blob: 89288e7b78d18e776a450932eaa98d373dc0ba20 [file] [log] [blame]
* Tivi client glue code for ZRTP.
* Copyright (c) 2012 Slient Circle LLC. All rights reserved.
* @author Werner Dittmann <>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#ifndef __EXPORT
#if (defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__) && defined(_DLL)
#define __EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
#define __LOCAL
#elif __GNUC__ >= 4
#define __EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
#define __LOCAL __attribute__ ((visibility("hidden")))
#define __EXPORT
#define __LOCAL
class CtZrtpStream;
class CtZrtpCb;
class CtZrtpSendCb;
class ZrtpConfigure;
class CMutexClass;
extern "C" __EXPORT const char *getZrtpBuildInfo();
class __EXPORT CtZrtpSession {
typedef enum _streamName {
AudioStream = 0,
VideoStream = 1,
AllStreams = 2 //!< AllStreams is max number of streams
} streamName;
typedef enum _streamType {
NoStream = 0,
} streamType;
typedef enum _tiviStatus {
eWrongStream = -1
} tiviStatus;
* Supported SDES crypto suites. Included here again to avoid #include of ZrtpSdesStream.h
* Keep in sync with same enum in ZrtpSdesStream.
typedef enum {
AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32 = 0,
} sdesSuites;
typedef enum _retCodes {
ok = 0, /** OK status */
fail = 1 /** General, unspecified failure */
} returnCodes;
* @brief Intialize the cache file singleton.
* Opens and initializes the cache file instance.
* @param zidFilename
* The name of the ZID file, can be a relative or absolut
* filename.
* @return
* 1 on success, -1 on failure
static int initCache(const char *zidFilename);
/** @brief Initialize CtZrtpSession.
* Before an application can use ZRTP it has to initialize the
* ZRTP implementation. This method initializes the timeout
* thread and opens a file that contains ZRTP specific
* information such as the applications ZID (ZRTP id) and its
* retained shared secrets.
* If one application requires several ZRTP sessions all
* sessions use the same timeout thread and use the same ZID
* file. Therefore an application does not need to do any
* synchronisation regading ZID files or timeouts. This is
* managed by the ZRTP implementation.
* The application may specify its own ZID file name. If no
* ZID file name is specified it defaults to
* <code>$HOME/.GNUccRTP.zid</code> if the <code>HOME</code>
* environment variable is set. If it is not set the current
* directory is used.
* @param audio
* set to @c true if audio stream shout be initialized
* @param video
* set to @c true if video stream shoud be initialized.
* @param config
* this parameter points to ZRTP configuration data. If it is
* NULL then ZrtpQueue uses a default setting. Default is NULL.
* @return
* 1 on success, ZRTP processing enabled, -1 on failure,
* ZRTP processing disabled.
int init(bool audio, bool video, ZrtpConfigure* config = NULL);
* @brief Fills a ZrtpConfiguration based on selected algorithms.
* The method looks up some global keys and enables or disables various
* algorithms. The method creates the configuration for the publik key
* algorithms in a way that follows RFC 6189, chapter 4.1.2
void setupConfiguration(ZrtpConfigure *conf);
* @brief Set the application's callback class.
* @param ucb
* Implementation of the application's callback class
void setUserCallback(CtZrtpCb* ucb, streamName streamNm);
* @brief Set the application's send data callback class.
* @param ucb
* Implementation of the application's send data callback class
void setSendCallback(CtZrtpSendCb* scb, streamName streamNm);
* @brief Start a stream if it is not already started.
* The method starts a stream if it is not already started and it starts
* a video stream (Slave) only if the audio stream (Master) is already secure.
int startIfNotStarted(unsigned int uiSSRC, int streamNm);
* @brief Start a stream.
* If this start command specifies the @c Master stream the method starts it
* immediately. The ZRTP engine immediatley send the first Hello packet.
* The functions my delay the start of a @c Slave stream until the @c Master
* stream enters secure mode. The functions then gets the multi-stream data
* from the master stream and copies it into the @c Slave streams and starts
* them.
* If the @c Master stream is already in secure mode then the function copies
* the multi-stream parameters to the @c slave and starts it immediately.
* @param uiSSRC the local SSRC for the stream
* @param streamNm which stream to start.
void start(unsigned int uiSSRC, streamName streamNm);
* @brief Stop a stream.
* Stop a stream and remove it from the session. To create a new stream
* see @c newStream
* @param streamNm which stream to stop.
void stop(streamName streamNm);
* @brief Release all streams in this session.
