blob: 74f7da5c7eaf21f7b16aa35b86f386ca0dc3c5cb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
* Author: Silbino Gonçalves Matado <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
// Global
"global.homeTabBarTitle" = "Samtaler";
"global.contactRequestsTabBarTitle" = "Invitationer";
"global.meTabBarTitle" = "Konto";
"global.ok" = "Ok";
"global.versionName" = "Free as in Freedom";
// Scan
"scan.badQrCode" = "Ugyldigt QR-kode";
"" = "Søger…";
// Smartlist
"smartlist.yesterday" = "I går";
"smartlist.results" = "Søgeresultat";
"smartlist.conversations" = "Samtaler";
"smartlist.searching" = "Søger...";
"smartlist.noResults" = "Ingen resultater";
"smartlist.noConversation" = "No conversations";
"smartlist.searchBarPlaceholder" = "Enter name...";
"smartlist.noNetworkConnectivity" = "Ingen netværksforbindelse";
"smartlist.cellularAccess" = "Kontroller at rettigheder til mobildata er givet i indstillinger";
"smartlist.accountsTitle" = "Konti";
"smartlist.addAccountButton" = "+ Add Account";
"smartlist.noNumber" = "Selected contact does not have any number";
"smartlist.selectOneNumber" = "Select one of the numbers";
"conversation.messagePlaceholder" = "Type your message...";
"invitations.noInvitations" = "No invitations";
// Walkthrough
//Welcome Screen
"welcome.title" = "Welcome to Jami !";
"welcome.text" = "Jami is a free and universal communication platform which preserves the users' privacy and freedoms";
"welcome.linkDevice" = "Tilknyt denne enhed til en konto";
"welcome.createAccount" = "Create a Jami account";
"welcome.connectToManager" = "Connect to account manager";
//Creation Profile Screen
"createProfile.skipCreateProfile" = "Spring over";
"createProfile.profileCreated" = "Næste";
"createProfile.title" = "Personalise your profile";
"createProfile.enterNameLabel" = "Enter a display name";
"createProfile.enterNamePlaceholder" = "Indtast navn";
"createProfile.subtitle" = "Your profile will be shared with your contacts. You can change it at any time.";
"createProfile.createYourAvatar" = "Create your avatar";
//Create Account form
"createAccount.createAccountFormTitle" = "Opret din konto";
"createAccount.chooseStrongPassword" = "Choose strong password you will remember to protect your Jami account.";
"createAccount.enterNewUsernamePlaceholder" = "Brugernavn";
"createAccount.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "Adgangskode";
"createAccount.repeatPasswordPlaceholder" = "Bekræft adgangskode";
"createAccount.passwordCharactersNumberError" = "Mindst 6 tegn";
"createAccount.passwordNotMatchingError" = "kodeordene stemmer ikke overens";
"createAccount.lookingForUsernameAvailability" = "looking for availability…";
"createAccount.invalidUsername" = "ugyldigt brugernavn";
"createAccount.usernameAlreadyTaken" = "brugernavn er allerede anvendt";
"createAccount.loading" = "Indlæser";
"createAccount.waitCreateAccountTitle" = "Tilføjer konto";
"createAccount.RegisterAUsername" = "Register a username";
"createAccount.ChooseAPassword" = "Encrypt my account";
"createAccount.PasswordInformation" = "Choose a password to encrypt your local account. Don’t forget it or you will not be able to recover your account";
"createAccount.EnableNotifications" = "Notifications";
"createAccount.Recommended" = "(Recommended)";
"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredTitle" = "Netværksfejl";
"createAccount.UsernameNotRegisteredMessage" = "Account was created but username was not registered";
"createAccount.timeoutTitle" = "Account Created";
"createAccount.timeoutMessage" = "Username registration in progress... It could take a few moments.";
//Link To Account form
"linkToAccount.waitLinkToAccountTitle" = "Konto-tilknytning";
"linkToAccount.linkButtonTitle" = "Tilknyt enhed";
"linkToAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "Adgangskode";
"linkToAccount.pinPlaceholder" = "PIN";
"linkToAccount.passwordLabel" = "Indtast kodeord";
"linkToAccount.pinLabel" = "Indtast PIN-kode";
"linkToAccount.explanationPinMessage" = "For at generere PIN-koden skal du gå til Kontoadministration på den enhed som indeholder kontoen du ønsker at tilknytte. Under enhedsindstillinger vælg \"Tilknyt en anden enhed til denne konto\". Dette vil generere den nødvendige PIN-kode der skal indtastes i denne formular. PIN-koden er kun gyldig i 10 minutter. ";
