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// Copyright (C) 2006-2010 David Sugar, Tycho Softworks.
// This file is part of GNU uCommon C++.
// GNU uCommon C++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// GNU uCommon C++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with GNU uCommon C++. If not, see <>.
* Basic array and reusable object factory heap support.
* This offers ucommon support for vector arrays, and for forming
* reusable object pools. Reusable object pools can be tied to local
* heaps and offer a means to create type factories that do not require
* global locking through malloc.
* @file ucommon/vector.h
#include <ucommon/thread.h>
typedef unsigned short vectorsize_t;
* An array of reusable objects. This class is used to support the
* array_use template. A pool of objects are created which can be
* allocated as needed. Deallocated objects are returned to the pool
* so they can be reallocated later. This is a private fixed size heap.
* @author David Sugar <>
class __EXPORT ArrayReuse : public ReusableAllocator
size_t objsize;
unsigned count, limit, used;
caddr_t mem;
ArrayReuse(size_t objsize, unsigned c);
ArrayReuse(size_t objsize, unsigned c, void *memory);
* Destroy reusable private heap array.
bool avail(void);
ReusableObject *get(timeout_t timeout);
ReusableObject *get(void);
ReusableObject *request(void);
* A mempager source of reusable objects. This is used by the reuse_pager
* template to allocate new objects either from a memory pager used as
* a private heap, or from previously allocated objects that have been
* returned for reuse.
* @author David Sugar <>
class __EXPORT PagerReuse : protected MemoryRedirect, protected ReusableAllocator
unsigned limit, count;
size_t osize;
PagerReuse(mempager *pager, size_t objsize, unsigned count);
bool avail(void);
ReusableObject *get(void);
ReusableObject *get(timeout_t timeout);
ReusableObject *request(void);
* A managed vector for generic object pointers. This vector is memory
* managed at runtime by basic cow (copy-on-write) operations of a reference
* counted object list. This allows the size of the vector to be changed
* at runtime and for the vector to be copied by managing reference counted
* copies of the list of objects as needed.
* This class is somewhat analogous to the string class, but rather than
* holding a string "array of chars" that may be re-sized and reallocated,
* the Vector holds an array of Object pointers. Since the object pointers
* we store in the vector are objects inherited from Object, a vector can
* itself act as a vector of smart pointers to reference counted objects
* (derived from CountedObject).
* @author David Sugar <>.
class __EXPORT Vector
class __EXPORT array : public CountedObject
#pragma pack(1)
vectorsize_t max, len;
ObjectProtocol *list[1];
#pragma pack()
array(vectorsize_t size);
void dealloc(void);
void set(ObjectProtocol **items);
void add(ObjectProtocol **list);
void add(ObjectProtocol *obj);
void purge(void);
void inc(vectorsize_t adj);
void dec(vectorsize_t adj);
array *data;
array *create(vectorsize_t size) const;
virtual void release(void);
virtual void cow(vectorsize_t adj = 0);
ObjectProtocol **list(void) const;
friend class Vector::array;
* Object handler for index outside vector range.
* @return default object, often NULL.
virtual ObjectProtocol *invalid(void) const;
* npos is a constant for an "invalid" position value.
static const vectorsize_t npos;
* Create an initially empty vector.
* Create a vector of size object pointers.
* @param size of vector to create.
Vector(vectorsize_t size);
* Create a vector of size objects from existing object pointers.
* This allocates the vector and initializes the object pointers from
* an existing array of object pointers. Either a specific vector
* size may be used, or the end of the vector will be found by a NULL
* object pointer.
* @param items to place into the vector.
* @param size of the vector to create, or use NULL item for end.
Vector(ObjectProtocol **items, vectorsize_t size = 0);
* Destroy the current reference counted vector of object pointers.
virtual ~Vector();
* Get the size of the vector (number of active members).
* @return number of active pointers in vector.
vectorsize_t len(void) const;
* Get the effective allocation space used by the vector. This is the
* number of pointers it can hold before it needs to be resized.
* @return storage size of vector.
vectorsize_t size(void) const;
* Get an object pointer from a specified member of the vector.
* @param index of member pointer to return. Negative values from end.
* @return object pointer of member.
