blob: d48a34cdc06b607cbdca20d6ae581411023e4e02 [file] [log] [blame]
/* $Id$ */
* Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Teluu Inc. (
* Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef __PJ_TURN_SRV_TURN_H__
#define __PJ_TURN_SRV_TURN_H__
#include <pjlib.h>
#include <pjnath.h>
typedef struct pj_turn_relay_res pj_turn_relay_res;
typedef struct pj_turn_listener pj_turn_listener;
typedef struct pj_turn_transport pj_turn_transport;
typedef struct pj_turn_permission pj_turn_permission;
typedef struct pj_turn_allocation pj_turn_allocation;
typedef struct pj_turn_srv pj_turn_srv;
typedef struct pj_turn_pkt pj_turn_pkt;
#define PJ_TURN_INVALID_LIS_ID ((unsigned)-1)
* Get transport type name string.
PJ_DECL(const char*) pj_turn_tp_type_name(int tp_type);
* This structure describes TURN relay resource. An allocation allocates
* one relay resource, and optionally it may reserve another resource.
struct pj_turn_relay_res
/** Hash table key */
struct {
/** Transport type. */
int tp_type;
/** Transport/relay address */
pj_sockaddr addr;
} hkey;
/** Allocation who requested or reserved this resource. */
pj_turn_allocation *allocation;
/** Username used in credential */
pj_str_t user;
/** Realm used in credential. */
pj_str_t realm;
/** Lifetime, in seconds. */
unsigned lifetime;
/** Relay/allocation expiration time */
pj_time_val expiry;
/** Timeout timer entry */
pj_timer_entry timer;
/** Transport. */
struct {
/** Transport/relay socket */
pj_sock_t sock;
/** Transport/relay ioqueue */
pj_ioqueue_key_t *key;
/** Read operation key. */
pj_ioqueue_op_key_t read_key;
/** The incoming packet buffer */
char rx_pkt[PJ_TURN_MAX_PKT_LEN];
/** Source address of the packet. */
pj_sockaddr src_addr;
/** Source address length */
int src_addr_len;
/** The outgoing packet buffer. This must be 3wbit aligned. */
char tx_pkt[PJ_TURN_MAX_PKT_LEN+4];
} tp;
* TURN Allocation API
* This structure describes key to lookup TURN allocations in the
* allocation hash table.
typedef struct pj_turn_allocation_key
int tp_type; /**< Transport type. */
pj_sockaddr clt_addr; /**< Client's address. */
} pj_turn_allocation_key;
* This structure describes TURN pj_turn_allocation session.
struct pj_turn_allocation
/** Hash table key to identify client. */
pj_turn_allocation_key hkey;
/** Pool for this allocation. */
pj_pool_t *pool;
/** Object name for logging identification */
char *obj_name;
/** Client info (IP address and port) */
char info[80];
/** Mutex */
pj_lock_t *lock;
/** Server instance. */
pj_turn_srv *server;
/** Transport to send/receive packets to/from client. */
pj_turn_transport *transport;
/** The relay resource for this allocation. */
pj_turn_relay_res relay;
/** Relay resource reserved by this allocation, if any */
pj_turn_relay_res *resv;
/** Requested bandwidth */
unsigned bandwidth;
/** STUN session for this client */
pj_stun_session *sess;
/** Credential for this STUN session. */
pj_stun_auth_cred cred;
/** Peer hash table (keyed by peer address) */
pj_hash_table_t *peer_table;
/** Channel hash table (keyed by channel number) */
pj_hash_table_t *ch_table;
* This structure describes the hash table key to lookup TURN
* permission.
typedef struct pj_turn_permission_key
/** Peer address. */
pj_sockaddr peer_addr;
} pj_turn_permission_key;
* This structure describes TURN pj_turn_permission or channel.
struct pj_turn_permission
/** Hash table key */
pj_turn_permission_key hkey;
/** TURN allocation that owns this permission/channel */
pj_turn_allocation *allocation;
/** Optional channel number, or PJ_TURN_INVALID_CHANNEL if channel number
* is not requested for this permission.
pj_uint16_t channel;
/** Permission expiration time. */
pj_time_val expiry;
* Create new allocation.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pj_turn_allocation_create(pj_turn_transport *transport,
const pj_sockaddr_t *src_addr,
unsigned src_addr_len,
const pj_stun_rx_data *rdata,
pj_stun_session *srv_sess,
pj_turn_allocation **p_alloc);
* Destroy allocation.
PJ_DECL(void) pj_turn_allocation_destroy(pj_turn_allocation *alloc);
* Handle incoming packet from client.
PJ_DECL(void) pj_turn_allocation_on_rx_client_pkt(pj_turn_allocation *alloc,
pj_turn_pkt *pkt);
* Handle transport closure.
