blob: f7e64816eaa9161569b6f3b3fd01dcac235c3b29 [file] [log] [blame]
Tristan Matthews0a329cc2013-07-17 13:20:14 -04001# $Id$
3from socket import *
4import re
5import random
6import time
7import sys
8import inc_cfg as cfg
9from select import *
11# SIP request template
12req_templ = \
14Via: SIP/2.0/UDP $LOCAL_IP:$LOCAL_PORT;rport;branch=z9hG4bK$BRANCH\r
15Max-Forwards: 70\r
16From: <>$FROM_TAG\r
18Contact: <sip:$LOCAL_IP:$LOCAL_PORT;transport=udp>\r
19Call-ID: $\r
22Supported: replaces, 100rel, norefersub\r
23User-Agent: Python tester\r
24Content-Length: $CONTENT_LENGTH\r
28def is_request(msg):
29 return msg.split(" ", 1)[0] != "SIP/2.0"
31def is_response(msg):
32 return msg.split(" ", 1)[0] == "SIP/2.0"
34def get_code(msg):
35 if msg=="":
36 return 0
37 return int(msg.split(" ", 2)[1])
39def get_tag(msg, hdr="To"):
40 pat = "^" + hdr + ":.*"
41 result =, msg, re.M | re.I)
42 if result==None:
43 return ""
44 line =
45 #print "line=", line
46 tags = line.split(";tag=")
47 if len(tags)>1:
48 return tags[1]
49 return ""
50 #return re.split("[;& ]", s)
52def get_header(msg, hname):
53 headers = msg.splitlines()
54 for hdr in headers:
55 hfields = hdr.split(": ", 2)
56 if hfields[0]==hname:
57 return hfields[1]
58 return None
60class Dialog:
61 sock = None
62 dst_addr = ""
63 dst_port = 5060
64 local_ip = ""
65 local_port = 0
66 tcp = False
67 call_id = str(random.random())
68 cseq = 0
69 local_tag = ";tag=" + str(random.random())
70 rem_tag = ""
71 last_resp_code = 0
72 inv_branch = ""
73 trace_enabled = True
74 last_request = ""
75 def __init__(self, dst_addr, dst_port=5060, tcp=False, trace=True, local_port=0):
76 self.dst_addr = dst_addr
77 self.dst_port = dst_port
78 self.tcp = tcp
79 self.trace_enabled = trace
80 if tcp==True:
81 self.sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
82 self.sock.connect(dst_addr, dst_port)
83 else:
84 self.sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
85 self.sock.bind(("", local_port))
87 self.local_ip, self.local_port = self.sock.getsockname()
88 self.trace("Dialog socket bound to " + self.local_ip + ":" + str(self.local_port))
90 def trace(self, txt):
91 if self.trace_enabled:
92 print str(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S ")) + txt
94 def update_fields(self, msg):
95 if self.tcp:
96 transport_param = ";transport=tcp"
97 else:
98 transport_param = ""
99 msg = msg.replace("$TARGET_URI", "sip:"+self.dst_addr+":"+str(self.dst_port) + transport_param)
100 msg = msg.replace("$LOCAL_IP", self.local_ip)
101 msg = msg.replace("$LOCAL_PORT", str(self.local_port))
102 msg = msg.replace("$FROM_TAG", self.local_tag)
103 msg = msg.replace("$TO_TAG", self.rem_tag)
104 msg = msg.replace("$CALL_ID", self.call_id)
105 msg = msg.replace("$CSEQ", str(self.cseq))
106 branch=str(random.random())
107 msg = msg.replace("$BRANCH", branch)
108 return msg
110 def create_req(self, method, sdp, branch="", extra_headers="", body=""):
111 if branch=="":
112 self.cseq = self.cseq + 1
113 msg = req_templ
114 msg = msg.replace("$METHOD", method)
115 msg = msg.replace("$SIP_HEADERS", extra_headers)
116 if branch=="":
117 branch=str(random.random())
118 msg = msg.replace("$BRANCH", branch)
119 if sdp!="":
120 msg = msg.replace("$CONTENT_LENGTH", str(len(sdp)))
121 msg = msg + "Content-Type: application/sdp\r\n"
122 msg = msg + "\r\n"
123 msg = msg + sdp
124 elif body!="":
125 msg = msg.replace("$CONTENT_LENGTH", str(len(body)))
126 msg = msg + "\r\n"
127 msg = msg + body
128 else:
129 msg = msg.replace("$CONTENT_LENGTH", "0")
130 return self.update_fields(msg)
132 def create_response(self, request, code, reason, to_tag=""):
133 response = "SIP/2.0 " + str(code) + " " + reason + "\r\n"
