blob: cd88dbf92f89d115d051e9cec77fbed6e1b737c2 [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- Empty head might be needed for setSenderImage -->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
<meta charset=“utf-8”>
<div class="navbar-wrapper">
<div id="navbar">
<div id="backButton" class="nav-button non-action-button nav-left" onmouseover="addBackButtonHoverProperty()" onclick="backToWelcomeView()" title="Hide chat view">
<svg class="svgicon" xmlns="" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path d="M11.67 3.87L9.9 2.1 0 12l9.9 9.9 1.77-1.77L3.54 12z"/>
<path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/>
<div id="nav-contactid" class="nav-left">
<div id="nav-contactid-alias"></div>
<div id="nav-contactid-bestId"></div>
<div style="display:none" class="deactivated nav-button action-button nav-right" onclick="moreOptions()" title="Options">
<svg class="svgicon" xmlns="" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/>
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<div id="callButtons"> <!-- callButtons block allows more efficient hiding of placeCallButton and placeAudioCallButton -->
<div id="placeCallButton" class="nav-button action-button nav-right" onclick="placeCall()" title="Place video call">
<svg class="svgicon" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/>
<path d="M17 10.5V7c0-.55-.45-1-1-1H4c-.55 0-1 .45-1 1v10c0 .55.45 1 1 1h12c.55 0 1-.45 1-1v-3.5l4 4v-11l-4 4z"/>
<div id="placeAudioCallButton" class="nav-button action-button nav-right" onclick="placeAudioCall()" title="Place audio call">
<svg class="svgicon" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/>
<path d="M20.01 15.38c-1.23 0-2.42-.2-3.53-.56-.35-.12-.74-.03-1.01.24l-1.57 1.97c-2.83-1.35-5.48-3.9-6.89-6.83l1.95-1.66c.27-.28.35-.67.24-1.02-.37-1.11-.56-2.3-.56-3.53 0-.54-.45-.99-.99-.99H4.19C3.65 3 3 3.24 3 3.99 3 13.28 10.73 21 20.01 21c.71 0 .99-.63.99-1.18v-3.45c0-.54-.45-.99-.99-.99z"/>
<div id="addToConversationsButton" class="nav-button action-button nav-right" onclick="addToConversations()" title="Add to conversations">
<svg class="svgicon" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/>
<path d="M15 12c2.21 0 4-1.79 4-4s-1.79-4-4-4-4 1.79-4 4 1.79 4 4 4zm-9-2V7H4v3H1v2h3v3h2v-3h3v-2H6zm9 4c-2.67 0-8 1.34-8 4v2h16v-2c0-2.66-5.33-4-8-4z"/>
<div id="addBannedContactButton" class="nav-button action-critical-button nav-right" onclick="addBannedContact()" title="Unban banned contact">
<svg class="svgicon" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z"/>
<circle cx="15" cy="8" r="4"/>
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<div id="invitation">
<div id="text">
<div id="actions">
<div id="accept-btn" class="invitation-button button-green" onclick="acceptInvitation()" >Accept</div>
<div id="refuse-btn" class="invitation-button button-red" onclick="refuseInvitation()" >Refuse</div>
<div id="block-btn" class="invitation-button button-red" onclick="blockConversation()" >Block</div>
<div id="container">
<div id="messages"></div>
<div id="sendMessage">
<div class="nav-button action-button" onclick="sendFile()" title="Send File">
<svg class="svgicon" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path d="M16.5 6v11.5c0 2.21-1.79 4-4 4s-4-1.79-4-4V5c0-1.38 1.12-2.5 2.5-2.5s2.5 1.12 2.5 2.5v10.5c0 .55-.45 1-1 1s-1-.45-1-1V6H10v9.5c0 1.38 1.12 2.5 2.5 2.5s2.5-1.12 2.5-2.5V5c0-2.21-1.79-4-4-4S7 2.79 7 5v12.5c0 3.04 2.46 5.5 5.5 5.5s5.5-2.46 5.5-5.5V6h-1.5z"/>
<path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/>
<textarea id="message" autofocus placeholder="Type a message" onkeyup="grow_text_area()" onkeydown="process_messagebar_keydown()" rows="1" disabled="false"></textarea>
<div class="nav-button action-button" onclick="sendMessage()" title="Send">
<svg class="svgicon" xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path d="M2.01 21L23 12 2.01 3 2 10l15 2-15 2z"/>
<path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/>
"use strict"
/* Constants used at several places*/
const messageBarPlaceHolder = "Type a message"
const avatar_size = 35
var raf = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame
var displayLinksEnabled = false
var historyBufferIndex = 0 // When showing a large amount of interactions, this counter store the interaction's index to show
var historyBuffer = [] // Before showing a large amount of interactions, this array is used as a buffer.
var hoverBackButtonAllowed = true
/* We retrieve refs to the most used navbar and message bar elements for efficiency purposes */
/* NOTE: always use getElementById when possible, way more efficient */
const backButton = document.getElementById("backButton")
const aliasField = document.getElementById("nav-contactid-alias")
const bestIdField = document.getElementById("nav-contactid-bestId")
const idField = document.getElementById("nav-contactid")
const messageBar = document.getElementById("sendMessage")
const messageBarInput = document.getElementById("message")
const messages = document.getElementById("messages")
const addToConvButton = document.getElementById("addToConversationsButton")
const invitation = document.getElementById("invitation")
const navbar = document.getElementById("navbar")
const invitationText = document.getElementById("text")
/* States: allows us to avoid re-doing something if it isn't meaningful */
var isBanned = false
var isTemporary = false
var hasInvitation = false
* Update common frame between conversations.
* Whenever the current conversation is switched, information from the navbar
* and message bar have to be updated to match new contact. This function
* handles most of the required work (except the showing/hiding the invitation,
* which is handled by showInvitation()).
* @param banned whether contact is banned or not
* @param temporary whether contact is temporary or not
* @param alias
* @param bestId
/* exported update_chatview_frame */
function update_chatview_frame(banned, temporary, alias, bestid) { = "none"
hoverBackButtonAllowed = true
aliasField.innerHTML = (alias ? alias : bestid)
if(alias) {
bestIdField.innerHTML = bestid
} else {
if (isBanned !== banned) {
isBanned = banned
if(banned) {
// contact is banned. update navbar and states
} else {
} else if (isTemporary !== temporary) {
isTemporary = temporary
if (temporary) { = "flex"
messageBarInput.placeholder = "Note: an interaction will create a new contact."
} else { = ""
messageBarInput.placeholder = messageBarPlaceHolder
} = ""
* Hide or show invitation.
* Invitation is hidden if no contactAlias/invalid alias is passed.
* Otherwise, invitation div is updated.
* @param contactAlias
/* exported showInvitation */
function showInvitation(contactAlias) {
if (!contactAlias) {
if (hasInvitation) {
hasInvitation = false = ""
} else {
hasInvitation = true
invitationText.innerHTML = "<h1>" + contactAlias + " sends you an invitation</h1>"
+ "Do you want to add them to the conversations list?<br>"
+ "Note: you can automatically accept this invitation by sending a message." = "visible"
* Hide or show navbar, and update body top padding accordingly.
* @param isVisible whether navbar should be displayed or not
/* exported displayNavbar */
function displayNavbar(isVisible)
if (isVisible) {
navbar.classList.remove("hiddenState")"--navbar-size", undefined)
} else {
navbar.classList.add("hiddenState")"--navbar-size", "0")
* Hide or show message bar, and update body bottom padding accordingly.
* @param isHidden whether message bar should be displayed or not
/* exported hideMessageBar */
function hideMessageBar(isHidden) {
if (isHidden) {
messageBar.classList.add("hiddenState")"--messagebar-size", "0")
} else {
/* exported setDisplayLinks */
function setDisplayLinks(display) {
displayLinksEnabled = display
* This event handler dynamically resizes the message bar depending on the amount of
* text entered, while adjusting the body paddings so that that the message bar doesn't
* overlap messages when it grows.
/* exported grow_text_area */
function grow_text_area() {
var is_at_bottom = messages.scrollTop === (messages.scrollHeight - messages.offsetHeight)
var old_height = window.getComputedStyle(messageBar).height = "auto" /* <-- necessary, no clue why */ = messageBarInput.scrollHeight + "px"
var new_height = window.getComputedStyle(messageBar).height
var msgbar_size = window.getComputedStyle(document.body).getPropertyValue("--messagebar-size")
var total_size = parseInt(msgbar_size) + parseInt(new_height) - parseInt(old_height)"--messagebar-size", total_size.toString() + "px")
if (is_at_bottom) {
messages.scrollTop = messages.scrollHeight
* This event handler processes keydown events in the navbar. When pressed key is
* the enter key, send the message unless shift or control was pressed too.
* @param key the pressed key
/* exported process_messagebar_keydown */
function process_messagebar_keydown(key) {
key = key || event
var map = {}
map[key.keyCode] = key.type == "keydown"
if (key.ctrlKey || key.shiftKey) {
return true
if (map[13]) {
return true
* Disable or enable textarea.
* @param isDisabled whether message bar should be enabled or disabled
/* exported disableSendMessage */
function disableSendMessage(isDisabled)
messageBarInput.disabled = isDisabled
* This event handler adds the hover property back to the "back to welcome view"
* button.
* This is a hack. It needs some explanations.
* Problem: Whenever the "back to welcome view" button is clicked, the webview
* freezes and the GTK ring welcome view is displayed. While the freeze
* itself is perfectly fine (probably necessary for good performances), this
* is a big problem for us when the user opens a chatview again: Since the
* chatview was freezed, the back button has «remembered» the hover state and
* still displays the blue background for a small instant. This is a very bad
* looking artefact.
* In order to counter this problem, we introduced the following evil mechanism:
* Whenever a user clicks on the "back to welcome view" button, the hover
* property is disabled. The hover property stays disabled until the user calls
* this event handler by hover-ing the button.
/* exported addBackButtonHoverProperty */
function addBackButtonHoverProperty()
if(hoverBackButtonAllowed) {
* Update timestamps messages.
function updateView() {
setInterval(updateView, 60000)
window.onresize = function() {
/* exported addBannedContact */
function addBannedContact()
/* exported addToConversations */
function addToConversations()
/* exported placeCall */
function placeCall()
/* exported placeAudioCall */
function placeAudioCall()
/* exported backToWelcomeView */
function backToWelcomeView()
hoverBackButtonAllowed = false
* Transform a date to a string group like "1 hour ago".
* @param date
function formatDate(date) {
const seconds = Math.floor((new Date() - date) / 1000)
var interval = Math.floor(seconds / (3600 * 24))
if (interval > 5) {
return date.toLocaleDateString()
if (interval > 1) {
return interval + " days ago"
if (interval === 1) {
return interval + " day ago"
interval = Math.floor(seconds / 3600)
if (interval > 1) {
return interval + " hours ago"
if (interval === 1) {
return interval + " hour ago"
interval = Math.floor(seconds / 60)
if (interval > 1) {
return interval + " minutes ago"
return "just now"
* Send #sendMessage #message value
function sendMessage()
var message = messageBarInput.value
if (message.length > 0) {
messageBarInput.value = ""
window.prompt("SEND:" + message)
/* exported acceptInvitation */
function acceptInvitation()
/* exported refuseInvitation */
function refuseInvitation()
/* exported blockConversation */
function blockConversation()
/* exported sendFile */
function sendFile()
* Clear all messages.
/* exported clearMessages */
function clearMessages()
messages.innerHTML = ""
* Convert text to HTML.
function escapeHtml(html)
var text = document.createTextNode(html)
var div = document.createElement("div")
return div.innerHTML
* Get the youtube video id from a URL.
* @param url
function youtube_id(url) {
const regExp = /^.*(youtu\.be\/|v\/|\/u\/w|embed\/|watch\?v=|&v=)([^#&?]*).*/
const match = url.match(regExp)
return (match && match[2].length == 11) ? match[2] : null
* Returns HTML message from the message text, cleaned and linkified.
* @param message_text
function getMessageHtml(message_text)
const escaped_message = escapeHtml(message_text)
var linkified_message = linkifyHtml(escaped_message, {}) // eslint-disable-line no-undef
const textPart = document.createElement("pre")
textPart.innerHTML = linkified_message
return textPart.outerHTML
* Returns the message status, formatted for display
* @param message_delivery_status
/* exported getMessageDeliveryStatusText */
function getMessageDeliveryStatusText(message_delivery_status)
var formatted_delivery_status = message_delivery_status
case "sending":
case "ongoing":
formatted_delivery_status = "Sending<svg overflow='visible' viewBox='0 -2 16 14' height='16px' width='16px'><circle class='status_circle anim-first' cx='4' cy='12' r='1'/><circle class='status_circle anim-second' cx='8' cy='12' r='1'/><circle class='status_circle anim-third' cx='12' cy='12' r='1'/></svg>"
case "failure":
formatted_delivery_status = "Failure <svg overflow='visible' viewBox='0 -2 16 14' height='16px' width='16px'><path class='status-x x-first' stroke='#AA0000' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='3' fill='none' d='M4,4 L12,12'/><path class='status-x x-second' stroke='#AA0000' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-linejoin='round' stroke-width='3' fill='none' d='M12,4 L4,12'/></svg>"
case "sent":
case "finished":
case "unknown":
case "read":
formatted_delivery_status = ""
return formatted_delivery_status
* Returns the message date, formatted for display
function getMessageTimestampText(message_timestamp, custom_format)
const date = new Date(1000 * message_timestamp)
if(custom_format) {
return formatDate(date)
} else {
return date.toLocaleString()
* Merge timestamps if they are from the same group. For instance, several "1 hour ago"
* timestamps will be merged into a single one.
* @param baseNode
* @param endIndex
function cleanPreviousTimestamps (baseNode, endIndex) {
// Remove previous elements with the same formatted timestamp
for (var c = endIndex - 1 ; c >= 0 ; --c) {
const child = messages.children[c]
if (child.className.indexOf("timestamp") !== -1) {
if (child.className === baseNode.className &&
child.innerHTML === baseNode.innerHTML) {
} else {
break // A different timestamp is met, we can stop here.
* Update timestamps.
function updateTimestamps() {
const timestamps = messages.getElementsByClassName(".timestamp")
const is_image_out = messages.querySelector(".message_out .sender_image")
const is_image_in = messages.querySelector(".message_in .sender_image")
if (timestamps) {
for ( var c = 0 ; c < messages.children.length ; ++c) {
const child = messages.children[c]
if (child.className.indexOf("timestamp") !== -1) {
// Update timestamp
child.innerHTML = getMessageTimestampText(child.getAttribute("message_timestamp"), true)
var desktop_margin = "25%"
const height = document.body.clientHeight
const width = document.body.clientWidth
if (width <= 1920 || height <= 1080) {
desktop_margin = "15%"
if (width <= 1000 || height <= 480) {
desktop_margin = "0px"
if (child.className.indexOf("timestamp_out") !== -1) {
const avatar_px = is_image_out ? (is_image_out.offsetHeight === avatar_size ? "60px" : "20px") : "20px" = `calc(${desktop_margin} + ${avatar_px})`
} else if (child.className.indexOf("timestamp_in") !== -1) {
const avatar_px = is_image_in ? (is_image_in.offsetHeight === avatar_size ? "60px" : "20px") : "20px" = `calc(${desktop_margin} + ${avatar_px})`
// Remove previous elements with the same formatted timestamp
cleanPreviousTimestamps(child, c)
* Convert a value in filesize
function humanFileSize(bytes) {
var thresh = 1024
if(Math.abs(bytes) < thresh) {
return bytes + " B"
var units = ["kB","MB","GB","TB","PB","EB","ZB","YB"]
var u = -1
do {
bytes /= thresh
} while(Math.abs(bytes) >= thresh && u < units.length - 1)
return bytes.toFixed(1)+" "+units[u]
* Change the value of the progress bar.
* @param progress_bar
* @param message_object
function updateProgressBar(progress_bar, message_object) {
var delivery_status = message_object["delivery_status"]
if ("progress" in message_object && !isErrorStatus(delivery_status) && message_object["progress"] !== 100) {
var progress_percent = (100 * message_object["progress"] / message_object["totalSize"])
if (progress_percent !== 100)
progress_bar.childNodes[0].setAttribute("style", "width: " + progress_percent + "%")
progress_bar.setAttribute("style", "display: none")
} else
progress_bar.setAttribute("style", "display: none")
* Check if a status is an error status
* @param
function isErrorStatus(status) {
return (status === "failure"
|| status === "awaiting peer timeout"
|| status === "canceled"
|| status === "unjoinable peer")
* Build a new file interaction
* @param message_id
function fileInteraction(message_id) {
var message_wrapper = document.createElement("div")
message_wrapper.setAttribute("class", "message_wrapper")
/* A file interaction contains buttons at the left for status information
or accept/refuse actions. The text is bold and clickable. */
var left_buttons = document.createElement("div")
left_buttons.setAttribute("class", "left_buttons")
var text_div = document.createElement("div")
text_div.setAttribute("class", "text")
text_div.addEventListener("click", function () {
// ask ring to open the file
const filename = document.querySelector("#message_" + message_id + " .full").innerText
window.prompt("OPEN_FILE:" + filename)
var full_div = document.createElement("div")
full_div.setAttribute("class", "full") = "visibility: hidden; display: none;"
var message_text = document.createElement("div")
message_text.setAttribute("class", "filename")
// And some informations like size or error message.
var informations_div = document.createElement("div")
informations_div.setAttribute("class", "informations")
// And finally, a progress bar
var message_transfer_progress_bar = document.createElement("span")
message_transfer_progress_bar.setAttribute("class", "message_progress_bar")
var message_transfer_progress_completion = document.createElement("span")
return message_wrapper
* Update a file interaction (icons + filename + status + progress bar)
* @param message_div the message to update
* @param message_object new informations
* @param forceTypeToFile
function updateFileInteraction(message_div, message_object, forceTypeToFile = false) {
if (!message_div.querySelector(".informations")) return // media
var acceptSvg = "<svg height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" width=\"24\" xmlns=\"\"><path d=\"M0 0h24v24H0z\" fill=\"none\"/><path d=\"M9 16.2L4.8 12l-1.4 1.4L9 19 21 7l-1.4-1.4L9 16.2z\"/></svg>",
refuseSvg = "<svg height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" width=\"24\" xmlns=\"\"><path d=\"M19 6.41L17.59 5 12 10.59 6.41 5 5 6.41 10.59 12 5 17.59 6.41 19 12 13.41 17.59 19 19 17.59 13.41 12z\"/><path d=\"M0 0h24v24H0z\" fill=\"none\"/></svg>",
fileSvg = "<svg fill=\"#000000\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" width=\"24\" xmlns=\"\"><path d=\"M16.5 6v11.5c0 2.21-1.79 4-4 4s-4-1.79-4-4V5c0-1.38 1.12-2.5 2.5-2.5s2.5 1.12 2.5 2.5v10.5c0 .55-.45 1-1 1s-1-.45-1-1V6H10v9.5c0 1.38 1.12 2.5 2.5 2.5s2.5-1.12 2.5-2.5V5c0-2.21-1.79-4-4-4S7 2.79 7 5v12.5c0 3.04 2.46 5.5 5.5 5.5s5.5-2.46 5.5-5.5V6h-1.5z\"/><path d=\"M0 0h24v24H0z\" fill=\"none\"/></svg>",
warningSvg = "<svg fill=\"#000000\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" width=\"24\" xmlns=\"\"><path d=\"M0 0h24v24H0z\" fill=\"none\"/><path d=\"M1 21h22L12 2 1 21zm12-3h-2v-2h2v2zm0-4h-2v-4h2v4z\"/></svg>"
var message_delivery_status = message_object["delivery_status"]
var message_direction = message_object["direction"]
var message_id = message_object["id"]
var message_text = message_object["text"]
if (isImage(message_text) && message_delivery_status === "finished" && displayLinksEnabled && !forceTypeToFile) {
// Replace the old wrapper by the downloaded image
if (message_div.querySelector(".message_wrapper")) {
var wrapper = message_div.querySelector(".message_wrapper")
message_div.append(mediaInteraction(message_id, message_text))
message_div.querySelector("img").id = message_id
message_div.querySelector("img").msg_obj = message_object
message_div.querySelector("img").onerror = function() {
message_div = document.getElementById("#message_" +
var wrapper = message_div.querySelector(".message_wrapper")
if (wrapper) {
updateFileInteraction(message_div, this.msg_obj, true)
// Set informations text
var informations_div = message_div.querySelector(".informations")
var informations_txt = getMessageTimestampText(message_object["timestamp"], true)
if (message_object["totalSize"] && message_object["progress"]) {
if (message_delivery_status === "finished") {
informations_txt += " - " + humanFileSize(message_object["totalSize"])
} else {
informations_txt += " - " + humanFileSize(message_object["progress"])
+ " / " + humanFileSize(message_object["totalSize"])
informations_txt += " - " + message_delivery_status
informations_div.innerText = informations_txt
// Update flat buttons
var left_buttons = message_div.querySelector(".left_buttons")
left_buttons.innerHTML = ""
if (message_delivery_status === "awaiting peer" || message_delivery_status === "awaiting host" || message_delivery_status.indexOf("ongoing") === 0) {
if (message_direction === "in" && message_delivery_status.indexOf("ongoing") !== 0) {
// add buttons to accept or refuse a call.
var accept_button = document.createElement("div")
accept_button.innerHTML = acceptSvg
accept_button.setAttribute("title", "Accept")
accept_button.setAttribute("class", "flat-button accept")
accept_button.onclick = function() {
window.prompt("ACCEPT_FILE:" + message_id)
var refuse_button = document.createElement("div")
refuse_button.innerHTML = refuseSvg
refuse_button.setAttribute("title", "Refuse")
refuse_button.setAttribute("class", "flat-button refuse")
refuse_button.onclick = function() {
window.prompt("REFUSE_FILE:" + message_id)
} else {
var status_button = document.createElement("div")
var statusFile = fileSvg
if (isErrorStatus(message_delivery_status))
statusFile = warningSvg
status_button.innerHTML = statusFile
status_button.setAttribute("class", "flat-button")
message_div.querySelector(".full").innerText = message_text
message_div.querySelector(".filename").innerText = message_text.split("/").pop()
message_div.querySelector(".filename").innerText = message_text.split("/").pop()
updateProgressBar(message_div.querySelector(".message_progress_bar"), message_object)
updateProgressBar(message_div.querySelector(".message_progress_bar"), message_object)
* Return if a file is an image
* @param file
function isImage(file) {
return file.toLowerCase().match(/\.(jpeg|jpg|gif|png)$/) !== null
* Return if a file is a youtube video
* @param file
function isVideo(file) {
const availableProtocols = ["http:", "https:"]
const videoHostname = ["", "", ""]
const urlParser = document.createElement("a")
urlParser.href = file
return (availableProtocols.includes(urlParser.protocol) && videoHostname.includes(urlParser.hostname))
* Try to show an image or a video link (youtube for now)
* @param message_id
* @param link to show
* @param ytid if it's a youtube video
* @param
function mediaInteraction(message_id, link, ytid, noerror) {
/* TODO promise?
Try to display images. */
const media_wrapper = document.createElement("div")
media_wrapper.setAttribute("class", "media_wrapper")
const linkElt = document.createElement("a")
linkElt.href = link = "text-decoration: none; border:none;"
const imageElt = document.createElement("img")
/* Note, here, we don't check the size of the image.
in the future, we can check the content-type and content-length with a request
and maybe disable svg */
if (noerror)
imageElt.setAttribute("onerror", "'none'")
if (ytid) {
imageElt.src = `${ytid}/0.jpg`
} else {
imageElt.src = link
if (ytid) {
const containerElt = document.createElement("div")
containerElt.setAttribute("class", "containerVideo")
const playDiv = document.createElement("div")
playDiv.setAttribute("class", "playVideo")
playDiv.innerHTML = "<svg fill=\"#ffffff\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" xmlns=\"\">\
<path d=\"M8 5v14l11-7z\"/>\
<path d=\"M0 0h24v24H0z\" fill=\"none\"/>\
} else {
return media_wrapper
* Build a new text interaction
* @param message_id
* @param htmlText the DOM to show
function textInteraction(message_id, htmlText) {
const message_wrapper = document.createElement("div")
message_wrapper.setAttribute("class", "message_wrapper")
var message_text = document.createElement("span")
message_text.setAttribute("class", "message_text")
message_text.innerHTML = htmlText
return message_wrapper
* Update a text interaction (text)
* @param message_div the message to update
* @param delivery_status the status of the message
* @TODO retry button
function updateTextInteraction(message_div, delivery_status) {
if (!message_div.querySelector(".message_text")) return // media
var sending = message_div.querySelector(".sending")
case "ongoing":
case "sending":
if (!sending) {
sending = document.createElement("div")
sending.setAttribute("class", "sending")
sending.innerHTML = "<svg overflow=\"hidden\" viewBox=\"0 -2 16 14\" height=\"16px\" width=\"16px\"><circle class=\"status_circle anim-first\" cx=\"4\" cy=\"12\" r=\"1\"/><circle class=\"status_circle anim-second\" cx=\"8\" cy=\"12\" r=\"1\"/><circle class=\"status_circle anim-third\" cx=\"12\" cy=\"12\" r=\"1\"/></svg>"
// add sending animation to message;
message_div.querySelector(".message_text").style = "color: #888"
case "failure":
// change text color to red
message_div.querySelector(".message_wrapper").style = "background-color: #f3a6a6"
message_div.querySelector(".message_text").style = "color: #000"
var failure_div = message_div.querySelector(".failure")
if (!failure_div) {
failure_div = document.createElement("div")
failure_div.setAttribute("class", "failure")
failure_div.innerHTML = "<svg overflow=\"visible\" viewBox=\"0 -2 16 14\" height=\"16px\" width=\"16px\"><path class=\"status-x x-first\" stroke=\"#AA0000\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-width=\"3\" fill=\"none\" d=\"M4,4 L12,12\"/><path class=\"status-x x-second\" stroke=\"#AA0000\" stroke-linecap=\"round\" stroke-linejoin=\"round\" stroke-width=\"3\" fill=\"none\" d=\"M12,4 L4,12\"/></svg>"
// add failure animation to message
if (sending) = "none"
case "sent":
case "finished":
case "unknown":
case "read":
// change text color to black
message_div.querySelector(".message_text").style = "color: #000"
if (sending) = "none"
* Build a new interaction (call or contact)
function actionInteraction() {
var message_wrapper = document.createElement("div")
message_wrapper.setAttribute("class", "message_wrapper")
// An file interaction contains buttons at the left of the interaction
// for the status or accept/refuse
var left_buttons = document.createElement("div")
left_buttons.setAttribute("class", "left_buttons")
// Also contains a bold clickable text
var text_div = document.createElement("div")
text_div.setAttribute("class", "text")
return message_wrapper
* Update a call interaction (icon + text)
* @param message_div the message to update
* @param message_object new informations
function updateCallInteraction(message_div, message_object) {
const outgoingCall = "<svg fill=\"#219d55\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" width=\"24\" xmlns=\"\"><path d=\"M0 0h24v24H0z\" fill=\"none\"/><path d=\"M9 5v2h6.59L4 18.59 5.41 20 17 8.41V15h2V5z\"/></svg>"
const callMissed = "<svg fill=\"#dc2719\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" width=\"24\" xmlns=\"\"><path d=\"M0 0h24v24H0z\" fill=\"none\"/><path d=\"M19.59 7L12 14.59 6.41 9H11V7H3v8h2v-4.59l7 7 9-9z\"/></svg>"
const outgoingMissed = "<svg fill=\"#dc2719\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" width=\"24\" xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\"><defs><path d=\"M24 24H0V0h24v24z\" id=\"a\"/></defs><clipPath id=\"b\"><use overflow=\"visible\" xlink:href=\"#a\"/></clipPath><path clip-path=\"url(#b)\" d=\"M3 8.41l9 9 7-7V15h2V7h-8v2h4.59L12 14.59 4.41 7 3 8.41z\"/></svg>"
const callReceived = "<svg fill=\"#219d55\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\" width=\"24\" xmlns=\"\"><path d=\"M0 0h24v24H0z\" fill=\"none\"/><path d=\"M20 5.41L18.59 4 7 15.59V9H5v10h10v-2H8.41z\"/></svg>"
const message_text = message_object["text"]
const message_direction = (message_text.toLowerCase().indexOf("incoming") !== -1) ? "in" : "out"
const missed = message_text.indexOf("Missed") !== -1
message_div.querySelector(".text").innerText = message_text.substring(2)
var left_buttons = message_div.querySelector(".left_buttons")
left_buttons.innerHTML = ""
var status_button = document.createElement("div")
var statusFile = ""
if (missed)
statusFile = (message_direction === "in") ? callMissed : outgoingMissed
statusFile = (message_direction === "in") ? callReceived : outgoingCall
status_button.innerHTML = statusFile
status_button.setAttribute("class", "flat-button")
* Update a contact interaction (icon + text)
* @param message_div the message to update
* @param message_object new informations
function updateContactInteraction(message_div, message_object) {
const message_text = message_object["text"]
message_div.querySelector(".text").innerText = message_text
var left_buttons = message_div.querySelector(".left_buttons")
left_buttons.innerHTML = ""
var status_button = document.createElement("div")
status_button.innerHTML = "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\" viewBox=\"0 0 24 24\">\
<path d=\"M12 12c2.21 0 4-1.79 4-4s-1.79-4-4-4-4 1.79-4 4 1.79 4 4 4zm0 2c-2.67 0-8 1.34-8 4v2h16v-2c0-2.66-5.33-4-8-4z\"/>\
<path d=\"M0 0h24v24H0z\" fill=\"none\"/></svg>"
status_button.setAttribute("class", "flat-button")
* Add a message to the conversation.
* @param message_object to treat
* @param new_message if it's a new message or if we need to update
* @param insert_after if we want the message at the end or the top of the conversation
function addOrUpdateMessage(message_object, new_message, insert_after = true) {
const message_id = message_object["id"]
const message_type = message_object["type"]
const message_text = message_object["text"]
const message_direction = message_object["direction"]
const message_timestamp = message_object["timestamp"]
const delivery_status = message_object["delivery_status"]
const message_sender_contact_method = message_object["sender_contact_method"]
var message_div = document.getElementById("message_" + message_id)
var type = ""
if (new_message) {
// Build new message
var classes = [
message_div = document.createElement("div")
message_div.setAttribute("id", `message_${message_id}`)
message_div.setAttribute("class", classes.join(" "))
// Build message for each types.
// Add sender images if necessary (like if the interaction doesn't take the whole width)
const need_sender = (message_type === "data_transfer" || message_type === "text")
if (need_sender) {
var message_sender_image = document.createElement("span")
message_sender_image.setAttribute("class", `sender_image sender_image_${message_sender_contact_method}`)
// Build main content
if (message_type === "data_transfer") {
if (isImage(message_text) && delivery_status === "finished" && displayLinksEnabled) {
message_div.append(mediaInteraction(message_id, message_text, null, false))
message_div.querySelector("img").id = message_id
message_div.querySelector("img").msg_obj = message_object
message_div.querySelector("img").onerror = function() {
message_div = document.getElementById("#message_" +
/* FIXME in many cases, message_div is null here and this code doesn't do anything */
if (message_div.querySelector(".message_wrapper")) {
var wrapper = message_div.querySelector(".message_wrapper")
updateFileInteraction(message_div, this.msg_obj, true)
} else {
} else if (message_type === "text") {
// TODO add the possibility to update messages (remove and rebuild)
const htmlText = getMessageHtml(message_text)
if (displayLinksEnabled) {
const parser = new DOMParser()
const DOMMsg = parser.parseFromString(htmlText, "text/xml")
const links = DOMMsg.querySelectorAll("a")
if (DOMMsg.childNodes.length && links.length) {
var isTextToShow = (DOMMsg.childNodes[0].childNodes.length > 1)
const ytid = (isVideo(message_text))? youtube_id(message_text) : ""
if (!isTextToShow && (ytid || isImage(message_text))) {
type = "media"
message_div.append(mediaInteraction(message_id, message_text, ytid))
if (type !== "media") {
type = "text"
message_div.append(textInteraction(message_id, htmlText))
} else if (message_type === "call" || message_type === "contact") {
} else {
const temp = document.createElement("div")
temp.innerText = message_type
// Get timestamp to add
const formattedTimestamp = getMessageTimestampText(message_timestamp, true)
// Create the timestamp object
const date_elt = document.createElement("div")
date_elt.innerText = formattedTimestamp
var typeIsCallOrContact = (message_type === "call" || message_type === "contact")
var timestamp_div_classes = ["timestamp", typeIsCallOrContact ? "timestamp_action" : `timestamp_${message_direction}`]
date_elt.setAttribute("class", timestamp_div_classes.join(" "))
date_elt.setAttribute("message_timestamp", message_timestamp)
// Remove last timestamp if it's the same<h6></h6>
if (messages.getElementsByClassName(".timestamp"))
cleanPreviousTimestamps(date_elt, messages.children.length)
// Add message and the new timestamp
if (insert_after) {
if (message_type === "call" || message_type === "contact") {
} else {
} else {
if (message_type === "call" || message_type === "contact") {
messages.insertBefore(message_div, messages.firstChild)
} else {
messages.insertBefore(date_elt, messages.firstChild)
messages.insertBefore(message_div, messages.firstChild)
// Update informations if needed
if (message_type === "data_transfer")
updateFileInteraction(message_div, message_object)
if (message_type === "text" && message_direction === "out")
// Modify sent status if necessary
updateTextInteraction(message_div, delivery_status)
if (message_type === "call")
updateCallInteraction(message_div, message_object)
if (message_type === "contact")
updateContactInteraction(message_div, message_object)
// Clean timestamps
* Add a message to the buffer.
* @param message_object message to be added
/* exported addMessage */
function addMessage(message_object)
var atEnd = messages.scrollTop >= messages.scrollHeight - messages.clientHeight - 5
addOrUpdateMessage(message_object, true)
if (atEnd) {
var startTime =,
durTime = 250.,
scrollStartHeight = messages.scrollHeight,
scrollStart = messages.scrollTop,
scrollDiff = scrollStartHeight - messages.clientHeight - scrollStart
function loop() {
var time = - startTime,
scrollHeight = messages.scrollHeight,
diff = messages.scrollTop - scrollStart // If user scrolls up (diff > 0).
if (time >= durTime || scrollHeight != scrollStartHeight || diff < 0) {
if (diff >= 0) { // User scrolled up, don't autoscroll.
messages.scrollTop = scrollHeight
return false
} else {
messages.scrollTop = scrollStart + (scrollDiff * (time/durTime))
raf(loop) // Start the animation loop
* Show the history in reverse order
function printHistoryPart() {
if(historyBuffer.length == 0 || historyBufferIndex === historyBuffer.length) {
// nothing to print
var previousScrollHeightMinusTop = messages.scrollHeight - messages.scrollTop
// Show 10 messages
for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
addOrUpdateMessage(historyBuffer[historyBuffer.length - 1 - historyBufferIndex], true, false)
historyBufferIndex ++
if (historyBufferIndex === historyBuffer.length)
// Replace the scrollbar to the wanted position
messages.scrollTop = messages.scrollHeight - previousScrollHeightMinusTop
// Make a short pause to minimize ressources consumption
// show quickly the first hundred messages
if (historyBufferIndex !== historyBuffer.length)
setTimeout(printHistoryPart, (historyBufferIndex > 100) ? 100 : 1)
* Show the whole history in the chatview.
* @param messages_array array containing history to be printed
/* exported printHistory */
function printHistory(messages_array)
historyBuffer = messages_array
historyBufferIndex = 0
setTimeout(printHistoryPart, 0)
* Update a message that was previously added with addMessage
* @param message_object message to be updated
/* exported updateMessage */
function updateMessage(message_object)
addOrUpdateMessage(message_object, false)
* Sets the image for a given sender
* set_sender_image object should contain the following keys:
* - sender: the name of the sender
* - sender_image: base64 png encoding of the sender image
* @param set_sender_image_object sender image object as previously described
/* exported setSenderImage */
function setSenderImage(set_sender_image_object)
var sender_contact_method = set_sender_image_object["sender_contact_method"],
sender_image = set_sender_image_object["sender_image"],
sender_image_id = "sender_image_" + sender_contact_method,
currentSenderImage = document.getElementById("#" + sender_image_id), // Remove the currently set sender image
if (currentSenderImage) {
// Create a new style element
style = document.createElement("style")
style.type = "text/css" = sender_image_id
style.innerHTML = "." + sender_image_id + " {content: url(data:image/png;base64," + sender_image + ");height: 35px;width: 35px;}"
/* exported clearSenderImages */
function clearSenderImages()
var styles = document.head.querySelectorAll("style"),
i = styles.length
while (i--){