blob: 1f4123af848de3326b60bb735eb8f80582a861be [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 Werner Dittmann
* All rights reserved. For licensing and other legal details, see the file legal.c.
* @author Werner Dittmann <>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <bn.h>
#include <bnprint.h>
#include <ec/ec.h>
static BigNum _mpiZero;
static BigNum _mpiOne;
static BigNum _mpiTwo;
static BigNum _mpiThree;
static BigNum _mpiFour;
static BigNum _mpiEight;
static BigNum* mpiZero = &_mpiZero;
static BigNum* mpiOne = &_mpiOne;
static BigNum* mpiTwo = &_mpiTwo;
static BigNum* mpiThree = &_mpiThree;
static BigNum* mpiFour = &_mpiFour;
static BigNum* mpiEight = &_mpiEight;
static int initialized = 0;
/* The following parameters are given:
- The prime modulus p
- The order n
- The 160-bit input seed SEED to the SHA-1 based algorithm (i.e., the domain parameter seed)
- The output c of the SHA-1 based algorithm
- The coefficient b (satisfying b2 c ≡ –27 (mod p))
- The base point x coordinate Gx
- The base point y coordinate Gy
typedef struct _curveData {
char *p;
char *n;
char *SEED;
char *c;
char *b;
char *Gx;
char *Gy;
} curveData;
static curveData nist192 = {
static curveData nist224 = {
static curveData nist256 = {
static curveData nist384 = {
static curveData nist521 = {
/* Bignum Shorthand Functions */
int bnAddMod_ (struct BigNum *rslt, struct BigNum *n1, struct BigNum *mod)
bnAdd (rslt, n1);
if (bnCmp (rslt, mod) >= 0) {
bnSub (rslt, mod);
return 0;
int bnAddQMod_ (struct BigNum *rslt, unsigned n1, struct BigNum *mod)
bnAddQ (rslt, n1);
if (bnCmp (rslt, mod) >= 0) {
bnSub (rslt, mod);
return 0;
int bnSubMod_ (struct BigNum *rslt, struct BigNum *n1, struct BigNum *mod)
if (bnCmp (rslt, n1) < 0) {
bnAdd (rslt, mod);
bnSub (rslt, n1);
return 0;
int bnSubQMod_ (struct BigNum *rslt, unsigned n1, struct BigNum *mod)
if (bnCmpQ (rslt, n1) < 0) {
bnAdd (rslt, mod);
bnSubQ (rslt, n1);
return 0;
int bnMulMod_ (struct BigNum *rslt, struct BigNum *n1, struct BigNum *n2, struct BigNum *mod)
bnMul (rslt, n1, n2);
bnMod (rslt, rslt, mod);
return 0;
int bnMulQMod_ (struct BigNum *rslt, struct BigNum *n1, unsigned n2, struct BigNum *mod)
bnMulQ (rslt, n1, n2);
bnMod (rslt, rslt, mod);
return 0;
int bnSquareMod_ (struct BigNum *rslt, struct BigNum *n1, struct BigNum *mod)
bnSquare (rslt, n1);
bnMod (rslt, rslt, mod);
return 0;
int ecGetCurveNistECp(NistCurves curveId, NistECpCurve *curve)
size_t maxBits;
curveData *cd;
if (!initialized) {
bnBegin(mpiZero); bnSetQ(mpiZero, 0);
bnBegin(mpiOne); bnSetQ(mpiOne, 1);
bnBegin(mpiTwo); bnSetQ(mpiTwo, 2);
bnBegin(mpiThree); bnSetQ(mpiThree, 3);
bnBegin(mpiFour); bnSetQ(mpiFour, 4);
bnBegin(mpiEight); bnSetQ(mpiEight, 8);
initialized = 1;
if (curve == NULL)
return -2;
bnBegin(&curve->_p); curve->p = &curve->_p;
bnBegin(&curve->_n); curve->n = &curve->_n;
bnBegin(&curve->_SEED); curve->SEED = &curve->_SEED;
bnBegin(&curve->_c); curve->c = &curve->_c;
bnBegin(&curve->_a); curve->a = &curve->_a;
bnBegin(&curve->_b); curve->b = &curve->_b;
bnBegin(&curve->_Gx); curve->Gx = &curve->_Gx;
bnBegin(&curve->_Gy); curve->Gy = &curve->_Gy;
/* Initialize scratchpad variables and their pointers */
bnBegin(&curve->_S1); curve->S1 = &curve->_S1;
bnBegin(&curve->_U1); curve->U1 = &curve->_U1;
bnBegin(&curve->_H); curve->H = &curve->_H;
bnBegin(&curve->_R); curve->R = &curve->_R;
bnBegin(&curve->_t0); curve->t0 = &curve->_t0;
bnBegin(&curve->_t1); curve->t1 = &curve->_t1;
bnBegin(&curve->_t2); curve->t2 = &curve->_t2;
bnBegin(&curve->_t3); curve->t3 = &curve->_t3;
switch (curveId) {
case NIST192P:
cd = &nist192;
case NIST224P:
cd = &nist224;
case NIST256P:
cd = &nist256;
case NIST384P:
cd = &nist384;
case NIST521P:
cd = &nist521;
return -2;
bnReadAscii(curve->p, cd->p, 10);
bnReadAscii(curve->n, cd->n, 10);
bnReadAscii(curve->SEED, cd->SEED, 16);
bnReadAscii(curve->c, cd->c, 16);
bnCopy(curve->a, curve->p);
bnSub(curve->a, mpiThree);
bnReadAscii(curve->b, cd->b, 16);
bnReadAscii(curve->Gx, cd->Gx, 16);
bnReadAscii(curve->Gy, cd->Gy, 16);
/* variables must be able to hold p^2, plus one nimb (min. 15 bits) for overflow */
maxBits = bnBits(curve->p) * 2 + 15;
/* The set_bit allocates enough memory to hold maximum values */
/* Initialize scratchpad variables before use */
bnPrealloc(curve->S1, maxBits);
bnPrealloc(curve->U1, maxBits);
bnPrealloc(curve->H, maxBits);
bnPrealloc(curve->R, maxBits);
bnPrealloc(curve->S1, maxBits);
bnPrealloc(curve->t1, maxBits);
bnPrealloc(curve->t2, maxBits);
bnPrealloc(curve->t3, maxBits);
return 0;
/* ecFreeCurveNistECp(curve);
return ret;
void ecFreeCurveNistECp(NistECpCurve *curve)
if (curve == NULL)
/* Elliptic Curve arithmetic */
int ecGetAffine(const NistECpCurve *curve, EcPoint *R, const EcPoint *P)
int ret = 0;
struct BigNum z_1, z_2;
/* affine x = X / Z^2 */
bnInv (&z_1, P->z, curve->p); /* z_1 = Z^(-1) */
bnMulMod_(&z_2, &z_1, &z_1, curve->p); /* z_2 = Z^(-2) */
bnMulMod_(R->x, P->x, &z_2, curve->p);
/* affine y = Y / Z^3 */
bnMulMod_(&z_2, &z_2, &z_1, curve->p); /* z_2 = Z^(-3) */
bnMulMod_(R->y, P->y, &z_2, curve->p);
bnSetQ(R->z, 1);
return ret;
int ecDoublePoint(const NistECpCurve *curve, EcPoint *R, const EcPoint *P)
int ret = 0;
EcPoint tP;
const EcPoint *ptP = 0;
if (!bnCmp(P->y, mpiZero) || !bnCmp(P->z, mpiZero)) {
bnSetQ(R->x, 1);
bnSetQ(R->y, 1);
bnSetQ(R->z, 0);
return 0;
/* Check for overlapping arguments, copy if necessary and set pointer */
if (P == R) {
ptP = &tP;
bnCopy(tP.x, P->x);
bnCopy(tP.y, P->y);
bnCopy(tP.z, P->z);
ptP = P;
/* S = 4*X*Y^2, save Y^2 in t1 for later use */
bnMulMod_(curve->t1, ptP->y, ptP->y, curve->p); /* t1 = Y^2 */
bnMulMod_(curve->t0, ptP->x, mpiFour, curve->p); /* t0 = 4 * X */
bnMulMod_(curve->S1, curve->t0, curve->t1, curve->p); /* S1 = t0 * t1 */
/* M = 3*(X + Z^2)*(X - Z^2), use scratch variable U1 to store M value */