* All streams are reset to their initiali values. The application may call
* @c init to initialize stream(s) again. A stream can be started only if it
* was initialized.
void release();
* @brief Release all resources for the stream.
* @param streamNm which stream to release.
void release(streamName streamNm);
* @brief Set peer name of current call's peer.
* Setting the peer name will always use the AudioStream to determine
* the ZID and set the name into the name cache.
void setLastPeerNameVerify(const char *name, int iIsMitm);
* @brief Process outgoing data.
* Depending on the state of the buffer the functions either returns the buffer
* umodified or encrypted.
* The function takes a uint8_t buffer that must contain RTP packet data. The
* function also assumes that the RTP packet contains all protocol relevant fields
* (SSRC, sequence number etc.) in network order.
* When encrypting the buffer must big enough to store additional data, usually
* 10 bytes if the application set the full authentication length (80 bit).
* @param buffer contains data in RTP packet format
* @param length length of the RTP packet data in buffer.
* @param newLength returns the new length of the RTP data. When encrypting
* @c newLength covers the additional SRTP authentication data.
* @param streamNm specifies which stream to use
* @return
* - @c true application shall send packet to the recipient.
* - @c false don't send the packet.
bool processOutoingRtp(uint8_t *buffer, size_t length, size_t *newLength, streamName streamNm);
* @brief Process incoming data.
* Depending on the state of the buffer the functions either returns the RTP data
* in the buffer either umodified or decrypted. An additional status is @c drop.
* The functions returns this status if the application must not process this
* RTP data. The function handled these packets as ZRTP packets.
* The function takes a uint8_t buffer that must contain RTP or ZRTP packet data.
* The function also assumes that the RTP/ZRTP packet contains all protocol relevant
* fields (SSRC, sequence number etc.) in network order or in the order defined
* for the protocol.
* @param buffer contains data in RTP/ZRTP packet format
* @param length length of the RTP/ZRTP packet data in buffer.
* @param newLength returns the new length of the RTP data. When encrypting
* @c newLength covers the additional SRTP authentication data.
* @param streamNm specifies which stream to use
* @return
* - 1: success,
* - 0: drop packet, not an error
* - -1: SRTP authentication failed,
* - -2: SRTP replay check failed
int32_t processIncomingRtp(uint8_t *buffer, size_t length, size_t *newLength, streamName streamNm);
* @brief Check if a stream was started.
* @return @c true is started, @c false otherwise.
bool isStarted(streamName streamNm);
* @brief Check if a stream is enabled for ZRTP.
* For slave streams this flag is @c true if the application called @c start() for
* this stream but the master stream is not yet in secure state.
* @return @c true is enabled, @c false otherwise.
bool isEnabled(streamName streamNm);
tiviStatus getCurrentState(streamName streamNm);
tiviStatus getPreviousState(streamName streamNm);
* @brief Is ZRTP enabled for this session.
* @return @c true if ZRTP is enabled, @c false otherwise
bool isZrtpEnabled();
* @brief Is SDES enabled for this session.
* @return @c true if SDES is enabled, @c false otherwise
bool isSdesEnabled();
* @brief Enable or disable ZRTP processing for this session.
* If the application enabled ZRTP processing it should also call @c start
* to really start the ZRTP engines. An application can enable and start ZRTP
* processing any time during a RTP session.
* @param yesNo if @c true ZRTP processing is enabled.
void setZrtpEnabled(bool yesNo);
* @brief Enable or disable SDES processing for this session.
* If SDES processing is not enabled the functions @c createSdes and @c parseSdes
* always return false.
* Enabling SDES processing after SIP signaling ended does not make sense.
* @param yesNo if @c true SDES processing is enabled.
void setSdesEnabled(bool yesNo);
* @brief Get the ZRTP Hello hash to be used for signaling.
* Refer to RFC 6189 chapter 8 to get the full documentation on the intercation
* between ZRTP and a signaling layer.
* @param helloHash points to a character buffer with a length of at least 65 characters.
* The method fills it with the hex string part of the ZRTP hello hash and
* terminates it with a @c nul byte.
* @param streamNm specifies which stream for this hello hash.
* @param index Hello hash of the Hello packet identfied by index. Index must
* be 0 <= index < getNumberSupportedVersions().
* @return the number of characters in the @c helloHash buffer.
int getSignalingHelloHash(char *helloHash, streamName streamNm, int32_t index);
* @brief Set the ZRTP Hello hash from signaling.
* Refer to RFC 6189 chapter 8 to get the full documentation on the intercation
* between ZRTP and a signaling layer.
* @param helloHash is the ZRTP hello hash string from the signaling layer
* @param streamNm specifies the stream
void setSignalingHelloHash(const char *helloHash, streamName streamNm);
* @brief Set verification flag.