134 lines = request.splitlines()
135 for line in lines:
136 hdr = line.split(":", 1)[0]
137 if hdr in ["Via", "From", "To", "CSeq", "Call-ID"]:
138 if hdr=="To" and to_tag!="":
139 line = line + ";tag=" + to_tag
140 elif hdr=="Via":
141 line = line + ";received="
142 response = response + line + "\r\n"
143 return response
145 def create_invite(self, sdp, extra_headers="", body=""):
146 self.inv_branch = str(random.random())
147 return self.create_req("INVITE", sdp, branch=self.inv_branch, extra_headers=extra_headers, body=body)
149 def create_ack(self, sdp="", extra_headers=""):
150 return self.create_req("ACK", sdp, extra_headers=extra_headers, branch=self.inv_branch)
152 def create_bye(self, extra_headers=""):
153 return self.create_req("BYE", "", extra_headers)
155 def send_msg(self, msg, dst_addr=None):
156 if (is_request(msg)):
157 self.last_request = msg.split(" ", 1)[0]
158 if not dst_addr:
159 dst_addr = (self.dst_addr, self.dst_port)
160 self.trace("============== TX MSG to " + str(dst_addr) + " ============= \n" + msg)
161 self.sock.sendto(msg, 0, dst_addr)
163 def wait_msg_from(self, timeout):
164 endtime = time.time() + timeout
165 msg = ""
166 src_addr = None
167 while time.time() < endtime:
168 readset = select([self.sock], [], [], 1)
169 if len(readset[0]) < 1 or not self.sock in readset[0]:
170 if len(readset[0]) < 1:
171 print "select() timeout (will wait for " + str(int(endtime - time.time())) + "more secs)"
172 elif not self.sock in readset[0]:
173 print "select() alien socket"
174 else:
175 print "select other error"
176 continue
177 try:
178 msg, src_addr = self.sock.recvfrom(4096)
179 break
180 except:
181 print "recv() exception: ", sys.exc_info()[0]
182 continue
184 if msg=="":
185 return "", None
186 if self.last_request=="INVITE" and self.rem_tag=="":
187 self.rem_tag = get_tag(msg, "To")
188 self.rem_tag = self.rem_tag.rstrip("\r\n;")
189 if self.rem_tag != "":
190 self.rem_tag = ";tag=" + self.rem_tag
191 self.trace("=== rem_tag:" + self.rem_tag)
192 self.trace("=========== RX MSG from " + str(src_addr) + " ===========\n" + msg)
193 return (msg, src_addr)
195 def wait_msg(self, timeout):
196 return self.wait_msg_from(timeout)[0]
198 # Send request and wait for final response
199 def send_request_wait(self, msg, timeout):
200 t1 = 1.0
201 endtime = time.time() + timeout
202 resp = ""
203 code = 0
204 for i in range(0,5):
205 self.send_msg(msg)
206 resp = self.wait_msg(t1)
207 if resp!="" and is_response(resp):
208 code = get_code(resp)
209 break
210 last_resp = resp
211 while code < 200 and time.time() < endtime:
212 resp = self.wait_msg(endtime - time.time())
213 if resp != "" and is_response(resp):
214 code = get_code(resp)
215 last_resp = resp
216 elif resp=="":
217 break
218 return last_resp
220 def hangup(self, last_code=0):
221 self.trace("====== hangup =====")
222 if last_code!=0:
223 self.last_resp_code = last_code
224 if self.last_resp_code>0 and self.last_resp_code<200:
225 msg = self.create_req("CANCEL", "", branch=self.inv_branch, extra_headers="")
226 self.send_request_wait(msg, 5)
227 msg = self.create_ack()
228 self.send_msg(msg)
229 elif self.last_resp_code>=200 and self.last_resp_code<300:
230 msg = self.create_ack()
231 self.send_msg(msg)
232 msg = self.create_bye()
233 self.send_request_wait(msg, 5)
234 else:
235 msg = self.create_ack()
236 self.send_msg(msg)
239class SendtoCfg:
240 # Test name
241 name = ""
242 # pjsua InstanceParam
243 inst_param = None
244 # Complete INVITE message. If this is not empty, then this
245 # message will be sent instead and the "sdp" and "extra_headers"
246 # settings will be ignored.
