blob: 7a1ee67d464de8d7e6e4ba30b78d4f672aa1edc8 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Werner Dittmann
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef _ZRTPQUEUE_H_
#define _ZRTPQUEUE_H_
#include <ccrtp/cqueue.h>
#include <ccrtp/rtppkt.h>
#include <libzrtpcpp/ZrtpCallback.h>
#include <libzrtpcpp/ZrtpConfigure.h>
#include <CcrtpTimeoutProvider.h>
class __EXPORT ZrtpUserCallback;
class __EXPORT ZRtp;
* GNU ccRTP extension to support GNU ZRTP.
* ZRTP was developed by Phil Zimmermann and provides functions to
* negotiate keys and other necessary data (crypto data) to set-up
* the Secure RTP (SRTP) crypto context. Refer to Phil's ZRTP
* specification at his <a href="">Zfone
* project</a> site to get more detailed imformation about the
* capabilities of ZRTP.
* <b>Short overview of the ZRTP implementation</b>
* ZRTP is a specific protocol to negotiate encryption algorithms
* and the required key material. ZRTP uses a RTP session to
* exchange its protocol messages.
* A complete GNU ZRTP implementation consists of two parts, the
* GNU ZRTP core and specific code that binds the GNU ZRTP core to
* the underlying RTP/SRTP stack and the operating system:
* <ul>
* <li>
* The GNU ZRTP core is independent of a specific RTP/SRTP
* stack and the operationg system and consists of the ZRTP
* protocol state engine, the ZRTP protocol messages, and the
* GNU ZRTP engine. The GNU ZRTP engine provides methods to
* setup ZRTP message and to analyze received ZRTP messages,
* to compute the crypto data required for SRTP, and to
* maintain the required hashes and HMAC.
* </li>
* <li>
* The second part of an implementation is specific
* <em>glue</em> code the binds the GNU ZRTP core to the
* actual RTP/SRTP implementation and other operating system
* specific services such as timers.
* </li>
* </ul>
* The GNU ZRTP core uses a callback interface class (refer to
* ZrtpCallback) to access RTP/SRTP or operating specific methods,
* for example to send data via the RTP/SRTP stack, to access
* timers, provide mutex handling, and to report events to the
* application.
* <b>The ZrtpQueue</b>
* ZrtpQueue implements code that is specific to the GNU ccRTP
* implementation. ZrtpQueue also implements the specific code to
* provide the mutex and timeout handling to the GNU ZRTP
* core. Both, the mutex and the timeout handling, use the GNU
* Common C++ library to stay independent of the operating
* seystem. For more information refer to the <a
* href="">GNU
* Common C++</a> web site.
* To perform its tasks ZrtpQueue
* <ul>
* <li> extends GNU ccRTP classes to use the underlying
* ccRTP methods and the RTP/SRTP send and receive queues
* </li>
* <li> implements the ZrtpCallback interface to provide ccRTP
* access and other specific services (timer, mutex) to GNU
* </li>
* <li> provides ZRTP specific methods that applications may use
* to control and setup GNU ZRTP
* </li>
* <li> can register and use an application specific callback
* class (refer to ZrtpUserCallback)
* </li>
* </ul>
* After instantiating a GNU ZRTP session (see below for a short
* example) applications may use the ZRTP specific methods of
* ZrtpQueue to control and setup GNU ZRTP, for example enable or
* disable ZRTP processing or getting ZRTP status information.
* GNU ZRTP provides a ZrtpUserCallback class that an application
* may extend and register with ZrtpQueue. GNU ZRTP and ZrtpQueue
* use the ZrtpUserCallback methods to report ZRTP events to the
* application. The application may display this information to
* the user or act otherwise.
* The following figure depicts the relationships between
* ZrtpQueue, ccRTP RTP/SRTP implementation, the GNU ZRTP core,
* and an application that provides an ZrtpUserCallback class.
| ccRTP |
| |
| extends
+----------------+ +-----+------+
| Application | | | +-----------------+
| instantiates | uses | ZrtpQueue | uses | |
| a ZRTP Session +------+ implements +------+ GNU ZRTP |
| and provides | |ZrtpCallback| | core |
|ZrtpUserCallback| | | | implementation |
+----------------+ +------------+ | (ZRtp et al) |
| |
* Because ZrtpQueue extends the ccRTP RTP/SRTP implementation
* (AVPQueue) all public methods defined by ccRTP are also
* available for a ZRTP session. ZrtpQueue overwrites some of the
* public methods of ccRTP (AVPQueue) to implement ZRTP specific
* code.
