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Emeric Vigier2f625822012-08-06 11:09:52 -04001<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
2<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
7<article id="index">
8 <articleinfo>
9 <title>D-Bus FAQ</title>
10 <releaseinfo>Version 0.3</releaseinfo>
11 <date>17 November 2006</date>
12 <authorgroup>
13 <author>
14 <firstname>Havoc</firstname>
15 <surname>Pennington</surname>
16 <affiliation>
17 <orgname>Red Hat, Inc.</orgname>
18 <address>
19 <email></email>
20 </address>
21 </affiliation>
22 </author>
23 <author>
24 <firstname>David</firstname>
25 <othername role="mi">A</othername>
26 <surname>Wheeler</surname>
27 </author>
28 </authorgroup>
29 </articleinfo>
31 <qandaset id="faq">
33 <qandaentry>
34 <question>
35 <para>
36 What is D-Bus?
37 </para>
38 </question>
39 <answer>
40 <para>
41 This is probably best answered by reading the D-Bus <ulink url="dbus-tutorial.html">tutorial</ulink> or
42 the introduction to the <ulink url="dbus-specification.html">specification</ulink>. In
43 short, it is a system consisting of 1) a wire protocol for exposing a
44 typical object-oriented language/framework to other applications; and
45 2) a bus daemon that allows applications to find and monitor one another.
46 Phrased differently, D-Bus is 1) an interprocess communication (IPC) system and 2) some higher-level
47 structure (lifecycle tracking, service activation, security policy) provided by two bus daemons,
48 one systemwide and one per-user-session.
49 </para>
50 </answer>
51 </qandaentry>
53 <qandaentry>
54 <question>
55 <para>
56 Is D-Bus stable/finished?
57 </para>
58 </question>
59 <answer>
60 <para>
61 The low-level library "libdbus" and the protocol specification are considered
62 ABI stable. The <ulink url="README">README</ulink>
63 file has a discussion of the API/ABI stability guarantees.
64 Higher-level bindings (such as those for Qt, GLib, Python, Java, C#) each
65 have their own release schedules and degree of maturity, not linked to
66 the low-level library and bus daemon release. Check the project page for
67 the binding you're considering to understand that project's policies.
68 </para>
69 </answer>
70 </qandaentry>
72 <qandaentry>
73 <question>
74 <para>
75 How is the reference implementation licensed? Can I use it in
76 proprietary applications?
77 </para>
78 </question>
79 <answer>
80 <para>
81 The short answer is yes, you can use it in proprietary applications.
82 You should read the <ulink url="COPYING">COPYING</ulink> file, which
83 offers you the choice of two licenses. These are the GPL and the
84 AFL. The GPL requires that your application be licensed under the GPL
85 as well. The AFL is an "X-style" or "BSD-style" license compatible
86 with proprietary licensing, but it does have some requirements; in
87 particular it prohibits you from filing a lawsuit alleging that the
88 D-Bus software infringes your patents <emphasis>while you continue to
89 use D-Bus</emphasis>. If you're going to sue, you have to stop using
90 the software. Read the licenses to determine their meaning, this FAQ
91 entry is not intended to change the meaning or terms of the licenses.
92 </para>
93 </answer>
94 </qandaentry>
96 <qandaentry>
97 <question>
98 <para>
99 What is the difference between a bus name, and object path,
100 and an interface?
101 </para>
102 </question>
103 <answer>
104 <para>
105 If you imagine a C++ program that implements a network service, then
106 the bus name is the hostname of the computer running this C++ program,
107 the object path is a C++ object instance pointer, and an interface is
108 a C++ class (a pure virtual or abstract class, to be exact).
109 </para>
110 <para>
111 In Java terms, the object path is an object reference,
112 and an interface is a Java interface.
113 </para>
114 <para>
115 People get confused because if they write an application
116 with a single object instance and a single interface,
117 then the bus name, object path, and interface look
118 redundant. For example, you might have a text editor
119 that uses the bus name <literal>org.freedesktop.TextEditor</literal>,
120 has a global singleton object called
121 <literal>/org/freedesktop/TextEditor</literal>, and
122 that singleton object could implement the interface
123 <literal>org.freedesktop.TextEditor</literal>.
124 </para>
125 <para>
126 However, a text editor application could as easily own multiple bus
127 names (for example, <literal>org.kde.KWrite</literal> in addition to
128 generic <literal>TextEditor</literal>), have multiple objects (maybe
129 <literal>/org/kde/documents/4352</literal> where the number changes
130 according to the document), and each object could implement multiple
131 interfaces, such as <literal>org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable</literal>,
132 <literal>org.freedesktop.BasicTextField</literal>,
133 <literal>org.kde.RichTextDocument</literal>.
134 </para>
135 </answer>
136 </qandaentry>
139 <qandaentry id="service">
140 <question>
141 <para>
142 What is a "service"?
143 </para>
144 </question>
145 <answer>
146 <para>
147 A service is a program that can be launched by the bus daemon
148 to provide some functionality to other programs. Services
149 are normally launched according to the bus name they will
150 have.
151 </para>
152 <para>
153 People often misuse the word "service" for any
154 bus name, but this tends to be ambiguous and confusing so is discouraged.
155 In the D-Bus docs we try to use "service" only when talking about
156 programs the bus knows how to launch, i.e. a service always has a
157 .service file.
158 </para>
159 </answer>
160 </qandaentry>
162 <qandaentry id="components">
163 <question>
164 <para>
165 Is D-Bus a "component system"?
166 </para>
167 </question>
168 <answer>
169 <para>
170 It helps to keep these concepts separate in your mind:
171 <orderedlist>
172 <listitem>
173 <para>
174 Object/component system
175 </para>
176 </listitem>
177 <listitem>
178 <para>
179 GUI control/widget embedding interfaces
180 </para>
181 </listitem>
182 <listitem>
183 <para>
184 Interprocess communication system or wire protocol
185 </para>
186 </listitem>
187 </orderedlist>
188 </para>
189 <para>
190 D-Bus is not a component system. "Component system" was originally
191 defined by COM, and was essentially a workaround for the limitations
192 of the C++ object system (adding introspection, runtime location of
193 objects, ABI guarantees, and so forth). With the C# language and CLR,
194 Microsoft added these features to the primary object system, leaving
195 COM obsolete. Similarly, Java has much less need for something like
196 COM than C++ did. Even QObject (from Qt) and GObject (from GLib) offer
197 some of the same features found in COM.
198 </para>
199 <para>
200 Component systems are not about GUI control embedding. Embedding
201 a spreadsheet in a word processor document is a matter of defining
202 some specific <emphasis>interfaces</emphasis> that objects
203 can implement. These interfaces provide methods related to
204 GUI controls. So an object implementing those interfaces
205 can be embedded.
206 </para>
207 <para>
208 The word "component" just means "object with some fancy features" and
209 in modern languages all objects are effectively "components."
210 </para>
211 <para>
212 So components are fancy objects, and some objects are GUI controls.
213 </para>
214 <para>
215 A third, unrelated feature is interprocess communication or IPC.
216 D-Bus is an IPC system. Given an object (or "component" if you must),
217 you can expose the functionality of that object over an IPC system.
218 Examples of IPC systems are DCOM, CORBA, SOAP, XML-RPC, and D-Bus.
219 You can use any of these IPC systems with any object/component system,
220 though some of them are "tuned" for specific object systems.
221 You can think of an IPC system primarily as a wire protocol.
222 </para>
223 <para>
224 If you combine an IPC system with a set of GUI control interfaces,
225 then you can have an out-of-process or dynamically-loaded GUI control.
