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// Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Open Source Telecom Corporation.
// Copyright (C) 2006-2010 David Sugar, Tycho Softworks.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
// library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
// templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
// this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
// file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
// the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
// invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
// the GNU General Public License.
// This exception applies only to the code released under the name GNU
// Common C++. If you copy code from other releases into a copy of GNU
// Common C++, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
// not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading
// anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
// this exception notice from them.
// If you write modifications of your own for GNU Common C++, it is your choice
// whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
// If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.
* @file thread.h
* @short Synchronization and threading services.
#ifndef CCXX_THREAD_H_
#define CCXX_THREAD_H_
#include <cc++/config.h>
#ifndef CCXX_STRING_H_
#include <cc++/string.h>
#ifndef WIN32
#define CCXX_POSIX
#endif // !WIN32
#include <ctime>
#ifndef WIN32
#include <pthread.h>
#endif // !WIN32
#ifndef WIN32
#include <time.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
typedef pthread_t cctid_t;
typedef unsigned long timeout_t;
#if defined(__CYGWIN32__)
__declspec(dllimport) long __stdcall InterlockedIncrement(long *);
__declspec(dllimport) long __stdcall InterlockedDecrement(long *);
__declspec(dllimport) long __stdcall InterlockedExchange(long *, long);
#else // WIN32
typedef DWORD cctid_t;
typedef DWORD timeout_t;
#define MAX_SEM_VALUE 1000000
#endif // !WIN32
#include <ios>
namespace ost {
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
# if __BORLANDC__ >= 0x0560
using std::time_t;
using std::tm;
# endif
using namespace __gnu_cxx;
class __EXPORT Thread;
class __EXPORT ThreadKey;
#define TIMEOUT_INF ~((timeout_t) 0)
#define ENTER_CRITICAL enterMutex();
#define LEAVE_CRITICAL leaveMutex();
#define ENTER_DEFERRED setCancel(cancelDeferred);
#define LEAVE_DEFERRED setCancel(cancelImmediate);
#ifndef WIN32
// These macros override common functions with thread-safe versions. In
// particular the common "libc" sleep() has problems since it normally
// uses SIGARLM (as actually defined by "posix"). The pthread_delay and
// usleep found in libpthread are gaurenteed not to use SIGALRM and offer
// higher resolution. psleep() is defined to call the old process sleep.
#undef sleep
#define psleep(x) (sleep)(x)
#ifdef signal
#undef signal
#endif // !WIN32
#undef Yield
class __EXPORT Conditional;
class __EXPORT Event;
* The Mutex class is used to protect a section of code so that at any
* given time only a single thread can perform the protected operation.
* The Mutex can be used as a base class to protect access in a derived
* class. When used in this manner, the ENTER_CRITICAL and LEAVE_CRITICAL
* macros can be used to specify when code written for the derived class
* needs to be protected by the default Mutex of the derived class, and
* hence is presumed to be 'thread safe' from multiple instance execution.
* One of the most basic Common C++ synchronization object is the Mutex
* class. A Mutex only allows one thread to continue execution at a given
* time over a specific section of code. Mutex's have a enter and leave
* method; only one thread can continue from the Enter until the Leave is
* called. The next thread waiting can then get through. Mutex's are also
* known as "CRITICAL SECTIONS" in win32-speak.
* The Mutex is always recursive in that if the same thread invokes
* the same mutex lock multiple times, it must release it multiple times.
* This allows a function to call another function which also happens to
* use the same mutex lock when called directly. This was
* deemed essential because a mutex might be used to block individual file
* requests in say, a database, but the same mutex might be needed to block a
* whole series of database updates that compose a "transaction" for one
* thread to complete together without having to write alternate non-locking
* member functions to invoke for each part of a transaction.
* Strangely enough, the original pthread draft standard does not directly
* support recursive mutexes. In fact this is the most common "NP" extension
* for most pthread implementations. Common C++ emulates recursive mutex
* behavior when the target platform does not directly support it.
* In addition to the Mutex, Common C++ supports a rwlock class. This
* implements the X/Open recommended "rwlock". On systems which do not
* support rwlock's, the behavior is emulated with a Mutex; however, the
* advantage of a rwlock over a mutex is then entirely lost. There has been
* some suggested clever hacks for "emulating" the behavior of a rwlock with
* a pair of mutexes and a semaphore, and one of these will be adapted for
* Common C++ in the future for platforms that do not support rwlock's
* directly.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Mutex lock for protected access.
class __EXPORT Mutex
static bool _debug;
String _name;
#ifndef WIN32
int volatile _level;
Thread *volatile _tid;
* Pthread mutex object. This is protected rather than private
* because some mixed mode pthread operations require a mutex as
* well as their primary pthread object. A good example of this
* is the Event class, as waiting on a conditional object must be
* associated with an accessable mutex. An alternative would be
* to make such classes "friend" classes of the Mutex.
pthread_mutex_t _mutex;
#else // WIN32
# error "Can't determine underground for Mutex"
# endif
HANDLE _mutex;
CRITICAL_SECTION _criticalSection;
#endif // WIN32
* The mutex is always initialized as a recursive entity.
* @param name of mutex for optional deadlock detection
Mutex(const char *name = NULL);
* Destroying the mutex removes any system resources associated
* with it. If a mutex lock is currently in place, it is presumed
* to terminate when the Mutex is destroyed.
virtual ~Mutex();
* Enable or disable deadlock debugging.
* @param mode debug mode.
static void setDebug(bool mode)
{_debug = mode;};
* Enable setting of mutex name for deadlock debug.
* @param name for mutex.
inline void nameMutex(const char *name)
{_name = name;};
* Entering a Mutex locks the mutex for the current thread. This
* also can be done using the ENTER_CRITICAL macro or by using the
* ++ operator on a mutex.