* GNU ZRTP provides a <em>SymmetricZRTPSession</em> type to
* simplify its use. An application uses this type in the same way
* as it would use the normal ccRTP <em>SymmetricRTPSession</em>
* type. The following short code snippets show how an application
* could instantiate ccRTP and GNU ZRTP sessions. The first
* snippet shows how to instantiate a ccRTP session:
* @code
* ...
* #include <ccrtp/rtp.h>
* ...
* SymmetricRTPSession tx(pattern.getSsrc(),
* InetHostAddress("localhost"));
* ...
* @endcode
* The same code as above but using a GNU ZRTP session this time:
* @code
* ...
* #include <libzrtpcpp/zrtpccrtp.h>
* ...
* SymmetricZRTPSession tx(pattern.getSsrc(),
* InetHostAddress("localhost"));
* ...
* @endcode
* The only differences are the different include statements and
* the different session types.
* The <em>demo</em> folder contains a small example that shows
* how to use GNU ZRTP.
* Please refer to the GNU ccRTP documentation for a description
* of ccRTP methods and functions. This ZrtpQueue documentation
* shows the ZRTP specific extensions and describes overloaded
* methods and a possible different behaviour.
* @author Werner Dittmann <>
class __EXPORT ZrtpQueue : public AVPQueue, ZrtpCallback {
* Initialize the ZrtpQueue.
* Before an application can use ZRTP it has to initialize the
* ZRTP implementation. This method initializes the timeout
* thread and opens a file that contains ZRTP specific
* information such as the applications ZID (ZRTP id) and its
* retained shared secrets.
* If one application requires several ZRTP sessions all
* sessions use the same timeout thread and use the same ZID
* file. Therefore an application does not need to do any
* synchronisation regading ZID files or timeouts. This is
* managed by the ZRTP implementation.
* The current implementation of ZrtpQueue does not support
* different ZID files for one application instance. This
* restriction may be removed in later versions.
* The application may specify its own ZID file name. If no
* ZID file name is specified it defaults to
* <code>$HOME/.GNUccRTP.zid</code> if the <code>HOME</code>
* environment variable is set. If it is not set the current
* directory is used.
* If the method could set up the timeout thread and open the ZID
* file then it enables ZRTP processing and returns.
* @param zidFilename
* The name of the ZID file, can be a relative or absolut
* filename.
* @param autoEnable
* if set to true the method automatically sets enableZrtp to
* true. This enables the ZRTP auto-sense mode. Default is true.
* @param config
* this parameter points to ZRTP configuration data. If it is
* NULL then ZrtpQueue uses a default setting. Default is NULL.
* @return
* 1 on success, ZRTP processing enabled, -1 on failure,
* ZRTP processing disabled.
int32_t initialize(const char *zidFilename, bool autoEnable = true,
ZrtpConfigure* config = NULL);
* Applications use the following methods to control ZRTP, for example
* to enable ZRTP, set flags etc.
* Enable or disable ZRTP processing.
* Call this method to enable or disable ZRTP processing after
* calling <code>initialize()</code>. This can be done before
* using a RTP session or at any time during a RTP session.
* Existing SRTP sessions or currently active ZRTP processing will
* not be stopped or disconnected.
* If the application enables ZRTP then:
* <ul>
* <li>ZrtpQueue starts to send ZRTP Hello packets after at least
* one RTP packet was sent and received on the associated RTP
* session. Thus if an application enables ZRTP and ZrtpQueue
* detects traffic on the RTP session then ZrtpQueue automatically
* starts the ZRTP protocol. This automatic start is convenient
* for applications that negotiate RTP parameters and set up RTP
* sessions but the actual RTP traffic starts some time later.
* </li>
* <li>ZrtpQueue analyses incoming packets to detect ZRTP
* messages. If ZRTP was started, either via automatic start (see
* above) or explicitly via startZrtp(), then ZrtpQueue
* forwards ZRTP packets to the GNU ZRTP core.