* If the user verified the SAS he/she should press a @c verify button and
* this button calls this method to set the verified flag in the cache. This
* always uses the @c Master stream (AudioStream).
* @param iVerified if not zero it sets the verified flag, otherwise the flag
* is reset.
void setVerify(int iVerified);
* @brief Checks the security state of the stream.
* @param streamNm specifies which stream to check
* @return non null if either @c eSecure, @c eSecureMitm , @c eSecureMitmVia
* or @c eSecureSdes is set.
int isSecure(streamName streamNm);
* @brief Return information to tivi client.
* @param key which information to return
* @param buffer points to buffer that gets the information
* @param length length of the buffer
* @param streamNm stream, if not specified the default is @c AudioStream
int getInfo(const char *key, uint8_t *buffer, size_t length, streamName streamNm =AudioStream);
* @brief Accept enrollment for the active peer.
* The method checks if a name is already set in the name cache. If no name
* is found then set the name for this peer in the name cache.
* The Stream is always the master stream.
* @param p this is the human readable name for this peer.
int enrollAccepted(char *p);
* @brief Denies enrollment for the active peer.
* The methods resets the stored PBX secret to @c invalid and resets the peer's
* name in the name cache to an empty string.
int enrollDenied();
* @brief Set the client ID for ZRTP Hello message.
* The client may set its id to identify itself in the
* ZRTP Hello message. The maximum length is 16 characters. A
* shorter id string is possible, it will be filled with blanks. A
* longer id string will be truncated to 16 characters.
* Setting the client's id must be done before calling
* CtZrtpSession#init().
* @param id
* The client's id string
void setClientId(std::string id);
* @brief Creates an SDES crypto string for the SDES/ZRTP stream.
* Creates and returns a SDES crypto string for the client that sends
* @param cryptoString points to a char output buffer that receives the
* crypto string in the raw format, without the any
* signaling prefix, for example @c a=crypto: in case
* of SDP signaling. The function terminates the
* crypto string with a @c nul byte
* @param maxLen length of the crypto string buffer. On return it contains the
* actual length of the crypto string.
* @param streamNm stream identifier.
* @param suite defines which crypto suite to use for this stream. The values are
* @c AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 or @c AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32. Default
* if @c AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32.
* @return @c true if data could be created, @c false otherwise.
bool createSdes(char *cryptoString, size_t *maxLen, streamName streamNm, const sdesSuites suite =AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32);
* @brief Parses an SDES crypto string for the SDES/ZRTP stream.
* Parses a received crypto string that the application received in a SIP INVITE
* or SIP 200 OK.
* An INVITE-ing application shall call this function right after it received
* the 200 OK from the answering application and must call this function with the
* @c sipInvite parameter set to @c true. This usually at the same point when
* it gets the @c zrtp-hash from the SDP parameters. This application's SRTP
* environment is now ready. The method ignores the @c sendCryptoStr parameter
* and its length if @c sipInvite is true.
* The answering application calls this function after it received the INVITE and
* extracted the crypto string from the SDP and must call this function with the
* @c sipInvite parameter set to @c false. This is usually the same point when
* it gets the @c zrtp-hash from the SDP parameters. The answering client must
* provide a @c sendCryptoStr buffer. The method fills this buffer with the crypto
* string that the answering client sends with 200 OK.
* @param recvCryptoStr points to the received crypto string in raw format,
* without any signaling prefix, for example @c
* a=crypto: in case of SDP signaling.
* @param recvLenght length of the received crypto string. If the length is
* @c zero then the method uses @c strlen to compute
* the length.
* @param sendCryptoStr points to a buffer. The method stores a crypto string
* in raw format in this buffer (without any signaling prefix, for
* example @c a=crypto: in case of SDP signaling. If the answering client
* does not provide a buffer (sendCryptoStr == NULL) then the method
* stores the string in a temporary buffer and the client can get the
* string at a later time using getSavedSdes().
* @param sendLenght length of the send crypto string buffer. On return it contains the
* actual length of the crypto string.
* @param sipInvite the client that sent the SIP INVITE must set this to @c true.
* @param streamNm stream identifier.
* @return @c true if data could be created, @c false otherwise.
bool parseSdes(char *recvCryptoStr, size_t recvLength, char *sendCryptoStr, size_t *sendLength, bool sipInvite, streamName streamNm);
* @brief Get the saved SDES crypto string.
* Refer to parseSdes() documentation.
* @param sendCryptoStr points to a buffer. The method stores the saved crypto string
* in this buffer.
* @param sendLenght length of the send crypto string buffer. On return it contains the
* actual length of the crypto string.
* @param streamNm stream identifier.
* @return @c true if data could be copied, @c false otherwise, i.e buffer length too short.
bool getSavedSdes(char *sendCryptoStr, size_t *sendLength, streamName streamNm);
* @brief Check if SDES is active.
* @param streamNm stream identifier.
* @return @c true if SDES context is available, @c false otherwise.
bool isSdesActive(streamName streamNm);
* @brief Get Crypto Mix attribute string
* The @b offerer shall call this method to get a string of @b all supported crypto mix algorithms
* and shall send this list to the answerer.
* The @b answerer must call this function after it received the crypto mix string and @b after it
* called @c setCryptoMixAttribute(...). In this case the method returns only one (the selected)
* crypto mix algorithm and the answerer must send this to the offerer in 200 OK for example. Must
* be called before @c parseSdes
* @param algoNames points to a buffer that will filled with the crypto mix algorithm names.
* The buffer must be long enough to hold at least the name of the mandatory
* algorithm HMAC-SHA-384.
* @param streamNm stream identifier.
* @param length length buffer
* @return Length of algorithm names (excluding zero byte) or zero if crypto mix not supported or
* enabled.
int getCryptoMixAttribute(char *algoNames, size_t length, streamName streamNm);
* @brief Set Crypto Mix attribute string
* The method splits the string into algorithm names and checks if it contains an
* supported algorithm.
* The answerer must call this method @b before it calls the @c getCryptoMixAttribute() method and
* @b before it calls the @c parseSdes method.
* The offerer call this method @b before it calls @c parseSdes
* @param algoNames points to a buffer that holds the received crypto mix algorithm names.
* The buffer must be zero terminated.
* @param streamNm stream identifier.
* @return @c false if algorithm is not supported.
bool setCryptoMixAttribute(const char *algoNames, streamName streamNm);
* @brief Reset SDES
* This method deletes an existing SDES context unconditionally. The application must make
* sure that it does not use the SDES context in any way, for example feeding RTP or SRTP packets
* to this stream.
* @param streamNm stream identifier.
* @param force if set to true then it resets the context unconditionally, otherwise only if
* SDES is not in active state.
void resetSdesContext(streamName streamNm, bool force =false);
* @brief Clean Cache
* This method does not work for file based cache implementation. An application
* shall use this functions with great care because it drops all stored retained
* secrets.
* The cache must be initialized and open.
static void cleanCache();
* @brief Get number of supported ZRTP protocol versions.
* @param streamNm stream identifier.
* @return the number of supported ZRTP protocol versions.
int32_t getNumberSupportedVersions(streamName streamNm);
* @brief Get the supported ZRTP encapsulation attribute.
* Get this attribute value and set it as a SDP parameter to signal support of ZRTP encapsulation.
* @param streamNm stream identifier.
* @return the pointer to the attribute cC-string or @c NULL if encapsulation is not supported.
const char* getZrtpEncapAttribute(streamName streamNm);
* @brief Set the ZRTP encapsulation attribute.
* If an application receives the ZRTP encapsulation SDP attribute then it should set the
* attribute value. The stream uses ZRTP encapsulation only if this SDP parameter is set
* @b and SDES is available and active.
* @param attribute pointer to a C-string that defines the ZRTP encapsulation method.
* @param streamNm stream identifier.
* @see getZrtpEncapAttribute
void setZrtpEncapAttribute(const char *attribute, streamName streamNm);
* @brief Set the auxilliary secret for ZRTP
* An application may set an auxilliary secret and the ZRTP stack uses it as
* additional data to compute the SRTP keys.
* Only the master stream (Audio) can use the auxilliary secret because only the
* master stream performs a Diffie-Hellman negotiation.
* @param secret the secret data
* @param length the length of the secret data in bytes
void setAuxSecret(const unsigned char *secret, int length);
friend class CtZrtpStream;
* @brief Session master stream entered secure state.
* The session's master stream entered secure state and computed all
* necessary information to kick of slave streams. The session checks
* if slave streams are available and if they are ready to start.
* @param stream is the stream that enters secure mode. This must be a
* @c Master stream
void masterStreamSecure(CtZrtpStream *stream);
void synchEnter();
void synchLeave();
CtZrtpStream *streams[AllStreams];
std::string clientIdString;
std::string multiStreamParameter;
const uint8_t* ownZid;
bool mitmMode;
bool signSas;
bool enableParanoidMode;
bool isReady;
bool zrtpEnabled;
bool sdesEnabled;
#endif /* _CTZRTPSESSION_H_ */