* @see #leaveMutex
void enterMutex(void);
* Future abi will use enter/leave/test members.
inline void enter(void)
* Future abi will use enter/leave/test members.
inline void leave(void)
* Future abi will use enter/leave/test members.
* @return true if entered.
inline bool test(void)
{return tryEnterMutex();};
* Tries to lock the mutex for the current thread. Behaves like
* #enterMutex , except that it doesn't block the calling thread
* if the mutex is already locked by another thread.
* @return true if locking the mutex was succesful otherwise false
* @see enterMutex
* @see leaveMutex
bool tryEnterMutex(void);
* Leaving a mutex frees that mutex for use by another thread. If
* the mutex has been entered (invoked) multiple times (recursivily)
* by the same thread, then it will need to be exited the same number
* of instances before it is free for re-use. This operation can
* also be done using the LEAVE_CRITICAL macro or by the -- operator
* on a mutex.
* @see #enterMutex
void leaveMutex(void);
* The MutexLock class is used to protect a section of code so that at any
* given time only a single thread can perform the protected operation.
* It use Mutex to protect operation. Using this class is usefull and
* exception safe. The mutex that has been locked is automatically
* released when the function call stack falls out of scope, so one doesnt
* have to remember to unlock the mutex at each function return.
* A common use is
* void func_to_protect()
* {
* MutexLock lock(mutex);
* ... operation ...
* }
* NOTE: do not declare variable as "MutexLock (mutex)", the mutex will be
* released at statement end.
* @author Frediano Ziglio <>
* @short Mutex automatic locker for protected access.
class __EXPORT MutexLock
Mutex& mutex;
* Acquire the mutex
* @param _mutex reference to mutex to aquire.
MutexLock( Mutex& _mutex ) : mutex( _mutex )
{ mutex.enterMutex(); }
* Release the mutex automatically
// this should be not-virtual
{ mutex.leaveMutex(); }
* The ThreadLock class impliments a thread rwlock for optimal reader performance
* on systems which have rwlock support, and reverts to a simple mutex for those
* that do not.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Posix rwlock extension for protected access.
class __EXPORT ThreadLock
pthread_rwlock_t _lock;
Mutex mutex;
* Create a process shared thread lock object.
* Destroy a process shared thread lock object.
virtual ~ThreadLock();
* Aquire a read lock for the current object.
void readLock(void);
* Aquire a write lock for the current object.
void writeLock(void);
* Attempt read lock for current object.
* @return true on success.
bool tryReadLock(void);
* Attempt write lock for current object.
* @return true on success.
bool tryWriteLock(void);
* Release any held locks.
void unlock(void);
* The ReadLock class is used to protect a section of code through
* a ThreadLock for "read" access to the member function. The
* ThreadLock is automatically released when the object falls out of
* scope.
* A common use is
* void func_to_protect()
* {
* ReadLock lock(threadlock);
* ... operation ...
* }
* NOTE: do not declare variable as "ReadLock (threadlock)", the
* mutex will be released at statement end.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Read mode automatic locker for protected access.
class __EXPORT ReadLock
ThreadLock& tl;
* Wait for read access
* @param _tl reference to lock to aquire.
ReadLock( ThreadLock& _tl ) : tl( _tl )
{ tl.readLock(); }
* Post the semaphore automatically
// this should be not-virtual
{ tl.unlock(); }
* The WriteLock class is used to protect a section of code through
* a ThreadLock for "write" access to the member function. The
* ThreadLock is automatically released when the object falls out of
* scope.
* A common use is
* void func_to_protect()
* {
* WriteLock lock(threadlock);
* ... operation ...
* }
* NOTE: do not declare variable as "WriteLock (threadlock)", the
* mutex will be released at statement end.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Read mode automatic locker for protected access.
class __EXPORT WriteLock
ThreadLock& tl;
* Wait for write access
* @param _tl reference to threadlock to aquire.
WriteLock( ThreadLock& _tl ) : tl( _tl )
{ tl.writeLock(); }
* Post the semaphore automatically
// this should be not-virtual
{ tl.unlock(); }
* The Mutex Counter is a counter variable which can safely be incremented
* or decremented by multiple threads. A Mutex is used to protect access
* to the counter variable (an integer). An initial value can be specified
* for the counter, and it can be manipulated with the ++ and -- operators.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Thread protected integer counter.
class __EXPORT MutexCounter : public Mutex
volatile int counter;
* Create and optionally name a mutex protected counter.
* @param id name for mutex counter, optional for deadlock testing.
MutexCounter(const char *id = NULL);
* Create and optionally name a mutex protected counter with
* an initial value.
* @param initial value of counter.
* @param id name of counter, optional for deadlock testing.
MutexCounter(int initial, const char *id = NULL);
friend __EXPORT int operator++(MutexCounter &mc);
friend __EXPORT int operator--(MutexCounter &mc);
* The AtomicCounter class offers thread-safe manipulation of an integer
* counter. These are commonly used for building thread-safe "reference"
* counters for C++ classes. The AtomicCounter depends on the platforms
* support for "atomic" integer operations, and can alternately substitute
* a "mutex" if no atomic support exists.
* @author Sean Cavanaugh <>
* @short atomic counter operation.
class __EXPORT AtomicCounter
#if defined(HAVE_ATOMIC_AIX)
volatile int counter;
#elif defined(HAVE_GCC_BITS_ATOMIC)
volatile _Atomic_word counter;
volatile _Atomic_word counter;
// __gnu_cxx::_Atomic_word counter;
#elif defined(HAVE_ATOMIC)
atomic_t atomic;
volatile int counter;
pthread_mutex_t _mutex;
* Initialize an atomic counter to 0.
* Initialize an atomic counter to a known value.
* @param value initial value.
AtomicCounter(int value);
int operator++(void);
int operator--(void);
int operator+=(int change);
int operator-=(int change);
int operator+(int change);
int operator-(int change);
int operator=(int value);
bool operator!(void);
operator int();
long atomic;
inline AtomicCounter()
{atomic = 0;};
inline AtomicCounter(int value)
{atomic = value;};
inline int operator++(void)
{return InterlockedIncrement(&atomic);};
inline int operator--(void)
{return InterlockedDecrement(&atomic);};
int operator+=(int change);
int operator-=(int change);
inline int operator+(int change)
{return atomic + change;};
inline int operator-(int change)
{return atomic - change;};
inline int operator=(int value)
{return InterlockedExchange(&atomic, value);};
inline bool operator!(void)
{return (atomic == 0) ? true : false;};
inline operator int()
{return atomic;};
#ifndef WIN32
* A conditional variable synchcronization object for one to one and
* one to many signal and control events between processes.
* Conditional variables may wait for and receive signals to notify
* when to resume or perform operations. Multiple waiting threads may
* be woken with a broadcast signal.
* @warning While this class inherits from Mutex, the methods of the
* class Conditional just handle the system conditional variable, so
* the user is responsible for calling enterMutex and leaveMutex so as
* to avoid race conditions. Another thing to note is that if you have
* several threads waiting on one condition, not uncommon in thread
* pools, each thread must take care to manually unlock the mutex if
* cancellation occurs. Otherwise the first thread cancelled will
* deadlock the rest of the thread.
* @author David Sugar
* @short conditional.
* @todo implement in win32
class __EXPORT Conditional
pthread_cond_t _cond;
pthread_mutex_t _mutex;
* Create an instance of a conditional.
* @param id name of conditional, optional for deadlock testing.
Conditional(const char *id = NULL);
* Destroy the conditional.
virtual ~Conditional();
* Signal a conditional object and a waiting threads.
* @param broadcast this signal to all waiting threads if true.
void signal(bool broadcast);
* Wait to be signaled from another thread.
* @param timer time period to wait.
* @param locked flag if already locked the mutex.
bool wait(timeout_t timer = 0, bool locked = false);
* Locks the conditional's mutex for this thread. Remember
* that Conditional's mutex is NOT a recursive mutex!
* @see #leaveMutex
void enterMutex(void);
* In the future we will use lock in place of enterMutex since
* the conditional composite is not a recursive mutex, and hence
* using enterMutex may cause confusion in expectation with the
* behavior of the Mutex class.
* @see #enterMutex
inline void lock(void)
* Tries to lock the conditional for the current thread.
* Behaves like #enterMutex , except that it doesn't block the
* calling thread.
* @return true if locking the mutex was succesful otherwise false
* @see enterMutex
* @see leaveMutex
bool tryEnterMutex(void);
inline bool test(void)
{return tryEnterMutex();};
* Leaving a mutex frees that mutex for use by another thread.
* @see #enterMutex
void leaveMutex(void);
inline void unlock(void)
{return leaveMutex();};
* A semaphore is generally used as a synchronization object between multiple
* threads or to protect a limited and finite resource such as a memory or
* thread pool. The semaphore has a counter which only permits access by
* one or more threads when the value of the semaphore is non-zero. Each
* access reduces the current value of the semaphore by 1. One or more
* threads can wait on a semaphore until it is no longer 0, and hence the
* semaphore can be used as a simple thread synchronization object to enable
* one thread to pause others until the thread is ready or has provided data
* for them. Semaphores are typically used as a
* counter for protecting or limiting concurrent access to a given
* resource, such as to permitting at most "x" number of threads to use
* resource "y", for example.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Semaphore counter for thread synchronization.
class __EXPORT Semaphore
#ifndef WIN32
unsigned _count, _waiters;
pthread_mutex_t _mutex;
pthread_cond_t _cond;
HANDLE semObject;
#endif // !WIN32
* The initial value of the semaphore can be specified. An initial
* value is often used When used to lock a finite resource or to
* specify the maximum number of thread instances that can access a
* specified resource.
* @param resource specify initial resource count or 0 default.
Semaphore(unsigned resource = 0);
* Destroying a semaphore also removes any system resources
* associated with it. If a semaphore has threads currently waiting
* on it, those threads will all continue when a semaphore is
* destroyed.
virtual ~Semaphore();
* Wait is used to keep a thread held until the semaphore counter
* is greater than 0. If the current thread is held, then another
* thread must increment the semaphore. Once the thread is accepted,
* the semaphore is automatically decremented, and the thread
* continues execution.
* The pthread semaphore object does not support a timed "wait", and
* hence to maintain consistancy, neither the posix nor win32 source
* trees support "timed" semaphore objects.
* @return false if timed out
* @param timeout period in milliseconds to wait
* @see #post
bool wait(timeout_t timeout = 0);
* Posting to a semaphore increments its current value and releases
* the first thread waiting for the semaphore if it is currently at
* 0. Interestingly, there is no support to increment a semaphore by
* any value greater than 1 to release multiple waiting threads in
* either pthread or the win32 API. Hence, if one wants to release
* a semaphore to enable multiple threads to execute, one must perform
* multiple post operations.
* @see #wait
void post(void);
#ifndef WIN32
* Call it after a deferred cancellation to avoid deadlocks.
* From PTHREAD_COND_TIMEDWAIT(3P): A condition wait (whether timed or not)
* is a cancellation point. When the cancelability enable state of a thread
* is set to PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED, a side effect of acting upon a
* cancellation request while in a condition wait is that the mutex is
* (in effect) re-acquired before calling the first cancellation cleanup handler.
void force_unlock_after_cancellation();
#endif // WIN32
// FIXME: how implement getValue for posix compatibility ?
