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// Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Open Source Telecom Corporation.
// Copyright (C) 2006-2010 David Sugar, Tycho Softworks.
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* @file commoncpp/udp.h
* @short udp derived socket classes.
#include <cstdio>
#include <commoncpp/config.h>
#include <commoncpp/string.h>
#include <commoncpp/address.h>
#include <commoncpp/socket.h>
* DCCP sockets are used for stream based connected sessions between two
* sockets. Both error recovery and flow control operate transparently
* for a DCCP socket connection. The DCCP socket base class is used both
* for client connections and to bind a DCCP "server" for accepting DCCP
* streams.
* An implicit and unique DCCPSocket object exists in Common C++ to represent
* a bound DCCP socket acting as a "server" for receiving connection requests.
* This class is not part of DCCPStream because such objects normally perform
* no physical I/O (read or write operations) other than to specify a listen
* backlog queue and perform "accept" operations for pending connections.
* The Common C++ DCCPSocket offers a Peek method to examine where the next
* pending connection is coming from, and a Reject method to flush the next
* request from the queue without having to create a session.
* The DCCPSocket also supports a "OnAccept" method which can be called when a
* DCCPStream related object is created from a DCCPSocket. By creating a
* DCCPStream from a DCCPSocket, an accept operation automatically occurs, and
* the DCCPSocket can then still reject the client connection through the
* return status of it's OnAccept method.
* @author Leandro Sales <>
* @author Heverton Stuart <>
* @short bound server for DCCP streams and sessions.
class __EXPORT DCCPSocket : public Socket
union {
struct sockaddr_in ipv4;
#ifdef CCXX_IPV6
struct sockaddr_in6 ipv6;
} peer;
Family family;
* A method to call in a derived DCCPSocket class that is acting
* as a server when a connection request is being accepted. The
* server can implement protocol specific rules to exclude the
* remote socket from being accepted by returning false. The
* Peek method can also be used for this purpose.
* @return true if client should be accepted.
* @param ia internet host address of the client.
* @param port number of the client.
virtual bool onAccept(const IPV4Host &ia, tpport_t port);
#ifdef CCXX_IPV6
virtual bool onAccept(const IPV6Host &ia, tpport_t port);
virtual IPV4Host getIPV4Sender(tpport_t *port = NULL) const;
#ifdef CCXX_IPV6
virtual IPV6Host getIPV6Sender(tpport_t *port = NULL) const;
* A DCCP "server" is created as a DCCP socket that is bound
* to a hardware address and port number on the local machine
* and that has a backlog queue to listen for remote connection
* requests. If the server cannot be created, an exception is
* thrown.
* @param bind local ip address or interface to use.
* @param port number to bind socket under.
* @param backlog size of connection request queue.
DCCPSocket(const IPV4Address &bind, tpport_t port, unsigned backlog = 5);
#ifdef CCXX_IPV6
DCCPSocket(const IPV6Address &bind, tpport_t port, unsigned backlog = 5);
* Create a named dccp socket by service and/or interface id.
* For IPV4 we use [host:]svc or [host/]svc for the string.
* If we have getaddrinfo, we use that to obtain the addr to
* bind for.
* @param name of host interface and service port to bind.
* @param backlog size of connection request queue.
DCCPSocket(const char *name, Family family = IPV4, unsigned backlog = 5);
* Create an unconnected ephemeral DCCP client socket.
DCCPSocket(Family family = IPV4);
* Create a server session by accepting a DCCP Socket.
DCCPSocket(DCCPSocket& server, timeout_t timeout = 0);
* Used to reject the next incoming connection request.
void reject(void);
* Disconnect active dccp connection (client use).
void disconnect(void);
bool setCCID(uint8_t ccid);
int getTxCCID();
int getRxCCID();
* Return number of bytes to be read
size_t available();
* Create a DCCP client connection to a DCCP socket (on
* a remote machine).
* @param host address of remote DCCP server.
* @param port number to connect.
void connect(const IPV4Host &host, tpport_t port, timeout_t timeout = 0);
#ifdef CCXX_IPV6
void connect(const IPV6Host &host, tpport_t port, timeout_t timeout = 0);
* Connect to a named client.
void connect(const char *name);
* Used to wait for pending connection requests.
* @return true if data packets available.
* @param timeout in milliseconds. TIMEOUT_INF if not specified.
inline bool isPendingConnection(timeout_t timeout = TIMEOUT_INF) /* not const -- jfc */
{return Socket::isPending(Socket::pendingInput, timeout);}
* Use base socket handler for ending this socket.
virtual ~DCCPSocket();