blob: 929fc2130e04f941c1861a905de392a62b6b2413 [file] [log] [blame]
* @file bdIMADpj.h
* @brief bdSound IMproved Audio Device for PJSIP.
* @defgroup bd_IMAD bdIMADpj bdSound IMproved Audio Device for PJSIP.
* @ingroup audio_device_api
* <b>bdSound IMproved Audio Device</b> is a multiplatform audio interface
* created to integrate in <b>PJSIP</b> library with no effort.
* \n Porting <b>bdIMADpj</b> across the main operating systems is
* straightforward, without the need of change a single line of code.
* - <b>Features</b>
* - Echo cancellation (Full Duplex)
* - Noise reduction
* - Automatic Gain Control
* - Audio Enhancement
* - <b>Supported operating systems</b>
* - Windows
* - Android
* - MacOS X
* - iOS
* - Linux / Alsa
* - <b>Supported platforms</b>
* - x86
* - x64
* - ARM Cortex-A8/A9/A15 with NEON
* Visit <a href="http:/" target="new">bdSound</a> for updated
* features, supported operating systems and platforms.
* <b>Using PJSIP with bdIMAD audio device</b>
* - <b>Integration</b>
* \n Using <b>bdIMAD</b> within <b>PJSIP</b> is simple:
* -# Request for bdIMADpj library to
* <a href="http:/" target="new">bdSound</a>:
* bdSound will provide instruction to integrate the library depending on
* the platform / O.S. / toolchain;
* -# Add the <code>bdimad_dev.c</code> file to
* <code>pjmedia/src/pjmedia-audiodev</code> folder;
* -# Enable the bdIMAD audio device defining the periferal in the
* <code>pj/config_site.h</code> and disabling all other devices:
* <pre>
* </pre>
* - <b>Usage</b>
* \n There are only a couple of things the customer have to pay attention on
* §when using bdIMAD library.
* - <b>Initialization</b>
* \n Since the bdIMAD library provide itself the echo cancellation
* and the latency management, is necessary to disable these features
* in the PJSIP librariy applications.
* \n For example in PJSUA sample application there is the need
* to provide the following commands:
* <pre>
* --ec-tail=0
* --no-vad
* --capture-lat=0
* --playback-lat=0
* </pre>
* - <b>Supported set capability</b>
* \n Setting speaker volume.
* \n Setting michrophone volume.
* - <code>PJMEDIA_AUD_DEV_CAP_EC</code>
* \n Enable/disable echo cancellation.
* For additional information visit
* <a href="http:/" target="new"></a>
* or write to
* @author bdSound
* @version 1.0.1
* @copyright 2012 bdSound srl. All rights reserved.
* @defgroup groupFunction Functions
* @ingroup bd_IMAD
* Functions defined in bdIMAD.
* @defgroup groupCallback Callbacks
* @ingroup bd_IMAD
* Callbacks defined in bdIMAD.
* @defgroup groupStructEnum Structs and Enums
* @ingroup bd_IMAD
* Struct and Enum defined in bdIMAD.
#ifndef BD_IMAD_PJ_H__
#define BD_IMAD_PJ_H__
* @brief Macro for Windows DLL Support.
#ifdef WIN32
#define BDIMADPJ_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define BDIMADPJ_API __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#define BD_IMAD_BITS_X_SAMPLE 16 /**< Bits per sample */
typedef void* bdIMADpj;
* @addtogroup groupCallback
* @{
* @brief Callback used to fill the playback buffer of bdIMAD.
* The function is called by bdIMAD each time are required sample to be played.
* @param[in] *buffer pointer to the buffer with the audio
* samples to be played(short type).
* @param[in] nSamples number of samples required.
* @param[in] user_data pointer to the user data structure
* defined in the bdIMADpj_Setting_t
* structure.
* @return none.
typedef int (* cb_fillPlayBackB_t) (void *buffer, int nSamples,
void *user_data);
* @brief Callback used to retrive the caputre buffer of bdIMAD. The function
* is called by bdIMAD each time processed mic samples are available.
* @param[out] *buffer pointer to the buffer with the audio
* samples to download(short type).
* @param[in] nSamples number of samples processed to download.
* @param[in] user_data pointer to the user data structure
* defined in the MainSet structure.
* @return none.
typedef void (* cb_emptyCaptureB_t) (void *buffer, int nSamples,
void *user_data);
* @}
* @addtogroup groupStructEnum
* @{
* @brief Error status returned by some functions in the library.
typedef enum bdIMADpj_Status{
/**< No error. */
BD_PJ_OK = 0,
/**< Watch bdIMADpj_Warnings_t structure to find the warnings. */
/**< Error not identified. */
/**< The pointer passed is NULL. */
/**< Allocation procedure failed. */
/**< The parameter is not existent or the set/get function is not active. */
/**< No capture device found. */
/**< No play device found. */
/**< Frame size not allowed. */
/**< Sample frequency not allowed. */
/**< Samples missing. */
/**< Device list is empty. */
/**< Library not authorized, entering demo mode. */
/**< The input channel memory has not been allocated. */
/**< The library has expired, entering demo mode. */
/**< Open of capture device failed. */
/**< Open of play device failed. */
/**< Start of play device failed. */
/**< Start of capture device failed. */
/**< Start of time process failed. */
/**< Start of thread process failed. */
/**< No volume control available. */
} bdIMADpj_Status;
* @brief Parameter to pass to set and get parameter functions.
* For each enumeration are defined the data type and the supported operations
* on that parameter (set and get).
typedef enum bdIMADpj_Parameter{
/**< int* \n set/get \n 1 enable / 0 disable echo cancellation. */
/**< int* \n set/get \n 1 enable / 0 disable microphone control
* (when possible). */
/**< int* \n set/get \n 1 ebable / 0 disable noise reduction. */
/**< int* \n set \n number of channel to reset. Used to reset
* the input channel statistics. To be used when the same channel
* is assigned to another partecipant. */
/**< float* \n set/get \n 0.0f -> 1.0f volume of
* the microphone(when possible). */
/**< int* \n set/get \n 0 mute / 1 not mute on microphone
* (when possible). */
/**< float* \n set/get \n 0.0f -> 1.0f volume of the speaker. */
/**< int* \n set/get \n 0 mute / 1 not mute on speaker. */
} bdIMADpj_Parameter;
* @brief Instance structure for the information regarding the aec engine.
typedef struct bdIMADpj_Setting_t{
/**< Sample frequency (8kHz or 16kHz). */
int SamplingFrequency;
/**< Audio buffer managed by the aec bdIMAD functions.
* (from 16ms to 80ms, 16ms recommended). */
int FrameSize_ms;
/**< Points to the validation functions in the validation library. */
void *validate;
/**< Points to the the callback function used for filling
* the playback buffer of bdIMAD. */
cb_fillPlayBackB_t cb_fillPlayBackBuffer;
/**< Points to user data to pass to the callback. */
void *cb_fillPlayBackBuffer_user_data;
/**< Points to the callback function used for retreive the processed
* audio present in the capture buffer of bdIMAD. */
cb_emptyCaptureB_t cb_emptyCaptureBuffer;
/**< Points to user data to pass to the callback. */
void *cb_emptyCaptureBuffer_user_data;
/**< Is a wide char pointer to the capture device name. */
wchar_t *CaptureDevice;
/**< Is a wide char pointer to the play device name. */
wchar_t *PlayDevice;
/**< True to enable diagnostic, false to disable. */
int DiagnosticEnable;
/**< Directory which will contains the files generated for diagnostic. */
wchar_t *DiagnosticFolderPath;
/**< Is an auxiliary settings pointer used internally by bdIMAD. */
void *bdIMADwr_SettingsData;
} bdIMADpj_Setting_t;
* @brief Instance structure for the warnings generated by the initialization
* functions.
typedef struct bdIMADpj_Warnings_t{
/**< The capture device indicated can't be opened, has been selected
* the default capture device. */
int DefaultCaptureDeviceAutomaticallySelected;
/**< The capture device opened has not volume control. */
int CaptureDeviceWithoutVolumeControl;
/**< The play device indicated can't be opened, has been selected
* the default play device. */
int DefaultPlayDeviceAutomaticallySelected;
/**< The number of channel requested is out of range. The number of
* channel opened is equal to the maximum. */
int NumberOfChannelsOutOfRange;
/**< The diagnostic files could not be saved. */
int DiagnosticSaveNotAllowed;
/**< The nlp level requested is not allowed, it has been automatically
* changed to the default value. */
int nlpLevelChangeSettting;
/**< No capture device is present. Anyway the bdSES has been
* istantiated only for playback. */
int NoCaptureDevicePresent;
/**< The cpu is not adapt to run the aec engine, the aec has been disabled.
