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// Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Open Source Telecom Corporation.
// Copyright (C) 2006-2010 David Sugar, Tycho Softworks.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
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// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
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* @file url.h
* @short URL streams abstraction.
#ifndef CCXX_URL_H_
#define CCXX_URL_H_
#ifndef CCXX_CONFIG_H_
#include <cc++/config.h>
#ifndef CCXX_SOCKET_H_
#include <cc++/socket.h>
#ifndef CCXX_MIME_H_
#include <cc++/mime.h>
namespace ost {
* A URL processing version of TCPStream.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short C++ url processing stream class.
class __EXPORT URLStream : public TCPStream
* Return error for url fetch
typedef enum {
errSuccess = 0,
} Error;
* Type of authentication
typedef enum {
authAnonymous = 0,
} Authentication;
* Encoding used in transfer
typedef enum {
encodingBinary = 0,
} Encoding;
* Type of fetch
typedef enum {
} Method;
* http protocol version
typedef enum {
} Protocol;
const char *agent, *referer, *cookie, *pragma, *user, *password;
const char *proxyUser, *proxyPasswd;
const char *localif;
IPV4Host proxyHost;
#ifdef CCXX_IPV6
IPV6Host v6proxyHost;
tpport_t proxyPort;
Method urlmethod;
Encoding encoding;
Protocol protocol;
Authentication auth;
Authentication proxyAuth;
timeout_t timeout;
bool persistent;
bool follow;
unsigned chunk;
Error getHTTPHeaders();
URLStream(const URLStream& rhs);
ost::String m_host, m_address;
* Send http header to server.
* @param url base to send header to
* @param vars to post or use in get method
* @param bufsize of stream buffering to use
* @return success or class error
Error sendHTTPHeader(const char *url, const char **vars, size_t bufsize);
* Called if stream buffer needs refilling.
* @return number of bytes refilled or error if < 0
int underflow(void);
* Derived method for async or timed I/O function on url stream.
* @return number of bytes read or < 0 for error.
* @param buffer to read stream data into.
* @param len of bytes to read from stream.
* @param timer to wait for data in milliseconds.
virtual int aRead(char *buffer, size_t len, timeout_t timer);
* Derived method for async or timed I/O function on url stream.
* @return number of bytes written or < 0 for error.
* @param buffer to write stream data from.
* @param len of bytes to write to stream.
* @param timer to wait for data in milliseconds.
virtual int aWrite(char *buffer, size_t len, timeout_t timer);
* Derived method to receive and parse http "headers".
* @param header keyword.
* @param value header keyword value.
virtual void httpHeader(const char *header, const char *value);
* A virtual to insert additional header info into the request.
* @return array of header attributes to add.
virtual char **extraHeader(void);
* Construct an instance of URL stream.
* @param family protocol to use.
* @param timer for default timeout on I/O operations.
URLStream(Family family = IPV4, timeout_t timer = 0);
* Line parsing with conversion.
* @return URLStream object reference.
* @param buffer to store.
* @param len maximum buffer size.
URLStream &getline(char *buffer, size_t len);
* Get URL data from a named stream of a known buffer size.
* @return url error code.
* @param url name of resource.
* @param buffer size of buffer.
Error get(const char *url, size_t buffer = 512);
* Get URL data from a named stream of a known buffer size.
* Requesting URL defined in previous calls of setAddress() and
* setHost() functions.
* @return url error code.
* @param buffer size of buffer.
Error get(size_t buffer = 512);
* Submit URL with vars passed as argument array. This submit
* assumes "GET" method. Use "post" member to perform post.
* @return url error code.
* @param url name of resource.
* @param vars to set.
* @param buffer size of buffer.
Error submit(const char *url, const char **vars, size_t buffer = 512);
* Post URL vars with post method.
* @return success or error code.
* @param url name of resource being posted.
* @param vars to set in post.
* @param buffer size of buffer.
Error post(const char *url, const char **vars, size_t buffer = 512);
* Post URL with MIME multipart form.
* @return success or error code.
* @param url name of resource being posted.
* @param form multi-part resource.
* @param buffer size to use.
Error post(const char *url, MIMEMultipartForm &form, size_t buffer = 512);
* Used to fetch header information for a resource.
* @return url error code.
* @param url name of resource.
* @param buffer size of buffer.
Error head(const char *url, size_t buffer = 512);
* Close the URL stream for a new connection.
void close();
* Set the referer url.
* @param str referer string.
void setReferer(const char *str);
* Set the host for the url
* @param str host address.
inline void setHost(const char *str)
{m_host = str;};
* Set the address for the url
* @param str address in the URL.
inline void setAddress(const char *str)
{m_address = str;};
* Set the cookie to pass.
* @param str cookie string.
inline void setCookie(const char *str)
{cookie = str;};
* Set user id for the url.
* @param str user id.
inline void setUser(const char *str)
{user = str;};
* Set password for the url.
* @param str password.
inline void setPassword(const char *str)
{password = str;};
* Set authentication type for the url.
* @param a authentication.
* @param str string.
void setAuthentication(Authentication a, const char *str = NULL);
* Set proxy user id for the url.
* @param str user id.
inline void setProxyUser(const char *str)
{proxyUser = str;};
* Set proxy password for the url.
* @param str password.
inline void setProxyPassword(const char *str)
{proxyPasswd = str;};
* Set proxy authentication type for the url.
* @param a authentication.
* @param str string.
void setProxyAuthentication(Authentication a, const char *str = NULL);
* Set the pragmas.
* @param str pragma setting.
inline void setPragma(const char *str)
{pragma = str;};
* Set the proxy server used.
* @param host proxy host.
* @param port proxy port.
void setProxy(const char *host, tpport_t port);
* Set the agent.
* @param str agent value.
inline void setAgent(const char *str)
{agent = str;};
* Get url method (and protocol) employed.
* @return url method in effect.
inline Method getMethod(void)
{return urlmethod;};
* Set socket timeout characteristics for processing URL
* requests. Set to 0 for no default timeouts.
* @param to timeout to set.
inline void setTimeout(timeout_t to)
{timeout = to;};
* Specify url following. Set to false to disable following
* of relocation requests.
* @param enable true to enable following.
inline void setFollow(bool enable)
{follow = enable;};
* Specify http protocol level being used.
* @param pro protocol level.
inline void setProtocol(Protocol pro)
{protocol = pro;};
* Specify local interface to use
* @param intf Local interface name
inline void setLocalInterface(const char *intf)
/** @relates URLStream
* Decode an url parameter (ie "\%20" -> " ")
* @param source string
* @param dest destination buffer. If NULL source is used
__EXPORT char* urlDecode(char *source, char *dest = NULL);
/** @relates URLStream
* Encode an url parameter (ie " " -> "+")
* @param source string
* @param dest destination buffer. Do not overlap with source
* @param size destination buffer size.
__EXPORT char* urlEncode(const char *source, char *dest, size_t size);
/** @relates URLStream
* Decode a string using base64 coding.
* Destination size should be at least strlen(src)+1.
* Destination will be a string, so is always terminated .
* This function is deprecated, base64 can use binary source, not only string
* use overloaded b64Decode.
* @return string coded
* @param src source buffer
* @param dest destination buffer. If NULL src is used
__EXPORT char* b64Decode(char *src, char *dest = NULL);
/** @relates URLStream
* Encode a string using base64 coding.
* Destination size should be at least strlen(src)/4*3+1.
* Destination is string terminated.
* This function is deprecated, coded stream can contain terminator character
* use overloaded b64Encode instead.
* @return destination buffer
* @param source source string
* @param dest destination octet buffer
* @param size destination buffer size
__EXPORT char* b64Encode(const char *source, char *dest, size_t size);
/** @relates URLStream
* Encode a octet stream using base64 coding.
* Destination size should be at least (srcsize+2)/3*4+1.
* Destination will be a string, so is always terminated
* (unless you pass dstsize == 0).
* @return size of string written not counting terminator
* @param src source buffer
* @param srcsize source buffer size
* @param dst destination buffer
* @param dstsize destination buffer size
__EXPORT size_t b64Encode(const unsigned char *src, size_t srcsize,
char *dst, size_t dstsize);
/** @relates URLStream
* Decode a string using base64 coding.
* Destination size should be at least strlen(src)/4*3.
* Destination are not string terminated (It's just a octet stream).
* @return number of octets written into destination buffer
* @param src source string
* @param dst destination octet buffer
* @param dstsize destination buffer size
__EXPORT size_t b64Decode(const char *src,
unsigned char *dst, size_t dstsize);
/** @relates URLStream
* Encode a STL string using base64 coding into a STL string
* @return base 64 encoded string
* @param src source string
__EXPORT String b64Encode(const String& src);
/** @relates URLStream
* Decode a STL string using base64 coding into an STL String.
* Destination size should be at least strlen(src)/4*3.
* Destination are not string terminated (It's just a octet stream).
* @return decoded string
* @param src source string
__EXPORT String b64Decode(const String& src);
/** @relates URLStream
* Encode a octet stream using base64 coding into a STL string
* @return base 64 encoded string
* @param src source buffer
* @param srcsize source buffer size
__EXPORT String b64Encode(const unsigned char *src, size_t srcsize);
/** @relates URLStream
* Decode a string using base64 coding.
* Destination size should be at least strlen(src)/4*3.
* Destination are not string terminated (It's just a octet stream).
* @return number of octets written into destination buffer
* @param src source string
* @param dst destination octet buffer
* @param dstsize destination buffer size
__EXPORT size_t b64Decode(const String& src,
unsigned char *dst, size_t dstsize);
/** EMACS **
* Local variables:
* mode: c++
* c-basic-offset: 4
* End: