blob: 09fec0d52c9a5b973954b801dcec54e90641ed00 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 by Savoir-faire Linux
* Author: Mingrui Zhang <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
// JamiTheme as a singleton is to provide global theme property entry.
pragma Singleton
import QtQuick 2.14
Item {
// Color strings.
property string hoverColor: "#c7c7c7"
property string pressColor: "#c0c0c0"
property string releaseColor: "#e0e0e0"
property string tabbarBorderColor: "#e3e3e3"
property string transparentColor: "transparent"
property string presenceGreen: "#4cd964"
property string notificationRed: "#ff3b30"
property string unPresenceOrange: "orange"
property string backgroundColor: lightGrey_
property string backgroundDarkColor: lightGreyTab_
property string screenSelectionBorderGreen: "green"
property string acceptButtonGreen: "#4caf50"
property string acceptButtonHoverGreen: "#5db761"
property string acceptButtonPressedGreen: "#449d48"
property string declineButtonRed: "#f44336"
property string declineButtonHoverRed: "#f5554a"
property string declineButtonPressedRed: "#db3c30"
property string hangUpButtonTintedRed: "#ff0000"
property string buttonTintedBlue: "#00aaff"
property string buttonTintedBlueHovered: "#0e81c5"
property string buttonTintedBluePressed: "#273261"
property string buttonTintedGrey: "#999"
property string buttonTintedGreyHovered: "#777"
property string buttonTintedGreyPressed: "#777"
property string buttonTintedGreyInactive: "#bbb"
property string buttonTintedBlack: "#333"
property string buttonTintedBlackHovered: "#111"
property string buttonTintedBlackPressed: "#000"
property string buttonTintedRed: "red"
property string buttonTintedRedHovered: "#c00"
property string buttonTintedRedPressed: "#b00"
property string selectionBlue: "#109ede"
property string selectionGreen: "#21be2b"
property string rubberBandSelectionBlue: "steelblue"
property string closeButtonLighterBlack: "#4c4c4c"
property string contactSearchBarPlaceHolderTextFontColor: "#767676"
property string contactSearchBarPlaceHolderGreyBackground: "#dddddd"
property string draftRed: "#cf5300"
property string sipInputButtonBackgroundColor: "#336699"
property string sipInputButtonHoverColor: "#4477aa"
property string sipInputButtonPressColor: "#5588bb"
property string accountCreationOtherStepColor: "grey"
property string accountCreationCurrentStepColor: "#28b1ed"
// Font.
property string faddedFontColor: "#c0c0c0"
property string faddedLastInteractionFontColor: "#505050"
property int splitViewHandlePreferredWidth: 4
property int textFontSize: 9
property int settingsFontSize: 10
property int buttonFontSize: 9
property int headerFontSize: 13
property int titleFontSize: 16
property int menuFontSize: 12
property int maximumWidthSettingsView: 800
property int preferredFieldWidth: 216
property int preferredFieldHeight: 32
property int preferredMarginSize: 16
// Place holder text.
property string contactSearchBarPlaceHolderConversationText: qsTr("Find or start a conversation")
property string contactSearchBarPlaceHolderInivitionText: qsTr("Search your invitations")
// Jami theme colors
function rgb256(r, g, b) {
return Qt.rgba(r / 256, g / 256, b / 256, 1)
property color blue_: "#109ede"
property color wizardBlueButtons: "#28b1ed"
property color blueLogo_: rgb256(0, 7, 71)
property color lightBlue_: "#c1ebf0"
property color lightGrey_: rgb256(242, 242, 242)
property color lightGreyTab_: rgb256(220, 220, 220)
property color imGrey_: "#dedee0"
property color imBlue_: "#cfebf5"
property color lightBlack_: rgb256(63, 63, 63)
property color grey_: rgb256(160, 160, 160)
property color red_: rgb256(251, 72, 71)
property color lightRed_: rgb256(252, 91, 90)
property color darkRed_: rgb256(219, 55, 54)
property color notificationRed_: rgb256(255, 59, 48)
property color urgentOrange_: rgb256(255, 165, 0)
property color green_: rgb256(127, 255, 0)
property color presenceGreen_: rgb256(76, 217, 100)
property color smartlistSelection_: rgb256(240, 240, 240)
property color smartlistHighlight_: rgb256(245, 245, 245)