceholder" = "הכניסו סיסמה ישנה";
+"accountPage.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "הכניסו סיסמה חדשה";
+"accountPage.newPasswordConfirmPlaceholder" = "אישר סיסמה חדשה";
+"accountPage.changePasswordError" = "סיסמה שגויה";
+"accountPage.enableBoothMode" = "תפעיל מצב קיר";
+"accountPage.disableBoothMode" = "תבטל מצב הדלת";
+"accountPage.disableBoothModeExplanation" = "אנא תני לי את הסיסמה של החשבון שלך";
+"accountPage.boothModeExplanation" = "במצב הקו לא נשמרת היסטוריית השיחה והפונקציונליות של ג'אמי מוגבלת על ידי שיחות יוצאות.";
+"accountPage.noBoothMode" = "כדי להפעיל מצב בוט, אתה צריך ליצור קודם סיסמה לחשבון.";
+"accountPage.boothModeAlertMessage" = "לאחר שתפעיל את מצב הקו, כל השיחות שלך ימחקו.";
+"accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "חיבור אוטומטי ברשת מקומית";
+"accountPage.autoRegistration" = "רישום אוטומטי לאחר תקופת הגבלת הפסקות";
+"accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "קישור";
+"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "תפעיל TURN";
+"accountPage.turnServer" = "כתובת טורן";
+"accountPage.turnUsername" = "שם משתמש TURN";
+"accountPage.turnPassword" = "סיסמה TURN";
+"accountPage.turnRealm" = "ממלכת טורן";
-"account.sipUsername" = "User Name";
+"account.sipUsername" = "שם המשתמש";
 "account.sipPassword" = "סיסמה";
-"account.sipServer" = "SIP Server";
+"account.sipServer" = "סרבר SIP";
 "account.port" = "פורט";
 "account.proxyServer" = "פרוקסי";
-"account.createSipAccount" = "Create a SIP Account";
-"account.usernameLabel" = "Enter Username";
-"account.passwordLabel" = "Enter Password";
-"account.serverLabel" = "Enter Address";
-"account.portLabel" = "Enter Port Number";
-"account.accountStatus" = "Account Status";
-"account.enableAccount" = "Enable Account";
-"account.statusOnline" = "Online";
-"account.statusOffline" = "Offline";
+"account.createSipAccount" = "ליצור חשבון SIP";
+"account.usernameLabel" = "הכניסה שם משתמש";
+"account.passwordLabel" = "הכניסה סיסמה";
+"account.serverLabel" = "הכניסה כתובת";
+"account.portLabel" = "הכניסה מספר הנמל";
+"account.accountStatus" = "מצב החשבון";
+"account.enableAccount" = "פעל חשבון";
+"account.statusOnline" = "באינטרנט";
+"account.statusOffline" = "לא מקוונים";
 "account.statusConnecting" = "מתחבר";
 "account.statusUnknown" = "לא מוכר";
-"account.statusConnectionerror" = "Connection Error";
-"account.needMigration" = "account need to be migrated";
+"account.statusConnectionerror" = "טעות חיבור";
+"account.needMigration" = "חשבון צריך לעבור";
 "account.me" = "אני";
 //Block List Page
-"blockListPage.noBlockedContacts" = "No blocked contacts";
+"blockListPage.noBlockedContacts" = "אין קשרים חסומים";
 //Link New Device
-"linkDevice.title" = "Link a new device";
-"linkDevice.passwordError" = "The password you entered does not unlock this account";
-"linkDevice.networkError" = "A network error occured during the export";
-"linkDevice.defaultError" = "An error occured during the export";
-"linkDevice.explanationMessage" = "To complete the process, you need to open Jami on the new device and choose the option \"Link this device to an account.\" Your pin is valid for 10 minutes";
-"linkDevice.hudMessage" = "Verifying";
+"linkDevice.title" = "קישור מכשיר חדש";
+"linkDevice.passwordError" = "הסיסמה שהכנסת לא פותחת את החשבון הזה";
+"linkDevice.networkError" = "טעות ברשת התרחשה במהלך ההצוא";
+"linkDevice.defaultError" = "טעות שקרה במהלך ההצוא";
+"linkDevice.explanationMessage" = "כדי להשלים את התהליך, אתה צריך לפתוח את ג'מי על המכשיר החדש ולבחר את האפשרות \"רחב את המכשיר הזה לחשבון\".";
+"linkDevice.hudMessage" = "אימות";
 //Contact Page
-"contactPage.startAudioCall" = "Start Audio Call";
+"contactPage.startAudioCall" = "התחל שיחת קול";
 "contactPage.startVideoCall" = "התחלת שיחת וידאו";
-"contactPage.sendMessage" = "Send Message";
+"contactPage.sendMessage" = "שלח הודעה";
 "contactPage.clearConversation" = "ניקוי הצ׳אט";
-"contactPage.blockContact" = "Block Contact";
+"contactPage.blockContact" = "בלוק קשר";
 "contactPage.removeConversation" = "הסרת דיון";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusCreated" = "Initializing…";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusCreated" = "-התחל...";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusError" = "שגיאה";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Pending…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Transferring";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "מחכה...";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "העברה";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCanceled" = "מבוטל";
-"dataTransfer.sendingFailed" = "Failed to send";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Complete";
+"dataTransfer.sendingFailed" = "לא הצלחתי לשלוח";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "מלא";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCancel" = "ביטול";
 "notifications.incomingCall" = "שיחה נכנסת";
-"notifications.missedCall" = "Missed Call";
-"notifications.newFile" = "New file";
-"notifications.locationSharingStarted" = "Incoming location sharing started";
-"notifications.locationSharingStopped" = "Incoming location sharing stopped";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Pending…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Transferring";
+"notifications.missedCall" = "התקשרות החסרות";
+"notifications.newFile" = "תיק חדש";
+"notifications.locationSharingStarted" = "החל שיתוף מיקום נכנס";
+"notifications.locationSharingStopped" = "שיתוף מיקום נכנסים נעצר";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "מחכה...";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "העברה";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCanceled" = "מבוטל";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Complete";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "מלא";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCancel" = "ביטול";
-"dataTransfer.infoMessage" = "Press to start recording";
+"dataTransfer.infoMessage" = "לחץ כדי להתחיל להקליט";
 "dataTransfer.sendMessage" = "שלח";
 //Generated Message
-"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "You received inviation";
-"generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "Swarm created";
-"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "was invited to join";
-"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "You joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "was kicked";
-"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "was re-added";
+"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "קיבלת חסינות.";
+"generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "סרם נוצר";
+"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "הוזמנת להצטרף";
+"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "הצטרף לשיחה";
+"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "אתה הצטרפת לשיחה";
+"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "נבעט";
+"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "הוספת מחדש";
 "generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "שיחה יוצאת";
 "generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "שיחה נכנסת";
-"generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "Missed outgoing call";
-"generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "Missed incoming call";
-"generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "Live location sharing";
-"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "left";
+"generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "פספסתי שיחת פנויה";
+"generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "פספסתי שיחת כניסה";
+"generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "שיתוף מיקום חי";
+"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "שמאלה";
 //General Settings
-"generalSettings.title" = "Advanced settings";
-"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Video Settings";
-"generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "Enable video acceleration";
-"generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "File transfer";
-"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Location Sharing";
-"generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "Automatically accept incoming files";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "Accept transfer limit";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(in MB, 0 = unlimited)";
-"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Limit the duration of location sharing";
-"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Position share duration";
+"generalSettings.title" = "הגדרות מתקדמות";
+"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "הגדרות הוידאו";
+"generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "אפשרת אינטגרציה של וידאו";
+"generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "העברת קבצים";
+"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "שיתוף מקומות";
+"generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "לקבל קבצים נכנסים באופן אוטומטי";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "קבלו גבול העברה";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(ב-MB, 0 = לא מוגבל)";
+"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "להגביל את משך זמן שיתוף המיקום";
+"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "משך משותף עמדות";
 //Log View
-"logView.title" = "Diagnostics";
-"logView.description" = "Open diagnostic log settings";
-"logView.startLogging" = "Start Logging";
-"logView.stopLogging" = "Stop Logging";
-"logView.saveError" = "Failed to save file";
-"logView.shareError" = "Failed to share file";
+"logView.title" = "אבחון";
+"logView.description" = "הגדרות של תיעוד האבחנה פתוחה";
+"logView.startLogging" = "התחל לגרות";
+"logView.stopLogging" = "תפסיקו לחתוך עץ";
+"logView.saveError" = "לא הציל הקובץ";
+"logView.shareError" = "לא השיתוף קבצים";
 //Migrate Account
-"migrateAccount.title" = "Account migration";
-"migrateAccount.migrateButton" = "Migrate Account";
-"migrateAccount.explanation" = "This account needs to be migrated";
-"migrateAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "Enter password";
-"migrateAccount.passwordExplanation" = "To proceed with the migration, you need to enter a password that was used for this account";
-"migrateAccount.removeAccount" = "Remove account";
-"migrateAccount.error" = "Failed to migrate your account. You can retry or delete your account.";
-"migrateAccount.migrating" = "Migrating...";
+"migrateAccount.title" = "מיגרת חשבונות";
+"migrateAccount.migrateButton" = "חשבון היגר";
+"migrateAccount.explanation" = "החשבון הזה צריך לעבור.";
+"migrateAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "הכניסו סיסמה";
+"migrateAccount.passwordExplanation" = "כדי להמשיך עם ההגירה, אתה צריך להזין סיסמה ששימשה לחשבון הזה";
+"migrateAccount.removeAccount" = "תבטלו את החשבון";
+"migrateAccount.error" = "לא העבר את החשבון שלך. אתה יכול לנסות שוב או למחוק את החשבון שלך.";
+"migrateAccount.migrating" = "היגר...";
 "migrateAccount.cancel" = "ביטול";
-"migrateAccount.migrateAnother" = "Migrate Another Account";
+"migrateAccount.migrateAnother" = "להעביר חשבון אחר";
diff --git a/Ring/Ring/Resources/id.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Ring/Ring/Resources/id.lproj/Localizable.strings
index bfc4414..ef1b987 100644
--- a/Ring/Ring/Resources/id.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Ring/Ring/Resources/id.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -40,32 +40,32 @@
 "scan.search" = "Mencari...";
 // SwarmCreation
-"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Search for contact...";
+"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Cari kontak...";
 "swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Buat kawanan";
 "swarmcreation.addADescription" = "Tambah deskripsi";
-"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in the swarm";
+"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "Anda bisa menambahkan \%d\ lebih banyak orang ke dalam swarm";
 // Swarm
 "swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Abaikan kawanan";
-"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Leave the conversation";
+"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Tinggalkan percakapan";
 "swarm.chooseColor" = "Pilih warna";
 "swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Jenis kawanan";
 "swarm.identifier" = "Pengidentifikasi";
 "swarm.about" = "Tentang";
 "swarm.members" = "Anggota";
-"swarm.addDescription" = "Add Description";
+"swarm.addDescription" = "Tambahkan Deskripsi";
 "swarm.oneToOne" = "Kolam privat";
-"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Admin invites only";
+"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Admin hanya mengundang";
 "swarm.invitesOnly" = "Kolam privat";
-"swarm.publicChat" = "Public swarm";
-"swarm.others" = "Others";
+"swarm.publicChat" = "Rumput umum";
+"swarm.others" = "Yang lain";
 "swarm.member" = "Anggota";
 "swarm.invited" = "Diundang";
 "swarm.admin" = "Administrator";
 "swarm.banned" = "Dibanned";
-"swarm.unknown" = "Unkown";
-"swarm.addMorePeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in this swarm";
-"swarm.addMember" = "Add Member";
-"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Are you sure you want to leave this swarm?";
+"swarm.unknown" = "Tidak diketahui";
+"swarm.addMorePeople" = "Anda bisa menambahkan \%d\ lebih banyak orang ke dalam gerombolan ini";
+"swarm.addMember" = "Tambahkan Anggota";
+"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Kau yakin kau ingin meninggalkan gerombolan ini?";
 "swarm.Leave" = "Keluar";
 // Smartlist
 "smartlist.yesterday" = "Kemarin";
@@ -92,14 +92,14 @@
 "conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "Anda saat ini berbagi lokasi Anda dengan";
 "conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "Saat ini Anda sedang menerima lokasi langsung dari";
 "conversation.errorSavingImage" = "Gagal menyimpan gambar ke galeri";
-"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Sent you a request for a conversation.";
+"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ mengirim permintaan untuk percakapan.";
+"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Mengirimkan permintaan untuk percakapan.";
 "conversation.requestMessage" = "Halo, \nApakah Anda ingin bergabung dalam percakapan?";
-"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ is not in your contact list.";
+"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ tidak ada dalam daftar kontak Anda.";
 "conversation.sendRequest" = "Kirimkan permintaan kontak kepadanya agar Anda bisa saling bertukar pikiran.";
-"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Send Contact Request";
+"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Kirim permintaan kontak";
 "conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "Anda telah menerima permintaan percakapan.";
-"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "We are waiting for \%@\ connects to synchronize the conversation.";
+"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "Kami menunggu \%@\ koneksi untuk menyelaraskan percakapan.";
 "invitations.noInvitations" = "Tidak ada undangan";
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
 "accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "Terhubung otomatis pada jaringan lokal";
 "accountPage.autoRegistration" = "Daftar otomatis setelah kedaluwarsa";
 "accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "Konektivitas";
-"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Enable TURN";
+"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Memungkinkan TURN";
 "accountPage.turnServer" = "Alamat TURN";
 "accountPage.turnUsername" = "Nama pengguna TURN";
 "accountPage.turnPassword" = "Kata sandi TURN";
@@ -364,40 +364,40 @@
 //Generated Message
-"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "You received inviation";
+"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "Kau menerima undangan";
 "generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "Kawanan dibuat";
-"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "was invited to join";
-"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "You joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "was kicked";
-"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "was re-added";
+"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "diundang untuk bergabung";
+"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "bergabung dengan percakapan";
+"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "Kau bergabung dalam percakapan";
+"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "dipukul";
+"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "ditambahkan kembali";
 "generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "Panggilan keluar";
 "generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "Panggilan masuk";
 "generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "Panggilan keluar tidak terjawab";
 "generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "Panggilan masuk tidak terjawab";
 "generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "Berbagi lokasi secara live";
-"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "left";
+"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "kiri";
 //General Settings
 "generalSettings.title" = "Pengaturan lanjutan";
-"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Video Settings";
+"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Pengaturan Video";
 "generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "Aktifkan akselerasi video";
 "generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "Mengirim berkas";
-"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Location Sharing";
+"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Pembagian Lokasi";
 "generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "Secara otomatis menerima file yang masuk";
 "generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "Terima batas transfer";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(in MB, 0 = unlimited)";
-"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Limit the duration of location sharing";
-"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Position share duration";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(dalam MB, 0 = tak terbatas)";
+"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Batasi durasi pembagian lokasi";
+"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Durasi saham posisi";
 //Log View
 "logView.title" = "Diagnostik";
 "logView.description" = "Buka pengaturan log diagnostik";
 "logView.startLogging" = "Mulai logging";
-"logView.stopLogging" = "Stop Logging";
-"logView.saveError" = "Failed to save file";
-"logView.shareError" = "Failed to share file";
+"logView.stopLogging" = "Hentikan Logging";
+"logView.saveError" = "Tidak berhasil menyimpan file";
+"logView.shareError" = "Tidak dapat berbagi file";
 //Migrate Account
 "migrateAccount.title" = "Migrasi akun";
diff --git a/Ring/Ring/Resources/ko-KR.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Ring/Ring/Resources/ko-KR.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 091447a..e416cf9 100644
--- a/Ring/Ring/Resources/ko-KR.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Ring/Ring/Resources/ko-KR.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -20,395 +20,395 @@
 // Global
 "global.homeTabBarTitle" = "대화";
-"global.meTabBarTitle" = "Account Settings";
+"global.meTabBarTitle" = "계정 설정";
 "global.ok" = "확인";
-"global.close" = "Close";
-"global.share" = "Share";
-"global.forward" = "Forward";
-"global.save" = "Save";
-"global.resend" = "Resend";
-"global.preview" = "Preview";
+"global.close" = "가까이";
+"global.share" = "공유";
+"global.forward" = "앞으로";
+"global.save" = "저장";
+"global.resend" = "다시 보내";
+"global.preview" = "미리보기";
 "global.accept" = "수락";
-"global.block" = "Block";
-"global.refuse" = "Refuse";
+"global.block" = "블록";
+"global.refuse" = "거절";
 "global.name" = "이름";
 "global.copy" = "복사하기";
-"global.reply" = "Reply";
+"global.reply" = "답변";
 // Scan
-"scan.badQrCode" = "Bad QR code";
-"scan.search" = "Searching…";
+"scan.badQrCode" = "나쁜 QR 코드";
+"scan.search" = "찾아...";
 // SwarmCreation
-"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Search for contact...";
-"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Create the swarm";
-"swarmcreation.addADescription" = "Add a description";
-"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in the swarm";
+"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "연락처를 찾아...";
+"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "무리를 만들어";
+"swarmcreation.addADescription" = "설명을 추가";
+"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "더 많은 사람들을 더할 수 있습니다";
 // Swarm
-"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Ignore the swarm";
-"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Leave the conversation";
-"swarm.chooseColor" = "Choose a color";
-"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Type of swarm";
-"swarm.identifier" = "Identifier";
-"swarm.about" = "About";
-"swarm.members" = "Members";
-"swarm.addDescription" = "Add Description";
-"swarm.oneToOne" = "Private swarm";
-"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Admin invites only";
-"swarm.invitesOnly" = "Private swarm";
-"swarm.publicChat" = "Public swarm";
-"swarm.others" = "Others";
-"swarm.member" = "Member";
-"swarm.invited" = "Invited";
-"swarm.admin" = "Administrator";
-"swarm.banned" = "Banned";
-"swarm.unknown" = "Unkown";
-"swarm.addMorePeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in this swarm";
-"swarm.addMember" = "Add Member";
-"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Are you sure you want to leave this swarm?";
-"swarm.Leave" = "Leave";
+"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "무리를 무시해";
+"swarm.leaveConversation" = "대화는 그만둬";
+"swarm.chooseColor" = "색을 선택";
+"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "무리의 종류";
+"swarm.identifier" = "식별자";
+"swarm.about" = "에 관한 것";
+"swarm.members" = "의원";
+"swarm.addDescription" = "설명 추가";
+"swarm.oneToOne" = "개인 무리가";
+"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "관리자 초청만 합니다";
+"swarm.invitesOnly" = "개인 무리가";
+"swarm.publicChat" = "공공 무리가";
+"swarm.others" = "다른";
+"swarm.member" = "회원";
+"swarm.invited" = "초대받았어";
+"swarm.admin" = "관리자";
+"swarm.banned" = "금지";
+"swarm.unknown" = "무인";
+"swarm.addMorePeople" = "이 무리에 더 많은 사람들을 추가할 수 있습니다";
+"swarm.addMember" = "회원 추가";
+"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "이 무리를 떠나고 싶다는 확신이 있나?";
+"swarm.Leave" = "떠나";
 // Smartlist
-"smartlist.yesterday" = "Yesterday";
-"smartlist.results" = "Public Directory";
+"smartlist.yesterday" = "어제";
+"smartlist.results" = "공공 디렉토리";
 "smartlist.conversations" = "대화";
 "smartlist.searching" = "검색 중...";
-"smartlist.noResults" = "No results";
-"smartlist.noConversation" = "No conversations";
-"smartlist.searchBarPlaceholder" = "Enter name...";
-"smartlist.searchBar" = "Search for new or existing contact...";
-"smartlist.noNetworkConnectivity" = "No network connectivity";
-"smartlist.cellularAccess" = "Be sure cellular access is granted in your settings";
-"smartlist.accountsTitle" = "Accounts";
-"smartlist.addAccountButton" = "+ Add Account";
-"smartlist.noNumber" = "Selected contact does not have any number";
-"smartlist.selectOneNumber" = "Select one of the numbers";
-"smartlist.invitations" = "Invitations";
-"smartlist.accountSettings" = "Account Settings";
-"smartlist.advancedSettings" = "Advanced Settings";
-"smartlist.aboutJami" = "About Jami";
+"smartlist.noResults" = "결과도 없습니다";
+"smartlist.noConversation" = "대화가 없다";
+"smartlist.searchBarPlaceholder" = "이름 입력하세요...";
+"smartlist.searchBar" = "새로운 연락처를 찾거나 기존 연락처를 찾습니다.";
+"smartlist.noNetworkConnectivity" = "네트워크 연결이 없습니다";
+"smartlist.cellularAccess" = "설정에서 셀룰러 접속이 허용되었는지 확인하세요";
+"smartlist.accountsTitle" = "회계";
+"smartlist.addAccountButton" = "+ 계정을 추가";
+"smartlist.noNumber" = "선택된 연락처는 번호가 없습니다";
+"smartlist.selectOneNumber" = "숫자들 중 하나를 선택";
+"smartlist.invitations" = "초대";
+"smartlist.accountSettings" = "계정 설정";
+"smartlist.advancedSettings" = "고급 설정";
+"smartlist.aboutJami" = "자미 에 관한 것";
-"conversation.messagePlaceholder" = "Write message to ";
-"conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "You are currently sharing your location with ";
-"conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "You are currently receiving a live location from ";
-"conversation.errorSavingImage" = "Failed to save image to galery";
-"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.requestMessage" = "Hello,\nWould you like to join the conversation?";
-"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ is not in your contact list.";
-"conversation.sendRequest" = "Send him/her a contact request to be able to exchange together";
-"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Send Contact Request";
-"conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "You have accepted the conversation request.";
-"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "We are waiting for \%@\ connects to synchronize the conversation.";
+"conversation.messagePlaceholder" = "이 지문에 메시지를 보내";
+"conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "현재 위치와 공유하고 있습니다.";
+"conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "현재 ";
+"conversation.errorSavingImage" = "갤러리에 이미지를 저장하지 못했습니다";
+"conversation.receivedRequest" = "대화 요청을 보내주셨죠.";
+"conversation.incomingRequest" = "대화 요청을 보냈어요";
+"conversation.requestMessage" = "안녕하세요, 대화에 참여하고 싶으세요?";
+"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\는 연락처 목록에 포함되어 있지 않습니다.";
+"conversation.sendRequest" = "함께 교환할 수 있도록 연락 요청을 보내십시오";
+"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "연락 요청 을 보내십시오";
+"conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "대화 요청을 받아들였습니다.";
+"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "우리는 대화를 동기화하기 위해 \%@\ 연결을 기다리고 있습니다.";
-"invitations.noInvitations" = "No invitations";
+"invitations.noInvitations" = "초대도 없습니다";
 // Walkthrough
 //Welcome Screen
-"welcome.title" = "Welcome to Jami !";
-"welcome.text" = "Jami is a free and universal communication platform which preserves the users' privacy and freedoms";
+"welcome.title" = "자미에 오신 것을 환영합니다!";
+"welcome.text" = "자미는 무료 및 보편적인 통신 플랫폼으로 이용자의 개인 정보와 자유를 보호합니다.";
 "welcome.linkDevice" = "이 장치를 계정에 연결하기";
-"welcome.createAccount" = "Create a Jami account";
-"welcome.connectToManager" = "Connect to a JAMS server";
+"welcome.createAccount" = "Jami 계정을 생성";
+"welcome.connectToManager" = "JAMS 서버에 연결";
 //Creation Profile Screen
-"createProfile.skipCreateProfile" = "Skip";
+"createProfile.skipCreateProfile" = "스피프";
 "createProfile.profileCreated" = "다음";
-"createProfile.title" = "Personalise your profile";
-"createProfile.enterNameLabel" = "Enter a display name";
-"createProfile.enterNamePlaceholder" = "Enter name";
-"createProfile.subtitle" = "Your profile will be shared with your contacts. You can change it at any time.";
-"createProfile.createYourAvatar" = "Create your avatar";
+"createProfile.title" = "프로필을 개인화";
+"createProfile.enterNameLabel" = "표시 이름을 입력";
+"createProfile.enterNamePlaceholder" = "이름 입력";
+"createProfile.subtitle" = "귀하의 프로필은 연락처와 공유됩니다. 언제든지 변경할 수 있습니다.";
+"createProfile.createYourAvatar" = "아바타를 만들";
 //Create Account form
 "createAccount.createAccountFormTitle" = "계정 생성하기";
-"createAccount.chooseStrongPassword" = "Choose strong password you will remember to protect your Jami account.";
+"createAccount.chooseStrongPassword" = "자미 계정을 보호하기 위해 기억할 강력한 비밀번호를 선택하세요.";
 "createAccount.enterNewUsernamePlaceholder" = "사용자명";
 "createAccount.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "암호";
 "createAccount.repeatPasswordPlaceholder" = "암호 확인";
-"createAccount.passwordCharactersNumberError" = "6 characters minimum";
-"createAccount.passwordNotMatchingError" = "passwords do not match";
-"createAccount.lookingForUsernameAvailability" = "looking for availability…";
-"createAccount.invalidUsername" = "invalid username";
-"createAccount.usernameAlreadyTaken" = "username already taken";
-"createAccount.usernameValid" = "username is available";
-"createAccount.loading" = "Loading";
-"createAccount.waitCreateAccountTitle" = "Adding account";
-"createAccount.RegisterAUsername" = "Register a username";
-"createAccount.ChooseAPassword" = "Encrypt my account";
-"createAccount.PasswordInformation" = "Choose a password to encrypt your local account. Don’t forget it or you will not be able to recover your account";
-"createAccount.EnableNotifications" = "Notifications";
-"createAccount.Recommended" = "(Recommended)";
-"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredTitle" = "Network error";
-"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredMessage" = "Account was created but username was not registered";
-"createAccount.timeoutTitle" = "Account Created";
-"createAccount.timeoutMessage" = "Username registration in progress... It could take a few moments.";
+"createAccount.passwordCharactersNumberError" = "최소 6자";
+"createAccount.passwordNotMatchingError" = "비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다";
+"createAccount.lookingForUsernameAvailability" = "가용성을 찾고 있습니다.";
+"createAccount.invalidUsername" = "유효하지 않은 사용자 이름";
+"createAccount.usernameAlreadyTaken" = "이미 사용 이름";
+"createAccount.usernameValid" = "사용자 이름 사용 가능";
+"createAccount.loading" = "로딩";
+"createAccount.waitCreateAccountTitle" = "추가 계좌";
+"createAccount.RegisterAUsername" = "사용자 이름을 등록";
+"createAccount.ChooseAPassword" = "내 계정을 암호화";
+"createAccount.PasswordInformation" = "로컬 계정을 암호화하기 위해 비밀번호를 선택하세요. 잊지 마세요. 그렇지 않으면 계정을 복구할 수 없습니다.";
+"createAccount.EnableNotifications" = "통지";
+"createAccount.Recommended" = "(상담)";
+"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredTitle" = "네트워크 오류";
+"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredMessage" = "계정 생성, 사용자 이름 등록되지 않았습니다";
+"createAccount.timeoutTitle" = "계정 생성";
+"createAccount.timeoutMessage" = "사용자 이름 등록이 진행중인 것인데 몇 분 걸릴 수도 있습니다.";
 //Link To Account form
-"linkToAccount.waitLinkToAccountTitle" = "Account linking";
-"linkToAccount.linkButtonTitle" = "Link device";
+"linkToAccount.waitLinkToAccountTitle" = "계좌 연결";
+"linkToAccount.linkButtonTitle" = "연결 장치";
 "linkToAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "암호";
 "linkToAccount.pinPlaceholder" = "PIN";
-"linkToAccount.passwordLabel" = "Enter Password";
-"linkToAccount.pinLabel" = "Enter PIN";
-"linkToAccount.explanationPinMessage" = "To generate the PIN code, go to the account managment settings on device that contain account you want to use. In devices settings Select \"Link another device to this account\". You will get the necessary PIN to complete this form. The PIN is only valid for 10 minutes.";
+"linkToAccount.passwordLabel" = "비밀번호 입력";
+"linkToAccount.pinLabel" = "PIN를 입력";
+"linkToAccount.explanationPinMessage" = "PIN 코드를 생성하려면 사용하고자 하는 계정을 포함하는 장치의 계정 관리 설정에 이동합니다. 장치 설정에서 \"이 계정에 다른 장치를 연결하십시오\"를 선택합니다. 이 양식을 작성하려면 필요한 PIN을 얻을 수 있습니다. PIN는 10 분 동안 만 유효합니다.";
 //Link To Account Manager form
-"linkToAccountManager.signIn" = "Sign In";
+"linkToAccountManager.signIn" = "로그인";
 "linkToAccountManager.passwordPlaceholder" = "암호";
-"linkToAccountManager.passwordLabel" = "Enter Password";
+"linkToAccountManager.passwordLabel" = "비밀번호 입력";
 "linkToAccountManager.usernamePlaceholder" = "사용자명";
-"linkToAccountManager.usernameLabel" = "Enter Username";
+"linkToAccountManager.usernameLabel" = "사용자 이름을 입력";
 "linkToAccountManager.accountManagerPlaceholder" = "JAMS URL";
-"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerLabel" = "Enter JAMS URL";
+"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerLabel" = "JAMS URL를 입력";
-"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundTitle" = "Can't find account";
-"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundMessage" = "Account couldn't be found on the Jami network. Make sure it was exported on Jami from an existing device, and that provided credentials are correct.";
-"alerts.accountAddedTitle" = "Account Added";
-"alerts.accountNoNetworkTitle" = "Can't connect to the network";
-"alerts.accountNoNetworkMessage" = "Could not add account because Jami couldn't connect to the distributed network. Check your device connectivity.";
-"alerts.accountDefaultErrorTitle" = "Unknown error";
-"alerts.accountDefaultErrorMessage" = "The account couldn't be created.";
+"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundTitle" = "계산을 찾을 수 없어요";
+"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundMessage" = "자미 네트워크에서 계좌가 찾을 수 없었어요. 자미에 이미 있는 기기에서 수출되었는지 확인해 주세요.";
+"alerts.accountAddedTitle" = "추가된 계좌";
+"alerts.accountNoNetworkTitle" = "네트워크에 연결할 수 없습니다";
+"alerts.accountNoNetworkMessage" = "자미가 유통 네트워크에 연결할 수 없었기 때문에 계정을 추가할 수 없었어요";
+"alerts.accountDefaultErrorTitle" = "알려지지 않은 오류";
+"alerts.accountDefaultErrorMessage" = "계좌를 만들 수 없었습니다.";
 "alerts.profileTakePhoto" = "사진 찍기";
-"alerts.profileUploadPhoto" = "Upload photo";
+"alerts.profileUploadPhoto" = "사진 업로드";
 "alerts.profileCancelPhoto" = "취소";
-"alerts.accountLinkedTitle" = "Linking account";
-"alerts.dbFailedTitle" = "An error happned when launching Jami";
-"alerts.dbFailedMessage" = "Please close application and try to open it again";
-"alerts.confirmBlockContact" = "Are you sure you want to block this contact? The conversation history with this contact will also be deleted permanently.";
-"alerts.confirmBlockContactTitle" = "Block Contact";
-"alerts.confirmDeleteConversation" = "Are you sure you want to delete this conversation permanently?";
-"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationFromContact" = "Are you sure you want to delete the conversation with this contact?";
-"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationTitle" = "Delete Conversation";
-"alerts.confirmClearConversation" = "Are you sure you want to clear the conversation with this contact?";
-"alerts.confirmClearConversationTitle" = "Clear Conversation";
-"alerts.noMediaPermissionsTitle" = "Media permission not granted";
-"alerts.noLibraryPermissionsTitle" = "Access to photo library not granted";
-"alerts.noLocationPermissionsTitle" = "Access to location not granted";
-"alerts.errorWrongCredentials" = "Cannot connect to provided account manager. Please check your credentials";
-"alerts.recordVideoMessage" = "Record a video message";
-"alerts.recordAudioMessage" = "Record an audio message";
-"alerts.uploadFile" = "Upload file";
-"alerts.uploadPhoto" = "Upload photo or movie";
-"alerts.locationServiceIsDisabled" = "Turn on \"Location Services\" to allow \"Jami\" to determine your location.";
-"alerts.locationSharing" = "Share my location";
-"alerts.alreadylocationSharing" = "Already sharing location with this user";
-"alerts.locationSharingDurationTitle" = "How long should the location sharing be?";
-"alerts.locationSharingDuration10min" = "10 min";
-"alerts.locationSharingDuration1hour" = "1 hour";
-"alerts.mapInformation" = "Map information";
-"alerts.openStreetMapCopyright" = "© OpenStreetMap contributors";
-"alerts.openStreetMapCopyrightMoreInfo" = "Learn more";
+"alerts.accountLinkedTitle" = "연결 계좌";
+"alerts.dbFailedTitle" = "자미를 발사하는 과정에서 오류가 발생했습니다";
+"alerts.dbFailedMessage" = "신청서를 닫고 다시 열려고 해 주세요";
+"alerts.confirmBlockContact" = "이 연락처를 차단하고 싶으신가요? 이 연락처의 대화 역사 또한 영구적으로 삭제됩니다.";
+"alerts.confirmBlockContactTitle" = "블록 연락처";
+"alerts.confirmDeleteConversation" = "이 대화를 영구적으로 삭제하고 싶다고 확신하십니까?";
+"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationFromContact" = "이 연락처와 대화를 삭제하고 싶다고 확신하십니까?";
+"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationTitle" = "대화 를 삭제";
+"alerts.confirmClearConversation" = "이 연락처로 대화를 정리하고 싶다고 확신하십니까?";
+"alerts.confirmClearConversationTitle" = "명확 한 대화";
+"alerts.noMediaPermissionsTitle" = "언론 허가 받지 않은";
+"alerts.noLibraryPermissionsTitle" = "사진 라이브러리에 대한 접근 권한이 부여되지 않았습니다";
+"alerts.noLocationPermissionsTitle" = "장소 접근은 허용되지 않습니다";
+"alerts.errorWrongCredentials" = "제공된 계정 관리자와 연결할 수 없습니다. 귀하의 신분증을 확인하시기 바랍니다.";
+"alerts.recordVideoMessage" = "비디오 메시지를 녹음";
+"alerts.recordAudioMessage" = "오디오 메시지를 녹음";
+"alerts.uploadFile" = "파일 업로드";
+"alerts.uploadPhoto" = "사진이나 영화를 업로드";
+"alerts.locationServiceIsDisabled" = "\"지거 서비스\"를 켜면 \"자미\"가 위치를 확인하도록 합니다.";
+"alerts.locationSharing" = "내 위치를 공유";
+"alerts.alreadylocationSharing" = "이미 이 사용자와 위치를 공유";
+"alerts.locationSharingDurationTitle" = "위치 공유는 얼마나 오래 걸릴까요?";
+"alerts.locationSharingDuration10min" = "10분";
+"alerts.locationSharingDuration1hour" = "1시간";
+"alerts.mapInformation" = "지도 정보";
+"alerts.openStreetMapCopyright" = "© 오픈스트리트맵 참여자";
+"alerts.openStreetMapCopyrightMoreInfo" = "더 많은 것을 배우십시오";
-"actions.deleteAction" = "Delete";
+"actions.deleteAction" = "삭제";
 "actions.cancelAction" = "취소";
-"actions.clearAction" = "Clear";
-"actions.backAction" = "Back";
-"actions.doneAction" = "Done";
-"alerts.incomingCallAllertTitle" = "Incoming call from ";
+"actions.clearAction" = "명확한 것";
+"actions.backAction" = "돌아와";
+"actions.doneAction" = "완료";
+"alerts.incomingCallAllertTitle" = "";
 "alerts.incomingCallButtonIgnore" = "무시";
-"actions.startAudioCall" = "  Audio Call";
-"actions.startVideoCall" = "  Video Call";
-"actions.goToSettings" = "Go to Settings";
-"actions.stopLocationSharing" = "Stop sharing";
+"actions.startAudioCall" = "오디오 호출";
+"actions.startVideoCall" = "비디오 통화";
+"actions.goToSettings" = "설정에 가";
+"actions.stopLocationSharing" = "공유를 그만 두세요";
 "calls.callItemTitle" = "통화";
-"calls.unknown" = "Unknown";
-"calls.incomingCallInfo" = "wants to talk to you";
-"calls.ringing" = "Ringing…";
-"calls.connecting" = "Connecting…";
-"calls.searching" = "Searching…";
-"calls.callFinished" = "Call finished";
-"calls.currentCallWith" = "Call with ";
-"calls.haghUp" = "hang up";
-"calls.maximize" = "maximize";
-"calls.minimize" = "minimize";
-"calls.setModerator" = "set moderator";
-"calls.removeModerator" = "unset moderator";
-"calls.muteAudio" = "mute audio";
-"calls.unmuteAudio" = "unmute audio";
-"calls.lowerHand" = "lower hand";
+"calls.unknown" = "알 수 없는";
+"calls.incomingCallInfo" = "당신과 얘기하고 싶어";
+"calls.ringing" = "울리는 소리...";
+"calls.connecting" = "연결...";
+"calls.searching" = "찾아...";
+"calls.callFinished" = "전화 종료";
+"calls.currentCallWith" = "전화";
+"calls.haghUp" = "";
+"calls.maximize" = "최대화";
+"calls.minimize" = "최소화";
+"calls.setModerator" = "설정 조정자";
+"calls.removeModerator" = "설정하지 않은 모더레이터";
+"calls.muteAudio" = "무음 음향";
+"calls.unmuteAudio" = "무음 음향";
+"calls.lowerHand" = "아래손";
 //Account Page
 "accountPage.devicesListHeader" = "장치";
 "accountPage.settingsHeader" = "설정";
 "accountPage.username" = "사용자명";
-"accountPage.usernameNotRegistered" = "username: not registered";
-"accountPage.credentialsHeader" = "Account Details";
-"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Enable Proxy";
