blob: 372beea3f943020dbfb8d77b2ade3aa1d94e1ffe [file] [log] [blame]
atraczyk61b28422016-08-24 09:25:59 -04001<Page
2 x:Class="RingClientUWP.Views.Wizard"
3 xmlns=""
4 xmlns:x=""
5 xmlns:local="using:RingClientUWP"
6 xmlns:d=""
7 xmlns:mc=""
8 mc:Ignorable="d">
10 <Grid>
11 <Grid.RowDefinitions>
12 <RowDefinition Height="32"/>
13 <RowDefinition Height="*"/>
14 </Grid.RowDefinitions>
15 <Rectangle Fill="LightBlue"
16 Grid.Row="0"/>
17 <StackPanel Grid.Row="1" Width="400">
18 <Rectangle Height="50"/>
19 <StackPanel Height="auto"
20 Background="LightBlue"
21 Grid.Column="0">
22 <TextBlock x:Name="_showCreateAccountMenuTitle_"
23 Text="Create New Account"
24 Foreground="White"
25 FontSize="30"
26 HorizontalAlignment="Center"/>
27 <Button x:Name="_showCreateAccountMenuBtn_"
28 Content="Create New Account"
29 Visibility="Collapsed"
30 HorizontalAlignment="Center"
31 Style="{StaticResource ButtonStyle4}"
32 Click="_showCreateAccountMenuBtn__Click"/>
33 <Grid x:Name="_accountCreationMenuGrid_"
34 Background="LightBlue"
35 Visibility="Visible">
36 <Grid.RowDefinitions>
37 <RowDefinition Height="auto"/>
38 <RowDefinition Height="30"/>
39 </Grid.RowDefinitions>
40 <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical"
41 Grid.Row="0"
42 Background="#FFE4F1F9">
43 <Button x:Name="_avatarWebcamCaptureBtn_"
44 Margin="0,10,0,0"
45 VerticalAlignment="Center"
46 Content="&#xE8B8;"
47 Style="{StaticResource ButtonStyle3}"
48 HorizontalAlignment="Center"/>
49 <!-- RING account. -->
50 <StackPanel x:Name="_ringAccountCreationStack_"
51 Visibility="Visible">
52 <TextBox x:Name="_aliasTextBox_"
53 Margin="10"
54 PlaceholderText="Enter your username"/>
55 <PasswordBox Margin="10"
56 PlaceholderText="Enter your password"/>
57 <PasswordBox Margin="10,10,10,20"
58 PlaceholderText="Repeat your Password"/>
59 </StackPanel>
60 <!-- SIP account. -->
61 <StackPanel x:Name="_sipAccountCreationStack_"
62 Visibility="Collapsed">
63 <TextBox Margin="10"
64 PlaceholderText="Enter hostname"/>
65 <TextBox Margin="10"
66 PlaceholderText="Enter your username"/>
67 <PasswordBox Margin="10"
68 PlaceholderText="Enter your password"/>
69 <PasswordBox Margin="10"
70 PlaceholderText="Repeat your Password"/>
71 </StackPanel>
72 </StackPanel>
73 <!-- buttons yes/no to create the new account. -->
74 <Grid Grid.Row="1">
75 <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"
76 HorizontalAlignment="Center">
77 <Button x:Name="_createAccountYes_"
78 Grid.Row="1"
79 VerticalAlignment="Center"
80 HorizontalAlignment="Center"
81 Content="&#xE081;"
82 Click="_createAccountYes__Click"
83 Style="{StaticResource ButtonStyle2}"/>
84 </StackPanel>
85 </Grid>
86 </Grid>
87 </StackPanel>
88 <Rectangle Height="50"/>
89 <!-- add account. -->
90 <StackPanel Height="auto"
91 Background="LightBlue"
92 Grid.Column="2">
93 <TextBlock x:Name="_showAddAccountMenuTitle_"
94 Text="Add Existing Account"
95 Foreground="White"
96 Visibility="Collapsed"
97 FontSize="30"
98 HorizontalAlignment="Center"/>
99 <Button x:Name="_showAddAccountMenuBtn_"
100 Visibility="Visible"
101 Content="Add Existing Account"
102 HorizontalAlignment="Center"
103 Style="{StaticResource ButtonStyle4}"
104 Click="_showAddAccountMenuBtn__Click"/>
105 <Grid x:Name="_accountAddMenuGrid_"
106 Visibility="Collapsed"
107 Background="LightBlue">
108 <Grid.RowDefinitions>
109 <RowDefinition Height="auto"/>
110 <RowDefinition Height="30"/>
111 </Grid.RowDefinitions>
112 <!-- add account. -->
113 <StackPanel Background="#FFE4F1F9">
114 <TextBox x:Name="_PINTextBox_"
115 Margin="10"
116 PlaceholderText="Enter PIN"/>
117 <PasswordBox Margin="10"
118 PlaceholderText="Enter your password"/>
119 </StackPanel>
120 <!-- buttons yes/no to add the account. -->
121 <Grid Grid.Row="1">
122 <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"
123 HorizontalAlignment="Center">
124 <Button x:Name="_addAccountYes_"
125 Grid.Row="1"
126 VerticalAlignment="Center"
127 HorizontalAlignment="Center"
128 Content="&#xE081;"
129 Style="{StaticResource ButtonStyle2}"/>
130 </StackPanel>
131 </Grid>
132 </Grid>
133 </StackPanel>
134 <!--</Grid>-->
135 </StackPanel>
136 </Grid>