blob: eab42efa2bcb66497ed4cf1ac39e647a73017967 [file] [log] [blame]
Alexandre Lision85382382014-01-27 15:54:16 -05001#!/usr/bin/perl
3my $bigend; # little/big endian
4my $nxstack;
6$nxstack = 0;
8eval 'exec /usr/local/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
9 if $running_under_some_shell;
11while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
12 $_ = shift;
13 last if /^--/;
14 if (/^-n/) {
15 $nflag++;
16 next;
17 }
18 die "I don't recognize this switch: $_\\n";
20$printit++ unless $nflag;
22$\ = "\n"; # automatically add newline on print
25$thumb = 0; # ARM mode by default, not Thumb.
26@proc_stack = ();
29while (<>) {
31 # For ADRLs we need to add a new line after the substituted one.
32 $addPadding = 0;
34 # First, we do not dare to touch *anything* inside double quotes, do we?
35 # Second, if you want a dollar character in the string,
36 # insert two of them -- that's how ARM C and assembler treat strings.
37 s/^([A-Za-z_]\w*)[ \t]+DCB[ \t]*\"/$1: .ascii \"/ && do { s/\$\$/\$/g; next };
38 s/\bDCB\b[ \t]*\"/.ascii \"/ && do { s/\$\$/\$/g; next };
39 s/^(\S+)\s+RN\s+(\S+)/$1 .req r$2/ && do { s/\$\$/\$/g; next };
40 # If there's nothing on a line but a comment, don't try to apply any further
41 # substitutions (this is a cheap hack to avoid mucking up the license header)
42 s/^([ \t]*);/$1@/ && do { s/\$\$/\$/g; next };
43 # If substituted -- leave immediately !
45 s/@/,:/;
46 s/;/@/;
47 while ( /@.*'/ ) {
48 s/(@.*)'/$1/g;
49 }
50 s/\{FALSE\}/0/g;
51 s/\{TRUE\}/1/g;
52 s/\{(\w\w\w\w+)\}/$1/g;
53 s/\bINCLUDE[ \t]*([^ \t\n]+)/.include \"$1\"/;
54 s/\bGET[ \t]*([^ \t\n]+)/.include \"${ my $x=$1; $x =~ s|\.s|-gnu.S|; \$x }\"/;
55 s/\bIMPORT\b/.extern/;
56 s/\bEXPORT\b/.global/;
57 s/^(\s+)\[/$1IF/;
58 s/^(\s+)\|/$1ELSE/;
59 s/^(\s+)\]/$1ENDIF/;
60 s/IF *:DEF:/ .ifdef/;
61 s/IF *:LNOT: *:DEF:/ .ifndef/;
62 s/ELSE/ .else/;
63 s/ENDIF/ .endif/;
65 if( /\bIF\b/ ) {
66 s/\bIF\b/ .if/;
67 s/=/==/;
68 }
69 if ( $n == 2) {
70 s/\$/\\/g;
71 }
72 if ($n == 1) {
73 s/\$//g;
74 s/label//g;
75 $n = 2;
76 }
77 if ( /MACRO/ ) {
78 s/MACRO *\n/.macro/;
79 $n=1;
80 }
81 if ( /\bMEND\b/ ) {
82 s/\bMEND\b/.endm/;
83 $n=0;
84 }
86 # ".rdata" doesn't work in 'as' version 2.13.2, as it is ".rodata" there.
87 #
88 if ( /\bAREA\b/ ) {
89 my $align;
90 $align = "2";
91 if ( /ALIGN=(\d+)/ ) {
92 $align = $1;
93 }
94 if ( /CODE/ ) {
95 $nxstack = 1;
96 }
97 s/^(.+)CODE(.+)READONLY(.*)/ .text/;
98 s/^(.+)DATA(.+)READONLY(.*)/ .section .rdata/;
99 s/^(.+)\|\|\.data\|\|(.+)/ .data/;
100 s/^(.+)\|\|\.bss\|\|(.+)/ .bss/;
101 s/$/; .p2align $align/;
102 # Enable NEON instructions but don't produce a binary that requires
103 # ARMv7. RVCT does not have equivalent directives, so we just do this
104 # for all CODE areas.
105 if ( /.text/ ) {
106 # Separating .arch, .fpu, etc., by semicolons does not work (gas
107 # thinks the semicolon is part of the arch name, even when there's
108 # whitespace separating them). Sadly this means our line numbers
109 # won't match the original source file (we could use the .line
110 # directive, which is documented to be obsolete, but then gdb will
111 # show the wrong line in the translated source file).
