blob: 2e7920d15b6f7847ebf5b7bc9d81493a50a70f21 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2004-2021 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
* Author: Yan Morin <>
* Author: Laurielle Lea <>
* Author: Emmanuel Milou <>
* Author: Guillaume Carmel-Archambault <>
* Author: Alexandre Savard <>
* Author: Tristan Matthews <>
* Author: Guillaume Roguez <>
* Author: Aline Gondim Santos <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#pragma once
#include "config.h"
#include "account_factory.h"
#include "call_factory.h"
#include "preferences.h"
#include "audio/audiolayer.h"
#include "scheduled_executor.h"
#include "gittransport.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace asio {
class io_context;
namespace jami {
namespace video {
class SinkClient;
class VideoGenerator;
} // namespace video
class ChannelSocket;
class RingBufferPool;
struct VideoManager;
class Conference;
class AudioLoop;
class IceTransportFactory;
class JamiAccount;
class SIPVoIPLink;
class JamiPluginManager;
/** Manager (controller) of daemon */
// TODO DRING_PUBLIC only if tests
class DRING_TESTABLE Manager
std::mt19937_64 rand_;
// TODO DRING_PUBLIC only if tests
static DRING_TESTABLE Manager& instance();
void setAutoAnswer(bool enable);
* General preferences configuration
Preferences preferences;
* Voip related preferences
VoipPreference voipPreferences;
* Audio preferences
AudioPreference audioPreference;
* Shortcut preferences
ShortcutPreferences shortcutPreferences;
* Plugin preferences
PluginPreferences pluginPreferences;
* Video preferences
VideoPreferences videoPreferences;
// Manager should not be accessed until initialized.
// FIXME this is an evil hack!
static std::atomic_bool initialized;
* Initialisation of thread (sound) and map.
* Init a new VoIPLink, audio codec and audio driver
void init(const std::string& config_file);
* Terminate all threads and exit DBus loop
void finish() noexcept;
void monitor(bool continuous);
* Accessor to audiodriver.
* it's multi-thread and use mutex internally
* @return AudioLayer* The audio layer object
std::shared_ptr<AudioLayer> getAudioDriver();
inline std::unique_ptr<AudioDeviceGuard> startAudioStream(AudioDeviceType stream)
return std::make_unique<AudioDeviceGuard>(*this, stream);
* Place a new call
* @param accountId the user's account ID
* @param callee the callee's ID/URI. Depends on the account type.
* Refer to placeCall/placeCallWithMedia documentations.
* @param mediaList a list of medias to include
* @param confId the conference ID if any
* @return the call ID on success, empty string otherwise
std::string outgoingCall(const std::string& accountId,
const std::string& callee,
const std::vector<DRing::MediaMap>& mediaList = {},
std::shared_ptr<Conference> conference = {});
* Functions which occur with a user's action
* Answer the call
* @param callId
bool answerCall(const std::string& accountId,
const std::string& callId,
const std::vector<DRing::MediaMap>& mediaList = {});
bool answerCall(Call& call, const std::vector<DRing::MediaMap>& mediaList = {});
* Handle incoming call and notify user
* @param accountId an account id
* @param call A call pointer
void incomingCall(const std::string& accountId, Call& call);
* Functions which occur with a user's action
* Hangup the call
* @param accountId
* @param callId The call identifier
bool hangupCall(const std::string& accountId, const std::string& callId);
* Functions which occur with a user's action
* Hangup the conference (hangup every participants)
* @param id The call identifier
bool hangupConference(const std::string& accountId, const std::string& confId);
* Functions which occur with a user's action
* Put the call on hold
* @param accountId
* @param callId The call identifier
bool onHoldCall(const std::string& accountId, const std::string& callId);
* Functions which occur with a user's action
* Put the call off hold
* @param accountId
* @param id The call identifier
bool offHoldCall(const std::string& accountId, const std::string& callId);
* Functions which occur with a user's action
* Transfer the call
* @param id The call identifier
* @param to The recipient of the transfer
bool transferCall(const std::string& accountId, const std::string& id, const std::string& to);
* Notify the client the transfer is successful
void transferSucceeded();
* Notify the client that the transfer failed
void transferFailed();
* Functions which occur with a user's action
* Refuse the call
* @param id The call identifier
bool refuseCall(const std::string& accountId, const std::string& id);
* Hold every participant to a conference
* @param the conference id
bool holdConference(const std::string& accountId, const std::string& confId);
* Unhold all conference participants
* @param the conference id
bool unHoldConference(const std::string& accountId, const std::string& confId);
* Add a participant to a conference
* @param the call id