* </ul>
* @param onOff
* @c true to enable ZRTP, @c false to disable ZRTP
void setEnableZrtp(bool onOff);
* Return the state of ZRTP enable state.
* @return @c true if ZRTP processing is enabled, @c false
* otherwise.
bool isEnableZrtp();
* Set SAS as verified.
* The application may call this method if the user confirmed
* (verfied) the Short Authentication String (SAS) with the peer.
* ZRTP calls ZrtpUserCallback#showSAS after it computed the SAS
* and the application registered a user callback class. The
* application should display the SAS and provide a mechanism at
* the user interface that enables the user to confirm the SAS.
* ZRTP remembers the SAS confirmation status together with the
* retained secrets data. If both parties confirmed the SAS then
* ZRTP informs the application about this status on the next ZRTP
* session.
* For more detailed information regarding SAS please refer to the
* ZRTP specification, chapter 8.
void SASVerified();
* Reset the SAS verfied flag for the current user's retained secrets.
void resetSASVerified();
* To confirm a go clear request.
* Call this method if the user confirmed a go clear (secure mode off).
void goClearOk();
* Request to switch off secure mode.
* Call this method is the user itself wants to switch off secure
* mode (go clear). After sending the "go clear" request to the peer
* ZRTP immediatly switch off SRTP processing. Every RTP data is sent
* in clear after the go clear request.
void requestGoClear();
* Set the auxilliary secret.
* Use this method to set the srtps secret data. Refer to ZRTP
* specification, chapter 5.3 ff
* @param data
* Points to the auxilliary secret data.
* @param length
* Length of the auxilliary secrect in bytes
void setAuxSecret(uint8_t* data, int32_t length);
* Set the application's callback class.
* The destructor of ZrtpQueue also destorys the user callback
* class if it was set. The application must not delete the
* callback object or use/reference the callback object after
* ZrtpQueue was destroyed.
* @param ucb
* Implementation of the application's ZrtpUserCallback class
void setUserCallback(ZrtpUserCallback* ucb);
* Set the client ID for ZRTP Hello message.
* The GNU ccRTP client may set its id to identify itself in the
* ZRTP Hello message. The maximum length is 16 characters. A
* shorter id string is possible, it will be filled with blanks. A
* longer id string will be truncated to 16 characters. The
* standard client id is <code>'GNU ccRTP ZRTP '</code> (without
* the quotes).
* Setting the client's id must be done before calling
* ZrtpQueue#initialize() or ZrtpQueue#startZrtp() .
* @param id
* The client's id string
void setClientId(std::string id);
* Get the ZRTP Hello Hash data.
* Use this method to get the ZRTP Hello Hash data. The method
* returns the data as a string containing hex-digits. Refer
* to ZRTP specification, chapter 9.1.
* @return
* a std:string containing the Hello hash value as hex-digits. The
* hello hash is available immediatly after calling
* ZrtpQueue#startZrtp. If ZRTP was not started the method returns
* an empty string.
std::string getHelloHash();
* Get the peer's ZRTP Hello Hash data.
* Use this method to get the peer's ZRTP Hello Hash data. The method
* returns the data as a string containing the ZRTP protocol version and
* hex-digits.
* The peer's hello hash is available only after ZRTP received a hello. If
* no data is available the function returns an empty string.
* Refer to ZRTP specification, chapter 8.
* @return
* a std:string containing the Hello version and the hello hash as hex digits.
std::string getPeerHelloHash();
* Get Multi-stream parameters.
* Use this method to get the Multi-stream that were computed during
* the ZRTP handshake. An application may use these parameters to
* enable multi-stream processing for an associated SRTP session.
* Refer to chapter 5.4.2 in the ZRTP specification for further details
* and restriction how and when to use multi-stream mode.
* @return
* a string that contains the multi-stream parameters. The application
* must not modify the contents of this string, it is opaque data. The
* application may hand over this string to a new ZrtpQueue instance
* to enable multi-stream processing for this ZrtpQueue. If ZRTP was
* not started or ZRTP is not yet in secure state the method returns an
* empty string.
* @see setMultiStrParams()
std::string getMultiStrParams();
* Set Multi-stream parameters.
* Use this method to set the parameters required to enable Multi-stream
* processing of ZRTP. The multi-stream parameters must be set before the
* application starts the ZRTP protocol engine.
* Refer to chapter 5.4.2 in the ZRTP specification for further details
* of multi-stream mode.
* @param parameters
* A string that contains the multi-stream parameters that this
* new ZrtpQueue instanace shall use.
* @see getMultiStrParams()
void setMultiStrParams(std::string parameters);
* Check if this ZRTP use Multi-stream.
* Use this method to check if this ZRTP instance uses multi-stream. Even
* if the application provided multi-stram parameters it may happen that
* full DH mode was used. Refer to chapters 5.2 and 5.4.2 in the ZRTP #
* when this may happen.
* @return
* True if multi-stream is used, false otherwise.
bool isMultiStream();
* Check if the other ZRTP client supports Multi-stream.
* Use this method to check if the other ZRTP client supports
* Multi-stream mode.
* @return
* True if multi-stream is available, false otherwise.
bool isMultiStreamAvailable();
* Accept a PBX enrollment request.
* If a PBX service asks to enroll the MiTM key and the user accepts this
* requtes, for example by pressing an OK button, the client application
* shall call this method and set the parameter <code>accepted</code> to
* true. If the user does not accept the request set the parameter to
* false.
* @param accepted
* True if the enrollment request is accepted, false otherwise.
void acceptEnrollment(bool accepted);
* Get the commited SAS rendering algorithm for this ZRTP session.
* @return the commited SAS rendering algorithm
std::string getSasType();
* Get the computed SAS hash for this ZRTP session.
* A PBX ZRTP back-to-Back function uses this function to get the SAS
* hash of an enrolled client to construct the SAS relay packet for
* the other client.
* @return a refernce to the byte array that contains the full
* SAS hash.
uint8_t* getSasHash();
* Send the SAS relay packet.
* The method creates and sends a SAS relay packet according to the ZRTP
* specifications. Usually only a MitM capable user agent (PBX) uses this
* function.
* @param sh the full SAS hash value
* @param render the SAS rendering algorithm
bool sendSASRelayPacket(uint8_t* sh, std::string render);
* Check the state of the MitM mode flag.
* If true then this ZRTP session acts as MitM, usually enabled by a PBX
* client (user agent)
* @return state of mitmMode
bool isMitmMode();
* Set the state of the MitM mode flag.
* If MitM mode is set to true this ZRTP session acts as MitM, usually
* enabled by a PBX client (user agent).
* @param mitmMode defines the new state of the mitmMode flag
void setMitmMode(bool mitmMode);
* Enable or disable paranoid mode.
* The Paranoid mode controls the behaviour and handling of the SAS verify flag. If
* Panaoid mode is set to flase then ZRtp applies the normal handling. If Paranoid
* mode is set to true then the handling is:
* <ul>
* <li> always set the SAS verify flag to <code>false</code> at srtpSecretsOn() callback. The
* user interface (UI) must show <b>SAS not verified</b>. See implementation note below.</li>
* <li> don't set the SAS verify flag in the <code>Confirm</code> packets, thus forcing the other
* peer to report <b>SAS not verified</b>.</li>
* <li> ignore the <code>SASVerified()</code> function, thus do not set the SAS verified flag
* in the ZRTP cache. </li>
* <li> Disable the <em>Trusted PBX MitM</em> feature. Just send the <code>SASRelay</code> packet
* but do not process the relayed data. This protects the user from a malicious
* "trusted PBX".</li>
* </ul>
* ZRtp performs alls other steps during the ZRTP negotiations as usual, in particular it
* computes, compares, uses, and stores the retained secrets. This avoids unnecessary warning
* messages. The user may enable or disable the Paranoid mode on a call-by-call basis without
* breaking the key continuity data.
* <b>Implementation note:</b><br/>
* An application shall <b>always display the SAS if the SAS verify flag is <code>false</code></b>.
* The application shall remind the user to compare the SAS code, for example using larger fonts,
* different colours and other display features.
void setParanoidMode(bool yesNo);
* Check status of paranoid mode.
* @return
* Returns true if paranoid mode is enabled.
bool isParanoidMode();
* Check the state of the enrollment mode.
* If true then we will set the enrollment flag (E) in the confirm
* packets and performs the enrollment actions. A MitM (PBX) enrollment service sets this flagstarted this ZRTP
* session. Can be set to true only if mitmMode is also true.
