blob: 6c1c38caf22dc7b9f40b00eb76b58cac52f46cc6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
* Author: Kateryna Kostiuk <>
* Author: Raphaël Brulé <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import Foundation
import RxSwift
import SQLite
enum ProfileType: String {
case ring = "RING"
case sip = "SIP"
enum GeneratedMessage: Int {
case outgoingCall
case incomingCall
case missedOutgoingCall
case missedIncomingCall
case contactAdded
case invitationReceived
case invitationAccepted
case unknown
func toString() -> String {
return String(self.rawValue)
init(from: String) {
if let intValue = Int(from) {
self = GeneratedMessage(rawValue: intValue) ?? .unknown
} else {
self = .unknown
func toMessage(with duration: Int) -> String {
let time = Date.convertSecondsToTimeString(seconds: Double(duration))
switch self {
case .contactAdded:
return L10n.GeneratedMessage.contactAdded
case .invitationReceived:
return L10n.GeneratedMessage.invitationReceived
case .invitationAccepted:
return L10n.GeneratedMessage.invitationAccepted
case .missedOutgoingCall:
return L10n.GeneratedMessage.missedOutgoingCall
case .missedIncomingCall:
return L10n.GeneratedMessage.missedIncomingCall
case .outgoingCall:
return L10n.GeneratedMessage.outgoingCall + " - " + time
case .incomingCall:
return L10n.GeneratedMessage.incomingCall + " - " + time
return ""
enum InteractionStatus: String {
case invalid = "INVALID"
case unknown = "UNKNOWN"
case sending = "SENDING"
case failed = "FAILED"
case succeed = "SUCCEED"
case displayed = "DISPLAYED"
case unread = "UNREAD"
case transferCreated = "TRANSFER_CREATED"
case transferAwaiting = "TRANSFER_AWAITING"
case transferCanceled = "TRANSFER_CANCELED"
case transferOngoing = "TRANSFER_ONGOING"
case transferSuccess = "TRANSFER_FINISHED"
case transferError = "TRANSFER_ERROR"
func toMessageStatus() -> MessageStatus {
switch self {
case .invalid: return MessageStatus.unknown
case .unknown: return MessageStatus.unknown
case .sending: return MessageStatus.sending
case .failed: return MessageStatus.failure
case .succeed: return MessageStatus.sent
case .displayed: return MessageStatus.displayed
case .unread: return MessageStatus.unknown
default: return MessageStatus.unknown
init(status: MessageStatus) {
switch status {
case .unknown: self = .unknown
case .sending: self = .sending
case .sent: self = .succeed
case .displayed: self = .displayed
case .failure: self = .failed
@unknown default:
self = .unknown
func toDataTransferStatus() -> DataTransferStatus {
switch self {
case .transferCreated: return DataTransferStatus.created
case .transferAwaiting: return DataTransferStatus.awaiting
case .transferCanceled: return DataTransferStatus.canceled
case .transferOngoing: return DataTransferStatus.ongoing
case .transferSuccess: return DataTransferStatus.success
case .transferError: return DataTransferStatus.error
case .displayed: return DataTransferStatus.success
default: return DataTransferStatus.unknown
init(status: DataTransferStatus) {
switch status {
case .created: self = .transferCreated
case .awaiting: self = .transferAwaiting
case .canceled: self = .transferCanceled
case .ongoing: self = .transferOngoing
case .success: self = .transferSuccess
case .error: self = .transferError
case .unknown: self = .unknown
enum DBBridgingError: Error {
case saveMessageFailed
case getConversationFailed
case updateIntercationFailed
case deleteConversationFailed
case getProfileFailed
case deleteMessageFailed
enum InteractionType: String {
case invalid = "INVALID"
case text = "TEXT"
case call = "CALL"
case contact = "CONTACT"
case location = "LOCATION"
func toMessageType() -> MessageType {
switch self {
case .invalid, .text:
return .text
case .call:
return .call
case .contact:
return .contact
case .iTransfer:
return .fileTransfer
case .oTransfer:
return .fileTransfer
case .location:
return .location
typealias SavedMessageForConversation = (messageID: String, conversationID: String)
// swiftlint:disable type_body_length
// swiftlint:disable file_length
class DBManager {
let profileHepler: ProfileDataHelper
let conversationHelper: ConversationDataHelper
let interactionHepler: InteractionDataHelper
let dbConnections: DBContainer
let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
// used to create object to save to db. When inserting in table defaultID will be replaced by autoincrementedID
let defaultID: Int64 = 1
init(profileHepler: ProfileDataHelper, conversationHelper: ConversationDataHelper,
interactionHepler: InteractionDataHelper, dbConnections: DBContainer) {
self.profileHepler = profileHepler
self.conversationHelper = conversationHelper
self.interactionHepler = interactionHepler
self.dbConnections = dbConnections
func isMigrationToDBv2Needed(accountId: String) -> Bool {
return self.dbConnections.isMigrationToDBv2Needed(for: accountId)
func migrateToDbVersion2(accountId: String, accountURI: String) -> Bool {
if !accountURI.contains("ring:") {
self.dbConnections.createAccountfolder(for: accountId)
if !self.dbConnections.copyDbToAccountFolder(for: accountId) {
return false
guard let newDB = self.dbConnections.forAccount(account: accountId) else {
return false
// move profiles to vcards
do {
try newDB.transaction { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else { throw DataAccessError.databaseError }
if try !self.migrateAccountToVCard(for: accountId, accountURI: accountURI, dataBase: newDB) {
throw DataAccessError.databaseError
if try !self.migrateProfilesToVCards(for: accountId, dataBase: newDB) {
throw DataAccessError.databaseError
// remove db from documents folder
self.dbConnections.removeDBForAccount(account: accountId)
newDB.userVersion = 2
} catch _ as NSError {
return false
return true
func createDatabaseForAccount(accountId: String, createFolder: Bool = false) throws -> Bool {
if createFolder {
self.dbConnections.createAccountfolder(for: accountId)
guard let newDB = self.dbConnections.forAccount(account: accountId) else {
return false
do {
try newDB.transaction {
conversationHelper.createTable(accountDb: newDB)
interactionHepler.createTable(accountDb: newDB)
} catch {
throw DataAccessError.databaseError
return true
func migrateProfilesToVCards(for accountId: String, dataBase: Connection) throws -> Bool {
guard let profiles = try? self.profileHepler.selectAll(dataBase: dataBase) else {
return false
for profile in profiles {
if self.dbConnections.isContactProfileExists(accountId: accountId, profileURI: profile.uri) {
guard let profilePath = self.dbConnections.contactProfilePath(accountId: accountId, profileURI: profile.uri, createifNotExists: true) else { return false }
try self.saveProfile(profile: profile, path: profilePath)
if !self.dbConnections.isContactProfileExists(accountId: accountId, profileURI: profile.uri) {
return false
self.profileHepler.dropProfileTable(accountDb: dataBase)
return true
func migrateAccountToVCard(for accountId: String, accountURI: String, dataBase: Connection) throws -> Bool {
if self.dbConnections.isAccountProfileExists(accountId: accountId) { return true }
guard let accountProfile = self.profileHepler.getAccountProfile(dataBase: dataBase) else {
return self.dbConnections.isAccountProfileExists(accountId: accountId)
guard let path = self.dbConnections.accountProfilePath(accountId: accountId) else { return false }
let type = accountURI.contains("ring:") ? URIType.ring : URIType.sip
let profile = Profile(uri: accountURI, alias: accountProfile.alias, photo:, type: type.getString())
try self.saveProfile(profile: profile, path: path)
if !self.dbConnections.isAccountProfileExists(accountId: accountId) {
return false
self.profileHepler.dropAccountTable(accountDb: dataBase)
return true
func removeDBForAccount(accountId: String, removeFolder: Bool) {
self.dbConnections.removeDBForAccount(account: accountId, removeFolder: removeFolder)
func createConversationsFor(contactUri: String, accountId: String) -> String {
guard let dataBase = self.dbConnections.forAccount(account: accountId) else {
return ""
do {
let result = try self.getConversationsFor(contactUri: contactUri,
createIfNotExists: true,
dataBase: dataBase, accountId: accountId)
return "\(result ?? -1)"
} catch {}
return ""
// swiftlint:disable:next function_parameter_count
func saveMessage(for accountId: String, with contactUri: String,
message: MessageModel, incoming: Bool,
interactionType: InteractionType, duration: Int) -> Observable<SavedMessageForConversation> {
// create completable which will be executed on background thread
return Observable.create { [weak self] observable in
do {
guard let dataBase = self?.dbConnections.forAccount(account: accountId) else {
throw DataAccessError.datastoreConnectionError
try dataBase.transaction {
let author: String? = incoming ? contactUri : nil
guard let conversationID = try self?.getConversationsFor(contactUri: contactUri,
createIfNotExists: true,
dataBase: dataBase, accountId: accountId) else {
throw DBBridgingError.saveMessageFailed
let result = self?.addMessageTo(conversation: conversationID, author: author,
interactionType: interactionType, message: message,
duration: duration, dataBase: dataBase)
if let messageID = result {
let savedMessage = SavedMessageForConversation(messageID, String(conversationID))
} else {
} catch {
return Disposables.create { }
func getConversationsObservable(for accountId: String) -> Observable<[ConversationModel]> {
return Observable.create { observable in
do {
guard let dataBase = self.dbConnections.forAccount(account: accountId) else {
throw DBBridgingError.getConversationFailed
try dataBase.transaction(Connection.TransactionMode.immediate, block: {
let conversations = try self.buildConversationsForAccount(accountId: accountId)
} catch {
return Disposables.create { }
func updateMessageStatus(daemonID: String, withStatus status: InteractionStatus, accountId: String) -> Completable {
return Completable.create { [weak self] completable in
if let self = self, let dataBase = self.dbConnections.forAccount(account: accountId) {
let success = self.interactionHepler
.updateInteractionWithDaemonID(interactionDaemonID: daemonID,
interactionStatus: status.rawValue,
dataBase: dataBase)
if success {
} else {
} else {
return Disposables.create { }
func getProfilesForAccount(accountId: String) -> [Profile]? {
var profiles = [Profile]()
do {
guard let path = self.dbConnections.contactsPath(accountId: accountId,
createIfNotExists: true) else { return nil }
guard let documentURL = URL(string: path) else { return nil }
let directoryContents = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(at: documentURL, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil, options: [])
for url in directoryContents {
if let profile = getProfileFromPath(path: url.path) {
} catch {
return profiles
func updateFileName(daemonID: String, name: String, accountId: String) -> Completable {
return Completable.create { [weak self] completable in
if let self = self, let dataBase = self.dbConnections.forAccount(account: accountId) {
let success = self.interactionHepler
.updateInteractionContentWithID(daemonID: daemonID, content: name, dataBase: dataBase)
if success {
} else {
} else {
return Disposables.create { }
func updateTransferStatus(daemonID: String, withStatus transferStatus: DataTransferStatus, accountId: String) -> Completable {
return Completable.create { [weak self] completable in
if let self = self, let dataBase = self.dbConnections.forAccount(account: accountId) {
let success = self.interactionHepler
.updateInteractionWithDaemonID(interactionDaemonID: daemonID,
interactionStatus: InteractionStatus(status: transferStatus).rawValue,
dataBase: dataBase)
if success {
} else {
} else {
return Disposables.create { }
func setMessagesAsRead(messagesIDs: [String], withStatus status: MessageStatus, accountId: String) -> Completable {
return Completable.create { [weak self] completable in
if let self = self, let dataBase = self.dbConnections.forAccount(account: accountId) {
var success = true
for messageId in messagesIDs {
if !self.interactionHepler
.updateInteractionStatusWithID(interactionID: Int64(messageId) ?? -1,
interactionStatus: InteractionStatus(status: status).rawValue,
dataBase: dataBase) {
success = false
if success {
} else {
} else {
return Disposables.create { }
func deleteMessage(messagesId: Int64, accountId: String) -> Completable {
return Completable.create { [weak self] completable in
if let self = self, let dataBase = self.dbConnections.forAccount(account: accountId) {
if self.interactionHepler.delete(interactionId: messagesId, dataBase: dataBase) {
} else {
} else {
return Disposables.create { }
func clearAllHistoryFor(accountId: String) -> Completable {
return Completable.create { [weak self] completable in
do {
guard let self = self, let dataBase = self.dbConnections.forAccount(account: accountId) else {
throw DBBridgingError.deleteConversationFailed
try dataBase.transaction {
if !self.interactionHepler
.deleteAll(dataBase: dataBase) {
if !self.conversationHelper
.deleteAll(dataBase: dataBase) {
self.dbConnections.removeContacts(accountId: accountId)
} catch {
return Disposables.create { }
func clearHistoryFor(accountId: String,
and participantUri: String,
keepConversation: Bool) -> Completable {
return Completable.create { [weak self] completable in
do {
guard let self = self, let dataBase = self.dbConnections.forAccount(account: accountId) else {
throw DBBridgingError.deleteConversationFailed
try dataBase.transaction {
guard (try self.getProfile(for: participantUri, createIfNotExists: false, accountId: accountId)) != nil else {
throw DBBridgingError.deleteConversationFailed
guard let conversationsId = try self.getConversationsFor(contactUri: participantUri,
createIfNotExists: true,
dataBase: dataBase, accountId: accountId) else {
throw DBBridgingError.deleteConversationFailed
guard let interactions = try self.interactionHepler
conv: conversationsId,
dataBase: dataBase) else {
throw DBBridgingError.deleteConversationFailed
if !interactions.isEmpty {
if !self.interactionHepler
.deleteAllInteractions(conv: conversationsId, dataBase: dataBase) {
if keepConversation {
} else {
let successConversations = self.conversationHelper
.deleteConversations(conversationID: conversationsId, dataBase: dataBase)
self.dbConnections.removeProfile(accountId: accountId, profileURI: participantUri)
if successConversations {
} else {
} catch {
return Disposables.create { }
func profileObservable(for profileUri: String, createIfNotExists: Bool, accountId: String) -> Observable<Profile> {
return Observable.create { observable in
do {
if let profile = try self.getProfile(for: profileUri,
createIfNotExists: createIfNotExists,
accountId: accountId) {
} else {
} catch {
return Disposables.create { }
func accountProfileObservable(for accountId: String) -> Observable<Profile> {
return Observable.create { observable in
guard let profile = self.accountProfile(for: accountId) else {
return Disposables.create { }
return Disposables.create { }
func accountProfile(for accountId: String) -> Profile? {
guard let path = self.dbConnections.accountProfilePath(accountId: accountId) else { return nil }
return self.getProfileFromPath(path: path)
func accountVCard(for accountId: String) -> CNContact? {
guard let path = self.dbConnections.accountProfilePath(accountId: accountId),
let data = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: path) else { return nil }
return CNContactVCardSerialization.parseToVCard(data: data)
func createOrUpdateRingProfile(profileUri: String, alias: String?, image: String?, accountId: String) -> Bool {
let type = profileUri.contains("ring") ? ProfileType.ring : ProfileType.sip
if type == ProfileType.sip {
self.dbConnections.createAccountfolder(for: accountId)
guard let path = self.dbConnections.contactProfilePath(accountId: accountId, profileURI: profileUri, createifNotExists: true) else { return false }
let profile = Profile(uri: profileUri, alias: alias, photo: image, type: type.rawValue)
do {
try self.saveProfile(profile: profile, path: path)
} catch {
return false
return self.dbConnections.isContactProfileExists(accountId: accountId, profileURI: profileUri)
func saveAccountProfile(alias: String?, photo: String?, accountId: String, accountURI: String) -> Bool {
let type = accountURI.contains("ring") ? ProfileType.ring : ProfileType.sip
if type == ProfileType.sip {
self.dbConnections.createAccountfolder(for: accountId)
guard let path = self.dbConnections.accountProfilePath(accountId: accountId) else { return false }
let profile = Profile(uri: accountURI, alias: alias, photo: photo, type: type.rawValue)
do {
try self.saveProfile(profile: profile, path: path)
return self.dbConnections.isAccountProfileExists(accountId: accountId)
} catch {
return false
// MARK: Private functions
private func buildConversationsForAccount(accountId: String) throws -> [ConversationModel] {
guard let dataBase = self.dbConnections.forAccount(account: accountId) else {
throw DBBridgingError.getConversationFailed
var conversationsToReturn = [ConversationModel]()
guard let conversations = try self.conversationHelper.selectAll(dataBase: dataBase),
!conversations.isEmpty else {
// if there is no conversation for account return empty list
return conversationsToReturn
for conversationID in{ $ }) {
guard let participants = try self.getParticipantsForConversation(conversationID: conversationID,
dataBase: dataBase),
let participant = participants.first else {
let type = participant.contains("ring:") ? URIType.ring : URIType.sip
let uri = JamiURI.init(schema: type, infoHach: participant)
let conversationModel = ConversationModel(withParticipantUri: uri,
accountId: accountId)
if type == .sip {
conversationModel.type = .sip
} = String(conversationID)
var messages = [MessageModel]()
guard let interactions = try self.interactionHepler
conv: conversationID,
dataBase: dataBase) else {
for interaction in interactions {
let author = == participant
? participant : ""
if let message = self.convertToMessage(interaction: interaction, author: author) {
conversationModel.messages = messages
return conversationsToReturn
private func getParticipantsForConversation(conversationID: Int64, dataBase: Connection) throws -> [String]? {
guard let conversations = try self.conversationHelper
.selectConversations(conversationId: conversationID,
dataBase: dataBase) else {
return nil
return{ $0.participant })
private func convertToMessage(interaction: Interaction, author: String) -> MessageModel? {
if interaction.type != InteractionType.text.rawValue &&
interaction.type != &&
interaction.type != &&
interaction.type != InteractionType.iTransfer.rawValue &&
interaction.type != InteractionType.oTransfer.rawValue &&
interaction.type != InteractionType.location.rawValue {
return nil
let content = (interaction.type ==
|| interaction.type == ?
GeneratedMessage.init(from: interaction.body).toMessage(with: Int(interaction.duration))
: interaction.body
let date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval(interaction.timestamp))
let message = MessageModel(withId: interaction.daemonID,
receivedDate: date,
content: content,
authorURI: author,
incoming: interaction.incoming)
let isTransfer = interaction.type == InteractionType.iTransfer.rawValue ||
interaction.type == InteractionType.oTransfer.rawValue
message.type = InteractionType(rawValue: interaction.type)?.toMessageType() ?? .text
if let status: InteractionStatus = InteractionStatus(rawValue: interaction.status) {
if isTransfer {
message.transferStatus = status.toDataTransferStatus()
} else {
message.status = status.toMessageStatus()
} = String(
return message
// swiftlint:disable:next function_parameter_count
private func addMessageTo(conversation conversationID: Int64,
author: String?,
interactionType: InteractionType,
message: MessageModel,
duration: Int,
dataBase: Connection) -> String? {
var status = InteractionStatus.unknown.rawValue
if interactionType == .oTransfer {
status = InteractionStatus(status: message.transferStatus).rawValue
let timeInterval = message.receivedDate.timeIntervalSince1970
let interaction = Interaction(id: defaultID, author: author,
conversation: conversationID, timestamp: Int64(timeInterval), duration: Int64(duration),
body: message.content, type: interactionType.rawValue,
status: status, daemonID: message.daemonId,
incoming: message.incoming)
if let result = self.interactionHepler.insert(item: interaction, dataBase: dataBase) {
return String(result)
return nil
func getProfile(for profileUri: String, createIfNotExists: Bool, accountId: String,
alias: String? = nil, photo: String? = nil) throws -> Profile? {
let type = profileUri.contains("ring") ? ProfileType.ring : ProfileType.sip
if createIfNotExists && type == ProfileType.sip {
self.dbConnections.createAccountfolder(for: accountId)
guard let profilePath = self.dbConnections
.contactProfilePath(accountId: accountId,
profileURI: profileUri,
createifNotExists: createIfNotExists) else { return nil }
if self.dbConnections
.isContactProfileExists(accountId: accountId,
profileURI: profileUri) || !createIfNotExists {
return getProfileFromPath(path: profilePath)
let profile = Profile(uri: profileUri, alias: alias, photo: photo, type: type.rawValue)
try self.saveProfile(profile: profile, path: profilePath)
return getProfileFromPath(path: profilePath)
private func getProfileFromPath(path: String) -> Profile? {
guard let data = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: path),
let vCard = CNContactVCardSerialization.parseToVCard(data: data) else {
return nil
let profileURI = vCard.phoneNumbers.isEmpty ? "" : vCard.phoneNumbers[0].value.stringValue
let type = profileURI.contains("ring") ? ProfileType.ring : ProfileType.sip
let imageString = {(data: Data?) -> String in
guard let data = data else { return "" }
return data.base64EncodedString()
let profile = Profile(uri: profileURI, alias: vCard.familyName, photo: imageString, type: type.rawValue)
return profile
private func saveProfile(profile: Profile, path: String) throws {
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: path)
let contactCard = CNMutableContact()
if let name = profile.alias {
contactCard.familyName = name
contactCard.phoneNumbers = [CNLabeledValue(label: CNLabelPhoneNumberiPhone, value: CNPhoneNumber(stringValue: profile.uri))]
if let photo = {
contactCard.imageData = NSData(base64Encoded: photo,
options: NSData.Base64DecodingOptions.ignoreUnknownCharacters) as Data?
let data = try CNContactVCardSerialization.dataWithImageAndUUID(from: contactCard, andImageCompression: 40000)
try data?.write(to: url)
func getConversationsFor(contactUri: String, accountId: String) throws -> Int64? {
guard let dataBase = self.dbConnections.forAccount(account: accountId) else {
throw DBBridgingError.getConversationFailed
if let contactConversations = try self.conversationHelper
.selectConversationsForProfile(profileUri: contactUri, dataBase: dataBase),
let conv = contactConversations.first {
return nil
private func getConversationsFor(contactUri: String,
createIfNotExists: Bool, dataBase: Connection, accountId: String) throws -> Int64? {
if let contactConversations = try self.conversationHelper
.selectConversationsForProfile(profileUri: contactUri, dataBase: dataBase),
let conv = contactConversations.first {
if !createIfNotExists {
return nil
let conversationID = Int64(arc4random_uniform(10000000))
do {
_ = try self.getProfile(for: contactUri, createIfNotExists: true, accountId: accountId)
} catch {}
let conversationForContact = Conversation(conversationID, contactUri)
if !self.conversationHelper.insert(item: conversationForContact, dataBase: dataBase) {
return nil
return try self.conversationHelper
.selectConversationsForProfile(profileUri: contactUri, dataBase: dataBase)?.first?.id
// MARK: Location sharing
func isFirstLocationIncomingUpdate(incoming: Bool, peerUri: String, accountId: String) -> Bool? {
do {
guard let dataBase = self.dbConnections.forAccount(account: accountId) else { return nil }
let conversationId = try self.getConversationsFor(contactUri: peerUri, createIfNotExists: true, dataBase: dataBase, accountId: accountId)
let interactions = try self.interactionHepler.selectInteractionsForConversation(conv: conversationId!, dataBase: dataBase)
var isFirst = true
for (interaction) in interactions! where interaction.type == InteractionType.location.rawValue && interaction.incoming == incoming {
isFirst = false
return isFirst
} catch {
return nil
func deleteLocationUpdates(incoming: Bool, peerUri: String, accountId: String) -> Completable {
return Completable.create(subscribe: { [weak self] completable in
do {
guard let self = self, let dataBase = self.dbConnections.forAccount(account: accountId) else { throw DataAccessError.datastoreConnectionError }
let conversationId = try self.getConversationsFor(contactUri: peerUri, createIfNotExists: true, dataBase: dataBase, accountId: accountId)
let predicat: Expression<Bool> = (self.interactionHepler.conversation == conversationId! &&
self.interactionHepler.type == InteractionType.location.rawValue &&
self.interactionHepler.incoming == incoming)
_ = try self.interactionHepler.deleteInteractions(where: predicat, dataBase: dataBase)
} catch {
return Disposables.create { }
func deleteAllLocationUpdates(accountIds: [String]) -> Bool {
var didNotFailOnce = true
for accountId in accountIds {
do {
guard let dataBase = self.dbConnections.forAccount(account: accountId) else { throw DataAccessError.datastoreConnectionError }
let predicat: Expression<Bool> = (self.interactionHepler.type == InteractionType.location.rawValue)
_ = try self.interactionHepler.deleteInteractions(where: predicat, dataBase: dataBase)
} catch {
didNotFailOnce = false
return didNotFailOnce