blob: efd5c2049c50bdeeeb11d337d30df64c397ca3a0 [file] [log] [blame]
/* v.1.0 - 26.Jan.2000
COPYRIGHT NOTE: This source code, and all of its derivations,
is subject to the "ITU-T General Public License". Please have
it read in the distribution disk, or in the ITU-T
Incorporated from anonymous contributions for
ETSI Standards as well as G.723.1, G.729, and G.722.1
This file contains the definition of 16- and 32-bit basic
operators to be used in the implementation of signal
processing algorithms. The basic operators try to resemble
assembly language instructions that are commonly found in
digital signal processor (DSP) CPUs, thus allowing algorithm
C-code implementations more directly mapeable to DSP assembly
NOTE: so far, this module does not have a demo program!
Defined in basop.h. Self-documentation within each function.
26.Jan.00 v1.0 Incorporated to the STL from updated G.723.1/G.729
basic operator library (based on basicop2.c) and
G.723.1's basop.c [L_mls(), div_l(), i_mult()]
05.Jul.00 v1.1 Added 32-bit shiftless accumulation basic
operators (L_msu0, L_mac0, L_mult0). Improved
documentation for i_mult().
| |
| Basic arithmetic operators. |
| |
| $Id $
| |
| Include-Files |
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "typedef.h"
#include "basop32.h"
#if (WMOPS)
#include "count.h"
extern BASIC_OP multiCounter[MAXCOUNTERS];
extern int currCounter;
| |
| Constants and Globals |
Flag g7221_Overflow = 0;
Flag g7221_Carry = 0;
| |
| Functions |
| |
| Function Name : shr |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Arithmetically shift the 16 bit input var1 right var2 positions with |
| sign extension. If var2 is negative, arithmetically shift var1 left by |
| -var2 with sign extension. Saturate the result in case of underflows or |
| overflows. |
| |
| Complexity weight : 1 |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| var1 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| var2 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| var_out |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff. |
Word16 shr (Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
if (var2 < 0)
if (var2 < -16)
var2 = -16;
return shl_nocheck(var1, (Word16) -var2);
return shr_nocheck(var1, var2);
/* ------------------------- End of shr() ------------------------- */
| |
| Function Name : shl |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Arithmetically shift the 16 bit input var1 left var2 positions.Zero fill|
| the var2 LSB of the result. If var2 is negative, arithmetically shift |
| var1 right by -var2 with sign extension. Saturate the result in case of |
| underflows or overflows. |
| |
| Complexity weight : 1 |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| var1 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| var2 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| var_out |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff. |
Word16 shl (Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
if (var2 < 0)
return shr_nocheck(var1, (Word16) -var2);
return shl_nocheck(var1, var2);
/* ------------------------- End of shl() ------------------------- */
| |
| Function Name : mult |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Performs the multiplication of var1 by var2 and gives a 16 bit result |
| which is scaled i.e.: |
| mult(var1,var2) = extract_l(L_shr((var1 times var2),15)) and |
| mult(-32768,-32768) = 32767. |
| |
| Complexity weight : 1 |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| var1 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| var2 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| var_out |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff. |
Word16 mult (Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
Word16 var_out;
Word32 L_product;
L_product = (Word32) var1 *(Word32) var2;
L_product = (L_product & (Word32) 0xffff8000L) >> 15;
if (L_product & (Word32) 0x00010000L)
L_product = L_product | (Word32) 0xffff0000L;
var_out = saturate (L_product);
#if (WMOPS)
return (var_out);
/* ------------------------- End of mult() ------------------------- */
| |
| Function Name : L_msu |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Multiply var1 by var2 and shift the result left by 1. Subtract the 32 |
| bit result to L_var3 with saturation, return a 32 bit result: |
| L_msu(L_var3,var1,var2) = L_sub(L_var3,L_mult(var1,var2)). |
| |
