blob: 8f33462377b4a9efb2ee8c1db8d3728c35525f30 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Werner Dittmann
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <libzrtpcpp/ZIDRecordDb.h>
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C"
* Set of accessible operations of database ZRTP cache implementaion.
* The only public method of the database ZRTP implementation is
* getDbCacheOps(...) that fills in this call structure. This mechanism
* decouples the database implementations from libzrtp and possible other
* clients.
* Some implementation notes:
* <ul>
* <li> All data storage methods return 0 (zero) if the call was successful.
* </li>
* <li> The @c errString parameter points to a buffer of at least @c
* DB_CACHE_ERR_BUFF_SIZE character. In case of an error methods shall
* store detailed, human readable information in this buffer. Use @c
* snprintf or similar functions to format the data. If this parameter
* is @c NULL then methods must not return an error string.
* <li> The methods cast the @c void to the type they need. Be aware that the
* open functions requires a pointer to a pointer.
* </li>
* </ul>
typedef struct {
* @brief Open the cache.
* @param name String that identifies the database or data storage.
* @param pdb Pointer to an internal structure that the database
* implementation requires.
* @param errString Pointer to a character buffer, see implementation
* notes above.
int (*openCache)(const char* name, void **pdb, char *errString);
* Close the cache.
* @param db Pointer to an internal structure that the database
* implementation requires.
int (*closeCache)(void *db);
* @brief Read a local ZID from the database.
* The cache database may implement methods to generate and store local
* ZRTP identifiers (ZID) and optionally link them with account
* information. The account information data is the key to the request
* local ZID. If the application does not provide account information data
* the method implmentation shall use a standard predfined string that
* does not collide with usual account information.
* The SQLite backend uses the string @c "_STANDARD_" in this case and
* sets a specific type field.
* The first call to this method with a specific account information
* generates a ZID, stores it in the database usind the account
* information as key, and returns the ZID to the application. Any
* subsequent call with the same account information return the same local
* ZID.
* @param db Pointer to an internal structure that the database
* implementation requires.
* @param localZid Pointer to a buffer of at least @c IDENTIFIER_LEN @c
* uint8_t bytes. The method stores the local ZID in this
* buffer.
* @param accountInfo Pointer to an account information string or @c NULL
* if explicit account information is not required.
* @param errString Pointer to a character buffer, see implementation
* notes above.
int (*readLocalZid)(void *db, uint8_t *localZid, const char *accountInfo, char *errString);
* @brief Read a remote ZID data structure.
* The method uses @c remoteZid and @c localZid as keys to read the remote
* ZID record. If a record does not exist in the database the method
* clears the @c flags field in the @c remoteZidRecord_t structure and
* returns without error. The application must check the flags if the
* method found a valid record.
* @param db Pointer to an internal structure that the database
* implementation requires.
* @param localZid Pointer to a buffer of at least @c IDENTIFIER_LEN @c
* uint8_t bytes. The buffer must contain the local ZID.
* @param remoteZid Pointer to a buffer of at least @c IDENTIFIER_LEN @c
* uint8_t bytes. The buffer must contain the remote ZID.
* @param remZid Pointer to the @c remoteZidRecord_t structure. The method
* fills this structure with data it read from the database.
* @param errString Pointer to a character buffer, see implementation
* notes above.
int (*readRemoteZidRecord)(void *db, const uint8_t *remoteZid, const uint8_t *localZid,
remoteZidRecord_t *remZid, char* errString);
* @brief Update an existing remote ZID data structure.
* The method uses @c remoteZid and @c localZid as keys to update an
* existing remote ZID record.
* @b NOTE: application must use this methods only if
* @c readRemoteZidRecord (see above) returned a @b valid record. If
* @c readRemoteZidRecord returned an invalid record then no such
* record exists in the database and the application must use the
* @c insertRemoteZidRecord (see below).
* @param db Pointer to an internal structure that the database
* implementation requires.
* @param localZid Pointer to a buffer of at least @c IDENTIFIER_LEN @c
* uint8_t bytes. The buffer must contain the local ZID.
* @param remoteZid Pointer to a buffer of at least @c IDENTIFIER_LEN @c
* uint8_t bytes. The buffer must contain the remote ZID.
* @param remZid Pointer to the @c remoteZidRecord_t structure. The method
* gets data from this structure and stores it in the
* database.
* @param errString Pointer to a character buffer, see implementation
* notes above.
int (*updateRemoteZidRecord)(void *db, const uint8_t *remoteZid, const uint8_t *localZid,
const remoteZidRecord_t *remZid, char* errString);
* @brief Insert a new remote ZID data structure.
* The method uses @c remoteZid and @c localZid as keys to insert a new
* remote ZID record.
* @b NOTE: application must use this methods only if @c
* readRemoteZidRecord (see above) returned an @b invalid
* record. Refer to note.
* @param db Pointer to an internal structure that the database
* implementation requires.
* @param localZid Pointer to a buffer of at least @c IDENTIFIER_LEN @c
* uint8_t bytes. The buffer must contain the local ZID.
* @param remoteZid Pointer to a buffer of at least @c IDENTIFIER_LEN @c
* uint8_t bytes. The buffer must contain the remote ZID.
* @param remZid Pointer to the @c remoteZidRecord_t structure. The method
* gets data from this structure and stores it in the
* database.
* @param errString Pointer to a character buffer, see implementation
* notes above.
int (*insertRemoteZidRecord)(void *db, const uint8_t *remoteZid, const uint8_t *localZid,
const remoteZidRecord_t *remZid, char* errString);
* @brief Read a remote ZID name.
* The method uses @c remoteZid, @c localZid, and @c accountInfo as keys
* to read the remote ZID name. If a record does not exist in the database
* the method clears the @c flags field in the @c zidNameRecord_t structure and
* returns without error. The application must check the flags if the
* method found a valid record.
* @param db Pointer to an internal structure that the database
* implementation requires.
* @param localZid Pointer to a buffer of at least @c IDENTIFIER_LEN @c
* uint8_t bytes. The buffer must contain the local ZID.
* @param remoteZid Pointer to a buffer of at least @c IDENTIFIER_LEN @c
* uint8_t bytes. The buffer must contain the remote ZID.
* @param accountInfo Pointer to an account information string or @c NULL
* if explicit account information is not required.
* @param zidName Pointer to the @c zidNameRecord_t structure. The method
* returns the data in this structure.
* @param errString Pointer to a character buffer, see implementation
* notes above.
int (*readZidNameRecord)(void *vdb, const uint8_t *remoteZid, const uint8_t *localZid,
const char *accountInfo, zidNameRecord_t *zidName, char* errString);
* @brief Update an existing remote ZID data structure.
* The method uses @c remoteZid and @c localZid as keys to update an
* existing remote ZID record.
* @b NOTE: application must use this methods only if
* @c readZidName (see above) returned a @b valid record. If
* @c readZidName returned an invalid record then no such
* record exists in the database and the application must use the
* @c insertZidNameRecord (see below).
* @param db Pointer to an internal structure that the database
* implementation requires.
* @param localZid Pointer to a buffer of at least @c IDENTIFIER_LEN @c
* uint8_t bytes. The buffer must contain the local ZID.
* @param remoteZid Pointer to a buffer of at least @c IDENTIFIER_LEN @c
* uint8_t bytes. The buffer must contain the remote ZID.
* @param accountInfo Pointer to an account information string or @c NULL
* if explicit account information is not required.
* @param zidName Pointer to the @c zidNameRecord_t structure. The method
* gets data from this structure and stores it in the
* database.
* @param errString Pointer to a character buffer, see implementation
* notes above.
int (*updateZidNameRecord)(void *vdb, const uint8_t *remoteZid, const uint8_t *localZid,
const char *accountInfo, zidNameRecord_t *zidName, char* errString);
* @brief Insert a new ZID name record.
* The method uses @c remoteZid, @c localZid, and @c accountInfo as keys to
* insert a new ZID name record.
* @b NOTE: application must use this methods only if @c readZidName
* (see above) returned an @b invalid record.
* @param db Pointer to an internal structure that the database
* implementation requires.
* @param localZid Pointer to a buffer of at least @c IDENTIFIER_LEN @c
* uint8_t bytes. The buffer must contain the local ZID.
* @param remoteZid Pointer to a buffer of at least @c IDENTIFIER_LEN @c
* uint8_t bytes. The buffer must contain the remote ZID.
* @param accountInfo Pointer to an account information string or @c NULL
* if explicit account information is not required.
* @param zidName Pointer to the @c zidNameRecord_t structure. The method
* gets data from this structure and stores it in the
* database.
* @param errString Pointer to a character buffer, see implementation
* notes above.
int (*insertZidNameRecord)(void *vdb, const uint8_t *remoteZid, const uint8_t *localZid,
const char *accountInfo, zidNameRecord_t *zidName, char* errString);
* @brief Clean the cache.
* The function drops and re-creates all tables in the database. This removes all stored
* data. The application must not call this while a ZRTP call is active. Also the application
* <b>must</b> get the local ZID again.
* @param db Pointer to an internal structure that the database
* implementation requires.
* @param errString Pointer to a character buffer, see implementation
* notes above.
int (*cleanCache)(void *db, char* errString);
} dbCacheOps_t;
void getDbCacheOps(dbCacheOps_t *ops);
#if defined(__cplusplus)