blob: 957c4dddeddf452a88b5cd031372501fd203fcb1 [file] [log] [blame]
Alexandre Lision51140e12013-12-02 10:54:09 -05001/*
2 Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Werner Dittmann
4 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 (at your option) any later version.
9 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 GNU General Public License for more details.
14 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 along with this program. If not, see <>.
18#ifndef _ZRTPCALLBACK_H_
19#define _ZRTPCALLBACK_H_
22 * @file ZrtpCallback.h
23 * @brief Callback interface between ZRTP and the RTP stack implementation
24 * @ingroup GNU_ZRTP
25 * @{
26 */
28#include <string>
29#include <stdint.h>
30#include <libzrtpcpp/ZrtpCodes.h>
32#ifndef __EXPORT
33 #if __GNUC__ >= 4
34 #define __EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
35 #define __LOCAL __attribute__ ((visibility("hidden")))
36 #elif defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__
37 #define __EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
38 #define __LOCAL
39 #else
40 #define __EXPORT
41 #define __LOCAL
42 #endif
46 * This enum defines which role a ZRTP peer has.
47 *
48 * According to the ZRTP specification the role determines which keys to
49 * use to encrypt or decrypt SRTP data.
50 *
51 * <ul>
52 * <li> The Initiator encrypts SRTP data using the <em>keyInitiator</em> and the
53 * <em>saltInitiator</em> data, the Responder uses these data to decrypt.
54 * </li>
55 * <li> The Responder encrypts SRTP data using the <em>keyResponder</em> and the
56 * <em>saltResponder</em> data, the Initiator uses these data to decrypt.
57 * </li>
58 * </ul>
59 */
60typedef enum {
61 Responder = 1, ///< This client is in ZRTP Responder mode
62 Initiator ///< This client is in ZRTP Initiator mode
63} Role;
65/// The algorihms that we support in SRTP and that ZRTP can negotiate.
66typedef enum {
67 None,
68 Aes = 1, ///< Use AES as symmetrical cipher algorithm
69 TwoFish, ///< Use TwoFish as symmetrical cipher algorithm
70 Sha1, ///< Use Sha1 as authentication algorithm
71 Skein ///< Use Skein as authentication algorithm
72} SrtpAlgorithms;
75 * This structure contains pointers to the SRTP secrets and the role info.
76 *
77 * About the role and what the meaning of the role is refer to the
78 * of the enum Role. The pointers to the secrets are valid as long as
79 * the ZRtp object is active. To use these data after the ZRtp object's
80 * lifetime you may copy the data into a save place. The destructor
81 * of ZRtp clears the data.
82 */
83typedef struct srtpSecrets {
84 SrtpAlgorithms symEncAlgorithm; ///< symmetrical cipher algorithm
85 const uint8_t* keyInitiator; ///< Initiator's key
86 int32_t initKeyLen; ///< Initiator's key length
87 const uint8_t* saltInitiator; ///< Initiator's salt
88 int32_t initSaltLen; ///< Initiator's salt length
89 const uint8_t* keyResponder; ///< Responder's key
90 int32_t respKeyLen; ///< Responder's key length
91 const uint8_t* saltResponder; ///< Responder's salt
92 int32_t respSaltLen; ///< Responder's salt length
93 SrtpAlgorithms authAlgorithm; ///< SRTP authentication algorithm
94 int32_t srtpAuthTagLen; ///< SRTP authentication length
95 std::string sas; ///< The SAS string
96 Role role; ///< ZRTP role of this client
97} SrtpSecret_t;
99enum EnableSecurity {
100 ForReceiver = 1, ///< Enable security for SRTP receiver
101 ForSender = 2 ///< Enable security for SRTP sender
105 * This abstract class defines the callback functions required by GNU ZRTP.
106 *
107 * This class is a pure abstract class, aka Interface in Java, that
108 * defines the callback interface that the specific part of a GNU ZRTP
109 * must implement. The generic part of GNU ZRTP uses these mehtods
110 * to communicate with the specific part, for example to send data
111 * via the RTP/SRTP stack, to set timers and cancel timer and so on.
112 *
113 * The generiy part of GNU ZRTP needs only a few callback methods to
114 * be implemented by the specific part.
115 *
116 * @author Werner Dittmann <>
117 */
119class __EXPORT ZrtpCallback {
122 friend class ZRtp;
124 virtual ~ZrtpCallback() {};
126 /**
127 * Send a ZRTP packet via RTP.
128 *
129 * ZRTP calls this method to send a ZRTP packet via the RTP session.
130 *
131 * @param data
132 * Points to ZRTP packet to send.
133 * @param length
134 * The length in bytes of the data
135 * @return
136 * zero if sending failed, one if packet was send
137 */
138 virtual int32_t sendDataZRTP(const uint8_t* data, int32_t length) =0;
140 /**
141 * Activate timer.
142 *
143 * @param time
144 * The time in ms for the timer
145 * @return
146 * zero if activation failed, one if timer was activated
147 */
148 virtual int32_t activateTimer(int32_t time) =0;
150 /**
151 * Cancel the active timer.
152 *
153 * @return
154 * zero if cancel action failed, one if timer was canceled
155 */
156 virtual int32_t cancelTimer() =0;
158 /**
159 * Send information messages to the hosting environment.
160 *
161 * The ZRTP implementation uses this method to send information
162 * messages to the host. Along with the message ZRTP provides a
163 * severity indicator that defines: Info, Warning, Error,
164 * Alert. Refer to the <code>MessageSeverity</code> enum above.
165 *
166 * @param severity
167 * This defines the message's severity
168 * @param subCode
169 * The subcode identifying the reason.
170 * @see ZrtpCodes#MessageSeverity
171 */
172 virtual void sendInfo(GnuZrtpCodes::MessageSeverity severity, int32_t subCode) =0;
174 /**
175 * SRTP crypto data ready for the sender or receiver.
176 *
177 * The ZRTP implementation calls this method right after all SRTP
178 * secrets are computed and ready to be used. The parameter points
179 * to a structure that contains pointers to the SRTP secrets and a
180 * <code>enum Role</code>. The called method (the implementation
181 * of this abstract method) must either copy the pointers to the SRTP
182 * data or the SRTP data itself to a save place. The SrtpSecret_t
183 * structure is destroyed after the callback method returns to the
184 * ZRTP implementation.
185 *
186 * The SRTP data themselfs are ontained in the ZRtp object and are
187 * valid as long as the ZRtp object is active. TheZRtp's
188 * destructor clears the secrets. Thus the called method needs to
189 * save the pointers only, ZRtp takes care of the data.
190 *
191 * The implementing class may enable SRTP processing in this
192 * method or delay it to srtpSecertsOn().
193 *
194 * @param secrets A pointer to a SrtpSecret_t structure that
195 * contains all necessary data.
196 *
197 * @param part for which part (Sender or Receiver) this data is
198 * valid.
199 *
200 * @return Returns false if something went wrong during
201 * initialization of SRTP context, for example memory shortage.
202 */
203 virtual bool srtpSecretsReady(SrtpSecret_t* secrets, EnableSecurity part) =0;
205 /**
206 * Switch off the security for the defined part.
207 *
208 * @param part Defines for which part (sender or receiver) to
209 * switch on security
210 */
211 virtual void srtpSecretsOff(EnableSecurity part) =0;
213 /**
214 * Switch on the security.
215 *
216 * ZRTP calls this method after it has computed the SAS and check
217 * if it is verified or not. In addition ZRTP provides information
218 * about the cipher algorithm and key length for the SRTP session.
219 *
220 * This method must enable SRTP processing if it was not enabled
221 * during sertSecretsReady().
222 *
223 * @param c The name of the used cipher algorithm and mode, or
224 * NULL
225 *
226 * @param s The SAS string
227 *
228 * @param verified if <code>verified</code> is true then SAS was
229 * verified by both parties during a previous call.
230 */
231 virtual void srtpSecretsOn(std::string c, std::string s, bool verified) =0;
233 /**
234 * This method handles GoClear requests.
235 *
236 * According to the ZRTP specification the user must be informed about
237 * a GoClear request because the ZRTP implementation switches off security
238 * if it could authenticate the GoClear packet.
239 *
240 * <b>Note:</b> GoClear is not yet implemented in GNU ZRTP.
241 *
242 */
243 virtual void handleGoClear() =0;
245 /**
246 * Handle ZRTP negotiation failed.
247 *
248 * ZRTP calls this method in case ZRTP negotiation failed. The
249 * parameters show the severity as well as the reason.
250 *
251 * @param severity
252 * This defines the message's severity
253 * @param subCode
254 * The subcode identifying the reason.
255 * @see ZrtpCodes#MessageSeverity
256 */
257 virtual void zrtpNegotiationFailed(GnuZrtpCodes::MessageSeverity severity, int32_t subCode) =0;
259 /**
260 * ZRTP calls this method if the other side does not support ZRTP.
261 *
262 * If the other side does not answer the ZRTP <em>Hello</em> packets then
263 * ZRTP calls this method,
264 *
265 */
266 virtual void zrtpNotSuppOther() =0;
268 /**
269 * Enter synchronization mutex.
270 *
271 * GNU ZRTP requires one mutes to synchronize its
272 * processing. Because mutex implementations depend on the
273 * underlying infrastructure, for example operating system or
274 * thread implementation, GNU ZRTP delegates mutex handling to the
275 * spcific part of its implementation.
276 */
277 virtual void synchEnter() =0;
279 /**
280 * Leave synchronization mutex.
281 */
282 virtual void synchLeave() =0;
284 /**
285 * Inform about a PBX enrollment request.
286 *
287 * Please refer to chapter 8.3 ff to get more details about PBX
288 * enrollment and SAS relay.
289 *
290 * <b>Note:</b> PBX enrollement is not yet fully supported by GNU
291 * ZRTP.
292 *
293 * @param info Give some information to the user about the PBX
294 * requesting an enrollment.
295 */
296 virtual void zrtpAskEnrollment(GnuZrtpCodes::InfoEnrollment info) =0;
298 /**
299 * Inform about PBX enrollment result.
300 *
301 * Informs the use about the acceptance or denial of an PBX enrollment
302 * request
303 *
304 * <b>Note:</b> PBX enrollement is not yet fully supported by GNU
305 * ZRTP.
306 *
307 * @param info information to the user about the result
308 * of an enrollment.
309 */
310 virtual void zrtpInformEnrollment(GnuZrtpCodes::InfoEnrollment info) =0;
312 /**
313 * Request a SAS signature.
314 *
315 * After ZRTP was able to compute the Short Authentication String
316 * (SAS) it calls this method. The client may now use an
317 * approriate method to sign the SAS. The client may use
318 * ZrtpQueue#setSignatureData() to store the signature data an
319 * enable signature transmission to the other peer. Refer to
320 * chapter 8.2 of ZRTP specification.
321 *
322 * <b>Note:</b> SAS signing is not yet fully supported by GNU
323 * ZRTP.
324 *
325 * @param sasHash
326 * The SAS hash to sign.
327 *
328 */
329 virtual void signSAS(uint8_t* sasHash) =0;
331 /**
332 * ZRTPQueue calls this method to request a SAS signature check.
333 *
334 * After ZRTP received a SAS signature in one of the Confirm packets it
335 * call this method. The client may use <code>getSignatureLength()</code>
336 * and <code>getSignatureData()</code>of ZrtpQueue to get the signature
337 * data and perform the signature check. Refer to chapter 8.2 of ZRTP
338 * specification.
339 *
340 * If the signature check fails the client may return false to ZRTP. In
341 * this case ZRTP signals an error to the other peer and terminates
342 * the ZRTP handshake.
343 *
344 * <b>Note:</b> SAS signing is not yet fully supported by GNU
345 * ZRTP.
346 *
347 * @param sasHash
348 * The SAS hash that was signed by the other peer.
349 * @return
350 * true if the signature was ok, false otherwise.
351 *
352 */
353 virtual bool checkSASSignature(uint8_t* sasHash) =0;
356#endif // ZRTPCALLBACK
359 * @}
360 */
361/** EMACS **
362 * Local variables:
363 * mode: c++
364 * c-default-style: ellemtel
365 * c-basic-offset: 4
366 * End:
367 */