PJ_DECL(void) pj_turn_allocation_on_transport_closed(pj_turn_allocation *alloc,
pj_turn_transport *tp);
* TURN Listener API
* This structure describes TURN listener socket. A TURN listener socket
* listens for incoming connections from clients.
struct pj_turn_listener
/** Object name/identification */
char *obj_name;
/** Slightly longer info about this listener */
char info[80];
/** TURN server instance. */
pj_turn_srv *server;
/** Listener index in the server */
unsigned id;
/** Pool for this listener. */
pj_pool_t *pool;
/** Transport type. */
int tp_type;
/** Bound address of this listener. */
pj_sockaddr addr;
/** Socket. */
pj_sock_t sock;
/** Flags. */
unsigned flags;
/** Destroy handler */
pj_status_t (*destroy)(pj_turn_listener*);
* This structure describes TURN transport socket which is used to send and
* receive packets towards client.
struct pj_turn_transport
/** Object name/identification */
char *obj_name;
/** Slightly longer info about this listener */
char *info;
/** Listener instance */
pj_turn_listener *listener;
/** Sendto handler */
pj_status_t (*sendto)(pj_turn_transport *tp,
const void *packet,
pj_size_t size,
unsigned flag,
const pj_sockaddr_t *addr,
int addr_len);
/** Addref handler */
void (*add_ref)(pj_turn_transport *tp,
pj_turn_allocation *alloc);
/** Decref handler */
void (*dec_ref)(pj_turn_transport *tp,
pj_turn_allocation *alloc);
* An incoming packet.
struct pj_turn_pkt
/** Pool for this packet */
pj_pool_t *pool;
/** Transport where the packet was received. */
pj_turn_transport *transport;
/** Packet buffer (must be 32bit aligned). */
pj_uint8_t pkt[PJ_TURN_MAX_PKT_LEN];
/** Size of the packet */
pj_size_t len;
/** Arrival time. */
pj_time_val rx_time;
/** Source transport type and source address. */
pj_turn_allocation_key src;
/** Source address length. */
int src_addr_len;
* Create a UDP listener on the specified port.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pj_turn_listener_create_udp(pj_turn_srv *srv,
int af,
const pj_str_t *bound_addr,
unsigned port,
unsigned concurrency_cnt,
unsigned flags,
pj_turn_listener **p_lis);
* Create a TCP listener on the specified port.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pj_turn_listener_create_tcp(pj_turn_srv *srv,
int af,
const pj_str_t *bound_addr,
unsigned port,
unsigned concurrency_cnt,
unsigned flags,
pj_turn_listener **p_lis);
* Destroy listener.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pj_turn_listener_destroy(pj_turn_listener *listener);
* Add a reference to a transport.
PJ_DECL(void) pj_turn_transport_add_ref(pj_turn_transport *transport,
pj_turn_allocation *alloc);
* Decrement transport reference counter.
PJ_DECL(void) pj_turn_transport_dec_ref(pj_turn_transport *transport,
pj_turn_allocation *alloc);
* TURN Server API
* This structure describes TURN pj_turn_srv instance.
struct pj_turn_srv
/** Object name */
char *obj_name;
/** Core settings */
struct {
/** Pool factory */
pj_pool_factory *pf;
/** Pool for this server instance. */
pj_pool_t *pool;
/** Global Ioqueue */
pj_ioqueue_t *ioqueue;
/** Mutex */
pj_lock_t *lock;
/** Global timer heap instance. */
pj_timer_heap_t *timer_heap;
/** Number of listeners */
unsigned lis_cnt;
/** Array of listeners. */
pj_turn_listener **listener;
/** STUN session to handle initial Allocate request. */
pj_stun_session *stun_sess;
/** Number of worker threads. */
unsigned thread_cnt;
/** Array of worker threads. */
pj_thread_t **thread;
/** Thread quit signal */
pj_bool_t quit;
/** STUN config. */
pj_stun_config stun_cfg;
/** STUN auth credential. */
pj_stun_auth_cred cred;
/** Thread local ID for storing credential */
long tls_key, tls_data;
} core;
/** Hash tables */
struct {
/** Allocations hash table, indexed by transport type and
* client address.
pj_hash_table_t *alloc;
/** Relay resource hash table, indexed by transport type and
* relay address.
pj_hash_table_t *res;
} tables;
/** Ports settings */
struct {
/** Minimum UDP port number. */
pj_uint16_t min_udp;
/** Maximum UDP port number. */
pj_uint16_t max_udp;
/** Next UDP port number. */
pj_uint16_t next_udp;
/** Minimum TCP port number. */
pj_uint16_t min_tcp;
/** Maximum TCP port number. */
pj_uint16_t max_tcp;
/** Next TCP port number. */
pj_uint16_t next_tcp;
} ports;
* Create server.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pj_turn_srv_create(pj_pool_factory *pf,
pj_turn_srv **p_srv);
* Destroy server.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pj_turn_srv_destroy(pj_turn_srv *srv);
* Add listener.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pj_turn_srv_add_listener(pj_turn_srv *srv,
pj_turn_listener *lis);
* Register an allocation.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pj_turn_srv_register_allocation(pj_turn_srv *srv,
pj_turn_allocation *alloc);
* Unregister an allocation.
PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pj_turn_srv_unregister_allocation(pj_turn_srv *srv,
pj_turn_allocation *alloc);
* This callback is called by UDP listener on incoming packet.
PJ_DECL(void) pj_turn_srv_on_rx_pkt(pj_turn_srv *srv,
pj_turn_pkt *pkt);
#endif /* __PJ_TURN_SRV_TURN_H__ */