* @param the conference id
bool addParticipant(const std::string& accountId,
const std::string& callId,
const std::string& account2Id,
const std::string& confId);
bool addParticipant(Call& call, Conference& conference);
* Bind the main participant to a conference (mainly called on a double click action)
* @param the conference id
bool addMainParticipant(const std::string& accountId, const std::string& confId);
* Join two participants to create a conference
* @param the fist call id
* @param the second call id
bool joinParticipant(const std::string& accountId,
const std::string& callId1,
const std::string& account2Id,
const std::string& callId2,
bool attached = true);
* Create a conference from a list of participant
* @param A vector containing the list of participant
void createConfFromParticipantList(const std::string& accountId,
const std::vector<std::string>&);
* Detach a participant from a conference, put the call on hold, do not hangup it
* @param call id
* @param the current call id
bool detachParticipant(const std::string& callId);
* Detach the local participant from curent conference.
* Remote participants are placed in hold.
bool detachLocalParticipant(const std::shared_ptr<Conference>& conf = {});
* Remove the conference participant from a conference
* @param call id
void removeParticipant(Call& call);
* Join two conference together into one unique conference
bool joinConference(const std::string& accountId,
const std::string& confId1,
const std::string& account2Id,
const std::string& confId2);
void addAudio(Call& call);
void removeAudio(Call& call);
* Save config to file
void saveConfig();
void saveConfig(const std::shared_ptr<Account>& acc);
* Play a ringtone
void playTone();
* Play a special ringtone ( BUSY ) if there's at least one message on the voice mail
void playToneWithMessage();
* Acts on the audio streams and audio files
void stopTone();
* Notify the user that the recipient of the call has answered and the put the
* call in Current state
* @param id The call identifier
void peerAnsweredCall(Call& call);
* Rings back because the outgoing call is ringing and the put the
* call in Ringing state
* @param id The call identifier
void peerRingingCall(Call& call);
* Put the call in Hungup state, remove the call from the list
* @param id The call identifier
void peerHungupCall(Call& call);
* Notify the client with an incoming message
* @param accountId The account identifier
* @param callId The call to send the message
* @param messages A map if mime type as key and mime payload as value
void incomingMessage(const std::string& accountId,
const std::string& callId,
const std::string& from,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& messages);
* Send a new text message to the call, if participate to a conference, send to all participant.
* @param accountId
* @param callId The call to send the message
* @param message A list of pair of mime types and payloads
* @param from The sender of this message (could be another participant of a conference)
void sendCallTextMessage(const std::string& accountId,
const std::string& callID,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& messages,
const std::string& from,
bool isMixed);
* ConfigurationManager - Send registration request
* @param accountId The account to register/unregister
* @param enable The flag for the type of registration
* false for unregistration request
* true for registration request
void sendRegister(const std::string& accountId, bool enable);
bool isPasswordValid(const std::string& accountID, const std::string& password);
uint64_t sendTextMessage(const std::string& accountID,
const std::string& to,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& payloads,
const bool fromPlugin = false);
int getMessageStatus(uint64_t id) const;
int getMessageStatus(const std::string& accountID, uint64_t id) const;
* Get account list
* @return std::vector<std::string> A list of accoundIDs
std::vector<std::string> getAccountList() const;
* Set the account order in the config file
void setAccountsOrder(const std::string& order);
* Retrieve details about a given account
* @param accountID The account identifier
* @return std::map< std::string, std::string > The account details
std::map<std::string, std::string> getAccountDetails(const std::string& accountID) const;
* Retrieve volatile details such as recent registration errors
* @param accountID The account identifier
* @return std::map< std::string, std::string > The account volatile details
std::map<std::string, std::string> getVolatileAccountDetails(const std::string& accountID) const;
* Get list of calls (internal subcalls are filter-out)
* @return std::vector<std::string> A list of call IDs (without subcalls)
std::vector<std::string> getCallList() const;
* Save the details of an existing account, given the account ID
* This will load the configuration map with the given data.
* It will also register/unregister links where the 'Enabled' switched.
* @param accountID The account identifier
* @param details The account parameters
void setAccountDetails(const std::string& accountID,
const std::map<std::string, ::std::string>& details);
void setAccountActive(const std::string& accountID, bool active);
* Return a new random accountid that is not present in the list
* @return A brand new accountid
std::string getNewAccountId();
* Add a new account, and give it a new account ID automatically
* @param details The new account parameters
* @param accountId optionnal predetermined accountid to use
* @return The account Id given to the new account
std::string addAccount(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& details,
const std::string& accountId = {});
* Delete an existing account, unregister VoIPLink associated, and
* purge from configuration.
* If 'flush' argument is true, filesystem entries are also removed.
* @param accountID The account unique ID
void removeAccount(const std::string& accountID, bool flush = false);
void removeAccounts();
* Set input audio plugin
* @param audioPlugin The audio plugin
void setAudioPlugin(const std::string& audioPlugin);
* Set audio device
* @param index The index of the soundcard
* @param the type of stream, either PLAYBACK, CAPTURE, RINGTONE
void setAudioDevice(int index, AudioDeviceType streamType);
void startAudio();
* Get list of supported audio output device
* @return std::vector<std::string> A list of the audio devices supporting playback
std::vector<std::string> getAudioOutputDeviceList();
* Get list of supported audio input device
* @return std::vector<std::string> A list of the audio devices supporting capture
std::vector<std::string> getAudioInputDeviceList();
* Get string array representing integer indexes of output, input, and ringtone device
* @return std::vector<std::string> A list of the current audio devices
std::vector<std::string> getCurrentAudioDevicesIndex();
* Get index of an audio device
* @param name The string description of an audio device
* @return int His index
int getAudioInputDeviceIndex(const std::string& name);
int getAudioOutputDeviceIndex(const std::string& name);
* Get current alsa plugin
* @return std::string The Alsa plugin
std::string getCurrentAudioOutputPlugin() const;
* Get the noise reduction engin state from
* the current audio layer.
bool getNoiseSuppressState() const;
* Set the noise reduction engin state in the current
* audio layer.
void setNoiseSuppressState(bool state);
bool isAGCEnabled() const;
void setAGCState(bool enabled);
* Get is always recording functionality
bool getIsAlwaysRecording() const;
* Set is always recording functionality, every calls will then be set in RECORDING mode
* once answered
void setIsAlwaysRecording(bool isAlwaysRec);
* Set recording on / off
* Start recording
* @param id The call identifier
* Returns true if the call was set to record
bool toggleRecordingCall(const std::string& accountId, const std::string& id);
* Start playback fo a recorded file if and only if audio layer is not already started.
* @param File path of the file to play
bool startRecordedFilePlayback(const std::string&);
void recordingPlaybackSeek(const double value);
* Stop playback of recorded file
void stopRecordedFilePlayback();
* Set the maximum number of days to keep in the history
* @param calls The number of days
void setHistoryLimit(int days);
* Get the maximum number of days to keep in the history
* @return double The number of days
int getHistoryLimit() const;
* Set ringing timeout (number of seconds after which a call will
* enter BUSY state if not answered).
* @param timeout in seconds
void setRingingTimeout(int timeout);
* Get ringing timeout (number of seconds after which a call will
* enter BUSY state if not answered).
* @return timeout in seconds
int getRingingTimeout() const;
* Get the audio manager
* @return int The audio manager
* "alsa"
* "pulseaudio"
std::string getAudioManager() const;
* Set the audio manager
* @return true if api is now in use, false otherwise
bool setAudioManager(const std::string& api);
* Callback called when the audio layer initialised with its
* preferred format.
AudioFormat hardwareAudioFormatChanged(AudioFormat format);
* Should be called by any component dealing with an external
* audio source, indicating the format used so the mixer format
* can be eventually adapted.
* @returns the new format used by the main buffer.
AudioFormat audioFormatUsed(AudioFormat format);
* Handle audio sounds heard by a caller while they wait for their
* connection to a called party to be completed.
void ringback();
* Handle played music when an incoming call occurs
void playRingtone(const std::string& accountID);
* Handle played music when a congestion occurs
void congestion();
* Play the dtmf-associated sound
* @param code The pressed key
void playDtmf(char code);
* Handle played sound when a call can not be conpleted because of a busy recipient
void callBusy(Call& call);
* Handle played sound when a failure occurs
void callFailure(Call& call);
* Retrieve the current telephone tone
* @return AudioLoop* The audio tone or 0 if no tone (init before calling this function)
std::shared_ptr<AudioLoop> getTelephoneTone();
* Retrieve the current telephone file
* @return AudioLoop* The audio file or 0 if the wav is stopped
std::shared_ptr<AudioLoop> getTelephoneFile();
* @return true is there is one or many incoming call waiting
* new call, not answered or refused
bool incomingCallsWaiting();
* Get the current call
* @return std::shared_ptr<Call> A call shared pointer (could be empty)
std::shared_ptr<Call> getCurrentCall() const;
* Get the current call id
* @return std::string The call id or ""
const std::string& getCurrentCallId() const;
* Check if a call is the current one
* @param call the new call
* @return bool True if the call is the current
bool isCurrentCall(const Call& call) const;
* Load the accounts order set by the user from the jamirc config file
* @return std::vector<std::string> A vector containing the account ID's
std::vector<std::string_view> loadAccountOrder() const;
* Load the account map from configuration
int loadAccountMap(const YAML::Node& node);
* Get the Call referred by callID. If the Call does not exist, return
* empty std::shared_ptr<Call> instance
std::shared_ptr<Call> getCallFromCallID(const std::string& callID) const;
* Return a pointer to the instance of the RingBufferPool
RingBufferPool& getRingBufferPool();
* Tell if there is a current call processed
* @return bool True if there is a current call
bool hasCurrentCall() const;
* Get an account pointer, looks for account of type T
* @param accountID account ID to get
* @return std::shared_ptr<Account> Shared pointer on an Account instance or nullptr if not found
template<class T = Account>
std::shared_ptr<T> getAccount(const std::string& accountID) const
return accountFactory.getAccount<T>(accountID);
* Get a list of account pointers of type T (baseclass Account)
* @return a sorted vector of all accounts of type T
template<class T = Account>
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<T>> getAllAccounts() const
const auto& account_order = loadAccountOrder();
const auto& all_accounts = accountFactory.getAllAccounts<T>();
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<T>> accountList;
for (const auto& id : account_order) {
if (auto acc = accountFactory.getAccount<T>(id))
for (auto& account : all_accounts) {
if (std::find(accountList.begin(), accountList.end(), account) == accountList.end())
return accountList;
template<class T = Account>
std::size_t accountCount() const
return accountFactory.accountCount<T>();
template<class T>
inline std::shared_ptr<T> findAccount(const std::function<bool(const std::shared_ptr<T>&)>& pred)
for (const auto& account : getAllAccounts<T>()) {
if (pred(account))
return account;
return {};
// only used by test framework
bool hasAccount(const std::string& accountID);
* Send registration for all enabled accounts
void registerAccounts();
* Send unregister for all enabled accounts
void unregisterAccounts();
* Call periodically to poll for VoIP events */
void pollEvents();
* Create a new outgoing call
* @param toUrl Destination address
* @param accountId local account
* @param mediaList the list of medias
* @return A (shared) pointer of Call class type.
* @note This function raises VoipLinkException() on error.
std::shared_ptr<Call> newOutgoingCall(std::string_view toUrl,
const std::string& accountId,
const std::vector<DRing::MediaMap>& mediaList);
CallFactory callFactory;
IceTransportFactory& getIceTransportFactory();
ScheduledExecutor& scheduler();
std::shared_ptr<asio::io_context> ioContext() const;
void addTask(std::function<bool()>&& task);
std::shared_ptr<Task> scheduleTask(std::function<void()>&& task,
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point when);
std::shared_ptr<Task> scheduleTaskIn(std::function<void()>&& task,
std::chrono::steady_clock::duration timeout);
std::map<std::string, std::string> getNearbyPeers(const std::string& accountID);
* Create a new SinkClient instance, store it in an internal cache as a weak_ptr
* and return it as a shared_ptr. If a SinkClient is already stored for the given id,
* this method returns this instance.
* @param id SinkClient identifier as a string. Default is empty.
* @param mixer true if the SinkCient is the sink of a VideoMixer node. Default is false.
* @return share_ptr<SinkClient> A shared pointer on the created instance.
std::shared_ptr<video::SinkClient> createSinkClient(const std::string& id = "",
bool mixer = false);
* Create a SinkClient instance for each participant in a conference, store it in an internal
* cache as a weak_ptr and populates sinksMap with sink ids and shared_ptrs.
* @param callId
* @param infos ConferenceInfos that will create the sinks
* @param videoStream the the VideoGenerator to with the sinks should be attached
* @param sinksMap A map between sink ids and the respective shared pointer.
void createSinkClients(const std::string& callId,
const ConfInfo& infos,
const std::shared_ptr<video::VideoGenerator>& videoStream,
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<video::SinkClient>>& sinksMap);
* Return an existing SinkClient instance as a shared_ptr associated to the given identifier.
* Return an empty shared_ptr (nullptr) if nothing found.
* @param id SinkClient identifier as a string.
* @return share_ptr<SinkClient> A shared pointer on the found instance. Empty if not found.
std::shared_ptr<video::SinkClient> getSinkClient(const std::string& id);
VideoManager& getVideoManager() const;
#endif // ENABLE_VIDEO
std::atomic<unsigned> dhtLogLevel {0}; // default = disable
AccountFactory accountFactory;
std::vector<DRing::Message> getLastMessages(const std::string& accountID,
const uint64_t& base_timestamp);
SIPVoIPLink& sipVoIPLink() const;
JamiPluginManager& getJamiPluginManager() const;
* Return current git socket used for a conversation
* @param accountId Related account
* @param deviceId Related device
* @param conversationId Related conversation
* @return std::optional<std::weak_ptr<ChannelSocket>> the related socket
std::optional<std::weak_ptr<ChannelSocket>> gitSocket(const std::string& accountId,
const std::string& deviceId,
const std::string& conversationId);
void setDefaultModerator(const std::string& accountID, const std::string& peerURI, bool state);
std::vector<std::string> getDefaultModerators(const std::string& accountID);
void enableLocalModerators(const std::string& accountID, bool state);
bool isLocalModeratorsEnabled(const std::string& accountID);
void setAllModerators(const std::string& accountID, bool allModerators);
bool isAllModerators(const std::string& accountID);
void insertGitTransport(git_smart_subtransport* tr, std::unique_ptr<P2PSubTransport>&& sub);
void eraseGitTransport(git_smart_subtransport* tr);
friend class AudioDeviceGuard;
// Data members
struct ManagerPimpl;
std::unique_ptr<ManagerPimpl> pimpl_;
class AudioDeviceGuard
AudioDeviceGuard(Manager& manager, AudioDeviceType type);
Manager& manager_;
const AudioDeviceType type_;
// Helper to install a callback to be called once by the main event loop
template<typename Callback>
static void
runOnMainThread(Callback&& cb)
Manager::instance().scheduler().run([cb = std::forward<Callback>(cb)]() mutable { cb(); });
} // namespace jami