blob: 54b0b5c8975b228f4899a64f1ee04e576df137e8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
* Author: Kateryna Kostiuk <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import Foundation
import UIKit
import MobileCoreServices
import Photos
import os
class AdapterService {
enum InteractionAttributes: String {
case interactionId = "id"
case type = "type"
case invited = "invited"
case fileId = "fileId"
case displayName = "displayName"
case body = "body"
case author = "author"
case timestamp = "timestamp"
case parent = "linearizedParent"
case action = "action"
case duration = "duration"
enum InteractionType: String {
case message = "text/plain"
case fileTransfer = "application/data-transfer+json"
enum EventType: Int {
case message
case fileTransferDone
case fileTransferInProgress
case syncCompleted
case conversationCloned
case invitation
enum PeerConnectionRequestType {
case call(peerId: String, isVideo: Bool)
case gitMessage
case clone
case unknown
enum DataTransferEventCode: Int {
case invalid
case created
case unsupported
case waitPeeracceptance
case waitHostAcceptance
case ongoing
case finished
case closedByHost
case closedByPeer
case invalidPathname
case unjoinablePeer
func isCompleted() -> Bool {
switch self {
case .finished, .closedByHost, .closedByPeer, .unjoinablePeer, .invalidPathname:
return true
return false
private let maxSizeForAutoaccept = 20 * 1024 * 1024
private var adapter: Adapter!
var eventHandler: ((EventType, EventData) -> Void)?
var loadingFiles = [String: EventData]()
init(withAdapter adapter: Adapter) {
self.adapter = adapter
Adapter.delegate = self
func startAccountsWithListener(accountId: String, listener: @escaping (EventType, EventData) -> Void) {
self.eventHandler = listener
start(accountId: accountId)
func startAccount(accountId: String) {
start(accountId: accountId)
func pushNotificationReceived(accountId: String, data: [String: String]) {
self.adapter.pushNotificationReceived(accountId, message: data)
func decrypt(keyPath: String, accountId: String, messagesPath: String, value: [String: Any]) -> PeerConnectionRequestType {
let result = adapter.decrypt(keyPath, accountId: accountId, treated: messagesPath, value: value)
guard let peerId = result?.keys.first,
let type = result?.values.first else {
return .unknown}
switch type {
case "videoCall":
return peerId, isVideo: true)
case "audioCall":
return peerId, isVideo: false)
case "text/plain", "application/im-gitmessage-id":
return PeerConnectionRequestType.gitMessage
case "application/clone":
return PeerConnectionRequestType.clone
return .unknown
func start(accountId: String) {
func removeDelegate() {
Adapter.delegate = nil
self.adapter = nil
func stop() {
func getNameFor(address: String, accountId: String) -> String {
return adapter.getNameFor(address, accountId: accountId)
func getNameServerFor(accountId: String) -> String {
return adapter.nameServer(forAccountId: accountId)
private func fileAlreadyDownloaded(fileName: String, accountId: String, conversationId: String) -> Bool {
guard let url = getFileUrlFor(fileName: fileName, accountId: accountId, conversationId: conversationId) else {
return false
return FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: url.path)
private func getFileUrlFor(fileName: String, accountId: String, conversationId: String) -> URL? {
guard let documentsURL = Constants.documentsPath else {
return nil
let pathUrl = documentsURL.appendingPathComponent(accountId)
return pathUrl
extension AdapterService: AdapterDelegate {
func didReceiveMessage(_ message: [String: String],
from senderAccount: String,
messageId: String,
to receiverAccountId: String) {
guard let content = message["text/plain"],
let handler = self.eventHandler else { return }
handler(.message, EventData(accountId: receiverAccountId, jamiId: senderAccount, conversationId: "", content: content, groupTitle: ""))
func dataTransferEvent(withFileId transferId: String, withEventCode eventCode: Int, accountId: String, conversationId: String, interactionId: String) {
guard let handler = self.eventHandler,
let data = loadingFiles[transferId],
let code = DataTransferEventCode(rawValue: eventCode),
code.isCompleted() else { return }
handler(.fileTransferDone, data)
loadingFiles.removeValue(forKey: transferId)
func conversationSyncCompleted(accountId: String) {
guard let handler = self.eventHandler else {
handler(.syncCompleted, EventData(accountId: accountId))
func conversationCloned(accountId: String) {
guard let handler = self.eventHandler else {
handler(.conversationCloned, EventData(accountId: accountId))
func receivedConversationRequest(accountId: String, conversationId: String, metadata: [String: String]) {
guard let handler = self.eventHandler else {
let contentMessage = L10n.Conversation.incomingRequest
var groupTitle = ""
var peerId = ""
if let title = metadata["title"], !title.isEmpty {
groupTitle = title
if let from = metadata["from"] {
peerId = from
if !peerId.isEmpty || !groupTitle.isEmpty {
handler(.invitation, EventData(accountId: accountId, jamiId: peerId, conversationId: conversationId, content: contentMessage, groupTitle: groupTitle))
func newInteraction(conversationId: String, accountId: String, message: [String: String]) {
guard let handler = self.eventHandler else {
guard let type = message[InteractionAttributes.type.rawValue],
let interactionType = InteractionType(rawValue: type) else {
let from = message[] ?? ""
let content = message[InteractionAttributes.body.rawValue] ?? ""
switch interactionType {
case .message:
handler(.message, EventData(accountId: accountId, jamiId: from, conversationId: conversationId, content: content, groupTitle: ""))
guard let fileId = message[InteractionAttributes.fileId.rawValue],
let url = self.getFileUrlFor(fileName: fileId, accountId: accountId, conversationId: conversationId) else {
let data = EventData(accountId: accountId, jamiId: from, conversationId: conversationId, content: url.path, groupTitle: "")
// check if the file has already been downloaded. If no, download the file if filesize is less than a downloading limit
if fileAlreadyDownloaded(fileName: fileId, accountId: accountId, conversationId: conversationId) {
handler(.fileTransferDone, data)
} else {
guard let interactionId = message[InteractionAttributes.interactionId.rawValue],
let size = message["totalSize"],
(Int(size) ?? (maxSizeForAutoaccept + 1)) <= maxSizeForAutoaccept else { return }
let path = ""
self.adapter.downloadFile(withFileId: fileId, accountId: accountId, conversationId: conversationId, interactionId: interactionId, withFilePath: path)
self.loadingFiles[fileId] = data
handler(.fileTransferInProgress, data)