blob: 429085e1352c069edca46711f4c2f3f331947eb4 [file] [log] [blame]
/* $Id$
#include "test.h"
#include <pjlib.h>
* \page page_pjlib_atomic_test Test: Atomic Variable
* This file provides implementation of \b atomic_test(). It tests the
* functionality of the atomic variable API.
* \section atomic_test_sec Scope of the Test
* API tested:
* - pj_atomic_create()
* - pj_atomic_get()
* - pj_atomic_inc()
* - pj_atomic_dec()
* - pj_atomic_set()
* - pj_atomic_destroy()
* This file is <b>pjlib-test/atomic.c</b>
* \include pjlib-test/atomic.c
int atomic_test(void)
pj_pool_t *pool;
pj_atomic_t *atomic_var;
pj_status_t rc;
pool = pj_pool_create(mem, NULL, 4096, 0, NULL);
if (!pool)
return -10;
/* create() */
rc = pj_atomic_create(pool, 111, &atomic_var);
if (rc != 0) {
return -20;
/* get: check the value. */
if (pj_atomic_get(atomic_var) != 111)
return -30;
/* increment. */
if (pj_atomic_inc(atomic_var) != 112)
return -40;
/* decrement. */
if (pj_atomic_dec(atomic_var) != 111)
return -50;
/* set */
if (pj_atomic_set(atomic_var, 211) != 111)
return -60;
/* check the value again. */
if (pj_atomic_get(atomic_var) != 211)
return -70;
/* destroy */
rc = pj_atomic_destroy(atomic_var);
if (rc != 0)
return -80;
return 0;
/* To prevent warning about "translation unit is empty"
* when this test is disabled.
int dummy_atomic_test;