// not portable...
#if 0
* Get the current value of a semaphore.
* @return current value.
int getValue(void);
* The SemaphoreLock class is used to protect a section of code through
* a semaphore so that only x instances of the member function may
* execute concurrently.
* A common use is
* void func_to_protect()
* {
* SemaphoreLock lock(semaphore);
* ... operation ...
* }
* NOTE: do not declare variable as "SemaohoreLock (semaphore)", the
* mutex will be released at statement end.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Semaphore automatic locker for protected access.
class __EXPORT SemaphoreLock
Semaphore& sem;
* Wait for the semaphore
SemaphoreLock( Semaphore& _sem ) : sem( _sem )
{ sem.wait(); }
* Post the semaphore automatically
// this should be not-virtual
{; }
* The Event class implements a feature originally found in the WIN32 API;
* event notification. A target thread waits on a resetable Event, and one
* or more other threads can then signal the waiting thread to resume
* execution. A timeout can be used to specify a wait duration in
* milliseconds. The Event class must be reset before it can be used again
* as a trigger. These event objects
* use a trigger/reset mechanism and are related to low level conditional
* variables.
* @author: David Sugar <>
* @short Thread synchornization on event notification.
class __EXPORT Event
#ifndef WIN32
pthread_mutex_t _mutex;
pthread_cond_t _cond;
bool _signaled;
int _count;
HANDLE cond;
virtual ~Event();
* Once signaled, the Event class must be "reset" before responding
* to a new signal.
* @see #signal
void reset(void);
* Signal the event for the waiting thread.
void signal(void);
* Wait either for the event to be signaled by another thread or
* for the specified timeout duration.
* @see #signal
* @return true if signaled, false if timed out.
* @param timer timeout in milliseconds to wait for a signal.
bool wait(timeout_t timer);
bool wait(void);
* Every thread of execution in an application is created by
* instantiating an object of a class derived from the Thread
* class. Classes derived from Thread must implement the run() method,
* which specifies the code of the thread. The base Thread class
* supports encapsulation of the generic threading methods implemented
* on various target operating systems. This includes the ability to
* start and stop threads in a synchronized and controllable manner,
* the ability to specify thread execution priority, and thread
* specific "system call" wrappers, such as for sleep and yield. A
* thread exception is thrown if the thread cannot be created.
* Threading was the first part of Common C++ I wrote, back when it
* was still the APE library. My goal for Common C++ threading has
* been to make threading as natural and easy to use in C++
* application development as threading is in Java. With this said,
* one does not need to use threading at all to take advantage of
* Common C++. However, all Common C++ classes are designed at least
* to be thread-aware/thread-safe as appropriate and necessary.
* Common C++ threading is currently built either from the Posix "pthread"
* library or using the win32 SDK. In that the Posix "pthread" draft
* has gone through many revisions, and many system implementations are
* only marginally compliant, and even then usually in different ways, I
* wrote a large series of autoconf macros found in ost_pthread.m4 which
* handle the task of identifying which pthread features and capabilities
* your target platform supports. In the process I learned much about what
* autoconf can and cannot do for you..
* Currently the GNU Portable Thread library (GNU pth) is not directly
* supported in Common C++. While GNU "Pth" doesn't offer direct
* native threading support or benefit from SMP hardware, many of the design
* advantages of threading can be gained from it's use, and the Pth pthread
* "emulation" library should be usable with Common C++. In the future,
* Common C++ will directly support Pth, as well as OS/2 and BeOS native
* threading API's.
* Common C++ itself defines a fairly "neutral" threading model that is
* not tied to any specific API such as pthread, win32, etc. This neutral
* thread model is contained in a series of classes which handle threading
* and synchronization and which may be used together to build reliable
* threaded applications.
* Common C++ defines application specific threads as objects which are
* derived from the Common C++ "Thread" base class. At minimum the "Run"
* method must be implemented, and this method essentially is the "thread",
* for it is executed within the execution context of the thread, and when
* the Run method terminates the thread is assumed to have terminated.
* Common C++ allows one to specify the running priority of a newly created
* thread relative to the "parent" thread which is the thread that is
* executing when the constructor is called. Since most newer C++
* implementations do not allow one to call virtual constructors or virtual
* methods from constructors, the thread must be "started" after the
* constructor returns. This is done either by defining a "starting"
* semaphore object that one or more newly created thread objects can wait
* upon, or by invoking an explicit "start" member function.
* Threads can be "suspended" and "resumed". As this behavior is not defined
* in the Posix "pthread" specification, it is often emulated through
* signals. Typically SIGUSR1 will be used for this purpose in Common C++
* applications, depending in the target platform. On Linux, since threads
* are indeed processes, SIGSTP and SIGCONT can be used. On solaris, the
* Solaris thread library supports suspend and resume directly.
* Threads can be canceled. Not all platforms support the concept of
* externally cancelable threads. On those platforms and API
* implementations that do not, threads are typically canceled through the
* action of a signal handler.
* As noted earlier, threads are considered running until the "Run" method
* returns, or until a cancellation request is made. Common C++ threads can
* control how they respond to cancellation, using setCancellation().
* Cancellation requests can be ignored, set to occur only when a
* cancellation "point" has been reached in the code, or occur immediately.
* Threads can also exit by returning from Run() or by invoking the Exit()
* method.
* Generally it is a good practice to initialize any resources the thread may
* require within the constructor of your derived thread class, and to purge
* or restore any allocated resources in the destructor. In most cases, the
* destructor will be executed after the thread has terminated, and hence
* will execute within the context of the thread that requested a join rather
* than in the context of the thread that is being terminated. Most
* destructors in derived thread classes should first call Terminate() to
* make sure the thread has stopped running before releasing resources.
* A Common C++ thread is normally canceled by deleting the thread object.
* The process of deletion invokes the thread's destructor, and the
* destructor will then perform a "join" against the thread using the
* Terminate() function. This behavior is not always desirable since the
* thread may block itself from cancellation and block the current "delete"
* operation from completing. One can alternately invoke Terminate()
* directly before deleting a thread object.
* When a given Common C++ thread exits on it's own through it's Run()
* method, a "Final" method will be called. This Final method will be called
* while the thread is "detached". If a thread object is constructed through
* a "new" operator, it's final method can be used to "self delete" when
* done, and allows an independent thread to construct and remove itself
* autonomously.
* A special global function, getThread(), is provided to identify the thread
* object that represents the current execution context you are running
* under. This is sometimes needed to deliver signals to the correct thread.
* Since all thread manipulation should be done through the Common C++ (base)
* thread class itself, this provides the same functionality as things like
* "pthread_self" for Common C++.
* All Common C++ threads have an exception "mode" which determines
* their behavior when an exception is thrown by another Common C++
* class. Extensions to Common C++ should respect the current
* exception mode and use getException() to determine what to do when
* they are about to throw an object. The default exception mode
* (defined in the Thread() constructor) is throwObject, which causes
* a pointer to an instance of the class where the error occured to be
* thrown. Other exception modes are throwException, which causes a
* class-specific exception class to be thrown, and throwNothing,
* which causes errors to be ignored.
* As an example, you could try to call the Socket class with an
* invalid address that the system could not bind to. This would
* cause an object of type Socket * to be thrown by default, as the
* default exception mode is throwObject. If you call
* setException(throwException) before the bad call to the Socket
* constructor, an object of type SockException (the exception class
* for class Socket) will be thrown instead.
* To determine what exception class is thrown by a given Common C++
* class when the exception mode is set to throwException, search the
* source files for the class you are interested in for a class which
* inherits directly or indirectly from class Exception. This is the
* exception class which would be thrown when the exception mode is
* set to throwException.
* The advantage of using throwException versus throwObject is that
* more information is available to the programmer from the thrown
* object. All class-specific exceptions inherit from class
* Exception, which provides a getString() method which can be called
* to get a human-readable error string.
* Common C++ threads are often aggregated into other classes to provide
* services that are "managed" from or operate within the context of a
* thread, even within the Common C++ framework itself. A good example of
* this is the TCPSession class, which essentially is a combination of a TCP
* client connection and a separate thread the user can define by deriving a
* class with a Run() method to handle the connected service. This
* aggregation logically connects the successful allocation of a given
* resource with the construction of a thread to manage and perform
* operations for said resource.
* Threads are also used in "service pools". In Common C++, a service pool
* is one or more threads that are used to manage a set of resources. While
* Common C++ does not provide a direct "pool" class, it does provide a model
* for their implementation, usually by constructing an array of thread
* "service" objects, each of which can then be assigned the next new
* instance of a given resource in turn or algorithmically.
* Threads have signal handlers associated with them. Several signal types
* are "predefined" and have special meaning. All signal handlers are
* defined as virtual member functions of the Thread class which are called
* when a specific signal is received for a given thread. The "SIGPIPE"
* event is defined as a "Disconnect" event since it's normally associated
* with a socket disconnecting or broken fifo. The Hangup() method is
* associated with the SIGHUP signal. All other signals are handled through
* the more generic Signal().
* Incidently, unlike Posix, the win32 API has no concept of signals, and
* certainly no means to define or deliver signals on a per-thread basis.
* For this reason, no signal handling is supported or emulated in the win32
* implementation of Common C++ at this time.
* In addition to TCPStream, there is a TCPSession class which combines a
* thread with a TCPStream object. The assumption made by TCPSession is that
* one will service each TCP connection with a separate thread, and this
* makes sense for systems where extended connections may be maintained and
* complex protocols are being used over TCP.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short base class used to derive all threads of execution.
class __EXPORT Thread
* How to raise error
typedef enum Throw {
throwNothing, /**< continue without throwing error */
throwObject, /**< throw object that cause error (throw this) */
throwException /**< throw an object relative to error */
} Throw;
* How work cancellation
typedef enum Cancel {
cancelInitial=0, /**< used internally, do not use */
cancelDeferred=1, /**< exit thread on cancellation pointsuch as yield */
cancelImmediate, /**< exit befor cancellation */
cancelDisabled, /**< ignore cancellation */
cancelManual, /**< unimplemented (working in progress)
@todo implement */
/**< default you should use this for compatibility instead of deferred */
} Cancel;
* How work suspend
typedef enum Suspend {
suspendEnable, /**< suspend enabled */
suspendDisable /**< suspend disabled, Suspend do nothing */
} Suspend;
#ifndef WIN32
/** @internal */
friend class PosixThread;
/** @internal */
friend class DummyThread;
friend class Cancellation;
friend class postream_type;
friend class Slog;
Semaphore joinSem;
static Thread* _main;
Thread *_parent;
Cancel _cancel;
Semaphore *_start;
// private data
friend class ThreadImpl;
class ThreadImpl* priv;
static Thread *get(void);
#ifdef WIN32
static unsigned __stdcall Execute(Thread *th);
// close current thread, free all and call Notify
void close();
char _name[32];
static size_t _autostack;
#ifdef WIN32
DWORD waitHandle(HANDLE obj, timeout_t timeout);
* Set the name of the current thread. If the name is passed
* as NULL, then the default name is set (usually object
* pointer).
* @param text name to use.
void setName(const char *text);
* All threads execute by deriving the Run method of Thread.
* This method is called after Initial to begin normal operation
* of the thread. If the method terminates, then the thread will
* also terminate after notifying it's parent and calling it's
* Final() method.
* @see #Initial
virtual void run(void) = 0;
* A thread that is self terminating, either by invoking exit() or
* leaving it's run(), will have this method called. It can be used
* to self delete the current object assuming the object was created
* with new on the heap rather than stack local, hence one may often
* see final defined as "delete this" in a derived thread class. A
* final method, while running, cannot be terminated or cancelled by
* another thread. Final is called for all cancellation type (even
* immediate).
* You can safe delete thread ("delete this") class on final, but
* you should exit ASAP (or do not try to call CommonC++ methods...)
* @note A thread cannot delete its own context or join
* itself. To make a thread that is a self running object
* that self-deletes, one has to detach the thread by using
* detach() instead of start().
* @see #exit
* @see #run
virtual void final(void);
* The initial method is called by a newly created thread when it
* starts execution. This method is ran with deferred cancellation
* disabled by default. The Initial method is given a separate
* handler so that it can create temporary objects on it's own
* stack frame, rather than having objects created on run() that
* are only needed by startup and yet continue to consume stack space.
* @see #run
* @see #final
virtual void initial(void);
* Since getParent() and getThread() only refer to an object of the
* Thread "base" type, this virtual method can be replaced in a
* derived class with something that returns data specific to the
* derived class that can still be accessed through the pointer
* returned by getParent() and getThread().
* @return pointer to derived class specific data.
virtual void* getExtended(void);
* When a thread terminates, it now sends a notification message
* to the parent thread which created it. The actual use of this
* notification is left to be defined in a derived class.
* @param - the thread that has terminated.
virtual void notify(Thread*);
* Used to properly exit from a Thread derived run() or initial()
* method. Terminates execution of the current thread and calls
* the derived classes final() method.
void exit(void);
* Used to wait for a join or cancel, in place of explicit exit.
void sync(void);
* test a cancellation point for deferred thread cancellation.
bool testCancel(void);
* Sets thread cancellation mode. Threads can either be set immune to
* termination (cancelDisabled), can be set to terminate when
* reaching specific "thread cancellation points"
* (cancelDeferred)
* or immediately when Terminate is requested (cancelImmediate).
* @param mode for cancellation of the current thread.
void setCancel(Cancel mode);
* Sets the thread's ability to be suspended from execution. The
* thread may either have suspend enabled (suspendEnable) or
* disabled (suspendDisable).
* @param mode for suspend.
void setSuspend(Suspend mode);
* Used by another thread to terminate the current thread. Termination
* actually occurs based on the current setCancel() mode. When the
* current thread does terminate, control is returned to the requesting
* thread. terminate() should always be called at the start of any
* destructor of a class derived from Thread to assure the remaining
* part of the destructor is called without the thread still executing.
void terminate(void);
* clear parent thread relationship.
inline void clrParent(void)
{_parent = NULL;};
* This is actually a special constructor that is used to create a
* thread "object" for the current execution context when that context
* is not created via an instance of a derived Thread object itself.
* This constructor does not support First.
* @param isMain bool used if the main "thread" of the application.
Thread(bool isMain);
* When a thread object is contructed, a new thread of execution
* context is created. This constructor allows basic properties
* of that context (thread priority, stack space, etc) to be defined.
* The starting condition is also specified for whether the thread
* is to wait on a semaphore before begining execution or wait until
* it's start method is called.
* @param pri thread base priority relative to it's parent.
* @param stack space as needed in some implementations.
Thread(int pri = 0, size_t stack = 0);
#ifndef WIN32
* A thread of execution can also be specified by cloning an existing
* thread. The existing thread's properties (cancel mode, priority,
* etc), are also duplicated.
* @param th currently executing thread object to clone.
* @todo implement in win32
Thread(const Thread &th);
* The thread destructor should clear up any resources that have
* been allocated by the thread. The desctructor of a derived
* thread should begin with Terminate() and is presumed to then
* execute within the context of the thread causing terminaton.
virtual ~Thread();
* Set base stack limit before manual stack sizes have effect.
* @param size stack size to set, or use 0 to clear autostack.
static void setStack(size_t size = 0)
{_autostack = size;};
* A thread-safe sleep call. On most Posix systems, "sleep()"
* is implimented with SIGALRM making it unusable from multipe
* threads. Pthread libraries often define an alternate "sleep"
* handler such as usleep(), nanosleep(), or nap(), that is thread
* safe, and also offers a higher timer resolution.
* @param msec timeout in milliseconds.
static void sleep(timeout_t msec);
* Yields the current thread's CPU time slice to allow another thread to
* begin immediate execution.
static void yield(void);
* When a new thread is created, it does not begin immediate
* execution. This is because the derived class virtual tables
* are not properly loaded at the time the C++ object is created
* within the constructor itself, at least in some compiler/system
* combinations. The thread can either be told to wait for an
* external semaphore, or it can be started directly after the
* constructor completes by calling the start() method.
* @return error code if execution fails.
* @param start optional starting semaphore to alternately use.
int start(Semaphore *start = 0);
* Start a new thread as "detached". This is an alternative
* start() method that resolves some issues with later glibc
* implimentations which incorrectly impliment self-detach.
* @return error code if execution fails.
* @param start optional starting semaphore to alternately use.
int detach(Semaphore *start = 0);
* Gets the pointer to the Thread class which created the current
* thread object.
* @return a Thread *, or "(Thread *)this" if no parent.
inline Thread *getParent(void)
{return _parent;};
* Suspends execution of the selected thread. Pthreads do not
* normally support suspendable threads, so the behavior is
* simulated with signals. On systems such as Linux that
* define threads as processes, SIGSTOP and SIGCONT may be used.
void suspend(void);
* Resumes execution of the selected thread.
void resume(void);
* Used to retrieve the cancellation mode in effect for the
* selected thread.