| Complexity weight : 1 |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| L_var3 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff. |
| |
| var1 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| var2 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| L_var_out |
| 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff. |
Word32 L_msu (Word32 L_var3, Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
Word32 L_var_out;
Word32 L_product;
L_product = L_mult (var1, var2);
#if (WMOPS)
L_var_out = L_sub (L_var3, L_product);
#if (WMOPS)
return (L_var_out);
/* ------------------------- End of L_msu() ------------------------- */
| |
| Function Name : L_macNs |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Multiply var1 by var2 and shift the result left by 1. Add the 32 bit |
| result to L_var3 without saturation, return a 32 bit result. Generate |
| carry and overflow values : |
| L_macNs(L_var3,var1,var2) = L_add_c(L_var3,L_mult(var1,var2)). |
| |
| Complexity weight : 1 |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| L_var3 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff. |
| |
| var1 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| var2 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| L_var_out |
| 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff. |
| |
| Caution : |
| |
| In some cases the Carry flag has to be cleared or set before using |
| operators which take into account its value. |
Word32 L_macNs (Word32 L_var3, Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
Word32 L_var_out;
L_var_out = L_mult (var1, var2);
#if (WMOPS)
L_var_out = L_add_c (L_var3, L_var_out);
#if (WMOPS)
return (L_var_out);
/* ------------------------- End of L_macNs() ------------------------- */
| |
| Function Name : L_msuNs |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Multiply var1 by var2 and shift the result left by 1. Subtract the 32 |
| bit result from L_var3 without saturation, return a 32 bit result. Ge- |
| nerate carry and overflow values : |
| L_msuNs(L_var3,var1,var2) = L_sub_c(L_var3,L_mult(var1,var2)). |
| |
| Complexity weight : 1 |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| L_var3 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff. |
| |
| var1 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| var2 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| L_var_out |
| 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff. |
| |
| Caution : |
| |
| In some cases the Carry flag has to be cleared or set before using |
| operators which take into account its value. |
Word32 L_msuNs (Word32 L_var3, Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
Word32 L_var_out;
L_var_out = L_mult (var1, var2);
#if (WMOPS)
L_var_out = L_sub_c (L_var3, L_var_out);
#if (WMOPS)
return (L_var_out);
/* ------------------------- End of L_msuNs() ------------------------- */
| |
| Function Name : L_add_c |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Performs 32 bits addition of the two 32 bits variables (L_var1+L_var2+C)|
| with carry. No saturation. Generate carry and Overflow values. The car- |
| ry and overflow values are binary variables which can be tested and as- |
| signed values. |
| |
| Complexity weight : 2 |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| L_var1 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff. |
| |
| L_var2 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff. |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| L_var_out |
| 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff. |
| |
| Caution : |
| |
| In some cases the Carry flag has to be cleared or set before using |
| operators which take into account its value. |
Word32 L_add_c (Word32 L_var1, Word32 L_var2)
Word32 L_var_out;
Word32 L_test;
Flag carry_int = 0;
L_var_out = L_var1 + L_var2 + GET_CARRY();
L_test = L_var1 + L_var2;
if ((L_var1 > 0) && (L_var2 > 0) && (L_test < 0))
carry_int = 0;
if ((L_var1 < 0) && (L_var2 < 0))
if (L_test >= 0)
carry_int = 1;
carry_int = 1;
if (((L_var1 ^ L_var2) < 0) && (L_test >= 0))
carry_int = 1;
carry_int = 0;
if (GET_CARRY())
if (L_test == MAX_32)
if (L_test == (Word32) 0xFFFFFFFFL)
#if (WMOPS)
return (L_var_out);
/* ------------------------- End of L_add_c() ------------------------- */
| |
| Function Name : L_sub_c |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Performs 32 bits subtraction of the two 32 bits variables with carry |
| (borrow) : L_var1-L_var2-C. No saturation. Generate carry and Overflow |
