blob: a6756af75b531c153691b2073ed5715814b2a6b8 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Werner Dittmann
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <libzrtpcpp/ZrtpSdesStream.h>
#include <libzrtpcpp/ZrtpTextData.h>
#include <libzrtpcpp/ZrtpConfigure.h>
#include <libzrtpcpp/zrtpB64Decode.h>
#include <libzrtpcpp/zrtpB64Encode.h>
#include <srtp/SrtpHandler.h>
#include <srtp/CryptoContext.h>
#include <srtp/CryptoContextCtrl.h>
#include <cryptcommon/ZrtpRandom.h>
#include <crypto/hmac384.h>
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
# define snprintf _snprintf
// SRTP authentication tag length is 80 bits = 10 bytes
* The ABNF grammar for the crypto attribute is defined below (from RFC 4568):
* "a=crypto:" tag 1*WSP crypto-suite 1*WSP key-params *(1*WSP session-param)
* tag = 1*9DIGIT
* Buffer size for names and other strings inside the crypto string. The parse
* format below restricts parsing to 99 char to provide space for the @c nul byte.
#define MAX_INNER_LEN 100
* This format scans a received SDES crypto attribute string according to the
* grammer shown above but without a "a=crypto:" prefix.
* The format string parses:
* - %d - the tag as decimal value
* - %s - the crypto suite name, limited to 99 chars (see MAX_INNER_LEN)
* - %s - the key parameters, limited to 99 chars
* - %n - the number of parsed characters to far. The pointer to the session
* parameters is: cryptoString + numParsedChars.
static const char parseCrypto[] = "%d %99s %99s %n";
static const int64_t maxTagValue = 999999999;
static const int minElementsCrypto = 3;
* The ABNF grammar for the key-param (from RFC 4568):
* key-param = key-method ":" key-info
* The SRTP specific definitions:
* key-method = srtp-key-method
* key-info = srtp-key-info
* srtp-key-method = "inline"
* srtp-key-info = key-salt ["|" lifetime] ["|" mki]
* This format parses the key parameter string which is never longer than
* 99 chars (see parse string above):
* - the fixed string "inline:"
* - %[A-Za-z0-9+/=] - base 64 characters of master key||master salt
* - the fixed separator character '|'
* - %[0-9^] - the lifetime infomration as string that contains digits and ^
* - the fixed separator character '|'
* - %[0-9]:%d - parses and strore MKI value and MKI length, separated by ':'
* If the key parameter string does not contain the operional fields lifetime
* and MKI information the respective parameters are not filled.
static const char parseKeyParam[] = " inline:%[A-Za-z0-9+/=]|%[0-9^]|%[0-9]:%d";
static const int minElementsKeyParam = 1;
typedef struct _cryptoMix {
const char* name;
int32_t hashLength;
ZrtpSdesStream::sdesHmacTypeMix hashType;
} cryptoMix;
static const size_t MIX_HMAC_STRING_MIN_LEN = sizeof("HMAC-SHA-384");
static cryptoMix knownMixAlgos[] = {
{"HMAC-SHA-384", 384, ZrtpSdesStream::MIX_HMAC_SHA},
{NULL, 0, ZrtpSdesStream::MIX_NONE}
typedef struct _suite {
ZrtpSdesStream::sdesSuites suite;
const char *name;
int32_t keyLength; // key length in bits
int32_t saltLength; // salt lenght in bits
int32_t authKeyLength; // authentication key length in bits
const char *tagLength; // tag type hs80 or hs32
const char *cipher; // aes1 or aes3
uint32_t b64length; // length of b64 encoded key/saltstring
uint64_t defaultSrtpLifetime; // key lifetimes in number of packets
uint64_t defaultSrtcpLifetime;
} suiteParam;
/* NOTE: the b64len of a 128 bit suite is 40, a 256bit suite uses 64 characters */
static suiteParam knownSuites[] = {
{ZrtpSdesStream::AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32, "AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32", 128, 112, 160,
hs32, "AES-128", 40, (uint64_t)1<<48, (uint64_t)1<<31
{ZrtpSdesStream::AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80, "AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80", 128, 112, 160,