* @return status of the enrollmentMode flag.
bool isEnrollmentMode();
* Check the state of the enrollment mode.
* If true then we will set the enrollment flag (E) in the confirm
* packets and perform the enrollment actions. A MitM (PBX) enrollment
* service must sets this mode to true.
* Can be set to true only if mitmMode is also true.
* @param enrollmentMode defines the new state of the enrollmentMode flag
void setEnrollmentMode(bool enrollmentMode);
* Check if a peer's cache entry has a vaild MitM key.
* If true then the other peer ha a valid MtiM key, i.e. the peer has performed
* the enrollment procedure. A PBX ZRTP Back-2-Back application can use this function
* to check which of the peers is enrolled.
* @return True if the other peer has a valid Mitm key (is enrolled).
bool isPeerEnrolled();
* Set the state of the SAS signature mode flag.
* If SAS signature mode is set to true this ZRTP session support SAS signature
* callbacks and signature transfer between clients.
* @param sasSignMode defines the new state of the sasSignMode flag
void setSignSas(bool sasSignMode);
* Set signature data
* This functions stores signature data and transmitts it during ZRTP
* processing to the other party as part of the Confirm packets. Refer to
* chapters 6.7 and 8.2 in the ZRTP specification.
* @param data
* The signature data including the signature type block. The method
* copies this data into the Confirm packet at signature type block.
* @param length
* The length of the signature data in bytes. This length must be
* multiple of 4.
* @return
* True if the method stored the data, false otherwise.
bool setSignatureData(uint8* data, int32 length);
* Get signature data
* This functions returns signature data that was receivied during ZRTP
* processing. Refer to chapters 6.7 and 8.2.
* @return
* Pointer to signature data. This is a pointer to volatile data that is
* only valid during the checkSASSignature() callback. The application
* shall copy the data if necessary.
const uint8* getSignatureData();
* Get length of signature data
* This functions returns the length of signature data that was receivied
* during ZRTP processing. Refer to chapters 6.7 and 8.2.
* @return
* Length in bytes of the received signature data. The method returns
* zero if no signature data avilable.
int32 getSignatureLength();
* Put data into the RTP output queue.
* This is used to create a data packet in the send queue.
* Sometimes a "NULL" or empty packet will be used instead, and
* these are known as "silent" packets. "Silent" packets are
* used simply to "push" the scheduler along more accurately
* by giving the appearence that a next packet is waiting to
* be sent and to provide a valid timestamp for that packet.
* This method overrides the same method in OutgoingDataQueue class.
* During ZRTP processing it may be necessary to control the
* flow of outgoing RTP payload packets (GoClear processing).
* @param stamp Timestamp for expected send time of packet.
* @param data Value or NULL if special "silent" packet.
* @param len May be 0 to indicate a default by payload type.
putData(uint32 stamp, const unsigned char* data = NULL, size_t len = 0);
* Immediatly send a data packet.
* This is used to create a data packet and send it immediately.
* Sometimes a "NULL" or empty packet will be used instead, and
* these are known as "silent" packets. "Silent" packets are
* used simply to "push" the scheduler along more accurately
* by giving the appearence that a next packet is waiting to
* be sent and to provide a valid timestamp for that packet.
* This method overrides the same method in OutgoingDataQueue
* class. During ZRTP processing it may be necessary to
* control the flow of outgoing RTP payload packets (GoClear
* processing).
* @param stamp Timestamp immediate send time of packet.
* @param data Value or NULL if special "silent" packet.
* @param len May be 0 to indicate a default by payload type.
sendImmediate(uint32 stamp, const unsigned char* data = NULL, size_t len = 0);
* Starts the ZRTP protocol engine.
* Applications may call this method to immediatly start the ZRTP protocol
* engine any time after initializing ZRTP and setting optinal parameters,
* for example client id or multi-stream parameters.
* If the application does not call this method but sucessfully initialized
* the ZRTP engine using <code>initialize()</code> then ZRTP also starts
* after the application sent and received RTP packets. An application can
* disable this automatic, delayed start of the ZRTP engine using
* <code>setEnableZrtp(false)</code> before sending or receiving RTP
* packets.
void startZrtp();
* Stops the ZRTP protocol engine.
* Applications call this method to stop the ZRTP protocol
* engine.
void stopZrtp();
* Get other party's ZID (ZRTP Identifier) data
* This functions returns the other party's ZID that was receivied
* during ZRTP processing.
