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// Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Open Source Telecom Corporation.
// Copyright (C) 2006-2010 David Sugar, Tycho Softworks.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
// library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
// templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
// this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
// file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
// the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
// invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
// the GNU General Public License.
// This exception applies only to the code released under the name GNU
// Common C++. If you copy code from other releases into a copy of GNU
// Common C++, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
// not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading
// anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
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// If you write modifications of your own for GNU Common C++, it is your choice
// whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
// If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.
* @file persist.h
* @short Persistence library classes.
#ifndef CCXX_CONFIG_H_
#include <cc++/config.h>
#include <cc++/exception.h>
#include <cc++/missing.h>
#ifndef CCXX_STRING_H_
#include <cc++/string.h>
#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
#include <zlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
namespace ost {
#define NS_PREFIX ost::
#define NS_PREFIX
class __EXPORT PersistException : public Exception
PersistException(const String &what) : Exception(what) {};
class __EXPORT PersistException
PersistException(const String& reason);
inline const String& getString() const
{return Exception::getString();};
virtual ~PersistException() {} throw();
String _what;
// This typedef allows us to declare NewBaseObjectFunction now
typedef class BaseObject* (*NewBaseObjectFunction) (void);
* This class manages the types for generation of the persistent objects.
* Its data structures are managed automatically by the system. They are
* implicitly filled by the constructors who declare classes to the system.
* @author Daniel Silverstone
* @short Type manager for persistence engine.
class __EXPORT TypeManager
* This manages a registration to the typemanager - attempting to
* remove problems with the optimisers
class Registration
Registration(const char* name, NewBaseObjectFunction func);
virtual ~Registration();
String myName;
* This adds a new construction function to the type manager
static void add(const char* name, NewBaseObjectFunction construction);
* And this one removes a type from the managers lists
static void remove(const char* name);
* This function creates a new object of the required type and
* returns a pointer to it. NULL is returned if we couldn't find
* the type
static BaseObject* createInstanceOf(const char* name);
typedef std::map<String,NewBaseObjectFunction> StringFunctionMap;
* The following defines are used to declare and define the relevant code
* to allow a class to use the Persistence::Engine code.
#define DECLARE_PERSISTENCE(ClassType) \
public: \
friend NS_PREFIX Engine& operator>>( NS_PREFIX Engine& ar, ClassType *&ob); \
friend NS_PREFIX Engine& operator<<( NS_PREFIX Engine& ar, ClassType const &ob); \
friend NS_PREFIX BaseObject *createNew##ClassType(); \
virtual const char* getPersistenceID() const; \
static NS_PREFIX TypeManager::Registration registrationFor##ClassType;
#define IMPLEMENT_PERSISTENCE(ClassType, FullyQualifiedName) \
NS_PREFIX BaseObject *createNew##ClassType() { return new ClassType; } \
const char* ClassType::getPersistenceID() const {return FullyQualifiedName;} \
NS_PREFIX Engine& operator>>(NS_PREFIX Engine& ar, ClassType &ob) \
{ ar >> (NS_PREFIX BaseObject &) ob; return ar; } \
NS_PREFIX Engine& operator>>(NS_PREFIX Engine& ar, ClassType *&ob) \
{ ar >> (NS_PREFIX BaseObject *&) ob; return ar; } \
NS_PREFIX Engine& operator<<(NS_PREFIX Engine& ar, ClassType const &ob) \
{ ar << (NS_PREFIX BaseObject const *)&ob; return ar; } \
NS_PREFIX TypeManager::Registration \
ClassType::registrationFor##ClassType(FullyQualifiedName, \
class Engine;
* BaseObject
* This object is the base for all Persistent data which is not
* natively serialised by the Persistence::Engine
* It registers itself with the Persistence::TypeManager
* using a global constructor function. A matching deregister call
* is made in a global destructor, to allow DLL's to use the
* Persistence::Engine in a main executable.
* Persistable objects must never maintain bad pointers. If a pointer
* doesn't point to something valid, it must be NULL. This is so
* the persistence engine knows whether to allocate memory for an object
* or whether the memory has been pre-allocated.
* @author Daniel Silverstone
* @short Base class for classes that will be persistent.
class __EXPORT BaseObject
* This constructor is used in serialisation processes.
* It is called in CreateNewInstance in order to create
* an instance of the class to have Read() called on it.
* Default destructor
virtual ~BaseObject();
* This returns the ID of the persistent object (Its type)
virtual const char* getPersistenceID() const;
* This method is used to write to the Persistence::Engine
* It is not equivalent to the << operator as it writes only the data
* and not the object type etc.
virtual bool write(Engine& archive) const;
* This method is used to read from a Persistence::Engine
* It is not equivalent to the >> operator as it does no
* typesafety or anything.
virtual bool read(Engine& archive);
* Engine
* This class constructs on a standard C++ STL stream and then
* operates in the mode specified. The stream passed into the
* constructor must be a binary mode to function properly.
* @author Daniel Silverstone
* @short stream serialization of persistent classes.
class __EXPORT Engine
* These are the modes the Persistence::Engine can work in
enum EngineMode {
* Constructs a Persistence::Engine with the specified stream in
* the given mode. The stream must be initialised properly prior
* to this call or problems will ensue. If built using zlib compress
* can be used to enable compression
Engine(std::iostream& stream, EngineMode mode, bool compress=true) THROWS (PersistException);
* This Flushes the buffers and closes the Persistence::Engine
* this must happen before the underlying stream is shut down
void sync();
* This says there are more objects to deserialize
bool more();
virtual ~Engine();
// Write operations
* writes a BaseObject from a reference.
void write(const BaseObject &object) THROWS (PersistException)
{ write(&object); };
* writes a BaseObject from a pointer.
void write(const BaseObject *object) THROWS (PersistException);
// writes supported primitive types
// shortcut, to make the following more readable
#define CCXX_ENGINEWRITE_REF(valref) writeBinary((const uint8*)&valref,sizeof(valref))
void write(int8 i) THROWS (PersistException) { CCXX_ENGINEWRITE_REF(i); }
void write(uint8 i) THROWS (PersistException) { CCXX_ENGINEWRITE_REF(i); }
void write(int16 i) THROWS (PersistException) { CCXX_ENGINEWRITE_REF(i); }
void write(uint16 i) THROWS (PersistException) { CCXX_ENGINEWRITE_REF(i); }
void write(int32 i) THROWS (PersistException) { CCXX_ENGINEWRITE_REF(i); }
void write(uint32 i) THROWS (PersistException) { CCXX_ENGINEWRITE_REF(i); }
#ifdef HAVE_64_BITS
void write(int64 i) THROWS (PersistException) { CCXX_ENGINEWRITE_REF(i); }
void write(uint64 i) THROWS (PersistException) { CCXX_ENGINEWRITE_REF(i); }
void write(float i) THROWS (PersistException) { CCXX_ENGINEWRITE_REF(i); }
void write(double i) THROWS (PersistException) { CCXX_ENGINEWRITE_REF(i); }
void write(const String& str) THROWS (PersistException);
void write(const std::string& str) THROWS (PersistException);
// Every write operation boils down to one or more of these
void writeBinary(const uint8* data, const uint32 size) THROWS (PersistException);
// Read Operations
* reads a BaseObject into a reference overwriting the object.
void read(BaseObject &object) THROWS (PersistException);
* reads a BaseObject into a pointer allocating memory for the object if necessary.
void read(BaseObject *&object) THROWS (PersistException);
// reads supported primitive types
// shortcut, to make the following more readable
#define CCXX_ENGINEREAD_REF(valref) readBinary((uint8*)&valref,sizeof(valref))
void read(int8& i) THROWS (PersistException) { CCXX_ENGINEREAD_REF(i); }
void read(uint8& i) THROWS (PersistException) { CCXX_ENGINEREAD_REF(i); }
void read(int16& i) THROWS (PersistException) { CCXX_ENGINEREAD_REF(i); }
void read(uint16& i) THROWS (PersistException) { CCXX_ENGINEREAD_REF(i); }
void read(int32& i) THROWS (PersistException) { CCXX_ENGINEREAD_REF(i); }
void read(uint32& i) THROWS (PersistException) { CCXX_ENGINEREAD_REF(i); }
#ifdef HAVE_64_BITS
void read(int64& i) THROWS (PersistException) { CCXX_ENGINEREAD_REF(i); }
void read(uint64& i) THROWS (PersistException) { CCXX_ENGINEREAD_REF(i); }
void read(float& i) THROWS (PersistException) { CCXX_ENGINEREAD_REF(i); }
void read(double& i) THROWS (PersistException) { CCXX_ENGINEREAD_REF(i); }
void read(String& str) THROWS (PersistException);
void read(std::string& str) THROWS (PersistException);
// Every read operation boild down to one or more of these
void readBinary(uint8* data, uint32 size) THROWS (PersistException);
* reads the actual object data into a pre-instantiated object pointer
* by calling the read function of the derived class.
void readObject(BaseObject* object) THROWS (PersistException);
* reads in a class name, and caches it into the ClassMap.
const String readClass() THROWS (PersistException);
* The underlying stream
std::iostream& myUnderlyingStream;
* The mode of the engine. read or write
EngineMode myOperationalMode;
* Typedefs for the Persistence::BaseObject support
typedef std::vector<BaseObject*> ArchiveVector;
typedef std::map<BaseObject const*, int32> ArchiveMap;
typedef std::vector<String> ClassVector;
typedef std::map<String, int32> ClassMap;
ArchiveVector myArchiveVector;
ArchiveMap myArchiveMap;
ClassVector myClassVector;
ClassMap myClassMap;
// Compression support
bool use_compression; // valid onlry if NO_COMPRESSION is false
z_stream myZStream;
uint8* myCompressedDataBuffer;
uint8* myUncompressedDataBuffer;
uint8* myLastUncompressedDataRead;
// Standard >> and << stream operators for BaseObject
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, BaseObject &ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, BaseObject *&ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, BaseObject const &ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, BaseObject const *ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, int8& ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, int8 ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, uint8& ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, uint8 ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, int16& ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, int16 ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, uint16& ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, uint16 ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, int32& ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, int32 ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, uint32& ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, uint32 ob) THROWS (PersistException);
#ifdef HAVE_64_BITS
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, int64& ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, int64 ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, uint64& ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, uint64 ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, float& ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, float ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, double& ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, double ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, String& ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, String ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, std::string& ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, std::string ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, bool& ob) THROWS (PersistException);
/** @relates Engine */
__EXPORT Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, bool ob) THROWS (PersistException);
* The following are templated classes
* @relates Engine
* serialize a vector of some serializable content to
* the engine
template<class T>
Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, typename std::vector<T> const& ob) THROWS (PersistException)
ar << (uint32)ob.size();
for(unsigned int i=0; i < ob.size(); ++i)
ar << ob[i];
return ar;
* @relates Engine
* deserialize a vector of deserializable content from
* an engine.
template<class T>
Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, typename std::vector<T>& ob) THROWS (PersistException)
uint32 siz;
ar >> siz;
for(uint32 i=0; i < siz; ++i)
ar >> ob[i];
return ar;
* @relates Engine
* serialize a deque of some serializable content to
* the engine
template<class T>
Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, typename std::deque<T> const& ob) THROWS (PersistException)
ar << (uint32)ob.size();
for(typename std::deque<T>::const_iterator it=ob.begin(); it != ob.end(); ++it)
ar << *it;
return ar;
* @relates Engine
* deserialize a deque of deserializable content from
* an engine.
template<class T>
Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, typename std::deque<T>& ob) THROWS (PersistException)
uint32 siz;
ar >> siz;
for(uint32 i=0; i < siz; ++i) {
T node;
ar >> node;
//ar >> ob[i];
return ar;
* @relates Engine
* serialize a map with keys/values which both are serializeable
* to an engine.
template<class Key, class Value>
Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, typename std::map<Key,Value> const & ob) THROWS (PersistException)
ar << (uint32)ob.size();
for(typename std::map<Key,Value>::const_iterator it = ob.begin();it != ob.end();++it)
ar << it->first << it->second;
return ar;
* @relates Engine
* deserialize a map with keys/values which both are serializeable
* from an engine.
template<class Key, class Value>
Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, typename std::map<Key,Value>& ob) THROWS (PersistException)
uint32 siz;
ar >> siz;
for(uint32 i=0; i < siz; ++i) {
Key a;
ar >> a;
ar >> ob[a];
return ar;
* @relates Engine
* serialize a pair of some serializable content to the engine.
template<class x, class y>
Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, std::pair<x,y> &ob) THROWS (PersistException)
ar << ob.first << ob.second;
return ar;
* @relates Engine
* deserialize a pair of some serializable content to the engine.
template<class x, class y>
Engine& operator >>(Engine& ar, std::pair<x, y> &ob) THROWS (PersistException)
ar >> ob.first >> ob.second;
return ar;
/** EMACS **
* Local variables:
* mode: c++
* c-basic-offset: 4
* End: