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// Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Open Source Telecom Corporation.
// Copyright (C) 2006-2010 David Sugar, Tycho Softworks.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
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* @file commoncpp/socket.h
* @short socket operations.
#include <cstdio>
#include <commoncpp/config.h>
#include <commoncpp/string.h>
#include <commoncpp/address.h>
#include <commoncpp/exception.h>
#define MSG_DONTWAIT 0
#define MSG_NOSIGNAL 0
#ifndef SOCK_DCCP
#define SOCK_DCCP 6
#define IPPROTO_DCCP 33
#ifndef SOL_DCCP
#define SOL_DCCP 269
typedef socket_t SOCKET;
class __EXPORT Socket : protected ucommon::Socket
enum State {
typedef enum State State;
enum Family {
#ifdef CCXX_IPV6
typedef enum Family Family;
enum Error {
errSuccess = 0,
typedef enum Error Error;
enum Tos {
tosLowDelay = 0,
typedef enum Tos Tos;
enum Pending {
typedef enum Pending Pending;
// used by exception handlers....
mutable Error errid;
mutable const char *errstr;
mutable long syserr;
void setSocket(void);
static socket_t dupSocket(socket_t s,Socket::State state);
static Mutex mutex;
mutable struct {
bool thrown: 1;
bool broadcast: 1;
bool route: 1;
bool keepalive: 1;
bool loopback: 1;
bool multicast: 1;
bool completion: 1;
bool linger: 1;
unsigned ttl: 8;
} flags;
State volatile state;
* This service is used to throw all socket errors which usually
* occur during the socket constructor.
* @param error defined socket error id.
* @param err string or message to pass.
* @param systemError the system error# that caused the error
Error error(Error error, const char *err = NULL, long systemError = 0) const;
* This service is used to throw application defined socket errors
* where the application specific error code is a string.
* @param err string or message to pass.
inline void error(const char *err) const
{error(errExtended, err);};
* This service is used to turn the error handler on or off for
* "throwing" exceptions by manipulating the thrown flag.
* @param enable true to enable handler.
inline void setError(bool enable)
{flags.thrown = !enable;};
* Used as the default destructor for ending a socket. This
* will cleanly terminate the socket connection. It is provided
* for use in derived virtual destructors.
void endSocket(void);
* Used as a common handler for connection failure processing.
* @return correct failure code to apply.
Error connectError(void);
* Set the send limit.
Error sendLimit(int limit = 2048);
* Set thr receive limit.
Error receiveLimit(int limit = 1);
* Set the send timeout for sending raw network data.
* @return errSuccess if set.
* @param timer value in millisec.
Error sendTimeout(timeout_t timer);
* Receive timeout for receiving raw network data.
* @return errSuccess if set.
* @param timer value in milliseconds.
Error receiveTimeout(timeout_t timer);
* Set the protocol stack network kernel send buffer size
* associated with the socket.
* @return errSuccess on success, or error.
* @param size of buffer in bytes.
Error sendBuffer(unsigned size);
* Set the protocol stack network kernel receive buffer size
* associated with the socket.
* @return errSuccess on success, or error.
* @param size of buffer in bytes.
Error receiveBuffer(unsigned size);
* Set the total protocol stack network kernel buffer size
* for both send and receive together.
* @return errSuccess on success
* @param size of buffer.
Error bufferSize(unsigned size);
* Set the subnet broadcast flag for the socket. This enables
* sending to a subnet and may require special image privileges
* depending on the operating system.
* @return 0 (errSuccess) on success, else error code.
* @param enable when set to true.
Error setBroadcast(bool enable);
* Setting multicast binds the multicast interface used for
* the socket to the interface the socket itself has been
* implicitly bound to. It is also used as a check flag
* to make sure multicast is enabled before multicast
* operations are used.
* @return 0 (errSuccess) on success, else error code.
* @param enable when set to true.
* @param family of protocol.
Error setMulticastByFamily(bool enable, Family family = IPV4);
* Set the multicast loopback flag for the socket. Loopback
* enables a socket to hear what it is sending.
* @return 0 (errSuccess) on success, else error code.
* @param enable when set to true.
* @param family of protocol.
Error setLoopbackByFamily(bool enable, Family family = IPV4);
* Set the multicast time to live for a multicast socket.
* @return 0 (errSuccess) on success, else error code.
* @param ttl time to live.
* @param fam family of protocol.
Error setTimeToLiveByFamily(unsigned char ttl, Family fam = IPV4);
* Join a multicast group.
* @return 0 (errSuccess) on success, else error code.
* @param ia address of multicast group to join.
Error join(const IPV4Multicast &ia);
#ifdef CCXX_IPV6
Error join(const IPV6Multicast &ia);
* Drop membership from a multicast group.
* @return 0 (errSuccess) on success, else error code.
* @param ia address of multicast group to drop.
Error drop(const IPV4Multicast &ia);
#ifdef CCXX_IPV6
Error drop(const IPV6Multicast &ia);
* Set the socket routing to indicate if outgoing messages
* should bypass normal routing (set false).
* @return 0 on success.
* @param enable normal routing when set to true.
Error setRouting(bool enable);
* Enable/disable delaying packets (Nagle algorithm)
* @return 0 on success.
* @param enable disable Nagle algorithm when set to true.
Error setNoDelay(bool enable);
* An unconnected socket may be created directly on the local
* machine. Sockets can occupy both the internet domain (AF_INET)
* and UNIX socket domain (AF_UNIX) under unix. The socket type
* (SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM) and protocol may also be specified.
* If the socket cannot be created, an exception is thrown.
* @param domain socket domain to use.
* @param type base type and protocol family of the socket.
* @param protocol specific protocol to apply.
Socket(int domain, int type, int protocol = 0);
* A socket object may be created from a file descriptor when that
* descriptor was created either through a socket() or accept()
* call. This constructor is mostly for internal use.
* @param fd file descriptor of an already existing socket.
Socket(socket_t fd);
* Create an inactive socket object for base constructors.
* A socket can also be constructed from an already existing
* Socket object. On POSIX systems, the socket file descriptor
* is dup()'d. On Win32, DuplicateHandle() is used.
* @param source of existing socket to clone.
Socket(const Socket &source);
* Process a logical input line from a socket descriptor
* directly.
* @param buf pointer to string.
* @param len maximum length to read.
* @param timeout for pending data in milliseconds.
* @return number of bytes actually read.
ssize_t readLine(char *buf, size_t len, timeout_t timeout = 0);
* Read in a block of len bytes with specific separator. Can
* be zero, or any other char. If \\n or \\r, it's treated just
* like a readLine(). Otherwise it looks for the separator.
* @param buf pointer to byte allocation.
* @param len maximum length to read.
* @param separator separator for a particular ASCII character
* @param t timeout for pending data in milliseconds.
* @return number of bytes actually read.
virtual ssize_t readData(void * buf,size_t len,char separator=0,timeout_t t=0);
* Write a block of len bytes to socket.
* @param buf pointer to byte allocation.
* @param len maximum length to write.
* @param t timeout for pending data in milliseconds.
* @return number of bytes actually written.
virtual ssize_t writeData(const void* buf,size_t len,timeout_t t=0);
* Often used by a "catch" to fetch the last error of a thrown
* socket.
* @return error number of Error error.
inline Error getErrorNumber(void) const {return errid;}
* Often used by a "catch" to fetch the user set error string
* of a thrown socket, but only if EXTENDED error codes are used.
* @return string for error message.
inline const char *getErrorString(void) const {return errstr;}
inline long getSystemError(void) const {return syserr;}
const char *getSystemErrorString(void) const;
* Get the status of pending operations. This can be used to
* examine if input or output is waiting, or if an error has
* occured on the descriptor.
* @return true if ready, false on timeout.
* @param pend ready check to perform.
* @param timeout in milliseconds, inf. if not specified.
virtual bool isPending(Pending pend, timeout_t timeout = TIMEOUT_INF);
* See if a specific protocol family is available in the
* current runtime environment.
* @return true if family available.
static bool check(Family fam);
* Operator based testing to see if a socket is currently
* active.
bool operator!() const;
operator bool() const;
* Sockets may also be duplicated by the assignment operator.
Socket &operator=(const Socket &from);
* May be used to examine the origin of data waiting in the
* socket receive queue. This can tell a TCP server where pending
* "connect" requests are coming from, or a UDP socket where it's
* next packet arrived from.
* @param port ptr to port number of sender.
* @return host address, test with "isInetAddress()".
virtual IPV4Host getIPV4Sender(tpport_t *port = NULL) const;
inline IPV4Host getSender(tpport_t *port = NULL) const
{return getIPV4Sender(port);}
#ifdef CCXX_IPV6
virtual IPV6Host getIPV6Sender(tpport_t *port = NULL) const;
* Get the host address and port of the socket this socket
* is connected to. If the socket is currently not in a
* connected state, then a host address of is
* returned.
* @param port ptr to port number of remote socket.
* @return host address of remote socket.
IPV4Host getIPV4Peer(tpport_t *port = NULL) const;
inline IPV4Host getPeer(tpport_t *port = NULL) const
{return getIPV4Peer(port);}
#ifdef CCXX_IPV6
IPV6Host getIPV6Peer(tpport_t *port = NULL) const;
* Get the local address and port number this socket is
* currently bound to.
* @param port ptr to port number on local host.
* @return host address of interface this socket is bound to.
IPV4Host getIPV4Local(tpport_t *port = NULL) const;
inline IPV4Host getLocal(tpport_t *port = NULL) const
{return getIPV4Local(port);}
#ifdef CCXX_IPV6
IPV6Host getIPV6Local(tpport_t *port = NULL) const;
* Used to specify blocking mode for the socket. A socket
* can be made non-blocking by setting setCompletion(false)
* or set to block on all access with setCompletion(true).
* I do not believe this form of non-blocking socket I/O is supported
* in winsock, though it provides an alternate asynchronous set of
* socket services.
* @param immediate mode specify socket I/O call blocking mode.
void setCompletion(bool immediate);
* Enable lingering sockets on close.
* @param linger specify linger enable.
Error setLinger(bool linger);
* Set the keep-alive status of this socket and if keep-alive
* messages will be sent.
* @return 0 on success.
* @param enable keep alive messages.
Error setKeepAlive(bool enable);
* Set packet scheduling on platforms which support ip quality
* of service conventions. This effects how packets in the
* queue are scheduled through the interface.
* @return 0 on success, error code on failure.
* @param service type of service enumerated type.
Error setTypeOfService(Tos service);
* Can test to see if this socket is "connected", and hence
* whether a "catch" can safely call getPeer(). Of course,
* an unconnected socket will return a address from
* getPeer() as well.
* @return true when socket is connected to a peer.
bool isConnected(void) const;
* Test to see if the socket is at least operating or if it
* is mearly initialized. "initialized" sockets may be the
* result of failed constructors.
* @return true if not in initial state.
bool isActive(void) const;
* Return if broadcast has been enabled for the specified
* socket.
* @return true if broadcast socket.
inline bool isBroadcast(void) const
{return flags.broadcast;};
* Return if socket routing is enabled.
* @return true if routing enabled.
inline bool isRouted(void) const
{return flags.route;};
inline struct in_addr getaddress(const IPV4Address &ia)
{return ia.getAddress();}
#ifdef CCXX_IPV6
inline struct in6_addr getaddress(const IPV6Address &ia)
{return ia.getAddress();}
#if defined(CCXX_EXCEPTIONS)
class __EXPORT SockException : public IOException
Socket::Error _socketError;
inline SockException(const String &str, Socket::Error socketError, long systemError = 0) :
IOException(str, systemError), _socketError(socketError) {};
inline Socket::Error getSocketError() const
{ return _socketError; }