226 </para>
227 <para>
228 Another related concept is the <firstterm>plugin</firstterm> or
229 <firstterm>extension</firstterm>. Generic plugin systems such as the
230 <ulink url="">Eclipse</ulink> system are not so different
231 from component/object systems, though perhaps a "plugin" tends to be a
232 bundle of objects with a user-visible name and can be
233 downloaded/packaged as a unit.
234 </para>
235 </answer>
236 </qandaentry>
238 <qandaentry id="speed">
239 <question>
240 <para>
241 How fast is the D-Bus reference implementation?
242 </para>
243 </question>
244 <answer>
245 <para>
246 Of course it depends a bit on what you're doing.
247 <ulink url="">
248 This mail</ulink> contains some benchmarking. At the time of that
249 benchmark, D-Bus one-to-one communication was about 2.5x slower than
250 simply pushing the data raw over a socket. After the recent rewrite of
251 the marshaling code, D-Bus is slower than that because a lot of
252 optimization work was lost. But it can probably be sped up again.
253 </para>
254 <para>
255 D-Bus communication with the intermediate bus daemon should be
256 (and as last profiled, was) about twice as slow as one-to-one
257 mode, because a round trip involves four socket reads/writes rather
258 than two socket reads/writes.
259 </para>
260 <para>
261 The overhead comes from a couple of places; part of it is simply
262 "abstraction penalty" (there are layers of code to support
263 multiple main loops, multiple transport types, security, etc.).
264 Probably the largest part comes from data validation
265 (because the reference implementation does not trust incoming data).
266 It would be simple to add a "no validation" mode, but probably
267 not a good idea all things considered.
268 </para>
269 <para>
270 Raw bandwidth isn't the only concern; D-Bus is designed to
271 enable asynchronous communication and avoid round trips.
272 This is frequently a more important performance issue
273 than throughput.
274 </para>
275 </answer>
276 </qandaentry>
279 <qandaentry id="size">
280 <question>
281 <para>
282 How large is the D-Bus reference implementation?
283 </para>
284 </question>
285 <answer>
286 <para>
287 A production build (with assertions, unit tests, and verbose logging
288 disabled) is on the order of a 150K shared library.
289 </para>
290 <para>
291 A much, much smaller implementation would be possible by omitting out
292 of memory handling, hardcoding a main loop (or always using blocking
293 I/O), skipping validation, and otherwise simplifying things.
294 </para>
295 </answer>
296 </qandaentry>
298 <qandaentry id="other-ipc">
299 <question>
300 <para>
301 How does D-Bus differ from other interprocess communication
302 or networking protocols?
303 </para>
304 </question>
305 <answer>
306 <para>
307 Keep in mind, it is not only an IPC system; it also includes
308 lifecycle tracking, service activation, security policy, and other
309 higher-level structure and assumptions.
310 </para>
311 <para>
312 The best place to start is to read the D-Bus <ulink url="dbus-tutorial.html">tutorial</ulink>, so
313 you have a concrete idea what D-Bus actually is. If you
314 understand other protocols on a wire format level, you
315 may also want to read the D-Bus <ulink url="dbus-specification.html">specification</ulink> to see what
316 D-Bus looks like on a low level.
317 </para>
318 <para>
319 As the <ulink url="dbus-tutorial.html">tutorial</ulink> and <ulink url="dbus-specification.html">specification</ulink> both explain, D-Bus is tuned
320 for some specific use cases. Thus, it probably isn't tuned
321 for what you want to do, unless you are doing the things
322 D-Bus was designed for. Don't make the mistake of thinking
323 that any system involving "IPC" is the same thing.
324 </para>
325 <para>
326 The D-Bus authors would not recommend using D-Bus
327 for applications where it doesn't make sense.
328 The following questions compare D-Bus to some other
329 protocols primarily to help you understand D-Bus
330 and decide whether it's appropriate; D-Bus is neither intended
331 nor claimed to be the right choice for every application.
332 </para>
333 <para>
334 It should be possible to bridge D-Bus to other IPC systems,
335 just as D-Bus can be bridged to object systems.
336 </para>
337 <para>
338 Note: the D-Bus mailing list subscribers are <emphasis>very much not
339 interested</emphasis> in debating which IPC system is the One True
340 System. So if you want to discuss that, please use another forum.
341 </para>
342 </answer>
343 </qandaentry>
346 <qandaentry id="corba">
347 <question>
348 <para>
349 How does D-Bus differ from CORBA?
350 </para>
351 </question>
352 <answer>
353 <para>
354 Start by reading <xref linkend="other-ipc"/>.
355 </para>
356 <para>
357 <ulink url="">CORBA</ulink> is designed to support
358 object-oriented IPC between objects, automatically marshalling
359 parameters as necessary. CORBA is strongly supported by the <ulink
360 url="">Open Management Group (OMG)</ulink>, which
361 produces various standards and supporting documents for CORBA and has
362 the backing of many large organizations. There are many CORBA ORBs
363 available, both proprietary ORBs and free / open source software ORBs
364 (the latter include <ulink
365 url="">ORBit</ulink>, <ulink
366 url="">MICO</ulink>, and <ulink
367 url="">The ACE Orb (TAO)</ulink>). Many
368 organizations continue to use CORBA ORBs for various kinds of IPC.
369 </para>
370 <para>
371 Both GNOME and KDE have used CORBA and then moved away from it. KDE
372 had more success with a system called DCOP, and GNOME layered a system
373 called Bonobo on top of CORBA. Without custom extensions, CORBA does
374 not support many of the things one wants to do in a desktop
375 environment with the GNOME/KDE architecture.
376 </para>
377 <para>
378 CORBA on the other hand has a number of features of interest for
379 enterprise and web application development, though XML systems such as
380 SOAP are the latest fad.
381 </para>
382 <para>
383 Like D-Bus, CORBA uses a fast binary protocol (IIOP). Both systems
384 work in terms of objects and methods, and have concepts such as
385 "oneway" calls. Only D-Bus has direct support for "signals" as in
386 GLib/Qt (or Java listeners, or C# delegates).
387 </para>
388 <para>
389 D-Bus hardcodes and specifies a lot of things that CORBA leaves open-ended,
390 because CORBA is more generic and D-Bus has two specific use-cases in mind.
391 This makes D-Bus a bit simpler.
392 </para>
393 <para>
394 However, unlike CORBA D-Bus does <emphasis>not</emphasis> specify the
395 API for the language bindings. Instead, "native" bindings adapted
396 specifically to the conventions of a framework such as QObject,
397 GObject, C#, Java, Python, etc. are encouraged. The libdbus reference
398 implementation is designed to be a backend for bindings of this
399 nature, rather than to be used directly. The rationale is that an IPC
400 system API should not "leak" all over a program; it should come into
401 play only just before data goes over the wire. As an aside, OMG is
402 apparently working on a simpler C++ binding for CORBA.
403 </para>
404 <para>
405 Many CORBA implementations such as ORBit are faster than the libdbus
406 reference implementation. One reason is that D-Bus considers data
407 from the other end of the connection to be untrusted and extensively
408 validates it. But generally speaking other priorities were placed
409 ahead of raw speed in the libdbus implementation. A fast D-Bus
410 implementation along the lines of ORBit should be possible, of course.
411 </para>
412 <para>
413 On a more trivial note, D-Bus involves substantially fewer acronyms
414 than CORBA.
415 </para>
416 </answer>
417 </qandaentry>
420 <qandaentry id="xmlrpcsoap">
421 <question>
422 <para>
423 How does D-Bus differ from XML-RPC and SOAP?
424 </para>
425 </question>
426 <answer>
427 <para>
428 Start by reading <xref linkend="other-ipc"/>.
429 </para>
430 <para>
431 In <ulink url="">SOAP</ulink> and <ulink
432 url="">XML-RPC</ulink>, RPC calls are transformed
433 into an XML-based format, then sent over the wire (typically using the
434 HTTP protocol), where they are processed and returned. XML-RPC is the
435 simple protocol (its spec is only a page or two), and SOAP is the
436 full-featured protocol.