* This appens for very old cpu like pentium III. */
int oldCPUdetected_AECdisable;
/**< Windows Direct Sound error. */
long directSoundError;
/**< Windows Direct Sound volume error. */
long directSoundLevel;
/**< No play device is present. Anyway the bdSES has been istantiated
* only for capture. */
int NoPlayDevicePresent;
} bdIMADpj_Warnings_t;
* @brief Instance structure for the library version
typedef struct bdIMADpj_libVersion_t{
int major; /**< major version. */
int minor; /**< minor version. */
int build; /**< build number. */
char *name; /**< name "bdIMADpj ver.X". */
char *version; /**< beta, RC, release. */
char *buildDate; /**< build date. */
} bdIMADpj_libVersion_t;
* @}
* @addtogroup groupFunction
* @{
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @brief Must be used to allocate and set to default parameter the memory
* for the bdIMAD.
* The function generate a structure bdIMADpj_Setting_t filled with the
* default settings.
* \n The user can change this settings according to the need and then
* launch the ::bdIMADpj_InitAEC.
* \n The function generate also a warning structure (::bdIMADpj_Warnings_t)
* that could be used in ::bdIMADpj_InitAEC to handle eventual warnings.
* @param[out] **ppSettings Points to the pointer of the
* allocated ::bdIMADpj_Setting_t.
* @param[out] **ppWarningMessages Points to the pointer of the
* allocated ::bdIMADpj_Warnings_t.
* @return ::BD_PJ_OK if the function has been
* performed successfully, otherwise return
* an error (refer to ::bdIMADpj_Status).
BDIMADPJ_API bdIMADpj_Status bdIMADpj_CreateStructures(
bdIMADpj_Setting_t **ppSettings,
bdIMADpj_Warnings_t **ppWarningMessages);
* @brief Is used to free the memory for the ::bdIMADpj_Setting_t structure and
* ::bdIMADpj_Warnings_t structure allocated with
* the ::bdIMADpj_CreateStructures.
* @param[in] **ppSettings Pointer to a memory location filled
* with the address of the
* ::bdIMADpj_Setting_t structure to free.
* This address will be set to NULL.
* @param[in] **ppWarningMessages Pointer to a memory location filled
* with the address of the allocated
* ::bdIMADpj_Warnings_t structure to free.
* This address will be set to NULL.
* @return ::BD_PJ_OK if the function has been
* performed successfully, otherwise return
* an error (refer to ::bdIMADpj_Status).
BDIMADPJ_API bdIMADpj_Status bdIMADpj_FreeStructures(
bdIMADpj_Setting_t **ppSettings,
bdIMADpj_Warnings_t **ppWarningMessages);
* @brief Is used to initialize the memory for bdIMAD with the settings
* contained in the <code>ppSettings</code>.
* @param[out] *pBdIMADInstance Is the pointer to the bdIMAD object.
* @param[in] **ppSettings Pointer to pointer to a
* ::bdIMADpj_Setting_t structure, filled
* with initialization settings to be
* applied to the bdIMAD.
* \n Note, the <code>pBdIMADInstance</code>
* is modified with the applied settings.
* @param[out] **ppWarningMessages Pointer to pointer to a
* ::bdIMADpj_Warnings_t sructure,
* which reports the warnings after the
* initialization.
* @return ::BD_PJ_OK if the function has been
* performed successfully, otherwise return
* an error (refer to ::bdIMADpj_Status).
* \n If the error is
* the init has been performed with success,
* but with a different settings
* respect to the ones required.
* This mainly happens if the audio
* device opened is different to the
* one requested.
BDIMADPJ_API bdIMADpj_Status bdIMADpj_InitAEC(bdIMADpj *pBdIMADInstance,
bdIMADpj_Setting_t **ppSettings,
bdIMADpj_Warnings_t **ppWarningMessages);
* @brief Is used to free the bdIMAD object pointed by the
* <code>pBdIMADInstance</code>.
* @param[in] *pBdIMADInstance Pointer to the bdIMAD object to free.
* @return ::BD_PJ_OK if the function has been
* performed successfully, otherwise return
* an error (refer to ::bdIMADpj_Status).
BDIMADPJ_API bdIMADpj_Status bdIMADpj_FreeAEC(bdIMADpj *pBdIMADInstance);
* @brief Is used to make a list of capure and play devices available
* on the system.
* @param[in] captureDevice Set to 1 to get the list of capture
* devices. Set to 0 to get the list of
* play devices.
* @param[in] **deviceName Pointer to pointer to a wide char
* containing the names of capture/play
* devices.
* @return ::BD_PJ_OK if the function has been
* performed successfully, otherwise return
* an error (refer to ::bdIMADpj_Status).
BDIMADPJ_API bdIMADpj_Status bdIMADpj_getDeviceName(int captureDevice,
wchar_t **deviceName);
* @brief Is used to freeze the bdIMAD, stopping the audio playback
* and recording.
* @param[in] bdIMADInstance bdIMAD object.
* @return ::BD_PJ_OK if the function has been
* performed successfully, otherwise
* return an error (refer to
* ::bdIMADpj_Status).
BDIMADPJ_API bdIMADpj_Status bdIMADpj_stop(bdIMADpj bdIMADInstance);
* @brief Is used to put back in play the audio after it has been stopped by the
* ::bdIMADpj_stop functions.
* @param[in] bdIMADInstance bdIMAD object.
* @return ::BD_PJ_OK if the function has been
* performed successfully, otherwise
* return an error (refer to
* ::bdIMADpj_Status).
BDIMADPJ_API bdIMADpj_Status bdIMADpj_run(bdIMADpj bdIMADInstance);
* @brief Print on a standard output the warning messages.
* @param[in] *pWarningMessages Pointer to the warning structure
* to be printed.
* @return ::BD_PJ_OK if the function has been
* performed successfully, otherwise
* return an error
* (refer to ::bdIMADpj_Status).
BDIMADPJ_API bdIMADpj_Status bdIMADpj_DisplayWarnings(
bdIMADpj_Warnings_t *pWarningMessages);
* @brief Clear the warning structure after being read.
* @param[out] **ppWarningMessages Pointer to pointer to the warning
* structure to be cleared.
* @return ::BD_PJ_OK if the function has been
* performed successfully, otherwise
* return an error (refer to
* ::bdIMADpj_Status).
BDIMADPJ_API bdIMADpj_Status bdIMADpj_ClearAllWarnings(
bdIMADpj_Warnings_t **ppWarningMessages);
* @brief Is used to set a parameter of the bdIMAD object pointed by the
* <code>pBdIMADInstance</code>.
* @param[in] bdIMADInstance bdIMAD object.
* @param[in] parameterName Indicate the parameter to set.
* @param[in] *pValue Is a pointer to the value to set
* cast to void.
* \n In the ::bdIMADpj_Parameter
* declaration is indicated the real type of
* the value, depending on the
* <code>parameterName</code>.
* @return ::BD_PJ_OK if the function has been
* performed successfully, otherwise
* return an error (refer to
* §::bdIMADpj_Status).
BDIMADPJ_API bdIMADpj_Status bdIMADpj_setParameter(bdIMADpj bdIMADInstance,
bdIMADpj_Parameter parameterName, void *pValue);
* @brief Is used to get a parameter of the bdIMAD object pointed by the
* <code>pBdIMADInstance</code>.
* @param[in] bdIMADInstance bdIMAD object.
* @param[in] parameterName Indicate the parameter to get.
* @param[out] *pValue Is a pointer to the value to get cast
* to void. \n In the
* ::bdIMADpj_Parameter declaration is
* indicated the real type of the value,
* depending on the
* <code>parameterName</code>.
* @return ::BD_PJ_OK if the function has been
* performed successfully, otherwise return
* an error (refer to ::bdIMADpj_Status).
BDIMADPJ_API bdIMADpj_Status bdIMADpj_getParameter(bdIMADpj bdIMADInstance,
bdIMADpj_Parameter parameterName, void *pValue);
#ifdef __cplusplus
* @}
#endif //BD_IMAD_PJ_H__