247 complete_msg = ""
248 # Initial SDP
249 sdp = ""
250 # Extra headers to add to request
251 extra_headers = ""
252 # Expected code
253 resp_code = 0
254 # Use TCP?
255 use_tcp = False
256 # List of RE patterns that must exist in response
257 resp_include = []
258 # List of RE patterns that must NOT exist in response
259 resp_exclude = []
260 # Full (non-SDP) body
261 body = ""
262 # Constructor
263 def __init__(self, name, pjsua_args, sdp, resp_code,
264 resp_inc=[], resp_exc=[], use_tcp=False,
265 extra_headers="", body="", complete_msg="",
266 enable_buffer = False):
267 self.complete_msg = complete_msg
268 self.sdp = sdp
269 self.resp_code = resp_code
270 self.resp_include = resp_inc
271 self.resp_exclude = resp_exc
272 self.use_tcp = use_tcp
273 self.extra_headers = extra_headers
274 self.body = body
275 self.inst_param = cfg.InstanceParam("pjsua", pjsua_args)
276 self.inst_param.enable_buffer = enable_buffer
279class RecvfromTransaction:
280 # The test title for this transaction
281 title = ""
282 # Optinal list of pjsua command and optional expect patterns
283 # to be invoked to make pjsua send a request
284 # Sample:
285 # (to make call and wait for INVITE to be sent)
286 # cmds = [ ["m"], ["sip:", "INVITE sip:"] ]
287 cmds = []
288 # Check if the CSeq must be greater than last Cseq?
289 check_cseq = True
290 # List of RE patterns that must exists in incoming request
291 include = []
292 # List of RE patterns that MUST NOT exist in incoming request
293 exclude = []
294 # Response code to send
295 resp_code = 0
296 # Additional list of headers to be sent on the response
297 # Note: no need to add CRLF on the header
298 resp_hdr = []
299 # Message body. This should include the Content-Type header too.
300 # Sample:
301 # body = """Content-Type: application/sdp\r\n
302 # \r\n
303 # v=0\r\n
304 # ...
305 # """
306 body = None
307 # Pattern to be expected on pjsua when receiving the response
308 expect = ""
310 def __init__(self, title, resp_code, check_cseq=True,
311 include=[], exclude=[], cmds=[], resp_hdr=[], resp_body=None, expect=""):
312 self.title = title
313 self.cmds = cmds
314 self.include = include
315 self.exclude = exclude
316 self.resp_code = resp_code
317 self.resp_hdr = resp_hdr
318 self.body = resp_body
319 self.expect = expect
322class RecvfromCfg:
323 # Test name
324 name = ""
325 # pjsua InstanceParam
326 inst_param = None
327 # List of RecvfromTransaction
328 transaction = None
329 # Use TCP?
330 tcp = False
332 # Note:
333 # Any "$PORT" string in the pjsua_args will be replaced
334 # by server port
335 def __init__(self, name, pjsua_args, transaction, tcp=False):
336 = name
337 self.inst_param = cfg.InstanceParam("pjsua", pjsua_args)
338 self.transaction = transaction
339 self.tcp=tcp