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Refs #67102

Change-Id: I564360cee2294e0569a473ff35962a7ee4b14b27
1 file changed
tree: 9ec4e03ab8a6b72ff5d5f5340c8ce9360cc50c65
  1. cantarell/
  2. cmake/
  3. data/
  4. .gitignore
  5. AccAdvanced.xib
  6. AccAdvancedVC.h
  7. AccAdvancedVC.mm
  8. AccAudio.xib
  9. AccAudioVC.h
  10. AccAudioVC.mm
  11. AccGeneral.xib
  12. AccGeneralVC.h
  13. AccGeneralVC.mm
  14. Accounts.xib
  15. AccountsVC.h
  16. AccountsVC.mm
  17. AccRing.xib
  18. AccRingVC.h
  19. AccRingVC.mm
  20. AccSecurity.xib
  21. AccSecurityVC.h
  22. AccSecurityVC.mm
  23. AccVideo.xib
  24. AccVideoVC.h
  25. AccVideoVC.mm
  26. AppDelegate.h
  27. AppDelegate.mm
  28. AudioPrefs.xib
  29. AudioPrefsVC.h
  30. AudioPrefsVC.mm
  31. CMakeLists.txt
  32. ConversationsViewController.h
  33. ConversationsViewController.mm
  35. Credits.rtf
  36. CurrentCall.xib
  37. CurrentCallVC.h
  38. CurrentCallVC.mm
  39. GeneralPrefs.xib
  40. GeneralPrefsVC.h
  41. GeneralPrefsVC.mm
  42. HistoryViewController.h
  43. HistoryViewController.mm
  45. main.mm
  46. MainMenu.xib
  47. minimalhistorybackend.h
  48. MinimalHistoryBackend.mm
  49. PreferencesScreen.xib
  50. PreferencesViewController.h
  51. PreferencesViewController.mm
  52. PreferencesWindow.xib
  53. PreferencesWindowController.h
  54. PreferencesWindowController.mm
  55. QNSTreeController.h
  56. QNSTreeController.mm
  57. README.md
  58. RingWindow.xib
  59. RingWindowController.h
  60. RingWindowController.mm
  61. RingWizard.xib
  62. RingWizardWC.h
  63. RingWizardWC.mm
  64. VideoPrefs.xib
  65. VideoPrefsVC.h
  66. VideoPrefsVC.mm

Ring Mac OSX

This is the official Mac port of Ring.


  • Ring daemon
  • libRingClient (Qt5 version)
  • Qt5 Core
  • Cocoa framework

Build instructions

  1. mkdir build && cd build

  2. export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<dir_to_qt5>

Now generate an Xcode project with CMake: 4. cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<libringclient_install_path> -G Xcode 5. open Ring.xcodeproj/ 6. Build and run it from Xcode. You can also generate the final Ring.app bundle.

You can also build it from the command line:

  1. cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<libringclient_install_path>
  2. make
  3. open Ring.app/


For now, the build type of the client is "Debug" by default, however it is useful to also have the debug symbols of libRingClient. To do this, specify this when compiling libRingClient with '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug' in the cmake options.