blob: 7cdd652f862b2298e59caf1c851f84aa6105aeac [file] [log] [blame]
This repository is the master repository for Ring. It contains a build script,,
that can be used to build and install ring from source on different platforms.
More documentation can be found on You may also build the documentation
with ``make docs``. The documentation will be built in ``docs/build/html``.
Using make-ring
The Ring installer uses python3. Please make sure it is installed before running it.
Initialize the repositories
.. code-block:: bash
./ --init
On Linux
1. Build and install all the dependencies:
.. code-block:: bash
./ --dependencies
Your distribution's package manager will be used.
2. Build and install locally under this repository:
.. code-block:: bash
./ --install
3. Run daemon and client that were installed locally:
.. code-block:: bash
./ --run
You can then stop the processes with CTRL-C.
You can also run them in the background with the ``--background`` argument and then use the ``--stop`` command to stop them. Stdout and stderr go to daemon.log and client-gnome.log.
Install globally for all users instead
.. code-block:: bash
./ --install --global-install
Run global install:
.. code-block:: bash
This already starts the daemon automatically for us.
Uninstall the global install:
.. code-block:: bash
./ --uninstall
You need to setup Homebrew (<>) since their is no built-in package manager on OSX.
Build and install all the dependencies:
.. code-block:: bash
./ --dependencies
Build and install locally under this repository:
.. code-block:: bash
./ --install
You can find the .app file in the ``./install/client-macosx`` folder.
On Android
Please make sure you have the Android SDK and NDK installed, and that their paths are properly set. For further information, please visit <>
Build and install locally under this repository:
.. code-block:: bash
./ --install --distribution=Android
You can find the .apk file in the ./client-android/ring-android/app/build/outputs