bnMulMod_(curve->t2, ptP->z, ptP->z, curve->p); /* t2 = Z^2 */
bnCopy(curve->t0, ptP->x);
bnAddMod_(curve->t0, curve->t2, curve->p); /* t0 = X + t2 */
bnMulMod_(curve->t3, curve->t0, mpiThree, curve->p); /* t3 = 3 * t0 */
bnCopy(curve->t0, ptP->x);
bnSubMod_(curve->t0, curve->t2, curve->p); /* t0 = X - t2 */
bnMulMod_(curve->U1, curve->t3, curve->t0, curve->p); /* M = t3 * t0 */
/* X' = M^2 - 2*S */
bnMulMod_(curve->t2, curve->U1, curve->U1, curve->p); /* t2 = M^2 */
bnMulMod_(curve->t0, curve->S1, mpiTwo, curve->p); /* t0 = S * 2 */
bnCopy(R->x, curve->t2);
bnSubMod_(R->x, curve->t0, curve->p); /* X' = t2 - t0 */
/* Y' = M*(S - X') - 8*Y^4 */
bnMulMod_(curve->t3, curve->t1, curve->t1, curve->p); /* t3 = Y^4 (t1 saved above) */
bnMulMod_(curve->t2, curve->t3, mpiEight, curve->p); /* t2 = t3 * 8 */
bnCopy(curve->t3, curve->S1);
bnSubMod_(curve->t3, R->x, curve->p); /* t3 = S - X' */
bnMulMod_(curve->t0, curve->U1, curve->t3, curve->p); /* t0 = M * t3 */
bnCopy(R->y, curve->t0);
bnSubMod_(R->y, curve->t2, curve->p); /* Y' = t0 - t2 */
/* Z' = 2*Y*Z */
bnMulMod_(curve->t0, ptP->y, mpiTwo, curve->p); /* t0 = 2 * Y */
bnMulMod_(R->z, curve->t0, ptP->z, curve->p); /* Z' = to * Z */
if (P == R)
return ret;
/* Add two elliptic curve points. Any of them may be the same object. */
int ecAddPoint(const NistECpCurve *curve, EcPoint *R, const EcPoint *P, const EcPoint *Q)
int ret = 0;
EcPoint tP, tQ;
const EcPoint *ptP = 0;
const EcPoint *ptQ = 0;
/* Fast check if application called add(R, P, P) */
if (!bnCmp(P->x, Q->x) && !bnCmp(P->y, Q->y) && !bnCmp(P->z, Q->z)) {
return ecDoublePoint(curve, R, P);
/* if P is (@,@), R = Q */
if (!bnCmp(P->z, mpiZero)) {
bnCopy(R->x, Q->x);
bnCopy(R->y, Q->y);
bnCopy(R->z, Q->z);
return 0;
/* if Q is (@,@), R = P */
if (!bnCmp(Q->z, mpiZero)) {
bnCopy(R->x, P->x);
bnCopy(R->y, P->y);
bnCopy(R->z, P->z);
return 0;
/* Check for overlapping arguments, copy if necessary and set pointers */
if (P == R) {
ptP = &tP;
bnCopy(tP.x, P->x);
bnCopy(tP.y, P->y);
bnCopy(tP.z, P->z);
ptP = P;
if (Q == R) {
ptQ = &tQ;
bnCopy(tQ.x, Q->x);
bnCopy(tQ.y, Q->y);
bnCopy(tQ.z, Q->z);
ptQ = Q;
/* U1 = X1*Z2^2, where X1: P->x, Z2: Q->z */
bnMulMod_(curve->t1, ptQ->z, ptQ->z, curve->p); /* t1 = Z2^2 */
bnMulMod_(curve->U1, ptP->x, curve->t1, curve->p); /* U1 = X1 * z_2 */
/* S1 = Y1*Z2^3, where Y1: P->y */
bnMulMod_(curve->t1, curve->t1, ptQ->z, curve->p); /* t1 = Z2^3 */
bnMulMod_(curve->S1, ptP->y, curve->t1, curve->p); /* S1 = Y1 * z_2 */
/* U2 = X2*Z1^2, where X2: Q->x, Z1: P->z */
bnMulMod_(curve->t1, ptP->z, ptP->z, curve->p); /* t1 = Z1^2 */
bnMulMod_(curve->H, ptQ->x, curve->t1, curve->p); /* H = X2 * t1 (store U2 in H) */
/* H = U2 - U1 */
bnSubMod_(curve->H, curve->U1, curve->p);
/* S2 = Y2*Z1^3, where Y2: Q->y */
bnMulMod_(curve->t1, curve->t1, ptP->z, curve->p); /* t1 = Z1^3 */
