blob: c59ca59b3a680c418693c3d170a22d9dea07e6d2 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
VLC-style contrib package versioning and build information management.
import os
from utils.logger import log
from package.package import Package, PKG_FILE_NAME
from package.fetcher import Fetcher
from package.patcher import Patcher
from builders.meta_builder import MetaBuilder
from package.build_tools import Operation, get_md5_for_path
from utils.process import sh_exec
class Versioner:
def __init__(self, base_dir):
self.pkgs = {}
self.base_dir = base_dir
# Check base_dir and verify that its structure is valid.
if not os.path.exists(self.base_dir):
log.error(f"Base directory does not exist {self.base_dir}")
return False
self.src_dir = os.path.join(self.base_dir, "src")
self.build_dir = os.path.join(self.base_dir, "build")
self.fetch_dir = os.path.join(self.base_dir, "tarballs")
self.fetcher = Fetcher(self.fetch_dir, self.build_dir)
self.patcher = Patcher(self.src_dir, self.build_dir)
self.builder = MetaBuilder(base_dir=self.base_dir)
# Allow to exclude some packages from the build.
self.exclusion_list = []
# Alternate build output directories.
self.extra_output_dirs = []
# List of up-to-date packages (for this session) used to avoid
# rechecking dependency package chains that have already been brought
# up-to-date this session.
self.uptodate_pkgs = []
def print_info(pkg):
# Debug with short hashes (6 chars) for the build version, and md5.
build_version = pkg.build_version[:6] if pkg.build_version else None
# Truncate the version to 6 chars if it's a git hash.
version = pkg.version[:7] if len(pkg.version) == 40 else pkg.version
md5 = pkg.src_md5[:7] if pkg.src_md5 else None"Package {} (ver: {version}" f" - {build_version}:{md5})")
# Load a package's versioning information from its JSON file, and
# analyze it to determine the package's version and build information,
# as well as its dependencies.
def load_package(self, pkg_name):
# Check if it's already been loaded.
if pkg_name in self.pkgs:
return self.pkgs[pkg_name]
log.debug(f"Loading package info for {pkg_name}")
# Build an object from the package's versioning information from its JSON file.
pkg = Package(pkg_name, self.src_dir, self.build_dir)
if is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Could not load package info for {pkg_name}")
# Add the package to the list of packages.
self.pkgs[pkg_name] = pkg
# Return the package.
return pkg
# Check if the package's build directory is up-to-date with respect to
# the package's source directory. Used to trigger rebuilds when the
# source build directory has been modified.
def is_build_uptodate(self, pkg):
if not os.path.exists(pkg.build_version_file):
return False
file_list = []
for path, _, files in os.walk(pkg.build_dir):
for name in files:
file_list.append(os.path.join(path, name))
if not file_list:
return False
latest_file = max(file_list, key=os.path.getmtime)
t_mod = os.path.getmtime(latest_file)
t_build = os.path.getmtime(pkg.build_version_file)
return t_mod < t_build
def exec_for_all(self, op, force=False):
Fetch/patch/build all packages in the src directory that contain
package.json files. Returns on first failure.
pkgs = os.listdir(self.src_dir)
# Filter out non-package directories, and directories that are in the
# exclusion list.
pkgs = [
for pkg in pkgs
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.src_dir, pkg, PKG_FILE_NAME))
and pkg not in self.exclusion_list
# Print the list of packages to be built."Building packages: {pkgs}")
for pkg in pkgs:
if not self.exec_for_pkg(pkg, op, force=force, recurse=True):
log.error(f"Failed to build {pkg}")
def exec_for_pkg(self, pkg_name, op, parent_pkg=None, force=False, recurse=False):
Fetch/patch/build a package and its dependencies.
