blob: 31192d2124e741cd5881d3a33e1172c42f7974a8 [file] [log] [blame]
"Add to contacts" = "أضف إلى الاتصالات المعروفة";
/* Contextual menu action */
"Call number" = "Call number";
/* Open panel prompt for 'Choose a file' */
"Choose" = "إختار";
/* Open panel title */
"Choose a CA list" = "أضف إلى قائمة هيئات الشهادة CA";
/* Open panel title */
"Choose a certificate" = "إختار شهادة";
/* Open panel title */
"Choose a directory" = "Choose a directory";
/* Open panel title */
"Choose a private key file" = "إختار ملف مفتاح خاص";
/* Open panel prompt for 'Choose a file' */
"Choose CA" = "إختار هيئة شهادة CA";
/* Open panel prompt for 'Choose a directory' */
"Choose directory" = "Choose directory";
/* Contextual menu entry */
"Choose file" = "إختار ملف";
/* Continue button */
"Continue" = "واصل...";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Copy" = "إنسخ";
/* Contextual menu action */
"Copy number" = "نسخ الرقم";
/* Incoming call from {Name} */
"Incoming call from %@" = "Incoming call from %@";
/* Indication for user */
"Just a moment..." = "الرجاء الإنتظار لحظة...";
/* Message from {Name} */
"Message from %@" = "Message from %@";
/* Button label */
"Pause" = "Pause";
/* Button label */
"Play" = "Play";
/* Button Action */
"Refuse" = "أرفض";
/* Contextual menu entry */
"Remove value" = "حذف";
/* Show advice to user */
"Reopen account to see your hash" = "أعد فتح الحساب لرؤية مزيجك hash";
/* Display message to user */
"Ring is already ready to work" = "ring جاهز للعمل";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Share" = "Share";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Text Actions" = "Text Actions";
/* Name used when user leave field empty */
"Unknown" = "مجهول";