hs80, "AES-128", 40, (uint64_t)1<<48, (uint64_t)1<<31
{(ZrtpSdesStream::sdesSuites)0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
ZrtpSdesStream::ZrtpSdesStream(const sdesSuites s) :
state(STREAM_INITALIZED), suite(s), recvSrtp(NULL), recvSrtcp(NULL), sendSrtp(NULL),
sendSrtcp(NULL), srtcpIndex(0), recvZrtpTunnel(0), sendZrtpTunnel(0), cryptoMixHashLength(0),
cryptoMixHashType(MIX_NONE) {
ZrtpSdesStream::~ZrtpSdesStream() {
void ZrtpSdesStream::close() {
delete sendSrtp;
sendSrtp = NULL;
delete recvSrtp;
recvSrtp = NULL;
delete sendSrtcp;
sendSrtp = NULL;
delete recvSrtcp;
recvSrtp = NULL;
delete recvZrtpTunnel;
recvZrtpTunnel = NULL;
delete sendZrtpTunnel;
sendZrtpTunnel = NULL;
bool ZrtpSdesStream::createSdes(char *cryptoString, size_t *maxLen, bool sipInvite) {
if (sipInvite) {
return false;
tag = 1;
else {
if (state != IN_PROFILE_READY)
return false;
bool s = createSdesProfile(cryptoString, maxLen);
if (!s)
return s;
if (sipInvite) {
else {
return s;
bool ZrtpSdesStream::parseSdes(const char *cryptoString, size_t length, bool sipInvite) {
if (sipInvite) {
if (state != OUT_PROFILE_READY)
return false;
else {
return false;
sdesSuites tmpSuite;
int32_t tmpTag;
bool s = parseCreateSdesProfile(cryptoString, length, &tmpSuite, &tmpTag);
if (!s)
return s;
if (sipInvite) {
// Check if answerer used same tag and suite as the offerer
if (tmpTag != tag || suite != tmpSuite)
return false;
else {
// Answerer stores tag and suite and uses it in createSdesProfile
suite = tmpSuite;
tag = tmpTag;
return s;
bool ZrtpSdesStream::outgoingRtp(uint8_t *packet, size_t length, size_t *newLength) {
if (state != SDES_SRTP_ACTIVE || sendSrtp == NULL) {
*newLength = length;
return true;
bool rc = SrtpHandler::protect(sendSrtp, packet, length, newLength);
if (rc)
return rc;
int ZrtpSdesStream::incomingRtp(uint8_t *packet, size_t length, size_t *newLength) {
if (state != SDES_SRTP_ACTIVE || recvSrtp == NULL) { // SRTP inactive, just return with newLength set
*newLength = length;
return 1;
int32_t rc = SrtpHandler::unprotect(recvSrtp, packet, length, newLength);
if (rc == 1) {
// unprotect++
else {
// unprotectFailed++;
return rc;
bool ZrtpSdesStream::outgoingZrtpTunnel(uint8_t *packet, size_t length, size_t *newLength) {
if (state != SDES_SRTP_ACTIVE || sendZrtpTunnel == NULL) {
*newLength = length;
return true;
bool rc = SrtpHandler::protect(sendZrtpTunnel, packet, length, newLength);
if (rc)
return rc;
int ZrtpSdesStream::incomingZrtpTunnel(uint8_t *packet, size_t length, size_t *newLength) {
if (state != SDES_SRTP_ACTIVE || recvZrtpTunnel == NULL) { // SRTP inactive, just return with newLength set
*newLength = length;
return 1;
int32_t rc = SrtpHandler::unprotect(recvZrtpTunnel, packet, length, newLength);
if (rc == 1) {
// unprotect++
else {
// unprotectFailed++;
return rc;
bool ZrtpSdesStream::outgoingRtcp(uint8_t *packet, size_t length, size_t *newLength) {
#if 0
SrtpHandler::protectCtrl(CryptoContextCtrl* pcc, uint8_t* buffer, size_t length, size_t* newLength, uint32_t *srtcpIndex)
return false;
int ZrtpSdesStream::incomingSrtcp(uint8_t *packet, size_t length, size_t *newLength) {
#if 0
int32_t SrtpHandler::unprotectCtrl(CryptoContextCtrl* pcc, uint8_t* buffer, size_t length, size_t* newLength)
return 0;
const char* ZrtpSdesStream::getCipher() {
return knownSuites[suite].cipher;
const char* ZrtpSdesStream::getAuthAlgo() {
if (strcmp(knownSuites[suite].tagLength, hs80) == 0)
return "HMAC-SHA1 80 bit";
return "HMAC-SHA1 32 bit";
int ZrtpSdesStream::getCryptoMixAttribute(char *algoNames, size_t length) {
return 0;
// In case we support more than one MIX profile select the correct one if the
// application called setCryptoMixAttribute(...) and we already selected the one to use.
