blob: ae98b04a22beb16bbd950cfcb19ce7b856f02721 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
* Author: Silbino Gonçalves Matado <>
* Author: Kateryna Kostiuk <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import UIKit
import RxSwift
import SwiftyBeaver
class ConversationViewModel: Stateable, ViewModel {
private let log = SwiftyBeaver.self
private let conversationsService: ConversationsService
private let accountService: AccountsService
private let nameService: NameService
private let contactsService: ContactsService
private let presenceService: PresenceService
private let profileService: ProfilesService
private let dataTransferService: DataTransferService
private let injectionBag: InjectionBag
private let stateSubject = PublishSubject<State>()
lazy var state: Observable<State> = {
return self.stateSubject.asObservable()
required init(with injectionBag: InjectionBag) {
self.injectionBag = injectionBag
self.accountService = injectionBag.accountService
self.conversationsService = injectionBag.conversationsService
self.nameService = injectionBag.nameService
self.contactsService = injectionBag.contactsService
self.presenceService = injectionBag.presenceService
self.profileService = injectionBag.profileService
self.dataTransferService = injectionBag.dataTransferService
dateFormatter.dateStyle = .medium
hourFormatter.dateFormat = "HH:mm"
var conversation: Variable<ConversationModel>! {
didSet {
let contactRingId = self.conversation.value.recipientRingId
.map({ [unowned self] conversations in
return conversations.filter({ conv in
let recipient1 = conv.recipientRingId
let recipient2 = contactRingId
if recipient1 == recipient2 {
return true
return false
}).map({ [weak self] conversation -> (ConversationModel) in
self?.conversation.value = conversation
return conversation
.flatMap({ conversation in{ [unowned self] message in
return MessageViewModel(withInjectionBag: self.injectionBag, withMessage: message)
.subscribe(onNext: { messageViewModel in
self.messages.value = messageViewModel
}).disposed(by: self.disposeBag)
let contact = contactRingId)
self.contactsService.getContactRequestVCard(forContactWithRingId: contactRingId)
.subscribe(onSuccess: { vCard in
guard let imageData = vCard.imageData else {
self.log.warning("vCard for ringId: \(contactRingId) has no image")
self.profileImageData.value = imageData
self.displayName.value = VCardUtils.getName(from: vCard)
.disposed(by: self.disposeBag)
// invite and block buttons
if let _ = contact {
self.contactsService.contactStatus.filter({ cont in
return cont.ringId == contactRingId
.subscribe(onNext: { [unowned self] contact in
}).disposed(by: self.disposeBag)
// subscribe to presence updates for the conversation's associated contact
if let contactPresence = self.presenceService.contactPresence[contactRingId] {
self.contactPresence.value = contactPresence
} else {
self.log.warning("Contact presence unknown for: \(contactRingId)")
self.contactPresence.value = false
.filter({ presenceUpdateEvent in
return presenceUpdateEvent.eventType == ServiceEventType.presenceUpdated
&& presenceUpdateEvent.getEventInput(.uri) == contact?.ringId
.subscribe(onNext: { [unowned self] presenceUpdateEvent in
if let uri: String = presenceUpdateEvent.getEventInput(.uri) {
self.contactPresence.value = self.presenceService.contactPresence[uri]!
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
self.profileService.getProfile(ringId: contactRingId,
createIfNotexists: false)
.subscribe(onNext: { [unowned self] profile in
self.displayName.value = profile.alias
if let photo =,
let data = NSData(base64Encoded: photo, options: NSData.Base64DecodingOptions.ignoreUnknownCharacters) as Data? {
self.profileImageData.value = data
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
if let contactUserName = contact?.userName {
self.userName.value = contactUserName
} else {
self.userName.value = contactRingId
// Return an observer for the username lookup
.filter({ lookupNameResponse in
return lookupNameResponse.address != nil &&
lookupNameResponse.address == contactRingId
}).subscribe(onNext: { [unowned self] lookupNameResponse in
if let name =, !name.isEmpty {
self.userName.value = name
contact?.userName = name
} else if let address = lookupNameResponse.address {
self.userName.value = address
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
self.nameService.lookupAddress(withAccount: "", nameserver: "", address: contactRingId)
//Displays the entire date ( for messages received before the current week )
private let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
//Displays the hour of the message reception ( for messages received today )
private let hourFormatter = DateFormatter()
private let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
var messages = Variable([MessageViewModel]())
var displayName = Variable<String?>(nil)
var userName = Variable<String>("")
var profileImageData = Variable<Data?>(nil)
var inviteButtonIsAvailable = BehaviorSubject(value: true)
var contactPresence = Variable<Bool>(false)
var unreadMessages: String {
return self.unreadMessagesCount.description
var hasUnreadMessages: Bool {
return unreadMessagesCount > 0
var lastMessage: String {
let messages = self.messages.value
if let lastMessage = messages.last?.content {
return lastMessage
} else {
return ""
var lastMessageReceivedDate: String {
guard let lastMessageDate = self.conversation.value.messages.last?.receivedDate else {
return ""
let dateToday = Date()
//Get components from today date
let todayWeekOfYear = Calendar.current.component(.weekOfYear, from: dateToday)
let todayDay = Calendar.current.component(.day, from: dateToday)
let todayMonth = Calendar.current.component(.month, from: dateToday)
let todayYear = Calendar.current.component(.year, from: dateToday)
//Get components from last message date
let weekOfYear = Calendar.current.component(.weekOfYear, from: lastMessageDate)
let day = Calendar.current.component(.day, from: lastMessageDate)
let month = Calendar.current.component(.month, from: lastMessageDate)
let year = Calendar.current.component(.year, from: lastMessageDate)
if todayDay == day && todayMonth == month && todayYear == year {
return hourFormatter.string(from: lastMessageDate)
} else if day == todayDay - 1 {
return L10n.Smartlist.yesterday
} else if todayYear == year && todayWeekOfYear == weekOfYear {
return lastMessageDate.dayOfWeek()
} else {
return dateFormatter.string(from: lastMessageDate)
var hideNewMessagesLabel: Bool {
return self.unreadMessagesCount == 0
var hideDate: Bool {
return self.conversation.value.messages.isEmpty
func sendMessage(withContent content: String) {
// send a contact request if this is the first message (implicitly not a contact)
if self.conversation.value.messages.isEmpty {
.sendMessage(withContent: content,
from: accountService.currentAccount!,
to: self.conversation.value.recipientRingId)
.subscribe(onCompleted: { [unowned self] in
self.log.debug("Message sent")
}).disposed(by: self.disposeBag)
func setMessagesAsRead() {
guard let account = self.accountService.currentAccount else {
guard let ringId = AccountModelHelper(withAccount: account).ringId else {
.setMessagesAsRead(forConversation: self.conversation.value,
accountURI: ringId)
.subscribe(onCompleted: { [unowned self] in
self.log.debug("Messages set as read")
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
fileprivate var unreadMessagesCount: Int {
let accountHelper = AccountModelHelper(withAccount: self.accountService.currentAccount!)
let unreadMessages = self.conversation.value.messages
.filter({ message in
return message.status != .read && !message.isTransfer && != accountHelper.ringId!
return unreadMessages.count
func sendContactRequest() {
if let contact = self.contactsService
.contact(withRingId: self.conversation.value.recipientRingId),
contact.banned {
VCardUtils.loadVCard(named: VCardFiles.myProfile.rawValue,
inFolder: VCardFolders.profile.rawValue)
.subscribe(onSuccess: { [unowned self] (card) in
self.contactsService.sendContactRequest(toContactRingId: self.conversation.value.recipientRingId, vCard: card, withAccount: self.accountService.currentAccount!)
.subscribe(onCompleted: { [unowned self] in"contact request sent")
}, onError: { [unowned self] (error) in
}).disposed(by: self.disposeBag)
}) { [unowned self] error in
self.contactsService.sendContactRequest(toContactRingId: self.conversation.value.recipientRingId, vCard: nil, withAccount: self.accountService.currentAccount!)
.subscribe(onCompleted: { [unowned self] in"contact request sent")
}, onError: { [unowned self] (error) in
}).disposed(by: self.disposeBag)
}.disposed(by: self.disposeBag)
func block() {
let contactRingId = self.conversation.value.recipientRingId
let accountId = self.conversation.value.accountId
var blockComplete: Observable<Void>
let removeCompleted = self.contactsService.removeContact(withRingId: contactRingId,
ban: true,
withAccountId: accountId)
if let contactRequest = self.contactsService.contactRequest(withRingId: contactRingId) {
let discardCompleted = self.contactsService.discard(contactRequest: contactRequest,
withAccountId: accountId)
blockComplete = Observable<Void>.zip(discardCompleted, removeCompleted) { _, _ in
} else {
blockComplete = removeCompleted
.subscribe(onCompleted: { [weak self] in
if let conversation = self?.conversation.value {
self?.conversationsService.deleteConversation(conversation: conversation,
keepContactInteraction: false)
}).disposed(by: self.disposeBag)
func ban(withItem item: ContactRequestItem) -> Observable<Void> {
let accountId = item.contactRequest.accountId
let discardCompleted = self.contactsService.discard(contactRequest: item.contactRequest,
withAccountId: accountId)
let removeCompleted = self.contactsService.removeContact(withRingId: item.contactRequest.ringId,
ban: true,
withAccountId: accountId)
return Observable<Void>.zip(discardCompleted, removeCompleted) { _, _ in
func startCall() {
if self.conversation.value.messages.isEmpty {
self.stateSubject.onNext(ConversationState.startCall(contactRingId: self.conversation.value.recipientRingId, userName: self.userName.value))
func startAudioCall() {
if self.conversation.value.messages.isEmpty {
self.stateSubject.onNext(ConversationState.startAudioCall(contactRingId: self.conversation.value.recipientRingId, userName: self.displayName.value ?? self.userName.value))
func showContactInfo() {
self.stateSubject.onNext(ConversationState.contactDetail(conversationViewModel: self.conversation.value))
func sendFile(filePath: String, displayName: String, localIdentifier: String? = nil) {
guard let accountId = accountService.currentAccount?.id else {return}
self.dataTransferService.sendFile(filePath: filePath,
displayName: displayName,
accountId: accountId,
peerInfoHash: self.conversation.value.recipientRingId,
localIdentifier: localIdentifier)
func sendAndSaveFile(displayName: String, imageData: Data) {
guard let accountId = accountService.currentAccount?.id else {return}
self.dataTransferService.sendAndSaveFile(displayName: displayName,
accountId: accountId,
peerInfoHash: self.conversation.value.recipientRingId,
imageData: imageData,
conversationId: self.conversation.value.conversationId)
func acceptTransfer(transferId: UInt64, interactionID: Int64, messageContent: inout String) -> NSDataTransferError {
guard let accountId = accountService.currentAccount?.id else {return .unknown}
return self.dataTransferService.acceptTransfer(withId: transferId, interactionID: interactionID,
fileName: &messageContent, accountID: accountId,
conversationID: self.conversation.value.conversationId)
func cancelTransfer(transferId: UInt64) -> NSDataTransferError {
let err = self.dataTransferService.cancelTransfer(withId: transferId)
if err != .success {
guard let currentAccount = self.accountService.currentAccount else {
return err
let peerInfoHash = conversation.value.recipientRingId
self.conversationsService.transferStatusChanged(DataTransferStatus.error, for: transferId, fromAccount: currentAccount, to: peerInfoHash)
return err
func getTransferProgress(transferId: UInt64) -> Float? {
return self.dataTransferService.getTransferProgress(withId: transferId)
func isTransferImage(transferId: UInt64) -> Bool? {
guard let account = self.accountService.currentAccount else {return nil}
return self.dataTransferService.isTransferImage(withId: transferId,
conversationID: self.conversation.value.conversationId)
func getTransferSize(transferId: UInt64) -> Int64? {
guard let info = self.dataTransferService.getTransferInfo(withId: transferId) else { return nil }
return info.totalSize