blob: 3bdde1284c2c6f163e05b6fc04df4df04d1ff872 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
* Author: Romain Bertozzi <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import XCTest
@testable import Ring
A test class designed to validate that the AccountModel helper runs as expected.
class AccountModelHelperTests: XCTestCase {
/// The account used for the tests.
var account: AccountModel?
override func setUp() {
// ~ Dummy account
account = AccountModel(withAccountId: "identifier")
Tests that the SIP account type is properly detected.
func testIsSip() {
var data = [String: String]()
data[ConfigKey.accountType.rawValue] = AccountType.sip.rawValue
var config = AccountConfigModel(withDetails: data)
account?.details = config
var helper = AccountModelHelper(withAccount: account!)
data[ConfigKey.accountType.rawValue] = AccountType.ring.rawValue
config = AccountConfigModel(withDetails: data)
account?.details = config
helper = AccountModelHelper(withAccount: account!)
Tests that the Ring account type is properly detected.
func testIsRing() {
var data = [String: String]()
data[ConfigKey.accountType.rawValue] = AccountType.ring.rawValue
var config = AccountConfigModel(withDetails: data)
account?.details = config
var helper = AccountModelHelper(withAccount: account!)
data[ConfigKey.accountType.rawValue] = AccountType.sip.rawValue
config = AccountConfigModel(withDetails: data)
account?.details = config
helper = AccountModelHelper(withAccount: account!)
Tests that the account's enabled state is properly detected.
func testIsEnabled() {
var data = [String: String]()
data[ConfigKey.accountEnable.rawValue] = "true"
var config = AccountConfigModel(withDetails: data)
account?.details = config
var helper = AccountModelHelper(withAccount: account!)
data[ConfigKey.accountEnable.rawValue] = "false"
config = AccountConfigModel(withDetails: data)
account?.details = config
helper = AccountModelHelper(withAccount: account!)
data.removeValue(forKey: ConfigKey.accountEnable.rawValue)
config = AccountConfigModel(withDetails: data)
account?.details = config
helper = AccountModelHelper(withAccount: account!)
Tests that the account's registration state is properly detected.
func testRegistrationState() {
var data = [String: String]()
data[ConfigKey.accountRegistrationStatus.rawValue] = AccountState.registered.rawValue
var config = AccountConfigModel(withDetails: data)
account?.volatileDetails = config
var helper = AccountModelHelper(withAccount: account!)
XCTAssertEqual(helper.getRegistrationState(), AccountState.registered.rawValue)
data[ConfigKey.accountRegistrationStatus.rawValue] = AccountState.error.rawValue
config = AccountConfigModel(withDetails: data)
account?.volatileDetails = config
helper = AccountModelHelper(withAccount: account!)
XCTAssertNotEqual(helper.getRegistrationState(), AccountState.registered.rawValue)
Tests that the account's error state is properly detected.
func testIsInError() {
var data = [String: String]()
data[ConfigKey.accountRegistrationStatus.rawValue] = AccountState.registered.rawValue
var config = AccountConfigModel(withDetails: data)
account?.volatileDetails = config
var helper = AccountModelHelper(withAccount: account!)
data[ConfigKey.accountRegistrationStatus.rawValue] = AccountState.error.rawValue
config = AccountConfigModel(withDetails: data)
account?.volatileDetails = config
helper = AccountModelHelper(withAccount: account!)
Tests that the account's credentials are properly inserted and retrieved.
func testCredentials() {
let username = "username"
let password = "password"
let realm = "realm"
var credentials = [[String: String]]()
var credential = [String: String]()
credential[ConfigKey.accountUsername.rawValue] = username
credential[ConfigKey.accountPassword.rawValue] = password
credential[ConfigKey.accountRealm.rawValue] = realm
var helper = AccountModelHelper(withAccount: account!)
var modifiedAccount = helper.setCredentials(credentials)
XCTAssertEqual(modifiedAccount.credentialDetails.count, 1)
XCTAssertEqual(modifiedAccount.credentialDetails[0].username, username)
XCTAssertEqual(modifiedAccount.credentialDetails[0].password, password)
XCTAssertEqual(modifiedAccount.credentialDetails[0].accountRealm, realm)
modifiedAccount = helper.setCredentials(nil)
XCTAssertEqual(modifiedAccount.credentialDetails.count, 0)