| values. The carry and overflow values are binary variables which can |
| be tested and assigned values. |
| |
| Complexity weight : 2 |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| L_var1 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff. |
| |
| L_var2 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff. |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| L_var_out |
| 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff. |
| |
| Caution : |
| |
| In some cases the Carry flag has to be cleared or set before using |
| operators which take into account its value. |
Word32 L_sub_c (Word32 L_var1, Word32 L_var2)
Word32 L_var_out;
Word32 L_test;
Flag carry_int = 0;
if (GET_CARRY())
if (L_var2 != MIN_32)
L_var_out = L_add_c (L_var1, -L_var2);
#if (WMOPS)
L_var_out = L_var1 - L_var2;
if (L_var1 > 0L)
L_var_out = L_var1 - L_var2 - (Word32) 0X00000001L;
L_test = L_var1 - L_var2;
if ((L_test < 0) && (L_var1 > 0) && (L_var2 < 0))
carry_int = 0;
else if ((L_test > 0) && (L_var1 < 0) && (L_var2 > 0))
carry_int = 1;
else if ((L_test > 0) && ((L_var1 ^ L_var2) > 0))
carry_int = 1;
if (L_test == MIN_32)
#if (WMOPS)
return (L_var_out);
/* ------------------------- End of L_sub_c() ------------------------- */
| |
| Function Name : L_negate |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Negate the 32 bit variable L_var1 with saturation; saturate in the case |
| where input is -2147483648 (0x8000 0000). |
| |
| Complexity weight : 2 |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| L_var1 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff. |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| L_var_out |
| 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff. |
Word32 L_negate (Word32 L_var1)
Word32 L_var_out;
L_var_out = (L_var1 == MIN_32) ? MAX_32 : -L_var1;
#if (WMOPS)
return (L_var_out);
/* ------------------------- End of L_negate() ------------------------- */
| |
| Function Name : mult_r |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Same as mult with rounding, i.e.: |
| mult_r(var1,var2) = extract_l(L_shr(((var1 * var2) + 16384),15)) and |
| mult_r(-32768,-32768) = 32767. |
| |
| Complexity weight : 2 |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| var1 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| var2 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| var_out |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff. |
Word16 mult_r (Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
Word16 var_out;
Word32 L_product_arr;
L_product_arr = (Word32) var1 *(Word32) var2; /* product */
L_product_arr += (Word32) 0x00004000L; /* round */
L_product_arr &= (Word32) 0xffff8000L;
L_product_arr >>= 15; /* shift */
if (L_product_arr & (Word32) 0x00010000L) /* sign extend when necessary */
L_product_arr |= (Word32) 0xffff0000L;
var_out = saturate (L_product_arr);
#if (WMOPS)
return (var_out);
/* ------------------------- End of mult_r() ------------------------- */
| |
| Function Name : shr_r |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Same as shr(var1,var2) but with rounding. Saturate the result in case of|
| underflows or overflows : |
| - If var2 is greater than zero : |
| if (sub(shl(shr(var1,var2),1),shr(var1,sub(var2,1)))) |
| is equal to zero |
| then |
| shr_r(var1,var2) = shr(var1,var2) |
| else |
| shr_r(var1,var2) = add(shr(var1,var2),1) |
| - If var2 is less than or equal to zero : |
| shr_r(var1,var2) = shr(var1,var2). |
| |
| Complexity weight : 2 |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| var1 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| var2 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| var_out |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff. |
Word16 shr_r (Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
Word16 var_out;
if (var2 > 15)
var_out = 0;
var_out = shr (var1, var2);
#if (WMOPS)
if (var2 > 0)
if ((var1 & ((Word16) 1 << (var2 - 1))) != 0)
#if (WMOPS)
return (var_out);
/* ------------------------- End of shr_r() ------------------------- */
| |
| Function Name : mac_r |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Multiply var1 by var2 and shift the result left by 1. Add the 32 bit |
| result to L_var3 with saturation. Round the LS 16 bits of the result |
| into the MS 16 bits with saturation and shift the result right by 16. |
| Return a 16 bit result. |
| mac_r(L_var3,var1,var2) = round(L_mac(L_var3,var1,var2)) |
| |
| Complexity weight : 2 |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| L_var3 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff. |
| |
| var1 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| var2 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| var_out |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x0000 8000 <= L_var_out <= 0x0000 7fff. |
Word16 mac_r (Word32 L_var3, Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
Word16 var_out;
L_var3 = L_mac (L_var3, var1, var2);
#if (WMOPS)
L_var3 = L_add (L_var3, (Word32) 0x00008000L);
#if (WMOPS)
var_out = extract_h (L_var3);
#if (WMOPS)
return (var_out);
/* ------------------------- End of mac_r() ------------------------- */
| |
| Function Name : msu_r |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Multiply var1 by var2 and shift the result left by 1. Subtract the 32 |
| bit result to L_var3 with saturation. Round the LS 16 bits of the res- |
| ult into the MS 16 bits with saturation and shift the result right by |
| 16. Return a 16 bit result. |
| msu_r(L_var3,var1,var2) = round(L_msu(L_var3,var1,var2)) |
| |
| Complexity weight : 2 |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| L_var3 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff. |
| |
| var1 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| var2 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| var_out |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x0000 8000 <= L_var_out <= 0x0000 7fff. |
Word16 msu_r (Word32 L_var3, Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
Word16 var_out;
L_var3 = L_msu (L_var3, var1, var2);
#if (WMOPS)
L_var3 = L_add (L_var3, (Word32) 0x00008000L);
#if (WMOPS)
var_out = extract_h (L_var3);
#if (WMOPS)
return (var_out);
/* ------------------------- End of msu_r() ------------------------- */
| |
| Function Name : L_deposit_h |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Deposit the 16 bit var1 into the 16 MS bits of the 32 bit output. The |
| 16 LS bits of the output are zeroed. |
| |
| Complexity weight : 2 |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| var1 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| L_var_out |
| 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= var_out <= 0x7fff 0000. |
Word32 L_deposit_h (Word16 var1)
Word32 L_var_out;
L_var_out = (Word32) var1 << 16;
#if (WMOPS)
return (L_var_out);
/* ------------------------- End of L_deposit_h() ------------------------- */
| |
| Function Name : L_deposit_l |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Deposit the 16 bit var1 into the 16 LS bits of the 32 bit output. The |
| 16 MS bits of the output are sign extended. |
| |
| Complexity weight : 2 |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| var1 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| L_var_out |
| 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xFFFF 8000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff. |
Word32 L_deposit_l (Word16 var1)
Word32 L_var_out;
L_var_out = (Word32) var1;
#if (WMOPS)
return (L_var_out);
/* ------------------------- End of L_deposit_l() ------------------------- */
| |
| Function Name : L_shr_r |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Same as L_shr(L_var1,var2) but with rounding. Saturate the result in |
| case of underflows or overflows : |
| - If var2 is greater than zero : |
| if (L_sub(L_shl(L_shr(L_var1,var2),1),L_shr(L_var1,sub(var2,1))))|
| is equal to zero |
| then |
| L_shr_r(L_var1,var2) = L_shr(L_var1,var2) |
| else |
| L_shr_r(L_var1,var2) = L_add(L_shr(L_var1,var2),1) |
| - If var2 is less than or equal to zero : |
| L_shr_r(L_var1,var2) = L_shr(L_var1,var2). |
| |
| Complexity weight : 3 |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| L_var1 |
| 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= var1 <= 0x7fff ffff. |
| |
| var2 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| L_var_out |
| 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= var_out <= 0x7fff ffff. |
Word32 L_shr_r (Word32 L_var1, Word16 var2)
Word32 L_var_out;
if (var2 > 31)
L_var_out = 0;
L_var_out = L_shr (L_var1, var2);
#if (WMOPS)
if (var2 > 0)
if ((L_var1 & ((Word32) 1 << (var2 - 1))) != 0)
#if (WMOPS)
return (L_var_out);
/* ------------------------- End of L_shr_r() ------------------------- */
| |
| Function Name : L_abs |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Absolute value of L_var1; Saturate in case where the input is |
| -214783648 |
| |
| Complexity weight : 3 |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| L_var1 |
| 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= var1 <= 0x7fff ffff. |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| L_var_out |
| 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x0000 0000 <= var_out <= 0x7fff ffff. |
Word32 L_abs (Word32 L_var1)
Word32 L_var_out;
if (L_var1 == MIN_32)
L_var_out = MAX_32;
if (L_var1 < 0)
L_var_out = -L_var1;
L_var_out = L_var1;
#if (WMOPS)
return (L_var_out);
/* ------------------------- End of L_abs() ------------------------- */
| |
| Function Name : norm_s |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Produces the number of left shift needed to normalize the 16 bit varia- |
| ble var1 for positive values on the interval with minimum of 16384 and |
| maximum of 32767, and for negative values on the interval with minimum |
| of -32768 and maximum of -16384; in order to normalize the result, the |
| following operation must be done : |
| norm_var1 = shl(var1,norm_s(var1)). |
| |
| Complexity weight : 15 |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| var1 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| var_out |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x0000 0000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 000f. |
Word16 norm_s (Word16 var1)
Word16 var_out;
if (var1 == 0)
var_out = 0;
if (var1 == (Word16) 0xffff)
var_out = 15;
if (var1 < 0)
var1 = ~var1;
for (var_out = 0; var1 < 0x4000; var_out++)
var1 <<= 1;
#if (WMOPS)
return (var_out);
/* ------------------------- End of norm_s() ------------------------- */
| |
| Function Name : div_s |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Produces a result which is the fractional integer division of var1 by |
| var2; var1 and var2 must be positive and var2 must be greater or equal |
| to var1; the result is positive (leading bit equal to 0) and truncated |
| to 16 bits. |
| If var1 = var2 then div(var1,var2) = 32767. |
| |
| Complexity weight : 18 |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| var1 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x0000 0000 <= var1 <= var2 and var2 != 0. |
| |
| var2 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : var1 <= var2 <= 0x0000 7fff and var2 != 0. |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| var_out |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x0000 0000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| It's a Q15 value (point between b15 and b14). |
Word16 div_s (Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
Word16 var_out = 0;
Word16 iteration;
Word32 L_num;
Word32 L_denom;
if ((var1 > var2) || (var1 < 0) || (var2 < 0))
printf ("Division Error var1=%d var2=%d\n", var1, var2);
abort(); /* exit (0); */
if (var2 == 0)
printf ("Division by 0, Fatal error \n");
abort(); /* exit (0); */
if (var1 == 0)
var_out = 0;
if (var1 == var2)
var_out = MAX_16;
L_num = L_deposit_l (var1);
#if (WMOPS)
L_denom = L_deposit_l (var2);
#if (WMOPS)
for (iteration = 0; iteration < 15; iteration++)
var_out <<= 1;
L_num <<= 1;
if (L_num >= L_denom)
L_num = L_sub (L_num, L_denom);
#if (WMOPS)
var_out = add (var_out, 1);
#if (WMOPS)
#if (WMOPS)
return (var_out);
/* ------------------------- End of div_s() ------------------------- */
| |
| Function Name : norm_l |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Produces the number of left shifts needed to normalize the 32 bit varia-|
| ble L_var1 for positive values on the interval with minimum of |
| 1073741824 and maximum of 2147483647, and for negative values on the in-|
| terval with minimum of -2147483648 and maximum of -1073741824; in order |
| to normalize the result, the following operation must be done : |
| norm_L_var1 = L_shl(L_var1,norm_l(L_var1)). |
| |
| Complexity weight : 30 |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| L_var1 |
| 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= var1 <= 0x7fff ffff. |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| var_out |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x0000 0000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 001f. |
Word16 norm_l (Word32 L_var1)
Word16 var_out;
if (L_var1 == 0)
var_out = 0;
if (L_var1 == (Word32) 0xffffffffL)
var_out = 31;
if (L_var1 < 0)
L_var1 = ~L_var1;
for (var_out = 0; L_var1 < (Word32) 0x40000000L; var_out++)
L_var1 <<= 1;
#if (WMOPS)
return (var_out);
