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// Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Open Source Telecom Corporation.
// Copyright (C) 2006-2010 David Sugar, Tycho Softworks.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
// library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
// templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
// this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
// file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
// the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
// invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
// the GNU General Public License.
// This exception applies only to the code released under the name GNU
// Common C++. If you copy code from other releases into a copy of GNU
// Common C++, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
// not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading
// anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
// this exception notice from them.
// If you write modifications of your own for GNU Common C++, it is your choice
// whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
// If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.
* @file commoncpp/address.h
* @short Network addresses and sockets related classes.
#include <commoncpp/config.h>
#include <commoncpp/thread.h>
#include <commoncpp/exception.h>
// future definition of ipv4 specific classes, now defines
#define CIDR IPV4Cidr
#define InetAddress IPV4Address
#define InetHostAddress IPV4Host
#define InetMaskAddress IPV4Mask
#define InetMcastAddress IPV4Multicast
#define InetMcastAddressValidator IPV4MulticastValidator
#define InetAddrValidator IPV4Validator
#define BroadcastAddress IPV4Broadcast
* Transport Protocol Ports.
typedef unsigned short tpport_t;
class IPV4Host;
* Classes derived from IPV4Address would require an specific
* validator to pass to the IPV4Address constructor. This is a base
* class for classes of function objects used by such derived classes.
* @author Federico Montesino <>
* @short Abstract base class for derived inet addresses validators.
class __EXPORT IPV4Validator
* Constructor. Does not deal with any state.
IPV4Validator() { };
* keeps compilers happy.
virtual ~IPV4Validator() {};
* Pure virtual application operator. Apply the validation
* algorithm specific to derived classes.
virtual void
operator()(const in_addr address) const = 0;
* Class for the function object that validates multicast addresses.
* Implements a specific application operator to validate multicast
* addresses.
* @author Federico Montesino <>
* @short Validating class specialized for multicast addresses.
class __EXPORT IPV4MulticastValidator: public IPV4Validator
* Constructor. Does not deal with any state.
* Keeps compilers happy.
virtual ~IPV4MulticastValidator(){};
* Application operator. Apply the validation algorithm
* specific to multicast addresses
void operator()(const in_addr address) const;
* The CIDR class is used to support routing tables and validate address
* policies.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Classless Internet Domain Routing
class __EXPORT IPV4Cidr
struct in_addr netmask, network;
unsigned getMask(const char *cp) const;
* Get network address associated with this cidr.
* @return system binary coded address.
inline struct in_addr getNetwork(void) const
{return network;};
* Get network mask associated with this cidr.
* @return system binary coded network mask.
inline struct in_addr getNetmask(void) const
{return netmask;};
* Compute the broadcast address associated with this cidr.
* @return system binary coded network address.
struct in_addr getBroadcast(void) const;
* Set the cidr from a full or partial hostname, or from an
* address/mask, or a host/bits specification.
* @param cidr string to use.
void set(const char *cidr);
* Construct a new cidr from a string.
* @param cidr string to use.
IPV4Cidr(const char *cidr);
* Construct an empty cidr.
* Construct a copy of a cidr.
* @param cidr to copy from.
IPV4Cidr(IPV4Cidr &);
* See if a socket address is a member of this cidr's network.
* @param saddr pointer to test.
* @return true if member of cidr.
bool isMember(const struct sockaddr *saddr) const;
* See if a low level address object is a member of this cidr's net.
* @param inaddr object to test.
* @return true if member of cidr.
bool isMember(const struct in_addr &inaddr) const;
inline bool operator==(const struct sockaddr *a) const
{return isMember(a);};
inline bool operator==(const struct in_addr &a) const
{return isMember(a);};
#ifdef CCXX_IPV6
* The CIDR class is used to support routing tables and validate address
* policies.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Classless Internet Domain Routing
class __EXPORT IPV6Cidr
struct in6_addr netmask, network;
unsigned getMask(const char *cp) const;
* Get network address associated with this cidr.
* @return system binary coded address.
inline struct in6_addr getNetwork(void) const
{return network;};
* Get network mask associated with this cidr.
* @return system binary coded network mask.
inline struct in6_addr getNetmask(void) const
{return netmask;};
* Compute the broadcast address associated with this cidr.
* @return system binary coded network address.
struct in6_addr getBroadcast(void) const;
* Set the cidr from a full or partial hostname, or from a
* host/bits specification.
* @param cidr string to use.
void set(const char *cidr);
* Construct a new cidr from a string.
* @param cidr string to use.
IPV6Cidr(const char *cidr);
* Construct an empty cidr.
* Construct a copy of a cidr.
* @param cidr to copy from.
IPV6Cidr(IPV6Cidr &);
* See if a socket address is a member of this cidr's network.
* @param saddr pointer to test.
* @return true if member of cidr.
bool isMember(const struct sockaddr *saddr) const;
* See if a low level address object is a member of this cidr's net.
* @param inaddr object to test.
* @return true if member of cidr.
bool isMember(const struct in6_addr &inaddr) const;
inline bool operator==(const struct sockaddr *sa) const
{return isMember(sa);};
inline bool operator==(const struct in6_addr &a) const
{return isMember(a);};
* The network name and address objects are all derived from a common
* IPV4Address base class. Specific classes, such as IPV4Host,
* IPV4Mask, etc, are defined from IPV4Address entirely so that the
* manner a network address is being used can easily be documented and
* understood from the code and to avoid common errors and accidental misuse
* of the wrong address object. For example, a "connection" to something
* that is declared as a "IPV4Host" can be kept type-safe from a
* "connection" accidently being made to something that was declared a
* "IPV4Broadcast".
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Internet Address binary data type.
class __EXPORT IPV4Address
// The validator given to an IPV4Address object must not be a
// transient object, but that must exist at least until the
// last address object of its kind is deleted. This is an
// artifact to be able to do specific checks for derived
// classes inside constructors.
const InetAddrValidator *validator;
struct in_addr * ipaddr;
size_t addr_count;
mutable char* hostname; // hostname for ipaddr[0]. Used by getHostname
#if defined(_MSWINDOWS_)
static MutexCounter counter;
static Mutex mutex;
* Sets the IP address from a string representation of the
* numeric address, ie ""
* @param host The string representation of the IP address
* @return true if successful
bool setIPAddress(const char *host);
* Used to specify a host name or numeric internet address.
* @param host The string representation of the IP address or
* a hostname, , if NULL, it will default to INADDR_ANY
void setAddress(const char *host);
* Create an Internet Address object with an empty (
* address.
* @param validator optional validator function object, intended for
* derived classes.
IPV4Address(const InetAddrValidator *validator = NULL);
* Convert the system internet address data type (struct in_addr)
* into a Common C++ IPV4Address object.
* @param addr struct of system used binary internet address.
* @param validator optional validator function object, intended for
* derived classes.
IPV4Address(struct in_addr addr, const InetAddrValidator *validator = NULL);
* Convert a null terminated ASCII host address string
* (example: "") or host address name (example:
* "") directly into a Common C++ IPV4Address
* object.
* @param address null terminated C string.
* @param validator optional validator function object, intended for
* derived classes.
IPV4Address(const char *address, const InetAddrValidator *validator = NULL);
* Copy constructor
IPV4Address(const IPV4Address &rhs);
* Destructor
virtual ~IPV4Address();
* Provide a string representation of the value (Internet Address)
* held in the IPV4Address object.
* @return string representation of IPV4Address.
const char *getHostname(void) const;
* May be used to verify if a given IPV4Address returned
* by another function contains a "valid" address, or ""
* which is often used to mark "invalid" IPV4Address values.
* @return true if address !=
bool isInetAddress(void) const;
* Provide a low level system usable struct in_addr object from
* the contents of IPV4Address. This is needed for services such
* as bind() and connect().
* @return system binary coded internet address.
struct in_addr getAddress(void) const;
* Provide a low level system usable struct in_addr object from
* the contents of IPV4Address. This is needed for services such
* as bind() and connect().
* @param i for IPV4Addresses with multiple addresses, returns the
* address at this index. User should call getAddressCount()
* to determine the number of address the object contains.
* @return system binary coded internet address. If parameter i is
* out of range, the first address is returned.
struct in_addr getAddress(size_t i) const;
* Returns the number of internet addresses that an IPV4Address object
* contains. This usually only happens with IPV4Host objects
* where multiple IP addresses are returned for a DNS lookup
size_t getAddressCount() const { return addr_count; }
IPV4Address &operator=(const char *str);
IPV4Address &operator=(struct in_addr addr);
IPV4Address &operator=(const IPV4Address &rhs);
* Allows assignment from the return of functions like
* inet_addr() or htonl()
IPV4Address &operator=(unsigned long addr);
inline IPV4Address &operator=(unsigned int addr)
{return *this = (unsigned long) addr; }
inline bool operator!() const
{return !isInetAddress();};
* Compare two internet addresses to see if they are equal
* (if they specify the physical address of the same internet host).
* If there is more than one IP address in either IPV4Address object,
* this will return true if all of the IP addresses in the smaller
* are in the larger in any order.
bool operator==(const IPV4Address &a) const;
* Compare two internet addresses to see if they are not
* equal (if they each refer to unique and different physical
* ip addresses).
* This is implimented in terms of operator==
bool operator!=(const IPV4Address &a) const;
* Internet addresses used specifically as masking addresses (such as "
*") are held in the IPV4Mask derived object. The
* seperate class is used so that C++ type casting can automatically
* determine when an IPV4Address object is really a mask address object
* rather than simply using the base class. This also allows manipulative
* operators for address masking to operate only when presented with a
* Masked address as well as providing cleaner and safer source.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Internet Address Mask such as subnet masks.
class __EXPORT IPV4Mask : public IPV4Address
* Create the mask from a null terminated ASCII string such as
* "".
* @param mask null terminated ASCII mask string.
IPV4Mask(const char *mask);
* Masks are usually used to coerce host addresses into a specific
* router or class domain. This can be done by taking the Inet
* Host Address object and "and"ing it with an address mask. This
* operation can be directly expressed in C++ through the & operator.
* @return a internet host address that has been masked.
* @param addr host address to be masked by subnet.
* @param mask inetnet mask address object to mask by.
friend __EXPORT IPV4Host operator&(const IPV4Host &addr,
const IPV4Mask &mask);
* Allows assignment from the return of functions like
* inet_addr() or htonl()
IPV4Address &operator=(unsigned long addr)
{ return IPV4Address::operator =(addr); }
* This object is used to hold the actual and valid internet address of a
* specific host machine that will be accessed through a socket.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Address of a specific Internet host machine.
class __EXPORT IPV4Host : public IPV4Address
static IPV4Host _host_;
* Create a new host address for a specific internet host. The
* internet host can be specified in a null terminated ASCII
* string and include either the physical host address or the
* DNS name of a host machine. Hence, an IPV4Host
* ("") can be directly declaired in this manner.
* Defaults to the IP address that represents the interface matching
* "gethostname()".
* @param host dns or physical address of an Internet host.
IPV4Host(const char *host = NULL);
* Convert a system socket binary address such as may be
* returned through the accept() call or getsockpeer() into
* an internet host address object.
* @param addr binary address of internet host.
IPV4Host(struct in_addr addr);
* Allows assignment from the return of functions like
* inet_addr() or htonl()
IPV4Address &operator=(unsigned long addr)
{ return IPV4Address::operator =(addr); }
* Mask the internet host address object with a network mask address.
* This is commonly used to coerce an address by subnet.
IPV4Host &operator&=(const IPV4Mask &mask);
friend class IPV4Mask;
friend __EXPORT IPV4Host operator&(const IPV4Host &addr,
const IPV4Mask &mask);
* The broadcast address object is used to store the broadcast address for
* a specific subnet. This is commonly used for UDP broadcast operations.
class __EXPORT IPV4Broadcast : public IPV4Address
* Specify the physical broadcast address to use and create a new
* broadcast address object based on a null terminated ASCII
* string.
* @param net null terminated ASCII network address.
IPV4Broadcast(const char *net = "");
* A specialization of IPV4Address that provides address validation
* for multicast addresses. Whenever its value changes the new value
* is checked to be in the range from through
* If it is not, an exception is thrown.
* @short A multicast network address.
* @author Federico Montesino <>
class __EXPORT IPV4Multicast: public IPV4Address
* Create an Internet Multicast Address object with an empty
* ( address.
* Convert the system internet address data type (struct in_addr)
* into a Common C++ IPV4Multicast object.
* @param address struct of system used binary internet address.
IPV4Multicast(const struct in_addr address);
* Convert a null terminated ASCII multicast address string
* (example: "") or multicast name string (example:
* "") directly into a Common C++
* IPV4Multicast object. Works like IPV4Address(const
* char*).
* @param address null terminated C string.
IPV4Multicast(const char *address);
* Check the address in <code>addr<code> is a valid multicast
* address. In case not, throws an exception.
