blob: 392ec69bb9a16934a39bfdea6845da3b195960e6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
* Authors: Edric Ladent-Milaret <>
* Romain Bertozzi <>
* Author: Quentin Muret <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import RxCocoa
import RxSwift
import RealmSwift
import SwiftyBeaver
enum LinkNewDeviceError: Error {
case unknownError
enum DeviceRevocationState: Int {
case success = 0
case wrongPassword = 1
case unknownDevice = 2
enum AddAccountError: Error {
case templateNotConform
case unknownError
case noAccountFound
enum NotificationName: String {
case enablePushNotifications
case disablePushNotifications
case answerCallFromNotifications
case refuseCallFromNotifications
case nameRegistered
// swiftlint:disable type_body_length
// swiftlint:disable file_length
class AccountsService: AccountAdapterDelegate {
// MARK: Private members
private let log = SwiftyBeaver.self
let selectedAccountID = "SELECTED_ACCOUNT_ID"
Used to register the service to daemon events, injected by constructor.
fileprivate let accountAdapter: AccountAdapter
Fileprivate Accounts list.
Can be used for all the operations, but won't be accessed from outside this file.
- SeeAlso: `accounts`
fileprivate var accountList: [AccountModel]
fileprivate let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
PublishSubject forwarding AccountRxEvent events.
This stream is used strictly inside this service.
External observers should use the public shared responseStream.
- SeeAlso: `ServiceEvent`
- SeeAlso: `sharedResponseStream`
fileprivate let responseStream = PublishSubject<ServiceEvent>()
let dbManager: DBManager
// MARK: - Public members
Accounts list public interface.
Can be used to access by constant the list of accounts.
var accounts: [AccountModel] {
set {
accountList = newValue
get {
let lAccounts = accountList
return lAccounts
var accountsObservable = Variable<[AccountModel]>([AccountModel]())
let currentAccountChanged = PublishSubject<AccountModel?>()
Public shared stream forwarding the events of the responseStream.
External observers must subscribe to this stream to get results.
- SeeAlso: `responseStream`
- SeeAlso: `ServiceEvent`
var sharedResponseStream: Observable<ServiceEvent>
Current account computed property
This will reorganize the order of the accounts. The current account needs to be first.
- Parameter account: the account to set as current.
var currentAccount: AccountModel? {
get {
return self.accountList.first
set {
//Get the current account from account list if already exists
let currentAccount = self.accountList.filter({ account in
return account == newValue
//If current account already exists in the list, move it to the first index
if let currentAccount = currentAccount {
let index = self.accountList.index(of: currentAccount)
self.accountList.remove(at: index!)
self.accountList.insert(currentAccount, at: 0)
} else {
init(withAccountAdapter accountAdapter: AccountAdapter, dbManager: DBManager) {
self.accountList = []
self.responseStream.disposed(by: disposeBag)
//~ Create a shared stream based on the responseStream one.
self.sharedResponseStream = responseStream.share()
self.accountAdapter = accountAdapter
self.dbManager = dbManager
//~ Registering to the accountAdatpter with self as delegate in order to receive delegation
//~ callbacks.
AccountAdapter.delegate = self
fileprivate func loadAccountsFromDaemon() {
let selectedAccount = self.currentAccount
for accountId in accountAdapter.getAccountList() {
if let id = accountId as? String {
self.accountList.append(AccountModel(withAccountId: id))
accountsObservable.value = self.accountList
if selectedAccount != nil {
let currentAccount = self.accountList.filter({ account in
return account == selectedAccount
if let currentAccount = currentAccount {
let index = self.accountList.index(of: currentAccount)
self.accountList.remove(at: index!)
self.accountList.insert(currentAccount, at: 0)
fileprivate func loadDatabases() -> Bool {
for account in accountList {
if dbManager.isNeedMigrationToAccountDB(accountId: {
do {
try dbManager.migrateToAccountDB(accountId:,
jamiId: AccountModelHelper
.init(withAccount: account).ringId!)
} catch { return false}
} else {
do {
// return false if could not open database connection
if try !dbManager.createDatabaseForAccount(accountId: {
return false
//if tables already exist an exeption will be thrown
} catch { }
return true
func initialAccountsLoading() -> Completable {
return Completable.create { [unowned self] completable in
if self.accountList.isEmpty {
if self.loadDatabases() {
} else {
return Disposables.create {}
func loadAccounts() -> Single<[AccountModel]> {
return Single<[AccountModel]>.just({
return accountList
// MARK: - Methods
func hasAccounts() -> Bool {
return !accountList.isEmpty
fileprivate func reloadAccounts() {
for account in accountList {
account.details = self.getAccountDetails(fromAccountId:
account.volatileDetails = self.getVolatileAccountDetails(fromAccountId:
account.devices = getKnownRingDevices(fromAccountId:
do {
let credentialDetails = try self.getAccountCredentials(fromAccountId:
account.credentialDetails.append(contentsOf: credentialDetails)
} catch {
/// Adds a new Ring account.
/// - Parameters:
/// - username: an optional username for the new account
/// - password: the required password for the new account
/// - Returns: an observable of an AccountModel: the created one
func addRingAccount(username: String?, password: String, enable: Bool) -> Observable<AccountModel> {
//~ Single asking the daemon to add a new account with the associated metadata
var newAccountId = ""
let createAccountSingle: Single<AccountModel> = Single.create(subscribe: { (single) -> Disposable in
do {
var ringDetails = try self.getRingInitialAccountDetails()
if let username = username {
ringDetails.updateValue(username, forKey: ConfigKey.accountRegisteredName.rawValue)
if !password.isEmpty {
ringDetails.updateValue(password, forKey: ConfigKey.archivePassword.rawValue)
ringDetails.updateValue(enable.toString(), forKey: ConfigKey.proxyEnabled.rawValue)
guard let accountId = self.accountAdapter.addAccount(ringDetails) else {
throw AddAccountError.unknownError
newAccountId = accountId
let account = try self.buildAccountFromDaemon(accountId: accountId)
} catch {
return Disposables.create {
//~ Filter the daemon signals to isolate the "account created" one.
let filteredDaemonSignals = self.sharedResponseStream
.filter { (serviceEvent) -> Bool in
if serviceEvent.getEventInput(ServiceEventInput.accountId) != newAccountId {return false}
if serviceEvent.getEventInput(ServiceEventInput.registrationState) == ErrorGeneric {
throw AccountCreationError.generic
} else if serviceEvent.getEventInput(ServiceEventInput.registrationState) == ErrorNetwork {
let isRegistrationStateChanged = serviceEvent.eventType == ServiceEventType.registrationStateChanged
let isRegistered = serviceEvent.getEventInput(ServiceEventInput.registrationState) == Registered
let notRegistered = serviceEvent.getEventInput(ServiceEventInput.registrationState) == Unregistered
return isRegistrationStateChanged && (isRegistered || notRegistered)
//~ Make sure that we have the correct account added in the daemon, and return it.
return Observable
.combineLatest(createAccountSingle.asObservable(), filteredDaemonSignals.asObservable()) { (accountModel, serviceEvent) -> AccountModel in
guard == serviceEvent.getEventInput(ServiceEventInput.accountId) else {
throw AddAccountError.unknownError
// create database for account and save account profile
if try !self.dbManager.createDatabaseForAccount(accountId: {
throw AddAccountError.unknownError
_ = self.dbManager.saveAccountProfile(alias: nil, photo: nil, accountId:
return accountModel
.flatMap({ [unowned self] (accountModel) -> Observable<AccountModel> in
self.currentAccount = accountModel
UserDefaults.standard.set(, forKey: self.selectedAccountID)
return self.getAccountFromDaemon(fromAccountId:
func addSipAccount(userName: String,
password: String,
sipServer: String,
port: String) -> Bool {
do {
var accountDetails = try self.getInitialAccountDetails(accountType: AccountType.sip.rawValue)
accountDetails.updateValue(userName, forKey: ConfigKey.accountUsername.rawValue)
accountDetails.updateValue(sipServer, forKey: ConfigKey.accountHostname.rawValue)
accountDetails.updateValue(password, forKey: ConfigKey.accountPassword.rawValue)
if !port.isEmpty {
accountDetails.updateValue(password, forKey: ConfigKey.localPort.rawValue)
guard let account = self.accountAdapter.addAccount(accountDetails) else {return false}
_ = try self.dbManager.createDatabaseForAccount(accountId: account)
_ = self.dbManager.saveAccountProfile(alias: nil, photo: nil, accountId: account)
let newAccount = self.getAccount(fromAccountId: account)
self.currentAccount = newAccount
UserDefaults.standard.set(account, forKey: self.selectedAccountID)
return true
} catch {
return false
func linkToRingAccount(withPin pin: String, password: String, enable: Bool) -> Observable<AccountModel> {
var newAccountId = ""
//~ Single asking the daemon to add a new account with the associated metadata
let createAccountSingle: Single<AccountModel> = Single.create(subscribe: { (single) -> Disposable in
do {
var ringDetails = try self.getRingInitialAccountDetails()
ringDetails.updateValue(password, forKey: ConfigKey.archivePassword.rawValue)
ringDetails.updateValue(pin, forKey: ConfigKey.archivePIN.rawValue)
ringDetails.updateValue(enable.toString(), forKey: ConfigKey.proxyEnabled.rawValue)
guard let accountId = self.accountAdapter.addAccount(ringDetails) else {
throw AddAccountError.unknownError
newAccountId = accountId
let account = try self.buildAccountFromDaemon(accountId: accountId)
} catch {
return Disposables.create {
//~ Filter the daemon signals to isolate the "account created" one.
let filteredDaemonSignals = self.sharedResponseStream.filter { (serviceEvent) -> Bool in
if serviceEvent.getEventInput(ServiceEventInput.accountId) != newAccountId {return false}
if serviceEvent.getEventInput(ServiceEventInput.registrationState) == ErrorGeneric {
throw AccountCreationError.linkError
} else if serviceEvent.getEventInput(ServiceEventInput.registrationState) == ErrorNetwork {
let isRegistrationStateChanged = serviceEvent.eventType == ServiceEventType.registrationStateChanged
let isRegistered = serviceEvent.getEventInput(ServiceEventInput.registrationState) == Registered
return isRegistrationStateChanged && isRegistered
//~ Make sure that we have the correct account added in the daemon, and return it.
return Observable
.combineLatest(createAccountSingle.asObservable(), filteredDaemonSignals.asObservable()) { (accountModel, serviceEvent) -> AccountModel in
guard == serviceEvent.getEventInput(ServiceEventInput.accountId) else {
throw AddAccountError.unknownError
// create database for account and save account profile
if try !self.dbManager.createDatabaseForAccount(accountId: {
throw AddAccountError.unknownError
_ = self.dbManager.saveAccountProfile(alias: nil, photo: nil, accountId:
return accountModel
.flatMap({ [unowned self] (accountModel) -> Observable<AccountModel> in
self.currentAccount = accountModel
UserDefaults.standard.set(, forKey: self.selectedAccountID)
return self.getAccountFromDaemon(fromAccountId:
func setRingtonePath(forAccountId accountId: String) {
let details = self.getAccountDetails(fromAccountId: accountId)
let ringtonePath = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "default", withExtension: "wav")!
details.set(withConfigKeyModel: ConfigKeyModel(withKey: ConfigKey.ringtonePath), withValue: (ringtonePath.path))
setAccountDetails(forAccountId: accountId, withDetails: details)
Gets an account from the list of accounts handled by the application.
- Parameter id: the id of the account to get.
- Returns: the account if found, nil otherwise.
func getAccount(fromAccountId id: String) -> AccountModel? {
for account in self.accountList {
if == ComparisonResult.orderedSame {
return account
return nil
/// Gets the account from the daemon responding to the given id.
/// - Parameter id: the id of the account to get.
/// - Returns: a single of an AccountModel
func getAccountFromDaemon(fromAccountId id: String) -> Single<AccountModel> {
return self.loadAccounts().map({ (accountModels) -> AccountModel in
guard let account = accountModels.filter({ (accountModel) -> Bool in
return id ==
}).first else {
throw AddAccountError.noAccountFound
return account
Gets all the details of an account from the daemon.
- Parameter id: the id of the account.
- Returns: the details of the account.
func getAccountDetails(fromAccountId id: String) -> AccountConfigModel {
let details: NSDictionary = accountAdapter.getAccountDetails(id) as NSDictionary
let accountDetailsDict = details as NSDictionary? as? [String: String] ?? nil
let accountDetails = AccountConfigModel(withDetails: accountDetailsDict)
return accountDetails
Sets all the details of an account in the daemon.
- Parameter id: the id of the account.
- Parameter newDetails: the new details to set for the account.
func setAccountDetails(forAccountId id: String, withDetails newDetails: AccountConfigModel) {
let details = newDetails.toDetails()
accountAdapter.setAccountDetails(id, details: details)
Sets credentials of an account in the daemon.
- Parameter id: the id of the account.
- Parameter crdentials: the new credentials to set for the account.
func setAccountCrdentials(forAccountId id: String,
crdentials: [[String: String]]) {
accountAdapter.setAccountCredentials(id, credentials: crdentials)
Gets all the volatile details of an account from the daemon.
- Parameter id: the id of the account.
- Returns: the volatile details of the account.
func getVolatileAccountDetails(fromAccountId id: String) -> AccountConfigModel {
let details: NSDictionary = accountAdapter.getVolatileAccountDetails(id) as NSDictionary
let accountDetailsDict = details as NSDictionary? as? [String: String] ?? nil
let accountDetails = AccountConfigModel(withDetails: accountDetailsDict)
return accountDetails
Gets the credentials of an account from the daemon.
- Parameter id: the id of the account.
- Returns: the list of credentials.
func getAccountCredentials(fromAccountId id: String) throws -> [AccountCredentialsModel] {
let creds: NSArray = accountAdapter.getCredentials(id) as NSArray
let rawCredentials = creds as NSArray? as? [[String: String]] ?? nil
if let rawCredentials = rawCredentials {
var credentialsList = [AccountCredentialsModel]()
for rawCredentials in rawCredentials {
do {
let credentials = try AccountCredentialsModel(withRawaData: rawCredentials)
} catch CredentialsError.notEnoughData {
log.error("Not enough data to build a credential object.")
throw CredentialsError.notEnoughData
} catch {
log.error("Unexpected error.")
throw AccountModelError.unexpectedError
return credentialsList
} else {
throw AccountModelError.unexpectedError
Gets the known Ring devices of an account from the daemon.
- Parameter id: the id of the account.
- Returns: the known Ring devices.
func getKnownRingDevices(fromAccountId id: String) -> [DeviceModel] {
let knownRingDevices = accountAdapter.getKnownRingDevices(id)! as NSDictionary
var devices = [DeviceModel]()
let accountDetails = self.getAccountDetails(fromAccountId: id)
let currentDeviceId = accountDetails.get(withConfigKeyModel: ConfigKeyModel(withKey: ConfigKey.accountDeviceId))
for key in knownRingDevices.allKeys {
if let key = key as? String {
devices.append(DeviceModel(withDeviceId: key,
deviceName: knownRingDevices.value(forKey: key) as? String,
isCurrent: key == currentDeviceId))
return devices
func revokeDevice(for account: String,
withPassword password: String,
deviceId: String) {
accountAdapter.revokeDevice(account, password: password, deviceId: deviceId)
Gathers all the initial default details contained by any accounts, Ring or SIP.
- Returns the details.
fileprivate func getInitialAccountDetails(accountType: String) throws -> [String: String] {
let details: NSMutableDictionary = accountAdapter.getAccountTemplate(accountType)
var accountDetails = details as NSDictionary? as? [String: String] ?? nil
if accountDetails == nil {
throw AddAccountError.templateNotConform
accountDetails!.updateValue("oversip", forKey: ConfigKey.accountDTMFType.rawValue)
accountDetails!.updateValue("true", forKey: ConfigKey.videoEnabled.rawValue)
let ringtonePath = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "default", withExtension: "wav")!
accountDetails!.updateValue(ringtonePath.path, forKey: ConfigKey.ringtonePath.rawValue)
accountDetails!.updateValue(accountType, forKey: ConfigKey.accountType.rawValue)
accountDetails!.updateValue("true", forKey: ConfigKey.accountUpnpEnabled.rawValue)
return accountDetails!
Gathers all the initial default details contained in a Ring accounts.
- Returns the details.
fileprivate func getRingInitialAccountDetails() throws -> [String: String] {
do {
let defaultDetails = try getInitialAccountDetails(accountType: AccountType.ring.rawValue)
return defaultDetails
} catch {
throw error
func removeAccount(_ row: Int) {
if row < accountList.count {
func removeAccount(id: String) {
if self.getAccount(fromAccountId: id) == nil {return}
if self.getAccount(fromAccountId: id) == nil {
self.dbManager.removeDBForAccount(accountId: id)
// MARK: - AccountAdapterDelegate
func accountsChanged() {
log.debug("Accounts changed.")
let event = ServiceEvent(withEventType: .accountsChanged)
func registrationStateChanged(with response: RegistrationResponse) {
var event = ServiceEvent(withEventType: .registrationStateChanged)
event.addEventInput(.registrationState, value: response.state)
event.addEventInput(.accountId, value: response.accountId)
if let account = self.getAccount(fromAccountId: response.accountId) {
account.volatileDetails = self.getVolatileAccountDetails(fromAccountId: response.accountId)
func knownDevicesChanged(for account: String, devices: [String: String]) {
let changedAccount = getAccount(fromAccountId: account)
if let changedAccount = changedAccount {
let accountHelper = AccountModelHelper(withAccount: changedAccount)
if let uri = accountHelper.ringId {
var event = ServiceEvent(withEventType: .knownDevicesChanged)
event.addEventInput(.uri, value: uri)
func exportOnRing(withPassword password: String)
-> Completable {
return Completable.create { [unowned self] completable in
let export = self.accountAdapter.export(onRing: self.currentAccount?.id, password: password)
if export {
} else {
return Disposables.create { }
func exportOnRingEnded(for account: String, state: Int, pin: String) {
var event = ServiceEvent(withEventType: .exportOnRingEnded)
event.addEventInput(.id, value: account)
event.addEventInput(.state, value: state)
event.addEventInput(.pin, value: pin)
func deviceRevocationEnded(for account: String, state: Int, deviceId: String) {
var event = ServiceEvent(withEventType: .deviceRevocationEnded)
event.addEventInput(.id, value: account)
event.addEventInput(.state, value: state)
event.addEventInput(.deviceId, value: deviceId)
// MARK: Push Notifications
func setPushNotificationToken(token: String) {
func pushNotificationReceived(data: [AnyHashable: Any]) {
var notificationData = [String: String]()
for key in data.keys {
if let value = data[key] {
let valueString = String(describing: value)
let keyString = String(describing: key)
notificationData[keyString] = valueString
self.accountAdapter.pushNotificationReceived("", message: notificationData)
func getCurrentProxyState(accountID: String) -> Bool {
var proxyEnabled = false
let accountDetails = self.getAccountDetails(fromAccountId: accountID)
if accountDetails.get(withConfigKeyModel: ConfigKeyModel(withKey: ConfigKey.proxyEnabled)) == "true" {
proxyEnabled = true
return proxyEnabled
func savePushToken(token: String) {
for account in accounts {
let accountDetails = self.getAccountDetails(fromAccountId:
accountDetails.set(withConfigKeyModel: ConfigKeyModel(withKey: ConfigKey.devicePushToken), withValue: token)
self.setAccountDetails(forAccountId:, withDetails: accountDetails)
func proxyEnabled(accountID: String) -> Variable<Bool> {
let variable = Variable<Bool>(getCurrentProxyState(accountID: accountID))
.filter({ event -> Bool in
if let accountId: String = event.getEventInput(.accountId) {
return event.eventType == ServiceEventType.proxyEnabled
&& accountId == accountID
return false
}).subscribe(onNext: { (event) in
if let state: Bool = event.getEventInput(.state) {
variable.value = state
}).disposed(by: self.disposeBag)
return variable
func changeProxyStatus(accountID: String, enable: Bool) {
let accountDetails = self.getAccountDetails(fromAccountId: accountID)
if accountDetails.get(withConfigKeyModel: ConfigKeyModel(withKey: ConfigKey.proxyEnabled)) != enable.toString() {
accountDetails.set(withConfigKeyModel: ConfigKeyModel(withKey: ConfigKey.proxyEnabled), withValue: enable.toString())
self.setAccountDetails(forAccountId: accountID, withDetails: accountDetails)
var event = ServiceEvent(withEventType: .proxyEnabled)
event.addEventInput(.state, value: enable)
event.addEventInput(.accountId, value: accountID)
func proxyEnabled() -> Bool {
for account in self.accounts {
let accountDetails = self.getAccountDetails(fromAccountId:
if accountDetails.get(withConfigKeyModel: ConfigKeyModel(withKey: ConfigKey.proxyEnabled)) == "true" {
return true
return false
func enableAccount(enable: Bool, accountId: String) {
let accountDetails = self.getAccountDetails(fromAccountId: accountId)
if accountDetails.get(withConfigKeyModel: ConfigKeyModel(withKey: ConfigKey.accountEnable)) != enable.toString() {
accountDetails.set(withConfigKeyModel: ConfigKeyModel(withKey: ConfigKey.accountEnable), withValue: enable.toString())
self.setAccountDetails(forAccountId: accountId, withDetails: accountDetails)
// MARK: - observable account data
func devicesObservable(account: AccountModel) -> Observable<[DeviceModel]> {
let accountHelper = AccountModelHelper(withAccount: account)
let uri = accountHelper.ringId
let accountDevices = Observable.from(optional: account.devices)
let newDevice: Observable<[DeviceModel]> = self
.filter({ (event) in
return event.eventType == ServiceEventType.knownDevicesChanged &&
event.getEventInput(ServiceEventInput.uri) == uri
}).map({ _ in
return account.devices
return accountDevices.concat(newDevice)
// MARK: - Private daemon wrappers
extension AccountsService {
fileprivate func buildAccountFromDaemon(accountId id: String) throws -> AccountModel {
let accountModel = AccountModel(withAccountId: id)
accountModel.details = self.getAccountDetails(fromAccountId: id)
accountModel.volatileDetails = self.getVolatileAccountDetails(fromAccountId: id)
accountModel.devices = self.getKnownRingDevices(fromAccountId: id)
do {
let credentialDetails = try self.getAccountCredentials(fromAccountId: id)
accountModel.credentialDetails.append(contentsOf: credentialDetails)
} catch {
throw error
return accountModel