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// Copyright (C) 2006-2010 David Sugar, Tycho Softworks.
// This file is part of GNU uCommon C++.
// GNU uCommon C++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// GNU uCommon C++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with GNU uCommon C++. If not, see <>.
* Basic classes for manipulating time and date based data, particularly
* that may be in strings.
* @file ucommon/datetime.h
* Example of date & time manipulation.
* @example datetime.cpp
#include <ucommon/platform.h>
#include <ucommon/numbers.h>
#include <ucommon/string.h>
#ifndef _MSWINDOWS_
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
* Convenience type for struct tm.
typedef struct tm tm_t;
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
using std::tm;
using std::time_t;
* The Date class uses a julian date representation of the current
* year, month, and day. This is then manipulated in several forms
* and may be exported as needed.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short julian number based date class.
class __EXPORT Date
long julian;
void set(long year, long month, long day);
* A method to use to "post" any changed values when shadowing
* a mixed object class. This is used by DateNumber and string classes.
virtual void update(void);
* Size of date string field.
static const size_t sz_string;
* Create a julian date from a time_t type.
* @param value from time()
Date(time_t value);
* Create a julian date from a local or gmt date and time.
* @param object from DateTime::glt() or gmt().
Date(struct tm *object);
* Create a julian date from a ISO date string of a specified size.
* @param pointer to ISO date string.
* @param size of date field if not null terminated.
Date(const char *pointer, size_t size = 0);
* Create a julian date from an arbitrary year, month, and day.
* @param year of date.
* @param month of date (1-12).
* @param day of month (1-31).
Date(int year, unsigned month, unsigned day);
* Create a julian date object from another object.
* @param object to copy.
Date(const Date& object);
* Construct a new julian date with today's date.
* Destroy julian date object.
virtual ~Date();
* Get the year of the date.
* @return year of the date
int year(void) const;
* Get the month of the date (1-12).
* @return month of year
unsigned month(void) const;
* Get the day of the month of the date.
* @return day of month
unsigned day(void) const;
* Get the day of the week (0-7).
* @return day of week
unsigned dow(void) const;
* Get a ISO string representation of the date (yyyy-mm-dd).
* @param buffer to store string.
* @return string representation.
const char *put(char *buffer) const;
* Get a time_t for the julian date if in time_t epoch.
* @return time_t or -1 if out of range.
time_t timeref(void) const;
* Get the date as a number for the object or 0 if invalid.
* @return date as number.
long get(void) const;
* Set (update) the date with current date.
void set(void);
* Set the julian date based on an ISO date string of specified size.
* @param pointer to date string field.
* @param size of field if not null terminated.
void set(const char *pointer, size_t size = 0);
* Check if date is valid.
* @return true if julian date is valid.
bool is_valid(void) const;
* Casting operator to return date as number.
* @return julian number.
inline operator long() const
{return get();};
* Access julian value.
* @return julian number of object.
inline long operator*() const
{return get();};
* Expression operator to return an ISO date string for the current
* julian date.
* @return ISO date string.
String operator()() const;
* Increment date by one day.
* @return instance of current date object.
Date& operator++();
* Decrement date by one day.
* @return instance of current date object.
Date& operator--();
* Increment date by offset.
* @param offset to add to julian date.
* @return instance of current date object.
Date& operator+=(long offset);
* Decrement date by offset.
* @param offset to subtract from julian date.
* @return instance of current date object.
Date& operator-=(long offset);
* Add days to julian date in an expression.
* @param days to add.
* @return new date object with modified days.
Date operator+(long days);
* Subtract days from a julian date in an expression.
* @param days to subtract.
* @return new date object with modified days.
Date operator-(long days);
* Operator to compute number of days between two dates.
* @param date offset for computation.
* @return number of days difference.
inline long operator-(const Date &date)
{return (julian - date.julian);};
* Assign date from another date object.
* @param date object to assign from.
* @return current modified date object.
Date& operator=(const Date& date);
* Compare julian dates if same date.
* @param date to compare with.
* @return true if same.
bool operator==(const Date& date) const;
* Compare julian dates if not same date.
* @param date to compare with.
* @return true if not same.
bool operator!=(const Date& date) const;
* Compare julian date if earlier than another date.
* @param date to compare with.
* @return true if earlier.
bool operator<(const Date& date) const;
* Compare julian date if earlier than or equal to another date.
* @param date to compare with.
* @return true if earlier or same.
bool operator<=(const Date& date) const;
* Compare julian date if later than another date.
* @param date to compare with.
* @return true if later.
bool operator>(const Date& date) const;
* Compare julian date if later than or equal to another date.
* @param date to compare with.
* @return true if later or same.
bool operator>=(const Date& date) const;
* Check if julian date is not valid.
* @return true if date is invalid.
inline bool operator!() const
{return !is_valid();};
* Check if julian date is valid for is() expression.
* @return true if date is valid.
inline operator bool() const
{return is_valid();};
* The Time class uses a integer representation of the current
* time. This is then manipulated in several forms and may be
* exported as needed. The time object can represent an instance in
* time (hours, minutes, and seconds) in a 24 hour period or can
* represent a duration. Millisecond accuracy can be offered.
* @author Marcelo Dalmas <> and David Sugar <>
* @short Integer based time class.
class __EXPORT Time
long seconds;
virtual void update(void);
void set(int hour, int minute = 0, int second = 0);
* Constant for number of seconds in a day.
static const long c_day;
* Constant for number of seconds in a hour.
static const long c_hour;
* Constant for number of seconds in a week.
static const long c_week;
* Size of time string field.
static const size_t sz_string;
* Create a time from the time portion of a time_t.
* @param value of time_t to use.
Time(time_t value);
* Create a time from the time portion of a date and time object.
* @param object from DateTime::glt() or gmt().
Time(tm_t *object);
* Create a time from a hh:mm:ss formatted time string.
* @param pointer to formatted time field.
* @param size of field if not null terminated.
Time(const char *pointer, size_t size = 0);
* Create a time from hours (0-23), minutes (0-59), and seconds (0-59).
* @param hour of time.
* @param minute of time.
* @param second of time.
Time(int hour, int minute, int second);
* Create a time object from another object.
* @param object to copy.
Time(const Time& object);
* Create a time from current time.
* Destroy time object.
virtual ~Time();
* Get current time in seconds from midnight.
* @return seconds from midnight.
long get(void) const;
* Get hours from midnight.
* @return hours from midnight.
int hour(void) const;
* Get minutes from current hour.
* @return minutes from current hour.
int minute(void) const;
* Get seconds from current minute.
* @return seconds from current minute.
int second(void) const;
* Get a hh:mm:ss formatted string for current time.
* @param buffer to store time string in.
* @return time string buffer or NULL if invalid.
const char *put(char *buffer) const;
* Set (update) the time with current time.
void set(void);
* Set time from a hh:mm:ss formatted string.
* @param pointer to time field.
* @param size of field if not null terminated.
void set(const char *pointer, size_t size = 0);
* Check if time object had valid value.
* @return true if object is valid.
bool is_valid(void) const;
* Check if time object has valid value for is() operator.
* @return true if object is valid.
inline operator bool() const
{return is_valid();};
* Check if time object has valid value for ! operator.
* @return true if object is not valid.
inline bool operator!() const
{return !is_valid();};
* Get difference (in seconds) between two times.
* @param reference time to get difference from.
* @return difference in seconds.
long operator-(const Time &reference);
* Add seconds to the current time, wrap if 24 hours.
* @param seconds to add.
* @return new time object with modified value.
Time operator+(long seconds);
* Subtract seconds to the current time, wrap if 24 hours.
* @param seconds to subtract.
* @return new time object with modified value.
Time operator-(long seconds);
* Get time in seconds.
* @return seconds.
inline operator long()
{return get();};
* Get object time in seconds.
* @return time in seconds.
inline long operator*() const
{return get();};
* Convert to standard 24 hour time string.
* @return time string.
String operator()() const;
* Incrememnt time by 1 second, wrap on 24 hour period.
* @return modified instance of current time object.
Time& operator++();
* Decrement time by 1 second, wrap on 24 hour period.
* @return modified instance of current time object.
Time& operator--();
* Assign a time as a copy of another time.
* @param time to assign from.
* @return time object that was assigned.
Time& operator=(const Time& time);
* Increment time by specified seconds. Wraps on 24 hour period.
* @param seconds to add to current time.
* @return modified instance of current time object.
Time& operator+=(long seconds);
* Decrement time by specified seconds. Wraps on 24 hour period.
* @param seconds to subtract from current time.