* @param address a system network address
* @return true if validation succeeded
static const IPV4MulticastValidator validator;
extern __EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const IPV4Address &ia);
inline struct in_addr getaddress(const IPV4Address &ia)
{return ia.getAddress();}
#ifdef CCXX_IPV6
class IPV6Host;
* Classes derived from IPV6Address would require an specific
* validator to pass to the IPV6Address constructor. This is a base
* class for classes of function objects used by such derived classes.
* @author Federico Montesino <>
* @short Abstract base class for derived inet addresses validators.
class __EXPORT IPV6Validator
* Constructor. Does not deal with any state.
IPV6Validator() { };
* Keeps compilers happy.
virtual ~IPV6Validator() {};
* Pure virtual application operator. Apply the validation
* algorithm specific to derived classes.
virtual void operator()(const in6_addr address) const = 0;
* Class for the function object that validates multicast addresses.
* Implements a specific application operator to validate multicast
* addresses.
* @author Federico Montesino <>
* @short Validating class specialized for multicast addresses.
class __EXPORT IPV6MulticastValidator: public IPV6Validator
* Constructor. Does not deal with any state.
* Keeps compilers happy...
virtual ~IPV6MulticastValidator(){};
* Application operator. Apply the validation algorithm
* specific to multicast addresses
void operator()(const in6_addr address) const;
* The network name and address objects are all derived from a common
* IPV6Address base class. Specific classes, such as IPV4Host,
* IPV6Mask, etc, are defined from IPV6Address entirely so that the
* manner a network address is being used can easily be documented and
* understood from the code and to avoid common errors and accidental misuse
* of the wrong address object. For example, a "connection" to something
* that is declared as a "IPV6Host" can be kept type-safe from a
* "connection" accidently being made to something that was declared a
* "IPV6Broadcast".
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Internet Address binary data type.
class __EXPORT IPV6Address
// The validator given to an IPV4Address object must not be a
// transient object, but that must exist at least until the
// last address object of its kind is deleted. This is an
// artifact to be able to do specific checks for derived
// classes inside constructors.
const IPV6Validator *validator;
struct in6_addr * ipaddr;
size_t addr_count;
mutable char* hostname; // hostname for ipaddr[0]. Used by getHostname
#if defined(_MSWINDOWS_)
static MutexCounter counter;
static Mutex mutex;
* Sets the IP address from a string representation of the
* numeric address, ie ""
* @param host The string representation of the IP address
* @return true if successful
bool setIPAddress(const char *host);
* Used to specify a host name or numeric internet address.
* @param host The string representation of the IP address or
* a hostname, , if NULL, it will default to INADDR_ANY
void setAddress(const char *host);
* Create an Internet Address object with an empty (
* address.
* @param validator optional validator function object, intended for
* derived classes.
IPV6Address(const IPV6Validator *validator = NULL);
* Convert the system internet address data type (struct in_addr)
* into a Common C++ IPV6Address object.
* @param addr struct of system used binary internet address.
* @param validator optional validator function object, intended for
* derived classes.
IPV6Address(struct in6_addr addr, const IPV6Validator *validator = NULL);
* Convert a null terminated ASCII host address string
* (example: "") or host address name (example:
* "") directly into a Common C++ IPV6Address
* object.
* @param address null terminated C string.
* @param validator optional validator function object, intended for
* derived classes.
IPV6Address(const char *address, const IPV6Validator *validator = NULL);
* Copy constructor
IPV6Address(const IPV6Address &rhs);
* Destructor
virtual ~IPV6Address();
* Provide a string representation of the value (Internet Address)
* held in the IPV6Address object.
* @return string representation of IPV6Address.
const char *getHostname(void) const;
* May be used to verify if a given IPV6Address returned
* by another function contains a "valid" address, or ""
* which is often used to mark "invalid" IPV6Address values.
* @return true if address !=
bool isInetAddress(void) const;
* Provide a low level system usable struct in_addr object from
* the contents of IPV6Address. This is needed for services such
* as bind() and connect().
* @return system binary coded internet address.
struct in6_addr getAddress(void) const;
* Provide a low level system usable struct in_addr object from
* the contents of IPV6Address. This is needed for services such
* as bind() and connect().
* @param i for IPV6Addresses with multiple addresses, returns the
* address at this index. User should call getAddressCount()
* to determine the number of address the object contains.
* @return system binary coded internet address. If parameter i is
* out of range, the first address is returned.
struct in6_addr getAddress(size_t i) const;
* Returns the number of internet addresses that an IPV6Address object
* contains. This usually only happens with IPV6Host objects
* where multiple IP addresses are returned for a DNS lookup
size_t getAddressCount() const { return addr_count; }
IPV6Address &operator=(const char *str);
IPV6Address &operator=(struct in6_addr addr);
IPV6Address &operator=(const IPV6Address &rhs);
inline bool operator!() const
{return !isInetAddress();};
* Compare two internet addresses to see if they are equal
* (if they specify the physical address of the same internet host).
* If there is more than one IP address in either IPV6Address object,
* this will return true if all of the IP addresses in the smaller
* are in the larger in any order.
bool operator==(const IPV6Address &a) const;
* Compare two internet addresses to see if they are not
* equal (if they each refer to unique and different physical
* ip addresses).
* This is implimented in terms of operator==
bool operator!=(const IPV6Address &a) const;
* Internet addresses used specifically as masking addresses (such as "
*") are held in the IPV6Mask derived object. The
* seperate class is used so that C++ type casting can automatically
* determine when an IPV6Address object is really a mask address object
* rather than simply using the base class. This also allows manipulative
* operators for address masking to operate only when presented with a
* Masked address as well as providing cleaner and safer source.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Internet Address Mask such as subnet masks.
class __EXPORT IPV6Mask : public IPV6Address
* Create the mask from a null terminated ASCII string such as
* "".
* @param mask null terminated ASCII mask string.
IPV6Mask(const char *mask);
* Masks are usually used to coerce host addresses into a specific
* router or class domain. This can be done by taking the Inet
* Host Address object and "and"ing it with an address mask. This
* operation can be directly expressed in C++ through the & operator.
* @return a internet host address that has been masked.
* @param addr host address to be masked by subnet.
* @param mask inetnet mask address object to mask by.
friend __EXPORT IPV6Host operator&(const IPV6Host &addr,
const IPV6Mask &mask);
* This object is used to hold the actual and valid internet address of a
* specific host machine that will be accessed through a socket.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Address of a specific Internet host machine.
class __EXPORT IPV6Host : public IPV6Address
* Create a new host address for a specific internet host. The
* internet host can be specified in a null terminated ASCII
* string and include either the physical host address or the
* DNS name of a host machine. Hence, an IPV6Host
* ("") can be directly declaired in this manner.
* Defaults to the IP address that represents the interface matching
* "gethostname()".
* @param host dns or physical address of an Internet host.
IPV6Host(const char *host = NULL);
* Convert a system socket binary address such as may be
* returned through the accept() call or getsockpeer() into
* an internet host address object.
* @param addr binary address of internet host.
IPV6Host(struct in6_addr addr);
* Mask the internet host address object with a network mask address.
* This is commonly used to coerce an address by subnet.
IPV6Host &operator&=(const IPV6Mask &mask);
friend class IPV6Mask;
friend __EXPORT IPV6Host operator&(const IPV6Host &addr, const IPV6Mask &mask);
* The broadcast address object is used to store the broadcast address for
* a specific subnet. This is commonly used for UDP broadcast operations.
class __EXPORT IPV6Broadcast : public IPV6Address
* Specify the physical broadcast address to use and create a new
* broadcast address object based on a null terminated ASCII
* string.
* @param net null terminated ASCII network address.
IPV6Broadcast(const char *net = "");
* A specialization of IPV6Address that provides address validation
* for multicast addresses. Whenever its value changes the new value
* is checked to be in the range from through
* If it is not, an exception is thrown.
* @short A multicast network address.
* @author Federico Montesino <>
class __EXPORT IPV6Multicast: public IPV6Address
* Create an Internet Multicast Address object with an empty
* ( address.
* Convert the system internet address data type (struct in_addr)
* into a Common C++ IPV4Multicast object.
* @param address struct of system used binary internet address.
IPV6Multicast(const struct in6_addr address);
* Convert a null terminated ASCII multicast address string
* (example: "") or multicast name string (example:
* "") directly into a Common C++
* IPV6Multicast object. Works like IPV6Address(const
* char*).
* @param address null terminated C string.
IPV6Multicast(const char *address);
* Check the address in <code>addr<code> is a valid multicast
* address. In case not, throws an exception.
* @param address a system network address
* @return true if validation succeeded
static const IPV6MulticastValidator validator;
extern __EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const IPV6Address &ia);
inline struct in6_addr getaddress(const IPV6Address &ia)
{return ia.getAddress();}