blob: 3f07d0f3175ade9f33ebbd7d94bc54f64cfcf0bd [file] [log] [blame]
* This class demonstrates use of the CommonC++ SocketPort class.
* Copyright 2001 - Nick Liebmann <>
* This sample code is distributed under the same terms and conditions of the CommonC++ library.
#include <cc++/socketport.h>
using namespace ost;
using namespace std;
#define MAX_RXBUF 32768 /**< Specifies the maximum number of bytes in a 'packet' */
#define MAX_RXTIMEOUT 10000 /**< Specifies how long we will wait for a complete packet */
#define DISCONNECT_MS 500 /**< Specifies the timeout for the diconnect timer */
class SampleSocketPort : public SocketPort
SampleSocketPort(SocketService *pService, TCPSocket & tcpSocket);
virtual ~SampleSocketPort();
* Overridden from class SocketPort.
* Called when data is available in the receive buffer.
virtual void pending();
* Overridden from class SocketPort.
* Called when the socket has been disconnected from the client-side.
* Under some conditions this function is NOT called, which is why we have
* some additional disconnection functionality within pending().
virtual void disconnect(void);
* Overridden from class SocketPort.
* This function is called by the system when our timer expires.
* We use the timer for 2 things:
* 1) To determine whether reception has timed out. (Timer started in pending())
* 2) To call CloseInterface to safely destroy the port.
virtual void expired(void);
* This function will send the specified number of bytes, or the whole string
* (without the terminating '\0')
bool WriteData(const char *szTxData, const size_t nByteCount = -1);
* Our function to provide uniform closure of the Socket.
* Can be called from the outside!
bool CloseSocket(void);
* This function should be called from pending() when the first bytes of our
* data has been received. If the complete data has not been received by the time
* this expires we consider this an error.
void ResetReadTimeout(timeout_t timeout) {
m_bTimedOut = false;
* This function should be use in the event of a reception error, to flush out
* the receive buffer.
void FlushRxData(void) {
while(receive(m_pBuf, MAX_RXBUF) > 0);
cerr << "FLUSHED" << endl;
* Some virtual function placeholders.....
* This function is called just before the port is closed.
* Do not send any data from this function!
virtual void OnConnectionClosed(void) {
cerr << "Connection Closed!" << endl;
* Called when the receive timeout occurs
virtual void OnRxTimeout(void) {
cerr << "Receive timeout occurred" << endl;
* Called when a 'packet' of data has been received.
virtual void OnDataReceived(char *pszData, unsigned int nByteCount) {
bool m_bOpen; /**< Flag set to true while Socket is open */
bool m_bDoDisconnect; /**< Flag set to true when disconnection event has occurred */
bool m_bTimedOut; /**< Flag set to true when reception has timed out */
bool m_bReceptionStarted; /**< Flag set to true when the first bytes of a transmission have arrived */
int m_nLastBytesAvail; /**< Count of last number of bytes received in pending() */
char *m_pBuf; /**< Buffer used to store received data for parsing */
* Little utility function for sending data to the client.
* @return Number of bytes sent to client
ssize_t DoSend(void *buf, size_t len);
* This class implements a Thread that manages a SocketService. Simply
* create an instance of this class with the specified address and port, and
* signal the semaphore when you want it to start.
* A new SampleSocketPort object will be created for every connection that arrives.
class SampleSocketServiceServer : public virtual TCPSocket, public virtual Thread
SampleSocketServiceServer(InetHostAddress & machine, int port) :
TCPSocket(machine, port), Thread(), m_bQuitServer(true) {
m_pSocketService = new SocketService(0);
virtual ~SampleSocketServiceServer()
{ terminate(); delete m_pSocketService; }
virtual void run(void) {
m_bQuitServer = false;
while(!m_bQuitServer) {
try {
// new does all the work to accept a new connection
// and attach itself to the SocketService.
CreateSocketPort(m_pSocketService, *((TCPSocket *)this));
catch ( ... ) {
// Bummer - there was an error.
cerr << "SampleSocketPort create failed\n";
* This abstract function is used to create a SocketPort of the desired type.
virtual SocketPort *CreateSocketPort(SocketService *pService, TCPSocket & Socket) = 0;
virtual void StartServer() {
m_bQuitServer = true;
while(m_bQuitServer) {
* If the server is not stopped like this then the SocketPort created in CreateSocketPort
* is leaked. This allows it to complete construction, and be deleted cleanly.
virtual void StopServer() {
m_bQuitServer = true;
InetHostAddress host;
tpport_t port;
host = getLocal(&port);
//This is required so that CreateSocketPort can return.
TCPStream strm(host, port);
SocketService *m_pSocketService;
bool m_bQuitServer;
Mutex waitMutex;