blob: 40e8d8cf622e656ab9abfdd627f4abf9839c0c91 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
* Author: Romain Bertozzi <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import RealmSwift
import SwiftyBeaver
The different states that an account can have during time.
Contains :
- lifecycle account states
- errors concerning the state of the accounts
enum AccountState: String {
case registered = "REGISTERED"
case ready = "READY"
case unregistered = "UNREGISTERED"
case trying = "TRYING"
case error = "ERROR"
case errorGeneric = "ERROR_GENERIC"
case errorAuth = "ERROR_AUTH"
case errorNetwork = "ERROR_NETWORK"
case errorHost = "ERROR_HOST"
case errorConfStun = "ERROR_CONF_STUN"
case errorExistStun = "ERROR_EXIST_STUN"
case errorServiceUnavailable = "ERROR_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE"
case errorNotAcceptable = "ERROR_NOT_ACCEPTABLE"
case errorRequestTimeout = "Request Timeout"
case errorNeedMigration = "ERROR_NEED_MIGRATION"
case initializing = "INITIALIZING"
The different types of account handled by Ring.
enum AccountType: String {
case ring = "RING"
case sip = "SIP"
A structure representing the configuration of an account.
The collection uses ConfigKeyModels as keys.
Its responsabilities:
- expose a clear interface to manipulate the configuration of an account
- keep this configuration
class AccountConfigModel: Object {
The collection of configuration elements.
fileprivate var configValues = [ConfigKeyModel: String]()
private let log = SwiftyBeaver.self
The keys of the configuration elements must be known from Ring to be taken in account.
- Parameter details: an optional collection of configuration elements
convenience init(withDetails details: [String: String]?) {
if details != nil {
for (key, value) in details! {
if let confKey = ConfigKey(rawValue: key) {
let configKeyModel = ConfigKeyModel(withKey: confKey)
configValues.updateValue(value, forKey: configKeyModel)
} else {
//~ The key given in parameter is not known from Ring.
log.warning("Can't find key: \(key)")
Getter for the configuration elements.
- Parameter configKeyModel: the ConfigKeyModel identifying the configuration element to get
- Returns: a boolean indicating the value of the configuration element.
func getBool(forConfigKeyModel configKeyModel: ConfigKeyModel) -> Bool {
return "true".caseInsensitiveCompare(self.get(withConfigKeyModel: configKeyModel))
== ComparisonResult.orderedSame
Getter for the configuration elements.
- Parameter configKeyModel: the ConfigKeyModel identifying the configuration element to get
- Returns: the value of the configuration element as a String. The result will be an empty
string in case of an issue.
func get(withConfigKeyModel configKeyModel: ConfigKeyModel) -> String {
let value: String? = self.configValues[configKeyModel]
return value != nil ? value! : ""
Getter for the configuration elements.
- Parameter configKeyModel: the ConfigKeyModel identifying the configuration element to get
- Parameter value: the string value to set at the key
func set(withConfigKeyModel configKeyModel: ConfigKeyModel, withValue value: String) {
self.configValues[configKeyModel] = value
extension AccountConfigModel {
func toDetails() -> [String: String]? {
var details = [String: String]()
for (key, value) in self.configValues {
details[key.key.rawValue] = value
return details