blob: 60422f704bccf90738ad0653e26e511c0b996e56 [file] [log] [blame]
Create a package.json: PACKAGE
A package.json is a json file containing important build information needed for the
windows build pipeline used by the daemon project.
package.json skeleton:
"name": "PLUGINNAME", -> plugin name;
"version": "X.Y.Z", -> plugin version, must be of the form X.Y.Z;
"extractLibs": false, -> use tensorflow header files inside
"deps": [], -> dependencies that can be build by ring-daemon
project. ie: ffmpeg and opencv;
"defines": [], -> cmake definitions to configure plugin project;
"custom_scripts": {
"pre_build": [
"mkdir msvc" -> creates directory to generate and build plugin
"build": [
"cmake --build ./msvc --config Release" -> cmake build command.
"post_build": []
For more technical information, please refer to: .