bnMulMod_(curve->R, ptQ->y, curve->t1, curve->p); /* R = Y2 * t1 (store S2 in R) */
/* R = S2 - S1 */
bnSubMod_(curve->R, curve->S1, curve->p);
/* if (U1 == U2), i.e H is zero */
if (!bnCmp(curve->H, mpiZero)) {
/* if (S1 != S2), i.e. R is _not_ zero: return infinity*/
if (bnCmp(curve->R, mpiZero)) {
bnSetQ(R->x, 1);
bnSetQ(R->y, 1);
bnSetQ(R->z, 0);
return 0;
return ecDoublePoint(curve, R, P);
/* X3 = R^2 - H^3 - 2*U1*H^2, where X3: R->x */
bnMulMod_(curve->t0, curve->H, curve->H, curve->p); /* t0 = H^2 */
bnMulMod_(curve->t1, curve->U1, curve->t0, curve->p); /* t1 = U1 * t0, (hold t1) */
bnMulMod_(curve->t0, curve->t0, curve->H, curve->p); /* t0 = H^3, (hold t0) */
bnMulMod_(curve->t2, curve->R, curve->R, curve->p); /* t2 = R^2 */
bnCopy(curve->t3, curve->t2);
bnSubMod_(curve->t3, curve->t0, curve->p); /* t3 = t2 - t0, (-H^3)*/
bnMulMod_(curve->t2, mpiTwo, curve->t1, curve->p); /* t2 = 2 * t1 */
bnCopy(R->x, curve->t3);
bnSubMod_(R->x, curve->t2, curve->p); /* X3 = t3 - t2 */
/* Y3 = R*(U1*H^2 - X3) - S1*H^3, where Y3: R->y */
bnSubMod_(curve->t1, R->x, curve->p); /* t1 = t1 - X3, overwrites t1 now */
bnMulMod_(curve->t2, curve->R, curve->t1, curve->p); /* t2 = R * z_2 */
bnMulMod_(curve->S1, curve->S1, curve->t0, curve->p); /* S1 = S1 * t0, (t0 has H^3) */
bnCopy(R->y, curve->t2);
bnSubMod_(R->y, curve->S1, curve->p); /* Y3 = t2 - S1 */
/* Z3 = H*Z1*Z2, where Z1: P->z, Z2: Q->z, Z3: R->z */
bnMulMod_(curve->t2, curve->H, P->z, curve->p); /* t2 = H * Z1 */
bnMulMod_(R->z, curve->t2, Q->z, curve->p); /* Z3 = t2 * Z2 */
if (P == R)
if (Q == R)
return ret;
int ecMulPointScalar(const NistECpCurve *curve, EcPoint *R, const EcPoint *P, const BigNum *scalar)
/* MPI_CHK below macro requires a 'ret' variable and a cleanup label */
int ret = 0;
int i;
int bits = bnBits(scalar);
EcPoint n;
bnCopy(n.x, P->x);
bnCopy(n.y, P->y);
bnCopy(n.z, P->z);
bnSetQ(R->x, 0);
bnSetQ(R->y, 0);
bnSetQ(R->z, 0);
for (i = 0; i < bits; i++) {
if (bnReadBit(scalar, i))
ecAddPoint(curve, R, R, &n);
/* ecAddPoint(curve, &n, &n, &n); */
ecDoublePoint(curve, &n, &n);
return ret;
* A standard random number generator that uses the portable random() system function.
* This should be enhanced to use a better random generator
static int _random(unsigned char *output, size_t len)
size_t i;
for(i = 0; i < len; ++i )
output[i] = random();
return( 0 );
#include <cryptcommon/ZrtpRandom.h>
static int _random(unsigned char *output, size_t len)
return zrtp_getRandomData(output, len);
int ecGenerateRandomNumber(const NistECpCurve *curve, BigNum *d)
BigNum c, nMinusOne;
size_t randomBytes = ((bnBits(curve->n) + 64) + 7) / 8;
uint8_t *ran = malloc(randomBytes);
bnCopy(&nMinusOne, curve->n);
bnSubMod_(&nMinusOne, mpiOne, curve->p);
bnSetQ(d, 0);
while (!bnCmpQ(d, 0)) {
/* use _random function */
_random(ran, randomBytes);
bnInsertBigBytes(&c, ran, 0, randomBytes);
bnMod(d, &c, &nMinusOne);
bnAddMod_(d, mpiOne, curve->p);
return 0;