/* ------------------------- End of norm_l() ------------------------- */
Additional operators extracted from the G.723.1 Library
Adapted for WMOPS calculations
| |
| Function Name : L_mls |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Multiplies a 16 bit word v by a 32 bit word Lv and returns a 32 bit |
| word (multiplying 16 by 32 bit words gives 48 bit word; the function |
| extracts the 32 MSB and shift the result to the left by 1). |
| |
| A 32 bit word can be written as |
| Lv = a + b * 2^16 |
| where a= unsigned 16 LSBs and b= signed 16 MSBs. |
| The function returns v * Lv / 2^15 which is equivalent to |
| a*v / 2^15 + b*v*2 |
| |
| Complexity weight : 6 [to be confirmed] |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| Lv |
| 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= var1 <= 0x7fff ffff. |
| v |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 <= var1 <= 0x7fff. |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| var_out |
| 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= var_out <= 0x7fff ffff. |
| |
Word32 L_mls (Word32 Lv, Word16 v)
Word32 Temp ;
Temp = Lv & (Word32) 0x0000ffff ;
Temp = Temp * (Word32) v ;
Temp = L_shr_nocheck( Temp, (Word16) 15 ) ;
Temp = L_mac( Temp, v, extract_h(Lv) ) ;
#if (WMOPS)
return Temp ;
/* ------------------------- End of L_mls() ------------------------- */
| |
| Function Name : div_l |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Produces a result which is the fractional integer division of L_var1 by|
| var2; L_var1 and var2 must be positive and var2 << 16 must be greater or|
| equal to L_var1; the result is positive (leading bit equal to 0) and |
| truncated to 16 bits. |
| If L_var1 == var2 << 16 then div_l(L_var1,var2) = 32767. |
| |
| Complexity weight : 20 |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| L_var1 |
| 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x0000 0000 <= var1 <= (var2 << 16) and var2 != 0. |
| L_var1 must be considered as a Q.31 value |
| |
| var2 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : var1 <= (var2<< 16) <= 0x7fff0000 and var2 != 0. |
| var2 must be considered as a Q.15 value |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| var_out |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x0000 0000 <= var_out <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| It's a Q15 value (point between b15 and b14). |
Word16 div_l (Word32 L_num, Word16 den)
Word16 var_out = (Word16)0;
Word32 L_den;
Word16 iteration;
#if (WMOPS)
if ( den == (Word16) 0 ) {
printf("Division by 0 in div_l, Fatal error \n");
if ( (L_num < (Word32) 0) || (den < (Word16) 0) ) {
printf("Division Error in div_l, Fatal error \n");
L_den = L_deposit_h( den ) ;
#if (WMOPS)
if ( L_num >= L_den ){
return MAX_16 ;
else {
L_num = L_shr_nocheck(L_num, (Word16)1) ;
L_den = L_shr_nocheck(L_den, (Word16)1);
#if (WMOPS)
for(iteration=(Word16)0; iteration< (Word16)15;iteration++) {
var_out = shl_nocheck( var_out, (Word16)1);
L_num = L_shl_nocheck( L_num, (Word16)1);
#if (WMOPS)
if (L_num >= L_den) {
L_num = L_sub(L_num,L_den);
var_out = add(var_out, (Word16)1);
#if (WMOPS)
return var_out;
/* ------------------------- End of div_l() ------------------------- */
| |
| Function Name : i_mult |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Integer 16-bit multiplication. No overflow protection is performed if |
| ORIGINAL_G7231 is defined. |
| |
| Complexity weight : TBD |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| a |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16). |
| |
| b |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16). |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16). No overflow checks |
| are performed if ORIGINAL_G7231 is defined. |
Word16 i_mult (Word16 a, Word16 b)
#ifdef ORIGINAL_G7231
return a*b ;
Word32 register c=a*b;
#if (WMOPS)
return saturate(c) ;
/* ------------------------- End of i_mult() ------------------------- */
The following three operators are not part of the original
G.729/G.723.1 set of basic operators and implement shiftless
accumulation operation.
| Function Name : L_mult0
| Purpose :
| L_mult0 is the 32 bit result of the multiplication of var1 times var2
| without one left shift.
| Complexity weight : 1
| Inputs :
| var1 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.
| var2 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.
| Return Value :
| L_var_out
| 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.
Word32 L_mult0 (Word16 var1,Word16 var2)
Word32 L_var_out;
L_var_out = (Word32)var1 * (Word32)var2;
#if (WMOPS)
/* ------------------------- End of L_mult0() ------------------------- */
| Function Name : L_mac0
| Purpose :
| Multiply var1 by var2 (without left shift) and add the 32 bit result to
| L_var3 with saturation, return a 32 bit result:
| L_mac0(L_var3,var1,var2) = L_add(L_var3,(L_mult0(var1,var2)).
| Complexity weight : 1
| Inputs :
| L_var3 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff.
| var1 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.
| var2 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.
| Return Value :
| L_var_out
| 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.
Word32 L_mac0 (Word32 L_var3, Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
Word32 L_var_out;
Word32 L_product;
L_product = L_mult0(var1,var2);
L_var_out = L_add(L_var3,L_product);
#if (WMOPS)
/* ------------------------- End of L_mac0() ------------------------- */
| Function Name : L_msu0
| Purpose :
| Multiply var1 by var2 (without left shift) and subtract the 32 bit
| result to L_var3 with saturation, return a 32 bit result:
| L_msu0(L_var3,var1,var2) = L_sub(L_var3,(L_mult0(var1,var2)).
| Complexity weight : 1
| Inputs :
| L_var3 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff.
| var1 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.
| var2 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff.
| Return Value :
| L_var_out
| 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff.
Word32 L_msu0 (Word32 L_var3, Word16 var1, Word16 var2)
Word32 L_var_out;
Word32 L_product;
L_product = L_mult0(var1,var2);
L_var_out = L_sub(L_var3,L_product);
#if (WMOPS)
/* ------------------------- End of L_msu0() ------------------------- */
| |
| Function Name : LU_shl |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Arithmetically shift the 32 bit input L_var1 left var2 positions. Zero |
| fill the var2 LSB of the result. If var2 is negative, arithmetically |
| shift L_var1 right by -var2 with sign extension. Saturate the result in |
| case of underflows or overflows. |
| |
| Complexity weight : 2 |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| L_var1 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff. |
| |
| var2 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| L_var_out |
| 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff. |
UWord32 LU_shl (UWord32 L_var1, Word16 var2)
Word16 neg_var2;
UWord32 L_var_out;
if (var2 <= 0)
if (var2 < -32)
var2 = -32;
neg_var2 = negate(var2);
L_var_out = LU_shr (L_var1, neg_var2);
#if (WMOPS)
for (; var2 > 0; var2--)
if (L_var1 > (UWord32) 0X7fffffffL)
L_var_out = UMAX_32;
if (L_var1 < (UWord32) 0x00000001L)
L_var_out = MIN_32;
L_var1 *= 2;
L_var_out = L_var1;
#if (WMOPS)
return (L_var_out);
/* ------------------------- End of LU_shl() ------------------------- */
| |
| Function Name : LU_shr |
| |
| Purpose : |
| |
| Arithmetically shift the 32 bit input L_var1 right var2 positions with |
| sign extension. If var2 is negative, arithmetically shift L_var1 left |
| by -var2 and zero fill the -var2 LSB of the result. Saturate the result |
| in case of underflows or overflows. |
| |
| Complexity weight : 2 |
| |
| Inputs : |
| |
| L_var1 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var3 <= 0x7fff ffff. |
| |
| var2 |
| 16 bit short signed integer (Word16) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0xffff 8000 <= var1 <= 0x0000 7fff. |
| |
| Outputs : |
| |
| none |
| |
| Return Value : |
| |
| L_var_out |
| 32 bit long signed integer (Word32) whose value falls in the |
| range : 0x8000 0000 <= L_var_out <= 0x7fff ffff. |
UWord32 LU_shr (UWord32 L_var1, Word16 var2)
Word16 neg_var2;
UWord32 L_var_out;
if (var2 < 0)
if (var2 < -32)
var2 = -32;
neg_var2 = negate(var2);
L_var_out = LU_shl (L_var1, neg_var2);
#if (WMOPS)
if (var2 >= 32)
L_var_out = 0L;
L_var_out = L_var1 >> var2;
#if (WMOPS)
return (L_var_out);
/* ------------------------- End of LU_shr() ------------------------- */
/* ************************** END OF BASOP32.C ************************** */