-"accountPage.blockedContacts" = "Blocked contacts";
+"accountPage.usernameNotRegistered" = "사용자 이름: 등록되지 않은";
+"accountPage.credentialsHeader" = "계좌 세부 사항";
+"accountPage.enableProxy" = "프록시를 활성화";
+"accountPage.blockedContacts" = "차단된 연락처";
 "accountPage.unblockContact" = "UNBLOCK";
-"accountPage.proxyAddressAlert" = "Provide proxy address";
-"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Enable Proxy";
-"accountPage.noProxyExplanationLabel" = "Your device won't receive notifications when proxy is disabled";
-"accountPage.saveProxyAddress" = "Save";
-"accountPage.proxyPaceholder" = "Proxy address";
-"accountPage.enableNotifications" = "Enable Notifications";
-"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertTitle" = "Proxy Server Disabled";
-"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertBody" = "In order to receive notifications, please enable proxy";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceTitle" = "Revoke device";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceMessage" = "Are you sure you want to revoke this device? This action could not be undone.";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceButton" = "Revoke";
-"accountPage.revokeDevicePlaceholder" = "Enter your passord";
-"accountPage.deviceRevoked" = "Device revocation completed";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationProgress" = "Revoking...";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationSuccess" = "Device was revoked";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationTryAgain" = "Try again";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationWrongPassword" = "Incorrect password";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationUnknownDevice" = "Unknown device";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationError" = "Device revocation error";
-"accountPage.linkDeviceTitle" = "Link another device";
-"accountPage.other" = "Other";
-"accountPage.removeAccountTitle" = "Remove account";
-"accountPage.removeAccountMessage" = "By clicking \"Remove\" you will remove this account on this device! This action can not be undone. Also, your registered name can be lost.";
-"accountPage.removeAccountButton" = "Remove";
-"accountPage.shareAccountDetails" = "Share Account Details";
-"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "Contact me on Jami!";
-"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "Contact me using \"%s\" on the Jami distributed communication platform: https://jami.net";
-"accountPage.registerNameTitle" = "Register a username";
-"accountPage.passwordPlaceholder" = "Enter account password";
-"accountPage.usernamePlaceholder" = "Enter desired username";
-"accountPage.registerNameErrorMessage" = "Choosen username is not available";
-"accountPage.usernameRegistering" = "Registering";
-"accountPage.usernameRegisterAction" = "Register";
-"accountPage.usernameRegistrationFailed" = "Registration failed. Please check password.";
-"accountPage.createPassword" = "Create password";
-"accountPage.changePassword" = "Change password";
-"accountPage.oldPasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter old password";
-"accountPage.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter new password";
-"accountPage.newPasswordConfirmPlaceholder" = "Confirm new password";
-"accountPage.changePasswordError" = "Password incorrect";
-"accountPage.enableBoothMode" = "Enable Booth Mode";
-"accountPage.disableBoothMode" = "Disable Booth Mode";
-"accountPage.disableBoothModeExplanation" = "Pleace provide your account password";
-"accountPage.boothModeExplanation" = "In booth mode conversation history not saved and jami functionality limited by making outgoing calls. When you enable booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
-"accountPage.noBoothMode" = "To enable Booth mode you need to create account password first.";
-"accountPage.boothModeAlertMessage" = "After enabling booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
-"accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "Auto connect on local network";
-"accountPage.autoRegistration" = "Auto register after expiration";
-"accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "Connectivity";
-"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Enable TURN";
-"accountPage.turnServer" = "TURN address";
-"accountPage.turnUsername" = "TURN username";
-"accountPage.turnPassword" = "TURN password";
-"accountPage.turnRealm" = "TURN realm";
+"accountPage.proxyAddressAlert" = "프록시 주소를 입력";
+"accountPage.enableProxy" = "프록시를 활성화";
+"accountPage.noProxyExplanationLabel" = "프록시가 비활성화되면 장치가 알림을 받지 않습니다.";
+"accountPage.saveProxyAddress" = "저장";
+"accountPage.proxyPaceholder" = "프록시 주소는";
+"accountPage.enableNotifications" = "통지 설정";
+"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertTitle" = "프록시 서버 비활성화";
+"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertBody" = "알림을 받기 위해 프록시를 활성화하십시오";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceTitle" = "취소 장치";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceMessage" = "이 장치를 취소하고 싶다고 확신하십니까?";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceButton" = "취소";
+"accountPage.revokeDevicePlaceholder" = "비밀번호를 입력하세요";
+"accountPage.deviceRevoked" = "장치 취소 완료";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationProgress" = "취소...";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationSuccess" = "기기는 취소되었습니다";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationTryAgain" = "다시 시도해봐";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationWrongPassword" = "잘못된 비밀번호";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationUnknownDevice" = "알려지지 않은 장치";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationError" = "장치 취소 오류";
+"accountPage.linkDeviceTitle" = "다른 장치를 연결";
+"accountPage.other" = "다른";
+"accountPage.removeAccountTitle" = "계정을 삭제";
+"accountPage.removeAccountMessage" = "\"Remove\"를 클릭하면 이 장치에서 이 계정을 삭제 할 수 있습니다! 이 동작은 취소 할 수 없습니다. 또한 등록된 이름도 손실 될 수 있습니다.";
+"accountPage.removeAccountButton" = "제거";
+"accountPage.shareAccountDetails" = "공유 계정 세부사항";
+"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "자미에 연락해!";
+"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "Jami 유통 통신 플랫폼에서 \"%s\"를 사용하여 연락하십시오: https://jami.net";
+"accountPage.registerNameTitle" = "사용자 이름을 등록";
+"accountPage.passwordPlaceholder" = "계정 비밀번호를 입력";
+"accountPage.usernamePlaceholder" = "원하는 사용자 이름을 입력";
+"accountPage.registerNameErrorMessage" = "선택된 사용자 이름은 사용되지 않습니다";
+"accountPage.usernameRegistering" = "등록";
+"accountPage.usernameRegisterAction" = "등록";
+"accountPage.usernameRegistrationFailed" = "등록이 실패했으니 비밀번호 확인해 주세요";
+"accountPage.createPassword" = "비밀번호를 생성";
+"accountPage.changePassword" = "비밀번호 변경";
+"accountPage.oldPasswordPlaceholder" = "오래된 비밀번호를 입력";
+"accountPage.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "새로운 비밀번호를 입력";
+"accountPage.newPasswordConfirmPlaceholder" = "새로운 비밀번호를 확인";
+"accountPage.changePasswordError" = "비밀번호 잘못";
+"accountPage.enableBoothMode" = "부스 모드를 활성화";
+"accountPage.disableBoothMode" = "부스 모드를 비활성화";
+"accountPage.disableBoothModeExplanation" = "귀하의 계정 비밀번호를 입력하시기 바랍니다";
+"accountPage.boothModeExplanation" = "부시 모드에서는 대화의 역사가 저장되지 않고, 출력 통화로 Jami 기능이 제한됩니다. 부시 모드를 활성화하면 모든 대화가 삭제됩니다.";
+"accountPage.noBoothMode" = "부스 모드를 활성화하려면 먼저 계정 비밀번호를 생성해야 합니다.";
+"accountPage.boothModeAlertMessage" = "부시 모드를 활성화하면 모든 대화가 삭제됩니다.";
+"accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "로컬 네트워크에서 자동 연결";
+"accountPage.autoRegistration" = "만료 후 자동 등록";
+"accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "연결성";
+"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "TURN를 활성화";
+"accountPage.turnServer" = "TURN 주소";
+"accountPage.turnUsername" = "TURN 사용자 이름";
+"accountPage.turnPassword" = "TURN 비밀번호";
+"accountPage.turnRealm" = "스 영역";
-"account.sipUsername" = "User Name";
+"account.sipUsername" = "사용자 이름";
 "account.sipPassword" = "암호";
-"account.sipServer" = "SIP Server";
+"account.sipServer" = "SIP 서버";
 "account.port" = "포트";
 "account.proxyServer" = "프록시";
-"account.createSipAccount" = "Create a SIP Account";
-"account.usernameLabel" = "Enter Username";
-"account.passwordLabel" = "Enter Password";
-"account.serverLabel" = "Enter Address";
-"account.portLabel" = "Enter Port Number";
-"account.accountStatus" = "Account Status";
-"account.enableAccount" = "Enable Account";
-"account.statusOnline" = "Online";
-"account.statusOffline" = "Offline";
-"account.statusConnecting" = "Connecting";
-"account.statusUnknown" = "Unknown";
-"account.statusConnectionerror" = "Connection Error";
-"account.needMigration" = "account need to be migrated";
-"account.me" = "Me";
+"account.createSipAccount" = "SIP 계정 을 생성";
+"account.usernameLabel" = "사용자 이름을 입력";
+"account.passwordLabel" = "비밀번호 입력";
+"account.serverLabel" = "주소 입력";
+"account.portLabel" = "포트 번호를 입력";
+"account.accountStatus" = "계정 상태";
+"account.enableAccount" = "계정을 활성화";
+"account.statusOnline" = "온라인";
+"account.statusOffline" = "오프라인";
+"account.statusConnecting" = "연결";
+"account.statusUnknown" = "알 수 없는";
+"account.statusConnectionerror" = "연결 오류";
+"account.needMigration" = "계좌를 마이그레이션해야 합니다";
+"account.me" = "나";
 //Block List Page
-"blockListPage.noBlockedContacts" = "No blocked contacts";
+"blockListPage.noBlockedContacts" = "차단된 연락처가 없습니다";
 //Link New Device
-"linkDevice.title" = "Link a new device";
-"linkDevice.passwordError" = "The password you entered does not unlock this account";
-"linkDevice.networkError" = "A network error occured during the export";
-"linkDevice.defaultError" = "An error occured during the export";
-"linkDevice.explanationMessage" = "To complete the process, you need to open Jami on the new device and choose the option \"Link this device to an account.\" Your pin is valid for 10 minutes";
-"linkDevice.hudMessage" = "Verifying";
+"linkDevice.title" = "새로운 장치를 연결";
+"linkDevice.passwordError" = "입력한 비밀번호는 이 계정을 열 수 없습니다";
+"linkDevice.networkError" = "수출 중 네트워크 오류가 발생";
+"linkDevice.defaultError" = "수출 중 발생한 오류";
+"linkDevice.explanationMessage" = "이 프로세스를 완료하려면 새로운 장치에서 Jami를 열고 \"이 장치를 계정에 연결하십시오\".";
+"linkDevice.hudMessage" = "확인";
 //Contact Page
-"contactPage.startAudioCall" = "Start Audio Call";
-"contactPage.startVideoCall" = "Start Video Call";
-"contactPage.sendMessage" = "Send Message";
-"contactPage.clearConversation" = "Clear Chat";
-"contactPage.blockContact" = "Block Contact";
-"contactPage.removeConversation" = "Remove Conversation";
+"contactPage.startAudioCall" = "오디오 호출 시작";
+"contactPage.startVideoCall" = "비디오 통화 시작";
+"contactPage.sendMessage" = "메시지 보내";
+"contactPage.clearConversation" = "클리어 채팅";
+"contactPage.blockContact" = "블록 연락처";
+"contactPage.removeConversation" = "대화 를 제거 하라";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusCreated" = "Initializing…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusError" = "Error";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Pending…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Transferring";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusCreated" = "초기화...";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusError" = "오류";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "기다렸어";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "이전";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCanceled" = "취소됨";
-"dataTransfer.sendingFailed" = "Failed to send";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Complete";
+"dataTransfer.sendingFailed" = "보내지 못했어요";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "완전함";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCancel" = "취소";
-"notifications.incomingCall" = "Incoming Call";
-"notifications.missedCall" = "Missed Call";
-"notifications.newFile" = "New file";
-"notifications.locationSharingStarted" = "Incoming location sharing started";
-"notifications.locationSharingStopped" = "Incoming location sharing stopped";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Pending…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Transferring";
+"notifications.incomingCall" = "수신 전화";
+"notifications.missedCall" = "전화가 빠진 것";
+"notifications.newFile" = "새로운 파일";
+"notifications.locationSharingStarted" = "입국 위치 공유가 시작되었습니다";
+"notifications.locationSharingStopped" = "유입 위치 공유가 중단";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "기다렸어";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "이전";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCanceled" = "취소됨";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Complete";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "완전함";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCancel" = "취소";
-"dataTransfer.infoMessage" = "Press to start recording";
-"dataTransfer.sendMessage" = "Send";
+"dataTransfer.infoMessage" = "녹음을 시작하기 위해 누르세요";
+"dataTransfer.sendMessage" = "보내";
 //Generated Message
-"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "You received inviation";
-"generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "Swarm created";
-"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "was invited to join";
-"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "You joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "was kicked";
-"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "was re-added";
-"generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "Outgoing call";
-"generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "Incoming call";
-"generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "Missed outgoing call";
-"generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "Missed incoming call";
-"generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "Live location sharing";
-"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "left";
+"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "당신은 무죄를 받았습니다";
+"generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "무리가 만들어졌습니다";
+"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "참여하도록 초청되었습니다.";
+"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "대화에 참여";
+"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "대화에 참여했지";
+"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발";
+"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "다시 추가되었습니다";
+"generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "출력 전화";
+"generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "수신 전화";
+"generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "출력 전화가 빠진 것";
+"generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "수신 전화가 빠진 것";
+"generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "실시간 위치 공유";
+"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "왼쪽";
 //General Settings
-"generalSettings.title" = "Advanced settings";
-"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Video Settings";
-"generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "Enable video acceleration";
-"generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "File transfer";
-"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Location Sharing";
-"generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "Automatically accept incoming files";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "Accept transfer limit";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(in MB, 0 = unlimited)";
-"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Limit the duration of location sharing";
-"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Position share duration";
+"generalSettings.title" = "고급 설정";
+"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "비디오 설정";
+"generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "비디오 가속을 활성화";
+"generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "파일 전송";
+"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "위치 공유";
+"generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "자동으로 입력 파일을 받아";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "환승 제한을 받아 들인다";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(MB, 0 = 무제한)";
+"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "위치 공유 기간을 제한";
+"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "위치 공유 기간";
 //Log View
-"logView.title" = "Diagnostics";
-"logView.description" = "Open diagnostic log settings";
-"logView.startLogging" = "Start Logging";
-"logView.stopLogging" = "Stop Logging";
-"logView.saveError" = "Failed to save file";
-"logView.shareError" = "Failed to share file";
+"logView.title" = "진단";
+"logView.description" = "진단 로그 열 설정";
+"logView.startLogging" = "로그링 시작";
+"logView.stopLogging" = "나무 를 채취 하는 것 을 중단";
+"logView.saveError" = "파일 저장 실패";
+"logView.shareError" = "파일 공유가 실패";
 //Migrate Account
-"migrateAccount.title" = "Account migration";
-"migrateAccount.migrateButton" = "Migrate Account";
-"migrateAccount.explanation" = "This account needs to be migrated";
-"migrateAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "Enter password";
-"migrateAccount.passwordExplanation" = "To proceed with the migration, you need to enter a password that was used for this account";
-"migrateAccount.removeAccount" = "Remove account";
-"migrateAccount.error" = "Failed to migrate your account. You can retry or delete your account.";
-"migrateAccount.migrating" = "Migrating...";
+"migrateAccount.title" = "계정 마이그레이션";
+"migrateAccount.migrateButton" = "마이그레이션 계좌";
+"migrateAccount.explanation" = "이 계정은 마이그레이션되어야 합니다";
+"migrateAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "비밀번호를 입력";
+"migrateAccount.passwordExplanation" = "이 계정에서 사용된 비밀번호를 입력해야 합니다.";
+"migrateAccount.removeAccount" = "계정을 삭제";
+"migrateAccount.error" = "계정을 마이그레이션하지 못했어요. 다시 시도하거나 삭제할 수 있습니다.";
+"migrateAccount.migrating" = "이주하는 것...";
 "migrateAccount.cancel" = "취소";
-"migrateAccount.migrateAnother" = "Migrate Another Account";
+"migrateAccount.migrateAnother" = "다른 계정 을 마이그레이션";
diff --git a/Ring/Ring/Resources/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Ring/Ring/Resources/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 091447a..e416cf9 100644
--- a/Ring/Ring/Resources/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Ring/Ring/Resources/ko.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -20,395 +20,395 @@
 // Global
 "global.homeTabBarTitle" = "대화";
-"global.meTabBarTitle" = "Account Settings";
+"global.meTabBarTitle" = "계정 설정";
 "global.ok" = "확인";
-"global.close" = "Close";
-"global.share" = "Share";
-"global.forward" = "Forward";
-"global.save" = "Save";
-"global.resend" = "Resend";
-"global.preview" = "Preview";
+"global.close" = "가까이";
+"global.share" = "공유";
+"global.forward" = "앞으로";
+"global.save" = "저장";
+"global.resend" = "다시 보내";
+"global.preview" = "미리보기";
 "global.accept" = "수락";
-"global.block" = "Block";
-"global.refuse" = "Refuse";
+"global.block" = "블록";
+"global.refuse" = "거절";
 "global.name" = "이름";
 "global.copy" = "복사하기";
-"global.reply" = "Reply";
+"global.reply" = "답변";
 // Scan
-"scan.badQrCode" = "Bad QR code";
-"scan.search" = "Searching…";
+"scan.badQrCode" = "나쁜 QR 코드";
+"scan.search" = "찾아...";
 // SwarmCreation
-"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Search for contact...";
-"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Create the swarm";
-"swarmcreation.addADescription" = "Add a description";
-"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in the swarm";
+"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "연락처를 찾아...";
+"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "무리를 만들어";
+"swarmcreation.addADescription" = "설명을 추가";
+"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "더 많은 사람들을 더할 수 있습니다";
 // Swarm
-"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Ignore the swarm";
-"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Leave the conversation";
-"swarm.chooseColor" = "Choose a color";
-"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Type of swarm";
-"swarm.identifier" = "Identifier";
-"swarm.about" = "About";
-"swarm.members" = "Members";
-"swarm.addDescription" = "Add Description";
-"swarm.oneToOne" = "Private swarm";
-"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Admin invites only";
-"swarm.invitesOnly" = "Private swarm";
-"swarm.publicChat" = "Public swarm";
-"swarm.others" = "Others";
-"swarm.member" = "Member";
-"swarm.invited" = "Invited";
-"swarm.admin" = "Administrator";
-"swarm.banned" = "Banned";
-"swarm.unknown" = "Unkown";
-"swarm.addMorePeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in this swarm";
-"swarm.addMember" = "Add Member";
-"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Are you sure you want to leave this swarm?";
-"swarm.Leave" = "Leave";
+"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "무리를 무시해";
+"swarm.leaveConversation" = "대화는 그만둬";
+"swarm.chooseColor" = "색을 선택";
+"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "무리의 종류";
+"swarm.identifier" = "식별자";
+"swarm.about" = "에 관한 것";
+"swarm.members" = "의원";
+"swarm.addDescription" = "설명 추가";
+"swarm.oneToOne" = "개인 무리가";
+"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "관리자 초청만 합니다";
+"swarm.invitesOnly" = "개인 무리가";
+"swarm.publicChat" = "공공 무리가";
+"swarm.others" = "다른";
+"swarm.member" = "회원";
+"swarm.invited" = "초대받았어";
+"swarm.admin" = "관리자";
+"swarm.banned" = "금지";
+"swarm.unknown" = "무인";
+"swarm.addMorePeople" = "이 무리에 더 많은 사람들을 추가할 수 있습니다";
+"swarm.addMember" = "회원 추가";
+"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "이 무리를 떠나고 싶다는 확신이 있나?";
+"swarm.Leave" = "떠나";
 // Smartlist
-"smartlist.yesterday" = "Yesterday";
-"smartlist.results" = "Public Directory";
+"smartlist.yesterday" = "어제";
+"smartlist.results" = "공공 디렉토리";
 "smartlist.conversations" = "대화";
 "smartlist.searching" = "검색 중...";
-"smartlist.noResults" = "No results";
-"smartlist.noConversation" = "No conversations";
-"smartlist.searchBarPlaceholder" = "Enter name...";
-"smartlist.searchBar" = "Search for new or existing contact...";
-"smartlist.noNetworkConnectivity" = "No network connectivity";
-"smartlist.cellularAccess" = "Be sure cellular access is granted in your settings";
-"smartlist.accountsTitle" = "Accounts";
-"smartlist.addAccountButton" = "+ Add Account";
-"smartlist.noNumber" = "Selected contact does not have any number";
-"smartlist.selectOneNumber" = "Select one of the numbers";
-"smartlist.invitations" = "Invitations";
-"smartlist.accountSettings" = "Account Settings";
-"smartlist.advancedSettings" = "Advanced Settings";
-"smartlist.aboutJami" = "About Jami";
+"smartlist.noResults" = "결과도 없습니다";
+"smartlist.noConversation" = "대화가 없다";
+"smartlist.searchBarPlaceholder" = "이름 입력하세요...";
+"smartlist.searchBar" = "새로운 연락처를 찾거나 기존 연락처를 찾습니다.";
+"smartlist.noNetworkConnectivity" = "네트워크 연결이 없습니다";
+"smartlist.cellularAccess" = "설정에서 셀룰러 접속이 허용되었는지 확인하세요";
+"smartlist.accountsTitle" = "회계";
+"smartlist.addAccountButton" = "+ 계정을 추가";
+"smartlist.noNumber" = "선택된 연락처는 번호가 없습니다";
+"smartlist.selectOneNumber" = "숫자들 중 하나를 선택";
+"smartlist.invitations" = "초대";
+"smartlist.accountSettings" = "계정 설정";
+"smartlist.advancedSettings" = "고급 설정";
+"smartlist.aboutJami" = "자미 에 관한 것";
-"conversation.messagePlaceholder" = "Write message to ";
-"conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "You are currently sharing your location with ";
-"conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "You are currently receiving a live location from ";
-"conversation.errorSavingImage" = "Failed to save image to galery";
-"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.requestMessage" = "Hello,\nWould you like to join the conversation?";
-"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ is not in your contact list.";
-"conversation.sendRequest" = "Send him/her a contact request to be able to exchange together";
-"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Send Contact Request";
-"conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "You have accepted the conversation request.";
-"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "We are waiting for \%@\ connects to synchronize the conversation.";
+"conversation.messagePlaceholder" = "이 지문에 메시지를 보내";
+"conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "현재 위치와 공유하고 있습니다.";
+"conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "현재 ";
+"conversation.errorSavingImage" = "갤러리에 이미지를 저장하지 못했습니다";
+"conversation.receivedRequest" = "대화 요청을 보내주셨죠.";
+"conversation.incomingRequest" = "대화 요청을 보냈어요";
+"conversation.requestMessage" = "안녕하세요, 대화에 참여하고 싶으세요?";
+"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\는 연락처 목록에 포함되어 있지 않습니다.";
+"conversation.sendRequest" = "함께 교환할 수 있도록 연락 요청을 보내십시오";
+"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "연락 요청 을 보내십시오";
+"conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "대화 요청을 받아들였습니다.";
+"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "우리는 대화를 동기화하기 위해 \%@\ 연결을 기다리고 있습니다.";
-"invitations.noInvitations" = "No invitations";
+"invitations.noInvitations" = "초대도 없습니다";
 // Walkthrough
 //Welcome Screen
-"welcome.title" = "Welcome to Jami !";
-"welcome.text" = "Jami is a free and universal communication platform which preserves the users' privacy and freedoms";
+"welcome.title" = "자미에 오신 것을 환영합니다!";
+"welcome.text" = "자미는 무료 및 보편적인 통신 플랫폼으로 이용자의 개인 정보와 자유를 보호합니다.";
 "welcome.linkDevice" = "이 장치를 계정에 연결하기";
-"welcome.createAccount" = "Create a Jami account";
-"welcome.connectToManager" = "Connect to a JAMS server";
+"welcome.createAccount" = "Jami 계정을 생성";
+"welcome.connectToManager" = "JAMS 서버에 연결";
 //Creation Profile Screen
-"createProfile.skipCreateProfile" = "Skip";
+"createProfile.skipCreateProfile" = "스피프";
 "createProfile.profileCreated" = "다음";
-"createProfile.title" = "Personalise your profile";
-"createProfile.enterNameLabel" = "Enter a display name";
-"createProfile.enterNamePlaceholder" = "Enter name";
-"createProfile.subtitle" = "Your profile will be shared with your contacts. You can change it at any time.";
-"createProfile.createYourAvatar" = "Create your avatar";
+"createProfile.title" = "프로필을 개인화";
+"createProfile.enterNameLabel" = "표시 이름을 입력";
+"createProfile.enterNamePlaceholder" = "이름 입력";
+"createProfile.subtitle" = "귀하의 프로필은 연락처와 공유됩니다. 언제든지 변경할 수 있습니다.";
+"createProfile.createYourAvatar" = "아바타를 만들";
 //Create Account form
 "createAccount.createAccountFormTitle" = "계정 생성하기";
-"createAccount.chooseStrongPassword" = "Choose strong password you will remember to protect your Jami account.";
+"createAccount.chooseStrongPassword" = "자미 계정을 보호하기 위해 기억할 강력한 비밀번호를 선택하세요.";
 "createAccount.enterNewUsernamePlaceholder" = "사용자명";
 "createAccount.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "암호";
 "createAccount.repeatPasswordPlaceholder" = "암호 확인";
-"createAccount.passwordCharactersNumberError" = "6 characters minimum";
-"createAccount.passwordNotMatchingError" = "passwords do not match";
-"createAccount.lookingForUsernameAvailability" = "looking for availability…";
-"createAccount.invalidUsername" = "invalid username";
-"createAccount.usernameAlreadyTaken" = "username already taken";
-"createAccount.usernameValid" = "username is available";
-"createAccount.loading" = "Loading";
-"createAccount.waitCreateAccountTitle" = "Adding account";
-"createAccount.RegisterAUsername" = "Register a username";
-"createAccount.ChooseAPassword" = "Encrypt my account";
-"createAccount.PasswordInformation" = "Choose a password to encrypt your local account. Don’t forget it or you will not be able to recover your account";
-"createAccount.EnableNotifications" = "Notifications";
-"createAccount.Recommended" = "(Recommended)";
-"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredTitle" = "Network error";
-"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredMessage" = "Account was created but username was not registered";
-"createAccount.timeoutTitle" = "Account Created";
-"createAccount.timeoutMessage" = "Username registration in progress... It could take a few moments.";
+"createAccount.passwordCharactersNumberError" = "최소 6자";
+"createAccount.passwordNotMatchingError" = "비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다";
+"createAccount.lookingForUsernameAvailability" = "가용성을 찾고 있습니다.";
+"createAccount.invalidUsername" = "유효하지 않은 사용자 이름";
+"createAccount.usernameAlreadyTaken" = "이미 사용 이름";
+"createAccount.usernameValid" = "사용자 이름 사용 가능";
+"createAccount.loading" = "로딩";
+"createAccount.waitCreateAccountTitle" = "추가 계좌";
+"createAccount.RegisterAUsername" = "사용자 이름을 등록";
+"createAccount.ChooseAPassword" = "내 계정을 암호화";
+"createAccount.PasswordInformation" = "로컬 계정을 암호화하기 위해 비밀번호를 선택하세요. 잊지 마세요. 그렇지 않으면 계정을 복구할 수 없습니다.";
+"createAccount.EnableNotifications" = "통지";
+"createAccount.Recommended" = "(상담)";
+"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredTitle" = "네트워크 오류";
+"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredMessage" = "계정 생성, 사용자 이름 등록되지 않았습니다";
+"createAccount.timeoutTitle" = "계정 생성";
+"createAccount.timeoutMessage" = "사용자 이름 등록이 진행중인 것인데 몇 분 걸릴 수도 있습니다.";
 //Link To Account form
-"linkToAccount.waitLinkToAccountTitle" = "Account linking";
-"linkToAccount.linkButtonTitle" = "Link device";
+"linkToAccount.waitLinkToAccountTitle" = "계좌 연결";
+"linkToAccount.linkButtonTitle" = "연결 장치";
 "linkToAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "암호";
 "linkToAccount.pinPlaceholder" = "PIN";
-"linkToAccount.passwordLabel" = "Enter Password";
-"linkToAccount.pinLabel" = "Enter PIN";
-"linkToAccount.explanationPinMessage" = "To generate the PIN code, go to the account managment settings on device that contain account you want to use. In devices settings Select \"Link another device to this account\". You will get the necessary PIN to complete this form. The PIN is only valid for 10 minutes.";
+"linkToAccount.passwordLabel" = "비밀번호 입력";
+"linkToAccount.pinLabel" = "PIN를 입력";
+"linkToAccount.explanationPinMessage" = "PIN 코드를 생성하려면 사용하고자 하는 계정을 포함하는 장치의 계정 관리 설정에 이동합니다. 장치 설정에서 \"이 계정에 다른 장치를 연결하십시오\"를 선택합니다. 이 양식을 작성하려면 필요한 PIN을 얻을 수 있습니다. PIN는 10 분 동안 만 유효합니다.";
 //Link To Account Manager form
-"linkToAccountManager.signIn" = "Sign In";
+"linkToAccountManager.signIn" = "로그인";
 "linkToAccountManager.passwordPlaceholder" = "암호";
-"linkToAccountManager.passwordLabel" = "Enter Password";
+"linkToAccountManager.passwordLabel" = "비밀번호 입력";
 "linkToAccountManager.usernamePlaceholder" = "사용자명";
-"linkToAccountManager.usernameLabel" = "Enter Username";
+"linkToAccountManager.usernameLabel" = "사용자 이름을 입력";
 "linkToAccountManager.accountManagerPlaceholder" = "JAMS URL";
-"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerLabel" = "Enter JAMS URL";
+"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerLabel" = "JAMS URL를 입력";
-"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundTitle" = "Can't find account";
-"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundMessage" = "Account couldn't be found on the Jami network. Make sure it was exported on Jami from an existing device, and that provided credentials are correct.";
-"alerts.accountAddedTitle" = "Account Added";
-"alerts.accountNoNetworkTitle" = "Can't connect to the network";
-"alerts.accountNoNetworkMessage" = "Could not add account because Jami couldn't connect to the distributed network. Check your device connectivity.";
-"alerts.accountDefaultErrorTitle" = "Unknown error";
-"alerts.accountDefaultErrorMessage" = "The account couldn't be created.";
+"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundTitle" = "계산을 찾을 수 없어요";
+"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundMessage" = "자미 네트워크에서 계좌가 찾을 수 없었어요. 자미에 이미 있는 기기에서 수출되었는지 확인해 주세요.";
+"alerts.accountAddedTitle" = "추가된 계좌";
+"alerts.accountNoNetworkTitle" = "네트워크에 연결할 수 없습니다";
+"alerts.accountNoNetworkMessage" = "자미가 유통 네트워크에 연결할 수 없었기 때문에 계정을 추가할 수 없었어요";
+"alerts.accountDefaultErrorTitle" = "알려지지 않은 오류";
+"alerts.accountDefaultErrorMessage" = "계좌를 만들 수 없었습니다.";
 "alerts.profileTakePhoto" = "사진 찍기";
-"alerts.profileUploadPhoto" = "Upload photo";
+"alerts.profileUploadPhoto" = "사진 업로드";
 "alerts.profileCancelPhoto" = "취소";
-"alerts.accountLinkedTitle" = "Linking account";
-"alerts.dbFailedTitle" = "An error happned when launching Jami";
-"alerts.dbFailedMessage" = "Please close application and try to open it again";
-"alerts.confirmBlockContact" = "Are you sure you want to block this contact? The conversation history with this contact will also be deleted permanently.";
-"alerts.confirmBlockContactTitle" = "Block Contact";
-"alerts.confirmDeleteConversation" = "Are you sure you want to delete this conversation permanently?";
-"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationFromContact" = "Are you sure you want to delete the conversation with this contact?";
-"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationTitle" = "Delete Conversation";
-"alerts.confirmClearConversation" = "Are you sure you want to clear the conversation with this contact?";
-"alerts.confirmClearConversationTitle" = "Clear Conversation";
-"alerts.noMediaPermissionsTitle" = "Media permission not granted";
-"alerts.noLibraryPermissionsTitle" = "Access to photo library not granted";
-"alerts.noLocationPermissionsTitle" = "Access to location not granted";
-"alerts.errorWrongCredentials" = "Cannot connect to provided account manager. Please check your credentials";
-"alerts.recordVideoMessage" = "Record a video message";
-"alerts.recordAudioMessage" = "Record an audio message";
-"alerts.uploadFile" = "Upload file";
-"alerts.uploadPhoto" = "Upload photo or movie";
-"alerts.locationServiceIsDisabled" = "Turn on \"Location Services\" to allow \"Jami\" to determine your location.";
-"alerts.locationSharing" = "Share my location";
-"alerts.alreadylocationSharing" = "Already sharing location with this user";
-"alerts.locationSharingDurationTitle" = "How long should the location sharing be?";
-"alerts.locationSharingDuration10min" = "10 min";
-"alerts.locationSharingDuration1hour" = "1 hour";
-"alerts.mapInformation" = "Map information";
-"alerts.openStreetMapCopyright" = "© OpenStreetMap contributors";
-"alerts.openStreetMapCopyrightMoreInfo" = "Learn more";
+"alerts.accountLinkedTitle" = "연결 계좌";
+"alerts.dbFailedTitle" = "자미를 발사하는 과정에서 오류가 발생했습니다";
+"alerts.dbFailedMessage" = "신청서를 닫고 다시 열려고 해 주세요";
+"alerts.confirmBlockContact" = "이 연락처를 차단하고 싶으신가요? 이 연락처의 대화 역사 또한 영구적으로 삭제됩니다.";
+"alerts.confirmBlockContactTitle" = "블록 연락처";
+"alerts.confirmDeleteConversation" = "이 대화를 영구적으로 삭제하고 싶다고 확신하십니까?";
+"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationFromContact" = "이 연락처와 대화를 삭제하고 싶다고 확신하십니까?";
+"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationTitle" = "대화 를 삭제";
+"alerts.confirmClearConversation" = "이 연락처로 대화를 정리하고 싶다고 확신하십니까?";
+"alerts.confirmClearConversationTitle" = "명확 한 대화";
+"alerts.noMediaPermissionsTitle" = "언론 허가 받지 않은";
+"alerts.noLibraryPermissionsTitle" = "사진 라이브러리에 대한 접근 권한이 부여되지 않았습니다";
+"alerts.noLocationPermissionsTitle" = "장소 접근은 허용되지 않습니다";
+"alerts.errorWrongCredentials" = "제공된 계정 관리자와 연결할 수 없습니다. 귀하의 신분증을 확인하시기 바랍니다.";
+"alerts.recordVideoMessage" = "비디오 메시지를 녹음";
+"alerts.recordAudioMessage" = "오디오 메시지를 녹음";
+"alerts.uploadFile" = "파일 업로드";
+"alerts.uploadPhoto" = "사진이나 영화를 업로드";
+"alerts.locationServiceIsDisabled" = "\"지거 서비스\"를 켜면 \"자미\"가 위치를 확인하도록 합니다.";
+"alerts.locationSharing" = "내 위치를 공유";
+"alerts.alreadylocationSharing" = "이미 이 사용자와 위치를 공유";
+"alerts.locationSharingDurationTitle" = "위치 공유는 얼마나 오래 걸릴까요?";
+"alerts.locationSharingDuration10min" = "10분";
+"alerts.locationSharingDuration1hour" = "1시간";
+"alerts.mapInformation" = "지도 정보";
+"alerts.openStreetMapCopyright" = "© 오픈스트리트맵 참여자";
+"alerts.openStreetMapCopyrightMoreInfo" = "더 많은 것을 배우십시오";
-"actions.deleteAction" = "Delete";
+"actions.deleteAction" = "삭제";
 "actions.cancelAction" = "취소";
-"actions.clearAction" = "Clear";
-"actions.backAction" = "Back";
-"actions.doneAction" = "Done";
-"alerts.incomingCallAllertTitle" = "Incoming call from ";
+"actions.clearAction" = "명확한 것";
+"actions.backAction" = "돌아와";
+"actions.doneAction" = "완료";
+"alerts.incomingCallAllertTitle" = "";
 "alerts.incomingCallButtonIgnore" = "무시";
-"actions.startAudioCall" = "  Audio Call";
-"actions.startVideoCall" = "  Video Call";
-"actions.goToSettings" = "Go to Settings";
-"actions.stopLocationSharing" = "Stop sharing";
+"actions.startAudioCall" = "오디오 호출";
+"actions.startVideoCall" = "비디오 통화";
+"actions.goToSettings" = "설정에 가";
+"actions.stopLocationSharing" = "공유를 그만 두세요";
 "calls.callItemTitle" = "통화";
-"calls.unknown" = "Unknown";
-"calls.incomingCallInfo" = "wants to talk to you";
-"calls.ringing" = "Ringing…";
-"calls.connecting" = "Connecting…";
-"calls.searching" = "Searching…";
-"calls.callFinished" = "Call finished";
-"calls.currentCallWith" = "Call with ";
-"calls.haghUp" = "hang up";
-"calls.maximize" = "maximize";
-"calls.minimize" = "minimize";
-"calls.setModerator" = "set moderator";
-"calls.removeModerator" = "unset moderator";
-"calls.muteAudio" = "mute audio";
-"calls.unmuteAudio" = "unmute audio";
-"calls.lowerHand" = "lower hand";
+"calls.unknown" = "알 수 없는";
+"calls.incomingCallInfo" = "당신과 얘기하고 싶어";
+"calls.ringing" = "울리는 소리...";
+"calls.connecting" = "연결...";
+"calls.searching" = "찾아...";
+"calls.callFinished" = "전화 종료";
+"calls.currentCallWith" = "전화";
+"calls.haghUp" = "";
+"calls.maximize" = "최대화";
+"calls.minimize" = "최소화";
+"calls.setModerator" = "설정 조정자";
+"calls.removeModerator" = "설정하지 않은 모더레이터";
+"calls.muteAudio" = "무음 음향";
+"calls.unmuteAudio" = "무음 음향";
+"calls.lowerHand" = "아래손";
 //Account Page
 "accountPage.devicesListHeader" = "장치";
 "accountPage.settingsHeader" = "설정";
 "accountPage.username" = "사용자명";
-"accountPage.usernameNotRegistered" = "username: not registered";
-"accountPage.credentialsHeader" = "Account Details";
-"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Enable Proxy";
-"accountPage.blockedContacts" = "Blocked contacts";
+"accountPage.usernameNotRegistered" = "사용자 이름: 등록되지 않은";
+"accountPage.credentialsHeader" = "계좌 세부 사항";
+"accountPage.enableProxy" = "프록시를 활성화";
+"accountPage.blockedContacts" = "차단된 연락처";
 "accountPage.unblockContact" = "UNBLOCK";
-"accountPage.proxyAddressAlert" = "Provide proxy address";
-"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Enable Proxy";
-"accountPage.noProxyExplanationLabel" = "Your device won't receive notifications when proxy is disabled";
-"accountPage.saveProxyAddress" = "Save";
-"accountPage.proxyPaceholder" = "Proxy address";
-"accountPage.enableNotifications" = "Enable Notifications";
-"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertTitle" = "Proxy Server Disabled";
-"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertBody" = "In order to receive notifications, please enable proxy";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceTitle" = "Revoke device";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceMessage" = "Are you sure you want to revoke this device? This action could not be undone.";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceButton" = "Revoke";
-"accountPage.revokeDevicePlaceholder" = "Enter your passord";
-"accountPage.deviceRevoked" = "Device revocation completed";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationProgress" = "Revoking...";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationSuccess" = "Device was revoked";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationTryAgain" = "Try again";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationWrongPassword" = "Incorrect password";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationUnknownDevice" = "Unknown device";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationError" = "Device revocation error";
-"accountPage.linkDeviceTitle" = "Link another device";
-"accountPage.other" = "Other";
-"accountPage.removeAccountTitle" = "Remove account";
-"accountPage.removeAccountMessage" = "By clicking \"Remove\" you will remove this account on this device! This action can not be undone. Also, your registered name can be lost.";
-"accountPage.removeAccountButton" = "Remove";
-"accountPage.shareAccountDetails" = "Share Account Details";
-"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "Contact me on Jami!";
-"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "Contact me using \"%s\" on the Jami distributed communication platform: https://jami.net";
-"accountPage.registerNameTitle" = "Register a username";
-"accountPage.passwordPlaceholder" = "Enter account password";
-"accountPage.usernamePlaceholder" = "Enter desired username";
-"accountPage.registerNameErrorMessage" = "Choosen username is not available";
-"accountPage.usernameRegistering" = "Registering";
-"accountPage.usernameRegisterAction" = "Register";
-"accountPage.usernameRegistrationFailed" = "Registration failed. Please check password.";
-"accountPage.createPassword" = "Create password";
-"accountPage.changePassword" = "Change password";
-"accountPage.oldPasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter old password";
-"accountPage.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter new password";
-"accountPage.newPasswordConfirmPlaceholder" = "Confirm new password";
-"accountPage.changePasswordError" = "Password incorrect";
-"accountPage.enableBoothMode" = "Enable Booth Mode";
-"accountPage.disableBoothMode" = "Disable Booth Mode";
-"accountPage.disableBoothModeExplanation" = "Pleace provide your account password";
-"accountPage.boothModeExplanation" = "In booth mode conversation history not saved and jami functionality limited by making outgoing calls. When you enable booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
-"accountPage.noBoothMode" = "To enable Booth mode you need to create account password first.";
-"accountPage.boothModeAlertMessage" = "After enabling booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
-"accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "Auto connect on local network";
-"accountPage.autoRegistration" = "Auto register after expiration";
-"accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "Connectivity";
-"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Enable TURN";
-"accountPage.turnServer" = "TURN address";
-"accountPage.turnUsername" = "TURN username";
-"accountPage.turnPassword" = "TURN password";
-"accountPage.turnRealm" = "TURN realm";
+"accountPage.proxyAddressAlert" = "프록시 주소를 입력";
+"accountPage.enableProxy" = "프록시를 활성화";
+"accountPage.noProxyExplanationLabel" = "프록시가 비활성화되면 장치가 알림을 받지 않습니다.";
+"accountPage.saveProxyAddress" = "저장";
+"accountPage.proxyPaceholder" = "프록시 주소는";
+"accountPage.enableNotifications" = "통지 설정";
+"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertTitle" = "프록시 서버 비활성화";
+"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertBody" = "알림을 받기 위해 프록시를 활성화하십시오";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceTitle" = "취소 장치";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceMessage" = "이 장치를 취소하고 싶다고 확신하십니까?";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceButton" = "취소";
+"accountPage.revokeDevicePlaceholder" = "비밀번호를 입력하세요";
+"accountPage.deviceRevoked" = "장치 취소 완료";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationProgress" = "취소...";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationSuccess" = "기기는 취소되었습니다";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationTryAgain" = "다시 시도해봐";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationWrongPassword" = "잘못된 비밀번호";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationUnknownDevice" = "알려지지 않은 장치";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationError" = "장치 취소 오류";
+"accountPage.linkDeviceTitle" = "다른 장치를 연결";
+"accountPage.other" = "다른";
+"accountPage.removeAccountTitle" = "계정을 삭제";
+"accountPage.removeAccountMessage" = "\"Remove\"를 클릭하면 이 장치에서 이 계정을 삭제 할 수 있습니다! 이 동작은 취소 할 수 없습니다. 또한 등록된 이름도 손실 될 수 있습니다.";
+"accountPage.removeAccountButton" = "제거";
+"accountPage.shareAccountDetails" = "공유 계정 세부사항";
+"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "자미에 연락해!";
+"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "Jami 유통 통신 플랫폼에서 \"%s\"를 사용하여 연락하십시오: https://jami.net";
+"accountPage.registerNameTitle" = "사용자 이름을 등록";
+"accountPage.passwordPlaceholder" = "계정 비밀번호를 입력";
+"accountPage.usernamePlaceholder" = "원하는 사용자 이름을 입력";
+"accountPage.registerNameErrorMessage" = "선택된 사용자 이름은 사용되지 않습니다";
+"accountPage.usernameRegistering" = "등록";
+"accountPage.usernameRegisterAction" = "등록";
+"accountPage.usernameRegistrationFailed" = "등록이 실패했으니 비밀번호 확인해 주세요";
+"accountPage.createPassword" = "비밀번호를 생성";
+"accountPage.changePassword" = "비밀번호 변경";
+"accountPage.oldPasswordPlaceholder" = "오래된 비밀번호를 입력";
+"accountPage.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "새로운 비밀번호를 입력";
+"accountPage.newPasswordConfirmPlaceholder" = "새로운 비밀번호를 확인";
+"accountPage.changePasswordError" = "비밀번호 잘못";
+"accountPage.enableBoothMode" = "부스 모드를 활성화";
+"accountPage.disableBoothMode" = "부스 모드를 비활성화";
+"accountPage.disableBoothModeExplanation" = "귀하의 계정 비밀번호를 입력하시기 바랍니다";
+"accountPage.boothModeExplanation" = "부시 모드에서는 대화의 역사가 저장되지 않고, 출력 통화로 Jami 기능이 제한됩니다. 부시 모드를 활성화하면 모든 대화가 삭제됩니다.";
+"accountPage.noBoothMode" = "부스 모드를 활성화하려면 먼저 계정 비밀번호를 생성해야 합니다.";
+"accountPage.boothModeAlertMessage" = "부시 모드를 활성화하면 모든 대화가 삭제됩니다.";
+"accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "로컬 네트워크에서 자동 연결";
+"accountPage.autoRegistration" = "만료 후 자동 등록";
+"accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "연결성";
+"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "TURN를 활성화";
+"accountPage.turnServer" = "TURN 주소";
+"accountPage.turnUsername" = "TURN 사용자 이름";
+"accountPage.turnPassword" = "TURN 비밀번호";
+"accountPage.turnRealm" = "스 영역";
-"account.sipUsername" = "User Name";
+"account.sipUsername" = "사용자 이름";
 "account.sipPassword" = "암호";
-"account.sipServer" = "SIP Server";
+"account.sipServer" = "SIP 서버";
 "account.port" = "포트";
 "account.proxyServer" = "프록시";
-"account.createSipAccount" = "Create a SIP Account";
-"account.usernameLabel" = "Enter Username";
-"account.passwordLabel" = "Enter Password";
-"account.serverLabel" = "Enter Address";
-"account.portLabel" = "Enter Port Number";
-"account.accountStatus" = "Account Status";
-"account.enableAccount" = "Enable Account";
-"account.statusOnline" = "Online";
-"account.statusOffline" = "Offline";
-"account.statusConnecting" = "Connecting";
-"account.statusUnknown" = "Unknown";
-"account.statusConnectionerror" = "Connection Error";
-"account.needMigration" = "account need to be migrated";
-"account.me" = "Me";
+"account.createSipAccount" = "SIP 계정 을 생성";
+"account.usernameLabel" = "사용자 이름을 입력";
+"account.passwordLabel" = "비밀번호 입력";
+"account.serverLabel" = "주소 입력";
+"account.portLabel" = "포트 번호를 입력";
+"account.accountStatus" = "계정 상태";
+"account.enableAccount" = "계정을 활성화";
+"account.statusOnline" = "온라인";
+"account.statusOffline" = "오프라인";
+"account.statusConnecting" = "연결";
+"account.statusUnknown" = "알 수 없는";
+"account.statusConnectionerror" = "연결 오류";
+"account.needMigration" = "계좌를 마이그레이션해야 합니다";
+"account.me" = "나";
 //Block List Page
-"blockListPage.noBlockedContacts" = "No blocked contacts";
+"blockListPage.noBlockedContacts" = "차단된 연락처가 없습니다";
 //Link New Device
-"linkDevice.title" = "Link a new device";
-"linkDevice.passwordError" = "The password you entered does not unlock this account";
-"linkDevice.networkError" = "A network error occured during the export";
-"linkDevice.defaultError" = "An error occured during the export";
-"linkDevice.explanationMessage" = "To complete the process, you need to open Jami on the new device and choose the option \"Link this device to an account.\" Your pin is valid for 10 minutes";
-"linkDevice.hudMessage" = "Verifying";
+"linkDevice.title" = "새로운 장치를 연결";
+"linkDevice.passwordError" = "입력한 비밀번호는 이 계정을 열 수 없습니다";
+"linkDevice.networkError" = "수출 중 네트워크 오류가 발생";
+"linkDevice.defaultError" = "수출 중 발생한 오류";
+"linkDevice.explanationMessage" = "이 프로세스를 완료하려면 새로운 장치에서 Jami를 열고 \"이 장치를 계정에 연결하십시오\".";
+"linkDevice.hudMessage" = "확인";
 //Contact Page
-"contactPage.startAudioCall" = "Start Audio Call";
-"contactPage.startVideoCall" = "Start Video Call";
-"contactPage.sendMessage" = "Send Message";
-"contactPage.clearConversation" = "Clear Chat";
-"contactPage.blockContact" = "Block Contact";
-"contactPage.removeConversation" = "Remove Conversation";
+"contactPage.startAudioCall" = "오디오 호출 시작";
+"contactPage.startVideoCall" = "비디오 통화 시작";
+"contactPage.sendMessage" = "메시지 보내";
+"contactPage.clearConversation" = "클리어 채팅";
+"contactPage.blockContact" = "블록 연락처";
+"contactPage.removeConversation" = "대화 를 제거 하라";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusCreated" = "Initializing…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusError" = "Error";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Pending…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Transferring";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusCreated" = "초기화...";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusError" = "오류";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "기다렸어";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "이전";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCanceled" = "취소됨";
-"dataTransfer.sendingFailed" = "Failed to send";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Complete";
+"dataTransfer.sendingFailed" = "보내지 못했어요";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "완전함";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCancel" = "취소";
-"notifications.incomingCall" = "Incoming Call";
-"notifications.missedCall" = "Missed Call";
-"notifications.newFile" = "New file";
-"notifications.locationSharingStarted" = "Incoming location sharing started";
-"notifications.locationSharingStopped" = "Incoming location sharing stopped";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Pending…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Transferring";
+"notifications.incomingCall" = "수신 전화";
+"notifications.missedCall" = "전화가 빠진 것";
+"notifications.newFile" = "새로운 파일";
+"notifications.locationSharingStarted" = "입국 위치 공유가 시작되었습니다";
+"notifications.locationSharingStopped" = "유입 위치 공유가 중단";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "기다렸어";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "이전";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCanceled" = "취소됨";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Complete";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "완전함";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCancel" = "취소";
-"dataTransfer.infoMessage" = "Press to start recording";
-"dataTransfer.sendMessage" = "Send";
+"dataTransfer.infoMessage" = "녹음을 시작하기 위해 누르세요";
+"dataTransfer.sendMessage" = "보내";
 //Generated Message
-"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "You received inviation";
-"generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "Swarm created";
-"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "was invited to join";
-"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "You joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "was kicked";
-"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "was re-added";
-"generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "Outgoing call";
-"generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "Incoming call";
-"generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "Missed outgoing call";
-"generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "Missed incoming call";
-"generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "Live location sharing";
-"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "left";
+"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "당신은 무죄를 받았습니다";
+"generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "무리가 만들어졌습니다";
+"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "참여하도록 초청되었습니다.";
+"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "대화에 참여";
+"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "대화에 참여했지";
+"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발 발";
+"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "다시 추가되었습니다";
+"generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "출력 전화";
+"generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "수신 전화";
+"generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "출력 전화가 빠진 것";
+"generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "수신 전화가 빠진 것";
+"generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "실시간 위치 공유";
+"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "왼쪽";
 //General Settings
-"generalSettings.title" = "Advanced settings";
-"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Video Settings";
-"generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "Enable video acceleration";
-"generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "File transfer";
-"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Location Sharing";
-"generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "Automatically accept incoming files";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "Accept transfer limit";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(in MB, 0 = unlimited)";
-"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Limit the duration of location sharing";
-"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Position share duration";
+"generalSettings.title" = "고급 설정";
+"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "비디오 설정";
+"generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "비디오 가속을 활성화";
+"generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "파일 전송";
+"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "위치 공유";
+"generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "자동으로 입력 파일을 받아";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "환승 제한을 받아 들인다";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(MB, 0 = 무제한)";
+"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "위치 공유 기간을 제한";
+"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "위치 공유 기간";
 //Log View
-"logView.title" = "Diagnostics";
-"logView.description" = "Open diagnostic log settings";
-"logView.startLogging" = "Start Logging";
-"logView.stopLogging" = "Stop Logging";
-"logView.saveError" = "Failed to save file";
-"logView.shareError" = "Failed to share file";
+"logView.title" = "진단";
+"logView.description" = "진단 로그 열 설정";
+"logView.startLogging" = "로그링 시작";
+"logView.stopLogging" = "나무 를 채취 하는 것 을 중단";
+"logView.saveError" = "파일 저장 실패";
+"logView.shareError" = "파일 공유가 실패";
 //Migrate Account
-"migrateAccount.title" = "Account migration";
-"migrateAccount.migrateButton" = "Migrate Account";
-"migrateAccount.explanation" = "This account needs to be migrated";
-"migrateAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "Enter password";
-"migrateAccount.passwordExplanation" = "To proceed with the migration, you need to enter a password that was used for this account";
-"migrateAccount.removeAccount" = "Remove account";
-"migrateAccount.error" = "Failed to migrate your account. You can retry or delete your account.";
-"migrateAccount.migrating" = "Migrating...";
+"migrateAccount.title" = "계정 마이그레이션";
+"migrateAccount.migrateButton" = "마이그레이션 계좌";
+"migrateAccount.explanation" = "이 계정은 마이그레이션되어야 합니다";
+"migrateAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "비밀번호를 입력";
+"migrateAccount.passwordExplanation" = "이 계정에서 사용된 비밀번호를 입력해야 합니다.";
+"migrateAccount.removeAccount" = "계정을 삭제";
+"migrateAccount.error" = "계정을 마이그레이션하지 못했어요. 다시 시도하거나 삭제할 수 있습니다.";
+"migrateAccount.migrating" = "이주하는 것...";
 "migrateAccount.cancel" = "취소";
-"migrateAccount.migrateAnother" = "Migrate Another Account";
+"migrateAccount.migrateAnother" = "다른 계정 을 마이그레이션";
diff --git a/Ring/Ring/Resources/ru-RU.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Ring/Ring/Resources/ru-RU.lproj/Localizable.strings
index eece479..b4385d4 100644
--- a/Ring/Ring/Resources/ru-RU.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Ring/Ring/Resources/ru-RU.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -43,29 +43,29 @@
 "swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Поиск контакта...";
 "swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Создать группу";
 "swarmcreation.addADescription" = "Добавить описание";
-"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in the swarm";
+"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "Вы можете добавить в ров больше людей";
 // Swarm
-"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Ignore the swarm";
-"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Leave the conversation";
+"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Игнорируйте ров";
+"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Оставьте разговор.";
 "swarm.chooseColor" = "Выбрать цвет";
 "swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Тип роя";
 "swarm.identifier" = "Идентификатор";
 "swarm.about" = "О продукте";
 "swarm.members" = "Участники";
-"swarm.addDescription" = "Add Description";
+"swarm.addDescription" = "Добавить описание";
 "swarm.oneToOne" = "Частный рой";
-"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Admin invites only";
+"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Администратор приглашает только";
 "swarm.invitesOnly" = "Частный рой";
-"swarm.publicChat" = "Public swarm";
-"swarm.others" = "Others";
+"swarm.publicChat" = "Общественный ров";
+"swarm.others" = "Другие";
 "swarm.member" = "Участник";
 "swarm.invited" = "Приглашен(а)";
 "swarm.admin" = "Администратор";
 "swarm.banned" = "Заблокирован";
-"swarm.unknown" = "Unkown";
-"swarm.addMorePeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in this swarm";
-"swarm.addMember" = "Add Member";
-"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Are you sure you want to leave this swarm?";
+"swarm.unknown" = "Неизвестный";
+"swarm.addMorePeople" = "Вы можете добавить в этот ров больше людей";
+"swarm.addMember" = "Добавить член";
+"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Ты уверен, что хочешь покинуть этот рог?";
 "swarm.Leave" = "Покинуть";
 // Smartlist
 "smartlist.yesterday" = "Вчера";
@@ -92,14 +92,14 @@
 "conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "В настоящее время вы делитесь своим местоположением с";
 "conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "В настоящее время вы получаете текущее местоположение от";
 "conversation.errorSavingImage" = "Не удалось сохранить изображение в галерею";
-"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Sent you a request for a conversation.";
+"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\\ послал вам запрос на разговор.";
+"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Я отправил вам запрос на разговор.";
 "conversation.requestMessage" = "Привет,\nВы хотите присоединиться к разговору?";
-"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ is not in your contact list.";
+"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ не в вашем списке контактов.";
 "conversation.sendRequest" = "Отправьте ему/ей запрос контакта, чтобы иметь возможность совместного обмена";
-"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Send Contact Request";
+"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Посылать запрос на контакт";
 "conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "Вы приняли запрос на беседу.";
-"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "We are waiting for \%@\ connects to synchronize the conversation.";
+"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "Мы ждем \%@\ подключения, чтобы синхронизировать разговор.";
 "invitations.noInvitations" = "Приглашений нет";
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
 "accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "Автоматическое соединение в локальной сети";
 "accountPage.autoRegistration" = "Автоматическая регистрация после истечения срока действия";
 "accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "Связь";
-"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Enable TURN";
+"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Включить TURN";
 "accountPage.turnServer" = "Адрес TURN";
 "accountPage.turnUsername" = "Имя пользователя";
 "accountPage.turnPassword" = "Пароль";
@@ -364,40 +364,40 @@
 //Generated Message
-"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "You received inviation";
+"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "Ты получил неотказание";
 "generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "Рой создан";
-"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "was invited to join";
-"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "You joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "was kicked";
-"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "was re-added";
+"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "приглашали к участию";
+"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "Присоединился к разговору";
+"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "Ты присоединился к разговору";
+"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "был выбит";
+"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "был передобавлен";
 "generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "Исходящий вызов";
 "generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "Входящий вызов";
 "generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "Пропущенный исходящий";
 "generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "Пропущенный входящий";
 "generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "Совместное использование местоположения в реальном времени";
-"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "left";
+"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "левый";
 //General Settings
 "generalSettings.title" = "Дополнительные настройки";
-"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Video Settings";
+"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Настройки видео";
 "generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "Разрешить видео-ускорение";
 "generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "Передача файлов";
-"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Location Sharing";
+"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Разделение мест";
 "generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "Автоматически принимать входящие файлы";
 "generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "Принять лимит на передачу";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(in MB, 0 = unlimited)";
-"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Limit the duration of location sharing";
-"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Position share duration";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(в МБ, 0 = неограниченный)";
+"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Ограничить продолжительность совместного размещения";
+"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Продолжительность позиционных акций";
 //Log View
 "logView.title" = "Диагностика";
 "logView.description" = "Открыть настройки диагностических логов";
 "logView.startLogging" = "Начать логирование";
-"logView.stopLogging" = "Stop Logging";
-"logView.saveError" = "Failed to save file";
-"logView.shareError" = "Failed to share file";
+"logView.stopLogging" = "Перестаньте лесозаготовку";
+"logView.saveError" = "Не удалось сохранить файл";
+"logView.shareError" = "Не удалось поделиться файлом";
 //Migrate Account
 "migrateAccount.title" = "Миграция аккаунта";
diff --git a/Ring/Ring/Resources/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Ring/Ring/Resources/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 5dcab18..e2b02a1 100644
--- a/Ring/Ring/Resources/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Ring/Ring/Resources/ru.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -43,29 +43,29 @@
 "swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Поиск контакта...";
 "swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Создать группу";
 "swarmcreation.addADescription" = "Добавить описание";
-"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in the swarm";
+"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "Вы можете добавить в ров больше людей";
 // Swarm
-"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Ignore the swarm";
-"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Leave the conversation";
+"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Игнорируйте ров";
+"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Оставьте разговор.";
 "swarm.chooseColor" = "Выбрать цвет";
 "swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Тип роя";
 "swarm.identifier" = "Идентификатор";
 "swarm.about" = "О программе";
 "swarm.members" = "Члены";
-"swarm.addDescription" = "Add Description";
+"swarm.addDescription" = "Добавить описание";
 "swarm.oneToOne" = "Частный рой";
-"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Admin invites only";
+"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Администратор приглашает только";
 "swarm.invitesOnly" = "Частный рой";
-"swarm.publicChat" = "Public swarm";
-"swarm.others" = "Others";
+"swarm.publicChat" = "Общественный ров";
+"swarm.others" = "Другие";
 "swarm.member" = "Участник";
 "swarm.invited" = "Приглашен(а)";
 "swarm.admin" = "Администратор";
 "swarm.banned" = "Заблокирован";
-"swarm.unknown" = "Unkown";
-"swarm.addMorePeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in this swarm";
-"swarm.addMember" = "Add Member";
-"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Are you sure you want to leave this swarm?";
+"swarm.unknown" = "Неизвестный";
+"swarm.addMorePeople" = "Вы можете добавить в этот ров больше людей";
+"swarm.addMember" = "Добавить член";
+"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Ты уверен, что хочешь покинуть этот рог?";
 "swarm.Leave" = "Покинуть";
 // Smartlist
 "smartlist.yesterday" = "Вчера";
@@ -92,14 +92,14 @@
 "conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "В настоящее время вы делитесь своим местоположением с";
 "conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "В настоящее время вы получаете текущее местоположение от";
 "conversation.errorSavingImage" = "Не удалось сохранить изображение в галерею";
-"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Sent you a request for a conversation.";
+"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\\ послал вам запрос на разговор.";
+"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Я отправил вам запрос на разговор.";
 "conversation.requestMessage" = "Привет,\nВы хотите присоединиться к разговору?";
-"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ is not in your contact list.";
+"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ не в вашем списке контактов.";
 "conversation.sendRequest" = "Отправьте ему/ей запрос контакта, чтобы иметь возможность совместного обмена";
-"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Send Contact Request";
+"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Посылать запрос на контакт";
 "conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "Вы приняли запрос на беседу.";
-"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "We are waiting for \%@\ connects to synchronize the conversation.";
+"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "Мы ждем \%@\ подключения, чтобы синхронизировать разговор.";
 "invitations.noInvitations" = "Приглашений нет";
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
 "accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "Авто-подключение к локальной сети";
 "accountPage.autoRegistration" = "Автоматическая регистрация после истечения срока действия";
 "accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "Связь";
-"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Enable TURN";
+"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Включить TURN";
 "accountPage.turnServer" = "Адрес TURN";
 "accountPage.turnUsername" = "Имя пользователя TURN";
 "accountPage.turnPassword" = "Пароль TURN";
@@ -364,40 +364,40 @@
 //Generated Message
-"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "You received inviation";
+"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "Ты получил неотказание";
 "generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "Рой создан";
-"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "was invited to join";
-"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "You joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "was kicked";
-"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "was re-added";
+"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "приглашали к участию";
+"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "Присоединился к разговору";
+"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "Ты присоединился к разговору";
+"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "был выбит";
+"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "был передобавлен";
 "generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "Исходящий вызов";
 "generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "Входящий звонок";
 "generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "Непринятый исходящий звонок";
 "generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "Пропущенный входящий звонок";
 "generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "Совместное использование местоположения в реальном времени";
-"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "left";
+"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "левый";
 //General Settings
 "generalSettings.title" = "Дополнительные настройки";
-"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Video Settings";
+"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Настройки видео";
 "generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "Разрешить видео-ускорение";
 "generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "Передача файла";
-"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Location Sharing";
+"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Разделение мест";
 "generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "Автоматически принимать входящие файлы";
 "generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "Принять лимит на передачу";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(in MB, 0 = unlimited)";
-"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Limit the duration of location sharing";
-"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Position share duration";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(в МБ, 0 = неограниченный)";
+"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Ограничить продолжительность совместного размещения";
+"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Продолжительность позиционных акций";
 //Log View
 "logView.title" = "Диагностика";
 "logView.description" = "Открыть настройки диагностических логов";
 "logView.startLogging" = "Начать логирование";
-"logView.stopLogging" = "Stop Logging";
-"logView.saveError" = "Failed to save file";
-"logView.shareError" = "Failed to share file";
+"logView.stopLogging" = "Перестаньте лесозаготовку";
+"logView.saveError" = "Не удалось сохранить файл";
+"logView.shareError" = "Не удалось поделиться файлом";
 //Migrate Account
 "migrateAccount.title" = "Перенос аккаунта";
diff --git a/Ring/Ring/Resources/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Ring/Ring/Resources/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 12fa648..2ef4e05 100644
--- a/Ring/Ring/Resources/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Ring/Ring/Resources/sv.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -40,33 +40,33 @@
 "scan.search" = "Söker...";
 // SwarmCreation
-"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Search for contact...";
-"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Create the swarm";
-"swarmcreation.addADescription" = "Add a description";
-"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in the swarm";
+"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "-Sök efter kontakt...";
+"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Skapa en svärm";
+"swarmcreation.addADescription" = "Lägg till en beskrivning";
+"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "Du kan lägga till fler människor i swarmen";
 // Swarm
-"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Ignore the swarm";
-"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Leave the conversation";
-"swarm.chooseColor" = "Choose a color";
-"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Type of swarm";
+"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Ignorera swarmen";
+"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Lämna samtalet.";
+"swarm.chooseColor" = "Välj en färg";
+"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Typ av svärm";
 "swarm.identifier" = "identifierare";
 "swarm.about" = "Om";
 "swarm.members" = "Medlemmar";
-"swarm.addDescription" = "Add Description";
+"swarm.addDescription" = "Lägga till beskrivning";
 "swarm.oneToOne" = "Privat \"swarm\"";
-"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Admin invites only";
+"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Admin inbjuder bara";
 "swarm.invitesOnly" = "Privat \"swarm\"";
-"swarm.publicChat" = "Public swarm";
-"swarm.others" = "Others";
-"swarm.member" = "Member";
-"swarm.invited" = "Invited";
-"swarm.admin" = "Administrator";
-"swarm.banned" = "Banned";
-"swarm.unknown" = "Unkown";
-"swarm.addMorePeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in this swarm";
-"swarm.addMember" = "Add Member";
-"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Are you sure you want to leave this swarm?";
-"swarm.Leave" = "Leave";
+"swarm.publicChat" = "Övergripande swarm";
+"swarm.others" = "Andra";
+"swarm.member" = "Medlem";
+"swarm.invited" = "Inbjudna";
+"swarm.admin" = "Administratör";
+"swarm.banned" = "Förbjudet";
+"swarm.unknown" = "Utrådda";
+"swarm.addMorePeople" = "Du kan lägga till fler människor i den här svärmen";
+"swarm.addMember" = "Lägg till medlem";
+"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Är du säker på att du vill lämna den här svärmen?";
+"swarm.Leave" = "- Gå.";
 // Smartlist
 "smartlist.yesterday" = "I går";
 "smartlist.results" = "Offentlig mapp";
@@ -92,14 +92,14 @@
 "conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "Du delar nu din plats med ";
 "conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "Du tar emot en live sändning från ";
 "conversation.errorSavingImage" = "Misslyckades spara till galleriet ";
-"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Sent you a request for a conversation.";
+"conversation.receivedRequest" = "Du fick en begäran om ett samtal.";
+"conversation.incomingRequest" = "- Jag skickade en begäran om ett samtal.";
 "conversation.requestMessage" = "Hej! \nVill du gå med i konversationen? ";
-"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ is not in your contact list.";
+"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ är inte på din kontaktlista.";
 "conversation.sendRequest" = "Skicka en kontaktförfrågan för att kunna ha ett utbyte ";
-"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Send Contact Request";
+"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Skicka en kontaktförfrågan";
 "conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "Du har accepterat konversationsförfrågan.";
-"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "We are waiting for \%@\ connects to synchronize the conversation.";
+"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "Vi väntar på att \%@\ anslutningar synkronisera samtalet.";
 "invitations.noInvitations" = "Inga inbjudningar";
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
 "accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "Anslut automatiskt på lokalt nätverk";
 "accountPage.autoRegistration" = "Registrera automatiskt efter tiden går ut";
 "accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "Anslutningsbarhet";
-"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Enable TURN";
+"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Aktivera TURN";
 "accountPage.turnServer" = "TURN-adress";
 "accountPage.turnUsername" = "TURN-användarnamn";
 "accountPage.turnPassword" = "TURN-lösenord";
@@ -364,40 +364,40 @@
 //Generated Message
-"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "You received inviation";
+"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "Du fick invasion.";
 "generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "Svärm skapad ";
-"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "was invited to join";
-"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "You joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "was kicked";
-"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "was re-added";
+"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "blev inbjuden att ansluta sig";
+"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "- Jag gick med i samtalet.";
+"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "Du gick med i samtalet.";
+"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "- Jag fick sparken.";
+"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "lagdes till";
 "generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "Utgående samtal";
 "generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "Inkommande samtal";
 "generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "Missat utgående samtal";
 "generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "Missat inkommande samtal";
 "generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "Live platsdelning ";
-"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "left";
+"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "vänster";
 //General Settings
 "generalSettings.title" = "Avancerade inställningar";
-"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Video Settings";
+"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Videonställningar";
 "generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "Aktivera videoacceleration";
 "generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "Filöverföring";
-"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Location Sharing";
+"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Platsdelning";
 "generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "Acceptera inkommande filer automatiskt";
 "generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "Ange gräns för överföring";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(in MB, 0 = unlimited)";
-"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Limit the duration of location sharing";
-"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Position share duration";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(i MB, 0 = obegränsat)";
+"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Begränsa varaktigheten av platsdelning";
+"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Uppdragsdelstid";
 //Log View
 "logView.title" = "Diagnostik";
 "logView.description" = "Öppna inställningar för diagnostiklogg";
 "logView.startLogging" = "Starta loggning";
-"logView.stopLogging" = "Stop Logging";
-"logView.saveError" = "Failed to save file";
-"logView.shareError" = "Failed to share file";
+"logView.stopLogging" = "Sluta skogskörd";
+"logView.saveError" = "Misslyckades med att spara fil";
+"logView.shareError" = "Misslyckades med att dela fil";
 //Migrate Account
 "migrateAccount.title" = "Kontodelning";
diff --git a/Ring/Ring/Resources/ta.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Ring/Ring/Resources/ta.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 8d5f711..fd86bdf 100644
--- a/Ring/Ring/Resources/ta.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Ring/Ring/Resources/ta.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -19,396 +19,396 @@
 // Global
-"global.homeTabBarTitle" = "Conversations";
-"global.meTabBarTitle" = "Account Settings";
+"global.homeTabBarTitle" = "உரையாடல்கள்";
+"global.meTabBarTitle" = "கணக்கு அமைப்புகள்";
 "global.ok" = "சரி";
-"global.close" = "Close";
-"global.share" = "Share";
-"global.forward" = "Forward";
-"global.save" = "Save";
-"global.resend" = "Resend";
-"global.preview" = "Preview";
-"global.accept" = "Accept";
-"global.block" = "Block";
-"global.refuse" = "Refuse";
+"global.close" = "நெருக்கமாக";
+"global.share" = "பகிர்வு";
+"global.forward" = "முன்னோக்கி";
+"global.save" = "சேமி";
+"global.resend" = "திருப்பி அனுப்பவும்";
+"global.preview" = "முன்னோட்ட";
+"global.accept" = "ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளுங்கள்";
+"global.block" = "தொகுதி";
+"global.refuse" = "மறுத்தல்";
 "global.name" = "பெயர்";
-"global.copy" = "Copy";
-"global.reply" = "Reply";
+"global.copy" = "பதிப்பு";
+"global.reply" = "பதில்";
 // Scan
-"scan.badQrCode" = "Bad QR code";
-"scan.search" = "Searching…";
+"scan.badQrCode" = "கெட்ட QR குறியீடு";
+"scan.search" = "தேடுவது.";
 // SwarmCreation
-"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Search for contact...";
-"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Create the swarm";
-"swarmcreation.addADescription" = "Add a description";
-"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in the swarm";
+"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "தொடர்பு தேடல்...";
+"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "கொட்டையை உருவாக்குங்கள்";
+"swarmcreation.addADescription" = "ஒரு விவரத்தை சேர்க்கவும்";
+"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "நீங்கள் \%d \ \ கூடுதல் மக்கள் கூட்டம் சேர்க்க முடியும்";
 // Swarm
-"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Ignore the swarm";
-"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Leave the conversation";
-"swarm.chooseColor" = "Choose a color";
-"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Type of swarm";
-"swarm.identifier" = "Identifier";
-"swarm.about" = "About";
-"swarm.members" = "Members";
-"swarm.addDescription" = "Add Description";
-"swarm.oneToOne" = "Private swarm";
-"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Admin invites only";
-"swarm.invitesOnly" = "Private swarm";
-"swarm.publicChat" = "Public swarm";
-"swarm.others" = "Others";
-"swarm.member" = "Member";
-"swarm.invited" = "Invited";
-"swarm.admin" = "Administrator";
-"swarm.banned" = "Banned";
-"swarm.unknown" = "Unkown";
-"swarm.addMorePeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in this swarm";
-"swarm.addMember" = "Add Member";
-"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Are you sure you want to leave this swarm?";
-"swarm.Leave" = "Leave";
+"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "கொடியை புறக்கணிக்கவும்";
+"swarm.leaveConversation" = "உரையாடலை விட்டுவிடு";
+"swarm.chooseColor" = "ஒரு நிறத்தை தேர்வு செய்யவும்";
+"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "வகையான கும்பல்";
+"swarm.identifier" = "அடையாளங்காட்டி";
+"swarm.about" = "பற்றி";
+"swarm.members" = "உறுப்பினர்";
+"swarm.addDescription" = "விவரம் சேர்க்கவும்";
+"swarm.oneToOne" = "தனியார் கும்பல்";
+"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "நிர்வாகி அழைப்பு மட்டும்";
+"swarm.invitesOnly" = "தனியார் கும்பல்";
+"swarm.publicChat" = "பொதுமக்கள் கூட்டம்";
+"swarm.others" = "மற்றவை";
+"swarm.member" = "உறுப்பினர்";
+"swarm.invited" = "அழைக்கப்பட்டவர்";
+"swarm.admin" = "நிர்வாகி";
+"swarm.banned" = "தடை செய்யப்பட்டது";
+"swarm.unknown" = "அறியாதது";
+"swarm.addMorePeople" = "நீங்கள் இந்த குளத்தில் இன்னும் \%d\ மக்கள் சேர்க்க முடியும்";
+"swarm.addMember" = "உறுப்பினர் சேர்க்கவும்";
+"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "நீங்கள் இந்த குளத்தில் இருந்து வெளியேற வேண்டும் என்று உறுதியாக இருக்கிறீர்களா?";
+"swarm.Leave" = "வெளியேறு";
 // Smartlist
-"smartlist.yesterday" = "Yesterday";
-"smartlist.results" = "Public Directory";
-"smartlist.conversations" = "Conversations";
-"smartlist.searching" = "Searching...";
-"smartlist.noResults" = "No results";
-"smartlist.noConversation" = "No conversations";
-"smartlist.searchBarPlaceholder" = "Enter name...";
-"smartlist.searchBar" = "Search for new or existing contact...";
-"smartlist.noNetworkConnectivity" = "No network connectivity";
-"smartlist.cellularAccess" = "Be sure cellular access is granted in your settings";
-"smartlist.accountsTitle" = "Accounts";
-"smartlist.addAccountButton" = "+ Add Account";
-"smartlist.noNumber" = "Selected contact does not have any number";
-"smartlist.selectOneNumber" = "Select one of the numbers";
-"smartlist.invitations" = "Invitations";
-"smartlist.accountSettings" = "Account Settings";
-"smartlist.advancedSettings" = "Advanced Settings";
-"smartlist.aboutJami" = "About Jami";
+"smartlist.yesterday" = "நேற்று";
+"smartlist.results" = "பொதுப் பட்டியல்";
+"smartlist.conversations" = "உரையாடல்கள்";
+"smartlist.searching" = "தேடுவது.";
+"smartlist.noResults" = "முடிவுகள் இல்லை";
+"smartlist.noConversation" = "எந்த உரையாடலும் இல்லை";
+"smartlist.searchBarPlaceholder" = "பெயர் உள்ளிடவும்...";
+"smartlist.searchBar" = "புதிய அல்லது ஏற்கனவே உள்ள தொடர்புகளை தேடவும்...";
+"smartlist.noNetworkConnectivity" = "நெட்வொர்க் இணைப்பு இல்லை";
+"smartlist.cellularAccess" = "உங்கள் அமைப்புகளில் செல்போன் அணுகல் வழங்கப்பட்டிருப்பதை உறுதி செய்யவும்";
+"smartlist.accountsTitle" = "கணக்குகள்";
+"smartlist.addAccountButton" = "+ கணக்கை சேர்க்கவும்";
+"smartlist.noNumber" = "தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட தொடர்பு எண் இல்லை";
+"smartlist.selectOneNumber" = "எண்களில் ஒன்றைத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்";
+"smartlist.invitations" = "அழைப்பிதழ்கள்";
+"smartlist.accountSettings" = "கணக்கு அமைப்புகள்";
+"smartlist.advancedSettings" = "மேம்பட்ட அமைப்புகள்";
+"smartlist.aboutJami" = "ஜாமி பற்றி";
-"conversation.messagePlaceholder" = "Write message to ";
-"conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "You are currently sharing your location with ";
-"conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "You are currently receiving a live location from ";
-"conversation.errorSavingImage" = "Failed to save image to galery";
-"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.requestMessage" = "Hello,\nWould you like to join the conversation?";
-"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ is not in your contact list.";
-"conversation.sendRequest" = "Send him/her a contact request to be able to exchange together";
-"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Send Contact Request";
-"conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "You have accepted the conversation request.";
-"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "We are waiting for \%@\ connects to synchronize the conversation.";
+"conversation.messagePlaceholder" = "                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ";
+"conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "நீங்கள் தற்போது உங்கள் இருப்பிடத்தை பகிர்ந்துகொள்கிறீர்கள் ";
+"conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "நீங்கள் தற்போது ல் இருந்து ஒரு நேரடி இருப்பிடத்தை பெறுகிறீர்கள்";
+"conversation.errorSavingImage" = "காட்சியகத்தில் படத்தை சேமிக்க முடியவில்லை";
+"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ \ உங்களுக்கு ஒரு உரையாடல் கோரிக்கை அனுப்பிய.";
+"conversation.incomingRequest" = "ஒரு உரையாடல் கோரிக்கை அனுப்பிய.";
+"conversation.requestMessage" = "வணக்கம், நீங்கள் உரையாடலில் சேர விரும்புகிறீர்களா?";
+"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ உங்கள் தொடர்பு பட்டியலில் இல்லை.";
+"conversation.sendRequest" = "அவருடன் தொடர்பு கொள்ளும் கோரிக்கையை அனுப்புங்கள்.";
+"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "தொடர்பு கோரிக்கை அனுப்புதல்";
+"conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "நீங்கள் உரையாடல் கோரிக்கையை ஏற்றுக்கொண்டீர்கள்.";
+"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "நாம் \%@\ இணைப்புகள் காத்திருக்கிறோம் உரையாடலை ஒத்திசைக்க.";
-"invitations.noInvitations" = "No invitations";
+"invitations.noInvitations" = "அழைப்பிதழ்கள் இல்லை";
 // Walkthrough
 //Welcome Screen
-"welcome.title" = "Welcome to Jami !";
-"welcome.text" = "Jami is a free and universal communication platform which preserves the users' privacy and freedoms";
-"welcome.linkDevice" = "Link this device to an account";
-"welcome.createAccount" = "Create a Jami account";
-"welcome.connectToManager" = "Connect to a JAMS server";
+"welcome.title" = "ஜாமி வரவேற்கிறோம்!";
+"welcome.text" = "ஜாமி என்பது பயனர்களின் தனியுரிமையும் சுதந்திரமும் பாதுகாக்கப்படும் இலவச மற்றும் உலகளாவிய தகவல் தொடர்பு தளமாகும்";
+"welcome.linkDevice" = "இந்த சாதனத்தை ஒரு கணக்குடன் இணைக்கவும்";
+"welcome.createAccount" = "ஜாமி கணக்கை உருவாக்கவும்";
+"welcome.connectToManager" = "ஒரு JAMS சேவையகத்துடன் இணைக்கவும்";
 //Creation Profile Screen
-"createProfile.skipCreateProfile" = "Skip";
-"createProfile.profileCreated" = "Next";
-"createProfile.title" = "Personalise your profile";
-"createProfile.enterNameLabel" = "Enter a display name";
-"createProfile.enterNamePlaceholder" = "Enter name";
-"createProfile.subtitle" = "Your profile will be shared with your contacts. You can change it at any time.";
-"createProfile.createYourAvatar" = "Create your avatar";
+"createProfile.skipCreateProfile" = "தப்பி";
+"createProfile.profileCreated" = "அடுத்தது";
+"createProfile.title" = "உங்கள் சுயவிவரத்தை தனிப்பயனாக்கவும்";
+"createProfile.enterNameLabel" = "காட்சி பெயர் உள்ளிடவும்";
+"createProfile.enterNamePlaceholder" = "பெயர் உள்ளிடவும்";
+"createProfile.subtitle" = "உங்கள் சுயவிவரம் உங்கள் தொடர்புகளுடன் பகிரப்படும். நீங்கள் எந்த நேரத்திலும் அதை மாற்றலாம்.";
+"createProfile.createYourAvatar" = "உங்கள் அவதாரத்தை உருவாக்கவும்";
 //Create Account form
-"createAccount.createAccountFormTitle" = "Create your account";
-"createAccount.chooseStrongPassword" = "Choose strong password you will remember to protect your Jami account.";
-"createAccount.enterNewUsernamePlaceholder" = "Username";
-"createAccount.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "Password";
-"createAccount.repeatPasswordPlaceholder" = "Confirm password";
-"createAccount.passwordCharactersNumberError" = "6 characters minimum";
-"createAccount.passwordNotMatchingError" = "passwords do not match";
-"createAccount.lookingForUsernameAvailability" = "looking for availability…";
-"createAccount.invalidUsername" = "invalid username";
-"createAccount.usernameAlreadyTaken" = "username already taken";
-"createAccount.usernameValid" = "username is available";
-"createAccount.loading" = "Loading";
-"createAccount.waitCreateAccountTitle" = "Adding account";
-"createAccount.RegisterAUsername" = "Register a username";
-"createAccount.ChooseAPassword" = "Encrypt my account";
-"createAccount.PasswordInformation" = "Choose a password to encrypt your local account. Don’t forget it or you will not be able to recover your account";
-"createAccount.EnableNotifications" = "Notifications";
-"createAccount.Recommended" = "(Recommended)";
-"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredTitle" = "Network error";
-"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredMessage" = "Account was created but username was not registered";
-"createAccount.timeoutTitle" = "Account Created";
-"createAccount.timeoutMessage" = "Username registration in progress... It could take a few moments.";
+"createAccount.createAccountFormTitle" = "உங்கள் கணக்கை உருவாக்கவும்";
+"createAccount.chooseStrongPassword" = "ஜாமி கணக்கை பாதுகாக்க நீங்கள் நினைவில் வைத்திருக்கும் வலுவான கடவுச்சொல்லைத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்.";
+"createAccount.enterNewUsernamePlaceholder" = "பயனர் பெயர்";
+"createAccount.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "கடவுச்சொல்";
+"createAccount.repeatPasswordPlaceholder" = "கடவுச்சொல்லை உறுதிப்படுத்தவும்";
+"createAccount.passwordCharactersNumberError" = "குறைந்தபட்சம் 6 எழுத்துக்கள்";
+"createAccount.passwordNotMatchingError" = "கடவுச்சொற்கள் பொருந்தாது";
+"createAccount.lookingForUsernameAvailability" = "கிடைக்கும் தன்மையை தேடும்...";
+"createAccount.invalidUsername" = "செல்லுபடியாகும் பயனர் பெயர்";
+"createAccount.usernameAlreadyTaken" = "ஏற்கனவே எடுக்கப்பட்ட பயனர் பெயர்";
+"createAccount.usernameValid" = "பயனர் பெயர் கிடைக்கிறது";
+"createAccount.loading" = "சுமை";
+"createAccount.waitCreateAccountTitle" = "கணக்கு சேர்க்கல்";
+"createAccount.RegisterAUsername" = "பயனர்பெயரை பதிவு செய்யவும்";
+"createAccount.ChooseAPassword" = "என் கணக்கை குறியாக்கம்";
+"createAccount.PasswordInformation" = "உங்கள் உள்ளூர் கணக்கை குறியாக்க கடவுச்சொல்லைத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும். அதை மறந்துவிடாதீர்கள் அல்லது உங்கள் கணக்கை மீட்டெடுக்க முடியாது";
+"createAccount.EnableNotifications" = "அறிவிப்புகள்";
+"createAccount.Recommended" = "(பரிந்துரைக்கப்படுகிறது)";
+"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredTitle" = "நெட்வொர்க் தவறு";
+"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredMessage" = "கணக்கு உருவாக்கப்பட்டது ஆனால் பயனர் பெயர் பதிவு செய்யப்படவில்லை";
+"createAccount.timeoutTitle" = "கணக்கு உருவாக்கப்பட்டது";
+"createAccount.timeoutMessage" = "பயனர் பெயர் பதிவு நடந்து வருகிறது... அது சில நிமிடங்கள் ஆகலாம்.";
 //Link To Account form
-"linkToAccount.waitLinkToAccountTitle" = "Account linking";
-"linkToAccount.linkButtonTitle" = "Link device";
-"linkToAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "Password";
+"linkToAccount.waitLinkToAccountTitle" = "கணக்கு இணைப்பு";
+"linkToAccount.linkButtonTitle" = "இணைப்பு சாதனம்";
+"linkToAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "கடவுச்சொல்";
 "linkToAccount.pinPlaceholder" = "PIN";
-"linkToAccount.passwordLabel" = "Enter Password";
-"linkToAccount.pinLabel" = "Enter PIN";
-"linkToAccount.explanationPinMessage" = "To generate the PIN code, go to the account managment settings on device that contain account you want to use. In devices settings Select \"Link another device to this account\". You will get the necessary PIN to complete this form. The PIN is only valid for 10 minutes.";
+"linkToAccount.passwordLabel" = "கடவுச்சொல்லை உள்ளிடவும்";
+"linkToAccount.pinLabel" = "PIN ஐ உள்ளிடவும்";
+"linkToAccount.explanationPinMessage" = "PIN குறியீட்டை உருவாக்க, நீங்கள் பயன்படுத்த விரும்பும் கணக்கை உள்ளடக்கிய சாதனத்தின் கணக்கு நிர்வாக அமைப்புகளுக்குச் செல்லவும். சாதன அமைப்புகளில் \"இந்த கணக்கிற்கு மற்றொரு சாதனத்தை இணைக்கவும்\" என்பதைத் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும். இந்த படிவத்தை பூர்த்தி செய்ய தேவையான PIN ஐப் பெறுவீர்கள். PIN 10 நிமிடங்கள் மட்டுமே செல்லுபடியாகும்.";
 //Link To Account Manager form
-"linkToAccountManager.signIn" = "Sign In";
-"linkToAccountManager.passwordPlaceholder" = "Password";
-"linkToAccountManager.passwordLabel" = "Enter Password";
-"linkToAccountManager.usernamePlaceholder" = "Username";
-"linkToAccountManager.usernameLabel" = "Enter Username";
+"linkToAccountManager.signIn" = "பதிவு செய்யவும்";
+"linkToAccountManager.passwordPlaceholder" = "கடவுச்சொல்";
+"linkToAccountManager.passwordLabel" = "கடவுச்சொல்லை உள்ளிடவும்";
+"linkToAccountManager.usernamePlaceholder" = "பயனர் பெயர்";
+"linkToAccountManager.usernameLabel" = "பயனர்பெயரை உள்ளிடவும்";
 "linkToAccountManager.accountManagerPlaceholder" = "JAMS URL";
-"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerLabel" = "Enter JAMS URL";
+"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerLabel" = "JAMS URL ஐ உள்ளிடவும்";
-"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundTitle" = "Can't find account";
-"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundMessage" = "Account couldn't be found on the Jami network. Make sure it was exported on Jami from an existing device, and that provided credentials are correct.";
-"alerts.accountAddedTitle" = "Account Added";
-"alerts.accountNoNetworkTitle" = "Can't connect to the network";
-"alerts.accountNoNetworkMessage" = "Could not add account because Jami couldn't connect to the distributed network. Check your device connectivity.";
-"alerts.accountDefaultErrorTitle" = "Unknown error";
-"alerts.accountDefaultErrorMessage" = "The account couldn't be created.";
-"alerts.profileTakePhoto" = "Take photo";
-"alerts.profileUploadPhoto" = "Upload photo";
+"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundTitle" = "கணக்கு கண்டுபிடிக்க முடியவில்லை";
+"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundMessage" = "ஜாமி நெட்வொர்க்கில் கணக்கு கண்டுபிடிக்க முடியவில்லை. அது ஜாமிக்கு ஏற்கனவே உள்ள சாதனத்திலிருந்து ஏற்றுமதி செய்யப்பட்டது என்பதை உறுதிப்படுத்தவும், மற்றும் சான்றுகள் சரியானவை என்பதை உறுதிப்படுத்தவும்.";
+"alerts.accountAddedTitle" = "கணக்கு சேர்க்கப்பட்டது";
+"alerts.accountNoNetworkTitle" = "நெட்வொர்க்கு இணைக்க முடியாது";
+"alerts.accountNoNetworkMessage" = "ஜாமிக்கு விநியோகிக்கப்பட்ட நெட்வொர்க்குடன் இணைக்க முடியவில்லை என்பதால் கணக்கை சேர்க்க முடியவில்லை.";
+"alerts.accountDefaultErrorTitle" = "அறியப்படாத தவறு";
+"alerts.accountDefaultErrorMessage" = "கணக்கை உருவாக்க முடியவில்லை.";
+"alerts.profileTakePhoto" = "புகைப்படம் எடு";
+"alerts.profileUploadPhoto" = "புகைப்படத்தை பதிவேற்றவும்";
 "alerts.profileCancelPhoto" = "ரத்துசெய்க";
-"alerts.accountLinkedTitle" = "Linking account";
-"alerts.dbFailedTitle" = "An error happned when launching Jami";
-"alerts.dbFailedMessage" = "Please close application and try to open it again";
-"alerts.confirmBlockContact" = "Are you sure you want to block this contact? The conversation history with this contact will also be deleted permanently.";
-"alerts.confirmBlockContactTitle" = "Block Contact";
-"alerts.confirmDeleteConversation" = "Are you sure you want to delete this conversation permanently?";
-"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationFromContact" = "Are you sure you want to delete the conversation with this contact?";
-"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationTitle" = "Delete Conversation";
-"alerts.confirmClearConversation" = "Are you sure you want to clear the conversation with this contact?";
-"alerts.confirmClearConversationTitle" = "Clear Conversation";
-"alerts.noMediaPermissionsTitle" = "Media permission not granted";
-"alerts.noLibraryPermissionsTitle" = "Access to photo library not granted";
-"alerts.noLocationPermissionsTitle" = "Access to location not granted";
-"alerts.errorWrongCredentials" = "Cannot connect to provided account manager. Please check your credentials";
-"alerts.recordVideoMessage" = "Record a video message";
-"alerts.recordAudioMessage" = "Record an audio message";
-"alerts.uploadFile" = "Upload file";
-"alerts.uploadPhoto" = "Upload photo or movie";
-"alerts.locationServiceIsDisabled" = "Turn on \"Location Services\" to allow \"Jami\" to determine your location.";
-"alerts.locationSharing" = "Share my location";
-"alerts.alreadylocationSharing" = "Already sharing location with this user";
-"alerts.locationSharingDurationTitle" = "How long should the location sharing be?";
-"alerts.locationSharingDuration10min" = "10 min";
-"alerts.locationSharingDuration1hour" = "1 hour";
-"alerts.mapInformation" = "Map information";
-"alerts.openStreetMapCopyright" = "© OpenStreetMap contributors";
-"alerts.openStreetMapCopyrightMoreInfo" = "Learn more";
+"alerts.accountLinkedTitle" = "இணைப்பு கணக்கு";
+"alerts.dbFailedTitle" = "ஜாமி ஏற்றும் போது ஒரு தவறு ஏற்பட்டது";
+"alerts.dbFailedMessage" = "தயவுசெய்து விண்ணப்பத்தை மூடிவிட்டு மீண்டும் திறக்க முயற்சிக்கவும்";
+"alerts.confirmBlockContact" = "இந்த தொடர்பு தொடர்பான உரையாடல் வரலாறு நிரந்தரமாக நீக்கப்படும்.";
+"alerts.confirmBlockContactTitle" = "தொடர்புத் தொகுப்பு";
+"alerts.confirmDeleteConversation" = "நீங்கள் இந்த உரையாடலை நிரந்தரமாக நீக்க வேண்டும் என்று உறுதியாக இருக்கிறீர்களா?";
+"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationFromContact" = "இந்த தொடர்பு கொண்டு உரையாடலை நீக்க விரும்புகிறீர்களா?";
+"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationTitle" = "உரையாடலை நீக்கு";
+"alerts.confirmClearConversation" = "இந்த தொடர்பு கொண்டு உரையாடலை அழிக்க விரும்புகிறீர்கள் என்று உறுதியாக உள்ளீர்களா?";
+"alerts.confirmClearConversationTitle" = "தெளிவான உரையாடல்";
+"alerts.noMediaPermissionsTitle" = "ஊடக அனுமதி வழங்கப்படவில்லை";
+"alerts.noLibraryPermissionsTitle" = "புகைப்பட நூலகத்திற்கு அணுகல் வழங்கப்படவில்லை";
+"alerts.noLocationPermissionsTitle" = "இடத்திற்கு அணுகல் வழங்கப்படவில்லை";
+"alerts.errorWrongCredentials" = "வழங்கப்பட்ட கணக்கு மேலாளருடன் இணைக்க முடியவில்லை. தயவுசெய்து உங்கள் சான்றிதழ்களை சரிபார்க்கவும்";
+"alerts.recordVideoMessage" = "வீடியோ செய்தியை பதிவு செய்யவும்";
+"alerts.recordAudioMessage" = "ஒரு ஆடியோ செய்தியை பதிவு செய்யவும்";
+"alerts.uploadFile" = "கோப்பு பதிவேற்ற";
+"alerts.uploadPhoto" = "புகைப்படம் அல்லது திரைப்படத்தை பதிவேற்றவும்";
+"alerts.locationServiceIsDisabled" = "\"இங்கு இருப்பிட சேவைகள்\" என்பதை இயக்கவும், \"ஜாமி\" உங்கள் இருப்பிடத்தை தீர்மானிக்க அனுமதிக்கும்.";
+"alerts.locationSharing" = "என் இருப்பிடத்தை பகிர்ந்து";
+"alerts.alreadylocationSharing" = "ஏற்கனவே இந்த பயனருடன் இருப்பிட பகிர்வு";
+"alerts.locationSharingDurationTitle" = "இருப்பிட பகிர்வு எவ்வளவு காலம் ஆக வேண்டும்?";
+"alerts.locationSharingDuration10min" = "10 நிமிடங்கள்";
+"alerts.locationSharingDuration1hour" = "1 மணி நேரம்";
+"alerts.mapInformation" = "வரைபட தகவல்";
+"alerts.openStreetMapCopyright" = "© OpenStreetMap பங்களிப்பாளர்கள்";
+"alerts.openStreetMapCopyrightMoreInfo" = "மேலும் அறிக";
-"actions.deleteAction" = "Delete";
+"actions.deleteAction" = "நீக்கவும்";
 "actions.cancelAction" = "ரத்துசெய்க";
-"actions.clearAction" = "Clear";
-"actions.backAction" = "Back";
-"actions.doneAction" = "Done";
-"alerts.incomingCallAllertTitle" = "Incoming call from ";
-"alerts.incomingCallButtonIgnore" = "Ignore";
-"actions.startAudioCall" = "  Audio Call";
-"actions.startVideoCall" = "  Video Call";
-"actions.goToSettings" = "Go to Settings";
-"actions.stopLocationSharing" = "Stop sharing";
+"actions.clearAction" = "தெளிவு";
+"actions.backAction" = "திரும்பி";
+"actions.doneAction" = "முடிந்தது";
+"alerts.incomingCallAllertTitle" = "ல் இருந்து வருகின்ற அழைப்பு";
+"alerts.incomingCallButtonIgnore" = "புறக்கணிக்கவும்";
+"actions.startAudioCall" = "ஆடியோ அழைப்பு";
+"actions.startVideoCall" = "வீடியோ அழைப்பு";
+"actions.goToSettings" = "அமைப்புகள் பக்கம் செல்லவும்";
+"actions.stopLocationSharing" = "பகிர்வதை நிறுத்து";
-"calls.callItemTitle" = "Call";
-"calls.unknown" = "Unknown";
-"calls.incomingCallInfo" = "wants to talk to you";
-"calls.ringing" = "Ringing…";
-"calls.connecting" = "Connecting…";
-"calls.searching" = "Searching…";
-"calls.callFinished" = "Call finished";
-"calls.currentCallWith" = "Call with ";
-"calls.haghUp" = "hang up";
-"calls.maximize" = "maximize";
-"calls.minimize" = "minimize";
-"calls.setModerator" = "set moderator";
-"calls.removeModerator" = "unset moderator";
-"calls.muteAudio" = "mute audio";
-"calls.unmuteAudio" = "unmute audio";
-"calls.lowerHand" = "lower hand";
+"calls.callItemTitle" = "அழைப்பு";
+"calls.unknown" = "அறியப்படாதது";
+"calls.incomingCallInfo" = "உங்களுடன் பேச விரும்புகிறார்";
+"calls.ringing" = "- ஒலிக்கிறது.";
+"calls.connecting" = "இணைப்பு.";
+"calls.searching" = "தேடுவது.";
+"calls.callFinished" = "அழைப்பு முடிந்தது";
+"calls.currentCallWith" = " உடன் அழைப்பு";
+"calls.haghUp" = "மூடிடு";
+"calls.maximize" = "அதிகபட்சமாக";
+"calls.minimize" = "குறைக்கவும்";
+"calls.setModerator" = "அமை அமை அமைப்பாளர்";
+"calls.removeModerator" = "அமைக்கப்படாத இடைநிலை";
+"calls.muteAudio" = "மௌன ஆடியோ";
+"calls.unmuteAudio" = "ஒலி ஒலி";
+"calls.lowerHand" = "கீழ் கை";
 //Account Page
-"accountPage.devicesListHeader" = "Devices";
-"accountPage.settingsHeader" = "Settings";
-"accountPage.username" = "Username";
-"accountPage.usernameNotRegistered" = "username: not registered";
-"accountPage.credentialsHeader" = "Account Details";
-"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Enable Proxy";
-"accountPage.blockedContacts" = "Blocked contacts";
+"accountPage.devicesListHeader" = "சாதனங்கள்";
+"accountPage.settingsHeader" = "அமைப்புகள்";
+"accountPage.username" = "பயனர் பெயர்";
+"accountPage.usernameNotRegistered" = "பயனர் பெயர்ஃ பதிவு செய்யப்படவில்லை";
+"accountPage.credentialsHeader" = "கணக்கு விவரங்கள்";
+"accountPage.enableProxy" = "ப்ராக்ஸி செயல்படுத்தவும்";
+"accountPage.blockedContacts" = "தடுக்கப்பட்ட தொடர்புகள்";
 "accountPage.unblockContact" = "UNBLOCK";
-"accountPage.proxyAddressAlert" = "Provide proxy address";
-"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Enable Proxy";
-"accountPage.noProxyExplanationLabel" = "Your device won't receive notifications when proxy is disabled";
-"accountPage.saveProxyAddress" = "Save";
-"accountPage.proxyPaceholder" = "Proxy address";
-"accountPage.enableNotifications" = "Enable Notifications";
-"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertTitle" = "Proxy Server Disabled";
-"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertBody" = "In order to receive notifications, please enable proxy";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceTitle" = "Revoke device";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceMessage" = "Are you sure you want to revoke this device? This action could not be undone.";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceButton" = "Revoke";
-"accountPage.revokeDevicePlaceholder" = "Enter your passord";
-"accountPage.deviceRevoked" = "Device revocation completed";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationProgress" = "Revoking...";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationSuccess" = "Device was revoked";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationTryAgain" = "Try again";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationWrongPassword" = "Incorrect password";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationUnknownDevice" = "Unknown device";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationError" = "Device revocation error";
-"accountPage.linkDeviceTitle" = "Link another device";
-"accountPage.other" = "Other";
-"accountPage.removeAccountTitle" = "Remove account";
-"accountPage.removeAccountMessage" = "By clicking \"Remove\" you will remove this account on this device! This action can not be undone. Also, your registered name can be lost.";
-"accountPage.removeAccountButton" = "Remove";
-"accountPage.shareAccountDetails" = "Share Account Details";
-"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "Contact me on Jami!";
-"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "Contact me using \"%s\" on the Jami distributed communication platform: https://jami.net";
-"accountPage.registerNameTitle" = "Register a username";
-"accountPage.passwordPlaceholder" = "Enter account password";
-"accountPage.usernamePlaceholder" = "Enter desired username";
-"accountPage.registerNameErrorMessage" = "Choosen username is not available";
-"accountPage.usernameRegistering" = "Registering";
-"accountPage.usernameRegisterAction" = "Register";
-"accountPage.usernameRegistrationFailed" = "Registration failed. Please check password.";
-"accountPage.createPassword" = "Create password";
-"accountPage.changePassword" = "Change password";
-"accountPage.oldPasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter old password";
-"accountPage.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter new password";
-"accountPage.newPasswordConfirmPlaceholder" = "Confirm new password";
-"accountPage.changePasswordError" = "Password incorrect";
-"accountPage.enableBoothMode" = "Enable Booth Mode";
-"accountPage.disableBoothMode" = "Disable Booth Mode";
-"accountPage.disableBoothModeExplanation" = "Pleace provide your account password";
-"accountPage.boothModeExplanation" = "In booth mode conversation history not saved and jami functionality limited by making outgoing calls. When you enable booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
-"accountPage.noBoothMode" = "To enable Booth mode you need to create account password first.";
-"accountPage.boothModeAlertMessage" = "After enabling booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
-"accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "Auto connect on local network";
-"accountPage.autoRegistration" = "Auto register after expiration";
-"accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "Connectivity";
-"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Enable TURN";
-"accountPage.turnServer" = "TURN address";
-"accountPage.turnUsername" = "TURN username";
-"accountPage.turnPassword" = "TURN password";
-"accountPage.turnRealm" = "TURN realm";
+"accountPage.proxyAddressAlert" = "பிரதி முகவரியை வழங்கவும்";
+"accountPage.enableProxy" = "ப்ராக்ஸி செயல்படுத்தவும்";
+"accountPage.noProxyExplanationLabel" = "ப்ராக்ஸி செயலிழக்கப்படும்போது உங்கள் சாதனம் அறிவிப்புகளை பெறாது";
+"accountPage.saveProxyAddress" = "சேமி";
+"accountPage.proxyPaceholder" = "பிரதிநிதி முகவரி";
+"accountPage.enableNotifications" = "அறிவிப்புகளை இயக்குதல்";
+"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertTitle" = "ப்ராக்ஸி சேவையகம் செயலிழக்கப்பட்டது";
+"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertBody" = "அறிவிப்புகளைப் பெற, ப்ராக்ஸி இயக்கு";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceTitle" = "மீளுருவாக்கம் சாதனம்";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceMessage" = "இந்த செயலை நீங்கள் திரும்பப் பெற விரும்புகிறீர்களா?";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceButton" = "மீறல்";
+"accountPage.revokeDevicePlaceholder" = "உங்கள் கடவுச்சொல்லை உள்ளிடவும்";
+"accountPage.deviceRevoked" = "சாதனத்தை திரும்பப் பெறுதல் நிறைவு";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationProgress" = "திரும்பப் பெறுதல்...";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationSuccess" = "சாதனம் திரும்பப் பெறப்பட்டது";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationTryAgain" = "மீண்டும் முயற்சி செய்யுங்கள்";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationWrongPassword" = "தவறான கடவுச்சொல்";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationUnknownDevice" = "அறியப்படாத சாதனம்";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationError" = "சாதன மீறல் தவறு";
+"accountPage.linkDeviceTitle" = "மற்றொரு சாதனத்தை இணைக்கவும்";
+"accountPage.other" = "மற்றவை";
+"accountPage.removeAccountTitle" = "கணக்கை நீக்கு";
+"accountPage.removeAccountMessage" = "\"Remove\" என்பதை கிளிக் செய்தால் இந்த சாதனத்தில் இந்த கணக்கை நீக்குவீர்கள்! இந்த செயலைத் திரும்பப் பெற முடியாது. மேலும், உங்கள் பதிவு செய்யப்பட்ட பெயர் இழக்கப்படலாம்.";
+"accountPage.removeAccountButton" = "நீக்கவும்";
+"accountPage.shareAccountDetails" = "பகிர்தல் கணக்கு விவரங்கள்";
+"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "ஜாமி மீது என்னை தொடர்பு!";
+"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "ஜாமி விநியோகிக்கப்பட்ட தகவல் தொடர்பு தளத்தில் \"%s\" ஐப் பயன்படுத்தி என்னை தொடர்பு கொள்ளவும்ஃ https://jami.net";
+"accountPage.registerNameTitle" = "பயனர்பெயரை பதிவு செய்யவும்";
+"accountPage.passwordPlaceholder" = "கணக்கு கடவுச்சொல்லை உள்ளிடவும்";
+"accountPage.usernamePlaceholder" = "விரும்பிய பயனர்பெயரை உள்ளிடவும்";
+"accountPage.registerNameErrorMessage" = "தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட பயனர் பெயர் கிடைக்கவில்லை";
+"accountPage.usernameRegistering" = "பதிவு";
+"accountPage.usernameRegisterAction" = "பதிவு";
+"accountPage.usernameRegistrationFailed" = "பதிவு தோல்வியடைந்தது. தயவுசெய்து கடவுச்சொல்லை சரிபார்க்கவும்.";
+"accountPage.createPassword" = "கடவுச்சொல்லை உருவாக்கவும்";
+"accountPage.changePassword" = "கடவுச்சொல்லை மாற்றவும்";
+"accountPage.oldPasswordPlaceholder" = "பழைய கடவுச்சொல்லை உள்ளிடவும்";
+"accountPage.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "புதிய கடவுச்சொல்லை உள்ளிடவும்";
+"accountPage.newPasswordConfirmPlaceholder" = "புதிய கடவுச்சொல்லை உறுதிப்படுத்தவும்";
+"accountPage.changePasswordError" = "தவறான கடவுச்சொல்";
+"accountPage.enableBoothMode" = "புத்து பயன்முறையை இயக்கு";
+"accountPage.disableBoothMode" = "புத் பயன்முறையை முடக்கு";
+"accountPage.disableBoothModeExplanation" = "தயவுசெய்து உங்கள் கணக்கு கடவுச்சொல்லை வழங்கவும்";
+"accountPage.boothModeExplanation" = "ஸ்டேஷன் பயன்முறையில் உரையாடல் வரலாறு சேமிக்கப்படவில்லை மற்றும் ஜாமி செயல்பாடு புறப்படும் அழைப்புகளைச் செய்வதன் மூலம் வரையறுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. நீங்கள் ஸ்டேஷன் பயன்முறையை இயக்கும்போது உங்கள் உரையாடல்கள் அனைத்தும் நீக்கப்படும்.";
+"accountPage.noBoothMode" = "பூத் பயன்முறையை இயக்குவதற்கு நீங்கள் முதலில் கணக்கு கடவுச்சொல்லை உருவாக்க வேண்டும்.";
+"accountPage.boothModeAlertMessage" = "ஸ்டேஷன் பயன்முறையை இயக்கிய பிறகு உங்கள் உரையாடல்கள் அனைத்தும் நீக்கப்படும்.";
+"accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "உள்ளூர் நெட்வொர்க்கில் தானியங்கி இணைப்பு";
+"accountPage.autoRegistration" = "காலாவதிக்குப் பிறகு தானியங்கி பதிவு";
+"accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "இணைப்பு";
+"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "TURN ஐ இயக்கு";
+"accountPage.turnServer" = "திருப்பு முகவரி";
+"accountPage.turnUsername" = "பயனர் பெயர் TURN";
+"accountPage.turnPassword" = "TURN கடவுச்சொல்";
+"accountPage.turnRealm" = "TURN சாம்ராஜ்யம்";
-"account.sipUsername" = "User Name";
-"account.sipPassword" = "Password";
-"account.sipServer" = "SIP Server";
-"account.port" = "Port";
-"account.proxyServer" = "Proxy";
-"account.createSipAccount" = "Create a SIP Account";
-"account.usernameLabel" = "Enter Username";
-"account.passwordLabel" = "Enter Password";
-"account.serverLabel" = "Enter Address";
-"account.portLabel" = "Enter Port Number";
-"account.accountStatus" = "Account Status";
-"account.enableAccount" = "Enable Account";
-"account.statusOnline" = "Online";
-"account.statusOffline" = "Offline";
-"account.statusConnecting" = "Connecting";
-"account.statusUnknown" = "Unknown";
-"account.statusConnectionerror" = "Connection Error";
-"account.needMigration" = "account need to be migrated";
-"account.me" = "Me";
+"account.sipUsername" = "பயனர் பெயர்";
+"account.sipPassword" = "கடவுச்சொல்";
+"account.sipServer" = "SIP சேவையகம்";
+"account.port" = "துறைமுகம்";
+"account.proxyServer" = "பிரதிநிதி";
+"account.createSipAccount" = "SIP கணக்கை உருவாக்கவும்";
+"account.usernameLabel" = "பயனர்பெயரை உள்ளிடவும்";
+"account.passwordLabel" = "கடவுச்சொல்லை உள்ளிடவும்";
+"account.serverLabel" = "முகவரியை உள்ளிடவும்";
+"account.portLabel" = "போர்ட் எண்";
+"account.accountStatus" = "கணக்கு நிலை";
+"account.enableAccount" = "கணக்கை இயக்கு";
+"account.statusOnline" = "இணையத்தில்";
+"account.statusOffline" = "ஆஃப்லைன்";
+"account.statusConnecting" = "இணைப்பு";
+"account.statusUnknown" = "அறியப்படாதது";
+"account.statusConnectionerror" = "இணைப்பு தவறு";
+"account.needMigration" = "கணக்கு இடமாற்றம் செய்யப்பட வேண்டும்";
+"account.me" = "நான்";
 //Block List Page
-"blockListPage.noBlockedContacts" = "No blocked contacts";
+"blockListPage.noBlockedContacts" = "தடுக்கப்பட்ட தொடர்புகள் இல்லை";
 //Link New Device
-"linkDevice.title" = "Link a new device";
-"linkDevice.passwordError" = "The password you entered does not unlock this account";
-"linkDevice.networkError" = "A network error occured during the export";
-"linkDevice.defaultError" = "An error occured during the export";
-"linkDevice.explanationMessage" = "To complete the process, you need to open Jami on the new device and choose the option \"Link this device to an account.\" Your pin is valid for 10 minutes";
-"linkDevice.hudMessage" = "Verifying";
+"linkDevice.title" = "புதிய சாதனத்தை இணைக்கவும்";
+"linkDevice.passwordError" = "நீங்கள் உள்ளிட்ட கடவுச்சொல் இந்த கணக்கை திறக்காது";
+"linkDevice.networkError" = "ஏற்றுமதி செய்யும் போது நெட்வொர்க் பிழை ஏற்பட்டது";
+"linkDevice.defaultError" = "ஏற்றுமதி செய்யும் போது ஏற்பட்ட தவறு";
+"linkDevice.explanationMessage" = "செயல்முறையை முடிக்க, நீங்கள் புதிய சாதனத்தில் ஜாமி திறந்து \"இந்த சாதனத்தை ஒரு கணக்கில் இணைக்கவும்\" விருப்பத்தை தேர்வு செய்ய வேண்டும். உங்கள் முள் 10 நிமிடங்கள் செல்லுபடியாகும்";
+"linkDevice.hudMessage" = "சரிபார்ப்பு";
 //Contact Page
-"contactPage.startAudioCall" = "Start Audio Call";
-"contactPage.startVideoCall" = "Start Video Call";
-"contactPage.sendMessage" = "Send Message";
-"contactPage.clearConversation" = "Clear Chat";
-"contactPage.blockContact" = "Block Contact";
-"contactPage.removeConversation" = "Remove Conversation";
+"contactPage.startAudioCall" = "ஆடியோ அழைப்பைத் தொடங்கவும்";
+"contactPage.startVideoCall" = "வீடியோ அழைப்பைத் தொடங்கவும்";
+"contactPage.sendMessage" = "செய்தி அனுப்புங்கள்";
+"contactPage.clearConversation" = "தெளிவான அரட்டை";
+"contactPage.blockContact" = "தொடர்புத் தொகுப்பு";
+"contactPage.removeConversation" = "உரையாடலை அகற்றவும்";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusCreated" = "Initializing…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusError" = "Error";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Pending…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Transferring";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusCreated" = "தொடக்கத்தில்.";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusError" = "தவறு";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "காத்திருப்பு.";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "பரிமாற்றம்";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCanceled" = "ரத்து செய்யப்பட்டது";
-"dataTransfer.sendingFailed" = "Failed to send";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Complete";
+"dataTransfer.sendingFailed" = "அனுப்ப முடியவில்லை";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "முழுமையான";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCancel" = "ரத்துசெய்க";
-"notifications.incomingCall" = "Incoming Call";
-"notifications.missedCall" = "Missed Call";
-"notifications.newFile" = "New file";
-"notifications.locationSharingStarted" = "Incoming location sharing started";
-"notifications.locationSharingStopped" = "Incoming location sharing stopped";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Pending…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Transferring";
+"notifications.incomingCall" = "வருகின்ற அழைப்பு";
+"notifications.missedCall" = "தொலைபேசி அழைப்பு";
+"notifications.newFile" = "புதிய கோப்பு";
+"notifications.locationSharingStarted" = "வருகை தரும் இட பகிர்வு தொடங்கியது";
+"notifications.locationSharingStopped" = "வருகை தரும் இடம் பகிர்வு நிறுத்தப்பட்டது";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "காத்திருப்பு.";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "பரிமாற்றம்";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCanceled" = "ரத்து செய்யப்பட்டது";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Complete";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "முழுமையான";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCancel" = "ரத்துசெய்க";
-"dataTransfer.infoMessage" = "Press to start recording";
-"dataTransfer.sendMessage" = "Send";
+"dataTransfer.infoMessage" = "பதிவு செய்ய துவக்க அழுத்தவும்";
+"dataTransfer.sendMessage" = "அனுப்பு";
 //Generated Message
-"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "You received inviation";
-"generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "Swarm created";
-"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "was invited to join";
-"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "You joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "was kicked";
-"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "was re-added";
-"generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "Outgoing call";
-"generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "Incoming call";
-"generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "Missed outgoing call";
-"generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "Missed incoming call";
-"generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "Live location sharing";
-"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "left";
+"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "நீங்கள் ஒரு விடுதலை பெற்றார்";
+"generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "ஒரு குவியல் உருவாக்கப்பட்டது";
+"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "சேர அழைக்கப்பட்டார்";
+"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "உரையாடலில் சேர்ந்து";
+"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "நீங்கள் உரையாடலில் சேர்ந்து";
+"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "அடித்த";
+"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "மீண்டும் சேர்க்கப்பட்டது";
+"generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "வெளியேறும் அழைப்பு";
+"generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "வருகின்ற அழைப்பு";
+"generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "தொலைபேசி அழைப்பு தவறியது";
+"generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "தவறவிட்ட அழைப்பு";
+"generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "நேரடி இருப்பிட பகிர்வு";
+"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "இடது";
 //General Settings
-"generalSettings.title" = "Advanced settings";
-"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Video Settings";
-"generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "Enable video acceleration";
-"generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "File transfer";
-"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Location Sharing";
-"generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "Automatically accept incoming files";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "Accept transfer limit";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(in MB, 0 = unlimited)";
-"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Limit the duration of location sharing";
-"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Position share duration";
+"generalSettings.title" = "மேம்பட்ட அமைப்புகள்";
+"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "வீடியோ அமைப்புகள்";
+"generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "வீடியோ துரிதப்படுத்தலை இயக்கு";
+"generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "கோப்பு பரிமாற்றம்";
+"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "இருப்பிட பகிர்வு";
+"generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "தானாக வருகின்ற கோப்புகளை ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளவும்";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "பரிமாற்ற வரம்பு ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளுங்கள்";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(MB, 0 = வரம்பற்றது)";
+"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "இருப்பிட பகிர்வு காலத்தை குறைக்கவும்";
+"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "நிலை பங்கு காலம்";
 //Log View
-"logView.title" = "Diagnostics";
-"logView.description" = "Open diagnostic log settings";
-"logView.startLogging" = "Start Logging";
-"logView.stopLogging" = "Stop Logging";
-"logView.saveError" = "Failed to save file";
-"logView.shareError" = "Failed to share file";
+"logView.title" = "நோயறிதல்";
+"logView.description" = "திறந்த நோயறிதல் பதிவு அமைப்புகள்";
+"logView.startLogging" = "பதிவுகளைத் தொடங்குதல்";
+"logView.stopLogging" = "மரக்கன்றுகளை நிறுத்து";
+"logView.saveError" = "கோப்பு சேமிக்க முடியவில்லை";
+"logView.shareError" = "கோப்பு பகிர்வு தோல்வியடைந்தது";
 //Migrate Account
-"migrateAccount.title" = "Account migration";
-"migrateAccount.migrateButton" = "Migrate Account";
-"migrateAccount.explanation" = "This account needs to be migrated";
-"migrateAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "Enter password";
-"migrateAccount.passwordExplanation" = "To proceed with the migration, you need to enter a password that was used for this account";
-"migrateAccount.removeAccount" = "Remove account";
-"migrateAccount.error" = "Failed to migrate your account. You can retry or delete your account.";
-"migrateAccount.migrating" = "Migrating...";
+"migrateAccount.title" = "கணக்கு இடம்பெயர்வு";
+"migrateAccount.migrateButton" = "இடம்பெயர்வு கணக்கு";
+"migrateAccount.explanation" = "இந்த கணக்கை இடமாற்றம் செய்ய வேண்டும்";
+"migrateAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "கடவுச்சொல்லை உள்ளிடவும்";
+"migrateAccount.passwordExplanation" = "இந்த இடம்பெயர்வு தொடர, இந்த கணக்கிற்கு பயன்படுத்தப்பட்ட கடவுச்சொல்லை நீங்கள் உள்ளிட வேண்டும்";
+"migrateAccount.removeAccount" = "கணக்கை நீக்கு";
+"migrateAccount.error" = "உங்கள் கணக்கை நகர்த்த முடியவில்லை. நீங்கள் மீண்டும் முயற்சி செய்யலாம் அல்லது உங்கள் கணக்கை நீக்கலாம்.";
+"migrateAccount.migrating" = "புலம்பெயர்.";
 "migrateAccount.cancel" = "ரத்துசெய்க";
-"migrateAccount.migrateAnother" = "Migrate Another Account";
+"migrateAccount.migrateAnother" = "மற்றொரு கணக்கை நகர்த்தவும்";
diff --git a/Ring/Ring/Resources/th.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Ring/Ring/Resources/th.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 91cc311..a66978a 100644
--- a/Ring/Ring/Resources/th.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Ring/Ring/Resources/th.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@
 // Global
 "global.homeTabBarTitle" = "บทสนทนา";
-"global.meTabBarTitle" = "Account Settings";
+"global.meTabBarTitle" = "การตั้งค่าบัญชี";
 "global.ok" = "ตกลง";
-"global.close" = "Close";
+"global.close" = "ใกล้";
 "global.share" = "แบ่งปัน";
-"global.forward" = "Forward";
-"global.save" = "Save";
-"global.resend" = "Resend";
+"global.forward" = "ไปข้างหน้า";
+"global.save" = "เก็บ";
+"global.resend" = "ส่งกลับ";
 "global.preview" = "ดูตัวอย่าง";
 "global.accept" = "ยอมรับ";
 "global.block" = "ปิดกั้น";
@@ -36,79 +36,79 @@
 "global.reply" = "ตอบกลับ";
 // Scan
-"scan.badQrCode" = "Bad QR code";
-"scan.search" = "Searching…";
+"scan.badQrCode" = "รหัส QR ที่ไม่ดี";
+"scan.search" = "ค้นหา...";
 // SwarmCreation
-"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Search for contact...";
-"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Create the swarm";
-"swarmcreation.addADescription" = "Add a description";
-"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in the swarm";
+"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "ค้นหาการติดต่อ...";
+"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "สร้างกลุ่ม";
+"swarmcreation.addADescription" = "เพิ่มคําอธิบาย";
+"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "คุณสามารถเพิ่ม \%d\ คนเพิ่มในกลุ่ม";
 // Swarm
-"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Ignore the swarm";
-"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Leave the conversation";
-"swarm.chooseColor" = "Choose a color";
-"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Type of swarm";
-"swarm.identifier" = "Identifier";
-"swarm.about" = "About";
+"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "ใส่ใจกลุ่ม";
+"swarm.leaveConversation" = "ปล่อยการพูดคุย";
+"swarm.chooseColor" = "เลือกสี";
+"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "ประเภทของกลุ่ม";
+"swarm.identifier" = "ตัวประจําตัว";
+"swarm.about" = "เกี่ยวกับ";
 "swarm.members" = "สมาชิก";
-"swarm.addDescription" = "Add Description";
+"swarm.addDescription" = "เพิ่มการอธิบาย";
 "swarm.oneToOne" = "กลุ่มส่วนตัว";
-"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Admin invites only";
+"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "ผู้บริหารเชิญเท่านั้น";
 "swarm.invitesOnly" = "กลุ่มส่วนตัว";
-"swarm.publicChat" = "Public swarm";
-"swarm.others" = "Others";
-"swarm.member" = "Member";
-"swarm.invited" = "Invited";
-"swarm.admin" = "Administrator";
-"swarm.banned" = "Banned";
-"swarm.unknown" = "Unkown";
-"swarm.addMorePeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in this swarm";
-"swarm.addMember" = "Add Member";
-"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Are you sure you want to leave this swarm?";
-"swarm.Leave" = "Leave";
+"swarm.publicChat" = "สระสาธารณะ";
+"swarm.others" = "อื่นๆ";
+"swarm.member" = "สมาชิก";
+"swarm.invited" = "เรียก";
+"swarm.admin" = "ผู้บริหาร";
+"swarm.banned" = "ป้องกัน";
+"swarm.unknown" = "ไม่ทราบ";
+"swarm.addMorePeople" = "คุณสามารถเพิ่ม \%d\ คนเพิ่มในกลุ่มนี้";
+"swarm.addMember" = "เพิ่มสมาชิก";
+"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "คุณแน่ใจนะว่าอยากออกจากกลุ่มนี้?";
+"swarm.Leave" = "ออกไป";
 // Smartlist
 "smartlist.yesterday" = "เมื่อวาน";
-"smartlist.results" = "Public Directory";
+"smartlist.results" = "คู่มือสาธารณะ";
 "smartlist.conversations" = "บทสนทนา";
 "smartlist.searching" = "กำลังค้นหา...";
 "smartlist.noResults" = "ไม่มีผลลัพธ์";
-"smartlist.noConversation" = "No conversations";
-"smartlist.searchBarPlaceholder" = "Enter name...";
-"smartlist.searchBar" = "Search for new or existing contact...";
+"smartlist.noConversation" = "ไม่มีการพูดคุย";
+"smartlist.searchBarPlaceholder" = "ใส่ชื่อ...";
+"smartlist.searchBar" = "ค้นหาผู้ติดต่อใหม่ หรือที่มีอยู่";
 "smartlist.noNetworkConnectivity" = "ไม่มีการเชื่อมต่อเครือข่าย";
 "smartlist.cellularAccess" = "ตรวจสอบให้แน่ใจว่าให้สิทธิ์การเข้าถึงมือถือในการตั้งค่าของคุณ";
 "smartlist.accountsTitle" = "บัญชี";
-"smartlist.addAccountButton" = "+ Add Account";
-"smartlist.noNumber" = "Selected contact does not have any number";
-"smartlist.selectOneNumber" = "Select one of the numbers";
+"smartlist.addAccountButton" = "+ เพิ่มบัญชี";
+"smartlist.noNumber" = "สมาชิกที่เลือกไม่มีหมายเลข";
+"smartlist.selectOneNumber" = "เลือกเลขหนึ่ง";
 "smartlist.invitations" = "คำเชิญ";
-"smartlist.accountSettings" = "Account Settings";
-"smartlist.advancedSettings" = "Advanced Settings";
+"smartlist.accountSettings" = "การตั้งค่าบัญชี";
+"smartlist.advancedSettings" = "การตั้งค่าที่ทันสมัย";
 "smartlist.aboutJami" = "เกี่ยวกับ Jami";
-"conversation.messagePlaceholder" = "Write message to ";
-"conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "You are currently sharing your location with ";
-"conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "You are currently receiving a live location from ";
-"conversation.errorSavingImage" = "Failed to save image to galery";
-"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.requestMessage" = "Hello,\nWould you like to join the conversation?";
-"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ is not in your contact list.";
-"conversation.sendRequest" = "Send him/her a contact request to be able to exchange together";
-"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Send Contact Request";
-"conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "You have accepted the conversation request.";
-"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "We are waiting for \%@\ connects to synchronize the conversation.";
+"conversation.messagePlaceholder" = "เขียนข้อความไปยัง ";
+"conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "คุณกําลังแบ่งปันสถานที่ของคุณกับ ";
+"conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "คุณกําลังรับข้อมูลที่ตั้งสดจาก ";
+"conversation.errorSavingImage" = "ไม่สามารถบันทึกภาพไปยังห้องแสดงภาพ";
+"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ \ ส่งคําขอให้คุย";
+"conversation.incomingRequest" = "ส่งคําขอให้คุยกัน";
+"conversation.requestMessage" = "สวัสดีครับ คุณอยากเข้าร่วมการพูดคุยกันไหม";
+"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ ไม่อยู่ในรายการติดต่อของคุณ";
+"conversation.sendRequest" = "ส่งคําขอติดต่อให้เขา/เธอ เพื่อสามารถแลกเปลี่ยนด้วยกัน";
+"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "ส่ง คํา สนใจ";
+"conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "คุณยอมรับคําขอคุย";
+"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "เรากําลังรอ \%@\ เชื่อมต่อเพื่อสอดคล้องการพูดคุย";
-"invitations.noInvitations" = "No invitations";
+"invitations.noInvitations" = "ไม่มีการเชิญ";
 // Walkthrough
 //Welcome Screen
-"welcome.title" = "Welcome to Jami !";
-"welcome.text" = "Jami is a free and universal communication platform which preserves the users' privacy and freedoms";
+"welcome.title" = "ยินดีต้อนรับที่จามิ";
+"welcome.text" = "จามิเป็นเว็บสื่อสารฟรีและทั่วไปที่รักษาความเป็นส่วนตัวและเสรีภาพของผู้ใช้";
 "welcome.linkDevice" = "เชื่อมโยงอุปกรณ์นี้กับบัญชี";
 "welcome.createAccount" = "สร้างบัญชี Jami";
 "welcome.connectToManager" = "เชื่อมต่อกับเซิร์ฟเวอร์ JAMS";
@@ -116,35 +116,35 @@
 //Creation Profile Screen
 "createProfile.skipCreateProfile" = "ข้าม";
 "createProfile.profileCreated" = "ต่อไป";
-"createProfile.title" = "Personalise your profile";
-"createProfile.enterNameLabel" = "Enter a display name";
+"createProfile.title" = "ปรับแต่งโปรไฟล์ของคุณ";
+"createProfile.enterNameLabel" = "กรอกชื่อการแสดง";
 "createProfile.enterNamePlaceholder" = "ใส่ชื่อ";
-"createProfile.subtitle" = "Your profile will be shared with your contacts. You can change it at any time.";
-"createProfile.createYourAvatar" = "Create your avatar";
+"createProfile.subtitle" = "โปรไฟล์ของคุณจะถูกแบ่งปันกับผู้ติดต่อของคุณ คุณสามารถเปลี่ยนมันได้ในเวลาใดก็ตาม";
+"createProfile.createYourAvatar" = "สร้างอวตาร์ของคุณ";
 //Create Account form
-"createAccount.createAccountFormTitle" = "Create your account";
-"createAccount.chooseStrongPassword" = "Choose strong password you will remember to protect your Jami account.";
+"createAccount.createAccountFormTitle" = "สร้างบัญชีของคุณ";
+"createAccount.chooseStrongPassword" = "เลือกรหัสผ่านที่แข็งแกร่งที่คุณจะจําไว้ เพื่อปกป้องบัญชี Jami ของคุณ";
 "createAccount.enterNewUsernamePlaceholder" = "ชื่อผู้ใช้";
 "createAccount.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "รหัสผ่าน";
-"createAccount.repeatPasswordPlaceholder" = "Confirm password";
+"createAccount.repeatPasswordPlaceholder" = "ยืนยันปัสริด";
 "createAccount.passwordCharactersNumberError" = "ขั้นต่ำ 6 ตัวอักษร";
 "createAccount.passwordNotMatchingError" = "รหัสผ่านไม่ตรงกัน";
-"createAccount.lookingForUsernameAvailability" = "looking for availability…";
+"createAccount.lookingForUsernameAvailability" = "กําลังมองหาความสามารถ...";
 "createAccount.invalidUsername" = "ชื่อผู้ใช้ที่ไม่ถูกต้อง";
 "createAccount.usernameAlreadyTaken" = "ชื่อผู้ใช้ถูกนำไปใช้แล้ว";
-"createAccount.usernameValid" = "username is available";
+"createAccount.usernameValid" = "ชื่อผู้ใช้ได้";
 "createAccount.loading" = "กำลังโหลด";
 "createAccount.waitCreateAccountTitle" = "กำลังเพิ่มบัญชี";
-"createAccount.RegisterAUsername" = "Register a username";
-"createAccount.ChooseAPassword" = "Encrypt my account";
-"createAccount.PasswordInformation" = "Choose a password to encrypt your local account. Don’t forget it or you will not be able to recover your account";
+"createAccount.RegisterAUsername" = "จดชื่อผู้ใช้";
+"createAccount.ChooseAPassword" = "เคล็ดลับบัญชีของฉัน";
+"createAccount.PasswordInformation" = "เลือกรหัสผ่านเพื่อรหัสบัญชีส่วนตัวของคุณ อย่าลืมมัน หรือคุณจะไม่สามารถฟื้นฟูบัญชีของคุณได้";
 "createAccount.EnableNotifications" = "การแจ้งเตือน";
-"createAccount.Recommended" = "(Recommended)";
-"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredTitle" = "Network error";
-"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredMessage" = "Account was created but username was not registered";
-"createAccount.timeoutTitle" = "Account Created";
-"createAccount.timeoutMessage" = "Username registration in progress... It could take a few moments.";
+"createAccount.Recommended" = "(แนะนํา)";
+"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredTitle" = "ความผิดพลาดในเครือข่าย";
+"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredMessage" = "การสร้างบัญชี แต่ชื่อผู้ใช้ไม่ได้ลงทะเบียน";
+"createAccount.timeoutTitle" = "การสร้างบัญชี";
+"createAccount.timeoutMessage" = "การลงทะเบียนชื่อผู้ใช้งาน กําลังดําเนินการ มันอาจใช้เวลาไม่กี่นาที";
 //Link To Account form
 "linkToAccount.waitLinkToAccountTitle" = "การเชื่อมโยงบัญชี";
@@ -156,168 +156,168 @@
 "linkToAccount.explanationPinMessage" = "หากต้องการสร้างรหัส PIN ให้ไปที่การตั้งค่าการจัดการบัญชีในอุปกรณ์ที่มีบัญชีที่คุณต้องการใช้ ในการตั้งค่าอุปกรณ์ เลือก \"เชื่อมโยงอุปกรณ์อื่นกับบัญชีนี้\" คุณจะได้รับ PIN ที่จำเป็นในการกรอกแบบฟอร์มนี้ PIN นี้ใช้ได้เพียง 10 นาทีเท่านั้น";
 //Link To Account Manager form
-"linkToAccountManager.signIn" = "Sign In";
+"linkToAccountManager.signIn" = "สมัครสมาชิก";
 "linkToAccountManager.passwordPlaceholder" = "รหัสผ่าน";
 "linkToAccountManager.passwordLabel" = "ใส่รหัสผ่าน";
 "linkToAccountManager.usernamePlaceholder" = "ชื่อผู้ใช้";
-"linkToAccountManager.usernameLabel" = "Enter Username";
-"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerPlaceholder" = "JAMS URL";
-"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerLabel" = "Enter JAMS URL";
+"linkToAccountManager.usernameLabel" = "กรอก Username";
+"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerPlaceholder" = "URL JAMS";
+"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerLabel" = "กรอก URL JAMS";
 "alerts.accountCannotBeFoundTitle" = "ไม่พบบัญชี";
-"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundMessage" = "Account couldn't be found on the Jami network. Make sure it was exported on Jami from an existing device, and that provided credentials are correct.";
+"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundMessage" = "ไม่พบบัญชีในเครือข่ายของจามิ ให้แน่ใจว่ามันถูกส่งออกมาจากจามิจากอุปกรณ์ที่มีอยู่ และให้ข้อมูลที่ได้รับถูกต้อง";
 "alerts.accountAddedTitle" = "เพิ่มบัญชีแล้ว";
 "alerts.accountNoNetworkTitle" = "เชื่อมต่อเครือข่ายไม่ได้";
-"alerts.accountNoNetworkMessage" = "Could not add account because Jami couldn't connect to the distributed network. Check your device connectivity.";
+"alerts.accountNoNetworkMessage" = "ไม่สามารถเพิ่มบัญชีได้ เพราะจามิไม่สามารถเชื่อมต่อเครือข่ายที่จําหน่ายได้ เช็คความเชื่อมต่อของอุปกรณ์ของคุณ";
 "alerts.accountDefaultErrorTitle" = "ข้อผิดพลาดที่ไม่รู้จัก";
 "alerts.accountDefaultErrorMessage" = "ไม่สามารถสร้างบัญชีได้";
 "alerts.profileTakePhoto" = "ถ่ายภาพ";
 "alerts.profileUploadPhoto" = "อัพโหลดรูปภาพ";
 "alerts.profileCancelPhoto" = "ยกเลิก";
 "alerts.accountLinkedTitle" = "เชื่อมโยงบัญชี";
-"alerts.dbFailedTitle" = "An error happned when launching Jami";
+"alerts.dbFailedTitle" = "เกิดความผิดพลาดตอนเปิดตัว Jami";
 "alerts.dbFailedMessage" = "โปรดปิดแอปพลิเคชันแล้วลองเปิดใหม่อีกครั้ง";
-"alerts.confirmBlockContact" = "Are you sure you want to block this contact? The conversation history with this contact will also be deleted permanently.";
-"alerts.confirmBlockContactTitle" = "Block Contact";
-"alerts.confirmDeleteConversation" = "Are you sure you want to delete this conversation permanently?";
-"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationFromContact" = "Are you sure you want to delete the conversation with this contact?";
-"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationTitle" = "Delete Conversation";
-"alerts.confirmClearConversation" = "Are you sure you want to clear the conversation with this contact?";
-"alerts.confirmClearConversationTitle" = "Clear Conversation";
-"alerts.noMediaPermissionsTitle" = "Media permission not granted";
-"alerts.noLibraryPermissionsTitle" = "Access to photo library not granted";
-"alerts.noLocationPermissionsTitle" = "Access to location not granted";
-"alerts.errorWrongCredentials" = "Cannot connect to provided account manager. Please check your credentials";
-"alerts.recordVideoMessage" = "Record a video message";
-"alerts.recordAudioMessage" = "Record an audio message";
-"alerts.uploadFile" = "Upload file";
-"alerts.uploadPhoto" = "Upload photo or movie";
-"alerts.locationServiceIsDisabled" = "Turn on \"Location Services\" to allow \"Jami\" to determine your location.";
-"alerts.locationSharing" = "Share my location";
-"alerts.alreadylocationSharing" = "Already sharing location with this user";
-"alerts.locationSharingDurationTitle" = "How long should the location sharing be?";
-"alerts.locationSharingDuration10min" = "10 min";
-"alerts.locationSharingDuration1hour" = "1 hour";
+"alerts.confirmBlockContact" = "คุณแน่ใจนะว่า คุณต้องการปิดการติดต่อนี้? ประวัติการพูดคุยกับการติดต่อนี้จะถูกลบไปอย่างถาวร";
+"alerts.confirmBlockContactTitle" = "คอนตาคเตอร์";
+"alerts.confirmDeleteConversation" = "คุณแน่ใจนะว่า คุณต้องการลบการพูดคุยนี้ได้ตลอดไป";
+"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationFromContact" = "คุณแน่ใจนะว่าอยากลบการพูดคุยกับผู้ติดต่อนี้";
+"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationTitle" = "กดการพูดคุย";
+"alerts.confirmClearConversation" = "คุณแน่ใจนะว่าอยากแก้ปัญหากับผู้ติดต่อนี้?";
+"alerts.confirmClearConversationTitle" = "การ สัมภาษณ์ ที่ สะดวก";
+"alerts.noMediaPermissionsTitle" = "การอนุญาตสื่อไม่ถูกให้";
+"alerts.noLibraryPermissionsTitle" = "การเข้าถึงห้องสมุดรูปภาพไม่ได้รับอนุญาต";
+"alerts.noLocationPermissionsTitle" = "การเข้าถึงสถานที่ที่ไม่ได้มอบ";
+"alerts.errorWrongCredentials" = "ไม่สามารถเชื่อมต่อกับผู้จัดการบัญชีที่ให้บริการ ได้โปรดตรวจสอบข้อมูลความเป็นเจ้าของของคุณ";
+"alerts.recordVideoMessage" = "ถ่ายวีดีโอข้อความ";
+"alerts.recordAudioMessage" = "ถ่ายข้อความเสียง";
+"alerts.uploadFile" = "โหลดไฟล์";
+"alerts.uploadPhoto" = "โหลดรูปภาพหรือหนัง";
+"alerts.locationServiceIsDisabled" = "เปิด \"บริการสถานที่\" ให้ \"Jami\" รู้ว่าสถานที่ของคุณ";
+"alerts.locationSharing" = "แบ่งตําแหน่งของฉัน";
+"alerts.alreadylocationSharing" = "แบ่งปันสถานที่กับผู้ใช้งานนี้";
+"alerts.locationSharingDurationTitle" = "การแบ่งที่ตั้งควรใช้เวลานานแค่ไหน";
+"alerts.locationSharingDuration10min" = "10 นาที";
+"alerts.locationSharingDuration1hour" = "1 ชั่วโมง";
 "alerts.mapInformation" = "ข้อมูลแผนที่";
-"alerts.openStreetMapCopyright" = "© OpenStreetMap contributors";
-"alerts.openStreetMapCopyrightMoreInfo" = "Learn more";
+"alerts.openStreetMapCopyright" = "© ผู้ร่วมงาน OpenStreetMap";
+"alerts.openStreetMapCopyrightMoreInfo" = "เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติม";
 "actions.deleteAction" = "ลบ";
 "actions.cancelAction" = "ยกเลิก";
 "actions.clearAction" = "ชัดเจน";
 "actions.backAction" = "กลับ";
-"actions.doneAction" = "Done";
-"alerts.incomingCallAllertTitle" = "Incoming call from ";
-"alerts.incomingCallButtonIgnore" = "Ignore";
-"actions.startAudioCall" = "  Audio Call";
-"actions.startVideoCall" = "  Video Call";
-"actions.goToSettings" = "Go to Settings";
+"actions.doneAction" = "ทําแล้ว";
+"alerts.incomingCallAllertTitle" = "โทรศัพท์ที่เข้ามาจาก ";
+"alerts.incomingCallButtonIgnore" = "หมอง";
+"actions.startAudioCall" = "การเรียกเสียง";
+"actions.startVideoCall" = "โทรศัพท์วีดีโอ";
+"actions.goToSettings" = "ไปยัง การตั้งค่า";
 "actions.stopLocationSharing" = "หยุดแบ่งปัน";
-"calls.callItemTitle" = "Call";
-"calls.unknown" = "Unknown";
-"calls.incomingCallInfo" = "wants to talk to you";
-"calls.ringing" = "Ringing…";
-"calls.connecting" = "Connecting…";
-"calls.searching" = "Searching…";
-"calls.callFinished" = "Call finished";
-"calls.currentCallWith" = "Call with ";
-"calls.haghUp" = "hang up";
-"calls.maximize" = "maximize";
-"calls.minimize" = "minimize";
-"calls.setModerator" = "set moderator";
-"calls.removeModerator" = "unset moderator";
-"calls.muteAudio" = "mute audio";
-"calls.unmuteAudio" = "unmute audio";
-"calls.lowerHand" = "lower hand";
+"calls.callItemTitle" = "โทร";
+"calls.unknown" = "ไม่ทราบ";
+"calls.incomingCallInfo" = "อยากคุยกับเธอ";
+"calls.ringing" = "เสียงร้อง";
+"calls.connecting" = "การเชื่อมต่อ...";
+"calls.searching" = "ค้นหา...";
+"calls.callFinished" = "โทรศัพท์เสร็จ";
+"calls.currentCallWith" = "โทรมา ";
+"calls.haghUp" = "หยุด";
+"calls.maximize" = "เพิ่มสูงสุด";
+"calls.minimize" = "ลดน้อยลง";
+"calls.setModerator" = "กําหนดผู้ปรับ";
+"calls.removeModerator" = "ปรับปรุงที่ไม่ตั้ง";
+"calls.muteAudio" = "เสียงเงียบ";
+"calls.unmuteAudio" = "เสียงไม่หยุด";
+"calls.lowerHand" = "มือต่ํา";
 //Account Page
 "accountPage.devicesListHeader" = "อุปกรณ์";
 "accountPage.settingsHeader" = "การตั้งค่า";
 "accountPage.username" = "ชื่อผู้ใช้";
-"accountPage.usernameNotRegistered" = "username: not registered";
-"accountPage.credentialsHeader" = "Account Details";
-"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Enable Proxy";
+"accountPage.usernameNotRegistered" = "ชื่อผู้ใช้: ไม่ลงทะเบียน";
+"accountPage.credentialsHeader" = "รายละเอียดบัญชี";
+"accountPage.enableProxy" = "เปิดตัวแทน";
 "accountPage.blockedContacts" = "ผู้ติดต่อที่ถูกบล็อก";
 "accountPage.unblockContact" = "UNBLOCK";
-"accountPage.proxyAddressAlert" = "Provide proxy address";
-"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Enable Proxy";
-"accountPage.noProxyExplanationLabel" = "Your device won't receive notifications when proxy is disabled";
-"accountPage.saveProxyAddress" = "Save";
-"accountPage.proxyPaceholder" = "Proxy address";
-"accountPage.enableNotifications" = "Enable Notifications";
-"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertTitle" = "Proxy Server Disabled";
-"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertBody" = "In order to receive notifications, please enable proxy";
+"accountPage.proxyAddressAlert" = "ให้ที่อยู่ตัวแทน";
+"accountPage.enableProxy" = "เปิดตัวแทน";
+"accountPage.noProxyExplanationLabel" = "อุปกรณ์ของคุณจะไม่รับแจ้งเมื่อ proxy ถูกปิด";
+"accountPage.saveProxyAddress" = "เก็บ";
+"accountPage.proxyPaceholder" = "ที่อยู่ตัวแทน";
+"accountPage.enableNotifications" = "เปิดรับแจ้ง";
+"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertTitle" = "พรอক্ซี่เซอร์เวอร์ปิด";
+"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertBody" = "เพื่อรับแจ้งความโปรดเปิดตัวแทน";
 "accountPage.revokeDeviceTitle" = "เพิกถอนอุปกรณ์";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceMessage" = "Are you sure you want to revoke this device? This action could not be undone.";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceButton" = "Revoke";
-"accountPage.revokeDevicePlaceholder" = "Enter your passord";
-"accountPage.deviceRevoked" = "Device revocation completed";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationProgress" = "Revoking...";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationSuccess" = "Device was revoked";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationTryAgain" = "Try again";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationWrongPassword" = "Incorrect password";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationUnknownDevice" = "Unknown device";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationError" = "Device revocation error";
-"accountPage.linkDeviceTitle" = "Link another device";
-"accountPage.other" = "Other";
-"accountPage.removeAccountTitle" = "Remove account";
-"accountPage.removeAccountMessage" = "By clicking \"Remove\" you will remove this account on this device! This action can not be undone. Also, your registered name can be lost.";
-"accountPage.removeAccountButton" = "Remove";
-"accountPage.shareAccountDetails" = "Share Account Details";
-"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "Contact me on Jami!";
-"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "Contact me using \"%s\" on the Jami distributed communication platform: https://jami.net";
-"accountPage.registerNameTitle" = "Register a username";
-"accountPage.passwordPlaceholder" = "Enter account password";
-"accountPage.usernamePlaceholder" = "Enter desired username";
-"accountPage.registerNameErrorMessage" = "Choosen username is not available";
-"accountPage.usernameRegistering" = "Registering";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceMessage" = "คุณแน่ใจนะว่าคุณต้องการที่จะยกเลิกอุปกรณ์นี้";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceButton" = "ยกเลิก";
+"accountPage.revokeDevicePlaceholder" = "กรอกรหัสผ่านของคุณ";
+"accountPage.deviceRevoked" = "การยกเลิกอุปกรณ์เสร็จสิ้น";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationProgress" = "ยกเลิก...";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationSuccess" = "อุปกรณ์ถูกยกเลิก";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationTryAgain" = "ลองอีกที";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationWrongPassword" = "ปรสิตผิด";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationUnknownDevice" = "อุปกรณ์ที่ไม่ทราบ";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationError" = "ความผิดพลาดในการยกเลิกอุปกรณ์";
+"accountPage.linkDeviceTitle" = "เชื่อมต่ออุปกรณ์อื่น";
+"accountPage.other" = "อื่นๆ";
+"accountPage.removeAccountTitle" = "ยกบัญชี";
+"accountPage.removeAccountMessage" = "โดยการคลิก \"ลบ\" คุณจะลบบัญชีนี้บนอุปกรณ์นี้! การกระทํานี้ไม่สามารถถอนได้ นอกจากนี้ชื่อที่ลงทะเบียนของคุณก็สามารถหายไปได้";
+"accountPage.removeAccountButton" = "ยกออก";
+"accountPage.shareAccountDetails" = "รายละเอียดบัญชีส่วนร่วม";
+"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "ติดต่อฉันใน Jami!";
+"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "ติดต่อฉันโดยใช้ \"%s\" บนโครงการสื่อสารกระจายของ Jami: https://jami.net";
+"accountPage.registerNameTitle" = "จดชื่อผู้ใช้";
+"accountPage.passwordPlaceholder" = "กรอกรหัสผ่านบัญชี";
+"accountPage.usernamePlaceholder" = "กรอกชื่อผู้ใช้ที่ต้องการ";
+"accountPage.registerNameErrorMessage" = "ชื่อผู้ใช้ที่เลือกไม่ได้";
+"accountPage.usernameRegistering" = "การลงทะเบียน";
 "accountPage.usernameRegisterAction" = "ลงทะเบียน";
-"accountPage.usernameRegistrationFailed" = "Registration failed. Please check password.";
-"accountPage.createPassword" = "Create password";
-"accountPage.changePassword" = "Change password";
-"accountPage.oldPasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter old password";
-"accountPage.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter new password";
-"accountPage.newPasswordConfirmPlaceholder" = "Confirm new password";
-"accountPage.changePasswordError" = "Password incorrect";
-"accountPage.enableBoothMode" = "Enable Booth Mode";
-"accountPage.disableBoothMode" = "Disable Booth Mode";
-"accountPage.disableBoothModeExplanation" = "Pleace provide your account password";
-"accountPage.boothModeExplanation" = "In booth mode conversation history not saved and jami functionality limited by making outgoing calls. When you enable booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
-"accountPage.noBoothMode" = "To enable Booth mode you need to create account password first.";
-"accountPage.boothModeAlertMessage" = "After enabling booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
-"accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "Auto connect on local network";
-"accountPage.autoRegistration" = "Auto register after expiration";
+"accountPage.usernameRegistrationFailed" = "การลงทะเบียนล้มเหลว ขอเช็คปัสริด";
+"accountPage.createPassword" = "สร้างป้ายรหัส";
+"accountPage.changePassword" = "เปลี่ยนปัสผ่าน";
+"accountPage.oldPasswordPlaceholder" = "กรอกรหัสผ่านเก่า";
+"accountPage.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "กรอกรหัสผ่านใหม่";
+"accountPage.newPasswordConfirmPlaceholder" = "ยืนยันคําว่าใหม่";
+"accountPage.changePasswordError" = "ปรสওয়ার্ডผิด";
+"accountPage.enableBoothMode" = "เปิดโหมด Booth";
+"accountPage.disableBoothMode" = "ปิดโหมด Booth";
+"accountPage.disableBoothModeExplanation" = "กรุณาให้คําว่าบัญชีของคุณ";
+"accountPage.boothModeExplanation" = "ในโหมดบูธ ประวัติการพูดคุยไม่ได้บันทึก และการทํางานของ Jami มีขัดขวางโดยการทําการโทรออก เมื่อคุณเปิดโหมดบูธทั้งหมดการพูดคุยของคุณจะถูกลบ";
+"accountPage.noBoothMode" = "เพื่อเปิดโหมด Booth คุณต้องสร้างรหัสผ่านบัญชีก่อน";
+"accountPage.boothModeAlertMessage" = "หลังจากเปิดโหมดบูธแล้ว การพูดคุยทั้งหมดของคุณจะถูกลบ";
+"accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "การเชื่อมต่ออัตโนมัติในเครือข่ายท้องถิ่น";
+"accountPage.autoRegistration" = "รีสเตอร์รถยนต์หลังหมดอายุ";
 "accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "การเชื่อมต่อ";
-"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Enable TURN";
-"accountPage.turnServer" = "TURN address";
+"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "เปิด TURN";
+"accountPage.turnServer" = "ที่อยู่ TURN";
 "accountPage.turnUsername" = "TURN ชื่อผู้ใช้";
-"accountPage.turnPassword" = "TURN password";
-"accountPage.turnRealm" = "TURN realm";
+"accountPage.turnPassword" = "ปรสิต TURN";
+"accountPage.turnRealm" = "สาขา TURN";
-"account.sipUsername" = "User Name";
+"account.sipUsername" = "ชื่อผู้ใช้งาน";
 "account.sipPassword" = "รหัสผ่าน";
 "account.sipServer" = "SIP Server";
 "account.port" = "พอร์ต";
-"account.proxyServer" = "Proxy";
-"account.createSipAccount" = "Create a SIP Account";
-"account.usernameLabel" = "Enter Username";
+"account.proxyServer" = "พอร์กส";
+"account.createSipAccount" = "สร้างบัญชี SIP";
+"account.usernameLabel" = "กรอก Username";
 "account.passwordLabel" = "ใส่รหัสผ่าน";
-"account.serverLabel" = "Enter Address";
-"account.portLabel" = "Enter Port Number";
-"account.accountStatus" = "Account Status";
-"account.enableAccount" = "Enable Account";
-"account.statusOnline" = "Online";
-"account.statusOffline" = "Offline";
+"account.serverLabel" = "กรอกที่อยู่";
+"account.portLabel" = "กรอกหมายเลขท่าเรือ";
+"account.accountStatus" = "สถานการณ์บัญชี";
+"account.enableAccount" = "เปิดบัญชี";
+"account.statusOnline" = "ออนไลน์";
+"account.statusOffline" = "ภายนอกระบบ";
 "account.statusConnecting" = "กำลังเชื่อมต่อ";
-"account.statusUnknown" = "Unknown";
-"account.statusConnectionerror" = "Connection Error";
-"account.needMigration" = "account need to be migrated";
-"account.me" = "Me";
+"account.statusUnknown" = "ไม่ทราบ";
+"account.statusConnectionerror" = "ความผิดพลาดการเชื่อมต่อ";
+"account.needMigration" = "ต้องย้ายบัญชี";
+"account.me" = "ฉัน";
 //Block List Page
 "blockListPage.noBlockedContacts" = "ไม่มีผู้ติดต่อที่ถูกบล็อก";
@@ -327,88 +327,88 @@
 "linkDevice.passwordError" = "รหัสผ่านที่คุณป้อนไม่ได้ปลดล็อคบัญชีนี้";
 "linkDevice.networkError" = "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดของเครือข่ายระหว่างการส่งออก";
 "linkDevice.defaultError" = "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดระหว่างการส่งออก";
-"linkDevice.explanationMessage" = "To complete the process, you need to open Jami on the new device and choose the option \"Link this device to an account.\" Your pin is valid for 10 minutes";
+"linkDevice.explanationMessage" = "เพื่อทําการสําเร็จ คุณต้องเปิด Jami บนอุปกรณ์ใหม่ และเลือกทางเลือก \"เชื่อมอุปกรณ์นี้กับบัญชี\" ปินของคุณมีสิทธิในการใช้งาน 10 นาที";
 "linkDevice.hudMessage" = "กำลังยืนยัน";
 //Contact Page
-"contactPage.startAudioCall" = "Start Audio Call";
-"contactPage.startVideoCall" = "Start Video Call";
-"contactPage.sendMessage" = "Send Message";
-"contactPage.clearConversation" = "Clear Chat";
-"contactPage.blockContact" = "Block Contact";
-"contactPage.removeConversation" = "Remove Conversation";
+"contactPage.startAudioCall" = "เริ่มการโทรเสียง";
+"contactPage.startVideoCall" = "เริ่มการโทรวีดีโอ";
+"contactPage.sendMessage" = "ส่ง ข้อความ";
+"contactPage.clearConversation" = "ส่งจอ";
+"contactPage.blockContact" = "คอนตาคเตอร์";
+"contactPage.removeConversation" = "ถอด การ สัมภาษณ์";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusCreated" = "Initializing…";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusCreated" = "การเริ่มต้น...";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusError" = "ข้อผิดพลาด";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Pending…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Transferring";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "รออยู่";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "การโอน";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCanceled" = "ยกเลิกแล้ว";
-"dataTransfer.sendingFailed" = "Failed to send";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Complete";
+"dataTransfer.sendingFailed" = "ไม่ส่ง";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "เสร็จ";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCancel" = "ยกเลิก";
-"notifications.incomingCall" = "Incoming Call";
-"notifications.missedCall" = "Missed Call";
-"notifications.newFile" = "New file";
-"notifications.locationSharingStarted" = "Incoming location sharing started";
-"notifications.locationSharingStopped" = "Incoming location sharing stopped";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Pending…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Transferring";
+"notifications.incomingCall" = "การเรียกที่เข้ามา";
+"notifications.missedCall" = "โทรศัพท์ที่พลาด";
+"notifications.newFile" = "ไฟล์ใหม่";
+"notifications.locationSharingStarted" = "การแบ่งปันสถานที่ที่เข้ามาเริ่ม";
+"notifications.locationSharingStopped" = "การแบ่งปันสถานที่ที่เข้าหยุด";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "รออยู่";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "การโอน";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCanceled" = "ยกเลิกแล้ว";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Complete";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "เสร็จ";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCancel" = "ยกเลิก";
-"dataTransfer.infoMessage" = "Press to start recording";
+"dataTransfer.infoMessage" = "กดเพื่อเริ่มบันทึก";
 "dataTransfer.sendMessage" = "ส่ง";
 //Generated Message
-"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "You received inviation";
-"generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "Swarm created";
-"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "was invited to join";
-"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "You joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "was kicked";
-"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "was re-added";
+"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "คุณได้รับการอนุญาต";
+"generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "สร้างสระ";
+"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "ได้รับเชิญร่วม";
+"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "เข้าร่วมการพูดคุย";
+"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "คุณเข้าร่วมการพูดคุย";
+"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "ถูกเตะ";
+"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "ได้เพิ่มขึ้นใหม่";
 "generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "โทรออก";
 "generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "สายเรียกเข้า";
 "generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "สายที่ไม่ได้รับ";
 "generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "สายเรียกเข้าที่ไม่ได้รับ";
-"generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "Live location sharing";
-"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "left";
+"generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "การแบ่งปันสถานที่สด";
+"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "ซ้าย";
 //General Settings
 "generalSettings.title" = "ตั้งค่าขั้นสูง";
-"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Video Settings";
-"generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "Enable video acceleration";
+"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "การตั้งค่าวีดีโอ";
+"generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "เปิดให้การเร่งวิดีโอ";
 "generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "การถ่ายโอนไฟล์";
-"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Location Sharing";
-"generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "Automatically accept incoming files";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "Accept transfer limit";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(in MB, 0 = unlimited)";
-"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Limit the duration of location sharing";
-"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Position share duration";
+"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "แบ่งสถานที่";
+"generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "รับไฟล์ที่เข้ามาโดยอัตโนมัติ";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "ยอมรับขีดขั้นต่ําการโอน";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(ใน MB, 0 = ไม่จํากัด)";
+"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "จํากัดระยะเวลาในการแบ่งที่ตั้ง";
+"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "ระยะเวลาส่วนแบ่งตําแหน่ง";
 //Log View
 "logView.title" = "การวินิจฉัย";
 "logView.description" = "เปิดการตั้งค่าบันทึกการวินิจฉัย";
 "logView.startLogging" = "เริ่มการบันทึก";
-"logView.stopLogging" = "Stop Logging";
-"logView.saveError" = "Failed to save file";
-"logView.shareError" = "Failed to share file";
+"logView.stopLogging" = "หยุดการเก็บไม้";
+"logView.saveError" = "ไม่สามารถบันทึกไฟล์ได้";
+"logView.shareError" = "ไม่สามารถแบ่งไฟล์ได้";
 //Migrate Account
-"migrateAccount.title" = "Account migration";
-"migrateAccount.migrateButton" = "Migrate Account";
-"migrateAccount.explanation" = "This account needs to be migrated";
+"migrateAccount.title" = "การย้ายบัญชี";
+"migrateAccount.migrateButton" = "บัญชีการย้าย";
+"migrateAccount.explanation" = "บัญชีนี้ต้องถูกย้าย";
 "migrateAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "ใส่รหัสผ่าน";
-"migrateAccount.passwordExplanation" = "To proceed with the migration, you need to enter a password that was used for this account";
-"migrateAccount.removeAccount" = "Remove account";
-"migrateAccount.error" = "Failed to migrate your account. You can retry or delete your account.";
-"migrateAccount.migrating" = "Migrating...";
+"migrateAccount.passwordExplanation" = "เพื่อดําเนินการย้ายไปยังประเทศอื่นๆ คุณต้องใส่รหัสผ่านที่ใช้สําหรับบัญชีนี้";
+"migrateAccount.removeAccount" = "ยกบัญชี";
+"migrateAccount.error" = "ไม่สามารถย้ายบัญชีของคุณได้ คุณสามารถพยายามอีกครั้งหรือลบบัญชีของคุณ";
+"migrateAccount.migrating" = "การย้ายไป...";
 "migrateAccount.cancel" = "ยกเลิก";
-"migrateAccount.migrateAnother" = "Migrate Another Account";
+"migrateAccount.migrateAnother" = "ขยับบัญชีใหม่";
diff --git a/Ring/Ring/Resources/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Ring/Ring/Resources/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 7610581..49a212e 100644
--- a/Ring/Ring/Resources/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Ring/Ring/Resources/tr.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -40,33 +40,33 @@
 "scan.search" = "Arıyor...";
 // SwarmCreation
-"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Search for contact...";
-"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Create the swarm";
+"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "- İletişim aramak...";
+"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Bir sürü yaratın.";
 "swarmcreation.addADescription" = "Açıklama ekle";
-"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in the swarm";
+"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "Swarm'a daha fazla kişi ekleyebilirsin.";
 // Swarm
-"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Ignore the swarm";
-"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Leave the conversation";
-"swarm.chooseColor" = "Choose a color";
-"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Type of swarm";
+"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Sığırları görmezden gel.";
+"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Konuşmayı bırak.";
+"swarm.chooseColor" = "Bir renk seçin";
+"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Swarm türü";
 "swarm.identifier" = "Tanımlayıcı";
 "swarm.about" = "Hakkında";
 "swarm.members" = "Üyeler";
-"swarm.addDescription" = "Add Description";
+"swarm.addDescription" = "Açıklama Ekle";
 "swarm.oneToOne" = "Özel küme";
-"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Admin invites only";
+"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Admin sadece davet eder";
 "swarm.invitesOnly" = "Özel küme";
-"swarm.publicChat" = "Public swarm";
-"swarm.others" = "Others";
-"swarm.member" = "Member";
-"swarm.invited" = "Invited";
-"swarm.admin" = "Administrator";
-"swarm.banned" = "Banned";
-"swarm.unknown" = "Unkown";
-"swarm.addMorePeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in this swarm";
-"swarm.addMember" = "Add Member";
-"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Are you sure you want to leave this swarm?";
-"swarm.Leave" = "Leave";
+"swarm.publicChat" = "Toplum sürüsü";
+"swarm.others" = "Diğerleri";
+"swarm.member" = "Üye";
+"swarm.invited" = "- davet edildi.";
+"swarm.admin" = "Yöneticisi";
+"swarm.banned" = "Yasaklanmış";
+"swarm.unknown" = "Bilinmeyen";
+"swarm.addMorePeople" = "Bu sürümde daha fazla insan ekleyebilirsin.";
+"swarm.addMember" = "Üye Ekle";
+"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Bu sürüyü terk etmek istediğinden emin misin?";
+"swarm.Leave" = "Git.";
 // Smartlist
 "smartlist.yesterday" = "Dün";
 "smartlist.results" = "Genel Dizin";
@@ -92,14 +92,14 @@
 "conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "Şu anda konum bilginizi şu kişiyle paylaşıyorsunuz:";
 "conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "Şu anda şu kişiden canlı konum alıyorsunuz:";
 "conversation.errorSavingImage" = "Fotoğraf galeriye kaydedilemedi";
-"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Sent you a request for a conversation.";
+"conversation.receivedRequest" = "Size bir konuşma isteği gönderdi.";
+"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Sana bir konuşma isteği gönderdim.";
 "conversation.requestMessage" = "Merhaba,\nKonuşmaya katılmak ister misin?";
-"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ is not in your contact list.";
+"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ bağlantı listenizde değil.";
 "conversation.sendRequest" = "Birlikte iletişim kurmak için ona bir kişi isteği gönderin";
-"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Send Contact Request";
+"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "İletişim İstekini Gönder";
 "conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "Görüşme isteğini kabul ettiniz.";
-"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "We are waiting for \%@\ connects to synchronize the conversation.";
+"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "Konuşmayı senkronize etmek için \%@\ bağlantıları bekliyoruz.";
 "invitations.noInvitations" = "Davetiye yok";
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
 "accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "Yerel ağda kendiliğinden bağlan";
 "accountPage.autoRegistration" = "Geçerlilik bittiğinde kendiliğinden kaydol";
 "accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "Bağlanabilirlik";
-"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Enable TURN";
+"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Dönüştürme etkinleştir";
 "accountPage.turnServer" = "TURN adresi";
 "accountPage.turnUsername" = "TURN kullanıcı adı";
 "accountPage.turnPassword" = "TURN parolası";
@@ -364,40 +364,40 @@
 //Generated Message
-"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "You received inviation";
+"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "- Sen de izinsiz kaldın.";
 "generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "Küme oluşturuldu";
-"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "was invited to join";
-"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "You joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "was kicked";
-"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "was re-added";
+"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "katılmak için davet edildi";
+"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "Konuşmaya katıldım.";
+"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "Konuşmaya katıldın.";
+"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "Tekmeledi";
+"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "Yeniden eklendi";
 "generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "Giden arama";
 "generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "Gelen arama";
 "generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "Yanıtsız giden arama";
 "generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "Yanıtsız gelen arama";
 "generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "Canlı konum paylaşımı";
-"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "left";
+"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "sol";
 //General Settings
 "generalSettings.title" = "Gelişmiş ayarlar";
-"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Video Settings";
+"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Video Ayarları";
 "generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "Görüntü hızlandırmayı etkinleştir";
 "generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "Dosya aktarımı";
-"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Location Sharing";
+"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Yer paylaşımı";
 "generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "Gelen dosyaları kendiliğinden kabul et";
 "generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "Aktarma sınırını kabul et";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(in MB, 0 = unlimited)";
-"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Limit the duration of location sharing";
-"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Position share duration";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(MB'de, 0 = sınırsız)";
+"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Yer paylaşımının süresini sınırlayın";
+"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Pozisyon payı süresi";
 //Log View
 "logView.title" = "Tanılama";
 "logView.description" = "Tanılama günlüğü ayarlarını aç";
 "logView.startLogging" = "Günlükle";
-"logView.stopLogging" = "Stop Logging";
-"logView.saveError" = "Failed to save file";
-"logView.shareError" = "Failed to share file";
+"logView.stopLogging" = "Kaynak Çubuğunu Durdur";
+"logView.saveError" = "Dosya kaydetmek başarısız oldu";
+"logView.shareError" = "Dosya paylaşımı başarısız oldu";
 //Migrate Account
 "migrateAccount.title" = "Hesap taşıma";
diff --git a/Ring/Ring/Resources/uk.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Ring/Ring/Resources/uk.lproj/Localizable.strings
index d52ba4b..6af07cb 100644
--- a/Ring/Ring/Resources/uk.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Ring/Ring/Resources/uk.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
 "global.ok" = "Гаразд";
 "global.close" = "Закрити";
 "global.share" = "Поділитися";
-"global.forward" = "Forward";
+"global.forward" = "Наперед";
 "global.save" = "Зберігти";
-"global.resend" = "Resend";
+"global.resend" = "Перепродажу";
 "global.preview" = "Попередній перегляд";
 "global.accept" = "Прийняти";
 "global.block" = "Заблокувати";
@@ -36,73 +36,73 @@
 "global.reply" = "Відповісти";
 // Scan
-"scan.badQrCode" = "Bad QR code";
+"scan.badQrCode" = "Погано QR-код";
 "scan.search" = "Пошук…";
 // SwarmCreation
-"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Search for contact...";
-"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Create the swarm";
+"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Пошук контакту...";
+"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Створюйте ров";
 "swarmcreation.addADescription" = "Додати опис";
-"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in the swarm";
+"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "Ви можете додати більше людей до рогу";
 // Swarm
-"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Ignore the swarm";
-"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Leave the conversation";
+"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Ігноруйте рогу";
+"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Не розмовляй.";
 "swarm.chooseColor" = "Обрати колір";
-"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Type of swarm";
+"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Тип рогу";
 "swarm.identifier" = "Ідентифікатор";
 "swarm.about" = "Про программу";
 "swarm.members" = "Учасники";
-"swarm.addDescription" = "Add Description";
-"swarm.oneToOne" = "Private swarm";
-"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Admin invites only";
-"swarm.invitesOnly" = "Private swarm";
-"swarm.publicChat" = "Public swarm";
-"swarm.others" = "Others";
-"swarm.member" = "Member";
-"swarm.invited" = "Invited";
+"swarm.addDescription" = "Додавати Описание";
+"swarm.oneToOne" = "Частний рог";
+"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Адмініст тільки запрошує";
+"swarm.invitesOnly" = "Частний рог";
+"swarm.publicChat" = "Об'єднаний ров";
+"swarm.others" = "Інші";
+"swarm.member" = "Член";
+"swarm.invited" = "Запрошують";
 "swarm.admin" = "Адміністратор";
-"swarm.banned" = "Banned";
-"swarm.unknown" = "Unkown";
-"swarm.addMorePeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in this swarm";
-"swarm.addMember" = "Add Member";
-"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Are you sure you want to leave this swarm?";
-"swarm.Leave" = "Leave";
+"swarm.banned" = "Заборонена";
+"swarm.unknown" = "Невідомі";
+"swarm.addMorePeople" = "Ви можете додати більше людей до цього рога";
+"swarm.addMember" = "Додавати члена";
+"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Ти впевнений, що хочеш покинути цей рог?";
+"swarm.Leave" = "Відходи";
 // Smartlist
 "smartlist.yesterday" = "Вчора";
-"smartlist.results" = "Public Directory";
+"smartlist.results" = "Публічний каталог";
 "smartlist.conversations" = "Групові чати";
-"smartlist.searching" = "Searching...";
-"smartlist.noResults" = "No results";
-"smartlist.noConversation" = "No conversations";
-"smartlist.searchBarPlaceholder" = "Enter name...";
-"smartlist.searchBar" = "Search for new or existing contact...";
+"smartlist.searching" = "Шукаю...";
+"smartlist.noResults" = "Ніяких результатів";
+"smartlist.noConversation" = "Ніяких розмов";
+"smartlist.searchBarPlaceholder" = "Введіть ім'я...";
+"smartlist.searchBar" = "Пошук нових або існуючих контактів...";
 "smartlist.noNetworkConnectivity" = "Відсутнє з’єднання з мережею";
-"smartlist.cellularAccess" = "Be sure cellular access is granted in your settings";
+"smartlist.cellularAccess" = "Переконайтеся, що доступ на мобільний телефон у ваших налаштуваннях";
 "smartlist.accountsTitle" = "Облікові записи";
 "smartlist.addAccountButton" = "+ Додати обліковий запис";
-"smartlist.noNumber" = "Selected contact does not have any number";
-"smartlist.selectOneNumber" = "Select one of the numbers";
-"smartlist.invitations" = "Invitations";
+"smartlist.noNumber" = "Вибраний контакт не має ніякого номера";
+"smartlist.selectOneNumber" = "Виберіть один з цифр";
+"smartlist.invitations" = "Запрошення";
 "smartlist.accountSettings" = "Налаштування облікового запису";
 "smartlist.advancedSettings" = "Розширені налаштування";
 "smartlist.aboutJami" = "Про Jami";
-"conversation.messagePlaceholder" = "Write message to ";
-"conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "You are currently sharing your location with ";
-"conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "You are currently receiving a live location from ";
-"conversation.errorSavingImage" = "Failed to save image to galery";
-"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.requestMessage" = "Hello,\nWould you like to join the conversation?";
-"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ is not in your contact list.";
-"conversation.sendRequest" = "Send him/her a contact request to be able to exchange together";
-"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Send Contact Request";
-"conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "You have accepted the conversation request.";
-"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "We are waiting for \%@\ connects to synchronize the conversation.";
+"conversation.messagePlaceholder" = "Напишіть повідомлення ";
+"conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "Ви зараз ділитеся своїм місцем розташуванням з ";
+"conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "Ви зараз отримуєте пряму локацію від ";
+"conversation.errorSavingImage" = "Не вдалося зберегти зображення в галерею";
+"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ послав вам запит на розмову.";
+"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Посилала прохання про розмову.";
+"conversation.requestMessage" = "Привіт, чи не хочеш приєднатися до розмови?";
+"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ не в списку контактів.";
+"conversation.sendRequest" = "Відправить йому/їй запит на контакт, щоб вони могли обмінюватися разом";
+"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Відправляйте запит на зв'язок";
+"conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "Ви прийняли запит на розмову.";
+"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "Ми чекаємо \%@\ підключення для синхронізації розмови.";
-"invitations.noInvitations" = "No invitations";
+"invitations.noInvitations" = "Ніяких запрошень";
 // Walkthrough
@@ -111,16 +111,16 @@
 "welcome.text" = "Джамі — це вільна та універсальна платформа для зв'язку, яка оберігає приватність і свободи користувачів";
 "welcome.linkDevice" = "Прив'язати цей пристрій до облікового запису";
 "welcome.createAccount" = "Створити обліковий запис Jami";
-"welcome.connectToManager" = "Connect to a JAMS server";
+"welcome.connectToManager" = "Підключення до сервера JAMS";
 //Creation Profile Screen
 "createProfile.skipCreateProfile" = "Пропустити";
 "createProfile.profileCreated" = "Далі";
-"createProfile.title" = "Personalise your profile";
-"createProfile.enterNameLabel" = "Enter a display name";
+"createProfile.title" = "Персоналізуйте свій профіль";
+"createProfile.enterNameLabel" = "Введіть ім'я дисплею";
 "createProfile.enterNamePlaceholder" = "Введіть ім'я";
-"createProfile.subtitle" = "Your profile will be shared with your contacts. You can change it at any time.";
-"createProfile.createYourAvatar" = "Create your avatar";
+"createProfile.subtitle" = "Ваш профіль буде передано вашим контактам. Ви можете змінити його в будь-який час.";
+"createProfile.createYourAvatar" = "Створюйте свій аватар";
 //Create Account form
 "createAccount.createAccountFormTitle" = "Створіть ваш обліковий запис";
@@ -129,40 +129,40 @@
 "createAccount.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "Пароль";
 "createAccount.repeatPasswordPlaceholder" = "Підтвердити пароль";
 "createAccount.passwordCharactersNumberError" = "мінімум 6 символів";
-"createAccount.passwordNotMatchingError" = "passwords do not match";
-"createAccount.lookingForUsernameAvailability" = "looking for availability…";
-"createAccount.invalidUsername" = "invalid username";
-"createAccount.usernameAlreadyTaken" = "username already taken";
-"createAccount.usernameValid" = "username is available";
-"createAccount.loading" = "Loading";
+"createAccount.passwordNotMatchingError" = "паролі не відповідають";
+"createAccount.lookingForUsernameAvailability" = "шукаючи доступність...";
+"createAccount.invalidUsername" = "недійсне ім'я користувача";
+"createAccount.usernameAlreadyTaken" = "Уживальне ім'я вже прийнято";
+"createAccount.usernameValid" = "користувацьке ім'я доступне";
+"createAccount.loading" = "Завантаження";
 "createAccount.waitCreateAccountTitle" = "Додавання облікового запису";
-"createAccount.RegisterAUsername" = "Register a username";
-"createAccount.ChooseAPassword" = "Encrypt my account";
-"createAccount.PasswordInformation" = "Choose a password to encrypt your local account. Don’t forget it or you will not be able to recover your account";
-"createAccount.EnableNotifications" = "Notifications";
-"createAccount.Recommended" = "(Recommended)";
+"createAccount.RegisterAUsername" = "Зареєструйте ім'я користувача";
+"createAccount.ChooseAPassword" = "Зашифруйте мій рахунок";
+"createAccount.PasswordInformation" = "Виберіть пароль для шифрування локального рахунку. Не забудьте його, інакше ви не зможете відновити свій рахунок";
+"createAccount.EnableNotifications" = "За повідомленнями";
+"createAccount.Recommended" = "(Заповноважена)";
 "createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredTitle" = "Збій мережі";
-"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredMessage" = "Account was created but username was not registered";
+"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredMessage" = "Уведено обліковий запис, але ім'я користувача не зареєстровано";
 "createAccount.timeoutTitle" = "Обліковий запис створено";
-"createAccount.timeoutMessage" = "Username registration in progress... It could take a few moments.";
+"createAccount.timeoutMessage" = "Запис користувача може зайняти кілька хвилин.";
 //Link To Account form
-"linkToAccount.waitLinkToAccountTitle" = "Account linking";
-"linkToAccount.linkButtonTitle" = "Link device";
+"linkToAccount.waitLinkToAccountTitle" = "Спільвання рахунків";
+"linkToAccount.linkButtonTitle" = "Устрій зв'язку";
 "linkToAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "Пароль";
 "linkToAccount.pinPlaceholder" = "PIN-код";
-"linkToAccount.passwordLabel" = "Enter Password";
+"linkToAccount.passwordLabel" = "Введіть пароль";
 "linkToAccount.pinLabel" = "Ввести PIN-код";
-"linkToAccount.explanationPinMessage" = "To generate the PIN code, go to the account managment settings on device that contain account you want to use. In devices settings Select \"Link another device to this account\". You will get the necessary PIN to complete this form. The PIN is only valid for 10 minutes.";
+"linkToAccount.explanationPinMessage" = "Для генерування PIN-коду перейдіть до налаштувань управління рахунком на пристрої, що містять акаунт, який ви хочете використовувати. У налаштуваннях пристроїв виберіть \"Звязати інше пристрої до цього акаунту\". Ви отримаєте потрібний PIN для заповнення цієї форми.";
 //Link To Account Manager form
-"linkToAccountManager.signIn" = "Sign In";
+"linkToAccountManager.signIn" = "Підпишіться";
 "linkToAccountManager.passwordPlaceholder" = "Пароль";
-"linkToAccountManager.passwordLabel" = "Enter Password";
+"linkToAccountManager.passwordLabel" = "Введіть пароль";
 "linkToAccountManager.usernamePlaceholder" = "Ім’я";
-"linkToAccountManager.usernameLabel" = "Enter Username";
+"linkToAccountManager.usernameLabel" = "Введіть ім'я користувача";
 "linkToAccountManager.accountManagerPlaceholder" = "JAMS URL";
-"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerLabel" = "Enter JAMS URL";
+"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerLabel" = "Введіть URL JAMS";
 "alerts.accountCannotBeFoundTitle" = "Не можу знайти обліковий запис";
@@ -170,37 +170,37 @@
 "alerts.accountAddedTitle" = "Обліковий запис додано";
 "alerts.accountNoNetworkTitle" = "Не можу з'єднатися з мережею";
 "alerts.accountNoNetworkMessage" = "Не вдалося додати обліковий запис, оскільки Джамі не вдалося з'єднатися до розподіленої мережі. Перевірте зв'язок пристрою з мережею.";
-"alerts.accountDefaultErrorTitle" = "Unknown error";
-"alerts.accountDefaultErrorMessage" = "The account couldn't be created.";
+"alerts.accountDefaultErrorTitle" = "Невідома помилка";
+"alerts.accountDefaultErrorMessage" = "Запис не міг бути створений.";
 "alerts.profileTakePhoto" = "Зняти фото";
-"alerts.profileUploadPhoto" = "Upload photo";
+"alerts.profileUploadPhoto" = "Завантажити фото";
 "alerts.profileCancelPhoto" = "Скасувати";
-"alerts.accountLinkedTitle" = "Linking account";
+"alerts.accountLinkedTitle" = "Спільний рахунок";
 "alerts.dbFailedTitle" = "Під час запуску Джамі сталася помилка";
-"alerts.dbFailedMessage" = "Please close application and try to open it again";
-"alerts.confirmBlockContact" = "Are you sure you want to block this contact? The conversation history with this contact will also be deleted permanently.";
-"alerts.confirmBlockContactTitle" = "Block Contact";
-"alerts.confirmDeleteConversation" = "Are you sure you want to delete this conversation permanently?";
-"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationFromContact" = "Are you sure you want to delete the conversation with this contact?";
-"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationTitle" = "Delete Conversation";
-"alerts.confirmClearConversation" = "Are you sure you want to clear the conversation with this contact?";
-"alerts.confirmClearConversationTitle" = "Clear Conversation";
-"alerts.noMediaPermissionsTitle" = "Media permission not granted";
-"alerts.noLibraryPermissionsTitle" = "Access to photo library not granted";
-"alerts.noLocationPermissionsTitle" = "Access to location not granted";
-"alerts.errorWrongCredentials" = "Cannot connect to provided account manager. Please check your credentials";
-"alerts.recordVideoMessage" = "Record a video message";
-"alerts.recordAudioMessage" = "Record an audio message";
-"alerts.uploadFile" = "Upload file";
-"alerts.uploadPhoto" = "Upload photo or movie";
-"alerts.locationServiceIsDisabled" = "Turn on \"Location Services\" to allow \"Jami\" to determine your location.";
-"alerts.locationSharing" = "Share my location";
-"alerts.alreadylocationSharing" = "Already sharing location with this user";
-"alerts.locationSharingDurationTitle" = "How long should the location sharing be?";
-"alerts.locationSharingDuration10min" = "10 min";
-"alerts.locationSharingDuration1hour" = "1 hour";
-"alerts.mapInformation" = "Map information";
-"alerts.openStreetMapCopyright" = "© OpenStreetMap contributors";
+"alerts.dbFailedMessage" = "Будь ласка, закрийте заявку і спробуйте відкрити її знову";
+"alerts.confirmBlockContact" = "Ви впевнені, що хочете заблокувати цей контакт?";
+"alerts.confirmBlockContactTitle" = "Блок контакту";
+"alerts.confirmDeleteConversation" = "Ти впевнений, що хочеш назавжди видалити цю розмову?";
+"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationFromContact" = "Ти впевнений, що хочеш видалити розмову з цим контактом?";
+"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationTitle" = "Знімайте розмову";
+"alerts.confirmClearConversation" = "Ти впевнений, що хочеш розмовляти з цим контактом?";
+"alerts.confirmClearConversationTitle" = "Ясна розмова";
+"alerts.noMediaPermissionsTitle" = "Звіленої інформації не надано дозволу";
+"alerts.noLibraryPermissionsTitle" = "Доступ до фотобіблиотеки не наданий";
+"alerts.noLocationPermissionsTitle" = "Доступ до місця не наданий";
+"alerts.errorWrongCredentials" = "Не можу зв'язатися з наданим менеджером рахунку.";
+"alerts.recordVideoMessage" = "Запишіть відео повідомлення";
+"alerts.recordAudioMessage" = "Запишіть аудіоповість";
+"alerts.uploadFile" = "Завантаження файлу";
+"alerts.uploadPhoto" = "Завантажити фото або фільм";
+"alerts.locationServiceIsDisabled" = "Зверніть \"Сервіси місцезнаходження\", щоб \"Джамі\" визначив ваше місцезнаходження.";
+"alerts.locationSharing" = "Розділіть моє місцезнаходження";
+"alerts.alreadylocationSharing" = "Уже поділяється місцезнаходженням з цим користувачем";
+"alerts.locationSharingDurationTitle" = "Як довго ділиться місцезнаходження?";
+"alerts.locationSharingDuration10min" = "10 хвилин";
+"alerts.locationSharingDuration1hour" = "1 годину";
+"alerts.mapInformation" = "Інформація з карти";
+"alerts.openStreetMapCopyright" = "© Докладчики OpenStreetMap";
 "alerts.openStreetMapCopyrightMoreInfo" = "Дізнатися більше";
@@ -209,90 +209,90 @@
 "actions.clearAction" = "Очистити";
 "actions.backAction" = "Назад";
 "actions.doneAction" = "Готово";
-"alerts.incomingCallAllertTitle" = "Incoming call from ";
+"alerts.incomingCallAllertTitle" = "Позванка з ";
 "alerts.incomingCallButtonIgnore" = "Ігнорувати";
-"actions.startAudioCall" = "  Audio Call";
-"actions.startVideoCall" = "  Video Call";
-"actions.goToSettings" = "Go to Settings";
+"actions.startAudioCall" = "Зов'янок з аудіо";
+"actions.startVideoCall" = "Віддіові дзвінки";
+"actions.goToSettings" = "Перейти до Настройки";
 "actions.stopLocationSharing" = "Зупинити поширення";
 "calls.callItemTitle" = "Дзвінок";
 "calls.unknown" = "Невідомий";
-"calls.incomingCallInfo" = "wants to talk to you";
-"calls.ringing" = "Ringing…";
-"calls.connecting" = "Connecting…";
+"calls.incomingCallInfo" = "Хоче розмовляти з тобою";
+"calls.ringing" = "Звон...";
+"calls.connecting" = "З'єднавши...";
 "calls.searching" = "Пошук…";
-"calls.callFinished" = "Call finished";
-"calls.currentCallWith" = "Call with ";
-"calls.haghUp" = "hang up";
-"calls.maximize" = "maximize";
-"calls.minimize" = "minimize";
-"calls.setModerator" = "set moderator";
-"calls.removeModerator" = "unset moderator";
-"calls.muteAudio" = "mute audio";
-"calls.unmuteAudio" = "unmute audio";
-"calls.lowerHand" = "lower hand";
+"calls.callFinished" = "Зов'язок завершений";
+"calls.currentCallWith" = "Звони з ";
+"calls.haghUp" = "Звішайте";
+"calls.maximize" = "максимальна";
+"calls.minimize" = "мінімізувати";
+"calls.setModerator" = "встановлений модератор";
+"calls.removeModerator" = "Moderator";
+"calls.muteAudio" = "мовчазний аудіо";
+"calls.unmuteAudio" = "незатиснуваний аудіо";
+"calls.lowerHand" = "нижню руку";
 //Account Page
 "accountPage.devicesListHeader" = "Пристрої";
 "accountPage.settingsHeader" = "Налаштування";
 "accountPage.username" = "Ім’я";
-"accountPage.usernameNotRegistered" = "username: not registered";
+"accountPage.usernameNotRegistered" = "користувацьке ім'я: не зареєстровано";
 "accountPage.credentialsHeader" = "Відомості про обліковий запис";
-"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Enable Proxy";
+"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Отримати прокси";
 "accountPage.blockedContacts" = "Заблоковані контакти";
-"accountPage.unblockContact" = "UNBLOCK";
-"accountPage.proxyAddressAlert" = "Provide proxy address";
-"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Enable Proxy";
-"accountPage.noProxyExplanationLabel" = "Your device won't receive notifications when proxy is disabled";
+"accountPage.unblockContact" = "БЛОКОННА";
+"accountPage.proxyAddressAlert" = "Додайте прокси-адрес";
+"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Отримати прокси";
+"accountPage.noProxyExplanationLabel" = "Устрій не отримає повідомлення, коли прокси-прокси відключено.";
 "accountPage.saveProxyAddress" = "Зберігти";
 "accountPage.proxyPaceholder" = "Адреса проксі";
 "accountPage.enableNotifications" = "Увімкнути оповіщення";
-"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertTitle" = "Proxy Server Disabled";
-"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertBody" = "In order to receive notifications, please enable proxy";
+"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertTitle" = "Прокси-сервер відключений";
+"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertBody" = "Щоб отримати повідомлення, будь ласка, включте прокси";
 "accountPage.revokeDeviceTitle" = "Відкликати пристрій";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceMessage" = "Are you sure you want to revoke this device? This action could not be undone.";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceMessage" = "Ви впевнені, що хочете скасувати цей пристрій?";
 "accountPage.revokeDeviceButton" = "Відкликати";
-"accountPage.revokeDevicePlaceholder" = "Enter your passord";
-"accountPage.deviceRevoked" = "Device revocation completed";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationProgress" = "Revoking...";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationSuccess" = "Device was revoked";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationTryAgain" = "Try again";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationWrongPassword" = "Incorrect password";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationUnknownDevice" = "Unknown device";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationError" = "Device revocation error";
+"accountPage.revokeDevicePlaceholder" = "Введіть пароль";
+"accountPage.deviceRevoked" = "Завершено скасування пристрою";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationProgress" = "Відкликати...";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationSuccess" = "Пристрій був відкликаний";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationTryAgain" = "Попробуй ще раз.";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationWrongPassword" = "Неправильний пароль";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationUnknownDevice" = "Невідоме пристрої";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationError" = "Помилка відкликання пристрою";
 "accountPage.linkDeviceTitle" = "Прив'язати інший пристрій";
 "accountPage.other" = "Інше";
 "accountPage.removeAccountTitle" = "Вилучити обліковий запис";
-"accountPage.removeAccountMessage" = "By clicking \"Remove\" you will remove this account on this device! This action can not be undone. Also, your registered name can be lost.";
+"accountPage.removeAccountMessage" = "Націкаючи на \"Вилучити\", ви видалите цей акаунт на цьому пристрої!";
 "accountPage.removeAccountButton" = "Видалити";
-"accountPage.shareAccountDetails" = "Share Account Details";
-"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "Contact me on Jami!";
-"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "Contact me using \"%s\" on the Jami distributed communication platform: https://jami.net";
-"accountPage.registerNameTitle" = "Register a username";
-"accountPage.passwordPlaceholder" = "Enter account password";
-"accountPage.usernamePlaceholder" = "Enter desired username";
-"accountPage.registerNameErrorMessage" = "Choosen username is not available";
-"accountPage.usernameRegistering" = "Registering";
+"accountPage.shareAccountDetails" = "Деталі рахунку";
+"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "Звініться зі мною на Джамі!";
+"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "Зверніться до мене за допомогою \"%s\" на платформі спілкування, що поширюється Jami: https://jami.net";
+"accountPage.registerNameTitle" = "Зареєструйте ім'я користувача";
+"accountPage.passwordPlaceholder" = "Введіть пароль рахунку";
+"accountPage.usernamePlaceholder" = "Введіть бажане ім'я користувача";
+"accountPage.registerNameErrorMessage" = "Вибрано ім'я користувача не доступне";
+"accountPage.usernameRegistering" = "Реєстрація";
 "accountPage.usernameRegisterAction" = "Зареєструватися";
-"accountPage.usernameRegistrationFailed" = "Registration failed. Please check password.";
+"accountPage.usernameRegistrationFailed" = "Зареєстрація не вдалося. Прошу перевірити пароль.";
 "accountPage.createPassword" = "Створити пароль";
 "accountPage.changePassword" = "Змінити пароль";
-"accountPage.oldPasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter old password";
-"accountPage.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter new password";
-"accountPage.newPasswordConfirmPlaceholder" = "Confirm new password";
-"accountPage.changePasswordError" = "Password incorrect";
-"accountPage.enableBoothMode" = "Enable Booth Mode";
-"accountPage.disableBoothMode" = "Disable Booth Mode";
-"accountPage.disableBoothModeExplanation" = "Pleace provide your account password";
-"accountPage.boothModeExplanation" = "In booth mode conversation history not saved and jami functionality limited by making outgoing calls. When you enable booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
-"accountPage.noBoothMode" = "To enable Booth mode you need to create account password first.";
-"accountPage.boothModeAlertMessage" = "After enabling booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
-"accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "Auto connect on local network";
-"accountPage.autoRegistration" = "Auto register after expiration";
+"accountPage.oldPasswordPlaceholder" = "Введіть старий пароль";
+"accountPage.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "Введіть новий пароль";
+"accountPage.newPasswordConfirmPlaceholder" = "Підтвердити новий пароль";
+"accountPage.changePasswordError" = "Пароль невірна";
+"accountPage.enableBoothMode" = "Отримати режим бути";
+"accountPage.disableBoothMode" = "Виключити режим бути";
+"accountPage.disableBoothModeExplanation" = "Будь ласка, подайте пароль рахунку";
+"accountPage.boothModeExplanation" = "У режимі кабіни історія розмов не збереглася і функціонал Jami обмежений виходячими дзвінками.";
+"accountPage.noBoothMode" = "Щоб вчинити режим Бут, спочатку потрібно створити пароль рахунку.";
+"accountPage.boothModeAlertMessage" = "Після включення режиму \"бути\" всі ваші розмови будуть видалені.";
+"accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "Автополучається в локальній мережі";
+"accountPage.autoRegistration" = "Автореєстр після закінчення терміну дії";
 "accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "З'єднання";
-"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Enable TURN";
+"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Включити TURN";
 "accountPage.turnServer" = "Адреса TURN";
 "accountPage.turnUsername" = "Обрати ім'я";
 "accountPage.turnPassword" = "Обрати пароль";
@@ -305,18 +305,18 @@
 "account.port" = "Порт";
 "account.proxyServer" = "Проксі";
 "account.createSipAccount" = "Створити обліковий запис SIP";
-"account.usernameLabel" = "Enter Username";
-"account.passwordLabel" = "Enter Password";
-"account.serverLabel" = "Enter Address";
-"account.portLabel" = "Enter Port Number";
+"account.usernameLabel" = "Введіть ім'я користувача";
+"account.passwordLabel" = "Введіть пароль";
+"account.serverLabel" = "Введіть адресу";
+"account.portLabel" = "Введіть номер порта";
 "account.accountStatus" = "Стан облікового запису";
 "account.enableAccount" = "Дозволити обліковий запис";
 "account.statusOnline" = "У мережі";
 "account.statusOffline" = "Поза мережею";
 "account.statusConnecting" = "З'єднання";
 "account.statusUnknown" = "Невідомий";
-"account.statusConnectionerror" = "Connection Error";
-"account.needMigration" = "account need to be migrated";
+"account.statusConnectionerror" = "Помилка з'єднання";
+"account.needMigration" = "рахунку потрібно перевести";
 "account.me" = "Я";
 //Block List Page
@@ -324,91 +324,91 @@
 //Link New Device
 "linkDevice.title" = "Прив'язати новий пристрій";
-"linkDevice.passwordError" = "The password you entered does not unlock this account";
-"linkDevice.networkError" = "A network error occured during the export";
+"linkDevice.passwordError" = "Пароль, яку ви ввели, не розблокує цей рахунок";
+"linkDevice.networkError" = "Помилка мережі, що відбулася під час експорту";
 "linkDevice.defaultError" = "При імпорті трапилася помилка";
 "linkDevice.explanationMessage" = "Щоб завершити, відкрийте Джамі на іншому пристрої й виберіть «Прив'язати інший пристрій до облікового запису». Ваш PIN-код дійсний протягом 10 хвилин.";
-"linkDevice.hudMessage" = "Verifying";
+"linkDevice.hudMessage" = "Перевірка";
 //Contact Page
-"contactPage.startAudioCall" = "Start Audio Call";
-"contactPage.startVideoCall" = "Start Video Call";
-"contactPage.sendMessage" = "Send Message";
-"contactPage.clearConversation" = "Clear Chat";
-"contactPage.blockContact" = "Block Contact";
-"contactPage.removeConversation" = "Remove Conversation";
+"contactPage.startAudioCall" = "Почнете аудіозванк";
+"contactPage.startVideoCall" = "Почнете відеозванк";
+"contactPage.sendMessage" = "Посилайте повідомлення";
+"contactPage.clearConversation" = "Чистий чат";
+"contactPage.blockContact" = "Блок контакту";
+"contactPage.removeConversation" = "Знімайте розмову";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusCreated" = "Initializing…";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusCreated" = "Ініціалізація...";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusError" = "Помилка";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Pending…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Transferring";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Очікую...";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Передача";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCanceled" = "Скасовано";
-"dataTransfer.sendingFailed" = "Failed to send";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Complete";
+"dataTransfer.sendingFailed" = "Не вдалося відправити";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Повністю";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCancel" = "Скасувати";
-"notifications.incomingCall" = "Incoming Call";
-"notifications.missedCall" = "Missed Call";
-"notifications.newFile" = "New file";
-"notifications.locationSharingStarted" = "Incoming location sharing started";
-"notifications.locationSharingStopped" = "Incoming location sharing stopped";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Pending…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Transferring";
+"notifications.incomingCall" = "Повідомлення";
+"notifications.missedCall" = "Згублений дзвін";
+"notifications.newFile" = "Новий файл";
+"notifications.locationSharingStarted" = "Розпочалося обмін місцем розташування";
+"notifications.locationSharingStopped" = "Дохідний обмін місцем розташування припинено";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Очікую...";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Передача";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCanceled" = "Скасовано";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Complete";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Повністю";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCancel" = "Скасувати";
-"dataTransfer.infoMessage" = "Press to start recording";
+"dataTransfer.infoMessage" = "Натисніть, щоб почати запис";
 "dataTransfer.sendMessage" = "Відправити";
 //Generated Message
-"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "You received inviation";
-"generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "Swarm created";
-"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "was invited to join";
-"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "You joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "was kicked";
-"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "was re-added";
+"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "Ви отримали невідпущення";
+"generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "Створена пастка";
+"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "був запрошений приєднатися";
+"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "приєднався до розмови";
+"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "Ти приєднався до розмови";
+"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "був кинутий";
+"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "було додано";
 "generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "Вихідний виклик";
 "generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "Вхідний виклик";
 "generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "Пропущений вихідний виклик";
 "generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "Пропущений вхідний виклик";
-"generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "Live location sharing";
-"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "left";
+"generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "Поділення місцями на живо";
+"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "ліво";
 //General Settings
 "generalSettings.title" = "Розширені налаштування";
-"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Video Settings";
-"generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "Enable video acceleration";
+"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Настройки відео";
+"generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "Отримати прискорення відео";
 "generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "Передача файлів";
-"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Location Sharing";
-"generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "Automatically accept incoming files";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "Accept transfer limit";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(in MB, 0 = unlimited)";
-"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Limit the duration of location sharing";
-"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Position share duration";
+"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Розділення місця";
+"generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "Автоматично приймають вхідні файли";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "Прийміть ліміт переведення";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(у MB, 0 = не обмежено)";
+"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Ограничити тривалість обміну місцем розташування";
+"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Тривалість позиційних акцій";
 //Log View
-"logView.title" = "Diagnostics";
-"logView.description" = "Open diagnostic log settings";
-"logView.startLogging" = "Start Logging";
-"logView.stopLogging" = "Stop Logging";
-"logView.saveError" = "Failed to save file";
-"logView.shareError" = "Failed to share file";
+"logView.title" = "Діагностика";
+"logView.description" = "Відкриття налаштувань діагностичного журналу";
+"logView.startLogging" = "Почнете заголовку";
+"logView.stopLogging" = "Перестань діяти";
+"logView.saveError" = "Не вдалося зберегти файл";
+"logView.shareError" = "Не вдалося поділити файл";
 //Migrate Account
 "migrateAccount.title" = "Переведення облікового запису";
-"migrateAccount.migrateButton" = "Migrate Account";
-"migrateAccount.explanation" = "This account needs to be migrated";
+"migrateAccount.migrateButton" = "Миграційний рахунок";
+"migrateAccount.explanation" = "Цей рахунок потрібно перемігравати";
 "migrateAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "Ввести пароль";
-"migrateAccount.passwordExplanation" = "To proceed with the migration, you need to enter a password that was used for this account";
+"migrateAccount.passwordExplanation" = "Щоб продовжити переїзд, потрібно ввести пароль, який був використаний для цього облікового запису";
 "migrateAccount.removeAccount" = "Вилучити обліковий запис";
-"migrateAccount.error" = "Failed to migrate your account. You can retry or delete your account.";
-"migrateAccount.migrating" = "Migrating...";
+"migrateAccount.error" = "Не вдалося переміграти свій акаунт. Ви можете спробувати знову або видалити свій акаунт.";
+"migrateAccount.migrating" = "Миграція...";
 "migrateAccount.cancel" = "Скасувати";
-"migrateAccount.migrateAnother" = "Migrate Another Account";
+"migrateAccount.migrateAnother" = "Переїжджайте на інший обліковий запис";
diff --git a/Ring/Ring/Resources/vi.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Ring/Ring/Resources/vi.lproj/Localizable.strings
index cdf651e..9d26541 100644
--- a/Ring/Ring/Resources/vi.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Ring/Ring/Resources/vi.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -19,396 +19,396 @@
 // Global
-"global.homeTabBarTitle" = "Conversations";
-"global.meTabBarTitle" = "Account Settings";
+"global.homeTabBarTitle" = "Các cuộc trò chuyện";
+"global.meTabBarTitle" = "Cài đặt tài khoản";
 "global.ok" = "Ok";
-"global.close" = "Close";
-"global.share" = "Share";
-"global.forward" = "Forward";
-"global.save" = "Save";
-"global.resend" = "Resend";
-"global.preview" = "Preview";
-"global.accept" = "Accept";
-"global.block" = "Block";
-"global.refuse" = "Refuse";
+"global.close" = "Gần";
+"global.share" = "Chia sẻ";
+"global.forward" = "Tiếp tục";
+"global.save" = "- Cứu";
+"global.resend" = "Đưa lại";
+"global.preview" = "Xem trước";
+"global.accept" = "Chấp nhận";
+"global.block" = "Blok";
+"global.refuse" = "Nhận không";
 "global.name" = "Tên";
-"global.copy" = "Copy";
-"global.reply" = "Reply";
+"global.copy" = "Tải";
+"global.reply" = "Trả lời";
 // Scan
-"scan.badQrCode" = "Bad QR code";
-"scan.search" = "Searching…";
+"scan.badQrCode" = "Mã QR xấu";
+"scan.search" = "Tìm kiếm...";
 // SwarmCreation
-"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Search for contact...";
-"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Create the swarm";
-"swarmcreation.addADescription" = "Add a description";
-"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in the swarm";
+"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Tìm kiếm liên lạc...";
+"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Tạo ra đám đông";
+"swarmcreation.addADescription" = "Thêm mô tả";
+"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "Bạn có thể thêm thêm nhiều người vào đám đông";
 // Swarm
-"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Ignore the swarm";
-"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Leave the conversation";
-"swarm.chooseColor" = "Choose a color";
-"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Type of swarm";
-"swarm.identifier" = "Identifier";
+"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Đừng quan tâm đến đám đông";
+"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Hãy để cuộc trò chuyện";
+"swarm.chooseColor" = "Chọn màu sắc";
+"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Loại tổ";
+"swarm.identifier" = "Định dạng";
 "swarm.about" = "Thông tin phần mềm";
-"swarm.members" = "Members";
-"swarm.addDescription" = "Add Description";
-"swarm.oneToOne" = "Private swarm";
-"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Admin invites only";
-"swarm.invitesOnly" = "Private swarm";
-"swarm.publicChat" = "Public swarm";
-"swarm.others" = "Others";
-"swarm.member" = "Member";
-"swarm.invited" = "Invited";
-"swarm.admin" = "Administrator";
-"swarm.banned" = "Banned";
-"swarm.unknown" = "Unkown";
-"swarm.addMorePeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in this swarm";
-"swarm.addMember" = "Add Member";
-"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Are you sure you want to leave this swarm?";
-"swarm.Leave" = "Leave";
+"swarm.members" = "Các thành viên";
+"swarm.addDescription" = "Thêm mô tả";
+"swarm.oneToOne" = "Đội đông cá nhân";
+"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Admin chỉ mời";
+"swarm.invitesOnly" = "Đội đông cá nhân";
+"swarm.publicChat" = "Động đồng công cộng";
+"swarm.others" = "Những người khác";
+"swarm.member" = "Thành viên";
+"swarm.invited" = "Được mời";
+"swarm.admin" = "Trình quản lý";
+"swarm.banned" = "Thiết bị cấm";
+"swarm.unknown" = "Không biết";
+"swarm.addMorePeople" = "Bạn có thể thêm thêm nhiều người vào đám đông này";
+"swarm.addMember" = "Thêm thành viên";
+"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Em có chắc em muốn rời khỏi đám đông này không?";
+"swarm.Leave" = "Đi đi";
 // Smartlist
-"smartlist.yesterday" = "Yesterday";
-"smartlist.results" = "Public Directory";
-"smartlist.conversations" = "Conversations";
-"smartlist.searching" = "Searching...";
-"smartlist.noResults" = "No results";
-"smartlist.noConversation" = "No conversations";
-"smartlist.searchBarPlaceholder" = "Enter name...";
-"smartlist.searchBar" = "Search for new or existing contact...";
-"smartlist.noNetworkConnectivity" = "No network connectivity";
-"smartlist.cellularAccess" = "Be sure cellular access is granted in your settings";
-"smartlist.accountsTitle" = "Accounts";
-"smartlist.addAccountButton" = "+ Add Account";
-"smartlist.noNumber" = "Selected contact does not have any number";
-"smartlist.selectOneNumber" = "Select one of the numbers";
-"smartlist.invitations" = "Invitations";
-"smartlist.accountSettings" = "Account Settings";
-"smartlist.advancedSettings" = "Advanced Settings";
-"smartlist.aboutJami" = "About Jami";
+"smartlist.yesterday" = "Hôm qua";
+"smartlist.results" = "Đồ mục công cộng";
+"smartlist.conversations" = "Các cuộc trò chuyện";
+"smartlist.searching" = "Tìm kiếm...";
+"smartlist.noResults" = "Không có kết quả";
+"smartlist.noConversation" = "Không có cuộc trò chuyện";
+"smartlist.searchBarPlaceholder" = "Nhập tên...";
+"smartlist.searchBar" = "Tìm kiếm liên lạc mới hoặc hiện có...";
+"smartlist.noNetworkConnectivity" = "Không có kết nối mạng";
+"smartlist.cellularAccess" = "Hãy chắc chắn rằng truy cập di động được cấp trong cài đặt của bạn";
+"smartlist.accountsTitle" = "Tài khoản";
+"smartlist.addAccountButton" = "+ Thêm tài khoản";
+"smartlist.noNumber" = "Liên hệ được chọn không có số";
+"smartlist.selectOneNumber" = "Chọn một trong số";
+"smartlist.invitations" = "Thỉnh cầu";
+"smartlist.accountSettings" = "Cài đặt tài khoản";
+"smartlist.advancedSettings" = "Thiết lập nâng cao";
+"smartlist.aboutJami" = "Về Jami";
-"conversation.messagePlaceholder" = "Write message to ";
-"conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "You are currently sharing your location with ";
-"conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "You are currently receiving a live location from ";
-"conversation.errorSavingImage" = "Failed to save image to galery";
-"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.requestMessage" = "Hello,\nWould you like to join the conversation?";
-"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ is not in your contact list.";
-"conversation.sendRequest" = "Send him/her a contact request to be able to exchange together";
-"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Send Contact Request";
-"conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "You have accepted the conversation request.";
-"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "We are waiting for \%@\ connects to synchronize the conversation.";
+"conversation.messagePlaceholder" = "Hãy gửi tin nhắn cho ";
+"conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "Bạn đang chia sẻ vị trí của mình với ";
+"conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "Bạn đang nhận được một địa điểm trực tiếp từ ";
+"conversation.errorSavingImage" = "Không thể lưu hình ảnh vào phòng trưng bày";
+"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ đã gửi cho bạn một yêu cầu cho một cuộc trò chuyện.";
+"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Tôi đã gửi cho anh một yêu cầu để nói chuyện.";
+"conversation.requestMessage" = "Chào, anh có muốn tham gia cuộc trò chuyện không?";
+"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ không có trong danh sách liên hệ của bạn.";
+"conversation.sendRequest" = "Gửi cho anh ta/cô ấy một yêu cầu liên lạc để có thể trao đổi cùng nhau";
+"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Gửi yêu cầu liên lạc";
+"conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "Ông đã chấp nhận yêu cầu nói chuyện.";
+"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "Chúng tôi đang chờ kết nối \%@\ để đồng bộ hóa cuộc trò chuyện.";
-"invitations.noInvitations" = "No invitations";
+"invitations.noInvitations" = "Không có lời mời";
 // Walkthrough
 //Welcome Screen
-"welcome.title" = "Welcome to Jami !";
-"welcome.text" = "Jami is a free and universal communication platform which preserves the users' privacy and freedoms";
-"welcome.linkDevice" = "Link this device to an account";
-"welcome.createAccount" = "Create a Jami account";
-"welcome.connectToManager" = "Connect to a JAMS server";
+"welcome.title" = "Chào mừng đến với Jami!";
+"welcome.text" = "Jami là một nền tảng truyền thông miễn phí và phổ biến bảo vệ quyền riêng tư và tự do của người dùng";
+"welcome.linkDevice" = "Kết nối thiết bị này với tài khoản";
+"welcome.createAccount" = "Tạo tài khoản Jami";
+"welcome.connectToManager" = "Kết nối với máy chủ JAMS";
 //Creation Profile Screen
-"createProfile.skipCreateProfile" = "Skip";
-"createProfile.profileCreated" = "Next";
-"createProfile.title" = "Personalise your profile";
-"createProfile.enterNameLabel" = "Enter a display name";
-"createProfile.enterNamePlaceholder" = "Enter name";
-"createProfile.subtitle" = "Your profile will be shared with your contacts. You can change it at any time.";
-"createProfile.createYourAvatar" = "Create your avatar";
+"createProfile.skipCreateProfile" = "Tháo";
+"createProfile.profileCreated" = "Tiếp theo";
+"createProfile.title" = "Cần cá nhân hóa hồ sơ của bạn";
+"createProfile.enterNameLabel" = "Nhập tên hiển thị";
+"createProfile.enterNamePlaceholder" = "Nhập tên";
+"createProfile.subtitle" = "Profile của bạn sẽ được chia sẻ với các liên lạc của bạn. Bạn có thể thay đổi nó bất cứ lúc nào.";
+"createProfile.createYourAvatar" = "Tạo avatar của bạn";
 //Create Account form
-"createAccount.createAccountFormTitle" = "Create your account";
-"createAccount.chooseStrongPassword" = "Choose strong password you will remember to protect your Jami account.";
+"createAccount.createAccountFormTitle" = "Tạo tài khoản của bạn";
+"createAccount.chooseStrongPassword" = "Chọn mật khẩu mạnh mẽ mà bạn sẽ nhớ để bảo vệ tài khoản Jami của bạn.";
 "createAccount.enterNewUsernamePlaceholder" = "Username";
-"createAccount.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "Password";
-"createAccount.repeatPasswordPlaceholder" = "Confirm password";
-"createAccount.passwordCharactersNumberError" = "6 characters minimum";
-"createAccount.passwordNotMatchingError" = "passwords do not match";
-"createAccount.lookingForUsernameAvailability" = "looking for availability…";
-"createAccount.invalidUsername" = "invalid username";
-"createAccount.usernameAlreadyTaken" = "username already taken";
-"createAccount.usernameValid" = "username is available";
-"createAccount.loading" = "Loading";
-"createAccount.waitCreateAccountTitle" = "Adding account";
-"createAccount.RegisterAUsername" = "Register a username";
-"createAccount.ChooseAPassword" = "Encrypt my account";
-"createAccount.PasswordInformation" = "Choose a password to encrypt your local account. Don’t forget it or you will not be able to recover your account";
-"createAccount.EnableNotifications" = "Notifications";
-"createAccount.Recommended" = "(Recommended)";
-"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredTitle" = "Network error";
-"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredMessage" = "Account was created but username was not registered";
-"createAccount.timeoutTitle" = "Account Created";
-"createAccount.timeoutMessage" = "Username registration in progress... It could take a few moments.";
+"createAccount.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "Mật khẩu";
+"createAccount.repeatPasswordPlaceholder" = "Tiếp tục xác nhận mật khẩu";
+"createAccount.passwordCharactersNumberError" = "6 ký tự tối thiểu";
+"createAccount.passwordNotMatchingError" = "mật khẩu không phù hợp";
+"createAccount.lookingForUsernameAvailability" = "tìm kiếm khả năng sẵn sàng...";
+"createAccount.invalidUsername" = "Username không hợp lệ";
+"createAccount.usernameAlreadyTaken" = "Username đã được lấy";
+"createAccount.usernameValid" = "Username có sẵn";
+"createAccount.loading" = "Lái";
+"createAccount.waitCreateAccountTitle" = "Tài khoản bổ sung";
+"createAccount.RegisterAUsername" = "Đăng ký tên người dùng";
+"createAccount.ChooseAPassword" = "Mã hóa tài khoản của tôi";
+"createAccount.PasswordInformation" = "Chọn mật khẩu để mã hóa tài khoản địa phương của bạn. Đừng quên nó hoặc bạn sẽ không thể phục hồi tài khoản của mình";
+"createAccount.EnableNotifications" = "Thông báo";
+"createAccount.Recommended" = "(Phân đề nghị)";
+"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredTitle" = "Hầm mạng";
+"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredMessage" = "Tài khoản đã được tạo nhưng tên người dùng đã không được đăng ký";
+"createAccount.timeoutTitle" = "Tài khoản được tạo ra";
+"createAccount.timeoutMessage" = "Việc đăng ký tên người dùng đang diễn ra... có thể mất vài giây.";
 //Link To Account form
-"linkToAccount.waitLinkToAccountTitle" = "Account linking";
-"linkToAccount.linkButtonTitle" = "Link device";
-"linkToAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "Password";
+"linkToAccount.waitLinkToAccountTitle" = "Kết nối tài khoản";
+"linkToAccount.linkButtonTitle" = "Thiết bị liên kết";
+"linkToAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "Mật khẩu";
 "linkToAccount.pinPlaceholder" = "GHIM";
-"linkToAccount.passwordLabel" = "Enter Password";
-"linkToAccount.pinLabel" = "Enter PIN";
-"linkToAccount.explanationPinMessage" = "To generate the PIN code, go to the account managment settings on device that contain account you want to use. In devices settings Select \"Link another device to this account\". You will get the necessary PIN to complete this form. The PIN is only valid for 10 minutes.";
+"linkToAccount.passwordLabel" = "Nhập mật khẩu";
+"linkToAccount.pinLabel" = "Nhập PIN";
+"linkToAccount.explanationPinMessage" = "Để tạo mã PIN, hãy truy cập cài đặt quản lý tài khoản trên thiết bị chứa tài khoản bạn muốn sử dụng. Trong cài đặt thiết bị, chọn \"Công nối thiết bị khác với tài khoản này\". Bạn sẽ nhận được mã PIN cần thiết để hoàn thành biểu mẫu này.";
 //Link To Account Manager form
-"linkToAccountManager.signIn" = "Sign In";
-"linkToAccountManager.passwordPlaceholder" = "Password";
-"linkToAccountManager.passwordLabel" = "Enter Password";
+"linkToAccountManager.signIn" = "Đăng nhập";
+"linkToAccountManager.passwordPlaceholder" = "Mật khẩu";
+"linkToAccountManager.passwordLabel" = "Nhập mật khẩu";
 "linkToAccountManager.usernamePlaceholder" = "Username";
-"linkToAccountManager.usernameLabel" = "Enter Username";
-"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerPlaceholder" = "JAMS URL";
-"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerLabel" = "Enter JAMS URL";
+"linkToAccountManager.usernameLabel" = "Nhập Username";
+"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerPlaceholder" = "URL JAMS";
+"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerLabel" = "Nhập URL JAMS";
-"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundTitle" = "Can't find account";
-"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundMessage" = "Account couldn't be found on the Jami network. Make sure it was exported on Jami from an existing device, and that provided credentials are correct.";
-"alerts.accountAddedTitle" = "Account Added";
-"alerts.accountNoNetworkTitle" = "Can't connect to the network";
-"alerts.accountNoNetworkMessage" = "Could not add account because Jami couldn't connect to the distributed network. Check your device connectivity.";
-"alerts.accountDefaultErrorTitle" = "Unknown error";
-"alerts.accountDefaultErrorMessage" = "The account couldn't be created.";
-"alerts.profileTakePhoto" = "Take photo";
-"alerts.profileUploadPhoto" = "Upload photo";
+"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundTitle" = "Không tìm được tài khoản";
+"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundMessage" = "Tài khoản không thể tìm thấy trên mạng Jami. Hãy chắc chắn nó đã được xuất khẩu vào Jami từ một thiết bị hiện có, và rằng các thông tin tín dụng được cung cấp là chính xác.";
+"alerts.accountAddedTitle" = "Tài khoản được thêm vào";
+"alerts.accountNoNetworkTitle" = "Không thể kết nối mạng";
+"alerts.accountNoNetworkMessage" = "Không thể thêm tài khoản vì Jami không thể kết nối với mạng phân tán.";
+"alerts.accountDefaultErrorTitle" = "Hầm không rõ";
+"alerts.accountDefaultErrorMessage" = "Tài khoản không thể được tạo ra.";
+"alerts.profileTakePhoto" = "Tạo ảnh";
+"alerts.profileUploadPhoto" = "Lên ảnh";
 "alerts.profileCancelPhoto" = "Hủy bỏ";
-"alerts.accountLinkedTitle" = "Linking account";
-"alerts.dbFailedTitle" = "An error happned when launching Jami";
-"alerts.dbFailedMessage" = "Please close application and try to open it again";
-"alerts.confirmBlockContact" = "Are you sure you want to block this contact? The conversation history with this contact will also be deleted permanently.";
-"alerts.confirmBlockContactTitle" = "Block Contact";
-"alerts.confirmDeleteConversation" = "Are you sure you want to delete this conversation permanently?";
-"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationFromContact" = "Are you sure you want to delete the conversation with this contact?";
-"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationTitle" = "Delete Conversation";
-"alerts.confirmClearConversation" = "Are you sure you want to clear the conversation with this contact?";
-"alerts.confirmClearConversationTitle" = "Clear Conversation";
-"alerts.noMediaPermissionsTitle" = "Media permission not granted";
-"alerts.noLibraryPermissionsTitle" = "Access to photo library not granted";
-"alerts.noLocationPermissionsTitle" = "Access to location not granted";
-"alerts.errorWrongCredentials" = "Cannot connect to provided account manager. Please check your credentials";
-"alerts.recordVideoMessage" = "Record a video message";
-"alerts.recordAudioMessage" = "Record an audio message";
-"alerts.uploadFile" = "Upload file";
-"alerts.uploadPhoto" = "Upload photo or movie";
-"alerts.locationServiceIsDisabled" = "Turn on \"Location Services\" to allow \"Jami\" to determine your location.";
-"alerts.locationSharing" = "Share my location";
-"alerts.alreadylocationSharing" = "Already sharing location with this user";
-"alerts.locationSharingDurationTitle" = "How long should the location sharing be?";
-"alerts.locationSharingDuration10min" = "10 min";
-"alerts.locationSharingDuration1hour" = "1 hour";
-"alerts.mapInformation" = "Map information";
-"alerts.openStreetMapCopyright" = "© OpenStreetMap contributors";
-"alerts.openStreetMapCopyrightMoreInfo" = "Learn more";
+"alerts.accountLinkedTitle" = "Tài khoản liên kết";
+"alerts.dbFailedTitle" = "Một lỗi xảy ra khi phóng Jami";
+"alerts.dbFailedMessage" = "Vui lòng đóng đơn và cố gắng mở lại";
+"alerts.confirmBlockContact" = "Bạn có chắc chắn rằng bạn muốn chặn liên lạc này? lịch sử cuộc trò chuyện với liên lạc này cũng sẽ bị xóa vĩnh viễn.";
+"alerts.confirmBlockContactTitle" = "Khóa liên lạc";
+"alerts.confirmDeleteConversation" = "Em có chắc em muốn xóa cuộc trò chuyện này vĩnh viễn không?";
+"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationFromContact" = "Anh có chắc là muốn xóa cuộc trò chuyện với người liên lạc này không?";
+"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationTitle" = "Tránh cuộc trò chuyện";
+"alerts.confirmClearConversation" = "Anh có chắc là anh muốn giải quyết cuộc trò chuyện với người này không?";
+"alerts.confirmClearConversationTitle" = "Cuộc trò chuyện rõ ràng";
+"alerts.noMediaPermissionsTitle" = "Phán phép truyền thông không được cấp";
+"alerts.noLibraryPermissionsTitle" = "Phiên bản truy cập thư viện ảnh không được cấp";
+"alerts.noLocationPermissionsTitle" = "Phiên bản không được cấp";
+"alerts.errorWrongCredentials" = "Không thể kết nối với quản lý tài khoản được cung cấp. Xin vui lòng kiểm tra thông tin tín dụng của bạn";
+"alerts.recordVideoMessage" = "Tải một tin nhắn video";
+"alerts.recordAudioMessage" = "Tải một tin nhắn âm thanh";
+"alerts.uploadFile" = "Tải lên tập tin";
+"alerts.uploadPhoto" = "Lên ảnh hoặc phim";
+"alerts.locationServiceIsDisabled" = "Động hoạt \"Sức vụ vị trí\" để \"Jami\" xác định vị trí của bạn.";
+"alerts.locationSharing" = "Chia sẻ vị trí của tôi";
+"alerts.alreadylocationSharing" = "Đã chia sẻ vị trí với người dùng này";
+"alerts.locationSharingDurationTitle" = "Việc chia sẻ địa điểm sẽ kéo dài bao lâu?";
+"alerts.locationSharingDuration10min" = "10 phút";
+"alerts.locationSharingDuration1hour" = "1 giờ";
+"alerts.mapInformation" = "Thông tin bản đồ";
+"alerts.openStreetMapCopyright" = "© Những người đóng góp OpenStreetMap";
+"alerts.openStreetMapCopyrightMoreInfo" = "Tìm hiểu thêm";
-"actions.deleteAction" = "Delete";
+"actions.deleteAction" = "Xóa";
 "actions.cancelAction" = "Hủy bỏ";
-"actions.clearAction" = "Clear";
-"actions.backAction" = "Back";
-"actions.doneAction" = "Done";
-"alerts.incomingCallAllertTitle" = "Incoming call from ";
-"alerts.incomingCallButtonIgnore" = "Ignore";
-"actions.startAudioCall" = "  Audio Call";
-"actions.startVideoCall" = "  Video Call";
-"actions.goToSettings" = "Go to Settings";
-"actions.stopLocationSharing" = "Stop sharing";
+"actions.clearAction" = "Rõ ràng";
+"actions.backAction" = "Trở lại";
+"actions.doneAction" = "Được làm";
+"alerts.incomingCallAllertTitle" = "Tiếp đến từ ";
+"alerts.incomingCallButtonIgnore" = "Tránh bỏ";
+"actions.startAudioCall" = "Hỗng gọi âm thanh";
+"actions.startVideoCall" = "Video Call";
+"actions.goToSettings" = "Đi đến Settings";
+"actions.stopLocationSharing" = "Ngừng chia sẻ";
-"calls.callItemTitle" = "Call";
-"calls.unknown" = "Unknown";
-"calls.incomingCallInfo" = "wants to talk to you";
-"calls.ringing" = "Ringing…";
-"calls.connecting" = "Connecting…";
-"calls.searching" = "Searching…";
-"calls.callFinished" = "Call finished";
-"calls.currentCallWith" = "Call with ";
-"calls.haghUp" = "hang up";
-"calls.maximize" = "maximize";
-"calls.minimize" = "minimize";
-"calls.setModerator" = "set moderator";
-"calls.removeModerator" = "unset moderator";
-"calls.muteAudio" = "mute audio";
-"calls.unmuteAudio" = "unmute audio";
-"calls.lowerHand" = "lower hand";
+"calls.callItemTitle" = "Gọi";
+"calls.unknown" = "Không biết";
+"calls.incomingCallInfo" = "muốn nói chuyện với anh";
+"calls.ringing" = "- Anh nghe thấy...";
+"calls.connecting" = "Kết nối...";
+"calls.searching" = "Tìm kiếm...";
+"calls.callFinished" = "Tiếp tục cuộc gọi";
+"calls.currentCallWith" = "Gọi với ";
+"calls.haghUp" = "- Cởi điện đi.";
+"calls.maximize" = "tối đa hóa";
+"calls.minimize" = "giảm thiểu";
+"calls.setModerator" = "Set moderator";
+"calls.removeModerator" = "Moderator không cài đặt";
+"calls.muteAudio" = "âm thanh câm";
+"calls.unmuteAudio" = "âm thanh không động";
+"calls.lowerHand" = "tay dưới";
 //Account Page
-"accountPage.devicesListHeader" = "Devices";
-"accountPage.settingsHeader" = "Settings";
+"accountPage.devicesListHeader" = "Thiết bị";
+"accountPage.settingsHeader" = "Cài đặt";
 "accountPage.username" = "Username";
-"accountPage.usernameNotRegistered" = "username: not registered";
-"accountPage.credentialsHeader" = "Account Details";
-"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Enable Proxy";
-"accountPage.blockedContacts" = "Blocked contacts";
+"accountPage.usernameNotRegistered" = "Tên người dùng: không đăng ký";
+"accountPage.credentialsHeader" = "Thông tin chi tiết tài khoản";
+"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Khả năng Proxy";
+"accountPage.blockedContacts" = "Các liên lạc bị chặn";
 "accountPage.unblockContact" = "UNBLOCK";
-"accountPage.proxyAddressAlert" = "Provide proxy address";
-"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Enable Proxy";
-"accountPage.noProxyExplanationLabel" = "Your device won't receive notifications when proxy is disabled";
-"accountPage.saveProxyAddress" = "Save";
-"accountPage.proxyPaceholder" = "Proxy address";
-"accountPage.enableNotifications" = "Enable Notifications";
-"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertTitle" = "Proxy Server Disabled";
-"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertBody" = "In order to receive notifications, please enable proxy";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceTitle" = "Revoke device";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceMessage" = "Are you sure you want to revoke this device? This action could not be undone.";
-"accountPage.revokeDeviceButton" = "Revoke";
-"accountPage.revokeDevicePlaceholder" = "Enter your passord";
-"accountPage.deviceRevoked" = "Device revocation completed";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationProgress" = "Revoking...";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationSuccess" = "Device was revoked";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationTryAgain" = "Try again";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationWrongPassword" = "Incorrect password";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationUnknownDevice" = "Unknown device";
-"accountPage.deviceRevocationError" = "Device revocation error";
-"accountPage.linkDeviceTitle" = "Link another device";
-"accountPage.other" = "Other";
-"accountPage.removeAccountTitle" = "Remove account";
-"accountPage.removeAccountMessage" = "By clicking \"Remove\" you will remove this account on this device! This action can not be undone. Also, your registered name can be lost.";
-"accountPage.removeAccountButton" = "Remove";
-"accountPage.shareAccountDetails" = "Share Account Details";
-"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "Contact me on Jami!";
-"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "Contact me using \"%s\" on the Jami distributed communication platform: https://jami.net";
-"accountPage.registerNameTitle" = "Register a username";
-"accountPage.passwordPlaceholder" = "Enter account password";
-"accountPage.usernamePlaceholder" = "Enter desired username";
-"accountPage.registerNameErrorMessage" = "Choosen username is not available";
-"accountPage.usernameRegistering" = "Registering";
+"accountPage.proxyAddressAlert" = "Cung cấp địa chỉ đại diện";
+"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Khả năng Proxy";
+"accountPage.noProxyExplanationLabel" = "Thiết bị của bạn sẽ không nhận được thông báo khi proxy bị vô hiệu hóa";
+"accountPage.saveProxyAddress" = "- Cứu";
+"accountPage.proxyPaceholder" = "Địa chỉ đại diện";
+"accountPage.enableNotifications" = "Khả năng thông báo";
+"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertTitle" = "Proxy Server bị vô hiệu hóa";
+"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertBody" = "Để nhận thông báo, xin vui lòng bật proxy";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceTitle" = "Thiết bị hủy bỏ";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceMessage" = "Ông có chắc ông muốn hủy bỏ thiết bị này không?";
+"accountPage.revokeDeviceButton" = "Tháo lại";
+"accountPage.revokeDevicePlaceholder" = "Nhập mật khẩu của bạn";
+"accountPage.deviceRevoked" = "Việc hủy bỏ thiết bị đã hoàn thành";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationProgress" = "Tháo lại...";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationSuccess" = "Thiết bị bị bị hủy bỏ";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationTryAgain" = "Hãy thử lại.";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationWrongPassword" = "Mật khẩu không đúng";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationUnknownDevice" = "Thiết bị không rõ";
+"accountPage.deviceRevocationError" = "Trận lỗi hủy thiết bị";
+"accountPage.linkDeviceTitle" = "Kết nối một thiết bị khác";
+"accountPage.other" = "Các loại khác";
+"accountPage.removeAccountTitle" = "Xóa tài khoản";
+"accountPage.removeAccountMessage" = "Bằng cách nhấp vào \"Tắt\" bạn sẽ xóa tài khoản này trên thiết bị này!";
+"accountPage.removeAccountButton" = "Tắt";
+"accountPage.shareAccountDetails" = "Thông tin chia sẻ tài khoản";
+"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "Liên hệ với tôi về Jami!";
+"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "Liên hệ với tôi bằng cách sử dụng \"%s\" trên nền tảng truyền thông phân phối của Jami: https://jami.net";
+"accountPage.registerNameTitle" = "Đăng ký tên người dùng";
+"accountPage.passwordPlaceholder" = "Nhập mật khẩu tài khoản";
+"accountPage.usernamePlaceholder" = "Nhập tên người dùng mong muốn";
+"accountPage.registerNameErrorMessage" = "Tên người dùng đã chọn không có sẵn";
+"accountPage.usernameRegistering" = "Đăng ký";
 "accountPage.usernameRegisterAction" = "Register";
-"accountPage.usernameRegistrationFailed" = "Registration failed. Please check password.";
-"accountPage.createPassword" = "Create password";
-"accountPage.changePassword" = "Change password";
-"accountPage.oldPasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter old password";
-"accountPage.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter new password";
-"accountPage.newPasswordConfirmPlaceholder" = "Confirm new password";
-"accountPage.changePasswordError" = "Password incorrect";
-"accountPage.enableBoothMode" = "Enable Booth Mode";
-"accountPage.disableBoothMode" = "Disable Booth Mode";
-"accountPage.disableBoothModeExplanation" = "Pleace provide your account password";
-"accountPage.boothModeExplanation" = "In booth mode conversation history not saved and jami functionality limited by making outgoing calls. When you enable booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
-"accountPage.noBoothMode" = "To enable Booth mode you need to create account password first.";
-"accountPage.boothModeAlertMessage" = "After enabling booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
-"accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "Auto connect on local network";
-"accountPage.autoRegistration" = "Auto register after expiration";
-"accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "Connectivity";
-"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Enable TURN";
-"accountPage.turnServer" = "TURN address";
-"accountPage.turnUsername" = "TURN username";
-"accountPage.turnPassword" = "TURN password";
-"accountPage.turnRealm" = "TURN realm";
+"accountPage.usernameRegistrationFailed" = "Đăng ký thất bại, xin vui lòng kiểm tra mật khẩu.";
+"accountPage.createPassword" = "Tạo mật khẩu";
+"accountPage.changePassword" = "Thay đổi mật khẩu";
+"accountPage.oldPasswordPlaceholder" = "Nhập mật khẩu cũ";
+"accountPage.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "Nhập mật khẩu mới";
+"accountPage.newPasswordConfirmPlaceholder" = "Xác nhận mật khẩu mới";
+"accountPage.changePasswordError" = "Mật khẩu không chính xác";
+"accountPage.enableBoothMode" = "Khả năng chế độ Booth";
+"accountPage.disableBoothMode" = "Thiết lập chế độ Booth";
+"accountPage.disableBoothModeExplanation" = "Xin vui lòng cung cấp mật khẩu tài khoản của bạn";
+"accountPage.boothModeExplanation" = "Trong chế độ booth lịch sử cuộc trò chuyện không được lưu và chức năng jami bị hạn chế bằng cách thực hiện cuộc gọi ra ngoài. Khi bạn bật chế độ booth tất cả các cuộc trò chuyện của bạn sẽ bị xóa.";
+"accountPage.noBoothMode" = "Để kích hoạt chế độ Booth, bạn cần tạo mật khẩu tài khoản trước.";
+"accountPage.boothModeAlertMessage" = "Sau khi bật chế độ phòng, tất cả các cuộc trò chuyện của bạn sẽ bị xóa.";
+"accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "Kết nối tự động trên mạng địa phương";
+"accountPage.autoRegistration" = "Đăng ký tự động sau khi hết hạn";
+"accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "Kết nối";
+"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Khả năng TURN";
+"accountPage.turnServer" = "Địa chỉ TURN";
+"accountPage.turnUsername" = "Tên người dùng TURN";
+"accountPage.turnPassword" = "Mật khẩu TURN";
+"accountPage.turnRealm" = "Vị trí của TURN";
-"account.sipUsername" = "User Name";
-"account.sipPassword" = "Password";
+"account.sipUsername" = "Tên người dùng";
+"account.sipPassword" = "Mật khẩu";
 "account.sipServer" = "SIP Server";
-"account.port" = "Port";
-"account.proxyServer" = "Proxy";
-"account.createSipAccount" = "Create a SIP Account";
-"account.usernameLabel" = "Enter Username";
-"account.passwordLabel" = "Enter Password";
-"account.serverLabel" = "Enter Address";
-"account.portLabel" = "Enter Port Number";
-"account.accountStatus" = "Account Status";
-"account.enableAccount" = "Enable Account";
-"account.statusOnline" = "Online";
-"account.statusOffline" = "Offline";
-"account.statusConnecting" = "Connecting";
-"account.statusUnknown" = "Unknown";
-"account.statusConnectionerror" = "Connection Error";
-"account.needMigration" = "account need to be migrated";
-"account.me" = "Me";
+"account.port" = "Cảng";
+"account.proxyServer" = "Tín hiệu";
+"account.createSipAccount" = "Tạo tài khoản SIP";
+"account.usernameLabel" = "Nhập Username";
+"account.passwordLabel" = "Nhập mật khẩu";
+"account.serverLabel" = "Nhập địa chỉ";
+"account.portLabel" = "Nhập số cổng";
+"account.accountStatus" = "Tình trạng tài khoản";
+"account.enableAccount" = "Khả năng tài khoản";
+"account.statusOnline" = "Trên mạng";
+"account.statusOffline" = "Không liên kết";
+"account.statusConnecting" = "Kết nối";
+"account.statusUnknown" = "Không biết";
+"account.statusConnectionerror" = "Hầm kết nối";
+"account.needMigration" = "tài khoản cần phải di chuyển";
+"account.me" = "Tôi.";
 //Block List Page
-"blockListPage.noBlockedContacts" = "No blocked contacts";
+"blockListPage.noBlockedContacts" = "Không có liên lạc bị chặn";
 //Link New Device
-"linkDevice.title" = "Link a new device";
-"linkDevice.passwordError" = "The password you entered does not unlock this account";
-"linkDevice.networkError" = "A network error occured during the export";
-"linkDevice.defaultError" = "An error occured during the export";
-"linkDevice.explanationMessage" = "To complete the process, you need to open Jami on the new device and choose the option \"Link this device to an account.\" Your pin is valid for 10 minutes";
-"linkDevice.hudMessage" = "Verifying";
+"linkDevice.title" = "Kết nối một thiết bị mới";
+"linkDevice.passwordError" = "Mật khẩu mà bạn nhập không mở khóa tài khoản này";
+"linkDevice.networkError" = "Một lỗi mạng xảy ra trong quá trình xuất khẩu";
+"linkDevice.defaultError" = "Một lỗi xảy ra trong quá trình xuất khẩu";
+"linkDevice.explanationMessage" = "Để hoàn thành quá trình, bạn cần mở Jami trên thiết bị mới và chọn tùy chọn \"Công nối thiết bị này với tài khoản\". Pin của bạn là hợp lệ trong 10 phút";
+"linkDevice.hudMessage" = "Kiểm tra";
 //Contact Page
-"contactPage.startAudioCall" = "Start Audio Call";
-"contactPage.startVideoCall" = "Start Video Call";
-"contactPage.sendMessage" = "Send Message";
-"contactPage.clearConversation" = "Clear Chat";
-"contactPage.blockContact" = "Block Contact";
-"contactPage.removeConversation" = "Remove Conversation";
+"contactPage.startAudioCall" = "Bắt đầu cuộc gọi âm thanh";
+"contactPage.startVideoCall" = "Bắt đầu cuộc gọi video";
+"contactPage.sendMessage" = "Gửi thông điệp";
+"contactPage.clearConversation" = "Tự giải";
+"contactPage.blockContact" = "Khóa liên lạc";
+"contactPage.removeConversation" = "Tránh cuộc trò chuyện";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusCreated" = "Initializing…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusError" = "Error";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Pending…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Transferring";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusCreated" = "- Đặt ra...";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusError" = "Trận lỗi";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Chờ đợi...";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Chuyển";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCanceled" = "Đã hủy bỏ";
-"dataTransfer.sendingFailed" = "Failed to send";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Complete";
+"dataTransfer.sendingFailed" = "Không gửi";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Hoàn thành";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCancel" = "Hủy bỏ";
-"notifications.incomingCall" = "Incoming Call";
-"notifications.missedCall" = "Missed Call";
-"notifications.newFile" = "New file";
-"notifications.locationSharingStarted" = "Incoming location sharing started";
-"notifications.locationSharingStopped" = "Incoming location sharing stopped";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Pending…";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Transferring";
+"notifications.incomingCall" = "Tiếp tục gọi";
+"notifications.missedCall" = "Lần gọi bị bỏ lỡ";
+"notifications.newFile" = "Dữ liệu mới";
+"notifications.locationSharingStarted" = "Việc chia sẻ địa điểm tiếp theo bắt đầu";
+"notifications.locationSharingStopped" = "Chia sẻ địa điểm tiếp nhận đã dừng lại";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Chờ đợi...";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Chuyển";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCanceled" = "Đã hủy bỏ";
-"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Complete";
+"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Hoàn thành";
 "dataTransfer.readableStatusCancel" = "Hủy bỏ";
-"dataTransfer.infoMessage" = "Press to start recording";
-"dataTransfer.sendMessage" = "Send";
+"dataTransfer.infoMessage" = "Bấm để bắt đầu ghi";
+"dataTransfer.sendMessage" = "Gửi đi";
 //Generated Message
-"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "You received inviation";
-"generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "Swarm created";
-"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "was invited to join";
-"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "You joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "was kicked";
-"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "was re-added";
-"generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "Outgoing call";
-"generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "Incoming call";
-"generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "Missed outgoing call";
-"generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "Missed incoming call";
-"generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "Live location sharing";
-"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "left";
+"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "Anh đã nhận được sự miễn trừ";
+"generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "Thủy tạo ra";
+"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "được mời tham gia";
+"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "gia nhập cuộc trò chuyện";
+"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "Anh đã tham gia cuộc trò chuyện";
+"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "bị đá";
+"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "được thêm lại";
+"generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "Tiếp tục gọi";
+"generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "Tiếp tục gọi";
+"generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "Lỡ cuộc gọi ra ngoài";
+"generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "Lỡ cuộc gọi tiếp nhận";
+"generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "Chia sẻ địa điểm trực tiếp";
+"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "trái";
 //General Settings
-"generalSettings.title" = "Advanced settings";
-"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Video Settings";
-"generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "Enable video acceleration";
-"generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "File transfer";
-"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Location Sharing";
-"generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "Automatically accept incoming files";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "Accept transfer limit";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(in MB, 0 = unlimited)";
-"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Limit the duration of location sharing";
-"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Position share duration";
+"generalSettings.title" = "Thiết lập nâng cao";
+"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Định hướng video";
+"generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "Khả năng tăng tốc video";
+"generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "Chuyển tập tin";
+"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Chia sẻ địa điểm";
+"generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "Tự động chấp nhận các tệp nhập";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "Thấp nhận giới hạn chuyển nhượng";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(trong MB, 0 = không giới hạn)";
+"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Giới hạn thời gian chia sẻ vị trí";
+"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Thời gian chia sẻ vị trí";
 //Log View
-"logView.title" = "Diagnostics";
-"logView.description" = "Open diagnostic log settings";
-"logView.startLogging" = "Start Logging";
-"logView.stopLogging" = "Stop Logging";
-"logView.saveError" = "Failed to save file";
-"logView.shareError" = "Failed to share file";
+"logView.title" = "Chẩn đoán";
+"logView.description" = "Mở cài đặt nhật ký chẩn đoán";
+"logView.startLogging" = "Bắt đầu ghi chép";
+"logView.stopLogging" = "Ngừng làm gỗ";
+"logView.saveError" = "Không lưu tập tin";
+"logView.shareError" = "Không chia sẻ file";
 //Migrate Account
-"migrateAccount.title" = "Account migration";
-"migrateAccount.migrateButton" = "Migrate Account";
-"migrateAccount.explanation" = "This account needs to be migrated";
-"migrateAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "Enter password";
-"migrateAccount.passwordExplanation" = "To proceed with the migration, you need to enter a password that was used for this account";
-"migrateAccount.removeAccount" = "Remove account";
-"migrateAccount.error" = "Failed to migrate your account. You can retry or delete your account.";
-"migrateAccount.migrating" = "Migrating...";
+"migrateAccount.title" = "Di chuyển tài khoản";
+"migrateAccount.migrateButton" = "Tài khoản di cư";
+"migrateAccount.explanation" = "Tài khoản này cần phải di chuyển";
+"migrateAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "Nhập mật khẩu";
+"migrateAccount.passwordExplanation" = "Để tiến hành di chuyển, bạn cần nhập mật khẩu đã được sử dụng cho tài khoản này";
+"migrateAccount.removeAccount" = "Xóa tài khoản";
+"migrateAccount.error" = "Không chuyển đổi tài khoản của bạn. Bạn có thể thử lại hoặc xóa tài khoản của bạn.";
+"migrateAccount.migrating" = "Di cư...";
 "migrateAccount.cancel" = "Hủy bỏ";
-"migrateAccount.migrateAnother" = "Migrate Another Account";
+"migrateAccount.migrateAnother" = "Chuyển đến tài khoản khác";
diff --git a/Ring/Ring/Resources/zh-Hans-CN.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Ring/Ring/Resources/zh-Hans-CN.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 03f7352..915fdd8 100644
--- a/Ring/Ring/Resources/zh-Hans-CN.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Ring/Ring/Resources/zh-Hans-CN.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 "swarmcreation.searchBar" = "搜索联系人";
 "swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "创建群聊";
 "swarmcreation.addADescription" = "添加描述";
-"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in the swarm";
+"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "你可以把更多的人加入群中";
 // Swarm
 "swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "忽略群聊";
 "swarm.leaveConversation" = "离开该对话";
@@ -56,16 +56,16 @@
 "swarm.oneToOne" = "私人 swarm";
 "swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "仅可管理员邀请";
 "swarm.invitesOnly" = "私人 swarm";
-"swarm.publicChat" = "Public swarm";
-"swarm.others" = "Others";
+"swarm.publicChat" = "公共群";
+"swarm.others" = "其他";
 "swarm.member" = "成员";
 "swarm.invited" = "已邀请";
 "swarm.admin" = "管理员";
 "swarm.banned" = "已屏蔽";
-"swarm.unknown" = "Unkown";
-"swarm.addMorePeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in this swarm";
-"swarm.addMember" = "Add Member";
-"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Are you sure you want to leave this swarm?";
+"swarm.unknown" = "无人";
+"swarm.addMorePeople" = "你可以把更多的人加入这个群体中";
+"swarm.addMember" = "加入成员";
+"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "你确定你想离开这个群体吗?";
 "swarm.Leave" = "离开";
 // Smartlist
 "smartlist.yesterday" = "昨天";
@@ -92,14 +92,14 @@
 "conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "您当前正在分享实时位置到";
 "conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "您当前正在接收实时位置,来自";
 "conversation.errorSavingImage" = "保存至图库失败";
-"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Sent you a request for a conversation.";
+"conversation.receivedRequest" = "给你发了一个谈话请求.";
+"conversation.incomingRequest" = "发给你一个谈话请求.";
 "conversation.requestMessage" = "您好,\n您想要加入会话吗?";
-"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ is not in your contact list.";
+"conversation.notContact" = "您的联系人名单中没有.";
 "conversation.sendRequest" = "向他/她发送联系人请求以开始互相交流";
-"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Send Contact Request";
+"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "发送联系请求";
 "conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "您已接受会话请求。";
-"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "We are waiting for \%@\ connects to synchronize the conversation.";
+"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "我们正在等待\%@\连接,";
 "invitations.noInvitations" = "没有邀请";
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
 "accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "在本地网络自动连接";
 "accountPage.autoRegistration" = "过期后自动注册";
 "accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "连接性";
-"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Enable TURN";
+"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "启动TURN";
 "accountPage.turnServer" = "TURN 地址";
 "accountPage.turnUsername" = "TURN 用户名";
 "accountPage.turnPassword" = "TURN 密码";
@@ -364,40 +364,40 @@
 //Generated Message
-"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "You received inviation";
+"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "你得到了免责";
 "generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "已建立 Swarm";
-"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "was invited to join";
+"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "邀请加入";
 "generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "加入该对话";
-"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "You joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "was kicked";
-"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "was re-added";
+"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "你加入了谈话";
+"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "被了";
+"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "已重新添加";
 "generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "去电";
 "generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "来电";
 "generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "去电未接";
 "generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "未接来电";
 "generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "实时位置分享";
-"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "left";
+"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "左边";
 //General Settings
 "generalSettings.title" = "高级设置";
-"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Video Settings";
+"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "视频设置";
 "generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "启用视频加速";
 "generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "文件传输";
-"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Location Sharing";
+"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "位置共享";
 "generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "自动接收文件";
 "generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "接受传输限制";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(in MB, 0 = unlimited)";
-"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Limit the duration of location sharing";
-"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Position share duration";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(在MB中,0 =无限)";
+"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "限制位置共享的时间";
+"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "位置股份持续时间";
 //Log View
 "logView.title" = "诊断";
 "logView.description" = "打开诊断日志设置";
 "logView.startLogging" = "开始记录";
-"logView.stopLogging" = "Stop Logging";
-"logView.saveError" = "Failed to save file";
-"logView.shareError" = "Failed to share file";
+"logView.stopLogging" = "停止伐木";
+"logView.saveError" = "无法保存文件";
+"logView.shareError" = "无法共享文件";
 //Migrate Account
 "migrateAccount.title" = "账户迁移";
diff --git a/Ring/Ring/Resources/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Ring/Ring/Resources/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings
index a37007c..09bf8ff 100644
--- a/Ring/Ring/Resources/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Ring/Ring/Resources/zh-Hans.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 "swarmcreation.searchBar" = "搜索联系人";
 "swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "创建群聊";
 "swarmcreation.addADescription" = "添加描述";
-"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in the swarm";
+"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "你可以把更多的人加入群中";
 // Swarm
 "swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "忽略群聊";
 "swarm.leaveConversation" = "离开该会话";
@@ -56,16 +56,16 @@
 "swarm.oneToOne" = "私人 swarm";
 "swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "仅可管理员邀请";
 "swarm.invitesOnly" = "私人 swarm";
-"swarm.publicChat" = "Public swarm";
-"swarm.others" = "Others";
+"swarm.publicChat" = "公共群";
+"swarm.others" = "其他";
 "swarm.member" = "成员";
 "swarm.invited" = "已邀请";
 "swarm.admin" = "管理员";
 "swarm.banned" = "已屏蔽";
-"swarm.unknown" = "Unkown";
-"swarm.addMorePeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in this swarm";
-"swarm.addMember" = "Add Member";
-"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Are you sure you want to leave this swarm?";
+"swarm.unknown" = "无人";
+"swarm.addMorePeople" = "你可以把更多的人加入这个群体中";
+"swarm.addMember" = "加入成员";
+"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "你确定你想离开这个群体吗?";
 "swarm.Leave" = "离开";
 // Smartlist
 "smartlist.yesterday" = "昨天";
@@ -92,14 +92,14 @@
 "conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "您目前正在分享您的位置,與";
 "conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "您正收到即時位置,從";
 "conversation.errorSavingImage" = "將圖片儲存到相簿失敗";
-"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Sent you a request for a conversation.";
+"conversation.receivedRequest" = "给你发了一个谈话请求.";
+"conversation.incomingRequest" = "发给你一个谈话请求.";
 "conversation.requestMessage" = "您好,\n您想要加入對話嗎?";
-"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ is not in your contact list.";
+"conversation.notContact" = "您的联系人名单中没有.";
 "conversation.sendRequest" = "向他/她傳送聯絡人請求,如此才能一起交流";
-"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Send Contact Request";
+"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "发送联系请求";
 "conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "您已接受對話請求。";
-"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "We are waiting for \%@\ connects to synchronize the conversation.";
+"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "我们正在等待\%@\连接,";
 "invitations.noInvitations" = "沒有邀請";
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
 "accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "在區域網路上自動連線";
 "accountPage.autoRegistration" = "過期後自動註冊";
 "accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "連線";
-"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Enable TURN";
+"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "启动TURN";
 "accountPage.turnServer" = "TURN 地址";
 "accountPage.turnUsername" = "TURN 使用者名稱";
 "accountPage.turnPassword" = "TURN 密碼";
@@ -364,40 +364,40 @@
 //Generated Message
-"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "You received inviation";
+"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "你得到了免责";
 "generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "已建立 Swarm";
-"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "was invited to join";
+"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "邀请加入";
 "generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "加入该对话";
-"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "You joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "was kicked";
-"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "was re-added";
+"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "你加入了谈话";
+"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "被了";
+"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "已重新添加";
 "generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "撥出電話";
 "generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "來電";
 "generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "未接去電";
 "generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "未接來電";
 "generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "即時位置分享";
-"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "left";
+"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "左边";
 //General Settings
 "generalSettings.title" = "進階設定";
-"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Video Settings";
+"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "视频设置";
 "generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "啟用視訊加速";
 "generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "檔案傳輸";
-"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Location Sharing";
+"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "位置共享";
 "generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "自動接受傳來的檔案";
 "generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "接受傳輸限制";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(in MB, 0 = unlimited)";
-"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Limit the duration of location sharing";
-"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Position share duration";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(在MB中,0 =无限)";
+"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "限制位置共享的时间";
+"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "位置股份持续时间";
 //Log View
 "logView.title" = "診斷";
 "logView.description" = "開啟診斷紀錄檔設定";
 "logView.startLogging" = "開始記錄";
-"logView.stopLogging" = "Stop Logging";
-"logView.saveError" = "Failed to save file";
-"logView.shareError" = "Failed to share file";
+"logView.stopLogging" = "停止伐木";
+"logView.saveError" = "无法保存文件";
+"logView.shareError" = "无法共享文件";
 //Migrate Account
 "migrateAccount.title" = "帳號遷移";
diff --git a/Ring/Ring/Resources/zh.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Ring/Ring/Resources/zh.lproj/Localizable.strings
index ece3a19..4b482e6 100644
--- a/Ring/Ring/Resources/zh.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Ring/Ring/Resources/zh.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 "swarmcreation.searchBar" = "搜索联系人";
 "swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "创建群聊";
 "swarmcreation.addADescription" = "添加描述";
-"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in the swarm";
+"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "你可以把更多的人加入群中";
 // Swarm
 "swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "忽略群聊";
 "swarm.leaveConversation" = "离开该会话";
@@ -56,16 +56,16 @@
 "swarm.oneToOne" = "私人 swarm";
 "swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "仅可管理员邀请";
 "swarm.invitesOnly" = "私人 swarm";
-"swarm.publicChat" = "Public swarm";
-"swarm.others" = "Others";
+"swarm.publicChat" = "公共群";
+"swarm.others" = "其他";
 "swarm.member" = "成员";
 "swarm.invited" = "已邀请";
 "swarm.admin" = "管理员";
 "swarm.banned" = "已屏蔽";
-"swarm.unknown" = "Unkown";
-"swarm.addMorePeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in this swarm";
-"swarm.addMember" = "Add Member";
-"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Are you sure you want to leave this swarm?";
+"swarm.unknown" = "无人";
+"swarm.addMorePeople" = "你可以把更多的人加入这个群体中";
+"swarm.addMember" = "加入成员";
+"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "你确定你想离开这个群体吗?";
 "swarm.Leave" = "离开";
 // Smartlist
 "smartlist.yesterday" = "昨天";
@@ -92,14 +92,14 @@
 "conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "您当前正在分享实时位置到";
 "conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "您当前正在接收实时位置,来自";
 "conversation.errorSavingImage" = "保存至图库失败";
-"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Sent you a request for a conversation.";
+"conversation.receivedRequest" = "给你发了一个谈话请求.";
+"conversation.incomingRequest" = "发给你一个谈话请求.";
 "conversation.requestMessage" = "您好,\n您想要加入会话吗?";
-"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ is not in your contact list.";
+"conversation.notContact" = "您的联系人名单中没有.";
 "conversation.sendRequest" = "向他/她发送联系人请求以开始互相交流";
-"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Send Contact Request";
+"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "发送联系请求";
 "conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "您已接受会话请求。";
-"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "We are waiting for \%@\ connects to synchronize the conversation.";
+"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "我们正在等待\%@\连接,";
 "invitations.noInvitations" = "沒有邀請";
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
 "accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "在本地网络自动连接";
 "accountPage.autoRegistration" = "过期后自动注册";
 "accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "连接性";
-"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Enable TURN";
+"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "启动TURN";
 "accountPage.turnServer" = "TURN 地址";
 "accountPage.turnUsername" = "TURN 用户名";
 "accountPage.turnPassword" = "TURN 密码";
@@ -364,40 +364,40 @@
 //Generated Message
-"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "You received inviation";
+"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "你得到了免责";
 "generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "已建立 Swarm";
-"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "was invited to join";
+"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "邀请加入";
 "generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "加入该对话";
-"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "You joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "was kicked";
-"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "was re-added";
+"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "你加入了谈话";
+"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "被了";
+"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "已重新添加";
 "generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "撥出電話";
 "generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "來電";
 "generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "未接去電";
 "generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "未接來電";
 "generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "实时位置分享";
-"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "left";
+"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "左边";
 //General Settings
 "generalSettings.title" = "進階設定";
-"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Video Settings";
+"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "视频设置";
 "generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "启用视频加速";
 "generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "文件传输";
-"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Location Sharing";
+"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "位置共享";
 "generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "自动接收文件";
 "generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "接受传输限制";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(in MB, 0 = unlimited)";
-"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Limit the duration of location sharing";
-"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Position share duration";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(在MB中,0 =无限)";
+"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "限制位置共享的时间";
+"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "位置股份持续时间";
 //Log View
 "logView.title" = "诊断";
 "logView.description" = "打开诊断日志设置";
 "logView.startLogging" = "开启日志";
-"logView.stopLogging" = "Stop Logging";
-"logView.saveError" = "Failed to save file";
-"logView.shareError" = "Failed to share file";
+"logView.stopLogging" = "停止伐木";
+"logView.saveError" = "无法保存文件";
+"logView.shareError" = "无法共享文件";
 //Migrate Account
 "migrateAccount.title" = "账户迁移";
diff --git a/Ring/Ring/Resources/zh_HK.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Ring/Ring/Resources/zh_HK.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 1c17642..d94e205 100644
--- a/Ring/Ring/Resources/zh_HK.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Ring/Ring/Resources/zh_HK.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 "swarmcreation.searchBar" = "搜索联系人";
 "swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "创建群聊";
 "swarmcreation.addADescription" = "添加描述";
-"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in the swarm";
+"swarmcreation.addPeople" = "你可以把更多的人加入群中";
 // Swarm
 "swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "忽略群聊";
 "swarm.leaveConversation" = "离开该会话";
@@ -56,16 +56,16 @@
 "swarm.oneToOne" = "私人 swarm";
 "swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "仅可管理员邀请";
 "swarm.invitesOnly" = "私人 swarm";
-"swarm.publicChat" = "Public swarm";
-"swarm.others" = "Others";
+"swarm.publicChat" = "公共群";
+"swarm.others" = "其他";
 "swarm.member" = "成员";
 "swarm.invited" = "已邀请";
 "swarm.admin" = "管理员";
 "swarm.banned" = "已屏蔽";
-"swarm.unknown" = "Unkown";
-"swarm.addMorePeople" = "You can add \%d\ more people in this swarm";
-"swarm.addMember" = "Add Member";
-"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Are you sure you want to leave this swarm?";
+"swarm.unknown" = "无人";
+"swarm.addMorePeople" = "你可以把更多的人加入这个群体中";
+"swarm.addMember" = "加入成员";
+"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "你确定你想离开这个群体吗?";
 "swarm.Leave" = "离开";
 // Smartlist
 "smartlist.yesterday" = "昨天";
@@ -92,14 +92,14 @@
 "conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "您当前正在分享实时位置到";
 "conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "您当前正在接收实时位置,来自";
 "conversation.errorSavingImage" = "保存至图库失败";
-"conversation.receivedRequest" = "\%@\ sent you a request for a conversation.";
-"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Sent you a request for a conversation.";
+"conversation.receivedRequest" = "给你发了一个谈话请求.";
+"conversation.incomingRequest" = "发给你一个谈话请求.";
 "conversation.requestMessage" = "您好,\n您想要加入会话吗?";
-"conversation.notContact" = "\%@\ is not in your contact list.";
+"conversation.notContact" = "您的联系人名单中没有.";
 "conversation.sendRequest" = "向他/她发送联系人请求以开始互相交流";
-"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Send Contact Request";
+"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "发送联系请求";
 "conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "您已接受会话请求。";
-"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "We are waiting for \%@\ connects to synchronize the conversation.";
+"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "我们正在等待\%@\连接,";
 "invitations.noInvitations" = "沒有邀請";
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
 "accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "在本地网络自动连接";
 "accountPage.autoRegistration" = "过期后自动注册";
 "accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "连接性";
-"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Enable TURN";
+"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "启动TURN";
 "accountPage.turnServer" = "TURN 地址";
 "accountPage.turnUsername" = "TURN 用户名";
 "accountPage.turnPassword" = "TURN 密码";
@@ -364,40 +364,40 @@
 //Generated Message
-"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "You received inviation";
+"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "你得到了免责";
 "generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "已建立 Swarm";
-"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "was invited to join";
+"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "邀请加入";
 "generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "加入该对话";
-"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "You joined the conversation";
-"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "was kicked";
-"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "was re-added";
+"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "你加入了谈话";
+"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "被了";
+"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "已重新添加";
 "generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "撥出電話";
 "generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "来电";
 "generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "未接去電";
 "generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "未接來電";
 "generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "实时位置分享";
-"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "left";
+"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "左边";
 //General Settings
 "generalSettings.title" = "進階設定";
-"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Video Settings";
+"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "视频设置";
 "generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "启用视频加速";
 "generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "文件传输";
-"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Location Sharing";
+"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "位置共享";
 "generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "自动接收文件";
 "generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "接受传输限制";
-"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(in MB, 0 = unlimited)";
-"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Limit the duration of location sharing";
-"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Position share duration";
+"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(在MB中,0 =无限)";
+"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "限制位置共享的时间";
+"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "位置股份持续时间";
 //Log View
 "logView.title" = "诊断";
 "logView.description" = "打开诊断日志设置";
 "logView.startLogging" = "开启日志";
-"logView.stopLogging" = "Stop Logging";
-"logView.saveError" = "Failed to save file";
-"logView.shareError" = "Failed to share file";
+"logView.stopLogging" = "停止伐木";
+"logView.saveError" = "无法保存文件";
+"logView.shareError" = "无法共享文件";
 //Migrate Account
 "migrateAccount.title" = "账户迁移";