* The ZID data can be retrieved after ZRTP receive the first Hello
* packet from the other party. The application may call this method
* for example during SAS processing in showSAS(...) user callback
* method.
* @param data
* Pointer to a data buffer. This buffer must have a size of
* at least 12 bytes (96 bit) (ZRTP Identifier, see chap. 4.9)
* @return
* Number of bytes copied into the data buffer - must be equivalent
* to 96 bit, usually 12 bytes.
int32 getPeerZid(uint8* data);
friend class TimeoutProvider<std::string, ost::ZrtpQueue*>;
* A hook that gets called if the decoding of an incoming SRTP
* was erroneous
* @param pkt
* The SRTP packet with error.
* @param errorCode
* The error code: -1 - SRTP authentication failure, -2 - replay
* check failed
* @return
* True: put the packet in incoming queue for further processing
* by the applications; false: dismiss packet. The default
* implementation returns false.
virtual bool
onSRTPPacketError(IncomingRTPPkt& pkt, int32 errorCode);
* Handle timeout event forwarded by the TimeoutProvider.
* Just call the ZRTP engine for further processing.
void handleTimeout(const std::string &c);
* This function is used by the service thread to process
* the next incoming packet and place it in the receive list.
* This class overloads the function of IncomingDataQueue
* implementation.
* @return number of payload bytes received, <0 if error.
virtual size_t takeInDataPacket();
* The following methods implement the GNU ZRTP callback interface.
* For detailed documentation refer to file ZrtpCallback.h
int32_t sendDataZRTP(const unsigned char* data, int32_t length);
int32_t activateTimer(int32_t time);
int32_t cancelTimer();
void sendInfo(GnuZrtpCodes::MessageSeverity severity, int32_t subCode);
bool srtpSecretsReady(SrtpSecret_t* secrets, EnableSecurity part);
void srtpSecretsOff(EnableSecurity part);
void srtpSecretsOn(std::string c, std::string s, bool verified);
void handleGoClear();
void zrtpNegotiationFailed(GnuZrtpCodes::MessageSeverity severity, int32_t subCode);
void zrtpNotSuppOther();
void synchEnter();
void synchLeave();
void zrtpAskEnrollment(GnuZrtpCodes::InfoEnrollment info);
void zrtpInformEnrollment(GnuZrtpCodes::InfoEnrollment info);
void signSAS(uint8_t* sasHash);
bool checkSASSignature(uint8_t* sasHash);
* End of ZrtpCallback functions.
ZrtpQueue(uint32 size = RTPDataQueue::defaultMembersHashSize,
RTPApplication& app = defaultApplication());
* Local SSRC is given instead of computed by the queue.
ZrtpQueue(uint32 ssrc, uint32 size =
RTPApplication& app = defaultApplication());
virtual ~ZrtpQueue();
void init();
size_t rtpDataPacket(unsigned char* packet, int32 rtn,
InetHostAddress network_address,
tpport_t transport_port);
ZRtp *zrtpEngine;
ZrtpUserCallback* zrtpUserCallback;
std::string clientIdString;
bool enableZrtp;
int32 secureParts;
int16 senderZrtpSeqNo;
ost::Mutex synchLock; // Mutex for ZRTP (used by ZrtpStateClass)
uint32 peerSSRC;
bool started;
bool mitmMode;
bool signSas;
bool enableParanoidMode;
class IncomingZRTPPkt : public IncomingRTPPkt {
* Build a ZRTP packet object from a data buffer.
* @param block pointer to the buffer the whole packet is stored in.
* @param len length of the whole packet, expressed in octets.
IncomingZRTPPkt(const unsigned char* block, size_t len);
{ }
getZrtpMagic() const;
getSSRC() const;
class OutgoingZRTPPkt : public OutgoingRTPPkt {
* Construct a new ZRTP packet to be sent.
* A new copy in memory (holding all this components
* along with the fixed header) is created.
* @param hdrext whole header extension.
* @param hdrextlen size of whole header extension, in octets.
OutgoingZRTPPkt(const unsigned char* const hdrext, uint32 hdrextlen);
{ }
/** EMACS **
* Local variables:
* mode: c++
* c-default-style: ellemtel
* c-basic-offset: 4
* End: