blob: bbe3f26a1f432e936a969eb373a39b66a878a615 [file] [log] [blame]
Create a plugin skeleton: PLUGIN
A plugin creation will pass through several steps:
1 - authorship information;
2 - name;
3 - manifest;
4 - main file;
5 - functionalities;
6 - preferences;
7 - package;
8 - build related files,
And will output a basic plugin capable of being build, installed, loaded and used!
This basic plugin, although will perform no modification to the data to which it
is linked to. The data process implementation is on your hands!
Feel free to create awesome plugins! But respect these constraints:
- use ffmpeg and opencv from ring-daemon project.
- if using tensorflow, choose version 2.1.0. Why?
-> We have all needed header files of tensorflow in <jami-plugins>/contrib/libs.tar.gz;
-> We provide docker images with libraries for Tensorflow C++ API and Tensorflow
Lite, for both Android and Linux development.
- if you need other libraries, check if we support it's build with ring-daemon project,
otherwise, you will have to build it and ensure correctly link to the plugin libraries.
For detailed information about manifest, main file, functionalities, preferences, package,
and build related files please refer to the specific help command.
For DockerHub links and more technical information, please refer to: .