blob: d315a3f69e3223928dc48c5093445e0a31b88cc9 [file] [log] [blame]
To merge two different jpl: MERGE foo.jpl bar.jpl
Be aware tha merging two or more jpls may incur orverwriting some of the files
inside your plugins archives if they are not equal for all plugins. The only files
that may not present conflicting contents are the ones that do not repeate themselves.
If conflicts occur, files from the first jpl, in our case the foo.jpl, will prevail
over the others.
This tool is useful when you build a plugin for different platforms and want to compile
a single PLUGINNAME.jpl archive to be publish and used along cross platforms, ie: same jpl
can be used for Windows, GNU/Linux, and Android.
For more technical information, please refer to: .