437 </para>
438 <para>
439 XML-RPC and SOAP impose XML parsing overhead that is normally
440 irrelevant in the context of the Internet, but significant for
441 constant fine-grained IPC among applications in a desktop session.
442 </para>
443 <para>
444 D-Bus offers persistent connections and with the bus daemon
445 supports lifecycle tracking of other applications connected
446 to the bus. With XML-RPC and SOAP, typically each method call
447 exists in isolation and has its own HTTP connection.
448 </para>
449 </answer>
450 </qandaentry>
452 <qandaentry id="dce">
453 <question>
454 <para>
455 How does D-Bus differ from DCE?
456 </para>
457 </question>
458 <answer>
459 <para>
460 Start by reading <xref linkend="other-ipc"/>.
461 </para>
462 <para>
463 <ulink url="">Distributed Computing
464 Environment (DCE)</ulink> is an industry-standard vendor-neutral
465 standard that includes an IPC mechanism. <ulink
466 url="">The Open Group
467 has released an implementation as open source software</ulink>. DCE
468 is quite capable, and includes a vast amount of functionality such as
469 a distributed time service. As the name implies, DCE is intended for
470 use in a large, multi-computer distributed application. D-Bus would
471 not be well-suited for this.
472 </para>
473 </answer>
474 </qandaentry>
477 <qandaentry id="dcom">
478 <question>
479 <para>
480 How does D-Bus differ from DCOM and COM?
481 </para>
482 </question>
483 <answer>
484 <para>
485 Start by reading <xref linkend="other-ipc"/>.
486 </para>
487 <para>
488 Comparing D-Bus to COM is apples and oranges;
489 see <xref linkend="components"/>.
490 </para>
491 <para>
492 DCOM (distributed COM) is a Windows IPC system designed for use with
493 the COM object system. It's similar in some ways to DCE and CORBA.
494 </para>
495 </answer>
496 </qandaentry>
498 <qandaentry id="internet-communications-engine">
499 <question>
500 <para>
501 How does D-Bus differ from ZeroC's Internet Communications Engine (Ice)
502 </para>
503 </question>
504 <answer>
505 <para>
506 Start by reading <xref linkend="other-ipc"/>.
507 </para>
508 <para>
509 The <ulink url=""> Internet
510 Communications Engine (Ice)</ulink> is a powerful IPC mechanism more
511 on the level of SOAP or CORBA than D-Bus. Ice has a "dual-license"
512 business around it; i.e. you can use it under the GPL, or pay for a
513 proprietary license.
514 </para>
515 </answer>
516 </qandaentry>
518 <qandaentry id="inter-client-exchange">
519 <question>
520 <para>
521 How does D-Bus differ from Inter-Client Exchange (ICE)?
522 </para>
523 </question>
524 <answer>
525 <para>
526 <ulink url="">ICE</ulink>
527 was developed for the X Session Management protocol (XSMP), as part of
528 the X Window System (X11R6.1). The idea was to allow desktop sessions
529 to contain nongraphical clients in addition to X clients.
530 </para>
531 <para>
532 ICE is a binary protocol designed for desktop use, and KDE's DCOP
533 builds on ICE. ICE is substantially simpler than D-Bus (in contrast
534 to most of the other IPC systems mentioned here, which are more
535 complex). ICE doesn't really define a mapping to objects and methods
536 (DCOP adds that layer). The reference implementation of ICE (libICE)
537 is often considered to be horrible (and horribly insecure).
538 </para>
539 <para>
540 DCOP and XSMP are the only two widely-used applications of ICE,
541 and both could in principle be replaced by D-Bus. (Though whether
542 GNOME and KDE will bother is an open question.)
543 </para>
544 </answer>
545 </qandaentry>
549 <qandaentry id="dcop">
550 <question>
551 <para>
552 How does D-Bus differ from DCOP?
553 </para>
554 </question>
555 <answer>
556 <para>
557 Start by reading <xref linkend="other-ipc"/>.
558 </para>
559 <para>
560 D-Bus is intentionally pretty similar to <ulink
561 url="">DCOP</ulink>,
562 and can be thought of as a "DCOP the next generation" suitable for
563 sharing between the various open source desktop projects.
564 </para>
565 <para>
566 D-Bus is a bit more complex than DCOP, though the Qt binding for D-Bus
567 should not be more complex for programmers. The additional complexity
568 of D-Bus arises from its separation of object references vs. bus names
569 vs. interfaces as distinct concepts, and its support for one-to-one
570 connections in addition to connections over the bus. The libdbus
571 reference implementation has a lot of API to support multiple bindings
572 and main loops, and performs data validation and out-of-memory handling
573 in order to support secure applications such as the systemwide bus.
574 </para>
575 <para>
576 D-Bus is probably somewhat slower than DCOP due to data validation
577 and more "layers" in the reference implementation. A comparison
578 hasn't been posted to the list though.
579 </para>
580 <para>
581 At this time, KDE has not committed to using D-Bus, but there have
582 been discussions of KDE bridging D-Bus and DCOP, or even changing
583 DCOP's implementation to use D-Bus internally (so that GNOME and KDE
584 would end up using exactly the same bus). See the KDE mailing list
585 archives for some of these discussions.
586 </para>
587 </answer>
588 </qandaentry>
591 <qandaentry id="yet-more-ipc">
592 <question>
593 <para>
594 How does D-Bus differ from [yet more IPC mechanisms]?
595 </para>
596 </question>
597 <answer>
598 <para>
599 Start by reading <xref linkend="other-ipc"/>.
600 </para>
601 <para>
602 There are countless uses of network sockets in the world. <ulink
603 url="">MBUS</ulink>, Sun ONC/RPC, Jabber/XMPP,
604 SIP, are some we can think of quickly.
605 </para>
606 </answer>
607 </qandaentry>
610 <qandaentry id="which-ipc">
611 <question>
612 <para>
613 Which IPC mechanism should I use?
614 </para>
615 </question>
616 <answer>
617 <para>
618 Start by reading <xref linkend="other-ipc"/>.
619 </para>
620 <para>
621 If you're writing an Internet or Intranet application, XML-RPC or SOAP
622 work for many people. These are standard, available for most
623 languages, simple to debug and easy to use.
624 </para>
625 <para>
626 If you're writing a desktop application for UNIX,
627 then D-Bus is of course our recommendation for
628 talking to other parts of the desktop session.
629 </para>
630 <para>
631 D-Bus is also designed for communications between system daemons and
632 communications between the desktop and system daemons.
633 </para>
634 <para>
635 If you're doing something complicated such as clustering,
636 distributed swarms, peer-to-peer, or whatever then
637 the authors of this FAQ don't have expertise in these
638 areas and you should ask someone else or try a search engine.
639 D-Bus is most likely a poor choice but could be appropriate
640 for some things.
641 </para>
642 <para>
643 Note: the D-Bus mailing list is probably not the place to
644 discuss which system is appropriate for your application,
645 though you are welcome to ask specific questions about
646 D-Bus <emphasis>after reading this FAQ, the tutorial, and
647 searching the list archives</emphasis>. The best way
648 to search the list archives is probably to use
649 an Internet engine such as Google. On Google,
650 include "" in your search.
651 </para>
652 </answer>
653 </qandaentry>
656 <qandaentry>
657 <question>
658 <para>
659 How can I submit a bug or patch?
660 </para>
661 </question>
662 <answer>
663 <para>
664 The D-Bus <ulink url="">web site</ulink>
665 has a link to the bug tracker, which is the best place to store
666 patches. You can also post them to the list, especially if you want
667 to discuss the patch or get feedback.
668 </para>
669 </answer>
670 </qandaentry>
672 </qandaset>