if (cryptoMixHashType != MIX_NONE) {
for (cryptoMix* cp = knownMixAlgos; cp->name != NULL; cp++) {
if (cp->hashLength == cryptoMixHashLength && cp->hashType == cryptoMixHashType) {
strcpy(algoNames, cp->name);
return strlen(cp->name);
// TODO: enhance here to support multiple algorithms (concatenate strings into the buffer until buffer full)
else {
strcpy(algoNames, knownMixAlgos[0].name);
return strlen(algoNames);
return 0;
bool ZrtpSdesStream::setCryptoMixAttribute(const char *algoNames) {
int len = strlen(algoNames);
if (len <= 0)
return false;
std::string algoIn(algoNames);
algoIn += ' ';
// split input name string and lookup if we support one of the offered algorithms
// We take the first match.
std::string delimiters = " ";
size_t current;
size_t next = -1;
do {
current = next + 1;
next = algoIn.find_first_of(delimiters, current);
if (next == std::string::npos)
std::string tmps = algoIn.substr(current, next - current );
const char* nm = tmps.c_str();
for (cryptoMix* cp = knownMixAlgos; cp->name != NULL; cp++) {
if (strncmp(cp->name, nm, strlen(cp->name)) == 0) {
cryptoMixHashLength = cp->hashLength;
cryptoMixHashType = cp->hashType;
return true;
} while (true);
return false;
* A standard random number generator that uses the portable random() system function.
* This should be enhanced to use a better random generator
static int _random(unsigned char *output, size_t len)
size_t i;
for(i = 0; i < len; ++i )
output[i] = random();
return( 0 );
#include <cryptcommon/ZrtpRandom.h>
static int _random(unsigned char *output, size_t len)
return ZrtpRandom::getRandomData(output, len);
static int b64Encode(const uint8_t *binData, int32_t binLength, char *b64Data, int32_t b64Length)
base64_encodestate _state;
int codelength;
base64_init_encodestate(&_state, 0);
codelength = base64_encode_block(binData, binLength, b64Data, &_state);
codelength += base64_encode_blockend(b64Data+codelength, &_state);
return codelength;
static int b64Decode(const char *b64Data, int32_t b64length, uint8_t *binData, int32_t binLength)
base64_decodestate _state;
int codelength;
codelength = base64_decode_block(b64Data, b64length, binData, &_state);
return codelength;
void* createSha384HmacContext(uint8_t* key, int32_t keyLength);
void freeSha384HmacContext(void* ctx);
void hmacSha384Ctx(void* ctx, const uint8_t* data[], uint32_t dataLength[], uint8_t* mac, int32_t* macLength );
static int expand(uint8_t* prk, uint32_t prkLen, uint8_t* info, int32_t infoLen, int32_t L, uint32_t hashLen, uint8_t* outbuffer)
int32_t n;
uint8_t *T;
void* hmacCtx;
const uint8_t* data[4]; // 3 data pointers for HMAC data plus terminating NULL
uint32_t dataLen[4];
int32_t dataIdx = 0;
uint8_t counter;
int32_t macLength;
if (prkLen < hashLen)
return -1;
n = (L + (hashLen-1)) / hashLen;
// T points to buffer that holds concatenated T(1) || T(2) || ... T(N))
T = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(malloc(n * hashLen));
if (hashLen == 384/8)
hmacCtx = createSha384HmacContext(prk, prkLen);
return -1;
// Prepare first HMAC. T(0) has zero length, thus we ignore it in first run.
// After first run use its output (T(1)) as first data in next HMAC run.
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
if (infoLen > 0 && info != NULL) {
data[dataIdx] = info;
dataLen[dataIdx++] = infoLen;
counter = i & 0xff;
data[dataIdx] = &counter;
dataLen[dataIdx++] = 1;
data[dataIdx] = NULL;
dataLen[dataIdx++] = 0;
if (hashLen == 384/8)
hmacSha384Ctx(hmacCtx, data, dataLen, T + ((i-1) * hashLen), &macLength);
// Use output of previous hash run as first input of next hash run
dataIdx = 0;
data[dataIdx] = T + ((i-1) * hashLen);
dataLen[dataIdx++] = hashLen;
memcpy(outbuffer, T, L);
return 0;
void ZrtpSdesStream::computeMixedKeys(bool sipInvite) {
uint8_t salt[MAX_SALT_LEN*2];
uint8_t ikm[MAX_KEY_LEN*2];
// Concatenate the existing salt and key data. Depending on our role we have to change
// the order of the data.
if (sipInvite) { // We are offerer, use local created data as mso and mko, so they go first
memcpy(salt, &localKeySalt[localKeyLenBytes], localSaltLenBytes);
memcpy(&salt[localSaltLenBytes], &remoteKeySalt[remoteKeyLenBytes], remoteSaltLenBytes);
memcpy(ikm, localKeySalt, localKeyLenBytes);
memcpy(&ikm[localKeyLenBytes], remoteKeySalt, remoteKeyLenBytes);
else {
memcpy(salt, &remoteKeySalt[remoteKeyLenBytes], remoteSaltLenBytes);
memcpy(&salt[remoteSaltLenBytes], &localKeySalt[localKeyLenBytes], localSaltLenBytes);
memcpy(ikm, remoteKeySalt, remoteKeyLenBytes);
memcpy(&ikm[remoteKeyLenBytes], localKeySalt, localKeyLenBytes);
uint32_t saltLen = localSaltLenBytes + remoteSaltLenBytes;
uint32_t keyLen = localKeyLenBytes + remoteKeyLenBytes;
uint32_t L = saltLen + keyLen;
uint8_t prk[MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH];
uint32_t prkLen;
switch(cryptoMixHashType) {
if (cryptoMixHashLength == 384)
hmac_sha384(salt, saltLen, ikm, keyLen, prk, &prkLen);
uint8_t T[(MAX_SALT_LEN + MAX_KEY_LEN)*2] = {0};
expand(prk, prkLen, NULL, 0, L, cryptoMixHashLength/8, T);
// We have a new set of SRTP key data now, replace the old with the new.
int32_t offset = 0;
if (sipInvite) { // We are offerer, replace local created data with mso and mko, remote with msa, mka
memcpy(&localKeySalt[localKeyLenBytes], T, localSaltLenBytes);
offset += localSaltLenBytes;
memcpy(&remoteKeySalt[remoteKeyLenBytes], &T[offset], remoteSaltLenBytes);
offset += remoteSaltLenBytes;
memcpy(localKeySalt, &T[offset], localKeyLenBytes);
offset += localKeyLenBytes;
memcpy(remoteKeySalt, &T[offset], remoteKeyLenBytes);
else { // We are answerer, replace remote data with mso and mko, local data with msa, mka
memcpy(&remoteKeySalt[remoteKeyLenBytes], T, remoteSaltLenBytes);
offset += remoteSaltLenBytes;
memcpy(&localKeySalt[localKeyLenBytes], &T[offset], localSaltLenBytes);
offset += localSaltLenBytes;
memcpy(remoteKeySalt, &T[offset], remoteKeyLenBytes);
offset += remoteKeyLenBytes;
memcpy(localKeySalt, &T[offset], localKeyLenBytes);
void ZrtpSdesStream::createSrtpContexts(bool sipInvite) {
if (cryptoMixHashType != MIX_NONE) {
sendSrtp = new CryptoContext(0, // SSRC (used for lookup)
0, // Roll-Over-Counter (ROC)
0L, // keyderivation << 48,
localCipher, // encryption algo
localAuthn, // authtentication algo
localKeySalt, // Master Key
localKeyLenBytes, // Master Key length
&localKeySalt[localKeyLenBytes], // Master Salt
localSaltLenBytes, // Master Salt length
localKeyLenBytes, // encryption keylen
localAuthKeyLen, // authentication key len (HMAC key lenght)
localSaltLenBytes, // session salt len
localTagLength); // authentication tag len
sendZrtpTunnel = new CryptoContext(0, // SSRC (used for lookup)
0, // Roll-Over-Counter (ROC)
0L, // keyderivation << 48,
localCipher, // encryption algo
localAuthn, // authtentication algo
localKeySalt, // Master Key
localKeyLenBytes, // Master Key length
&localKeySalt[localKeyLenBytes], // Master Salt
localSaltLenBytes, // Master Salt length
localKeyLenBytes, // encryption keylen
localAuthKeyLen, // authentication key len (HMAC key lenght)
localSaltLenBytes, // session salt len
ZRTP_TUNNEL_AUTH_LEN); // authentication tag len
memset(localKeySalt, 0, sizeof(localKeySalt));
recvSrtp = new CryptoContext(0, // SSRC (used for lookup)
0, // Roll-Over-Counter (ROC)
0L, // keyderivation << 48,
remoteCipher, // encryption algo
remoteAuthn, // authtentication algo
remoteKeySalt, // Master Key
remoteKeyLenBytes, // Master Key length
&remoteKeySalt[remoteKeyLenBytes], // Master Salt
remoteSaltLenBytes, // Master Salt length
remoteKeyLenBytes, // encryption keylen
remoteAuthKeyLen, // authentication key len (HMAC key lenght)
remoteSaltLenBytes, // session salt len
remoteTagLength); // authentication tag len
recvZrtpTunnel = new CryptoContext(0, // SSRC (used for lookup)
0, // Roll-Over-Counter (ROC)
0L, // keyderivation << 48,
remoteCipher, // encryption algo
remoteAuthn, // authtentication algo
remoteKeySalt, // Master Key
remoteKeyLenBytes, // Master Key length
&remoteKeySalt[remoteKeyLenBytes], // Master Salt
remoteSaltLenBytes, // Master Salt length
remoteKeyLenBytes, // encryption keylen
remoteAuthKeyLen, // authentication key len (HMAC key lenght)
remoteSaltLenBytes, // session salt len
ZRTP_TUNNEL_AUTH_LEN); // authentication tag len
memset(remoteKeySalt, 0, sizeof(remoteKeySalt));
bool ZrtpSdesStream::createSdesProfile(char *cryptoString, size_t *maxLen) {
char b64keySalt[(MAX_KEY_LEN + MAX_SALT_LEN) * 2] = {'\0'};
uint32_t sidx;
int32_t b64Len;
for (sidx = 0; knownSuites[sidx].name != NULL; sidx++) { // Lookup crypto suite parameters
if (knownSuites[sidx].suite == suite)
if (sidx >= sizeof(knownSuites)/sizeof(struct _suite)) {
return false;
suiteParam *pSuite = &knownSuites[sidx];
_random(localKeySalt, sizeof(localKeySalt));
AlgorithmEnum& auth = zrtpAuthLengths.getByName(pSuite->tagLength);
localAuthn = SrtpAuthenticationSha1Hmac;
localAuthKeyLen = pSuite->authKeyLength / 8;
localTagLength = auth.getKeylen() / 8;
// If SDES will support other encryption algos - get it here based on
// the algorithm name in suite
localCipher = SrtpEncryptionAESCM;
localKeyLenBytes = pSuite->keyLength / 8;
localSaltLenBytes = pSuite->saltLength / 8;
if (tag == -1)
tag = 1;
// Get B64 code for master key and master salt and then construct the SDES crypto string
b64Len = b64Encode(localKeySalt, localKeyLenBytes + localSaltLenBytes, b64keySalt, sizeof(b64keySalt));
b64keySalt[b64Len] = '\0';
memset(cryptoString, 0, *maxLen);
*maxLen = snprintf(cryptoString, *maxLen-1, "%d %s inline:%s", tag, pSuite->name, b64keySalt);
return true;
bool ZrtpSdesStream::parseCreateSdesProfile(const char *cryptoStr, size_t length, sdesSuites *parsedSuite, int32_t *outTag) {
int elements, i;
int charsScanned;
int mkiLength = 0;
uint32_t sidx;
char cryptoString[MAX_CRYPT_STRING_LEN+1] = {'\0'};
/* Parsed strings */
char suiteName[MAX_INNER_LEN] = {'\0'};
char keyParams[MAX_INNER_LEN] = {'\0'};
char keySaltB64[MAX_INNER_LEN] = {'\0'};
char lifetime[MAX_INNER_LEN] = {'\0'};
char mkiVal[MAX_INNER_LEN] = {'\0'};
if (length == 0)
length = strlen(cryptoStr);
if (length > MAX_CRYPT_STRING_LEN) {
return false;
memcpy(cryptoString, cryptoStr, length); // make own copy, null terminated
*outTag = -1;
elements = sscanf(cryptoString, parseCrypto, outTag, suiteName, keyParams, &charsScanned);
if (elements < minElementsCrypto) { // Do we have enough elements in the string
return false;
for (sidx = 0; knownSuites[sidx].name != NULL; sidx++) { // Lookup crypto suite
if (!strcmp(knownSuites[sidx].name, suiteName))
if (sidx >= sizeof(knownSuites)/sizeof(struct _suite)) {
return false;
suiteParam *pSuite = &knownSuites[sidx];
*parsedSuite = pSuite->suite;
/* Now scan the key parameters */
elements = sscanf(keyParams, parseKeyParam, keySaltB64, lifetime, mkiVal, &mkiLength);
if (elements != minElementsKeyParam) { // Currently we only accept key||salt B64 string, no other parameters
return false;
remoteKeyLenBytes = pSuite->keyLength / 8;
remoteSaltLenBytes = pSuite->saltLength / 8;
if (strlen(keySaltB64) != pSuite->b64length) { // Check if key||salt B64 string hast the correct length
return false;
i = b64Decode(keySaltB64, pSuite->b64length, remoteKeySalt, remoteKeyLenBytes + remoteSaltLenBytes);
if (i != (remoteKeyLenBytes + remoteSaltLenBytes)) { // Did the B64 decode delivered enough data for key||salt
return false;
AlgorithmEnum& auth = zrtpAuthLengths.getByName(pSuite->tagLength);
remoteAuthn = SrtpAuthenticationSha1Hmac;
remoteAuthKeyLen = pSuite->authKeyLength / 8;
remoteTagLength = auth.getKeylen() / 8;
// If SDES will support other encryption algos - get it here based on
// the algorithm name in suite
remoteCipher = SrtpEncryptionAESCM;
return true;