blob: fd740732565098f6c53d991166fb0f905be606fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Open Source Telecom Corporation.
// Copyright (C) 2006-2010 David Sugar, Tycho Softworks.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
// library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
// templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
// this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
// file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
// the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
// invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
// the GNU General Public License.
// This exception applies only to the code released under the name GNU
// Common C++. If you copy code from other releases into a copy of GNU
// Common C++, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
// not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading
// anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
// this exception notice from them.
// If you write modifications of your own for GNU Common C++, it is your choice
// whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
// If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.
#include <cc++/config.h>
#include <cc++/string.h>
#include <cc++/exception.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1300
#include <cc++/export.h>
#include <cc++/persist.h>
#include "assert.h"
namespace ost {
using namespace std;
const uint32 MAX_BUFFER = 16384;
* NullObject is a const uint32 which is the ID streamed to disk
* if an attempt to stream a NULL Persistence::BaseObject or
* Derivative is made...
const uint32 NullObject = 0xffffffff;
Engine::Engine(std::iostream& stream, EngineMode mode, bool compress) THROWS (PersistException) :
myUnderlyingStream(stream), myOperationalMode(mode), use_compression(compress)
// Nothing else to initialise for now
if ( use_compression ) {
myZStream.zalloc = ( alloc_func ) NULL;
myZStream.zfree = ( free_func ) NULL;
myZStream.opaque = ( voidpf ) NULL;
myCompressedDataBuffer = new uint8[MAX_BUFFER];
myUncompressedDataBuffer = new uint8[MAX_BUFFER];
myLastUncompressedDataRead = myUncompressedDataBuffer;
if ( myOperationalMode == modeRead ) {
myZStream.next_in = myCompressedDataBuffer;
myZStream.next_out = myUncompressedDataBuffer;
myZStream.avail_in = 0;
myZStream.avail_out = MAX_BUFFER;
int err = inflateInit ( &myZStream );
if ( err != Z_OK ) {
THROW ( PersistException ( String ( "zLib didn't initialise for inflating." ) ) );
else {
myZStream.next_in = myUncompressedDataBuffer;
myZStream.next_out = myCompressedDataBuffer;
myZStream.avail_in = 0;
myZStream.avail_out = MAX_BUFFER;
int err = deflateInit ( &myZStream, 9 ); // TODO: tweak compression level
if ( err != Z_OK ) {
THROW ( PersistException ( String ( "zLib didn't initialise for deflating." ) ) );
bool Engine::more()
if ( use_compression && myOperationalMode == modeRead )
return ( myLastUncompressedDataRead < myZStream.next_out );
return false;
void Engine::sync()
// Flush compression buffers etc here.
if ( use_compression ) {
if ( myOperationalMode == modeRead ) {
inflateEnd ( &myZStream );
else {
int zret = Z_OK;
while ( myZStream.avail_in > 0 || zret == Z_OK ) {
zret = deflate ( &myZStream, Z_FINISH );
if ( myZStream.avail_out >= 0 ) {
myUnderlyingStream.write ( ( char* ) myCompressedDataBuffer, MAX_BUFFER - myZStream.avail_out );
myZStream.next_out = myCompressedDataBuffer;
myZStream.avail_out = MAX_BUFFER;
deflateEnd ( &myZStream );
if ( myUnderlyingStream.good() )
if ( use_compression ) {
delete [] myCompressedDataBuffer;
delete [] myUncompressedDataBuffer;
void Engine::writeBinary(const uint8* data, const uint32 size) THROWS (PersistException)
if ( myOperationalMode != modeWrite )
THROW (PersistException( "Cannot write to an input Engine" ));
myUnderlyingStream.write((const char *)data,size);
if (use_compression) {
// Compress the data here and doit :)
uint32 written = 0;
while ( written < size ) {
// transfer as much information as we can into the input buffer.
if ( myZStream.avail_in < MAX_BUFFER ) {
uint32 toAdd = size - written;
if ( toAdd > ( MAX_BUFFER - myZStream.avail_in ) )
toAdd = ( MAX_BUFFER - myZStream.avail_in );
memcpy ( myZStream.next_in + myZStream.avail_in, data + written, toAdd );
written += toAdd;
myZStream.avail_in += toAdd;
if ( myZStream.avail_in < MAX_BUFFER )
return; // We have not filled the buffer, so let's carry on streaming
// We have a full input buffer, so we compressit.