112 s/$/; .arch armv7-a\n .fpu neon\n .object_arch armv4t/;
113 }
114 }
116 s/\|\|\.constdata\$(\d+)\|\|/.L_CONST$1/; # ||.constdata$3||
117 s/\|\|\.bss\$(\d+)\|\|/.L_BSS$1/; # ||.bss$2||
118 s/\|\|\.data\$(\d+)\|\|/.L_DATA$1/; # ||.data$2||
119 s/\|\|([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\@([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\|\|/@ $&/;
120 s/^(\s+)\%(\s)/ .space $1/;
122 s/\|(.+)\.(\d+)\|/\.$1_$2/; # |L80.123| -> .L80_123
123 s/\bCODE32\b/.code 32/ && do {$thumb = 0};
124 s/\bCODE16\b/.code 16/ && do {$thumb = 1};
125 if (/\bPROC\b/)
126 {
127 my $prefix;
128 my $proc;
129 /^([A-Za-z_\.]\w+)\b/;
130 $proc = $1;
131 $prefix = "";
132 if ($proc)
133 {
134 $prefix = $prefix.sprintf("\t.type\t%s, %%function; ",$proc);
135 push(@proc_stack, $proc);
136 s/^[A-Za-z_\.]\w+/$&:/;
137 }
138 $prefix = $prefix."\t.thumb_func; " if ($thumb);
139 s/\bPROC\b/@ $&/;
140 $_ = $prefix.$_;
141 }
142 s/^(\s*)(S|Q|SH|U|UQ|UH)ASX\b/$1$2ADDSUBX/;
143 s/^(\s*)(S|Q|SH|U|UQ|UH)SAX\b/$1$2SUBADDX/;
144 if (/\bENDP\b/)
145 {
146 my $proc;
147 s/\bENDP\b/@ $&/;
148 $proc = pop(@proc_stack);
149 $_ = "\t.size $proc, .-$proc".$_ if ($proc);
150 }
151 s/\bSUBT\b/@ $&/;
152 s/\bDATA\b/@ $&/; # DATA directive is deprecated -- Asm guide, p.7-25
153 s/\bKEEP\b/@ $&/;
154 s/\bEXPORTAS\b/@ $&/;
155 s/\|\|(.)+\bEQU\b/@ $&/;
156 s/\|\|([\w\$]+)\|\|/$1/;
157 s/\bENTRY\b/@ $&/;
158 s/\bASSERT\b/@ $&/;
159 s/\bGBLL\b/@ $&/;
160 s/\bGBLA\b/@ $&/;
161 s/^\W+OPT\b/@ $&/;
162 s/:OR:/|/g;
163 s/:SHL:/<</g;
164 s/:SHR:/>>/g;
165 s/:AND:/&/g;
166 s/:LAND:/&&/g;
167 s/CPSR/cpsr/;
168 s/SPSR/spsr/;
169 s/ALIGN$/.balign 4/;
170 s/ALIGN\s+([0-9x]+)$/.balign $1/;
171 s/psr_cxsf/psr_all/;
172 s/LTORG/.ltorg/;
173 s/^([A-Za-z_]\w*)[ \t]+EQU/ .set $1,/;
174 s/^([A-Za-z_]\w*)[ \t]+SETL/ .set $1,/;
175 s/^([A-Za-z_]\w*)[ \t]+SETA/ .set $1,/;
176 s/^([A-Za-z_]\w*)[ \t]+\*/ .set $1,/;
178 # {PC} + 0xdeadfeed --> . + 0xdeadfeed
179 s/\{PC\} \+/ \. +/;
181 # Single hex constant on the line !
182 #
183 # >>> NOTE <<<
184 # Double-precision floats in gcc are always mixed-endian, which means
185 # bytes in two words are little-endian, but words are big-endian.
186 # So, 0x0000deadfeed0000 would be stored as 0x0000dead at low address
187 # and 0xfeed0000 at high address.
188 #
189 s/\bDCFD\b[ \t]+0x([a-fA-F0-9]{8})([a-fA-F0-9]{8})/.long 0x$1, 0x$2/;
190 # Only decimal constants on the line, no hex !
191 s/\bDCFD\b[ \t]+([0-9\.\-]+)/.double $1/;
193 # Single hex constant on the line !
194# s/\bDCFS\b[ \t]+0x([a-f0-9]{8})([a-f0-9]{8})/.long 0x$1, 0x$2/;
195 # Only decimal constants on the line, no hex !
196# s/\bDCFS\b[ \t]+([0-9\.\-]+)/.double $1/;
197 s/\bDCFS[ \t]+0x/.word 0x/;
198 s/\bDCFS\b/.float/;
200 s/^([A-Za-z_]\w*)[ \t]+DCD/$1 .word/;
201 s/\bDCD\b/.word/;
202 s/^([A-Za-z_]\w*)[ \t]+DCW/$1 .short/;
203 s/\bDCW\b/.short/;
204 s/^([A-Za-z_]\w*)[ \t]+DCB/$1 .byte/;
205 s/\bDCB\b/.byte/;
206 s/^([A-Za-z_]\w*)[ \t]+\%/.comm $1,/;
207 s/^[A-Za-z_\.]\w+/$&:/;
208 s/^(\d+)/$1:/;
209 s/\%(\d+)/$1b_or_f/;
210 s/\%[Bb](\d+)/$1b/;
211 s/\%[Ff](\d+)/$1f/;
212 s/\%[Ff][Tt](\d+)/$1f/;
213 s/&([\dA-Fa-f]+)/0x$1/;
214 if ( /\b2_[01]+\b/ ) {
215 s/\b2_([01]+)\b/conv$1&&&&/g;
216 while ( /[01][01][01][01]&&&&/ ) {
217 s/0000&&&&/&&&&0/g;
218 s/0001&&&&/&&&&1/g;
219 s/0010&&&&/&&&&2/g;
220 s/0011&&&&/&&&&3/g;
221 s/0100&&&&/&&&&4/g;
222 s/0101&&&&/&&&&5/g;
223 s/0110&&&&/&&&&6/g;
224 s/0111&&&&/&&&&7/g;
225 s/1000&&&&/&&&&8/g;
226 s/1001&&&&/&&&&9/g;
227 s/1010&&&&/&&&&A/g;
228 s/1011&&&&/&&&&B/g;
229 s/1100&&&&/&&&&C/g;
230 s/1101&&&&/&&&&D/g;
231 s/1110&&&&/&&&&E/g;
232 s/1111&&&&/&&&&F/g;
233 }
234 s/000&&&&/&&&&0/g;
235 s/001&&&&/&&&&1/g;
236 s/010&&&&/&&&&2/g;
237 s/011&&&&/&&&&3/g;
238 s/100&&&&/&&&&4/g;
239 s/101&&&&/&&&&5/g;
240 s/110&&&&/&&&&6/g;
241 s/111&&&&/&&&&7/g;
242 s/00&&&&/&&&&0/g;
243 s/01&&&&/&&&&1/g;
244 s/10&&&&/&&&&2/g;
245 s/11&&&&/&&&&3/g;
246 s/0&&&&/&&&&0/g;
247 s/1&&&&/&&&&1/g;
248 s/conv&&&&/0x/g;
249 }
251 if ( /commandline/)
252 {
253 if( /-bigend/)
254 {
255 $bigend=1;
256 }
257 }
259 if ( /\bDCDU\b/ )
260 {
261 my $cmd=$_;
262 my $value;
263 my $prefix;
264 my $w1;
265 my $w2;
266 my $w3;
267 my $w4;
269 s/\s+DCDU\b/@ $&/;
271 $cmd =~ /\bDCDU\b\s+0x(\d+)/;
272 $value = $1;
273 $value =~ /(\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)/;
274 $w1 = $1;
275 $w2 = $2;
276 $w3 = $3;
277 $w4 = $4;
279 if( $bigend ne "")
280 {
281 # big endian
282 $prefix = "\t.byte\t0x".$w1.";".
283 "\t.byte\t0x".$w2.";".
284 "\t.byte\t0x".$w3.";".
285 "\t.byte\t0x".$w4."; ";
286 }
287 else
288 {
289 # little endian
290 $prefix = "\t.byte\t0x".$w4.";".
291 "\t.byte\t0x".$w3.";".
292 "\t.byte\t0x".$w2.";".
293 "\t.byte\t0x".$w1."; ";
294 }
295 $_=$prefix.$_;
296 }
298 if ( /\badrl\b/i )
299 {
300 s/\badrl\s+(\w+)\s*,\s*(\w+)/ldr $1,=$2/i;
301 $addPadding = 1;
302 }
303 s/\bEND\b/@ END/;
304} continue {
305 printf ("%s", $_) if $printit;
306 if ($addPadding != 0)
307 {
308 printf (" mov r0,r0\n");
309 $addPadding = 0;
310 }
312#If we had a code section, mark that this object doesn't need an executable
313# stack.
314if ($nxstack) {
315 printf (" .section\t.note.GNU-stack,\"\",\%\%progbits\n");