ObjectProtocol *get(int index) const;
* Copy the vector to an external pointer array.
* @param mem array of external pointers to hold vector.
* @param max size of the external array.
* @return number of elements copied into external array.
vectorsize_t get(void **mem, vectorsize_t max) const;
* Get the first object pointer contained in the vector. Typically used
* in iterations.
* @return first object pointer.
ObjectProtocol *begin(void) const;
* Get the last object pointer contained in the vector. Typically used
* in iterations.
* @return last object pointer.
ObjectProtocol *end(void) const;
* Find the first instance of a specific pointer in the vector.
* @param pointer to locate in the vector.
* @param offset to start searching in vector.
* @return position of pointer in vector or npos if not found.
vectorsize_t find(ObjectProtocol *pointer, vectorsize_t offset = 0) const;
* Split the vector at a specified offset. All members after the split
* are de-referenced and dropped from the vector.
* @param position to split vector at.
void split(vectorsize_t position);
* Split the vector after a specified offset. All members before the split
* are de-referenced and dropped. The member starting at the split point
* becomes the first member of the vector.
* @param position to split vector at.
void rsplit(vectorsize_t position);
* Set a member of the vector to an object. If an existing member was
* present and is being replaced, it is de-referenced.
* @param position in vector to place object pointer.
* @param pointer to place in vector.
void set(vectorsize_t position, ObjectProtocol *pointer);
* Set the vector to a list of objects terminated by a NULL pointer.
* @param list of object pointers.
void set(ObjectProtocol **list);
* Add (append) a NULL terminated list of objects to the vector.
* @param list of object pointers to add.
void add(ObjectProtocol **list);
* Add (append) a single object pointer to the vector.
* @param pointer to add to vector.
void add(ObjectProtocol *pointer);
* De-reference and remove all pointers from the vector.
void clear(void);
* Re-size & re-allocate the total (allocated) size of the vector.
* @param size to allocate for vector.
virtual bool resize(vectorsize_t size);
* Set (duplicate) an existing vector into our vector.
* @param vector to duplicate.
inline void set(Vector &vector)
* Add (append) an existing vector to our vector.
* @param vector to append.
inline void add(Vector &vector)
* Return a pointer from the vector by array reference.
* @param index of vector member pointer to return.
inline ObjectProtocol *operator[](int index)
{return get(index);};
* Assign a member of the vector directly.
* @param position to assign.
* @param pointer to object to assign to vector.
inline void operator()(vectorsize_t position, ObjectProtocol *pointer)
{set(position, pointer);};
* Retrieve a member of the vector directly.
* @param position to retrieve object from.
* @return object pointer retrieved from vector.
inline ObjectProtocol *operator()(vectorsize_t position)
{return get(position);};
* Append a member to the vector directly.
* @param pointer to object to add to vector.
inline void operator()(ObjectProtocol *pointer)
* Assign (copy) into our existing vector from another vector.
* @param vector to assign from.
inline void operator=(Vector &vector)
* Append into our existing vector from another vector.
* @param vector to append from.
inline void operator+=(Vector &vector)
* Concatenate into our existing vector from assignment list.
* @param vector to append from.
inline Vector& operator+(Vector &vector)
{add(vector.list()); return *this;};
* Release vector and concat vector from another vector.
* @param vector to assign from.
Vector &operator^(Vector &vector);
* Release our existing vector and duplicate from another vector. This
* differs from assign in that the allocated size of the vector is reset
* to the new list.
* @param vector to assign from.
void operator^=(Vector &vector);
* Drop first member of vector.
void operator++();
* Drop last member of the vector.
void operator--();
* Drop first specified members from the vector.
* @param count of members to drop.
void operator+=(vectorsize_t count);
* Drop last specified members from the vector.
* @param count of members to drop.
void operator-=(vectorsize_t count);
* Compute the effective vector size of a list of object pointers.
* The size is found as the NULL pointer in the list.
* @return size of list.
static vectorsize_t size(void **list);
* Vector with fixed size member list. This is analogous to the memstring
* class and is used to tie a vector to a fixed list in memory.
* @author David Sugar <>
class __EXPORT MemVector : public Vector
bool resize(vectorsize_t size);
void cow(vectorsize_t adj = 0);
void release(void);
friend class Vector::array;
* Create and manage a vector stored in fixed memory.
