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Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Werner Dittmann
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
* @file ZrtpPacketHello.h
* @brief The ZRTP Hello message
* @ingroup GNU_ZRTP
* @{
#include <libzrtpcpp/ZrtpPacketBase.h>
* Implement the Hello packet.
* The ZRTP Hello message. The implementation sends this
* to start the ZRTP negotiation sequence. The Hello message
* offers crypto methods and parameters to the other party. The
* other party selects methods and parameters it can support
* and uses the Commit message to commit these.
* @author Werner Dittmann <>
class __EXPORT ZrtpPacketHello : public ZrtpPacketBase {
Hello_t* helloHeader; ///< Point to the Hello message part
int32_t nHash, ///< number of hash algorithms offered
nCipher, ///< number of cipher algorithms offered
nPubkey, ///< number of key agreement algorithms offered
nSas, ///< number of SAS algorithms offered
nAuth; ///< number of SRTP authentication algorithms offered
int32_t oHash, ///< offsets in bytes to hash algorithm names
oCipher, ///< offsets in bytes to cipher algorithm names
oPubkey, ///< offsets in bytes to key agreement algorithm names
oSas, ///< offsets in bytes to SAS algorithm names
oAuth, ///< offsets in bytes to SRTP authentication algorithm names
oHmac; ///< offsets in bytes to MAC of Hello message
/// Creates a Hello packet with default data
/// Creates a Hello packet from received data
ZrtpPacketHello(uint8_t *data);
virtual ~ZrtpPacketHello();
* Set configure data and populate Hello message data.
* Fill in the offered Algorithm names and compute all offset to
* names and MAC. An application must call this method on Hello message
* objects created with the standard constructor (with default data)
* before the application can use most of the getter and setter methods.
* @param config
* Pointer to ZrtpConfigure data.
void configureHello(ZrtpConfigure* config);
/// Get version number from Hello message, fixed ASCII character array
uint8_t* getVersion() { return helloHeader->version; };
/// Get client id from Hello message, fixed ASCII character array
uint8_t* getClientId() { return helloHeader->clientId; };
/// Get H3 hash from Hello message, fixed byte array
uint8_t* getH3() { return helloHeader->hashH3; };
/// Get client ZID from Hello message, fixed bytes array
uint8_t* getZid() { return helloHeader->zid; };
/// Set version sting in Hello message, fixed ASCII character array
void setVersion(uint8_t *text) { memcpy(helloHeader->version, text,ZRTP_WORD_SIZE ); }
/// Set client id in Hello message, fixed ASCII character array
void setClientId(const uint8_t *t) { memcpy(helloHeader->clientId, t, sizeof(helloHeader->clientId)); }
/// Set H3 hash in Hello message, fixed byte array
void setH3(uint8_t *hash) { memcpy(helloHeader->hashH3, hash, sizeof(helloHeader->hashH3)); }
/// Set client ZID in Hello message, fixed bytes array
void setZid(uint8_t *text) { memcpy(helloHeader->zid, text, sizeof(helloHeader->zid)); }
/// Check passive mode (mode not implemented)
bool isPassive() { return helloHeader->flags & 0x10; };
/// Check if MitM flag is set
bool isMitmMode() { return helloHeader->flags & 0x20; };
/// Check if SAS sign flag is set
bool isSasSign() { return helloHeader->flags & 0x40; };
/// Get hash algorithm name at position n, fixed ASCII character array
uint8_t* getHashType(int32_t n) { return ((uint8_t*)helloHeader)+oHash+(n*ZRTP_WORD_SIZE); }
/// Get ciper algorithm name at position n, fixed ASCII character array
uint8_t* getCipherType(int32_t n) { return ((uint8_t*)helloHeader)+oCipher+(n*ZRTP_WORD_SIZE); }
/// Get SRTP authentication algorithm name at position n, fixed ASCII character array
uint8_t* getAuthLen(int32_t n) { return ((uint8_t*)helloHeader)+oAuth+(n*ZRTP_WORD_SIZE); }
/// Get key agreement algorithm name at position n, fixed ASCII character array
uint8_t* getPubKeyType(int32_t n) { return ((uint8_t*)helloHeader)+oPubkey+(n*ZRTP_WORD_SIZE); }
/// Get SAS algorithm name at position n, fixed ASCII character array
uint8_t* getSasType(int32_t n) { return ((uint8_t*)helloHeader)+oSas+(n*ZRTP_WORD_SIZE); }
/// Get Hello MAC, fixed byte array
uint8_t* getHMAC() { return ((uint8_t*)helloHeader)+oHmac; }
/// Set hash algorithm name at position n, fixed ASCII character array
void setHashType(int32_t n, int8_t* t)
{ memcpy(((uint8_t*)helloHeader)+oHash+(n*ZRTP_WORD_SIZE), t, ZRTP_WORD_SIZE); }
/// Set ciper algorithm name at position n, fixed ASCII character array
void setCipherType(int32_t n, int8_t* t)
{ memcpy(((uint8_t*)helloHeader)+oCipher+(n*ZRTP_WORD_SIZE), t, ZRTP_WORD_SIZE); }
/// Set SRTP authentication algorithm name at position n, fixed ASCII character array
void setAuthLen(int32_t n, int8_t* t)
{ memcpy(((uint8_t*)helloHeader)+oAuth+(n*ZRTP_WORD_SIZE), t, ZRTP_WORD_SIZE); }
/// Set key agreement algorithm name at position n, fixed ASCII character array
void setPubKeyType(int32_t n, int8_t* t)
{ memcpy(((uint8_t*)helloHeader)+oPubkey+(n*ZRTP_WORD_SIZE), t, ZRTP_WORD_SIZE); }
/// Set SAS algorithm name at position n, fixed ASCII character array
void setSasType(int32_t n, int8_t* t)
{ memcpy(((uint8_t*)helloHeader)+oSas+(n*ZRTP_WORD_SIZE), t, ZRTP_WORD_SIZE); }
/// Set Hello MAC, fixed byte array
void setHMAC(uint8_t* t)
{ memcpy(((uint8_t*)helloHeader)+oHmac, t, 2*ZRTP_WORD_SIZE); }
/// Get number of offered hash algorithms
int32_t getNumHashes() {return nHash; }
/// Get number of offered cipher algorithms
int32_t getNumCiphers() {return nCipher; }
/// Get number of offered key agreement algorithms
int32_t getNumPubKeys() {return nPubkey; }
/// Get number of offered SAS algorithms
int32_t getNumSas() {return nSas; }
/// Get number of offered SRTP authentication algorithms
int32_t getNumAuth() {return nAuth; }
/// set MitM flag
void setMitmMode() {helloHeader->flags |= 0x20; }
/// set SAS sign flag
void setSasSign() {helloHeader->flags |= 0x40; }
/// Check if packet length matches
bool isLengthOk() {return (computedLength == getLength());}
uint32_t computedLength;
// Hello packet is of variable length. It maximum size is 46 words:
// - 20 words fixed sizze
// - up to 35 words variable part, depending on number of algorithms
// leads to a maximum of 4*55=220 bytes.
uint8_t data[256]; // large enough to hold a full blown Hello packet
* @}