# NOTE: this function is recursive, and tail recursive.
# Load the package's versioning information.
if pkg_name in self.uptodate_pkgs:
return True
op_str = op.__str__().lower()"Doing {op_str} for {pkg_name}")
pkg = self.load_package(pkg_name)
except RuntimeError as e:
return False
result = self.make(pkg, op, parent_pkg, force, recurse)
if not result:
log.error(f"Failed to {op_str} {pkg_name}")
else:"{op_str} complete for {pkg_name}")
return result
def make(self, pkg, op, parent_pkg=None, force=False, recurse=False):
# Print the package's info.
# Check if the package is already up-to-date.
pkg.build_uptodate = self.is_build_uptodate(pkg)
# Now check the package's dependencies.
if recurse and op not in [Operation.CLEAN]:
for dep in pkg.deps:
log.debug(f"Checking {} dependency {dep}")
# !!!!! RECURSION !!!!! exec_for_pkg->make->exec_for_pkg...
if not self.exec_for_pkg(dep, parent_pkg=pkg, op=op, recurse=True):
log.debug(f"Failed to build dependency {dep}")
return False
# If the package's source code dir and build timestamp are already
# up-to-date, and we're not forcing a rebuild, then we're done.
if pkg.build_uptodate and pkg.ver_uptodate:"Package {} is already up-to-date.")
return True
elif pkg.build_version is not None:
if not pkg.build_uptodate:"Source code for {} has changed.")
if not pkg.ver_uptodate:"Rules for {} have changed.")
# If we're building a dependency, we want to force a rebuild of the
# parent package, so that it will be rebuilt with the new dependency.
if parent_pkg is not None:
# Remove the parent package from the list of up-to-date packages.
if in self.uptodate_pkgs:
# Mark the parent package as not up-to-date and remove its build version.
parent_pkg.build_uptodate = False
parent_pkg.build_version = None
# In case the script is terminated, we want to save the parent package's
# dirty state to disk, so delete the parent package's build version file.
if os.path.exists(parent_pkg.build_version_file):
if op in [Operation.FETCH, Operation.RESOLVE]:
# First fetch the package if it's not already fetched.
if not pkg.src_uptodate or force:
reason = "(forced)" if force else "out-of-date""Cleaning {reason} {}")
# Clean the package's build directory.
if os.path.exists(pkg.build_dir):
if not os.path.exists(pkg.build_dir) or force:
if not self.fetcher.fetch_pkg(pkg, force):
log.error(f"Failed to fetch {}")
return False
# Track the source fetch.
if op in [Operation.PATCH, Operation.RESOLVE]:
if not self.patcher.apply_all(pkg):
# This is a special case, we don't want to fail the build
# if a patch fails to apply, we just want to warn the user
# of what happened, print some likely reasons, and continue.
log.warn(f"Failed to apply patches for {}"
" (Patches may be either aleady applied,"
" or the source code has changed.)")
if op in [Operation.BUILD, Operation.RESOLVE]:
# Actually build the package.
if not pkg.build_uptodate or not pkg.ver_uptodate or force:
if not
log.error(f"Failed to build {}")
return False
# Finally, update the package's up-to-date state.
# Track the source fetch.
pkg.ver_uptodate = True
log.debug(f"Package {} is now up-to-date.")
return True
def clean_all(self):
return self.clean_tarballs() and self.clean_builds()
def clean_tarballs(self):
return self.fetcher.clean_tarballs()
def clean_pkg_tarball(self, pkg_name):
pkg = self.load_package(pkg_name)
except RuntimeError as e:
return False
return self.fetcher.clean_pkg_tarball(pkg)
def clean_pkg_build(self, pkg_name):
pkg = self.load_package(pkg_name)
except RuntimeError as e:
return False
return self.fetcher.clean_pkg_build(pkg)
def clean_pkg(self, pkg_name):
pkg = self.load_package(pkg_name)
except RuntimeError as e:
return False
return self.fetcher.clean_pkg(pkg)
def clean_builds(self):
clean_builds = self.fetcher.clean_builds()
# Clean extra output directories.
clean_exra_output_dirs = True
for extra_output_dir in self.extra_output_dirs:
abs_extra_output_dir = os.path.join(self.base_dir, extra_output_dir)
if os.path.exists(abs_extra_output_dir):"Removing extra output directory {abs_extra_output_dir}")
ret = sh_exec.cmd("rmdir", ["/s", "/q", abs_extra_output_dir])
if ret[0]:
log.error("Failed to clean extra output directory")
clean_exra_output_dirs = False
return clean_builds and clean_exra_output_dirs