* @param pointer to where our vector list lives.
* @param size of vector list in memory.
MemVector(void *pointer, vectorsize_t size);
* Destroy the vector.
* Assign an existing vector into our fixed vector list.
* @param vector to copy from.
inline void operator=(Vector &vector)
* A templated vector for a list of a specific Object subtype. The
* templated type must be derived from Object.
* @author David Sugar <>
template<class T>
class vectorof : public Vector
* Create an empty vector for specified type.
inline vectorof() : Vector() {};
* Create an empty vector of allocated size for specified type.
* @param size of vector to allocate.
inline vectorof(vectorsize_t size) : Vector(size) {};
inline T& operator[](int index)
{return static_cast<T&>(Vector::get(index));};
inline const T& at(int index)
{return static_cast<const T&>(Vector::get(index));};
* Retrieve a typed member of the vector directly.
* @param position to retrieve object from.
* @return typed object pointer retrieved from vector.
inline T *operator()(vectorsize_t position)
{return static_cast<T *>(Vector::get(position));};
* Get the first typed object pointer contained in the vector.
* @return first typed object pointer.
inline T *begin(void)
{return static_cast<T *>(Vector::begin());};
* Get the last typed object pointer contained in the vector.
* @return last typed object pointer.
inline T *end(void)
{return static_cast<T *>(Vector::end());};
* Concatenate typed vector in an expression.
* @param vector to concatenate.
* @return effective object to continue in expression.
inline Vector &operator+(Vector &vector)
{Vector::add(vector); return static_cast<Vector &>(*this);};
* An array of reusable types. A pool of typed objects is created which can
* be allocated as needed. Deallocated typed objects are returned to the pool
* so they can be reallocated later. This is a private fixed size heap.
* @author David Sugar <>
template<class T>
class array_reuse : protected ArrayReuse
* Create private heap of reusable objects of specified type.
* @param count of objects of specified type to allocate.
inline array_reuse(unsigned count) :
ArrayReuse(sizeof(T), count) {};
* Create reusable objects of specific type in preallocated memory.
* @param count of objects of specified type in memory.
* @param memory to use.
inline array_reuse(unsigned count, void *memory) :
ArrayReuse(sizeof(T), count, memory) {};
* Test if typed objects available in heap or re-use list.
* @return true if objects still are available.
inline operator bool() const
{return avail();};
* Test if the entire heap has been allocated.
* @return true if no objects are available.
inline bool operator!() const
{return !avail();};
* Request immediately next available typed object from the heap.
* @return typed object pointer or NULL if heap is empty.
inline T* request(void)
{return static_cast<T*>(ArrayReuse::request());};
* Get a typed object from the heap. This function blocks when the
* heap is empty until an object is returned to the heap.
* @return typed object pointer from heap.
inline T* get(void)
{return static_cast<T*>(ArrayReuse::get());};
* Create a typed object from the heap. This function blocks when the
* heap is empty until an object is returned to the heap.
* @return typed object pointer from heap.
inline T* create(void)
{return init<T>(static_cast<T*>(ArrayReuse::get()));};
* Get a typed object from the heap. This function blocks until the
* the heap has an object to return or the timer has expired.
* @param timeout to wait for heap in milliseconds.
* @return typed object pointer from heap or NULL if timeout.
inline T* get(timeout_t timeout)
{return static_cast<T*>(ArrayReuse::get(timeout));};
* Create a typed object from the heap. This function blocks until the
* the heap has an object to return or the timer has expired.
* @param timeout to wait for heap in milliseconds.
* @return typed object pointer from heap or NULL if timeout.
inline T* create(timeout_t timeout)
{return init<T>(static_cast<T*>(ArrayReuse::get(timeout)));};
* Release (return) a typed object back to the heap for re-use.
* @param object to return.
inline void release(T *object)
* Get a typed object from the heap by type casting reference. This
* function blocks while the heap is empty.
* @return typed object pointer from heap.
inline operator T*()
{return array_reuse::get();};
* Get a typed object from the heap by pointer reference. This
* function blocks while the heap is empty.