* @return cancellation mode constant.
inline Cancel getCancel(void)
{return _cancel;};
* Verifies if the thread is still running or has already been
* terminated but not yet deleted.
* @return true if the thread is still executing.
bool isRunning(void) const;
* Check if this thread is detached.
* @return true if the thread is detached.
bool isDetached(void) const;
* Blocking call which unlocks when thread terminates.
void join(void);
* Tests to see if the current execution context is the same as
* the specified thread object.
* @return true if the current context is this object.
bool isThread(void) const;
* Get system thread numeric identifier.
* @return numeric identifier of this thread.
cctid_t getId(void) const;
* Get the name string for this thread, to use in
* debug messages.
* @return debug name.
const char *getName(void) const
{return _name;};
* Get exception mode of the current thread.
* @return exception mode.
static Throw getException(void);
* Set exception mode of the current thread.
* @return exception mode.
static void setException(Throw mode);
* Signal the semaphore that the specified thread is waiting for
* before beginning execution.
* @param th specified thread.
friend inline void operator++(Thread &th)
{if (th._start) th._start->post();};
friend inline void operator--(Thread &th)
{if (th._start) th._start->wait();};
#ifdef WIN32
bool isCancelled() const;
static DWORD waitThread(HANDLE hRef, timeout_t timeout);
* This is used to help build wrapper functions in libraries
* around system calls that should behave as cancellation
* points but don't.
* @return saved cancel type.
static Cancel enterCancel(void);
* This is used to restore a cancel block.
* @param cancel type that was saved.
static void exitCancel(Cancel cancel);
* A class to automatically set the thread cancellation mode of a
* member function. When the member function returns and the automatic
* variable falls out of scope, the previous thread cancellation mode
* is restored.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Automatic cancellation mode setting.
class __EXPORT Cancellation
Thread::Cancel prior;
Cancellation(Thread::Cancel cancel);
#if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
typedef int signo_t;
class PosixThread: public Thread
#ifndef WIN32
/** @internal */
friend class ThreadImpl;
friend class Thread;
static PosixThread *_timer;
static Mutex _arm;
time_t _alarm;
static void signalThread(Thread* th,signo_t signo);
* In the Posix version of Common C++, this can be used to send a
* signal into the parent thread of the current object.
* @param signo a posix signal id.
inline void signalParent(signo_t signo)
{ signalThread(_parent,signo); };
* In the Posix version of Common C++, this can be used to send a
* signal into the main application thread.
* @param signo a posix signal id.
inline void signalMain(signo_t signo)
{ signalThread(_main,signo);};
* A derivable method to call when a SIGALRM is being delivered
* to a specific thread.
virtual void onTimer(void);
* A derived method to handle hangup events being delivered
* to a specific thread.
virtual void onHangup(void);
* A derived method to call when a SIGABRT is being delivered
* to a specific thread.
virtual void onException(void);
* A derived method to call when a SIGPIPE is being delivered
* to a specific thread.
virtual void onDisconnect(void);
* A derived method to handle asynchronous I/O requests delivered
* to the specified thread.
virtual void onPolling(void);
* A derivable method to call for delivering a signal event to
* a specified thread.
* @param - posix signal id.
virtual void onSignal(int);
* Used to specify a timeout event that can be delivered to the
* current thread via SIGALRM. When the timer expires, the onTimer()
* method is called for the thread. At present, only one thread
* timer can be active at any given time. On some operating
* systems (including Linux) a timer can be active on each thread.
* @param timer timeout in milliseconds.
* @param periodic should the timer be periodic.
* @note currently, periodic timers are only available on
* systems with a working setitimer call.
void setTimer(timeout_t timer, bool periodic = false);
* Gets the time remaining for the current threads timer before
* it expires.
* @return time remaining before timer expires in milliseconds.
timeout_t getTimer(void) const;
* Terminates the timer before the timeout period has expired.
* This prevents the timer from sending it's SIGALRM and makes
* the timer available to other threads.
void endTimer(void);
#if defined(HAVE_SIGWAIT) || defined(HAVE_SIGWAIT2)
* Used to wait on a Posix signal from another thread. This can be
* used as a crude rondevious/synchronization method between threads.
* @param signo a posix signal id.
void waitSignal(signo_t signo);
* Used to enable or disable a signal within the current thread.
* @param signo posix signal id.
* @param active set to true to enable.
void setSignal(int signo, bool active);
* Access to pthread_attr structure
* this allows setting/modifying pthread attributes
* not covered in the platform independant Thread constructor,
* e.g. contention scope or scheduling policy
pthread_attr_t *getPthreadAttrPtr(void);
* Get pthread_t of underlying posix thread (useful for
* debugging/logging)
pthread_t getPthreadId(void);
PosixThread(int pri = 0, size_t stack = 0);
* Delivers a Posix signal to the current thread.
* @param signo a posix signal id.
inline void signalThread(int signo)
{signalThread(this, signo);};
* Install a signal handler for use by threads and
* the OnSignal() event notification handler.
* @param signo posix signal id.
static void sigInstall(int signo);
* This class allows the creation of a thread context unique "pointer"
* that can be set and retrieved and can be used to create thread specific
* data areas for implementing "thread safe" library routines.
* Finally, Common C++ supports a
* thread-safe "AtomicCounter" class. This can often be used for reference
* counting without having to protect the counter with a separate Mutex
* counter. This lends to lighter-weight code.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short container for thread specific data storage.
class __EXPORT ThreadKey
#ifndef WIN32
pthread_key_t key;
typedef void (*TDestruct)(void*);
friend class ThreadImpl;
ThreadKey(TDestruct destruct);
DWORD key;
* Create a unique thread specific container.
* Destroy a thread specific container and any contents reserved.
virtual ~ThreadKey();
* Get the value of the pointer for the thread specific data
* container. A unique pointer can be set for each execution
* context.
* @return a unique void * for each execution context.
void *getKey(void);
* Set the value of the pointer for the current thread specific
* execution context. This can be used to store thread context
* specific data.
* @param - ptr to thread context specific data.
void setKey(void *);
* Timer ports are used to provide synchronized timing events when managed
* under a "service thread" such as SocketService. This is made into a
* stand-alone base class since other derived libraries (such as the
* serial handlers) may also use the pooled "service thread" model
* and hence also require this code for managing timing.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short synchronized millisecond timing for service threads.
class __EXPORT TimerPort
#ifndef WIN32
struct timeval timer;
DWORD timer;
bool active;
* Create a timer, mark it as inactive, and set the initial
* "start" time to the creation time of the timer object. This
* allows "incTimer" to initially refer to time delays relative
* to the original start time of the object.
* Set a new start time for the object based on when this call is
* made and optionally activate the timer for a specified number
* of milliseconds. This can be used to set the starting time
* of a realtime session.
* @param timeout delay in milliseconds from "now"
void setTimer(timeout_t timeout = 0);
* Set a timeout based on the current time reference value either
* from object creation or the last setTimer(). This reference
* can be used to time synchronize realtime data over specified
* intervals and force expiration when a new frame should be
* released in a synchronized manner.
* @param timeout delay in milliseconds from reference.
void incTimer(timeout_t timeout);
* Adjust a timeout based on the current time reference value either
* from object creation or the last setTimer(). This reference
* can be used to time synchronize realtime data over specified
* intervals and force expiration when a new frame should be
* released in a synchronized manner.
* @param timeout delay in milliseconds from reference.
void decTimer(timeout_t timeout);
* Sleep until the current timer expires. This is useful in time
* syncing realtime periodic tasks.
void sleepTimer(void);
* This is used to "disable" the service thread from expiring
* the timer object. It does not effect the reference time from
* either creation or a setTimer().
void endTimer(void);
* This is used by service threads to determine how much time
* remains before the timer expires based on a timeout specified
* in setTimer() or incTimer(). It can also be called after
* setting a timeout with incTimer() to see if the current timeout
* has already expired and hence that the application is already
* delayed and should skip frame(s).
* return time remaining in milliseconds, or TIMEOUT_INF if
* inactive.
timeout_t getTimer(void) const;
* This is used to determine how much time has elapsed since a
* timer port setTimer benchmark time was initially set. This
* allows one to use setTimer() to set the timer to the current
* time and then measure elapsed time from that point forward.
* return time elapsed in milliseconds, or TIMEOUT_INF if
* inactive.
timeout_t getElapsed(void) const;
// FIXME: not in win32 implementation
#if !defined(WIN32)
// FIXME: private declaration ???
struct timespec *getTimeout(struct timespec *spec, timeout_t timeout);
#if !defined(__CYGWIN32__) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
void wait(signo_t signo);
#endif // !WIN32
#ifdef USE_POLL
* The poller class is used to help manage pollfd structs for use in the
* updated serial and socket "port" code.
* @author Gianni Mariani <>
* @short pollfd assistance class for port classes.
class Poller
int nufds;
pollfd *ufds;
virtual ~Poller();
* reserve a specified number of poll descriptors. If additional
* descriptors are needed, they are allocated.
* @return new array of descriptors.
* @param cnt number of desctiptors to reserve
pollfd *getList(int cnt);
* Retreive the current array of poll descriptors.
* @return array of descriptors.
inline pollfd *getList(void)
{return ufds;};
inline Thread *getThread(void)
{return Thread::get();}
* This class is used to access non-reentrant date and time functions in the
* standard C library.
* The class has two purposes:
* - 1 To be used internaly in CommonCpp's date and time classes to make them
* thread safe.
* - 2 To be used by clients as thread safe replacements to the standard C
* functions, much like Thread::sleep() represents a thread safe version
* of the standard sleep() function.
* @note The class provides one function with the same name as its equivalent
* standard function and one with another, unique name. For new clients,
* the version with the unique name is recommended to make it easy to
* grep for accidental usage of the standard functions. The version with
* the standard name is provided for existing clients to sed replace their
* original version.
* @note Also note that some functions that returned pointers have been redone
* to take that pointer as an argument instead, making the caller
* responsible for memory allocation/deallocation. This is almost
* how POSIX specifies *_r functions (reentrant versions of the
* standard time functions), except the POSIX functions also return the
* given pointer while we do not. We don't use the *_r functions as they
* aren't all generally available on all platforms yet.
* @author Idar Tollefsen <>
* @short Thread safe date and time functions.
class __EXPORT SysTime
static Mutex timeLock;
inline static void lock(void)
inline static void unlock(void)
static time_t getTime(time_t *tloc = NULL);
static time_t time(time_t *tloc)
{ return getTime(tloc); };
static int getTimeOfDay(struct timeval *tp);
static int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tp, struct timezone *)
{ return getTimeOfDay(tp); };
static struct tm *getLocalTime(const time_t *clock, struct tm *result);
static struct tm *locatime(const time_t *clock, struct tm *result)
{ return getLocalTime(clock, result); };
static struct tm *getGMTTime(const time_t *clock, struct tm *result);
static struct tm *gmtime(const time_t *clock, struct tm *result)
{ return getGMTTime(clock, result);};
inline struct tm *localtime_r(const time_t *t, struct tm *b)
{return SysTime::getLocalTime(t, b);};
inline char *ctime_r(const time_t *t, char *buf)
{return ctime(t);};
inline struct tm *gmtime_r(const time_t *t, struct tm *b) \
{return SysTime::getGMTTime(t, b);};
inline char *asctime_r(const struct tm *tm, char *b) \
{return asctime(tm);};
/** EMACS **
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