blob: ba8a45ef7bc1e51487a7d1690a886ccf10cd3ee3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2004-2021 Savoir-faire Linux Inc.
* Author: Alexandre Savard <>
* Author: Adrien BĂ©raud <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#pragma once
#include "config.h"
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <string_view>
#include <map>
#include <functional>
#include "audio/audio_input.h"
#include "media_attribute.h"
#include <json/json.h>
#include "recordable.h"
#include "plugin/streamdata.h"
#include <video/sinkclient.h>
namespace jami {
class Call;
class Account;
namespace video {
class VideoMixer;
struct ParticipantInfo
std::string uri;
std::string device;
std::string sinkId;
bool active {false};
int x {0};
int y {0};
int w {0};
int h {0};
bool videoMuted {false};
bool audioLocalMuted {false};
bool audioModeratorMuted {false};
bool isModerator {false};
bool handRaised {false};
void fromJson(const Json::Value& v)
uri = v["uri"].asString();
device = v["device"].asString();
sinkId = v["sinkId"].asString();
active = v["active"].asBool();
x = v["x"].asInt();
y = v["y"].asInt();
w = v["w"].asInt();
h = v["h"].asInt();
videoMuted = v["videoMuted"].asBool();
audioLocalMuted = v["audioLocalMuted"].asBool();
audioModeratorMuted = v["audioModeratorMuted"].asBool();
isModerator = v["isModerator"].asBool();
handRaised = v["handRaised"].asBool();
Json::Value toJson() const
Json::Value val;
val["uri"] = uri;
val["device"] = device;
val["sinkId"] = sinkId;
val["active"] = active;
val["x"] = x;
val["y"] = y;
val["w"] = w;
val["h"] = h;
val["videoMuted"] = videoMuted;
val["audioLocalMuted"] = audioLocalMuted;
val["audioModeratorMuted"] = audioModeratorMuted;
val["isModerator"] = isModerator;
val["handRaised"] = handRaised;
return val;
std::map<std::string, std::string> toMap() const
return {{"uri", uri},
{"device", device},
{"sinkId", sinkId},
{"active", active ? "true" : "false"},
{"x", std::to_string(x)},
{"y", std::to_string(y)},
{"w", std::to_string(w)},
{"h", std::to_string(h)},
{"videoMuted", videoMuted ? "true" : "false"},
{"audioLocalMuted", audioLocalMuted ? "true" : "false"},
{"audioModeratorMuted", audioModeratorMuted ? "true" : "false"},
{"isModerator", isModerator ? "true" : "false"},
{"handRaised", handRaised ? "true" : "false"}};
friend bool operator==(const ParticipantInfo& p1, const ParticipantInfo& p2)
return p1.uri == p2.uri and p1.device == p2.device and p1.sinkId == p2.sinkId
and == and p1.x == p2.x and p1.y == p2.y and p1.w == p2.w
and p1.h == p2.h and p1.videoMuted == p2.videoMuted
and p1.audioLocalMuted == p2.audioLocalMuted
and p1.audioModeratorMuted == p2.audioModeratorMuted
and p1.isModerator == p2.isModerator and p1.handRaised == p2.handRaised;
friend bool operator!=(const ParticipantInfo& p1, const ParticipantInfo& p2)
return !(p1 == p2);
struct ConfInfo : public std::vector<ParticipantInfo>
int h {0};
int w {0};
friend bool operator==(const ConfInfo& c1, const ConfInfo& c2)
if (c1.h != c2.h or c1.w != c2.w)
return false;
if (c1.size() != c2.size())
return false;
for (auto& p1 : c1) {
auto it = std::find_if(c2.begin(), c2.end(), [&p1](const ParticipantInfo& p2) {
return p1 == p2;
if (it != c2.end())
return false;
return true;
friend bool operator!=(const ConfInfo& c1, const ConfInfo& c2) { return !(c1 == c2); }
std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::string>> toVectorMapStringString() const;
std::string toString() const;
using ParticipantSet = std::set<std::string>;
class Conference : public Recordable, public std::enable_shared_from_this<Conference>
* Constructor for this class, increment static counter
explicit Conference(const std::shared_ptr<Account>&);
* Destructor for this class, decrement static counter
* Return the conference id
const std::string& getConfId() const { return id_; }
std::shared_ptr<Account> getAccount() const { return account_.lock(); }
std::string getAccountId() const;
* Return the current conference state
State getState() const;
* Set conference state
void setState(State state);
* Return a string description of the conference state
static constexpr const char* getStateStr(State state)
switch (state) {
case State::HOLD:
return "HOLD";
return "";
const char* getStateStr() const { return getStateStr(confState_); }
* Set default media source for the local host
void setLocalHostDefaultMediaSource();
* Set the mute state of the local host
void setLocalHostMuteState(MediaType type, bool muted);
* Get the mute state of the local host
bool isMediaSourceMuted(MediaType type) const;
* Take over media control from the call.
* When a call joins a conference, the media control (mainly mute/un-mute
* state of the local media source) will be handled by the conference and
* the mixer.
void takeOverMediaSourceControl(const std::string& callId);
* Process a media change request.
* Used to change the media attributes of the host.
* @param remoteMediaList new media list from the remote
* @return true on success
bool requestMediaChange(const std::vector<DRing::MediaMap>& mediaList);
* Process incoming media change request.
* @param callId the call ID
* @param remoteMediaList new media list from the remote
void handleMediaChangeRequest(const std::shared_ptr<Call>& call,
const std::vector<DRing::MediaMap>& remoteMediaList);
* Add a new participant to the conference
void addParticipant(const std::string& participant_id);
* Remove a participant from the conference
void removeParticipant(const std::string& participant_id);
* Attach local audio/video to the conference
void attachLocalParticipant();
* Detach local audio/video from the conference
void detachLocalParticipant();
* Bind a participant to the conference
void bindParticipant(const std::string& participant_id);
* Bind host to the conference
void bindHost();
* unbind a participant from the conference
void unbindParticipant(const std::string& participant_id);
* unbind host from conference
void unbindHost();
* Get the participant list for this conference
ParticipantSet getParticipantList() const;
* Start/stop recording toggle
bool toggleRecording() override;
void switchInput(const std::string& input);
void switchSecondaryInput(const std::string& input);
void setActiveParticipant(const std::string& participant_id);
void setLayout(int layout);
void attachVideo(Observable<std::shared_ptr<MediaFrame>>* frame, const std::string& callId);
void detachVideo(Observable<std::shared_ptr<MediaFrame>>* frame);
void onConfOrder(const std::string& callId, const std::string& order);
bool isVideoEnabled() const;
std::shared_ptr<video::VideoMixer> getVideoMixer();
std::string getVideoInput() const { return hostVideoSource_.sourceUri_; }
std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::string>> getConferenceInfos() const
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(confInfoMutex_);
return confInfo_.toVectorMapStringString();
void updateConferenceInfo(ConfInfo confInfo);
void createSinks(const ConfInfo& infos);
void setModerator(const std::string& uri, const bool& state);
void setHandRaised(const std::string& uri, const bool& state);
void muteParticipant(const std::string& uri, const bool& state);
void hangupParticipant(const std::string& participant_id);
void updateMuted();
void muteLocalHost(bool is_muted, const std::string& mediaType);
bool isRemoteParticipant(const std::string& uri);
void mergeConfInfo(ConfInfo& newInfo, const std::string& peerURI);
std::weak_ptr<Conference> weak()
return std::static_pointer_cast<Conference>(shared_from_this());
static std::shared_ptr<Call> getCall(const std::string& callId);
bool isModerator(std::string_view uri) const;
bool isHandRaised(std::string_view uri) const;
void updateModerators();
void updateHandsRaised();
void foreachCall(const std::function<void(const std::shared_ptr<Call>& call)>& cb);
std::string id_;
std::weak_ptr<Account> account_;
State confState_ {State::ACTIVE_ATTACHED};
mutable std::mutex participantsMtx_ {};
ParticipantSet participants_;
mutable std::mutex confInfoMutex_ {};
ConfInfo confInfo_ {};
void sendConferenceInfos();
// We need to convert call to frame
std::mutex videoToCallMtx_;
std::map<Observable<std::shared_ptr<MediaFrame>>*, std::string> videoToCall_ {};
std::shared_ptr<RingBuffer> ghostRingBuffer_;
bool videoEnabled_;
std::string mediaSecondaryInput_ {};
std::shared_ptr<video::VideoMixer> videoMixer_;
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<video::SinkClient>> confSinksMap_ {};
std::shared_ptr<jami::AudioInput> audioMixer_;
std::set<std::string, std::less<>> moderators_ {};
std::set<std::string, std::less<>> participantsMuted_ {};
std::set<std::string, std::less<>> handsRaised_;
void initRecorder(std::shared_ptr<MediaRecorder>& rec);
void deinitRecorder(std::shared_ptr<MediaRecorder>& rec);
bool isMuted(std::string_view uri) const;
ConfInfo getConfInfoHostUri(std::string_view localHostURI, std::string_view destURI);
bool isHost(std::string_view uri) const;
* If the local host is participating in the conference (attached
* mode ), these two variables will hold the media source states
* of the local host.
* Currently, the conference and the client support only one stream
* per media type, even if the call supports an arbitrary number of
* streams per media type. Thus, these two variables will hold the
* current media source attributes
MediaAttribute hostAudioSource_ {};
MediaAttribute hostVideoSource_ {};
bool localModAdded_ {false};
std::map<std::string, ConfInfo> remoteHosts_;
void resizeRemoteParticipants(ConfInfo& confInfo, std::string_view peerURI);
std::string_view findHostforRemoteParticipant(std::string_view uri);
std::shared_ptr<Call> getCallFromPeerID(std::string_view peerID);
std::mutex sinksMtx_ {};
* Call Streams and some typedefs
using AVMediaStream = Observable<std::shared_ptr<MediaFrame>>;
using MediaStreamSubject = PublishMapSubject<std::shared_ptr<MediaFrame>, AVFrame*>;
* Map: maps the VideoFrame to an AVFrame
std::function<AVFrame*(const std::shared_ptr<jami::MediaFrame>&)> pluginVideoMap_ =
[](const std::shared_ptr<jami::MediaFrame>& m) -> AVFrame* {
return std::static_pointer_cast<VideoFrame>(m)->pointer();
#endif // ENABLE_VIDEO
* @brief createConfAVStream
* Creates a conf AV stream like video input, video receive, audio input or audio receive
* @param StreamData
* @param streamSource
* @param mediaStreamSubject
void createConfAVStream(const StreamData& StreamData,
AVMediaStream& streamSource,
const std::shared_ptr<MediaStreamSubject>& mediaStreamSubject,
bool force = false);
* @brief createConfAVStreams
* Creates all Conf AV Streams (2 if audio, 4 if audio video)
void createConfAVStreams();
std::mutex avStreamsMtx_ {};
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<MediaStreamSubject>> confAVStreams;
} // namespace jami