blob: b4edfb00517c92ed00386f01bcd8b8d8066363b1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Regis Montoya (aka r3gis -
* Copyright (C) 2004-2013 Savoir-Faire Linux Inc.
* Author: Regis Montoya <>
* Alexandre Lision <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* Additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7:
* If you modify this program, or any covered work, by linking or
* combining it with the OpenSSL project's OpenSSL library (or a
* modified version of that library), containing parts covered by the
* terms of the OpenSSL or SSLeay licenses, Savoir-Faire Linux Inc.
* grants you additional permission to convey the resulting work.
* Corresponding Source for a non-source form of such a combination
* shall include the source code for the parts of OpenSSL used as well
* as that of the covered work.
package org.sflphone.utils;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.os.Environment;
import android.provider.Contacts;
import android.util.Log;
public final class Compatibility {
private Compatibility() {
private static final String THIS_FILE = "Compat";
public static int getApiLevel() {
return android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
public static boolean isCompatible(int apiLevel) {
return android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= apiLevel;
* Get the stream id for in call track. Can differ on some devices. Current device for which it's different :
* @return
public static int getInCallStream(boolean requestBluetooth) {
/* Archos 5IT */
if (android.os.Build.BRAND.equalsIgnoreCase("archos") && android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("g7a")) {
// Since archos has no voice call capabilities, voice call stream is
// not implemented
// So we have to choose the good stream tag, which is by default
// falled back to music
return AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC;
if (requestBluetooth) {
return 6; /* STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO -- Thx @Stefan for the contrib */
// return AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC;
return AudioManager.STREAM_VOICE_CALL;
public static boolean shouldUseRoutingApi() {
Log.d(THIS_FILE, "Current device " + android.os.Build.BRAND + " - " + android.os.Build.DEVICE);
// HTC evo 4G
if (android.os.Build.PRODUCT.equalsIgnoreCase("htc_supersonic")) {
return true;
// ZTE joe
if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("joe")) {
return true;
// Samsung GT-S5830
if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.toUpperCase().startsWith("GT-S")) {
return true;
if (!isCompatible(4)) {
// If android 1.5, force routing api use
return true;
} else {
return false;
public static boolean shouldUseModeApi() {
// ZTE blade et joe
if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("blade") || android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("joe")) {
return true;
// Samsung GT-S5360 GT-S5830 GT-S6102 ... probably all..
if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.toUpperCase().startsWith("GT-") || android.os.Build.PRODUCT.toUpperCase().startsWith("GT-")
|| android.os.Build.DEVICE.toUpperCase().startsWith("YP-")) {
return true;
// HTC evo 4G
if (android.os.Build.PRODUCT.equalsIgnoreCase("htc_supersonic")) {
return true;
// LG P500, Optimus V
if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.toLowerCase().startsWith("thunder")) {
return true;
// LG-E720(b)
if (android.os.Build.MODEL.toUpperCase().startsWith("LG-E720") && !Compatibility.isCompatible(9)) {
return true;
// LG-LS840
if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.toLowerCase().startsWith("cayman")) {
return true;
// Huawei
if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("U8150") || android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("U8110")
|| android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("U8120") || android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("U8100")
|| android.os.Build.PRODUCT.equalsIgnoreCase("U8655")) {
return true;
// Moto defy mini
if (android.os.Build.MODEL.equalsIgnoreCase("XT320")) {
return true;
// Alcatel
if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.toUpperCase().startsWith("ONE_TOUCH_993D")) {
return true;
// N4
if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.toUpperCase().startsWith("MAKO")) {
return true;
return false;
public static String guessInCallMode() {
// New api for 2.3.3 is not available on galaxy S II :(
if (!isCompatible(11) && android.os.Build.DEVICE.toUpperCase().startsWith("GT-I9100")) {
return Integer.toString(AudioManager.MODE_NORMAL);
if (android.os.Build.BRAND.equalsIgnoreCase("sdg") || isCompatible(10)) {
// Note that in APIs this is only available from level 11.
return "3";
if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("blade")) {
return Integer.toString(AudioManager.MODE_IN_CALL);
if (!isCompatible(5)) {
return Integer.toString(AudioManager.MODE_IN_CALL);
return Integer.toString(AudioManager.MODE_NORMAL);
public static String getDefaultMicroSource() {
// Except for galaxy S II :(
if (!isCompatible(11) && android.os.Build.DEVICE.toUpperCase().startsWith("GT-I9100")) {
return Integer.toString(AudioSource.MIC);
if (isCompatible(10)) {
// Note that in APIs this is only available from level 11.
return Integer.toString(0x7);
* Too risky in terms of regressions else if (isCompatible(4)) { // VOICE_CALL return 0x4; }
* if(android.os.Build.MODEL.equalsIgnoreCase("X10i")) { // VOICE_CALL return Integer.toString(0x4); }
* Not relevant anymore, atrix I tested sounds fine with that if(android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("olympus")) { //Motorola atrix bug
* // CAMCORDER return Integer.toString(0x5); }
return Integer.toString(AudioSource.DEFAULT);
public static String getDefaultFrequency() {
if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("olympus")) {
// Atrix bug
return "32000";
if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.toUpperCase().equals("GT-P1010")) {
// Galaxy tab see issue 932
return "32000";
return isCompatible(4) ? "16000" : "8000";
public static String getCpuAbi() {
if (isCompatible(4)) {
Field field;
try {
field = android.os.Build.class.getField("CPU_ABI");
return field.get(null).toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.w(THIS_FILE, "Announce to be android 1.6 but no CPU ABI field", e);
return "armeabi";
public final static int getNumCores() {
// Private Class to display only CPU devices in the directory listing
class CpuFilter implements FileFilter {
public boolean accept(File pathname) {
// Check if filename is "cpu", followed by a single digit number
if (Pattern.matches("cpu[0-9]", pathname.getName())) {
return true;
return false;
try {
// Get directory containing CPU info
File dir = new File("/sys/devices/system/cpu/");
// Filter to only list the devices we care about
File[] files = dir.listFiles(new CpuFilter());
// Return the number of cores (virtual CPU devices)
return files.length;
} catch (Exception e) {
return Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
private static boolean needPspWorkaround() {
// New api for 2.3 does not work on Incredible S
if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("vivo")) {
return true;
// New API for android 2.3 should be able to manage this but do only for
// honeycomb cause seems not correctly supported by all yet
if (isCompatible(11)) {
return false;
// All htc except....
if (android.os.Build.PRODUCT.toLowerCase().startsWith("htc") || android.os.Build.BRAND.toLowerCase().startsWith("htc")
|| android.os.Build.PRODUCT.toLowerCase().equalsIgnoreCase("inc") /*
* For Incredible
|| android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("passion") /* N1 */) {
if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("hero") /* HTC HERO */
|| android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("magic") /*
* Magic Aka Dev G2
|| android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("tatoo") /* Tatoo */
|| android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("dream") /*
* Dream Aka Dev G1
|| android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("legend") /* Legend */
) {
return false;
// Older than 2.3 has no chance to have the new full perf wifi mode
// working since does not exists
if (!isCompatible(9)) {
return true;
} else {
// N1 is fine with that
if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("passion")) {
return false;
return true;
// Dell streak
if (android.os.Build.BRAND.toLowerCase().startsWith("dell") && android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("streak")) {
return true;
// Motorola milestone 1 and 2 & motorola droid & defy not under 2.3
if ((android.os.Build.DEVICE.toLowerCase().contains("milestone2") || android.os.Build.BOARD.toLowerCase().contains("sholes")
|| android.os.Build.PRODUCT.toLowerCase().contains("sholes") || android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("olympus") || android.os.Build.DEVICE
.toLowerCase().contains("umts_jordan")) && !isCompatible(9)) {
return true;
// Moto defy mini
if (android.os.Build.MODEL.equalsIgnoreCase("XT320")) {
return true;
// Alcatel ONE touch
if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.startsWith("one_touch_990")) {
return true;
return false;
private static boolean needToneWorkaround() {
if (android.os.Build.PRODUCT.toLowerCase().startsWith("gt-i5800") || android.os.Build.PRODUCT.toLowerCase().startsWith("gt-i5801")
|| android.os.Build.PRODUCT.toLowerCase().startsWith("gt-i9003")) {
return true;
return false;
private static boolean needSGSWorkaround() {
if (isCompatible(9)) {
return false;
if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.toUpperCase().startsWith("GT-I9000") || android.os.Build.DEVICE.toUpperCase().startsWith("GT-P1000")) {
return true;
return false;
private static boolean needWebRTCImplementation() {
if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.toLowerCase().contains("droid2")) {
return true;
if (android.os.Build.MODEL.toLowerCase().contains("droid bionic")) {
return true;
if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.toLowerCase().contains("sunfire")) {
return true;
// Huawei Y300
if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("U8833")) {
return true;
return false;
public static boolean shouldSetupAudioBeforeInit() {
// Setup for GT / GS samsung devices.
if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.toLowerCase().startsWith("gt-") || android.os.Build.PRODUCT.toLowerCase().startsWith("gt-")) {
return true;
return false;
private static boolean shouldFocusAudio() {
/* HTC One X */
if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.toLowerCase().startsWith("endeavoru") || android.os.Build.DEVICE.toLowerCase().startsWith("evita")) {
return false;
if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.toUpperCase().startsWith("GT-P7510") && isCompatible(15)) {
return false;
return true;
// private static int getDefaultAudioImplementation() {
// // Acer A510
// if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.toLowerCase().startsWith("picasso")) {
// return SipConfigManager.AUDIO_IMPLEMENTATION_JAVA;
// }
// if (Compatibility.isCompatible(11)) {
// }
// if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("ST25i") && Compatibility.isCompatible(10)) {
// }
// if (android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("u8510") && Compatibility.isCompatible(10)) {
// }
// return SipConfigManager.AUDIO_IMPLEMENTATION_JAVA;
// }
public static boolean useFlipAnimation() {
if (android.os.Build.BRAND.equalsIgnoreCase("archos") && android.os.Build.DEVICE.equalsIgnoreCase("g7a")) {
return false;
return true;
public static Intent getContactPhoneIntent() {
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK);
* intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT); intent.setType(Contacts.Phones.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE);
if (isCompatible(5)) {
// Don't use constant to allow backward compat simply
} else {
// Fallback for android 4
return intent;
public static boolean isTabletScreen(Context ctxt) {
boolean isTablet = false;
if (!isCompatible(4)) {
return false;
Configuration cfg = ctxt.getResources().getConfiguration();
int screenLayoutVal = 0;
try {
Field f = Configuration.class.getDeclaredField("screenLayout");
screenLayoutVal = (Integer) f.get(cfg);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
int screenLayout = (screenLayoutVal & 0xF);
// 0xF = SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_MASK but avoid 1.5 incompat doing that
if (screenLayout == 0x3 || screenLayout == 0x4) {
// 0x3 = SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_LARGE but avoid 1.5 incompat doing that
// 0x4 = SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE_XLARGE but avoid 1.5 incompat doing that
isTablet = true;
return isTablet;
public static int getHomeMenuId() {
return 0x0102002c;
// return;
public static boolean isInstalledOnSdCard(Context context) {
// check for API level 8 and higher
if (Compatibility.isCompatible(8)) {
PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();
try {
PackageInfo pi = pm.getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0);
ApplicationInfo ai = pi.applicationInfo;
return (ai.flags & 0x00040000 /*
*/) == 0x00040000 /*
} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
// ignore
// check for API level 7 - check files dir
try {
String filesDir = context.getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath();
if (filesDir.startsWith("/data/")) {
return false;
} else if (filesDir.contains(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath())) {
return true;
} catch (Throwable e) {
// ignore
return false;