//Link To Account Manager form
"linkToAccountManager.signIn" = "Sign In";
"linkToAccountManager.passwordPlaceholder" = "Adgangskode";
"linkToAccountManager.passwordLabel" = "Indtast kodeord";
"linkToAccountManager.usernamePlaceholder" = "Brugernavn";
"linkToAccountManager.usernameLabel" = "Enter Username";
"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerPlaceholder" = "Account manager";
"linkToAccountManager.accountManagerLabel" = "Enter account manager URI";
"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundTitle" = "Kan ikke finde konto";
"alerts.accountCannotBeFoundMessage" = "Account couldn't be found on the Jami network. Make sure it was exported on Jami from an existing device, and that provided credentials are correct.";
"alerts.accountAddedTitle" = "Konto tilføjet";
"alerts.accountNoNetworkTitle" = "Kan ikke forbinde til netværket";
"alerts.accountNoNetworkMessage" = "Could not add account because Jami couldn't connect to the distributed network. Check your device connectivity.";
"alerts.accountDefaultErrorTitle" = "Ukendt fejl";
"alerts.accountDefaultErrorMessage" = "Kontoen kunne ikke oprettes.";
"alerts.profileTakePhoto" = "Tag billede";
"alerts.profileUploadPhoto" = "Upload foto";
"alerts.profileCancelPhoto" = "Annuller";
"alerts.accountLinkedTitle" = "Tilknytter konto";
"alerts.dbFailedTitle" = "An error happned when launching Jami";
"alerts.dbFailedMessage" = "Luk venligst applikationen og prøv at starte den igen";
"alerts.confirmBlockContact" = "Er du sikker på at du vil blokere denne kontakt? Samtalehistorikken med denne bruger vil også blive permanent slettet.";
"alerts.confirmBlockContactTitle" = "Bloker kontakt";
"alerts.confirmDeleteConversation" = "Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne samtale permanent?";
"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationFromContact" = "Er du sikker på at du vil slette samtalen med denne bruger?";
"alerts.confirmDeleteConversationTitle" = "Slet samtale";
"alerts.confirmClearConversation" = "Are you sure you want to clear the conversation with this contact?";
"alerts.confirmClearConversationTitle" = "Clear Conversation";
"alerts.noMediaPermissionsTitle" = "Media permission not granted";
"alerts.noLibraryPermissionsTitle" = "Access to photo library not granted";
"alerts.noLocationPermissionsTitle" = "Access to location not granted";
"alerts.errorWrongCredentials" = "Cannot connect to provided account manager. Please check your credentials";
"alerts.recordVideoMessage" = "Optag en video meddelelse";
"alerts.recordAudioMessage" = "Optag en audio samtale";
"alerts.uploadFile" = "Upload file";
"alerts.uploadPhoto" = "Upload photo or movie";
"alerts.locationServiceIsDisabled" = "Turn on \"Location Services\" to allow \"Jami\" to determine your location.";
"alerts.locationSharing" = "Share my location";
"alerts.alreadylocationSharing" = "Already sharing location with this user";
"alerts.locationSharingDurationTitle" = "How long should the location sharing be?";
"alerts.locationSharingDuration10min" = "10 min";
"alerts.locationSharingDuration1hour" = "1 hour";
"alerts.mapInformation" = "Map information";
"alerts.openStreetMapCopyright" = "© OpenStreetMap contributors";
"alerts.openStreetMapCopyrightMoreInfo" = "Find ud af mere";
"actions.blockAction" = "Blokér";
"actions.deleteAction" = "Slet";
"actions.cancelAction" = "Annuller";
"actions.clearAction" = "Clear";
"actions.backAction" = "Tilbage";
"actions.doneAction" = "Færdig";
"alerts.incomingCallAllertTitle" = "Indgående opkald fra";
"alerts.incomingCallButtonAccept" = "Accepter";
"alerts.incomingCallButtonIgnore" = "Afvis";
"actions.startAudioCall" = " Audio Call";
"actions.startVideoCall" = " Video Call";
"actions.goToSettings" = "Go to Settings";
"actions.stopLocationSharing" = "Stop sharing";
"calls.callItemTitle" = "Ring op";
"calls.unknown" = "Ukendt";
"calls.incomingCallInfo" = "vil tale med dig";
"calls.ringing" = "Ringing…";
"calls.connecting" = "Opretter forbindelse…";
"calls.searching" = "Søger…";
"calls.callFinished" = "Opkald afsluttet";
"calls.currentCallWith" = "Call with ";
"calls.haghUp" = "hang up";
//Account Page
"accountPage.devicesListHeader" = "Enheder";
"accountPage.settingsHeader" = "Indstillinger";
"accountPage.username" = "Brugernavn";
"accountPage.usernameNotRegistered" = "brugernavn: ikke registreret";
"accountPage.credentialsHeader" = "Kontodetaljer";
"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Aktivér proxy";
"accountPage.blockedContacts" = "Blokerede kontakter";
"accountPage.unblockContact" = "UBLOKER";
"accountPage.proxyAddressAlert" = "Angiv proxy-adresse";
"accountPage.enableProxy" = "Aktivér proxy";
"accountPage.noProxyExplanationLabel" = "Din enhed modtager ikke notifikationer når proxy er deaktiveret";
"accountPage.saveProxyAddress" = "Gem";
"accountPage.proxyPaceholder" = "Proxy-adresse";
"accountPage.enableNotifications" = "Aktivér beskeder";
"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertTitle" = "Proxy-server deaktiveret";
"accountPage.proxyDisabledAlertBody" = "Aktivér venligst proxy, for at modtage notifikationer";
"accountPage.revokeDeviceTitle" = "Tilbagetræk enheden";
"accountPage.revokeDeviceMessage" = "Are you sure you want to revoke this device? This action could not be undone.";
"accountPage.revokeDeviceButton" = "Tilbagekald";
"accountPage.revokeDevicePlaceholder" = "Enter your passord";
"accountPage.deviceRevoked" = "Device revocation completed";
"accountPage.deviceRevocationProgress" = "Revoking...";
"accountPage.deviceRevocationSuccess" = "Device was revoked";
"accountPage.deviceRevocationTryAgain" = "Try again";
"accountPage.deviceRevocationWrongPassword" = "Forkert adgangskode";
"accountPage.deviceRevocationUnknownDevice" = "Unknown device";
"accountPage.deviceRevocationError" = "Device revocation error";
"accountPage.namePlaceholder" = "Navn";
"accountPage.linkDeviceTitle" = "Tilknyt en anden enhed";
"accountPage.other" = "Andre";
"accountPage.removeAccountTitle" = "Remove account";
"accountPage.removeAccountMessage" = "By clicking \"Remove\" you will remove this account on this device! This action can not be undone. Also, your registered name can be lost.";
"accountPage.removeAccountButton" = "Fjern";
"accountPage.shareAccountDetails" = "Share Account Details";
"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiTitle" = "Contact me on Jami!";
"accountPage.contactMeOnJamiContant" = "Contact me using \"%s\" on the Jami distributed communication platform:";
"accountPage.registerNameTitle" = "Register a username";
"accountPage.passwordPlaceholder" = "Indtast password til kontoen";
"accountPage.usernamePlaceholder" = "Enter desired username";
"accountPage.registerNameErrorMessage" = "Choosen username is not available";
"accountPage.usernameRegistering" = "Registering";
"accountPage.usernameRegisterAction" = "Registrér";
"accountPage.usernameRegistrationFailed" = "Registration failed. Please check password.";
"accountPage.createPassword" = "Create password";
"accountPage.changePassword" = "Skift adgangskode";
"accountPage.oldPasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter old password";
"accountPage.newPasswordPlaceholder" = "Enter new password";
"accountPage.newPasswordConfirmPlaceholder" = "Confirm new password";
"accountPage.changePasswordError" = "Password incorrect";
"accountPage.enableBoothMode" = "Enable Booth Mode";
"accountPage.disableBoothMode" = "Disable Booth Mode";
"accountPage.disableBoothModeExplanation" = "Pleace provide your account password";
"accountPage.boothModeExplanation" = "In booth mode conversation history not saved and jami functionality limited by making outgoing calls. When you enable booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
"accountPage.noBoothMode" = "To enable Booth mode you need to create account password first.";
"accountPage.boothModeAlertMessage" = "After enabling booth mode all your conversations will be removed.";
"accountPage.peerDiscovery" = "Auto connect on local network";
"account.sipUsername" = "User Name";
"account.sipPassword" = "Adgangskode";
"account.sipServer" = "SIP Server";
"account.port" = "Port";
"account.proxyServer" = "Stedfortræder";
"account.createSipAccount" = "Create Sip Account";
"account.usernameLabel" = "Enter Username";
"account.passwordLabel" = "Indtast kodeord";
"account.serverLabel" = "Enter Address";
"account.portLabel" = "Enter Port Number";
"account.accountStatus" = "Account Status";
"account.enableAccount" = "Enable Account";
"account.statusOnline" = "Forbundet";
"account.statusOffline" = "Ingen forbindelse";
"account.statusConnecting" = "Forbinder";
"account.statusUnknown" = "Ukendt";
"account.statusConnectionerror" = "Connection Error";
"account.needMigration" = "account need to be migrated";
//Block List Page
"blockListPage.noBlockedContacts" = "No blocked contacts";
//Link New Device
"linkDevice.title" = "Tilknyt en ny enhed";
"linkDevice.passwordError" = "Den adgangskode du har indtastet låser ikke op for denne konto";
"linkDevice.networkError" = "Der opstod en netværksfejl under eksporteringen";
"linkDevice.defaultError" = "Der opstod en fejl under eksport";
"linkDevice.explanationMessage" = "To complete the process, you need to open Jami on the new device and choose the option \"Link this device to an account.\" Your pin is valid for 10 minutes";
"linkDevice.hudMessage" = "Verificerer";
//Contact Page
"contactPage.startAudioCall" = "Start lydopkald";
"contactPage.startVideoCall" = "Start videoopkald";
"contactPage.sendMessage" = "Send besked";
"contactPage.clearConversation" = "Ryd chat";
"contactPage.blockContact" = "Bloker kontakt";
"contactPage.removeConversation" = "Remove Conversation";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusCreated" = "Initialiserer...";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusError" = "Fejl";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Under oprettelse...";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusRefuse" = "Afvis";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Overfører";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusCanceled" = "Annulleret";
"dataTransfer.sendingFailed" = "Failed to send";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Afsluttet";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusAccept" = "Accepter";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusCancel" = "Annuller";
"notifications.incomingCall" = "Incoming Call";
"notifications.missedCall" = "Missed Call";
"notifications.acceptCall" = "ACCEPT";
"notifications.refuseCall" = "REFUSE";
"notifications.newFile" = "New file";
"notifications.locationSharingStarted" = "Incoming location sharing started";
"notifications.locationSharingStopped" = "Incoming location sharing stopped";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusAwaiting" = "Under oprettelse...";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusRefuse" = "Afvis";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusOngoing" = "Overfører";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusCanceled" = "Annulleret";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusSuccess" = "Afsluttet";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusAccept" = "Accepter";
"dataTransfer.readableStatusCancel" = "Annuller";
"dataTransfer.infoMessage" = "Press to start recording";
"dataTransfer.sendMessage" = "Send";
//Generated Message
"generatedMessage.contactAdded" = "Kontakt tilføjet";
"generatedMessage.invitationReceived" = "Invitation modtaget";
"generatedMessage.invitationAccepted" = "Invitation accepteret";
"generatedMessage.outgoingCall" = "Udgående opkald";
"generatedMessage.incomingCall" = "Indgående opkald";
"generatedMessage.missedOutgoingCall" = "Ubesvarede udgående opkald";
"generatedMessage.missedIncomingCall" = "Ubesvarede indgående opkald";
"generatedMessage.liveLocationSharing" = "Live location sharing";
//General Settings
"generalSettings.title" = "Generelle indstillinger";
"generalSettings.videoAcceleration" = "Enable video acceleration";
//Migrate Account
"migrateAccount.title" = "Konto-migrering";
"migrateAccount.migrateButton" = "Migrate Account";
"migrateAccount.explanation" = "This account needs to be migrated";
"migrateAccount.passwordPlaceholder" = "Indtast adgangskode";
"migrateAccount.passwordExplanation" = "To proceed with the migration, you need to enter a password that was used for this account";
"migrateAccount.removeAccount" = "Remove account";
"migrateAccount.error" = "Failed to migrate your account. You can retry or delete your account.";
"migrateAccount.migrating" = "Migrating...";
"migrateAccount.cancel" = "Annuller";
"migrateAccount.migrateAnother" = "Migrate Another Account";