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// Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Open Source Telecom Corporation.
// Copyright (C) 2006-2010 David Sugar, Tycho Softworks.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
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* @file serial.h
* @short Serial I/O services.
#include <commoncpp/config.h>
#include <commoncpp/thread.h>
#include <commoncpp/exception.h>
* The Serial class is used as the base for all serial I/O services
* under APE. A serial is a system serial port that is used either
* for line or packet based data input. Serial ports may also be
* "streamable" in a derived form.
* Common C++ serial I/O classes are used to manage serial devices and
* implement serial device protocols. From the point of view of Common C++,
* serial devices are supported by the underlying Posix specified "termios"
* call interface.
* The serial I/O base class is used to hold a descriptor to a serial device
* and to provide an exception handling interface for all serial I/O classes.
* The base class is also used to specify serial I/O properties such as
* communication speed, flow control, data size, and parity. The "Serial"
* base class is not itself directly used in application development,
* however.
* Common C++ Serial I/O is itself divided into two conceptual modes; frame
* oriented and line oriented I/O. Both frame and line oriented I/O makes
* use of the ability of the underlying tty driver to buffer data and return
* "ready" status from when select either a specified number of bytes or
* newline record has been reached by manipulating termios c_cc fields
* appropriately. This provides some advantage in that a given thread
* servicing a serial port can block and wait rather than have to continually
* poll or read each and every byte as soon as it appears at the serial port.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short base class for all serial I/O services.
class __EXPORT Serial
enum Error {
errSuccess = 0,
typedef enum Error Error;
enum Flow {
typedef enum Flow Flow;
enum Parity {
typedef enum Parity Parity;
enum Pending {
typedef enum Pending Pending;
Error errid;
char *errstr;
struct {
bool thrown: 1;
bool linebuf: 1;
} flags;
void * original;
void * current;
* Used to properly initialize serial object.
void initSerial(void);
fd_t dev;
int bufsize;
* Opens the serial device.
* @param fname Pathname of device to open
void open(const char *fname);
* Closes the serial device.
void close(void);
* Reads from serial device.
* @param Data Point to character buffer to receive data. Buffers MUST
* be at least Length + 1 bytes in size.
* @param Length Number of bytes to read.
virtual int aRead(char * Data, const int Length);
* Writes to serial device.
* @param Data Point to character buffer containing data to write. Buffers MUST
* @param Length Number of bytes to write.
virtual int aWrite(const char * Data, const int Length);
* This service is used to throw all serial errors which usually
* occur during the serial constructor.
* @param error defined serial error id.
* @param errstr string or message to optionally pass.
Error error(Error error, char *errstr = NULL);
* This service is used to thow application defined serial
* errors where the application specific error code is a string.
* @param err string or message to pass.
inline void error(char *err)
{error(errExtended, err);};
* This method is used to turn the error handler on or off for
* "throwing" execptions by manipulating the thrown flag.
* @param enable true to enable handler.
inline void setError(bool enable)
{flags.thrown = !enable;};
* Set packet read mode and "size" of packet read buffer.
* This sets VMIN to x. VTIM is normally set to "0" so that
* "isPending()" can wait for an entire packet rather than just
* the first byte.
* @return actual buffer size set.
* @param size of packet read request.
* @param btimer optional inter-byte data packet timeout.
int setPacketInput(int size, unsigned char btimer = 0);
* Set "line buffering" read mode and specifies the newline
* character to be used in seperating line records. isPending
* can then be used to wait for an entire line of input.
* @param newline newline character.
* @param nl1 EOL2 control character.
* @return size of conical input buffer.
int setLineInput(char newline = 13, char nl1 = 0);
* Restore serial device to the original settings at time of open.
void restore(void);
* Used to flush the input waiting queue.
void flushInput(void);
* Used to flush any pending output data.
void flushOutput(void);
* Used to wait until all output has been sent.
void waitOutput(void);
* Used as the default destructor for ending serial I/O
* services. It will restore the port to it's original state.
void endSerial(void);
* Used to initialize a newly opened serial file handle. You
* should set serial properties and DTR manually before first
* use.
void initConfig(void);
* This allows later ttystream class to open and close a serial
* device.