while ( myZStream.avail_in > 0 ) {
deflate ( &myZStream, 0 );
if ( myZStream.avail_out == 0 ) {
// We filled the output buffer, let's stream it
myUnderlyingStream.write ( ( char* ) myCompressedDataBuffer, MAX_BUFFER );
myZStream.next_out = myCompressedDataBuffer;
myZStream.avail_out = MAX_BUFFER;
// Repeat whilst the input buffer isn't flushed
// Now we have flushed the input buffer we can reset it
myZStream.avail_in = 0;
myZStream.next_in = myUncompressedDataBuffer;
else {
myUnderlyingStream.write ( ( const char * ) data, size );
void Engine::readBinary(uint8* data, uint32 size) THROWS (PersistException)
if ( myOperationalMode != modeRead )
THROW (PersistException( "Cannot read from an output Engine" ));
#ifdef NO_COMPRESSION *)data,size);
if ( use_compression ) {
uint32 read = 0;
while ( read < size ) {
// If we have any data left in the uncompressed buffer - use it
if ( myLastUncompressedDataRead < myZStream.next_out ) {
uint32 toRead = size - read;
if ( toRead > ( uint32 ) ( myZStream.next_out - myLastUncompressedDataRead ) )
toRead = ( myZStream.next_out - myLastUncompressedDataRead );
memcpy ( data + read, myLastUncompressedDataRead, toRead );
myLastUncompressedDataRead += toRead;
read += toRead;
if ( read == size )
return; // We have read all we need to
// Reset the stream for the next block of data
myLastUncompressedDataRead = myUncompressedDataBuffer;
myZStream.next_out = myUncompressedDataBuffer;
myZStream.avail_out = MAX_BUFFER;
// Next we have to deal such that, until we have a full output buffer,
// (Or we run out of input)
if ( myUnderlyingStream.good() ) {
while ( myUnderlyingStream.good() && myZStream.avail_out > 0 ) {
// Right then, if we have run out of input, fetch another chunk
if ( myZStream.avail_in == 0 ) {
myZStream.next_in = myCompressedDataBuffer; ( ( char* ) myCompressedDataBuffer, MAX_BUFFER );
myZStream.avail_in = myUnderlyingStream.gcount();
inflate ( &myZStream, 0 );
// Oh dear - we ran out of input on the buffer.
// Maybe we can still inflate some
inflate ( &myZStream, 0 );
if ( myZStream.avail_out == MAX_BUFFER )
THROW ( PersistException ( String ( "Oh dear - ran out of input" ) ) );
else { ( ( char * ) data, size );
* note, does not (yet?) throw an exception, but interface
* prepared ..
void Engine::write(const BaseObject *object) THROWS (PersistException)
// Pre-step, if object is NULL, then don't serialise it - serialise a
// marker to say that it is null.
// as ID's are uint32's, NullObject will do nicely for the task
if (object == NULL) {
uint32 id = NullObject;
// First off - has this Object been serialised already?
ArchiveMap::const_iterator itor = myArchiveMap.find(object);
if (itor == myArchiveMap.end()) {
// Unfortunately we need to serialise it - here we go ....
uint32 id = (uint32)myArchiveMap.size();
myArchiveMap[object] = id; // bumps id automatically for next one
ClassMap::const_iterator classItor = myClassMap.find(object->getPersistenceID());
if (classItor == myClassMap.end()) {
uint32 classId = (uint32)myClassMap.size();
myClassMap[object->getPersistenceID()] = classId;
else {
String majik;
majik = "OBST";
majik = "OBEN";
else {
// This object has been serialised, so just pop its ID out
* reads in a BaseObject into a reference (pre-instantiated object)
void Engine::read(BaseObject &object) THROWS (PersistException)
uint32 id = 0;
if (id == NullObject)
THROW (PersistException("Object Id should not be NULL when unpersisting to a reference"));
// Do we already have this object in memory?
if (id < myArchiveVector.size()) {
object = *(myArchiveVector[id]);
// Okay - read the identifier for the class in...
// we won't need it later since this object is already allocated
// Okay then - we can read data straight into this object
* reads in a BaseObject into a pointer allocating if the pointer is NULL
void Engine::read(BaseObject *&object) THROWS (PersistException)
uint32 id = 0;
// Is the ID a NULL object?
if (id == NullObject) {
object = NULL;
// Do we already have this object in memory?
if (id < myArchiveVector.size()) {
object = myArchiveVector[id];
// Okay - read the identifier for the class in...
String className = readClass();
// is the pointer already initialized? if so then no need to reallocate
if (object != NULL) {
// Create the object (of the relevant type)
object = TypeManager::createInstanceOf(className.c_str());
if (object) {
// Okay then - we can make this object
THROW (PersistException(String("Unable to instantiate object of class ")+className));
* reads the actual object data in
void Engine::readObject(BaseObject* object) THROWS (PersistException)
// Okay then - we can make this object
String majik;
if(majik != String("OBST"))
THROW(PersistException("Missing Start-of-Object marker"));
if(majik != String("OBEN"))
THROW(PersistException("Missing End-of-Object marker"));
* reads the class information in
const String Engine::readClass() THROWS (PersistException)
// Okay - read the identifier for the class in...
uint32 classId = 0;
String className;
if (classId < myClassVector.size()) {
className = myClassVector[classId];
else {
// Okay the class wasn't known yet - save its name
return className;
* note, does not (yet?) throw an exception, but interface
* prepared ..
void Engine::write(const String& str) THROWS (PersistException)
uint32 len = (uint32)str.length();
void Engine::read(String& str) THROWS (PersistException)
uint32 len = 0;
uint8 *buffer = new uint8[len+1];
buffer[len] = 0;
str = (char*)buffer;
delete[] buffer;
* note, does not (yet?) throw an exception, but interface
* prepared ..
void Engine::write(const std::string& str) THROWS (PersistException)
uint32 len = (uint32)str.length();
void Engine::read(std::string& str) THROWS (PersistException)
uint32 len = 0;
uint8 *buffer = new uint8[len+1];
buffer[len] = 0;
str = (char*)buffer;
delete[] buffer;
#define CCXX_RE(ar,ob); return ar
#define CCXX_WE(ar,ob) ar.write(ob); return ar
Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, BaseObject &ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_RE(ar,ob);}
Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, BaseObject *&ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_RE(ar,ob);}
Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, BaseObject const &ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_WE(ar,&ob);}
Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, BaseObject const *ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_WE(ar,ob);}
Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, int8& ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_RE (ar,ob);}
Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, int8 ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_WE (ar,ob);}
Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, uint8& ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_RE (ar,ob);}
Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, uint8 ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_WE (ar,ob);}
Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, int16& ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_RE (ar,ob);}
Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, int16 ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_WE (ar,ob);}
Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, uint16& ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_RE (ar,ob);}
Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, uint16 ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_WE (ar,ob);}
Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, int32& ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_RE (ar,ob);}
Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, int32 ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_WE (ar,ob);}
Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, uint32& ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_RE (ar,ob);}
Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, uint32 ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_WE (ar,ob);}
#ifdef HAVE_64_BITS
Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, int64& ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_RE (ar,ob);}
Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, int64 ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_WE (ar,ob);}
Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, uint64& ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_RE (ar,ob);}
Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, uint64 ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_WE (ar,ob);}
Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, float& ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_RE (ar,ob);}
Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, float ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_WE (ar,ob);}
Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, double& ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_RE (ar,ob);}
Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, double ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_WE (ar,ob);}
Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, String& ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_RE (ar,ob);}
Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, String ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_WE (ar,ob);}
Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, std::string& ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_RE (ar,ob);}
Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, std::string ob) THROWS (PersistException) {CCXX_WE (ar,ob);}
Engine& operator >>( Engine& ar, bool& ob) THROWS (PersistException) {
uint32 a;; ob=a==1;return ar;
Engine& operator <<( Engine& ar, bool ob) THROWS (PersistException) {
uint32 a=ob?1:0; ar.write(a); return ar;
#undef CCXX_RE
#undef CCXX_WE
/** EMACS **
* Local variables:
* mode: c++
* c-basic-offset: 4
* End: