blob: 5cdcb7c8bc9129e673d5a215e815fdb99d5c1ef3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017-2023 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
* Author: Silbino Gonçalves Matado <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
// Global
"global.accountSettings" = "Account Settings";
"global.advancedSettings" = "Advanced Settings";
"global.username" = "Username";
"global.recommended" = "Recommended";
"global.password" = "Password";
"global.registerAUsername" = "Register a username";
"global.enterPassword" = "Enter Password";
"global.enterUsername" = "Enter Username";
"global.cancel" = "Cancel";
"global.blockContact" = "Block Contact";
"global.removeAccount" = "Remove account";
"global.incomingCall" = "Incoming call";
"global.ok" = "Ok";
"global.close" = "Close";
"global.share" = "Share";
"global.forward" = "Forward";
"" = "Save";
"global.resend" = "Resend";
"global.preview" = "Preview";
"global.accept" = "Accept";
"global.block" = "Block";
"global.refuse" = "Refuse";
"" = "Name";
"global.copy" = "Copy";
"global.reply" = "Reply";
"" = "Searching…";
"global.donate" = "捐助";
"global.deleteMessage" = "Delete Message";
"global.deleteFile" = "Delete File from device";
"global.editMessage" = "Edit Message";
"global.editing" = "Edititing";
// Scan
"scan.badQrCode" = "Bad QR code";
// SwarmCreation
"swarmcreation.searchBar" = "Search for contact...";
"swarmcreation.createTheSwarm" = "Create the swarm";
"swarmcreation.addADescription" = "Add a description";
// Swarm
"swarm.ignoreSwarm" = "Ignore the swarm";
"swarm.leaveConversation" = "Leave the conversation";
"swarm.chooseColor" = "Choose a color";
"swarm.typeOfSwarm" = "Type of swarm";
"swarm.identifier" = "Identifier";
"swarm.about" = "About";
"swarm.members" = "Members";
"swarm.addDescription" = "Add Description";
"swarm.oneToOne" = "Private swarm";
"swarm.adminInvitesOnly" = "Admin invites only";
"swarm.invitesOnly" = "Private swarm";
"swarm.publicChat" = "Public swarm";
"swarm.others" = "Others";
"swarm.member" = "Member";
"swarm.invited" = "Invited";
"swarm.admin" = "Administrator";
"swarm.banned" = "Banned";
"swarm.unknown" = "Unkown";
"swarm.addMember" = "Add Member";
"swarm.confirmLeaveSwarm" = "Are you sure you want to leave this swarm?";
"swarm.Leave" = "Leave";
"swarm.newSwarm" = "New swarm";
// Smartlist
"smartlist.yesterday" = "Yesterday";
"smartlist.results" = "Public Directory";
"smartlist.jamsResults" = "搜索结果";
"smartlist.conversations" = "Conversations";
"smartlist.noConversationsFound" = "No conversations match your search";
"smartlist.newContact" = "新联系人";
"smartlist.newSwarm" = "New Swarm";
"smartlist.accounts" = "账户";
"smartlist.invitationReceived" = "Invitations received";
"smartlist.noResults" = "No results";
"smartlist.noConversation" = "No conversations";
"smartlist.searchBarPlaceholder" = "Enter name...";
"smartlist.searchBar" = "Search";
"smartlist.noNetworkConnectivity" = "No network connectivity";
"smartlist.cellularAccess" = "Be sure cellular access is granted in your settings";
"smartlist.accountsTitle" = "Accounts";
"smartlist.addAccountButton" = "+ Add Account";
"smartlist.noNumber" = "Selected contact does not have any number";
"smartlist.selectOneNumber" = "Select one of the numbers";
"smartlist.invitations" = "Invitations";
"smartlist.aboutJami" = "About Jami";
"smartlist.inviteFriends" = "Invite friends";
"smartlist.accounts" = "账户";
"smartlist.disableDonation" = "Not now";
"smartlist.donationExplanation" = "如果您喜欢使用 Jami 并相信我们的使命,您愿意捐款吗?";
"smartlist.inSynchronization" = "conversation in synchronization";
"smartlist.newMessage" = "New Message";
"conversation.addToContactsButton" = "Add to Contacts";
"conversation.addToContactsLabel" = "添加至通讯录吗?";
"conversation.notContactLabel" = "is not in your contact list";
"conversation.messagePlaceholder" = "Write to";
"conversation.explanationSendingLocationTo" = "You are currently sharing your location with ";
"conversation.explanationReceivingLocationFrom" = "You are currently receiving a live location from ";
"conversation.errorSavingImage" = "Failed to save image to gallery";
"conversation.receivedRequest" = "%@ sent you a request for a conversation.";
"conversation.incomingRequest" = "Sent you a request for a conversation.";
"conversation.requestMessage" = "Hello,\nWould you like to join the conversation?";
"conversation.notContact" = "%@ is not in your contact list.";
"conversation.sendRequest" = "Send him/her a contact request to be able to exchange together";
"conversation.sendRequestTitle" = "Send Contact Request";
"conversation.synchronizationTitle" = "You have accepted the conversation request.";
"conversation.synchronizationMessage" = "We are waiting for %@ connects to synchronize the conversation.";
"conversation.inReplyTo" = "在回复中";
"conversation.repliedTo" = "replied to";
"conversation.yourself" = "yourself";
"conversation.edited" = "edited";
"conversation.deletedMessage" = "deleted a message";
"invitations.noInvitations" = "No invitations";
"invitations.pending" = "pending";
"invitations.accepted" = "accepted";
"invitations.refused" = "refused";
"invitations.banned" = "banned";
"invitations.list" = "Invitations received";
// Walkthrough
//Welcome Screen
"welcome.title" = "Share, freely and privately with Jami";
"welcome.text" = "Jami is a free and universal communication platform which preserves the users' privacy and freedoms";
"welcome.haveAccount" = "I already have an account";
"welcome.linkDevice" = "Import from another device";
"welcome.linkBackup" = "Import from archive backup";
"welcome.createAccount" = "Join";
"welcome.connectToManager" = "Connect to a Jami Account Manager Server";
//Creation Profile Screen
"createProfile.skipCreateProfile" = "Skip";
"createProfile.profileCreated" = "Next";
"createProfile.title" = "Personalize your profile";
"createProfile.enterNameLabel" = "Enter a display name";
"createProfile.enterNamePlaceholder" = "Enter name";
"createProfile.subtitle" = "Your profile will be shared with your contacts. You can change it at any time.";
"createProfile.createYourAvatar" = "Create your avatar";
//Create Account form
"createAccount.createAccountFormTitle" = "Join Jami";
"createAccount.chooseStrongPassword" = "Choose strong password you will remember to protect your Jami account.";
"createAccount.repeatPasswordPlaceholder" = "Confirm password";
"createAccount.passwordCharactersNumberError" = "6 characters minimum";
"createAccount.passwordNotMatchingError" = "passwords do not match";
"createAccount.lookingForUsernameAvailability" = "looking for availability…";
"createAccount.invalidUsername" = "invalid username";
"createAccount.usernameAlreadyTaken" = "username already taken";
"createAccount.usernameValid" = "username is available";
"createAccount.loading" = "Loading";
"createAccount.waitCreateAccountTitle" = "Adding account";
"createAccount.ChooseAPassword" = "Encrypt my account";
"createAccount.PasswordInformation" = "Choose a password to encrypt your local account. Don’t forget it or you will not be able to recover your account";
"createAccount.EnableNotifications" = "Notifications";
"createAccount.Recommended" = "(Recommended)";
"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredTitle" = "Network error";
"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredMessage" = "Account was created but username was not registered";
"createAccount.timeoutTitle" = "Account Created";
"createAccount.timeoutMessage" = "Username registration in progress... It could take a few moments.";
//Link To Account form
"linkToAccount.waitLinkToAccountTitle" = "Account linking";
"linkToAccount.linkButtonTitle" = "链接";
"linkToAccount.linkDeviceTitle" = "Link Device";
"linkToAccount.linkDeviceMessage" = "Choose “Link a new device” from the other Jami app to show the QR code or PIN";
"linkToAccount.pinPlaceholder" = "PIN";
"linkToAccount.pinLabel" = "Enter PIN";
"linkToAccount.explanationPinMessage" = "To generate the PIN code, go to the account management settings on the device containing the account you want to link to. Select \"Link new device\". You will receive the necessary PIN to complete this form. The PIN is only valid for 10 minutes.";
//Link To Account Manager form
"linkToAccountManager.signIn" = "Sign In";
"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerPlaceholder" = "JAMS URL";
"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerLabel" = "Enter JAMS URL";
"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundTitle" = "Can't find account";
"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundMessage" = "Account couldn't be found on the Jami network. Make sure it was exported on Jami from an existing device, and that provided credentials are correct.";
"alerts.accountAddedTitle" = "Account Added";
"alerts.accountNoNetworkTitle" = "Can't connect to the network";
"alerts.accountNoNetworkMessage" = "Could not add account because Jami couldn't connect to the distributed network. Check your device connectivity.";
"alerts.accountDefaultErrorTitle" = "Unknown error";
"alerts.accountDefaultErrorMessage" = "The account couldn't be created.";
"alerts.profileTakePhoto" = "Take photo";
"alerts.profileUploadPhoto" = "Upload photo";
"alerts.accountLinkedTitle" = "Linking account";
"alerts.dbFailedTitle" = "An error happened when launching Jami";
"alerts.dbFailedMessage" = "Please close application and try to open it again";
"alerts.confirmBlockContact" = "Are you sure you want to block this contact? The conversation history with this contact will also be deleted permanently.";
"alerts.confirmDeleteConversation" = "Are you sure you want to delete this conversation permanently?";
"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationFromContact" = "Are you sure you want to delete the conversation with this contact?";
"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationTitle" = "Delete Conversation";
"alerts.confirmClearConversation" = "Are you sure you want to clear the conversation with this contact?";
"alerts.confirmClearConversationTitle" = "Clear Conversation";
"alerts.noMediaPermissionsTitle" = "Media permission not granted";
"alerts.noLibraryPermissionsTitle" = "Access to photo library not granted";
"alerts.noLocationPermissionsTitle" = "Access to location not granted";
"alerts.errorWrongCredentials" = "Cannot connect to provided account manager. Please check your credentials";
"alerts.recordVideoMessage" = "Record a video message";
"alerts.recordAudioMessage" = "Record an audio message";
"alerts.uploadFile" = "傳送檔案";
"alerts.uploadPhoto" = "打开相册";
"alerts.locationServiceIsDisabled" = "Turn on \"Location Services\" to allow \"Jami\" to determine your location.";
"alerts.locationSharing" = "Share my location";
"alerts.alreadylocationSharing" = "Already sharing location with this user";
"alerts.locationSharingDurationTitle" = "How long should the location sharing be?";
"alerts.locationSharingDuration10min" = "10 min";
"alerts.locationSharingDuration1hour" = "1 hour";
"alerts.mapInformation" = "Map information";
"alerts.openStreetMapCopyright" = "© OpenStreetMap contributors";
"alerts.openStreetMapCopyrightMoreInfo" = "Learn more";
"actions.deleteAction" = "Delete";
"actions.clearAction" = "Clear";
"actions.backAction" = "Back";
"actions.doneAction" = "Done";
"alerts.incomingCallAllertTitle" = "Incoming call from ";
"alerts.incomingCallButtonIgnore" = "Ignore";
"actions.startAudioCall" = " Audio Call";
"actions.startVideoCall" = " Video Call";
"actions.goToSettings" = "Go to Settings";
"actions.stopLocationSharing" = "Stop sharing";
"calls.callItemTitle" = "Call";
"calls.incomingCallInfo" = "wants to talk to you";
"calls.ringing" = "Ringing…";
"calls.connecting" = "Connecting…";
"calls.callFinished" = "Call finished";
"calls.currentCallWith" = "Call with ";
"calls.haghUp" = "hang up";
"calls.maximize" = "maximize";
"calls.minimize" = "minimize";
"calls.setModerator" = "set moderator";
"calls.removeModerator" = "unset moderator";
"calls.muteAudio" = "mute audio";
"calls.unmuteAudio" = "unmute audio";
"calls.lowerHand" = "lower hand";
//Account Page
"accountPage.devicesListHeader" = "Devices";
"accountPage.settingsHeader" = "Settings";
"accountPage.notificationsHeader" = "通知";
"accountPage.usernameNotRegistered" = "username: not registered";
"accountPage.credentialsHeader" = "Account Details";
"accountPage.blockedContacts" = "Blocked contacts";
"accountPage.unblockContact" = "UNBLOCK";
"accountPage.proxyAddressAlert" = "Provide proxy address";
"accountPage.noProxyExplanationLabel" = "Your device won't receive notifications when proxy is disabled";
"accountPage.proxyPaceholder" = "Proxy address";
"accountPage.enableNotifications" = "Enable Notifications";
"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertTitle" = "Proxy Server Disabled";
"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertBody" = "In order to receive notifications, please enable proxy";
"accountPage.revokeDeviceTitle" = "Revoke device";
"accountPage.revokeDeviceMessage" = "Are you sure you want to revoke this device? This action could not be undone.";
"accountPage.revokeDeviceButton" = "Revoke";
"accountPage.revokeDevicePlaceholder" = "Enter your password";
"accountPage.deviceRevoked" = "Device revocation completed";
"accountPage.deviceRevocationProgress" = "Revoking...";
"accountPage.deviceRevocationSuccess" = "Device was revoked";
"accountPage.deviceRevocationTryAgain" = "Try again";
"accountPage.deviceRevocationWrongPassword" = "Incorrect password";
"accountPage.deviceRevocationUnknownDevice" = "Unknown device";
"accountPage.deviceRevocationError" = "Device revocation error";
"accountPage.linkDeviceTitle" = "Link another device";
"accountPage.other" = "Other";
"accountPage.removeAccountMessage" = "By clicking \"Remove\" you will remove this account on this device! This action can not be undone. Also, your registered name can be lost.";
"accountPage.removeAccountButton" = "Remove";
"accountPage.inviteFriends" = "Invite friends";
"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "Contact me on Jami!";
"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "Contact me using \"%s\" on the Jami distributed communication platform:";
"accountPage.passwordPlaceholder" = "Enter account password";
"accountPage.usernamePlaceholder" = "Enter desired username";
"accountPage.registerNameErrorMessage" = "Chosen username is not available";
"accountPage.usernameRegistering" = "Registering";
"accountPage.usernameRegisterAction" = "Register";
"accountPage.usernameRegistrationFailed" = "Registration failed. Please check password.";
"accountPage.createPassword" = "加密账户";
"accountPage.createPasswordExplanation" = "您的Jami帐户仅在此设备上注册,作为包含您的帐户密钥的档案库.";
"accountPage.changePassword" = "Change password";
"accountPage.oldPasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter old password";
"accountPage.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter new password";
"accountPage.newPasswordConfirmPlaceholder" = "Confirm new password";
"accountPage.changePasswordError" = "Password incorrect";
"accountPage.enableBoothMode" = "Enable Booth Mode";
"accountPage.disableBoothMode" = "Disable Booth Mode";
"accountPage.disableBoothModeExplanation" = "Please provide your account password";
"accountPage.boothModeExplanation" = "In booth mode conversation history not saved and jami functionality limited by making outgoing calls. When you enable booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
"accountPage.noBoothMode" = "To enable Booth mode encrypt your account first.";
"accountPage.boothModeAlertMessage" = "After enabling booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
"accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "Auto connect on local network";
"accountPage.autoRegistration" = "Auto register after expiration";
"accountPage.connectivityHeader" = "Connectivity";
"accountPage.turnEnabled" = "Enable TURN";
"accountPage.turnServer" = "TURN address";
"accountPage.turnUsername" = "TURN username";
"accountPage.turnPassword" = "TURN password";
"accountPage.turnRealm" = "TURN realm";
"accountPage.upnpEnabled" = "Use UPnP";
"account.sipUsername" = "User Name";
"account.sipServer" = "SIP Server";
"account.port" = "Port";
"account.proxyServer" = "Proxy";
"account.createSipAccount" = "Configure a SIP Account";
"account.sipAccount" = "SIP Account";
"account.configure" = "Configure";
"account.advancedFeatures" = "Advanced Features";
"account.serverLabel" = "Enter Address";
"account.portLabel" = "Enter Port Number";
"account.accountStatus" = "Account Status";
"account.enableAccount" = "Enable Account";
"account.statusOnline" = "Online";
"account.statusOffline" = "Offline";
"account.statusConnecting" = "Connecting";
"account.statusUnknown" = "Unknown";
"account.statusConnectionerror" = "Connection Error";
"account.needMigration" = "account need to be migrated";
"" = "Me";
//Block List Page
"blockListPage.noBlockedContacts" = "No blocked contacts";
//Link New Device
"linkDevice.title" = "Link a new device";
"linkDevice.passwordError" = "The password you entered does not unlock this account";
"linkDevice.networkError" = "A network error occurred during the export";
"linkDevice.defaultError" = "An error occurred during the export";
"linkDevice.explanationMessage" = "To complete the process, you need to open Jami on the new device and choose the option \"Link this device to an account.\" Your pin is valid for 10 minutes";
"linkDevice.hudMessage" = "Verifying";
//Contact Page
"contactPage.startAudioCall" = "Start Audio Call";
"contactPage.startVideoCall" = "Start Video Call";
"contactPage.sendMessage" = "Send Message";
"contactPage.clearConversation" = "Clear Chat";
"contactPage.removeConversation" = "Remove Conversation";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusCreated" = "Initializing…";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusError" = "Error";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Pending…";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Transferring";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusCanceled" = "Canceled";
"dataTransfer.sendingFailed" = "Failed to send";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Complete";
"dataTransfer.recordInBackgroundWarning" = "Recording video while multitasking with multiple apps may result in lower quality videos. For best results, record when not multitasking";
"notifications.missedCall" = "Missed Call";
"notifications.newFile" = "New file";
"notifications.locationSharingStarted" = "Incoming location sharing started";
"notifications.locationSharingStopped" = "Incoming location sharing stopped";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusRefuse" = "Refuse";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusAccept" = "Accept";
"dataTransfer.infoMessage" = "Press to start recording";
"dataTransfer.sendMessage" = "Send";
//Generated Message
"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "You received invitation";
"generatedMessage.swarmCreated" = "Swarm created";
"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "was invited to join";
"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "joined the conversation";
"generatedMessage.youJoined" = "You joined the conversation";
"generatedMessage.contactBanned" = "was kicked";
"generatedMessage.contactReAdded" = "was re-added";
"generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "Outgoing call";
"generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "Missed outgoing call";
"generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "Missed incoming call";
"generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "Live location sharing";
"generatedMessage.contactLeftConversation" = "left";
//General Settings
"generalSettings.videoSettings" = "Video Settings";
"generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "Enable video acceleration";
"generalSettings.fileTransfer" = "File transfer";
"generalSettings.locationSharing" = "Location Sharing";
"generalSettings.automaticAcceptIncomingFiles" = "Automatically accept incoming files";
"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimit" = "Accept transfer limit";
"generalSettings.acceptTransferLimitDescription" = "(in MB, 0 = unlimited)";
"generalSettings.limitLocationSharingDuration" = "Limit the duration of location sharing";
"generalSettings.locationSharingDuration" = "Position share duration";
"generalSettings.donationCampaign" = "Donation campaign";
"generalSettings.enableDonationCampaign" = "Enable donation campaign";
//Log View
"logView.title" = "Diagnostics";
"logView.description" = "Open diagnostic log settings";
"logView.startLogging" = "Start Logging";
"logView.stopLogging" = "Stop Logging";
"logView.saveError" = "Failed to save file";
"logView.shareError" = "Failed to share file";
//Migrate Account
"migrateAccount.title" = "Account migration";
"migrateAccount.migrateButton" = "Migrate Account";
"migrateAccount.explanation" = "This account needs to be migrated";
"migrateAccount.passwordExplanation" = "To proceed with the migration, you need to enter a password that was used for this account";
"migrateAccount.error" = "Failed to migrate your account. You can retry or delete your account.";
"migrateAccount.migrating" = "Migrating...";
"migrateAccount.migrateAnother" = "Migrate Another Account";
//About Jami
"aboutJami.declaration1" = "Jami, a GNU package, is software for universal and distributed peer-to-peer communication that respects the freedom and privacy of its users. Visit";
"aboutJami.declaration2" = "to learn more.";
"aboutJami.noWarranty1" = "This program comes with absolutely no warranty. See the";
"aboutJami.noWarranty2" = "version 3 or later for details.";
"aboutJami.contribute" = "贡献";
"" = "回饋";
"aboutJami.createdBy" = "Created by";
"aboutJami.artworkBy" = "Artwork by";