* A serial object may be constructed from a named file on the
* file system. This named device must be "isatty()".
* @param name of file.
Serial(const char *name);
* The serial base class may be "thrown" as a result on an error,
* and the "catcher" may then choose to destory the object. By
* assuring the socket base class is a virtual destructor, we
* can assure the full object is properly terminated.
virtual ~Serial();
* Serial ports may also be duplecated by the assignment
* operator.
Serial &operator=(const Serial &from);
* Set serial port speed for both input and output.
* @return 0 on success.
* @param speed to select. 0 signifies modem "hang up".
Error setSpeed(unsigned long speed);
* Set character size.
* @return 0 on success.
* @param bits character size to use (usually 7 or 8).
Error setCharBits(int bits);
* Set parity mode.
* @return 0 on success.
* @param parity mode.
Error setParity(Parity parity);
* Set number of stop bits.
* @return 0 on success.
* @param bits stop bits.
Error setStopBits(int bits);
* Set flow control.
* @return 0 on success.
* @param flow control mode.
Error setFlowControl(Flow flow);
* Set the DTR mode off momentarily.
* @param millisec number of milliseconds.
void toggleDTR(timeout_t millisec);
* Send the "break" signal.
void sendBreak(void);
* Often used by a "catch" to fetch the last error of a thrown
* serial.
* @return error numbr of last Error.
inline Error getErrorNumber(void)
{return errid;};
* Often used by a "catch" to fetch the user set error string
* of a thrown serial.
* @return string for error message.
inline char *getErrorString(void)
{return errstr;};
* Get the "buffer" size for buffered operations. This can
* be used when setting packet or line read modes to determine
* how many bytes to wait for in a given read call.
* @return number of bytes used for buffering.
inline int getBufferSize(void)
{return bufsize;};
* Get the status of pending operations. This can be used to
* examine if input or output is waiting, or if an error has
* occured on the serial device.
* @return true if ready, false if timeout.
* @param pend ready check to perform.
* @param timeout in milliseconds.
virtual bool isPending(Pending pend, timeout_t timeout = TIMEOUT_INF);
* TTY streams are used to represent serial connections that are fully
* "streamable" objects using C++ stream classes and friends.
* The first application relevant serial I/O class is the TTYStream class.
* TTYStream offers a linearly buffered "streaming" I/O session with the
* serial device. Furthermore, traditional C++ "stream" operators (<< and
* >>) may be used with the serial device. A more "true" to ANSI C++ library
* format "ttystream" is also available, and this supports an "open" method
* in which one can pass initial serial device parameters immediately
* following the device name in a single string, as in
* "/dev/tty3a:9600,7,e,1", as an example.
* The TTYSession aggragates a TTYStream and a Common C++ Thread which is
* assumed to be the execution context that will be used to perform actual
* I/O operations. This class is very anagolous to TCPSession.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short streamable tty serial I/O class.
class __EXPORT TTYStream : protected std::streambuf, public Serial, public std::iostream
int doallocate();
friend TTYStream& crlf(TTYStream&);
friend TTYStream& lfcr(TTYStream&);
char *gbuf, *pbuf;
timeout_t timeout;
* This constructor is used to derive "ttystream", a more
* C++ style version of the TTYStream class.
* Used to allocate the buffer space needed for iostream
* operations. This is based on MAX_INPUT.
void allocate(void);
* Used to terminate the buffer space and clean up the tty
* connection. This function is called by the destructor.
void endStream(void);
* This streambuf method is used to load the input buffer
* through the established tty serial port.
* @return char from get buffer, EOF also possible.
int underflow(void);
* This streambuf method is used for doing unbuffered reads
* through the establish tty serial port when in interactive mode.
* Also this method will handle proper use of buffers if not in
* interative mode.
* @return char from tty serial port, EOF also possible.
int uflow(void);
* This streambuf method is used to write the output
* buffer through the established tty port.
* @param ch char to push through.
* @return char pushed through.
int overflow(int ch);
* Create and open a tty serial port.
* @param filename char name of device to open.
* @param to default timeout.
TTYStream(const char *filename, timeout_t to = 0);
* End the tty stream and cleanup.
virtual ~TTYStream();
* Set the timeout control.
* @param to timeout to use.
inline void setTimeout(timeout_t to)
{timeout = to;};
* Set tty mode to buffered or "interactive". When interactive,
* all streamed I/O is directly sent to the serial port
* immediately.
* @param flag bool set to true to make interactive.
void interactive(bool flag);
* Flushes the stream input and out buffers, writes
* pending output.
* @return 0 on success.
int sync(void);
* Get the status of pending operations. This can be used to
* examine if input or output is waiting, or if an error has
* occured on the serial device. If read buffer contains data
* then input is ready and if write buffer contains data it is
* first flushed then checked.
* @return true if ready, false if timeout.
* @param pend ready check to perform.
* @param timeout in milliseconds.
bool isPending(Pending pend, timeout_t timeout = TIMEOUT_INF);
* A more natural C++ "ttystream" class for use by non-threaded
* applications. This class behaves a lot more like fstream and
* similar classes.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short C++ "fstream" style ttystream class.
class __EXPORT ttystream : public TTYStream
* Construct an unopened "ttystream" object.
* Construct and "open" a tty stream object. A filename in
* the form "device:options[,options]" may be used to pass
* device options as part of the open.
* @param name of file and serial options.
ttystream(const char *name);
* Open method for a tty stream.
* @param name filename to open.
void open(const char *name);
* Close method for a tty stream.
void close(void);
* Test to see if stream is opened.
inline bool operator!()
{return (dev < 0);};
* The TTYSession aggragates a TTYStream and a Common C++ Thread which is
* assumed to be the execution context that will be used to perform actual
* I/O operations. This class is very anagolous to TCPSession.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short This class is very anagolous to TCPSession.
class __EXPORT TTYSession : public Thread, public TTYStream
* Create TTY stream that will be managed by it's own thread.
* @param name of tty device to open.
* @param pri execution priority.
* @param stack allocation needed on some platforms.
TTYSession(const char *name, int pri = 0, int stack = 0);
virtual ~TTYSession();
#ifndef _MSWINDOWS_
// Not support this right now.......
class SerialPort;
class SerialService;
* The serial port is an internal class which is attached to and then
* serviced by a specified SerialService thread. Derived versions of
* this class offer specific functionality such as serial integration
* protocols.
* The TTYPort and TTYService classes are used to form thread-pool serviced
* serial I/O protocol sets. These can be used when one has a large number
* of serial devices to manage, and a single (or limited number of) thread(s)
* can then be used to service the tty port objects present. Each tty port
* supports a timer control and several virtual methods that the service
* thread can call when events occur. This model provides for "callback"
* event management, whereby the service thread performs a "callback" into
* the port object when events occur. Specific events supported include the
* expiration of a TTYPort timer, pending input data waiting to be read, and
* "sighup" connection breaks.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short base class for thread pool serviced serial I/O.
class __EXPORT SerialPort: public Serial, public TimerPort
SerialPort *next, *prev;
SerialService *service;
#ifdef USE_POLL
struct pollfd *ufd;
bool detect_pending;
bool detect_output;
bool detect_disconnect;
friend class SerialService;
* Construct a tty serial port for a named serial device.
* @param svc pool thread object.
* @param name of tty port.
SerialPort(SerialService *svc, const char *name);
* Disconnect the Serial Port from the service pool thread
* and shutdown the port.
virtual ~SerialPort();
* Used to indicate if the service thread should monitor pending
* data for us.
void setDetectPending( bool );
* Get the current state of the DetectPending flag.
inline bool getDetectPending( void ) const
{ return detect_pending; }
* Used to indicate if output ready monitoring should be performed
* by the service thread.
void setDetectOutput( bool );
* Get the current state of the DetectOutput flag.
inline bool getDetectOutput( void ) const
{ return detect_output; }
* Called by the service thread when the objects timer
* has expired.
virtual void expired(void);
* Called by the service thread when input data is pending
* for this tty port. Effected by setPacketInput and by
* setLineInput.
virtual void pending(void);
* Called by the service thread when an exception has occured
* such as a hangup.
virtual void disconnect(void);
* Transmit "send" data to the serial port. This is not public
* since it's meant to support internal protocols rather than
* direct public access to the device.
* @return number of bytes send.
* @param buf address of buffer to send.
* @param len of bytes to send.
inline int output(void *buf, int len)
{return aWrite((char *)buf, len);};
* Perform when output is available for sending data.
virtual void output(void);
* Receive "input" for pending data from the serial port. This
* is not a public member since it's meant to support internal
* protocols rather than direct external access to the device.
* @return number of bytes received.
* @param buf address of buffer to input.
* @param len of input buffer used.
inline int input(void *buf, int len)
{return aRead((char *)buf, len);};
* Derived setTimer to notify the service thread pool of changes
* in expected timeout. This allows SerialService to
* reschedule all timers.
* @param timeout in milliseconds.
void setTimer(timeout_t timeout = 0);
* Derived incTimer to notify the service thread pool of a
* change in expected timeout. This allows SerialService to
* reschedule all timers.
void incTimer(timeout_t timeout);
* The SerialService is a thead service object that is meant to service
* attached serial ports. Multiple pool objects may be created and
* multiple serial ports may be attached to the same thread of
* of execution. This allows one to balance threads and the serial ports
* they service.
* The TTYPort and TTYService classes are used to form thread-pool serviced
* serial I/O protocol sets. These can be used when one has a large number
* of serial devices to manage, and a single (or limited number of) thread(s)
* can then be used to service the tty port objects present. Each tty port
* supports a timer control and several virtual methods that the service
* thread can call when events occur. This model provides for "callback"
* event management, whereby the service thread performs a "callback" into
* the port object when events occur. Specific events supported include the
* expiration of a TTYPort timer, pending input data waiting to be read, and
* "sighup" connection breaks.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Thread pool service for serial ports.
class __EXPORT SerialService : public Thread, private Mutex
fd_set connect;
int iosync[2];
int hiwater;
int count;
SerialPort *first, *last;
* Attach a new serial port to this service thread.
* @param port of SerialPort derived object to attach.
void attach(SerialPort *port);
* Detach a serial port from this service thread.
* @param port of SerialPort derived object to remove.
void detach(SerialPort *port);
* The service thread itself.
void run(void);
friend class SerialPort;
* A virtual handler for processing user defined update
* requests (1-254) which have been posted through Update.
* @param flag of update request.
virtual void onUpdate(unsigned char flag);
* A virtual handler for event loop calls. This can be
* used to extend event loop processing.
virtual void onEvent(void);
* A virtual handler for adding support for additional
* callback events into SerialPort.
* @param port serial port currently being evaluated.
virtual void onCallback(SerialPort *port);
* Notify service thread that a port has been added or
* removed, or a timer changed, so that a new schedule
* can be computed for expiring attached ports. This
* can also be used to pass requests to the OnUpdate()
* event handler.
* @param flag event for OnUpdate, termination, or reschedule.
void update(unsigned char flag = 0xff);
* Create a service thread for attaching serial ports. The
* thread begins execution with the first attached port.
* @param pri of this thread to run under.
* @param stack stack size.
* @param id stack ID.
SerialService(int pri = 0, size_t stack = 0, const char *id = NULL);
* Terminate the service thread and update attached objects.
virtual ~SerialService();
* Get current reference count. This can be used when selecting
* the lead used service handler from a pool.
* @return count of active ports.
inline int getCount(void)
{return count;};
class __EXPORT SerException : public IOException
SerException(const String &str) : IOException(str) {};
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