* @return modified instance of current time object.
Time& operator-=(long seconds);
* Compare time with another time to see if same time.
* @param time to compare with.
* @return true if same time.
bool operator==(const Time &time) const;
* Compare time with another time to see if not same time.
* @param time to compare with.
* @return true if not same time.
bool operator!=(const Time &time) const;
* Compare time if earlier than another time.
* @param time object to compare with.
* @return true if earlier than object.
bool operator<(const Time &time) const;
* Compare time if earlier than or equal to another time.
* @param time object to compare with.
* @return true if earlier or same as object.
bool operator<=(const Time &time) const;
* Compare time if later than another time.
* @param time object to compare with.
* @return true if later than object.
bool operator>(const Time &time) const;
* Compare time if later than or equal to another time.
* @param time object to compare with.
* @return true if later than or same as object.
bool operator>=(const Time &time) const;
* The Datetime class uses a julian date representation of the current
* year, month, and day and a integer representation of the current
* time. This is then manipulated in several forms
* and may be exported as needed.
* @author Marcelo Dalmas <>
* @short Integer based time class.
class __EXPORT DateTime : public Date, public Time
void update(void);
* Size of datetime string field.
static const size_t sz_string;
* Construct a date and time from C library time_t type.
* @param time type to make date and time from.
DateTime(time_t time);
* Construct a date and time from C library time structure.
* @param tm structure from C library (from glt or gmt).
DateTime(tm_t *tm);
* Construct a date and time from ISO string buffer.
* @param pointer to string field holding date and time.
* @param size of field if not null terminated string.
DateTime(const char *pointer, size_t size = 0);
* Construct a date and time object from explicit date and time values.
* @param year of object.
* @param month of object (1-12).
* @param day of month of object (1-31).
* @param hour of object (0-23).
* @param minute of object (0-59).
* @param second of object (0-59).
DateTime(int year, unsigned month, unsigned day,
int hour = 0, int minute = 0, int second = 0);
* Create a datetime object from another object.
* @param object to copy.
DateTime(const DateTime& object);
* Construct a new date and time object with current date and time.
* Destroy date and time object.
virtual ~DateTime();
* Get a ISO formatted date and time string for current object.
* @param buffer to store date and time in (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss).
* @return string buffer if object is valid.
const char *put(char *buffer) const;
* Get C library time_t type if object in C library epoch range.
* @return time in seconds from epoch or ~0l if out of range.
time_t get(void) const;
* Test if object is valid.
* @return true if object is valid.
bool is_valid(void) const;
* Operator to compute number of days between two dates.
* @param datetime to offset from for computation.
* @return number of days difference.
long operator-(const DateTime &datetime);
* Assign date and time from another datetime object.
* @param datetime object to assign from.
* @return assigned datetime object.
DateTime& operator=(const DateTime& datetime);
* Add seconds to the current datetime object. Day overflows update
* julian date.
* @param seconds to add to object.
* @return modified datetime object.
DateTime& operator+=(long seconds);
* Subtract seconds from current datetime object. Day underflows
* update julian date.
* @param seconds to subtract from object.
* @return modified datetime object.
DateTime& operator-=(long seconds);
* Add seconds to datetime in an expression. Day overflows update
* julian date.
* @param seconds to add to datetime.
* @return new modified datetime object.
DateTime operator+(long seconds);
* Subtract seconds from datetime in an expression. Day underflows
* update julian date.
* @param seconds to subtract from datetime.
* @return new modified datetime object.
DateTime operator-(long seconds);
* Add a day from the current date and time.
* @return datetime object reference that was modified.
DateTime& operator++();
* Subtract a day from the current date and time.
* @return datetime object reference that was modified.
DateTime& operator--();
* Compare date and time with another date and time to see if the same.
* @param datetime to compare with.
* @return true if equal.
bool operator==(const DateTime& datetime) const;
* Compare date and time with another date and time to see if not same.
* @param datetime to compare with.
* @return true if not equal.
bool operator!=(const DateTime& datetime) const;
* Compare date and time with another date and time to see if earlier.
* @param datetime to compare with.
* @return true if earlier.
bool operator<(const DateTime& datetime) const;
* Compare date and time with another date and time to see if earlier or
* the same.
* @param datetime to compare with.
* @return true if earlier or equal.
bool operator<=(const DateTime& datetime) const;
* Compare date and time with another date and time to see if later.
* @param datetime to compare with.
* @return true if later.
bool operator>(const DateTime& datetime) const;
* Compare date and time with another date and time to see if later or
* the same.
* @param datetime to compare with.
* @return true if later or equal.
bool operator>=(const DateTime& datetime) const;
* Check if date and time is not valid.
* @return true if not valid.
bool operator!() const;
* Test is date and time is valid for is() operator.
* @return true if object is valid.
operator bool() const;
* Casting operator to return date as number.
* @return date as a number.
inline operator long() const
{return Date::get();};
* Set (update) the date and time with current date and time.
void set(void);
* Convert date and time to julian day number.
* @return julian day number as a double.
operator double() const;
* Return date and time formatted using strftime format values.
* @param strftime format to use.
* @return String object with formatted time.
String format(const char *strftime) const;
* Fetch an instance of time converted to local time. If the localtime
* abi is not re-entrant, than a lock is held, otherwise a unique
* object is returned. In either case, when you are done, you must
* release the object.
* @param time object or NULL if using current time.
* @return locked instance of struct tm object.
static tm_t *local(time_t *time = NULL);
* Fetch an instance of time converted to gmt. If the gmtime abi
* is not re-entrant, than a lock is held, otherwise a unique
* object is returned. In either case, when you are done, you must
* release the object.
* @param time object or NULL if using current time.
* @return locked instance of struct tm object.
static tm_t *gmt(time_t *time = NULL);
* Release a struct tm object from glt or gmt.
* @param object to release.
static void release(tm_t *object);
* A DateTime string class. This can be used to access the date and time
* as a standard string without requiring an external buffer.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short a datetime class that returns strings.
class __EXPORT DateTimeString : public DateTime
* Specify string buffer mode. By default we form a string with date
* and time.
typedef enum {
DATE, TIME, BOTH} mode_t;
mode_t mode;
void update(void);
* Construct a date and time from C libraray time_t type.
* @param time type to make date and time from.
DateTimeString(time_t time);
* Construct a date and time from C library time structure.
* @param tm structure from C library (from glt or gmt).
DateTimeString(tm_t *tm);
* Construct a date and time from ISO string buffer.
* @param pointer to string field holding date and time.
* @param size of field if not null terminated string.
DateTimeString(const char *pointer, size_t size = 0);
* Construct a date and time object from explicit date and time values.
* @param year of object.
* @param month of object (1-12).
* @param day of month of object (1-31).
* @param hour of object (0-23).
* @param minute of object (0-59).
* @param second of object (0-59).
DateTimeString(int year, unsigned month, unsigned day,
int hour = 0, int minute = 0, int second = 0);
* Create a datetime object from another object.
* @param object to copy.
DateTimeString(const DateTimeString& object);
* Construct a new date and time object with current date and time.
DateTimeString(mode_t string = DateTimeString::BOTH);
* Destroy date time string.
virtual ~DateTimeString();
* Extract char from string.
* @return string of datetime.
inline const char *c_str(void)
{return buffer;};
* Cast to string.
* @return string of datetime.
inline operator const char *(void)
{return buffer;};
* Set (update) the date and time with current date and time.
void set(void);
* Set the string mode.
* @param string mode to use.
void set(mode_t string);
* A number class that manipulates a string buffer that is also a date.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short a number that is also a date string.
class __EXPORT DateNumber : public Number, public Date
void update(void);
* Create a date number tied to a refreshed string buffer.
* @param pointer to string buffer to rewrite.
DateNumber(char *pointer);
* Release a datenumber object.
virtual ~DateNumber();
* Set date number to current date.
void set(void);
class __EXPORT isotime : public PrintProtocol, public InputProtocol
Date *d;
Time *t;
enum {DATE, TIME, DATETIME} mode;
char buf[32];
unsigned pos;
const char *_print(void) const;
int _input(int code);
isotime(Date& date, Time& time);
isotime(Date& date);
isotime(Time& time);
* Convenience type for using DateTime object.
typedef DateTime datetime_t;
* Convenience type for using DateTimeString object.
typedef DateTimeString datetimestring_t;
* Convenience type for using Date object.
typedef Date date_t;
* Convenience type for using Time object.
typedef Time tod_t;
extern "C" {
__EXPORT long tzoffset(struct timezone *tz = NULL);