* @return typed object pointer from heap.
inline T *operator*()
{return array_reuse::get();};
* A reusable private pool of reusable types. A pool of typed objects is
* created which can be allocated from a memory pager. Deallocated typed
* objects are also returned to this pool so they can be reallocated later.
* @author David Sugar <>
template <class T>
class paged_reuse : protected PagerReuse
* Create a managed reusable typed object pool. This manages a heap of
* typed objects that can either be reused from released objects or
* allocate from an existing memory pager pool.
* @param pager pool to allocate from.
* @param count of objects of specified type to allocate.
inline paged_reuse(mempager *pager, unsigned count) :
PagerReuse(pager, sizeof(T), count) {};
* Test if typed objects available from the pager or re-use list.
* @return true if objects still are available.
inline operator bool() const
{return PagerReuse::avail();};
* Test if no objects are available for reuse or the pager.
* @return true if no objects are available.
inline bool operator!() const
{return !PagerReuse::avail();};
* Get a typed object from the pager heap. This function blocks when the
* heap is empty until an object is returned to the heap.
* @return typed object pointer from heap.
inline T *get(void)
{return static_cast<T*>(PagerReuse::get());};
* Get a typed object from the pager heap. This function blocks when the
* heap is empty until an object is returned to the heap. The objects
* default constructor is used.
* @return typed object pointer from heap.
inline T *create(void)
{return init<T>(static_cast<T*>(PagerReuse::get()));};
* Get a typed object from the heap. This function blocks until the
* the heap has an object to return or the timer has expired.
* @param timeout to wait for heap in milliseconds.
* @return typed object pointer from heap or NULL if timeout.
inline T *get(timeout_t timeout)
{return static_cast<T*>(PagerReuse::get(timeout));};
* Create a typed object from the heap. This function blocks until the
* the heap has an object to return or the timer has expired. The
* objects default constructor is used.
* @param timeout to wait for heap in milliseconds.
* @return typed object pointer from heap or NULL if timeout.
inline T *create(timeout_t timeout)
{return init<T>(static_cast<T*>(PagerReuse::get(timeout)));};
* Request immediately next available typed object from the pager heap.
* @return typed object pointer or NULL if heap is empty.
inline T *request(void)
{return static_cast<T*>(PagerReuse::request());};
* Release (return) a typed object back to the pager heap for re-use.
* @param object to return.
inline void release(T *object)
* Get a typed object from the pager heap by type casting reference. This
* function blocks while the heap is empty.
* @return typed object pointer from heap.
inline T *operator*()
{return paged_reuse::get();};
* Get a typed object from the pager heap by pointer reference. This
* function blocks while the heap is empty.
* @return typed object pointer from heap.
inline operator T*()
{return paged_reuse::get();};
* Allocated vector list of a specified type. This analogous to the stringbuf
* class and allows one to create a vector with it's member list as a single
* object that can live in the heap or that can be created at once and used as
* a auto variable.
* @author David Sugar <>
template<typename T, vectorsize_t S>
class vectorbuf : public MemVector
char buffer[sizeof(array) + (S * sizeof(void *))];
* Construct fixed sized vector object in heap or stack.
inline vectorbuf() : MemVector(buffer, S) {};
* Get object pointer of specified type from fixed vector.
* @param index of typed member to return, < 0 to use from end of list.
* @return typed object pointer of member.
inline const T& at(int index)
{return static_cast<const T&>(Vector::get(index));};
inline T& operator[](int index)
{return static_cast<T&>(Vector::get(index));};
* Retrieve a typed member of the fixed vector directly.
* @param position to retrieve object from.
* @return typed object pointer retrieved from vector.
inline T *operator()(vectorsize_t position)
{return static_cast<T *>(Vector::get(position));};
* Get the first typed object pointer contained in the fixed vector.
* @return first typed object pointer.
inline T *begin(void)
{return static_cast<T *>(Vector::begin());};
* Get the last typed object pointer contained in the fixed vector.
* @return last typed object pointer.
inline T *end(void)
{return static_cast<T *>(Vector::end());};
* Concatenate fixed typed vector in an expression.
* @param vector to concatenate.
* @return effective object to continue in expression.
inline Vector &operator+(Vector &vector)
{Vector::add(vector); return static_cast<Vector &>(*this);};