blob: 3d84338b5be50f832f00ed41f67f366703ae0797 [file] [log] [blame]
# Include host/target/compiler selection.
# This will export CC_NAME, MACHINE_NAME, OS_NAME, and HOST_NAME variables.
include ../../build.mak
# Include global compiler specific definitions
include ../../build/cc-$(CC_NAME).mak
# (Optionally) Include compiler specific configuration that is
# specific to this project. This configuration file is
# located in this directory.
-include cc-$(CC_NAME).mak
# Include global machine specific definitions
include ../../build/m-$(MACHINE_NAME).mak
-include m-$(MACHINE_NAME).mak
# Include target OS specific definitions
include ../../build/os-$(OS_NAME).mak
# (Optionally) Include target OS specific configuration that is
# specific to this project. This configuration file is
# located in this directory.
-include os-$(OS_NAME).mak
# Include host specific definitions
include ../../build/host-$(HOST_NAME).mak
# (Optionally) Include host specific configuration that is
# specific to this project. This configuration file is
# located in this directory.
-include host-$(HOST_NAME).mak
# Include global user configuration, if any
-include ../../user.mak