blob: 08d81e720a61097c1629d4f6cfd3a35936027e77 [file] [log] [blame]
- linked list template
- preallocated buffers mode for scheduling queue.
- adaptive jitter buffer schemes
- simplified incoming queue for only 1 source / or a low number of
- TCP framing
- remove conflicting addresses after 10 RTCP report intervals
- add separated collision and loop counters?
- QueueRTCPManager::expireSSRCs
API additions:
- make RTCP interval randomization optional?
- Add user interface for RTP header extensions
- Interface for CSRC list and RTCP reports about CSRCs, for RTP mixers
- provide/improve NTP-RTP mapping interface
- encryption: no, full, RTP and non-SDES RTCP packets: provide
'setEncryptionMode' method and virtuals for encryption
implementation. setKey method.
- Implement SSRC sampling algorithm
More TODO:
- Test ccRTP following RFC 3158: ``RTP Testing Strategies'', check robust handling of payload change
- QueueRTCPManager::QueueRTCPManager(..): path MTU is always assumed to be 1500
- Address the enhanced/best-effort service issue
- SRTP, (SAVP profile)
- RTCP Feedback profile (AVPF profile)
Last change: Jan 22, 2004