blob: a9bb03f3d247ea42789020f0b12932914eee947e [file] [log] [blame]
* Tivi client glue code for ZRTP.
* Copyright (c) 2012 Slient Circle LLC. All rights reserved.
* @author Werner Dittmann <>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <libzrtpcpp/ZrtpCallback.h>
#include <libzrtpcpp/ZrtpSdesStream.h>
#include <CtZrtpSession.h>
#include <TiviTimeoutProvider.h>
// Define sizer of internal buffers.
// NOTE: ZRTP buffer is large. An application shall never use ZRTP protocol
// options that fully use it, otherwise IP packet fragmentation may happen.
static const int maxZrtpSize = 3072;
static const int maxSdesString = 256;
static const uint32_t supressWarn = 200;
static const uint32_t srtpErrorBurstThreshold = 20;
class CryptoContext;
class CryptoContextCtrl;
class ZRtp;
class CtZrtpCb;
class CtZrtpSendCb;
class CtZrtpSession;
class ZrtpSdesStream;
class CMutexClass;
class __EXPORT CtZrtpStream: public ZrtpCallback {
CtZrtpSession::tiviStatus getCurrentState() {return tiviState;}
CtZrtpSession::tiviStatus getPreviousState() {return prevTiviState;}
CtZrtpSession::streamName index; //!< either audio or video. Index in stream array
CtZrtpSession::streamType type; //!< Master or slave stream. Necessary to handle multi-stream
ZRtp *zrtpEngine; //!< The ZRTP core class of this stream
uint32_t ownSSRC; //!< Our own SSRC, in host order
uint64_t zrtpProtect;
uint64_t sdesProtect;
uint64_t zrtpUnprotect;
uint64_t sdesUnprotect;
uint64_t unprotectFailed;
bool enableZrtp; //!< Enable the streams ZRTP engine
bool started; //!< This stream's ZRTP engine is started
bool isStopped; //!< Stream stopped by Tivi
CtZrtpSession *session;
friend class CtZrtpSession;
friend class TimeoutProvider<std::string, CtZrtpStream*>;
virtual ~CtZrtpStream();
* Handle timeout event forwarded by the TimeoutProvider.
* Just call the ZRTP engine for further processing.
void handleTimeout(const std::string &c);
* Set the application's callback class.
* @param ucb
* Implementation of the application's callback class
void setUserCallback(CtZrtpCb* ucb);
* Set the application's send data callback class.
* @param ucb
* Implementation of the application's send data callback class
void setSendCallback(CtZrtpSendCb* scb);
* Stop this stream and reset internal variables to initial state.
void stopStream();
* @brief Process outgoing data.
* Depending on the state of the buffer the functions either returns the buffer
* umodified or encrypted.
* The function takes a uint8_t buffer that must contain RTP packet data. The
* function also assumes that the RTP packet contains all protocol relevant fields
* (SSRC, sequence number etc.) in network order.
* When encrypting the buffer must big enough to store additional data, usually
* 10 bytes if the application set the full authentication length (80 bit).
* @param buffer contains data in RTP packet format
* @param length length of the RTP packet data in buffer.
* @param newLength returns the new length of the RTP data. When encrypting
* @c newLength covers the additional SRTP authentication data.
* @return
* - @c true application shall send packet to the recipient.
* - @c false don't send the packet.
bool processOutgoingRtp(uint8_t *buffer, size_t length, size_t *newLength);
* @brief Process incoming data.
* Depending on the state of the buffer the functions either returns the RTP data
* in the buffer either umodified or decrypted. An additional status is @c drop.
* The functions returns this status if the application must not process this
* RTP data. The function handled these packets as ZRTP packets.
* The function takes a uint8_t buffer that must contain RTP or ZRTP packet data.
* The function also assumes that the RTP/ZRTP packet contains all protocol relevant
* fields (SSRC, sequence number etc.) in network order or in the order defined
* for the protocol.
* @param buffer contains data in RTP/ZRTP packet format
* @param length length of the RTP/ZRTP packet data in buffer.
* @param newLength returns the new length of the RTP data. When encrypting
* @c newLength covers the additional SRTP authentication data.
* @return 1: success, 0: not an error but drop packet, -1: SRTP authentication failed,
* -2: SRTP replay check failed
int32_t processIncomingRtp(uint8_t* buffer, const size_t length, size_t* newLength);
* @brief Get the ZRTP Hello hash to be used for signaling
* Refer to RFC 6189 chapter 8 to get the full documentation on the intercation
* between ZRTP and a signaling layer.
* @param helloHash points to a character buffer with a length of at least 65 characters.
* The method fills it with the hex string part of the ZRTP hello hash and
* terminates it with a @c nul byte.
* @param index Hello hash of the Hello packet identfied by index. Index must
* be 0 <= index < getNumberSupportedVersions().
* @return the number of characters in the @c helloHash buffer.
int getSignalingHelloHash(char *helloHash, int32_t index);
* @brief Set the ZRTP Hello hash from signaling
* Refer to RFC 6189 chapter 8 to get the full documentation on the intercation
* between ZRTP and a signaling layer.
* @param helloHash is the ZRTP hello hash string from the signaling layer
void setSignalingHelloHash(const char *helloHash);
* @brief Checks the security state of the stream.
* @return non null if either @c eSecure, @c eSecureMitm , @c eSecureMitmVia
* or @c eSecureSdes is set.
int isSecure();
* Return information to tivi client.
* @param key which information to return
* @param buffer points to buffer that gets the information
* @param maxLen length of the buffer
int getInfo(const char *key, char *buffer, int maxLen);
bool isStarted() {return started;}
bool isEnabled() {return enableZrtp;}
* Accept enrollment for the active peer.
* The method checks if a name is already set in the name cache. If no name
* is found then set the name for this peer in the name cache.
* @param p this is the human readable name for this peer.
int enrollAccepted(char *p);
* Denies enrollment for the active peer.
* The methods resets the stored PBX secret to @c invalid and resets the peer's
* name in the name cahce to an empty string.
int enrollDenied();
* @brief Creates an SDES crypto string for the SDES/ZRTP stream.
* Creates and returns a SDES crypto string for the client that sends
* @param cryptoString points to a char output buffer that receives the
* crypto string in the raw format, without the any
* signaling prefix, for example @c a=crypto: in case
* of SDP signaling. The function terminates the
* crypto string with a @c nul byte
* @param maxLen length of the crypto string buffer. On return it contains the
* actual length of the crypto string.
* @param suite defines which crypto suite to use for this stream. The values are
* @c AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 or @c AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32.
* @return @c true if data could be created, @c false otherwise.
bool createSdes(char *cryptoString, size_t *maxLen, const ZrtpSdesStream::sdesSuites suite =ZrtpSdesStream::AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32);
* @brief Parses an SDES crypto string for the SDES/ZRTP stream.
* Parses a received crypto string that the application received in a SIP INVITE
* or SIP 200 OK.
* An INVITE-ing application shall call this function right after it received
* the 200 OK from the answering application and must call this function with the
* @c sipInvite parameter set to @c true. This usually at the same point when
* it gets the @c zrtp-hash from the SDP parameters. This application's SRTP
* environment is now ready. The method ignores the @c sendCryptoStr parameter
* and its length if @c sipInvite is true.
* The answering application calls this function after it received the INVITE and
* extracted the crypto string from the SDP and must call this function with the
* @c sipInvite parameter set to @c false. This is usually the same point when
* it gets the @c zrtp-hash from the SDP parameters. The answering client must
* provide a @c sendCryptoStr buffer. The method fills this buffer with the crypto
* string that the answering client sends with 200 OK.
* @param recvCryptoStr points to the received crypto string in raw format,
* without any signaling prefix, for example @c
* a=crypto: in case of SDP signaling.
* @param recvLenght length of the received crypto string. If the length is
* @c zero then the method uses @c strlen to compute
* the length.
* @param sendCryptoStr points to a buffer. The method stores a crypto string
* in raw format in this buffer (without any signaling prefix, for
* example @c a=crypto: in case of SDP signaling. If the answering client
* does not provide a buffer (sendCryptoStr == NULL) then the method
* stores the string in a temporary buffer and the client can get the
* string at a later time using getSavedSdes().
* @param sendLenght length of the send crypto string buffer. On return it contains the
* actual length of the crypto string.
* @param sipInvite the client that sent the SIP INVITE must set this to @c true.
* @return @c true if data could be created, @c false otherwise.
bool parseSdes(char *recvCryptoStr, size_t recvLength, char *sendCryptoStr, size_t *sendLength, bool sipInvite);
* @brief Get the saved SDES crypto string.
* Refer to parseSdes() documentation.
* @param sendCryptoStr points to a buffer. The method stores the saved crypto string
* in this buffer.
* @param sendLenght length of the send crypto string buffer. On return it contains the
* actual length of the crypto string.
* @return @c true if data could be copied, @c false otherwise, i.e buffer length too short.
bool getSavedSdes(char *sendCryptoStr, size_t *sendLength);
* @brief Check if SDES is active and is in SDES secure state.
* @return @c true if SDES is in secure state, @c false otherwise.
bool isSdesActive();
* @brief Get Crypto Mix attribute string
* The offerer shall call this method to get a string of @b all supported crypto mix algorithms
* and shall send this list to the answerer.
* The answerer shall call this function only @b after it received the crypto mix string and
* called @c setCryptoMixAttribute(...). In this case the method returns only one (the selected)
* crypto mix algorithm and the answerer must send this to the offerer in 200 OK for example.
* @param algoNames points to a buffer that will filled with the crypto mix algorithm names.
* The buffer must be long enough to hold at least the name of the mandatory
* algorithm HMAC-SHA-384.
* @param length length buffer
* @return Length of algorithm names (excluding zero byte) or zero if crypto mix not supported or
* enabled.
int getCryptoMixAttribute(char *algoNames, size_t length);
* @brief Set Crypto Mix attribute string
* The method splits the string into algorithm names and checks if it contains an
* supported algorithm.
* The answerer must call this method @b before it calls the @c getCryptoMixAttribute() method.
* The offerer call this method only @b after it received the selected algorithm in the answer.
* @param algoNames points to a buffer that holds the received crypto mix algorithm names.
* The buffer must be zero terminated.
* @return @c false if algorithm is not supported.
bool setCryptoMixAttribute(const char *algoNames);
* @brief Reset SDES
* This method deletes an existing SDES context unconditionally. The application must make
* sure that it does not use the SDES context in any way, for example feeding RTP or SRTP packets
* to this stream.
* @param force if set to true then it resets the context unconditionally, otherwise only if
* SDES is not in active state.
void resetSdesContext(bool force =false);
* @brief Get number of supported ZRTP protocol versions.
* @return the number of supported ZRTP protocol versions.
int32_t getNumberSupportedVersions();
* @brief Get the supported ZRTP encapsulation attribute.
* Get this attribute value and set it as a SDP parameter to signal support of ZRTP encapsulation.
* @return the pointer to the attribute cC-string or @c NULL if encapsulation is not supported.
const char* getZrtpEncapAttribute();
* @brief Set the ZRTP encapsulation attribute.
* If an application receives the ZRTP encapsulation SDP attribute then it should set the
* attribute value. The stream uses ZRTP encapsulation only if this SDP parameter is set
* @b and SDES is available and active.
* @param attribute pointer to a C-string that defines the ZRTP encapsulation method.
* @see getZrtpEncapAttribute
void setZrtpEncapAttribute(const char *attribute);
* @brief Set the auxilliary secret for ZRTP
* An application may set an auxilliary secret and the ZRTP stack uses it as
* additional data to compute the SRTP keys.
* Only the master stream (Audio) can use the auxilliary secret because only the
* master stream performs a Diffie-Hellman negotiation.
* @param secret the secret data
* @param length the length of the secret data in bytes
void setAuxSecret(const unsigned char *secret, int length);
* The following methods implement the GNU ZRTP callback interface.
* For detailed documentation refer to file ZrtpCallback.h
int32_t sendDataZRTP(const unsigned char* data, int32_t length);
int32_t activateTimer(int32_t time);
int32_t cancelTimer();
void sendInfo(GnuZrtpCodes::MessageSeverity severity, int32_t subCode);
bool srtpSecretsReady(SrtpSecret_t* secrets, EnableSecurity part);
void srtpSecretsOff(EnableSecurity part);
void srtpSecretsOn(std::string c, std::string s, bool verified);
void handleGoClear();
void zrtpNegotiationFailed(GnuZrtpCodes::MessageSeverity severity, int32_t subCode);
void zrtpNotSuppOther();
void synchEnter();
void synchLeave();
void zrtpAskEnrollment(GnuZrtpCodes::InfoEnrollment info);
void zrtpInformEnrollment(GnuZrtpCodes::InfoEnrollment info);
void signSAS(uint8_t* sasHash);
bool checkSASSignature(uint8_t* sasHash);
* End of ZrtpCallback functions.
CtZrtpSession::tiviStatus tiviState; //!< Status reported to Tivi client
CtZrtpSession::tiviStatus prevTiviState; //!< previous status reported to Tivi client
CryptoContext *recvSrtp; //!< The SRTP context for this stream
CryptoContextCtrl *recvSrtcp; //!< The SRTCP context for this stream
CryptoContext *sendSrtp; //!< The SRTP context for this stream
CryptoContextCtrl *sendSrtcp; //!< The SRTCP context for this stream
CtZrtpCb *zrtpUserCallback;
CtZrtpSendCb *zrtpSendCallback;
uint8_t zrtpBuffer[maxZrtpSize];
char sdesTempBuffer[maxSdesString];
uint16_t senderZrtpSeqNo;
uint32_t peerSSRC;
std::vector<std::string> peerHelloHashes;
bool zrtpHashMatch;
bool sasVerified;
bool helloReceived;
bool useSdesForMedia;
bool useZrtpTunnel;
bool zrtpEncapSignaled;
ZrtpSdesStream *sdes;
uint32_t supressCounter;
uint32_t srtpAuthErrorBurst;
uint32_t srtpReplayErrorBurst;
uint32_t srtpDecodeErrorBurst;
uint32_t zrtpCrcErrors;
CMutexClass *synchLock;
char mixAlgoName[20]; //!< stores name in during getInfo() call
int role; //!< Initiator or Responder role
void initStrings();
#endif /* _CTZRTPSTREAM_H_ */